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Old 10-17-2006, 08:06 AM
drsnip drsnip is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 7
Auntie Mabel

Auntie Mabel. The Seduction of John.,


John woke up late, but it was no problem as it was a Saturday and he didn’t have to go to work this weekend. He had overslept a bit because last night had been his eighteenth birthday and he had been out with a few friends celebrating.

Luckily he never suffered from hangovers so although a bit tired he was otherwise ok. Feeling the now familiar ache in his cock he resigned himself to his morning wank.

He had tried often to ignore his cock’s demands but if he didn’t see to it then he would think of nothing else all day but girls.
Once he had come he would feel the welcome relief and relaxation of all his muscles that was the good side of masturbation.

The bad side was the recognition that although he was now officially a man he had still never had sex with a girl.

John was an apprentice engineer and as such was in a predominantly male world.
The walls of the factory were covered in pinups of naked women, some with their legs wide open and leaving nothing to the imagination. Most of the banter between the engineers was about who they fancied in the office and who had fucked who lately.

Like most lads he tried to give the impression that he had plenty of girlfriends and was quite a man of the world, but unfortunately he was just to shy to approach any of the girls he fancied, and too honest to pretend to fancy the ones he didn’t.

However before he could commence his relief, he heard his mother coming up the stairs towards his room.

‘Come on John, get up quick, you promised to help me this morning,’ she shouted through his bedroom door before returning to the kitchen.
To take his mind off he sexual problems he tried to remember what it was that he had to do that day.

Oh yes, he remembered that he had promised to help his mother’s old friend Auntie Mabel move in to her new house just up the road from theirs.

He had never met her, apparently she wasn’t really his Aunt but was just a very old friend of his mother’s sister and after being widowed a few years ago had downsized into a small flat close to his mother for company.

He got up, washed and dressed and ran down to the kitchen. His mother Doreen, who had been up since 7am made him some tea and toast and then they both left the house and walked the few hundred yards to the flat.


The removal men had just driven away and the first thing john noticed was a woman bending over a box in the garden.
She was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a tee-shirt, and a big floppy hat and he noticed that she had a lovely little bum.

‘Who is that?’ he asked his mum as they went through the gate.
His mum ignored him as she walked right up to the woman and lightly smacked her on the bottom.

‘Hello trouble, here we are at last, I’ve brought you a strong pair of arms to do the heavy lifting so you don’t need to lift that box anywhere’.
The woman straightened up and turned to face them with a welcoming smile on her face.

She was about five foot tall and although generally slim she had a well-developed bust under the tee-shirt.

He realised that although from the rear she looked like a young woman, her beautiful heart shaped face belonged to a mature worldly-wise woman.
Her eyes were a stunning deep blue and they focused on john as he stood by the gate.

‘Hello Dor, lovely to see you, who is this fine young man?’ she asked smiling at John.
‘This is my son John, John this is your Auntie Mabel’. Introduced his mum.
‘For heaven’s sake Dor. You make me feel old, Auntie indeed, ‘just call me May, John’ she replied shaking his hand and looking up at him with a smile.

From his height advantage he looked down at her and his eyes were drawn involuntarily to where the top of her loose tee-shirt had gaped open and was giving him a partial view of two firm large breasts.

Like most teenagers he was transfixed for a few seconds before he noticed May was still shaking his hand which had the effect of making her breasts wobble in a most disturbing way.

To his horror he felt his unruly cock stiffen in his pants and he could feel his face going red. ‘ Nice to meet you he stammered’.

‘I can see that’ she replied with a mischievous grin and turned and walked towards his mother who was waiting just inside the door of the flat for them.

John used the few seconds when they were both looking the other way to put his hand into his pants and adjust his cock so it didn’t stick out so much.

His mother had gone into the flat and was moving things about in the small kitchen, but May had stopped at the front door and to John’s further embarrassment she seemed to be observing him in the reflection of the glass panels in the door.

She turned to him with a smile and said, ‘ when you have sorted yourself out John, could you bring in that box of things marked for the kitchen please’.
She then joined his mum in the kitchen, while he located the box required and brought it in to them.

They spent most of the morning settling her in and John found himself really liking May, he found her charming and witty and gradually relaxed in her company until he felt that he had known her for ages.

After a tea break during which his mum quizzed May about her life before coming to the village, John learned that she had been married to a wealthy businessman who had spent a lot of the time travelling around the world for a big oil company.
Sometimes he would take May with him to exotic places, but more often she was left behind in England. He had died in Bahrain and his body was flown back to England for burial a few years ago.

May had been alone in their big house in Berkshire until she had finally decided to move closer to her friends and family.

May had a lovely melodious voice and John found himself empathising with her as she spoke of her childhood and amusing anecdotes of her life as a teenager and a young woman.

John noticed that there was no mention of children in her stories and he also noticed that his mum avoided asking about any.


As they finished up in the lounge May asked john to take a box of bits up to the room that she would be using as a her bedroom.
He carried the large box carefully upstairs negotiating the narrow stairs with care lest he dropped it and finally lowered it onto the double bed that he had previously assembled.

The box however gave up the ghost when it hit the bed and its contents spilled out over the covers.

He gave a resigned sigh and started to gather up the bits and pieces into a neat pile.
Suddenly he noticed that he was holding in his hand what appeared to be a copy of his cock.

It was slightly bigger than him at full size and seemed to be made of a soft latex that felt rather nice and warm in his hand.
Although a virgin he knew from stories told to him by the older engineers that this was a vibrator, and women used them to make themselves orgasm.

A picture of May lying on her back stark naked with this thing thrust up her cunt flashed unbidden into his mind and instantly his cock sprang again into full erection.

He groaned and with the hand that wasn’t holding the vibrator he grasped his unruly cock and squeezed it to try and get it back to normal.
Unfortunately all this achieved was to make it even bigger and he had to drop the vibrator on the bed in order to use both hands so as to straighten his cock upright in his pants for as much comfort as he could get in his present condition.

Just when he thought things couldn’t get any more embarrassing he looked up to see May standing in the doorway watching him with a wry grin on her face.

‘I see you have met my secret lover; sorry about the box it was to old for the job, a bit like me’ she said quietly.

‘Sorry Aunt May’ he stammered going red again, ‘ it just fell out and I picked it up, and I don’t think that you are to old at all, I think you are fantastic and I like you a lot’

‘Do you really like me John? That’s very nice to hear at my time of life, when you get to Sixty you tend to think that a lot of things are over for you. Its nice to hear that someone still thinks about you in a certain way’.

‘You don’t look anything like Sixty’ he replied ‘you have got a better figure than most of the girls at college’.
‘Why John what do you mean? Are you referring to these by any chance, I couldn’t help but notice your interest earlier’ she said with a smile.

John looked on in amazement as she cheekily held her breasts, one in each hand and slowly lifted them up, he couldn’t help but notice that her nipples had gone hard as they pushed against the thin material of her tee-shirt.

‘We get erect too you know, just like someone we know’ she whispered conspiratorially to him and winked as she walked out of the bedroom.

‘John, May, tea’s ready when you are’ yelled Doreen up the stairs to them. John followed May downstairs, he took his time to give his cock a chance to shrink back to normal before he had to appear in front of his mum.

May thanked them both for all their help and invited them both round the next day for a small housewarming party. Doreen said they would be delighted to come and that they would bring her husband Sam as well.
That night as he lay in bed John couldn’t think of anything but May.
She fascinated him, she was still beautiful and sexy and so obviously experienced compared to the young silly girls that he was used to in College.

He kept seeing her lifting her fantastic breasts up for him and the thought of her hard nipples caused him to wank his cock harder and longer than he had ever done before.

When he finally came his cum shot up into the air a good few feet before splattering back over his belly and pubic hair.

The image that ignited his massive orgasm was of him sucking those glorious nipples and hearing May moan his name as he called out hers in the midst of his orgasm.


The next day couldn’t come soon enough for him and he was up, showered and dressed by eight and surprised his parents by appearing in the kitchen without them having to call him.

He had taken special care in dressing and his mother complimented him on how smart he looked.

‘Seeing a new girl are we’ commented his dad jokingly.
‘Leave him alone Sam, its nice to see him up, let alone smart for a change’, said Doreen with a fond smile at them both.

The evening finally arrived and they walked over to May’s flat.
John had been looking forward to seeing her all day but when she opened the door to let them in he was stunned.

She was wearing an evening dress of scarlet silk, which chastely covered her breasts.
However the sight that took John’s breath away was her hair. The previous day she had been wearing a big floppy hat that had almost completely hidden her hair.

Today it was revealed in all its glory, it was thick, wavy, golden blond, and hung down her back to within a few inches of the floor.

John just stared at May and said in a wondering voice,’ it’s like a golden waterfall, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life’.
Both his parents looked at him in surprise.

‘Thank you kind sir,’ said May with a giggle,’ I hardly ever bother to wear it like this except for special occasions’.

‘It looks lovely dear’ said Doreen,’ you always were proud of your hair as I remember’.

May had cooked them a lovely dinner, and John watched her enthralled, as she played the gracious host during the evening.

She was in a sparkling mood and even had his dad laughing out loud at some of her stories.

They all drank far too much wine including John who was given a few extra glasses by May when she heard that he had just turned eighteen earlier that week, despite the half-hearted protests from his parents.

‘If he is eighteen, then he is now a man and must be treated as such’ she stated.
When his parents had both taken the dishes into the kitchen to load the dishwasher, he was left alone with May.

The wine and food had gone to his head and he found himself explaining to her that although he appreciated her remarks concerning him being a man at eighteen, he wasn’t really a man yet as he hadn’t had a girlfriend.

In the midst of telling her how beautiful she was he fell off the chair and lay on the floor with his head spinning in a pleasant way.

He wasn’t sure if he imagined that she knelt down beside him and leaning over kissed him slowly and sexily on his mouth. ‘We will see about that in good time’, she whispered in his ear, before getting up and calling for Sam to help his son to his feet.

John lay in bed that night and went over everything that had happened so as to be sure not to forget any part of it.
He tried to have a wank but he was so drunk that his cock didn’t work and he fell asleep still thinking about May.

The next few days passed without any sign of May and he began to wonder if indeed he had read far too much into some innocent friendly remarks.
It wasn’t until the next Friday evening that his mum asked him if he could do her friend Mabel a favour, and help her with her garden the next morning.

At first he didn’t know who she was talking about, then he remembered that May’s real name was Mabel.
Even thinking about her seemed to change the word Mabel into May Bell.


Mabel was having a hard time deciding what to do about the situation with her and John.

Up to this point there was no situation, and she knew that she shouldn’t proceed any father along the road of seduction that she was considering for John.

All her good intentions however were being eroded by three major facts.
One, he was so tall and handsome and obviously innocent of the sexual side of life between the sexes.

Two, she knew she could introduce him to sex better and more sensitively than any young chit of a girl could.

Three, since the death of her husband she had been so terribly lonely.

She hadn’t mentioned, and Doreen hadn’t taken her up on the fact, that her husband had been twenty years younger than she was when they married. May had been attracted to younger men than herself all her life.

She knew that she was taking a terrible risk with her friendship with Doreen, but she was weak and needed love and attention like anyone else.

She stood naked in front of her full length mirror and arranged her hair so that it covered both breasts whilst leaving her curly golden pubic hair in full view.

Lady Godiva eat your heart out she thought with determination, I want him and I need him and I am going to teach him all there is to know about love.

When he is ready for his first young woman he will be a confident and experienced young man thanks to me.
She turned away from the mirror and laid on her bed, her hand reaching for her battery powered lover.

She switched it on and gently rubbed it between her thick pubic hair until it was over her clitoris. She closed her eyes as the waves of pleasure started and thought of John.


John had thought of no-one else but May since he was last with her and after a few insincere mumblings about missing out on drinks with his mates he apparently reluctantly agreed to help his mum’s friend with her garden.

When the agreed time came, he was once again clean and smart in his workshirt and jeans, and waving to his mum he set out towards May’s flat with a spring in his step.

She was waiting for him with a big smile and a hug, ‘my hero, thank you so much for saying you would help me.
I haven’t anyone else to lean on except you’ and pulling his face down to hers she gave him a warm kiss on his lips.

Before he could react in any way she had turned and walked out of the patio doors and onto the rear patio.
He had no choice but to follow her and listen as she explained the jobs that needed doing.

Basically the lawns needed mowing, the hedges needed cutting, and various bits of assorted rubbish needed to be cleared away; and that was just the beginning apparently.

He noticed that she was wearing very similar clothes to the ones she was wearing when he first met her.
She had on her big floppy hat, which he now knew concealed her gorgeous golden hair.

The same loose fitting tee shirt, but instead of shorts made from denim she was wearing shorts made of a type of soft towelling material which he was quick to notice clung to her bottom like a second skin.

Also they were a light buff colour and gave the impression when she bent over to pick up the grass cuttings that she was naked below her loose top.
After he had mown the lawns she called a break and they went into the lounge for a cup of tea.

‘I don’t know how you keep on John’ she said as she poured him his cup from her teapot.

John assumed that she didn’t know that her top gaped open when she leaned towards him to fill his cup.
He had a good view of her breasts as they hung free beneath the loose top. This time he could be sure that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

She sat back in the opposite armchair to his and sipped at her tea. ‘Would you like a biscuit dear?’ she asked taking one for herself and pushing the plate towards him.

As he reached to get one she accidentally knocked hers onto the floor by the side of her chair. As she stretched sideways and down to pick it up she had to stretch her opposite leg out for balance.

This left her with her legs wide open in front of him as she searched around for the elusive biscuit.

The soft material of her shorts was stretched tightly across her pubes showing him her deep cleft clearly.
As she had been working as hard as him her crotch was moist with sweat, and it was as if she was naked for him.

Again his cock reacted fiercely and swelled up in his pants as if it had a mind of its own.

May was well aware of what she was doing and from her position she could see under the table and observe the effect her show had on John’s cock. She was very impressed at the size of his bulge and determined to continue her plan.

She found her biscuit and settled herself back in her chair with a sigh, she was glad that Doreen wasn’t there with them as she would have seen instantly what was going on and put a stop to it.

Again guilt reared its head but May thrust it aside firmly.
After tea and a chat in which she reminded him of the rest of the jobs to do, they went back into the garden.


She pointed out an old tin bath that was on the roof of the shed and suggested that they lower it to the grass to see what was in it.

John could reach it easily but it was very heavy and as he pulled it towards him he realised that it was full of stagnant water.

He was just about to warn May to stand clear when she jumped up and grabbed the edge of the bath.

The next second a wave of dirty stinking water slopped over them both. May squealed in shock as the water soaked her and John who would have been able to jump out of the way was forced to stand holding the bath so that it didn’t fall on her.

After the first cold shock they stood looking at each other, suddenly May burst into laughter, ‘John why on earth didn’t you jump away you silly man you are soaked like me now.’

John explained that if he had the bath would have fallen on her and might have hurt her badly.
‘I didn’t realise that, I’m so proud of you, you really are my hero aren’t you.’ She whispered.

He lowered the bath to the grass and took a good look at May, her top was soaked and stuck to her breasts like a wet tee shirt does.
He could see her nipples clearly and the cold water had made them stick out like strawberries.

She stepped towards him to give him a hug, but before she touched him she recoiled in horror.
‘Oh my God John we both stink to high heaven, I can’t let you stay like this I will have to wash your stuff out before Doreen has a fit’. She looked down at herself and noted that she also needed a good scrub.


Her plan had worked well so far, she had topped up the bath of stagnant water so that however carefully it was moved it was bound to slosh over them.
When it had looked like John had it under control, she had ‘helped’ him by jumping up and grabbing it, ensuring that they were soaked.
Over his protests she dragged him by the hand into her bathroom and insisted he strip off and hand her his clothes so she could put them in the washing machine whilst he had a good long shower to remove the smell of stagnant water.

When he hesitated she told him not to be silly as she wouldn’t look, and anyway he didn’t have anything she hadn’t seen before during her long life.

When he still dithered she said she would go first to show there was nothing to fear, and without further ado took of her hat and pulled her top over her head and threw it into the dirty laundry bin.

He only caught a glimpse of her large breasts before she turned away and commenced to pull down her shorts. She was now only wearing a pair of white cotton knickers and as she pulled them down he saw her tight little bottom come into view. When she bent right over to take off her sandals he could see a mass of golden hairs between her legs.

He quickly turned his back on her so she wouldn’t think he had been watching and quickly stripped off his wet clothes. He threw them in the bin and dived into the shower cubical.

As he commenced his shower he could hear her putting their clothes in the washing machine and turning it on. She was humming a happy little tune that he couldn’t make out over the noise of the shower.

He was soaping his face with his eyes tightly shut when he felt the shower door open.
Before he knew what was going on she had come in with him.

‘Move over a bit John, I’m only small but I do need a bit of space to get this smell off me’ she said in a business like tone of voice ‘ I can’t wait until you have finished’.

He automatically obeyed her and when the soap had cleared from his eyes he saw that she was standing with her back to him and was in the process of undoing her hair.

When it was all loose it hung over her shoulders like a golden cape effectively hiding her charms from him.
‘There you go John we may be sharing a shower but I’m as decent as if I were dressed aren’t I’ she quipped looking over her shoulder at him coyly.

Before he could reply she started to soap her body under the cover of her hair and seemed to be ignoring the fact that she was sharing a shower with a naked man.

Suddenly she bent over to reach her feet and this brought her bottom into contact with his rampant cock.
Amazingly although he could clearly feel that his cock had slipped between the cleft of her bottom she showed no reaction and continued to soap her feet as if nothing untoward was occurring.

He quickly turned around in the cubicle but this action meant that he dragged his cock out from between the cheeks of her arse and ended up by him rubbing his naked bottom against hers.

‘Keep still John you nearly had me over then, I’m going to need you to wash this hair of mine as I can’t do it all by myself’. She remarked unconcernedly.

May reached up to the shower shelf and handed him a bottle of shampoo. ‘Be a love and rub this in for me please’ she asked in a matter of fact voice.

He was forced to turn towards her again and started to rub the shampoo into her mane of hair as requested.
As her hair had somehow managed to be hanging down the front of her body she also turned so he could reach it.

Although her hair hid her breasts from his eyes, as he rubbed the shampoo further down the length of her tresses the back of his hand was rubbing against them.

He could fell her nipples clearly pushing against his wrists as he continued to rub the shampoo in. However she made no comment about this and he started to relax as much as he could with a raging hard on.

‘Kneel down so you can do the ends for me, and while you are down there I can shampoo your hair in exchange’ she suggested.
He carefully knelt down on the cubicle base, thankful that at least she wouldn’t see his rampant cock, and rubbed the shampoo into the final ends of her tresses.

She commenced to rub shampoo into his hair and he found the sensation very nice indeed, it caused him to close his eyes for a moment in pleasure.

When he opened them a few seconds later she had somehow positioned herself so that he was looking directly between her legs at a mass of golden pubic hair.

It was so thick and curly, that as if of their own volition, his fingers reached forward, and gently felt the soft wet springiness of her pubic curls.

As his fingers touched her she chose that moment to lean forward so as to shampoo the back of his head.

She was obviously so engrossed in doing this that she didn’t notice that her pubes were pressing hard against his exploring finger until it slid inside her up to his first knuckle.

She again made no comment about this and he was only aware of the tight hot feeling of a woman’s cunt gripping his finger.

‘There you are dear, now we just have to rinse off and we will be nice and clean again’ she said, as she stepped back from him to put the shampoo back on the shelf.

As she stepped away his finger slid out of her, and the next thing he knew was that she had taken down the shower-head and was spraying the water over his head and body to wash off the suds.

‘I’ll do you first then you can do me ‘ she said.
‘Stand up now so I can get at your back’. He stood up turning as he did so to present her with his soapy back.

His rigid cock knocked against the glass as she played the water all over his shoulders and back.

While the water wash running over him he reflected that in all his sexual fantasies about sharing a shower with a naked woman, there had always been lots of mutual soaping of breasts and cock.

He didn’t know what was going on here, as May didn’t appear to see this as a sexual situation.

Perhaps he thought, this is what a woman who is old enough to be your mum regards as just washing a baby. You get it clean without there being any sexual component to it.

He just wished his cock would realise that May wasn’t interested in the sexual side of this situation.

‘ Turn round so I can do the rest’ she ordered. He took a deep breath and turned to face her. She ran the water over his chest and down onto his groin.

She seemed oblivious to the sight of his throbbing cock sticking out towards her as she directed the water between his legs, in a matter of fact way she held his cock and moved it left and right making sure that there was no soap left around his balls.

Part of him was so glad when she let go of his cock. But another part wished desperately that she would keep hold of it and give it a good rubbing.

To rinse his feet she had to kneel down and when she was satisfied that he was soap free she stood up.

As she stood his cock hit her on top of her head causing her to remark, ‘Careful John you could have someone’s eye out with that’ at the look on his face she burst into giggles and impulsively hugged him.

‘It’s my turn now, you have to be very thorough and not leave any soap on any of my hair’ she said handing him the shower-head.

She stood trustingly in front of him as he started to rinse her from top to bottom, it took a while before she was satisfied that her long golden hair was totally rinsed and then she threw it back over her head so that he could see her naked body clearly for the first time.

‘Make sure you don’t miss any bits’ she ordered, ‘ I didn’t miss any bits of yours did I?’

He needed no further urging and carefully ran the water over her shoulders and breasts, she insisted that he lift each of them up so that the water could wash away any soap trapped under them.

As he ran it over her belly she opened her legs for him so he could run it over her golden pubes.
To his amazement she then turned round and bent over for him.

He took the hint and ran the stream of water between the cheeks of her bottom, he made so bold as to part her bum cheeks to spray the water directly onto her neat little anus.

He had never seen a woman’s bum hole before and he was fascinated by it.

‘Haven’t you finished yet back there?’ she said ‘I will be getting rusty soon if you don’t hurry up’.

He guiltily finished rinsing the back of her legs and she turned off the water.


She led him into the bedroom where there was a big pile of soft towels waiting on the bed for them.

He sat on one of the towels and watched as she wrapped a towel around her head trapping her hair into a turban.
When she turned back to him she was completely exposed to his eyes.

Seeing him look away she told him not to be silly, they had already shared a shower together and had seen more of each others bodies than anyone else in the world had.

‘It’s too late to be shy now John, I expect you to dry me properly and then I will finish you off’,

She handed him a nice fluffy towel and lay down on the bed with her arms stretched out to her sides.
She had a beautiful firm body and like all real large breasts her tits didn’t stick straight up but tended to flatten slightly under the weight of gravity. He noticed that her nipples though were still hard.

He started to gently dry her, patting the towel over her face and neck, when he had dried her face he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth.

She responded passionately, pulling his head down so she could kiss him back hard ‘that’s a nice thing to do dear, I want you to kiss all the parts you dry’.

He next rubbed all around her breasts, gently lifting each one so that he could dry underneath.
As he finished each breast he kissed the nipple on it. Each kiss turned into a long slow suck.

He sucked each tit until she moaned and started to writhe about on the bed. ‘Oh John you are getting me all wet again’ she whispered.


She got up on her hands and knees and presented her little naked bum to him.

Again he gently rubbed the towel between her bum cheeks, parting them so he didn’t miss any places.

He dropped the towel to free both his hands so that he could hold her cheeks apart exposing her little bum hole to his eyes.

He had never seen a woman’s bum hole up close. The pin ups on the factory walls tended to concentrate on tits and cunts.

He was fascinated by this private pink little hole.
‘Is it nice John?’ she queried, ‘ reach into the bedside cabinet drawer and take out the tube of Vaseline that is in there’.

He did as instructed.
‘Put some on your finger and rub it in and around there so I don’t get sore’ she asked.

He dutifully dipped his finger in the jar of Vaseline and tentatively rubbed it around her anus.
‘You will need to put your finger deep inside my bottom dear, so I don’t get sore’ she told him.

John gathered up his nerve and as gently as possible pushed his finger deep into her bum.

He enjoyed the feeling of her tight little hole gripping his finger so much that he pulled it out and reinserted it again. May moaned when he did this.
‘Am I hurting you?’ he asked anxiously.

‘Oh no dear it feels lovely, keep doing that for a little while’. She replied’.

He put more Vaseline on his finger and continued fingering her bum hole. He noticed that the more he stretched her anus the louder her moans became. He started to rotate his finger in her anus and this caused May to wiggle her arse at him in an obvious invitation.

The trouble was he didn’t know what to do, so he thought it best to withdraw his finger from her bum and after wiping off the surplus Vaseline he parted her bum cheeks and kissed her little pink anus.

May was so hot she could scream in frustration, her most secret vice that even in girlie conversations with her friends she never mentioned, was that she loved anal sex.

Her husband had once taken her to Hong Kong with him and whilst they were there they had gone to one of the many sex shows on offer in that fantastic city.

She had watched in rapt fascination as a small Chinese girl, was fucked up the arse by a big black man.

His cock had seemed enormous to her, and yet the little girls bum had managed to accommodate every inch of it.
The girl had also gone into multiple orgasms there in front of them and it was obvious that she was enjoying every thrust of his cock.

When they had returned to the hotel they had gingerly attempted the same thing and after a few painful episodes they had learned that the secret of good anal sex was plenty of Vaseline up the bum.
During the following years she had been arse fucked often and it always gave her multiple orgasms.

Kneeling there with her naked bum presented to John she remembered that he was still a virgin.
He hadn’t fucked a woman’s cunt yet, so to expect him to fuck her up the arse was asking too much of him.

However she promised herself that in the very near future she would be kneeling in front of him, and she would be taking it hard up the arse from his big young cock.


‘One last bit and then I’m done’ she announced.
She turned onto her back and opened her legs wide for him, her golden pubes were open to him and he gently rubbed the towel over them.

As he rubbed her he noticed that her eyes had shut and she was pushing her pubes against his hand.
‘Don’t stop just yet she whispered, rub a bit harder John please’.

He needed no further encouragement and started to rub her hairy little pussy as fast as he could.
Soon she was writhing on the bed her fingers digging hard into the covers and moaning his name just as he had dreamed about.

Suddenly she gave a long drawn-out cry and collapsed onto the bed limply where she lay with her legs wide open and her hairy golden cunt totally exposed.
He noticed a white creamy substance running from her cunt and realised that some women came just like men.

After a few minutes she opened her eyes and asked him to give her a hug.
He happily crawled to her and as his arms went round her she pushed him over onto his back and lay on top of him, hugging him tightly to her naked body.

Her lovely warm soft breasts pressed against his chest.

His cock was still rigid and sticking up so she wriggled around until it was securely held between her inner thighs, his hot shaft pressed against her damp pussy lips.
‘Thank you John’ she murmured in his ear ‘that was lovely, I really enjoyed it and now its your turn.

I want you to do everything I ask without question, will you do that for me please?’ she whispered seductively.

At this point John would have done anything for her and he nodded his head in acceptance.

She kissed him slowly and passionately pushing her tongue into his mouth and as the kiss progressed she started to rub her juicy cunt over his cock.


‘Lie still while I dry you off’ she ordered as she slowly slipped off him and picked up a small towel.

He was instructed to lie on his back with his hands behind his head, and when he was comfortable May started to dry his body from his head to his toes.

She rubbed between his legs and told him to open them wide for her. ‘I want to see your big cock and balls’ she whispered to him.
He opened his legs for her and she lay between them with her face inches from his balls.

She started to kiss the inside of his thighs and continued kissing all around his balls until her mouth was on his shaft which she kissed all along its length until she reached his knob.

Slowly she closed her mouth over his swollen knob and gently sucked and licked it until he moaned out loud.

As soon as she felt the tell tale twitching that warned of ejaculation she stopped and getting up from the bed walked naked into the kitchen to get them both a glass of wine.

By the time she returned his cock had cooled down a bit and was ready for more foreplay.

‘Why are you still randy?’ he asked her, ‘didn’t I make you come once already?’
She smiled and explained that women could come many times during lovemaking but men could only come once.

‘This is why it is very important that your first time with a women is with one who knows what to do to, otherwise it is over far too soon.

I am going to make love to you, so you never forget this time no matter how old you become’.

They both had a drink of their wine and then she climbed back on the bed and knelt over him so her pubes were just above his mouth.

‘I want you to lick me, you will see a little knobbly thing hidden in my pubic hair just above my cunt lips, that is my clitoris and if you suck it, it will feel to me as me sucking your cock feels to you, it’s called 69ing’.

He had read about 69 and could see her golden pussy clearly and as she lowered it onto his face he stuck his tongue deep inside her and licked and sucked for all he was worth.

She lowered her head until her mouth slipped over his knob again and gently sucked it, while she massaged his balls.

He was in heaven his face was covered in her cunt juices and they ran into his mouth where he greedily swallowed every drop.

May was also really enjoying herself, it was a good feeling to have total power over her very own toy boy and she loved the taste of fresh young cock in her mouth once again.

She lifted herself off him and turned away from him with her bum in the air.

‘I want you to slip your fingers up inside my cunt and really finger me hard’, she instructed him in an urgent voice.

He knelt behind her and found that his fingers slid in so easily that he could put four of them into her without any trouble.

He then began to thrust them in and out of her cunt, faster and faster until she began to moan again.
Soon her cunt juices were running down the inside of her legs and she was coming for him again.
‘Push your fingers up my bum, and finger it just like my cunt’.

He quickly pulled his fingers out of her sopping wet cunt and pushed one of them into her tight little bum hole.
It was slippery from the Vaseline he had rubbed in earlier but still gripped his finger tightly and he started to rotate his finger in her bum so as to stretch it enough to get more in.

She relaxed her bum muscles and he was soon able to insert four of his fingers up her bum.

Again she was moaning and thrusting her arse back against his fingers until she gasped and more of her creamy cum squirted out of her cunt and ran down the inside of her thighs.
He then realised that fingering her bum could also make her come.

May was really starting to have fun, she had already had two orgasms and knew there were lots more to come.

She crawled away from him and told him to lie on his back again.
‘This time I’m going to lower my cunt onto your cock.

I’m doing it this way so I can control the friction on your cock.
It will be the first time your cock has been in a woman’s cunt and if you feel that you have to come, then tell me, and I will stop for a bit to let you cool down’.
She knelt over him with her breasts hanging down in front of his eyes, and slowly lowered herself onto him.

At last John felt the wet heat of a woman’s cunt as it slid slowly down his throbbing shaft. He closed his eyes and savoured the sensations as she gently fucked his cock with her cunt.

May was really enjoying the feel of a big young cock in her cunt, it had been years since she had been well and truly fucked and she was enjoying every minute of it.

She could feel her cunt being stretched from her lips to her womb as she bounced up and down on his cock and she tightened her cunt muscles to increase the feelings as much as possible.
She had already come twice and her cunt was red hot for another orgasm.
It hit her sooner than she expected and she buried her face in his chest and gave a muffled scream as her hot cunt juices ran down his cock and soaked his balls.

After laying on him for a little while he felt her lifting her cunt off his cock, but before he could complain she had turned around so that he was looking at he naked little arse.

‘I’m going to lower my arse onto your cock now, it will take me a while to get comfortable so be patient while I do it’ she explained.
He watched in wonder as she positioned her bum hole onto his knob. Very slowly she increased the pressure until his knob disappeared up her bum.

She then stopped and stayed very still relaxing her arse muscles until she could take a few more inches. Eventually his cock was right up her arse and it gripped his shaft tightly.

‘God it’s been a very long time since I had a big cock up the bum’, she gasped as she slowly started to bounce her arse onto his bollocks.
Watching his cock going up her arse really brought John to the brink of coming and he asked May to stop for a bit so he could calm down.
She gently lifted her bum off his cock until it popped out.

May turned again until her tits were just over his face.
‘Suck my nipples, till my bum stops throbbing’ she said.

He was only too pleased to do so and grabbing hold of her big tits he sucked hard on her nipples until they were red and swollen.

‘Well John dear have you enjoyed yourself so far?’ she asked with a grin.
He replied that he had never enjoyed himself so much in his life, and that he loved her.
‘I think I love you too dear,’ she replied.


It was time she said for him to fuck her properly and come up her cunt. May explained that when he started fucking her he probably wouldn’t last long before he squirted his cum into her cunt.

However all good things must come to an end and he deserved to come in her for being such a good boy.

She asked him if he wanted to fuck her face to face, called missionary.
Or whether he wanted to fuck her from behind, doggy fashion.
He opted for face to face as he wanted to watch her as he fucked her.

She lay on her back and opened her legs wide for him.
He positioned himself between her thighs and she guided his cock gently into her hot wet cunt.

‘Now fuck me John, fuck your woman hard and deep. I want your cum in my womb.

He tried to fuck her slowly and gently, but looking down at her with her big tits bouncing to his thrusts he was soon fucking her harder and faster until he felt her cunt tighten in orgasm again and she cried out ‘ Oh John I love you my darling boy’.

On hearing that, he let go all restraint and finally with a triumphant cry emptied his balls into her cunt.
She heard him cry out as he came and wrapped her legs tightly around him so that she got every drop of his cum inside her womb.

Afterwards they just lay together wrapped in each others arms.
May was tender in both her holes but relished the warm feeling of a well- fucked woman.

John was still coming to terms that he was now a proper man, who had fucked a woman.
Not a silly little girl who knew nothing, but a fully experienced woman who had taught and given him so much that he knew he could never repay her as long as he lived.

May lay thinking quietly as he sucked on her breasts and toyed with her hair, she knew he was hers now and she would teach him to fuck her every way possible.

By the time she had finished with him he was going to be the perfect stud muffin.

They would have to be careful not to be discovered, but she was sure that she could think up lots of jobs for John to do for her over the coming months, or her name wasn’t Auntie Mabel.

John was so emotionally and sexually drained that he dozed off in her arms. She gently disentangled herself from him and walked into the kitchen to move their clothes from the washing machine into the tumble dryer.

May didn’t have to wait for her clothes to dry as she simply changed into a clean set that was in the wardrobe. However she knew that she couldn’t send John home in different clothes from the ones he had left his mum’s in.

While his clothes were drying she took the opportunity to put up her hair in its customary bun. She was proud of it but sometimes it was a pain to keep tidy.
She made some tea and assembled a plate of cakes for John when he woke.

May knew that young men were always hungry, both for sex and food. After the efforts he had made on her behalf today he deserved at least a snack.
She took the food into the bedroom, he was still asleep, laying curled up on his side.

He had a lovely body, apart from his gorgeous big cock he also was tall and handsome. He had broad shoulders and strong arms, his big brown eyes were closed in sleep.
She heard the tumble dryer beeping to tell her his clothes were dry.

Putting down the tray she gently shook him awake.
The first thing John saw when he opened his eyes was May sitting on the bed.
She was fully dressed, which made him very aware that he was naked in front of her.

She however simply told him to drink some tea and eat some cakes while she went and got his clothes.
He realised that he was famished and did as she said. He was still unsure about what had happened.

How did he get from helping in the garden to lying naked in front of a sixty year old beauty that he had just fucked. Or would it be true to say had just fucked him.

The sequence of events that had led to this moment were blurred in his mind. He did know that his cock was still tender from the unaccustomed fucking but that he had never been happier in his life than he was now.
He looked up as she re-entered the room with his clothes. They were nice and dry and warm. She laid them beside him on the bed and sat down beside him.

‘How are you feeling dear?’ she asked quietly.
‘I don’t really know,’ he replied, ‘wonderful, certainly confused, stunned, but probably most of all grateful to you for making me a man,’ in the fantastic way that you did.

‘I enjoyed it every bit as much as you did love, I’m still a bit tender in places, you are quite a man when you get going.’

She told him to get dressed as there was still things to do in the garden before he went home.
She watched him dressing, he first put on his work shirt so as to feel less naked and vulnerable.
He then pulled on his boxer shorts, however as he stood up to pull them up to his waist she asked him to stop for a second.

She got off the bed and knelt down in front of him. His cock was hanging between his legs, minding its own business. ‘ I want to kiss it before you tuck it away’ she murmured. Lifting up her head she enclosed his limp cock in her mouth and sucked it in as far as she could without choking.

His cock was still tender but she was extremely gentle and he felt himself relaxing as the heat of her mouth transferred itself to his cock.
She gave his cock a last gentle suck, and as it slipped from her mouth she kissed it.

May remained kneeling in front of him as he finished getting dressed.
When he was ready she accompanied him back out into her garden.
They sat on her garden bench and she turned to him and asked him if he had any questions that she could help him with.

His only question was ‘what now?.
May explained that they must keep what had happened between them a secret. She had a great deal more to teach him but if his mum found out about them he would be barred from seeing her again.

‘But I’m a man now I can do as I like’ he protested.
‘Technically, yes you are, but how would it look to your family and friends if they knew you were fucking an old lady.
You have a good job and a loving family and I will not allow you to endanger that’ she stated firmly.
‘If you cannot promise me that you will keep us a secret then I will have no choice but to never see you again, if necessary I will move back to Berkshire to keep you safe.

‘I cannot lose you,’ he admitted, ‘I will do as you say, although I want to tell everyone how fantastic you are.’
‘Don’t you realise that I also want to tell the world about you, how lovely and kind you are.
Not to mention telling Doreen that her son can fuck me into heaven,’ she replied passionately, and pulling him towards her she kissed him hard and long.

‘You know I think I love you,’ he said seriously.
‘I think I love you too,’ she replied just as seriously.

Counting the work actually done in the garden he had been there for six hours and it was time for tea.
May suggested that she ring Doreen and say that he was staying for tea and then was going to help May sort out her loft.
That way he could stay until the evening without any suspicion.

Doreen had no objections to this plan and the knowledge that they had the evening to look forward to made them both happy.

May had a hedge trimmer and as John was so tall it didn’t take him long to make it neat and tidy. Standing back to view it she remarked that at least they had achieved some real work amongst the fun.

‘I hope the fun is not over yet,’ he whispered in her ear.
‘Oh no, when you have had a light tea I’m going to fuck you senseless,’ she whispered back.

As promised she had prepared a light meal of ham, with a side salad.
He quickly ate every piece and taking her by the hand they both ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

She asked him to stand by the bed while she slowly stripped him naked. He had to bend over so she could reach the higher buttons on his shirt but she was soon able to remove it.

She next pulled down his jeans leaving him in just his boxer shorts. Watching her strip him had re-kindled his young lust and his cock was back with a vengeance.
It was sticking out towards her, held back only by the material of his pants.

May left him standing like that while she told him to remove her top. John slowly pulled it over her head.
As it went up it took her breasts with it so when he pulled it over her head her breasts bounced back delightfully.

He knelt down so that he could pull down her shorts leaving her only wearing a pair of white cotton knickers. He put his hands on her bum and pulled her towards him.
A sudden urge came to stick his nose into the crotch of her panties and smell her hot damp cunt.

He rubbed his face over her pubes until the gusset of her knickers were soaked with her cunt juices. She pulled her knickers up for him until the gusset slipped between her cunt lips and he could see the beautiful golden curls of her pubic hair either side of the cotton.

Hooking his fingers into her gusset he pulled it to one side so he could get his tongue between her cunt lips. Holding her bum cheeks tightly he pulled her cunt hard against his mouth as he licked her golden triangle.

‘Lets try it this way,’ she said, and stepping back from him she pulled her knickers right off and knelt on the bed with her arse towards him. ‘Lick my cunt from behind’ she said as she swayed her bottom from side to side.

John knelt down on the carpet so his mouth was on the same level as her cunt. He opened her bum cheeks so he could get his tongue deep into her wet cunt and gave it a good long licking.

Exposing herself to him like this really turned May on and as he licked her cunt so she was grinding it in his face. He had to stop as his mouth was full of cunt and his nose was buried in her golden pubic hair. He just couldn’t breathe and had to come up for air.


She got off the bed and knelt on the carpet facing him. He saw her put her hands behind her back and clasp them together.
‘I want you to go to my dressing gown hanging on the wardrobe door and bring me back the belt from it please’ she asked him.
He got the cloth belt and brought it over to where she was kneeling.
‘I now want you to tie my hands to my feet so that I am helpless’ she instructed quietly.
John did as she told him and secured her with the belt.

‘I want you to fuck my mouth, I give you full control of how hard and fast you do it, just don’t come yet.’ She said looking up at him.

The sight of her kneeling in front of him naked and vulnerable had an electrifying effect on his cock.
It became even more rigid than it had been and he guided it into her open mouth with one hand while he held the back of her head still with the other.

He started to fuck her mouth slowly and gently, seeing her kneeling there so submissively brought out the dominant male in him and holding her head tightly so she couldn’t back away he began to really fuck her mouth hard.

This was completely different from her sucking his cock, then she had control of how fast and deep his cock went into her mouth but now he was in charge and he needed her to take as much of his cock into her mouth as humanly possible.

Once again May knew exactly what she was doing, during her long sexual life she had mastered many sexual techniques.

The one she would call upon now was ‘deep throating’.
It involved simply breathing through the nose and suppressing the gag reflex. Both techniques she had mastered years ago.

As he fucked his cock into her mouth he could feel it going in deeper and deeper until it was going right down her throat.

He could hear her apparently choking on his cock, but instead of making him ease up her noises of distress prompted him to fuck her mouth even deeper. At one stroke he could feel his balls pressed up hard against her lips. Her submissiveness triggered a deep primal alpha male response in his hind brain and all he could think about was making her submit to him totally.

He suddenly came to his senses and pulled his cock completely out of her mouth. He fell to his knees in front of her and pulled her into his arms.

‘God May I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what I was doing there for a minute. I could have chocked you to death, please forgive me.’ He blurted out in distress.

May knelt on the floor with her head down, the force of his fucking had loosened her hair so much that it had fallen down around her like a golden cape.

She wasn’t the least bit hurt, but it wouldn’t do John any harm to remember that she was just a fragile little girl when she needed to be.

He was frantically untying her hands and kissing her face.
‘It’s OK dear, I just had trouble breathing for a second, I think I bit off more than I could chew with your big cock,’ she said in a timorous voice.

He held her tightly to him and promised to do whatever she asked if she would forgive him.
‘You can help me sort out my hair if you like, you seem to have well and truly fucked it,’ she said with a laugh.

His relief at her joke was enormous and he was soon gathering up her long golden tresses and using the belt tying it back into a giant ponytail for her.


She got back up onto her bed and knelt so that she was facing the full length mirror. She told him if he wanted to make it up to her he could give her cunt a good hard fucking from behind.

He was only too pleased to do this and standing behind her he guided his cock between her cunt lips and deep inside her.
She was wet and hot and soon he was fucking her harder and harder. The sight of her little naked bum shaking with the force of his thrusts spurred him on to greater efforts.

‘Look in the mirror, John,’ she gasped between thrusts.
He hadn’t noticed the mirror until he looked up from her arse and saw himself fucking a naked woman who was kneeling in front of him with her bum in the air.

This was the first time he was able to observe himself fucking May, and she had positioned herself so he could see her large naked breasts bouncing wildly with every stroke of his cock.

He had never seen anything so erotic in his life, and it was him that he was looking at.


‘I need you to get the Vaseline John she said as he slowed down, I want you up my bum as soon as possible.

He pulled his cock out of her cunt and walked over to the drawer, he returned with the jar, and without needing to be told dipped his finger in it and started to lubricate her bum hole as he had done previously.

This time however he knew he would be fucking May up the arse and his fingers were shaking in anticipation as he pushed them deep into her bum.

‘I want you to get my vibrator from the bottom drawer now and use it to stretch my bum hole ready for your big cock.

He fetched the vibrator and found that by twisting the base he could control the level of vibration it produced.

He rubbed some Vaseline on the end of it and carefully inserted it into her little anus.
She wriggled her bum as he did so to assist its entry and soon he had pushed it halfway up her bum.

She then asked him to gently rotate it in her bum to stretch her as much as possible. The sight of it sticking out of her arse really got him hard and he couldn’t wait to pull out the vibrator and replace it with his hot cock.

Her bum hole was now a lot bigger than it was before he had used the vibrator and he found that when he pulled it out he could get three fingers up her bum.

May asked him to gently insert his cock and commence her arse fucking.
Even with the stretching and the Vaseline she gave an involuntary grunt as his knob entered her bum hole.

He could feel her tight arsehole gripping him tightly as he gently moved it in and out. He increased his strokes gradually until his balls were slapping against her cunt and she was taking every inch of cock up the bum.

This was very different from fucking a woman’s cunt, a cunt was designed to be fucked, but a woman’s bum needed lots of lubricant to enable her to take it up the arse without to much discomfort.

John knew from listening to the sexual conversations at work, that very few women indeed permitted their men to fuck them up the arse.
He had never yet heard of any woman who actually enjoyed the experience.

John considered himself amazingly lucky to have met a woman who not only permitted it but loved it.

Once he had got a good rhythm going he could look up from her bum and again he could see himself and what he was doing to May.
When he was fucking her cunt she had been on all fours and he could see her lovely big tits swaying as he fucked her.

When she was taking it up the arse she had her head turned to one side and flat against the bed. This presented her arse to him at a comfortable angle for her and he noticed her eyes were shut as he fucked her up the bum as hard as he could.

May was in heaven, at last she was getting a really good arse fucking. She could feel Johns big cock stretching her hole wide and the feel of his big balls slapping against her cunt was driving her into a multiple orgasm.

John heard her starting to moan and saw that she was thrusting her arse back towards his cock as hard as he was thrusting into her.
‘I’m coming John she gasped, I’m coming for you my darling boy.’

Suddenly he felt her hot cunt juices flowing over his balls, fucking her arse had made her cunt come and soon she was in the midst of a raging orgasm.

He found that once started he only had to gently move his cock in and out of her arse for her orgasms to continue one after the other until at last she begged him to stop.
He pulled his cock out of her bum and she collapsed onto the bed, her arsehole was gaping wide and she was shuddering with her orgasms even though he was out of her.
He was hot and sweaty after such a marathon fuck and while May lay naked on the bed and shuddered through her orgasms, he took the opportunity to have another drink of wine.
As he sipped it he tried to make sense of what had happened so far.

He had just finished buggering his Aunt Mabel, his mum’s friend who was actually older than his mum.
He was at this moment in time watching her lying naked on the bed in the throes of a multiple orgasm.

This morning he had woken up as a virgin with little or no chance that his situation would change in the near future.
Now he was a real man at last and had fucked a woman’s mouth, cunt and arse.

It was only 6pm of the same day and he thought he could be excused for being a bit shell shocked over all this no matter how fantastic it had been.

Being an eighteen year old engineer he was well aware of the theorectical side of sex. He had seen the girlie magazines, and had been to visit one of his older friends who had a DVD and had watched enthralled as porn stars had been fucked every way possible to human beings.

He had simply not believed that those sort of things happened in real life. Did his dad fuck his mum the way he had just fucked May? He didn’t think so for a minute.
Obviously they had made love otherwise he would not be here, but to think of his mum taking it up the arse the way that May did was almost blasphemous.

What would mum say if she found out, would she be disgusted with him or would she blame May for ‘corrupting’ her little boy. May was sixty years old for fuck sake.
Mrs Wainwright who lived a few doors down from this very flat was sixty as well.

He had heard his mum talking about her and how she suffered with her feet.
The poor old lady went everywhere with a little wheeled trolly to help steady her as she walked.

Would he fuck her if she offered? He didn’t think so for a moment, so why was he fucking this sixty year old woman?
What was different about May?

He decided as he drank the wine that she was one of the lucky special people that simply do not conform to the rest of humanity.
He remembered seeing an eighty year old man completing the London Marathon this year.

He couldn’t run a marathon now, let alone when he was eighty.
Yes May was special, and he was fantastically lucky to have met her.
His dad always said ‘ Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth ‘ he wouldn’t look May in the mouth, but he would probably be fucking her in the mouth in the near future.

May had finally ceased her orgasms and had become aware of John sitting on the bedside chair drinking his wine.
She got up from the bed and walked over towards him.
He studied her as she approached, yes she was special, she walked like an athlete.

Although only five foot tall she was perfectly proportioned, apart from her breasts which were really a little too big for her frame.
Her stomach was flat with a hint of muscle showing when she tensed it. The rest of her body was smooth and silky, and it was topped by a beautiful heart shaped face, with lovely blue eyes.

He had seen all these parts of her before, but his was the first time he had appreciated the whole of her.

With her hair tied in a pony tail behind her she looked very similar to any other blond, the only clue to her unique hair was the thick golden triangle of her pubic hair.
He knew that for her to go from beautiful to stunning, it only required her to let down her golden hair completely so as to form her own magic cloak. Yes she was special, she was unique and she was his.

May poured herself a glass of wine and sat down on John’s lap. He had gone soft so she didn’t run the risk of impaling herself on his cock.
‘How is my sexy man feeling?’ she asked as she put an arm around his shoulders for support.

John found his mouth only inches from her nipple and taking a sip of his cold wine he placed his lips around it and sucked.
The shock of his cold mouth on her nipple made her squeal, and wiggle her naked bottom against his cock.
It suddenly came back to rampant life and May found herself sitting on a hot cock.

To get more comfortable she raised her bottom only to find when she lowered herself back down onto his lap that his cock was slipping smoothly up her arsehole again.
She found the sensation very comforting and with a contented sigh relaxed and took another sip of her wine.

John actually found that having May sitting on his cock was strangely more erotic than when he was fucking her up her arse. He asked her why he felt this, and she replied that it could be because outwardly she was just sitting on his lap, albeit naked. In reality his big cock was secretly up her arse.

She told him a story about herself when she was a young girl and was with a boyfriend. He had come around her mother’s house to visit her and in those days they would go into the parlour for a bit of privacy.
However her mother would make a point of popping in at odd times just to keep an eye on them to ensure no hanky panky went on.

One time, she confessed to John, her boyfriend had got his cock out and asked her to suck it.
She was too afraid to do this as her mother might come in at any second and catch her on her knees.
May suggested instead that as she was wearing a full skirt as the fashion of the times demanded, she could take off her knickers and sit on his lap.

He agreed to the compromise and she slipped off her knickers and put them in her handbag.
She then lowered herself onto his cock, which slipped up her cunt easily as she was wet and juicy in anticipation.

The reason that she remembered this occasion after all those years was that her mother came into the room and saw her sitting on her boyfriends lap listening to the radio.
She asked her boyfriend if he wanted a cup of tea and some biscuits, and then went to fetch them.

Her mother then returned with the snack and joined them for a while listening to the radio before she went back into the kitchen to tidy up.
All the while they were chatting innocently to her mother she was sitting with his big cock stuck up her cunt.
By the time her mother left the room her cunt juice had soaked the front of his trousers and he had to leave the house when her mother was elsewhere so she wouldn’t see the damp patch around his flys.

‘Would you like me to visit you in a long dress and no knickers,’ she whispered to John seductively. ‘I could sit on your lap in front of your mum and dad, and you could slip your big cock deep into my cunt without them noticing.
Would you like that? I can feel that your cock would.’

Indeed his cock was very interested in the story and had swollen even bigger than it had been.
May stood up and turned to face him.
Straddling him she again lowered herself onto his lap, and again his cock slid up her bum.

Putting her hands on the back of his chair she started to bounce her arse on his cock.
Her breasts were right in front of his eyes and he watched in delight as they bounced and shook in front of him.
She could feel his big hard cock impaling her arse with every bounce.

Retelling that true story while John’s cock was up her arse had really turned her on in a big way, and she was hit by an orgasm that made her squeal in ecstasy.
John watched her face as she came for him.
He could tell that she was in a separate world of pure pleasure and he was proud that he was the one that transported her there.

May had to stop, her arse was throbbing and getting a bit sore from all the fucking.
She had come all over John’s bollocks and his pubic hairs were sticky and matted.


‘I think we both need a bath, instead of a shower,’ she declared firmly.

Her flat had a large bathroom, as well as the big shower cubicle in which they had first become intimate; there was also a standard bathtub in the corner.
May walked naked into the bathroom, and he waited expecting to hear her running the water for them.
He heard nothing so got up and walked into the bathroom.
He was surprised to see her sitting in the bath without any water in it.
‘Come and join me,’ she invited.
He stepped into the bath and lay down facing her.
May straddled him so that her cunt was over his balls and gently rubbed his cock.
‘Why isn’t there any water?’ he asked.

’Because I am going to make my own,’ she replied mischievously.
She told him that she was going to show him what she had seen a Hong Kong whore do on stage years ago when she was visiting there.
She instructed him to close his eyes and relax, she was going to wash all the sticky come from his cock and balls.

John closed his eyes and relaxed as he felt her stand up in the bath over him.
He could feel her pouring lovely hot water over his tender cock and matted pubic hair.
His wine fuddled brain was slow to register the fact that the taps were not turned on.

He opened his eyes a crack and was astounded to see that May was peeing on his cock.
From where he sat he could clearly see her pee coming from her cunt and splashing all over his balls.
He had never seen a woman pee before and certainly not from this angle.

‘Do you like that,’ she asked.
‘It feels strange but nice,’ he admitted after a few seconds thought, ‘Why are you peeing on me?’
‘Most couples fuck each other in various ways, but never see each other pee.
It’s a private thing and I want you to see me pee.’ She explained.

‘Fair enough,’ he said, ‘ would you like to see me pee as well?’
‘I thought you would never ask,’ she replied with a smile.
‘ My bum is a bit sore and could do with some hot water.’
She knelt down in the bath with her bum in the air.
John knelt behind her and gently parted her bum cheeks so he could see her slightly swollen anus.

He found that with all the wine he had drank his bladder was uncomfortably full and with a sigh of relief he relaxed and started to pee over her bum.
His water poured over her anus and ran down between her legs soaking her golden pubic hairs and pouring onward into the bath.
From his perspective it looked like she was peeing herself.

She suddenly turned around in the bath to face him.
This allowed him to pee directly over her golden triangle and he noticed that she was watching in rapt attention as his pee poured out of the hole in the end of his cock and soaked her cunt.

She told him that her peeing on him was called a golden shower, she said that some couples even liked to watch their partners having a poo.
She however drew the line at that, and hoped that he wouldn’t want to watch her when she next had a poo.

He assured her that watching someone poo didn’t turn him on at all. However as she brought the subject of poo up, he was pleasantly surprised that during the ferocious arse fucking she had received from him that there was thankfully no sign of any mess.

She explained that there were two important steps to good anal sex.
One she had already mentioned, was lots of lubrication.
The other was not so widely spoken of due to the taboo about talking of poo.
Before a woman allows he partner to fuck her up the arse she should always give herself a soapy hot water enema.

This cleans her bum out completely and that is why you often see porn stars sucking a man’s cock immediately it has been pulled out of her arse. Her bum is just as clean as her cunt so she doesn’t mind sucking his cock straight from her bum.

She confessed that knowing he was coming to see her she had ensured she was clean for him.
‘Did you hope I would end up fucking your arse?’ he asked,
‘Oh yes John, I really hoped we would end up as lovers, and so we are,’ she replied hugging him tightly.

‘Now we are both covered in pee we can take a shower,’ she said.
She took his hand and led him into the shower.
Turning it on they both stood still for a while to allow the water to run between their legs and wash away the pee.
She said that as she had peed on him first it was up to her to soap his cock and balls so as to make sure he was lovely and clean.

Taking a handful of soapy liquid she rubbed it all over his cock and around his balls.
She pulled his foreskin back and soaped his knob thoroughly.
Needless to say this attention brought his cock back to full rigidity.

Once she had rinsed the soap off, she knelt down on the shower base and covered the end of his cock with her mouth.
May sucked gently on his cock, and then ran her tongue down his shaft to his balls.
She very gently sucked each of his balls into her mouth and rolled them around with her tongue.
When she stood up he was rampant and raring to go again.

He demanded that he be allowed to soap her, as that was one of his fantasies.
Using lots of soap he rubbed it all over her large soft breasts.
Paying particular attention to her nipples until they stood out like red strawberries.

Telling her to open her legs for him he rubbed plenty of soap into and around her hairy cunt.
Then he asked her to turn around and bend over for him.
Again he took a good handful of soap and rubbed it between her bum cheeks and up her bum hole.

Her arse was still well stretched from his cock and he could slip his finger up her bum easily.
This was how he had envisioned being in a shower with a naked woman. Lots of soaping and sucking of cocks, and cunts.
The world made sense again as far as he was concerned.

They finally got out of the shower and dried themselves in the bedroom. It was getting late and May knew she would have to send him home soon, but before she let him go she wanted to give him a final image to remember.

He also knew it was time to go and was a bit disappointed when May told him to get dressed. She also dressed in her usual loose top shorts and floppy hat. When they were both dressed instead of leading him downstairs as he expected, she led him over to the bed.

‘You have to go now,’ she said quietly, ‘but before you go I want to give you an image to keep with you.
I am usually dressed like this so you will see me more like this than naked.

The next time you see me talking to your mum or chatting to you in front of others you can picture me this way’.
She knelt down in front of him and took his cock out of his pants.
It had gone limp in disappointment but sucking it into her mouth she soon got it back to its usual readiness.

‘I’m going to suck your cock until you come, and when you do you are going to squirt your cum into my mouth and all over my face.
He had seen this on many a blue movie and had always wanted to do that to a woman.
She looked up at him and began to wank his cock in front of her face.

Looking down at her he could see her beautiful heart shaped face smiling at him as she rubbed his cock.
With her other hand she started to massage his balls and at the same time took his swollen knob deep into her mouth and sucked it hard.
His cock had been teased all evening and it was ready to explode with his semen.

She heard his tell tale breathing that warned of the coming explosion.
‘Watch me when you come,’ she demanded, and wanked him even harder.
‘I can’t hold it any longer,’ he gasped desperately.
‘Come for me my darling boy, come in my mouth and over my face, I want you to remember my face covered in your cum.’

She held his cock tightly, pointing towards her open mouth and stuck her tongue out.
With a loud cry he shot a stream of hot creamy cum out of his cock.
She directed it onto her tongue and into her mouth.
His next big squirt she aimed directly between her eyes so that it ran down her face either side of her nose and into her open mouth to join the first load.
By this time his legs had gone weak at the knees and he was leaning on her shoulders to keep upright.
His last and final squirt she caused to splatter across both her cheeks.
He stood there gasping in relief; as he balls were at last mercifully empty.

He watched as she rubbed his knob all over her face and watched her tongue lick the drops of cum from the end of his cock.
She opened her mouth for him and he could see that it was full of his cum.

Looking him straight in the eyes she slowly and deliberately swallowed all his cum and licked her lips.
She knelt before him with her face completely covered in his cum, and smiled at him.

‘Remember this John, the next time I am talking to your parents and I see you I will lick my lips like this.
You will know that I am remembering licking your cum from my face and swallowing it.

You will also know that I want you to bend me over in front of them pull down my knickers and fuck my cunt as hard as you can.
I will be looking at you and talking to you normally, but I will be wanting your big cock in my mouth, cunt and arse and don’t you ever forget it.

I tell you this because women can always tell when a man wants them, they only have to look at his cock, just as I looked at yours when we first met.
The sight of my tits made you hard if you remember.
Men cannot tell just by looking at us if we want them badly.
Know that I want you every time I see you.’

So saying she stood up and gave him a deep tonguing kiss.
He could taste his own cum in her mouth and loved it.
May reached down and after giving his now limp cock a tender kiss tucked it into his pants for him.

She walked him to the door and after another passionate kiss waved to him as he walked back to his house.
When he had disappeared from sight she closed the door and went back up to her bedroom.

She lay on the bed fully dressed her face was still sticky from his cum. Closing her eyes she went through all that had transpired that day.
She decided that it had been a great day and although every hole was sore she relished the discomfort as it meant she was no longer alone in the world.

To be continued.
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Old 10-24-2006, 06:26 AM
drsnip drsnip is offline
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Auntie Mabel Book 2 Sixty & Sexy

Auntie Mabel. Sixty and Sexy.

Book two.

Sunday dinner with Mabel.

When John got home that evening, his mum asked him what he had been doing all day.
He considered telling her that he had been fucking his Auntie Mabel’s mouth, cunt and arse.
He then decided, that perhaps he had better keep those activities secret.

He sat down at the kitchen table, while his mum made him a cup of tea. He told her about mowing the lawns, and clearing up the garden, and cutting the hedge.
‘Good heavens John, she really worked you hard, you poor boy,’ commiserated his mum.

He said that he hadn’t minded too much, and it had made a change from the usual things he did on a Saturday.
His mum told him that as Mabel had given them such a lovely dinner on Friday, she had invited her over for Sunday dinner tomorrow.

John was over the moon at this news, and ran upstairs to his bedroom to think about the events of the day, and get some well earned rest.
He hadn’t realised that fucking a woman was so tiring.
He lay naked on his bed, and examined his cock.

It seemed a bit tender, but it had been worth it.
He was now a man, and his confidence had been given a fantastic boost.
Then guilt reared its ugly head, what if his mum found out?
Doreen was such a straight laced woman, she would be shocked and disgusted if she found out.

Then, as he was lying there in bed, he looked over at his wardrobe.
Getting up he went to it, and reached up to the top of it.
He knew that his mum was too short to reach up here, and there was no reason that she should.

Hidden in the corner by the wall was a matchbox.
John brought it down and lay back on his bed.
He opened it as he had done so many times in the past.
The contents had given him much pleasure over the years, and he remembered how he had come by them.

His mum wouldn’t allow any newspaper with rude pictures in her house.
He first saw a picture of a pair of naked tits, around his friend Steve’s house, and that was only a page three girl.
When Steve realised that John wasn’t joking, he took him up to his room and showed him the dirty magazines under his bed.

John had been shocked and enthralled, by the pictures of naked women. At first he had thought that the photo’s had been faked.
Surely women didn’t really suck men’s cocks, and to see pictures of men’s cocks stuck up a woman’s bum, was more than he could accept.

John’s most guilty secret, was that he had in fact seen a real naked woman.
The good part was that he had seen her very clearly, tits , cunt and bum.
The bad part, was that it had been his mum.

Steve had said that all men including John’s dad, had a dirty magazine hidden somewhere in the house.
It was usually on the top shelf of the bedroom wardrobe, out of reach of children.
That’s where Steve’s dad hid his anyway said Steve.

John’s mum.

John decided to have a quick peep in his parent’s room while they were out, to see if indeed his dad had such a magazine hidden in his wardrobe.
Unfortunately while he was standing on a box inside his dad’s wardrobe, he heard his mum come back in.
She came directly up the stairs and entered the room.

John only had time to close the wardrobe door a bit, and keep perfectly quite.
His mum however thought she needed a bath, and started to strip off her clothes.
He tried not to look, but curiosity got the better of him, and he pressed his eye to the crack in the door and watched avidly.

Doreen had always been a pretty girl, and she was still a good looking woman.
She had looked after her figure, and her breasts were still reasonably firm. After she removed her blouse, she reached behind her back and undid her bra.
He saw her large breasts bounce free, as she threw her bra onto the bed.

She was a cautious woman, and religiously checked her breasts for lumps.
As she was standing facing him, the next thing John saw was his mum lifting up each breast and feeling it all over.
She also squeezed her large rubbery nipples, to check for any tenderness.

Once she was satisfied that all was well with her breasts, she undid her skirt and placed it neatly on the bed.
She was standing in front of him with her breasts bare, and only wearing her sensible white cotton knickers.
The problem with her wearing white cotton knickers, was that she had very dark and bushy pubic hair.

She had always thought women who trimmed their pubes were being rude, and so hers were natural, and untouched by scissors or razor. Consequently her bushy pubic hair had escaped from the confines of her knickers, and could clearly be seen by John.
He felt a strange sensation in his pants, and looking down saw his first erection pushing against his trousers.

He was so embarrassed, and looking back at his mum she seemed to be staring at him intently.
He froze, until he realised that she was in fact looking at her reflection in the mirror on his dad’s wardrobe door.
Doreen also could see her unruly pubic hair, and thought it made her look like a slut.

Mum shaving.

She decided there and then that it would have to be trimmed after all.
She bent over and pulled her knickers down.
Bending over allowed her large breasts to swing about in an interesting fashion, and Johns erection got even bigger.

She straightened up to put her knickers on the bed, and then walked closer to the mirrored door.
Again looking intently at her hairy triangle, she ran her fingers through it to determine just how long her pubic hairs were.
She decided to trim them to about half an inch long, and possibly shave the hairs that were growing towards her belly right off.

Doreen walked into the bathroom and returned with his dad’s electric razor.
She sat on the bed and faced the mirrored door behind which John was hiding.
She opened her legs wide, and positioned herself so she could see her hairy cunt clearly.

Concentrating carefully, she started up the razor and commenced trimming her long pubic hairs.
Unfortunately his dad’s electric razor didn’t have spacers, that allowed different levels of stubble.
It shaved very close, and in her inexperienced hands, it took off all her cunt hair down to the skin on the first pass.

‘Fuck’ John heard his mum swear for the first time ever, as she realised that she would have to shave the other side of her cunt, just as close to match.
He saw her shrug her naked shoulders making her tits bounce, as she decided to shave all the hairs off altogether.
Soon he could see her entire naked cunt.

Mum wanking.

Doreen was a straight-laced lady, and had never used a vibrator.
She had also never fingered herself, or rubbed her clitoris to achieve an orgasm.
She was concentrating so much on shaving, that she didn’t immediately become aware that the vibration of the razor was making her cunt juicy.
However she did notice that after a stressful day, the sensation that the razor was giving her was very pleasant.

She lay back on the bed and propped herself up on the pillows.
Doreen stopped actually shaving her cunt, and just rested the body of the razor on her pubes.
The buzzing was very soothing, and the vibrations transmitted to her clitoris, were making her feel very good indeed.

She started to rub the buzzing razor gently over her pubes, and the feelings got nicer and stronger.
She found if she rubbed harder it felt even better.
Soon she was rubbing the razor hard and fast over her cunt.
Then she was hit by a wave of sheer pleasure, as she experienced her first self-induced orgasm.

John watched in amazement as his mum gasped and moaned in ecstasy. Lifting her arse off the bed, as the waves of orgasm washed over her.
He could see her naked shaven cunt clearly.
He could also see the juices that were pouring out of it, and running down his mum’s inner thighs to wet the bed.
After a minute of laying flat on the bed savouring the orgasm, Doreen pulled herself together.

By this time John’s cock had grown so big it hurt, and he undid his trousers to let it out.
He held it tight as he continued to watch his mum.
She had even opened her cunt lips, to shave off any hairs growing in there.

He could see right up into her juicy cunt, and with a start realised that he had come out of that very cunt when he was born.
His mum’s cunt didn’t look big enough for a baby to get out from, but he had been assured that it was true.

He was rubbing himself to ease the feeling of pressure in his balls, when suddenly a very strange sensation emanated from his balls.
A stream of white liquid spurted out of the end of his cock, and ran down the inside of the door.
The relief was instant, and he looked up in time to hear his mum speaking to herself.

Doreen was embarrassed to have played with herself so wantonly.
‘In for a penny, in for a pound.’ She muttered.
She walked naked over to her own wardrobe, and reaching up onto the top shelf brought down a cardboard box.
In it were various presents given to her over the years by various friends.

She pulled out an apron with a pair of naked breasts on it, then some silly knickers without a crotch.
She finally discovered at the bottom of the box, a vibrator still in its unopened packaging.

It had been a present from her friend Mabel; she was always buying her unsuitable gifts.
Apparently to embarrass her at Christmas, when she opened them in front of the family.
She had learned to put Mabel’s gifts straight into the cardboard box in her wardrobe unopened.

She brought the sex toy back to the bed and sat down.
When she finally got it out of its packaging, she had to slide two batteries inside it.
She then twisted the end, and it started to vibrate.

John watched, as his mum seemed to be holding a bigger copy of his cock.
Doreen had so enjoyed the orgasm from the electric razor, that she thought she might as well try the real thing.
Leaning back against the pillows again, she inserted the imitation cock into her still wet cunt.

She found by rotating it deep inside her cunt, she could feel the vibrations more intensely.
She started to thrust it in and out of her cunt; it brought back memories of her husband Sam’s big cock fucking her.
Once more a wave of pleasure flooded out from her cunt, over her entire body, and she jerked and writhed on the bed in abandonment to it.

She had been watching herself come in the mirror, and had noticed that when she lifted up her arse in passion, that she had a lot of hair growing around her bum hole.
She put down the vibrator, and picked up the razor again.

Mum’s bum.

To John’s further surprise his mum then knelt on the bed, with her naked bum to the mirror.
He saw that as well as having a hairy cunt, his mum also had a lot of hair around her bum hole.
He watched as she carefully shaved between her bum cheeks.

When she had finished, she pulled apart her bum cheeks, to inspect her anus in the mirror.
Thus John had the perfect view of his mum’s bum hole.
Still kneeling on the bed, with her bum to the mirror.
Doreen picked up the vibrator again, and slipped it back into her wet cunt.

She worked it around for a minute to get it slippery and withdrawing it from her cunt, gently inserted it into her bum.
Doreen had never, and would never, be fucked up the bum.
However Mabel had assured her, that the feel of a big cock up the arse, was an experience she should try at least once.

Doreen privately thought that Mabel was one step away from being a slut. However she prided herself on being open minded when it suited her.
So she thought she would see what all the fuss was about, concerning anal sex.
She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of it entering her bum. The stretching of her anus was a bit uncomfortable, but the vibrations eased that discomfort quickly.

She found that pushing it in and out of her bum did nothing for her. Rotating it deep inside her arse gave her similar feelings to when she was vibrating her cunt.
A slow pleasant wave of pleasure overcame her.
It was nothing like the explosive intense orgasm, that she had experienced when she was wanking her cunt.

This was somehow more comforting, and seemed to go on for much longer.
Then as she relaxed into the feeling it suddenly intensified, and before she knew it she had to let go of the vibrator.
She grabbed hold of the pillow with both hands, as the main orgasm hit her.

John could see his mum kneeling on the bed with her bum towards him. The cock thing was sticking out of her bum, and she was gasping and moaning again.
The orgasm was making her shake her arse from side to side.
However the vibrator was in so deep, that it didn’t fall out, no matter how much his mum writhed on the bed.

The orgasm wasn’t going to stop, until she pulled the vibrator out of her bum.
She let go of the pillow with one hand, and reaching around grasped the vibrator and pulled it out.
She then collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed.

From his position, John could look straight between her bum cheeks.
The vibrator had opened up his mum’s bum hole, from a small tight hole to a gaping big hole.
Her bum hole was now the same size as her cunt, it seemed to open and close as her orgasm receded.
However as he watched, he saw it contracting until it returned to it’s usual size.

When she had recovered from her experience, she rubbed some cream on all the areas that she had shaved, and a bit around and into, her throbbing anus.
Doreen then brushed her pubic hairs into a neat pile, and dropped them into the wastebasket in the corner.

She put the vibrator back in its box, and went into the bathroom and shut the door.
John tucked his limp cock back into his trousers, and crept out of the wardrobe.
He was going to leave the bedroom immediately, but some strange desire made him go to the wastebasket, and take a handful of his mum’s cunt hair.

Years later he still had it in this matchbox, and sometimes would open the box and sniff his mum’s cunt hair as he wanked.

Closing his eyes, he intended to think about May and all the things they had done.
Perhaps he might even have a wank.
However he was so tired, that he fell asleep with his hand on his cock.

The next morning, his mum told him that she had invited Auntie Mabel to dinner, and that she had been happy to accept.
Consequently his mum was very busy getting things ready for the occasion.
She wanted him to help tidy up the house, while she cooked the dinner.
Doreen was astounded when he made no complaint, and started hoovering the carpets and generally helping her.
Little did his mum know, that the thought of seeing May again was making him hard.

During the morning, one of his friends turned up to see him.
His name was Steve, and John had always looked up to him at work.
His parents were well off, and Steve worked hard, and saved his money. As a result, he owned a lovely little hatchback.

Steve had it fitted out with a decent stereo system, and by all accounts it was a bird magnet.
John had passed his driving test ten months ago, but was still saving up for a similar car.
He estimated that it would take him another year, before he would be driving his own car.

Steve had come round to invite John out that night.
He had met a new girl at the pub, and she had a friend that he thought might interest John.
Yesterday, John would have been jumping for joy at the thought of a date with a girl, but now he simply thanked Steve, and told him that he would be busy tonight and would have to pass.

As Steve drove away, John was already thinking about May again.
To take his mind off her, he went into his bedroom and looked through the car magazines.

The day seemed to crawl along, he considered asking his mum if he could pop over to Antie Mabel’s for some reason.
However good sense prevailed, he didn’t want his mum to become suspicious of his interest in her old friend.

Mabel was also very excited; she genuinely liked John’s mum Doreen and his Dad Sam.
She would have been pleased at the invitation anyway.
However the thought of seeing John again so soon, made her pussy wet with anticipation.

She was realistic enough to realise, that the chances of him fucking her tonight were very slim.
Anyway, her cunt and arse, were still a bit tender from yesterday.
To allay any suspicion from Doreen over her relationship with John, she decided to cut out the glamour, and dress to suit her age tonight.

She had gone a bit over the top at the housewarming party, with her scarlet silk dress, and her hair loose and flowing down her back.
How had John described it? Like a golden waterfall.

She could tell that Doreen had been taken aback, at the effect she had on John and her husband Sam.
No, tonight she would play the sixty year old Auntie, and hopefully Doreen would forget her alter ego, that she allowed out at the party.

Thinking of last night, and the thorough fucking she had organised for john and herself, made her feel so randy that she had to hold her pussy and squeeze it tightly.
Once she had got him going, he had really fucked her hard, mouth, cunt and arse.

She was so glad now, that she had taken the big decision to move from her large lonely house, to this small flat in the village.
She started to gently rub her clitoris with her fingers, as she relaxed in her chair and remembered the big move.

Mabel moving.

Mabel had decided at last, to move to the same village where her friend Doreen had settled.
Since her husband had died, she had been rattling around in this big lonely house.
It was time for a change, and she had sold this place and bought a small flat near Doreen.

Mabel owned a lot of stuff, far too much for a small flat.
She had given a lot of it to the local charity shops.
The rest of the big stuff, she was putting into storage for the time being. The remainder she was taking with her.

She heard a noise outside, and looking out, saw the removal van pulling up.
It was a scorching hot day, and the two men walking up the drive towards her were only wearing teeshirts and shorts.
Mabel had become very hot and sweaty as she sorted out her stuff, and had just come out of the shower.
She was only wearing a towelling housecoat belted around her tiny waist.

Both the men smiled at her as they approached.
Mabel was a very pretty woman for sixty, and she appreciated attention from the male sex.
These two were definitely male; the senior of the two was a trim white man in his forties.
He had with him a young muscular black man in his twenties.

After introducing themselves as Tony and Jules, they commenced moving her stuff into the van.
Soon the heat forced them both to remove their teeshirts.
Mabel sat on a lounger in the garden, and watched the movement of their muscles as they lifted her stuff about.
After a while, she called them over for a break.

She had put some cold beers on the garden table, and had made some ham sandwiches.
They both thanked her, and sat on the grass to enjoy their rest.
The young black man’s name was Jules.
He was reaching down to pick up his glass from the grass; when he noticed that Mabel’s housecoat had slipped down her leg.

He saw that her smooth thigh was exposed.
Being young and randy, he slightly shifted his position for a better view.
He could see that she appeared to be naked under it.
As he watched out of the corner of his eye, Mabel twisted round to get her glass from the garden table.

This turned her bottom to him, and he saw her naked bum clearly.
This made him hard, which showed, as he was only wearing shorts.
When she turned back to him, she noticed that he looked uncomfortable, and asked what was wrong.

He apologised, and admitted that he had seen her naked bottom.
To his surprise she just laughed, and told him that she had been enjoying watching their bodies on purpose.
She didn’t mind them watching hers by accident in return.
This banter had turned on the older man, who’s name was Tony.
He also had an erection in his shorts, and tried to hide it with his plate.

Mabel felt strange, this was a day for new beginnings, and letting go of the old.
The old Mabel had lived alone for the past few years, and had kept herself free of attachments.
This was one of the reasons that she was now so lonely, that she was having to move.

On impulse, she cheekily asked Jules if it was true what they said about black men.
He looked at Tony in embarrassment.
Tony told her that it was true, he himself was pretty big, but Jules was enormous.

As if in a dream, she heard herself asking them to prove it.
Perhaps it was the beers, or the scorching heat that weakened her inhibitions.
Tony as spokesman for the two, smiled and said that they would show her theirs, if she would show them hers.
One of the main things that Mabel knew she was going to miss about this big house, was the indoor swimming pool.

It was always cool in there, so she stood up and told the men to follow her.
They followed her through the big conservatory, and into the pool area. They both were impressed at the size of the pool, and relived to be out of the heat.
Mabel stopped by the side of the pool, turning towards the men she undid her belt.
Her housecoat slipped from her shoulders and fell on the floor.

She stood naked in front of them, her breasts were large and firm for her age, and the cool air had made her nipples stand erect.
Her pubes were hairy and golden, she had her hair in a bun and it made her look taller than she really was.
Both the men’s erections were now very noticeable.

Mabel reminded them that as she had shown them hers, she wanted to see theirs.
They looked at each other, Tony was the first to drop his shorts.
His cock was about eight inches long and reasonably thick.
‘Very impressive,’ said Mabel admiringly.

Then it was Jule’s turn, as he pulled down his shorts his big cock sprang out.
Mabel squealed in surprise at the sight of it.
His cock was about ten inches long and extremely thick.
Both mens cocks were rigid with desire, as they looked at her naked body.

‘They are both lovely, she said and walked over to them.
‘May I?‘ and kneeling down in front of them both, she reached up and grasped a cock in each hand.
‘ I want to compare them for thickness and stiffness,’ she said.
‘Whatever you say Madam,’ replied Tony, ‘ we are in your hands.’

Mabel giggled, and slowly rubbed both their cocks.
‘Although Jules is the bigger of the two,’ she agreed,
‘Tony’s cock seems to be the most rigid, let me feel your balls for weight.’
Her hands then went between their legs and cupped their balls.

Tony’s ball hair was starting to turn gray, whilst Jule’s pubic hair was jet black and tightly curled.
‘As you have worked so hard in the heat, I will give you a bonus, she declared, and guided Tony’s cock into her mouth.
After she had sucked Tony’s she sucked Jule’s.

‘It seems unfair that while I am sucking one of you, the other is neglected.
Perhaps the other one can go behind me, and amuse himself,’ she offered.
She was at that moment sucking Jules cock, so Tony went round behind her and knelt down.

From this position he could see her firm little naked arse moving gently, as she concentrated on sucking Jule’s big cock.
Tony positioned himself between her legs, and slipped his finger into her cunt.
She was soaking wet, and his finger went in easily.

Withdrawing his finger, he rubbed his knob against her cunt until it entered.
Holding on to her hips, he thrust deep into her cunt, his cock went in right up to his balls.
Soon he was fucking her with a firm steady rhythm.

The impact of his balls against her cunt pushed Mabel’s mouth further onto Jule’s cock.
He was amazed that she didn’t complain, as he felt his cock going deep into her throat.
He wasn’t surprised when she stopped sucking his cock.

However she had only stopped to tell him that it was his turn behind her. The men changed places and Mabel sucked Tony’s cock greedily.
She could feel her cunt being really stretched, as Jules enormous cock thrust into her cunt from behind.
Jules was really excited, as he looked down at her little naked white arse.

He had always wanted to fuck a posh white woman, and he was going to make the most of this chance.
Reaching under her, he grasped her big tits, and holding them tightly he started to fuck her hard and fast.
He was pleased to see his cock disappearing completely up her cunt, until his balls kissed her cunt lips.

She obviously had a well fucked cunt, and could take all of his big cock easily.
After a good solid fucking and sucking, she had to call a halt for a breather.
‘Have you ever fucked a woman up the arse? ‘ She enquired, looking up at them.
Neither of them had, but were only to eager to try it.
She got up and told them to have a drink, while she went into the bathroom.

A while later she emerged holding a tube of lubricant in her hand.
She handed this to Tony, and said that as his cock was marginally smaller he could try first.
This would give her bum a chance to stretch, ready for Jules thick cock. She knelt on the lounger with Tony standing behind her.

He squirted some ky between her bum cheeks, and using his finger rubbed it in and around her anus.
Gently guiding his hard cock between her bum cheeks, he pushed steadily until his knob slipped up her bum.
She gasped, as she felt her bumhole stretching.

He waited a few moments for her to get used to his cock, before gently moving it in and out of her bum.
Once she was comfortable with his cock up her arse, she concentrated on sucking and fondling Jule’s cock and balls.

Using a special technique, she was able to swallow the entire length of his cock down into her throat.
He was astounded when he saw his bollocks pressed hard against her lovely lips.

Tony was really enjoying himself as he fucked her arse, he was married and had two children.
His wife had never allowed him any anal sex ever.
This was a rare treat, and he was savouring every stroke of his cock up her tight bum hole.
When Mabel felt her arse was well stretched, she stopped sucking Jule’s cock and told him it was his turn to fuck her up the arse.

The men again changed places, and while she started to suck Tony’s cock, Jules was looking with delight at her pert little bum.
He parted the cheeks of her arse, to have a good look at her anus.
It was still gaping from Tony’s cock, and Jules had never seen anything so erotic.

His cock became even harder, and rubbing some ky on his knob end, he slowly pressed his cock into her bum.
This time Mabel really felt her arse stretching, it was almost painful, but she tried to ignore it as she sucked away at Tony’s cock.
Eventually her bum adjusted to the thickness of Jules cock.

As he fucked her harder, she was starting to enjoy the feeling of a well filled arsehole.
Soon the feel of a big cock in her mouth, coupled with the fantastic arse fucking she was receiving from behind, pushed her into a multiple orgasm.

As her cunt splashed hot cum juice over Jules balls, she felt the lovely release of all her tensions.
After a few more minutes of Jules pounding away at her arse, she had to call it a day.
She asked him to pull out of her bum, and lay on the ground on his back. He did so, and she climbed onto him and lowered her cunt over his stiff cock.

She then looked up at Tony, and asked him if he wanted to fuck her arse again, whilst Jules fucked her cunt.
Tony was only too eager to try this, as he had only ever seen it done in a blue movie.
Straddling her bum, he guided his rampant cock into her arsehole.

When both men’s cocks were securely in her, they started to fuck their respective holes.
Soon her tits were bouncing wildly, as both men fucked her for all they were worth.
They knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they were going to enjoy every second of it.

The excitement was soon too much for Tony, as he felt Mabel’s arse tighten around his cock as she orgasmed again.
He couldn’t hold himself any longer, and shot his cum deep into her arse. Tony’s cry of relief, and the feel of her hot juicy cunt bouncing on his cock, pushed Jules over the edge soon after.
With a triumphant cry he shot his cum deep into her womb.

All three of them lay on the ground, exhausted, but happy.
The men had both had a fantastic and unexpected fucking, by a beautiful and sexy woman.
Mabel had found a great way to say goodbye to her house.
Later when she had made them a cup of tea, and they had finished loading the van, she rode with them in their cab to her new flat.

By the time they had moved her stuff into her flat, they were very tired but still happy.
The passionate kiss, and the generous tip, she gave each of them made them happier still.
Jules kissed her hand, and thanked her for everything, before climbing into the cab.
‘We will never forget you,’ they promised as they drove away.

Mabel watched them go, she was feeling a mixture of emotions.
Sad, to have left her old home, sad to say goobye to Tony and Jules.
Happy, that she still had what it takes to attract men, and of course happy that she had just had a good fucking.

Her cunt and arse were still throbbing in a pleasurable way.
She would have to see what fate had in store for her here.
She had just bent over to examine a box, when she heard footsteps approaching, it had been Doreen and John coming to help.

Losing her virginity.

Oh to be young again, knowing what I know now, she mused.
She had known Doreen most of her life, they had been students together. She knew that Doreen had always thought of Mabel as a bit flighty. Doreen had been pretty and sensible, whereas Mabel had been beautiful vivacious and sexy.

Mabel was wary of Doreen, because Doreen knew her better than anyone. Mabel had even told Doreen how she had lost her virginity, at far too young an age.
She had always been a sexual girl, and when her mother used to drag her to the local church she had been bored rigid, until she spotted the new verger.

He was a young man of about twenty, and he had dark Italian looks and lovely eyes.
She decided that he was the one who would deflower her.
She went round to see him after the service, she was wearing her little white dress, white socks and plimsoles.

She looked like an angel, with her lovely long golden hair hanging free down her back.
Her mother had never had it cut, and it almost touched the floor.
He was alone in the church, tiding the altar flowers.

She walked up the aisle towards him; he couldn’t help but notice her as she was sobbing quietly.
He stopped what he was doing, and ran down the aisle to meet her.
He was concerned to see such a beautiful young girl crying, and asked her what had upset her.

She told him between sobs, that it was too private to talk about.
He suggested that they go into his little office, where they could have a bit of privacy.
She agreed, and followed him up the stairs to his office in the church roof.

Mabel had been an early developer, her breasts had become noticeable at twelve, and her pubes had grown thick and golden a year later.
When he had her sitting on the only chair in his office, he knelt down in front of her and asked again what was upsetting her.
Between sobs, she told him that she was afraid of what was happening to her.

‘My chest has swollen and they feel strange,’ she said, ‘Look’.
She then pulled down the neckline of her white lacy dress, to expose her firm little breasts to his astonished eyes.

His face went red and he tried to avert his eyes, from the sight of her virgin breasts with their small pink nipples.
He assured her, that all girl’s chests eventually changed as hers had done. He thought hers were perhaps a bit big for her age, but there was no standard set for these things.

‘Are you sure it’s normal?’ she asked timorously, sniffing back her tears. He said he was certain that they were normal, and perhaps she could discuss these things with her mother if they worried her.
‘Mother gets annoyed when I talk about things like this, she got angry when I showed her this,’ and she lifted up her skirt and opened her legs.

From where he was kneeling, he had a perfect view of her little pussy.
It was thickly covered in golden pubic hairs, and he had never seen anything so perfect in his life.
‘Is it supposed to be so hairy?’ she queried, ‘ most of the girls in the showers at school don’t have any hairs there at all’.

He was a young man in his twenties, his parents were religious people and had sent him to church schools all his life.
He had hopes of becoming a priest, and thought that being a verger would give him an idea of what a vicar’s life would be like.

He had never seen a naked girl before, and the sight of her firm young breasts followed by her hairy little cunt, had caused a massive reaction in his loins.
‘Doe’s everyone have hairs down there? She asked curiously.
‘Yes’, he breathed, ‘most do’
‘Do you’ she asked looking innocently at him.
‘Yes’ he whispered, his mouth having gone inexplicably dry.

‘Can I see?’ she asked calmly, still holding up her skirt to show her pussy.
He stood up and slowly opened the front of his gown.
He only wore Y-fronts under it for convenience, and his cock needed little assistance before it fell out of his pants.
She looked at it sticking out of his pants, and pointed out that she couldn’t see any hairs.

He pulled down his underpants, and she could see not only his stiff cock, but his hairy bollocks as they hung beneath it.
She did no more than kneel down in front of him, and lifting her hands stroked his pubic hair.
‘Yours feels rough, mine feels soft’ she said.

Standing up again, she turned her back on him and bent over.
She threw her dress over her head, to expose her little bum to him. Opening her legs, she told him to feel how soft her hairs were, compared to his.
He had no control over his actions anymore, and he knelt down behind her, and gently brushed his fingers over her pubes.

Her cunt hairs were soft and silky, and he found himself opening her perfect little cunt lips and slipping his finger into her.
‘Ohhh that feels funny’ she said, and wriggled her bum.
This caused his finger to move around in her cunt, and he was surprised to feel that she was getting juicey.

She was still bending over, bracing herself against the chair.
He stood up, and moving closer to her, allowed his knob to rub against her wet little cunt.
She giggled ‘ That tickles’ and wiggled her bum again.

He got a firm hold of her bum cheeks, and pulled them apart.
He could see her cunt clearly, and as gently as he could he pushed his rigid cock into her.
As she felt his cock entering her, she opened her legs as wide as she could, and bent over further to assist its entry.

She felt a sharp sting as his cock split her hymen, and gasped out loud.
He was too far gone in lust to care, and carried on pushing his cock into her tight little cunt, until his hairy balls were pressed up against her naked little bum.

She was so tight, that he just stood there for a minute, savouring the sensation of being in her cunt.
Mabel could feel herself being really stretched, and it was very uncomfortable.
She tried to ease the pressure, by gently moving her bum from side to side.
This stretched her cunt a bit, and she felt him withdrawing from her.

She knew there was more to losing your virginity than this.
She had often spied on the older girls, when they took their boys into the woods.
She had crept close, so she could watch and listen, as they did ‘It’.

The girl would often pull their knickers down, and kneel on the grass. The boy would take out their cock, and they would always be stiff.
She would watch closely, as they stuck their cock into the hole between the girl’s legs, and pounded away at her bottom.

The boy would often cry out after a while, and pull out of the girl.
She had been surprised to see jets of white creamy liquid, squirting out of the boy’s cock to splash over the girls bum.
Once she had heard a girl say that she still had a virgin bum, and what was he going to do about it.

The boy had then stuck his cock up her bum hole, and pounded away at that.
She had also seen most girls sucking and rubbing the boy’s cocks, and again after a good rubbing, a stream of stuff would shoot out of their cocks all over the girls face.

She didn’t think she had lost her virginity yet, so she pushed her cunt back onto his cock.
He was going to pull out of her, and think up some apology, when he felt her thrust herself back onto his cock.
He let go all restraint, and started to fuck her in earnest.

Holding her shoulders tightly, he fucked her deep and hard.
After a minute he stopped, and keeping his cock firmly in her cunt, he lifted her dress over her head so that she was naked.

He then continued to fuck her, his hands moved around to her small firm tits.
He held on to them, rolling her nipples between his finger and thumb, as he thrust into her.

He could hear her grunting as he pounded into her cunt, she seemed to be saying ‘Virgin bum’.
The blood was pounding in his ears now, and before he knew what he was doing he had withdrawn from her cunt.
Forcibly spreading her bum cheeks, he thrust his cock up her bum.

She squealed in pain, as she felt her bum hole invaded.
Luckily his cock was covered in her cunt juices, and the pounding that he had given her in that area, had relaxed her arse.
So although it was painful, she wasn’t damaged by the forceful penetration of her virgin little arse.

She was sure now that she had lost her virginity, and so just stood there bent over as he buggered her.
The sight of his big cock thrusting up the little girls bum, pushed him over the edge, and with a loud cry his shot his cum up her arse.
She felt his cock pulsing in her bum, and then he slowly drew his cock out of her, and collapsed onto the floor exhausted.

She felt her bum cheeks, and couldn’t find any creamy stuff on them.
‘Why isn’t my bum all creamy?’ she asked him.
‘I came up inside your bum,’ he gasped sheepishly.
She looked at him thoughtfully for a minute.’ I suppose that will have to do’ she decided.

‘I’m very sorry little girl’, he whispered, and reaching into his gown pocket, he pulled out a ten pound note which he pressed into her hand.
‘Take this, and please don’t tell anyone about what I did’.

Mabel looked at the money, and as she had been taught to be polite, she said thank you.
She curtsied to him, and walked out of his office.
They had never seen each other since.
She was told later, that he had asked to be transferred somewhere else.

She had told Doreen the story in a matter of fact way, and had been surprised at her reaction.
Doreen had called her a dirty little whore, saying that only bad women took money for doing ‘that’ and had walked off.

Doreen hadn’t talked to her for days, until she realised that associating with Mabel ensured that she was always in the centre of things, instead of being on the outer edges.
Still that had been over forty years ago, and May hoped that time had blurred Doreen’s memories of her.

Doreen had settled for good steady Sam, and had chosen the secure path of being a wife and mother.
Mabel had played the field, she had almost lost count of the number of men she had fucked during her life.
She really must write some sort of memoir, before she forgot.

Mabel and Sam.

Although, if she ever did write her memoirs, she had better leave out the bit that concerned Sam.
Mabel and Doreen used to go everywhere together, including dates.
One night Sam had been the driver, and after dropping off Mabel’s current boyfriend, and then Doreen, he was driving Mabel home.

They all had been drinking that night, but back then there was no breathlyser tests, and Sam was as drunk as they were.
When he stopped outside her house, she asked him to come in, as she had promised Doreen that she would lend her Mabel’s new handbag for the next day.
Sam could give it to her in the morning.

He agreed, and they had to sneak in quietly so as not to wake her parents, who went to bed early every night.
She took him into the lounge, and asked him to wait on the sofa while she looked for the handbag.
The lounge was very warm from the banked up coal fire.

Sam settled back on the sofa and closed his eyes.
The drink and heat proved to much for him, and he dozed off.
When Mabel came down with the bag, she saw him sleeping.
He had slipped down the sofa, and was laying with his legs apart.
The bottom of his shirt had separated from the waistband of his trousers.

She smiled at the sight, and went across to shake him awake.
Before she touched him, she saw that he had a very hairy belly.
This intrigued her, as her boyfriend was smooth all over.
To satisfy her curiosity, she quietly knelt down and gently undid Sam’s trousers.

He was deep asleep, so she unzipped his fly, and moved his shirt out of the way so she could see his belly clearly.
It was very hairy, thick dark curls ran from his chest down to his groin. She had inadvertently touched his groin as she undid his flys, and he muttered ‘Doreen’ in his sleep.

She noticed that his underpants were moving, he was dreaming of Doreen and his cock was becoming erect.
She watched in fascination, as the head of his cock protruded through the gap in his underpants.
Mabel was surprised at the size of it, she wondered if Doreen had ever seen it like this.

It was swollen, and throbbed to the beat of his heart.
She looked guiltily around, but the house was quiet, and she was the only one awake.
Mabel had drunk a lot of wine that night, and her inhibitions, which were never that strong to begin with, had been further diluted by alcohol.

She wondered how heavy his cock was, so without further ado, she slipped her hand under his shaft and lifted it clear of his pants.
Freed from the restraints of the material, and responding to the pressure of her hand it became rigid.
He hadn’t been circumcised, and his knob was hidden under his foreskin.

She gently pulled his foreskin back, until she had exposed his big purple knob.
She saw some cock juice seeping out of the hole in the end, and ran her tongue over it to see what it tasted like.
It was warm and salty; on impulse she closed her mouth over his knob, and started to gently suck it.

To her surprise the more she sucked it the bigger it grew.
Sam showed no signs of waking, so she slipped her fingers under his balls and eased them out of his pants.
She could now see everything clearly.
His cock was very big indeed; it was about eight inches long, and almost two inches thick.

Sucking his cock had made her wet her knickers, so she stood up and slipped them off.
Going to the door of the lounge, she closed it, and turned off the light. When she got back to Sam, he was lying flat on the sofa with his cock sticking up invitingly.

Lifting her skirt, she straddled him, and carefully lowered herself onto his cock.
She was so wet and juicy, that it slipped inside her easily.
Mabel gently ground her cunt in a circular motion against his balls.
She tightened her cunt muscles around his shaft, and started to bounce up and down on his cock.

She had meant to be very gentle but she was red-hot, her boyfriend had only managed to touch her up that night.
Only getting his fingers inside her, had left her hot and frustrated.
Before she knew it she had closed her eyes, and was fucking Sam’s cock as hard as she could.

She felt her orgasm flood over her, and with a low moan came all over his cock and balls.
Her creamy cunt juice soaked into his pants, in her moment of orgasm she thought she heard him cry out.
Was it her guilty imagination, or did she really feel his cock pulsing inside her cunt as he emptied his balls into her.

When she had composed herself, she gently slid off his now limp cock. Working by feel in the dark, she tucked his cock back into his pants, and refastened his trousers.
Taking a deep breath, she walked to the light switch and turned it on. Picking up the handbag, she walked over to Sam and shook him awake.

He looked about him in a confused sleep befuddled way, and allowed her to help him up off the sofa, and out into the hall.
She handed him the handbag, as he went out the door.
However, before he left, he turned and kissed her lightly on the mouth. Thank you for that Mabel’, he said quietly and smiled at her.

Before she could react, he had walked down the drive and had driven away.
Mabel had never known for certain from then on, if Sam had known what she had been doing.
Had he in fact been awake all the time, and just pretended to be asleep and unaware of her fucking him.

She just didn’t know, but sometimes when she was visiting them and Doreen left them together in the room.
She would catch him looking at her, with the hint of a conspiratorial smile.

She had a lot of different men, she enjoyed sex, and back then Aids wasn’t an issue.
She was always attracted to young rich men.
She couldn’t understand why any girl would want to get involved with a poor nobody.

Although not a prostitute, she was defiantly a material girl.
She avoided the cheap pubs and clubs, and acquired memberships in the casinos and select bars where the well off played.
Dressed to kill, she knew she could have any man, in any bar in the world.
Her hair alone, drew them to her like bees to honey.

Mabel Pornstar.

She had also once starred in a blue film.
It was a one off, and only one copy had been made.
A very rich prince had fallen for her, and during a whirlwind affair, had asked her if she would allow him to arrange a film of them making love.

Mabel, or May as she preferred to be known then, had been intriqued.
She had seen quite a few blue movies, and was curious to experience making one.
He hired a professional crew, and a studio.
She was amazed to find that there was a storyboard, that told them how and when to fuck.

There was a professional stud to advise the prince, and a well-known porn star to assist May.
In her ignorance, May had assumed that they would just get on a bed and fuck, while someone stood by the bed and filmed them.
Before they got near the bed, the stud had given the prince a drug that ensured his cock would stay hard for the duration.

May was taken by the porn star to the bathroom, and given a hot soapy enema up her bum to ensure she was nice and clean up there.
The plot was simple, she played Lady Godiva riding naked through town.
He played a randy stableman, who after her epic ride helps her off her horse and into his bed.

When she finally got to lay on the bed with his cock in her, she was surrounded by six people.
They worked the lights, microphones, and of course the three cameras.
The prince had only fucked her a few strokes, when he was told to stop and lift his bum up a bit, so the camera could see his cock entering her cunt.

Once they had a shot of him thrusting into her a couple of times, he was again told to stop.
There was no need for him to carry on fucking her, as they would loop the film to show him fucking her for hours if necessary.
A similar thing happened when the anal scene was filmed.
The porn star liberally lubricated her arse hole, and stretched it with a vibrator to ensure that the prince’s cock would slip up easily.

None of this was filmed, only the prince bending her over a haystack and apparently buggering her straight from the horse.
She was filmed with his cock entering her mouth, then his cock fucking her mouth for a few strokes only, then pulling it out of her mouth preparatory to coming over her face.

As he would only be able to do this once, there were four cameras recording the event.
After much sucking by her, and wanking by him he finally managed to squirt his cum over her face.

Afterwards they sat in a soundproofed room, and grunted and moaned into the microphones.
Her lines were ‘Fuck me hard my good man’, and his were ‘ do you like it up the arse m’lady’
They then got dressed, and went home.

Unbeknownst to the prince, she was called back to the studio the next day.
The cum facial as it was referred to, hadn’t been good enough for the director, and he had May strip off again, and kneel down in front of the professional stud.

She surprised him by offering to suck, and wank, his enormous cock, until copious jets of semen shot out of it and smothered her face.
The cameras recorded it running down her face, and into her mouth.
There was so much of it, that it also dripped onto her large naked breasts.
Mabel felt the urge to lift up each breast and lick the cum off them.
The director was satisfied, and she was sent home again.

It wasn’t until a fortnight later, that the film was finally finished and delivered to the prince.
They watched it naked in bed, it was very good.
It showed her getting a fantastic fucking, then being well buggered, and finally sucking his cock until he came all over her face.

The prince was delighted, and after watching it a few times, and giving her a good fucking.
He locked in his safe with the family jewels, and for all she knew, it was still there.
The upshot was, that she had never been able to watch a blue movie again with a straight face.

Mabel hadn’t married, until she was in her forties.
She had vamped a twenty year old son of a rich business tycoon, and despite his family’s attempts to block it, they had married.
She believed he had a good life with her.
True he was always somewhere around the world on business, but when he returned home, she would fuck him senseless.

Although her husband had been tall dark and handsome, they had discovered early in their marriage that he had a low sperm count.
No matter how many times he fucked her, he just couldn’t get her pregnant.
Back then it didn’t really worry her, she was young rich and beautiful and a baby would only have slowed her down anyway.

Now of course things were very different, she was still rich and reasonably beautiful, thanks to good bone structure and a good gym. However she found herself getting lonely in the evenings.
Doreen had a husband and son for company.
Such is life, May thought with a shrug.

Dinner at Doreens.

By the time agreed, May was as ready as she could be.
She had put her hair up in a complicated interwoven bun, that made it look normal length.
She was wearing a sensible skirt, and a white blouse.
To complete the little old lady look, she finished it off with a very nice lavender cardigan.

She had very little makeup on, and had made an attempt to flatten her breasts.
Mabel had left her bra off and instead had worn a tight vest.
By pressing down on her breasts, she had lost quite a few inches of her bust.
All in all, she had done her best to be as non threatening to Doreen as humanly possible.

She walked the few hundred yards to Doreen’s house, and rang the bell.
No sooner had the doorbell rang than John was out of his seat and running towards the front door.
Opening the door with a big welcoming smile on his face, he was stunned at seeing a little old lady standing there.

He was momentarily lost for words, as he regarded the small dowdy woman standing before him.
Where was May? Who was this person?
Just then the little old lady raised her beautiful blue eyes to his.
Looking straight at him, she smiled her beautiful smile, and slowly licked her lips.

Instantly his cock knew her, as memories of her cum filled mouth flooded into his brain.
She moved close to him, and her hand slipped between his legs to gently squeeze his balls.
‘ It’s only your poor old Auntie Mabel,’ she quavered in an old woman’s voice.

He laughed in surprised delight, and looking round to ensure they were unobserved, he held her close and kissed her passionately.
She got hold of his hand, and guided it under her sensible skirt, until it rested against her naked hairy cunt.

He slipped his finger as deep into her hole as he could.
Mabel thrust her hips towards him to savour the feeling.
‘I’m in disguise tonight,’ she whispered in his ear,
‘ remember my mouth, cunt, and arse when you look at me tonight’.

‘Is it Mabel, John?’ shouted his mum from the kitchen, ‘ Don’t keep her on the doorstep, bring her into the lounge.’
Keeping a straight face, and with his eyes down, he took her into the lounge.
‘It’s Auntie Mabel Dad.’ He muttered and held her chair while she sat down gingerly.

His dad asked her what was wrong, she told him that she thought she had done a bit too much the day before.
She was sure she had done her back in, and she was tender all over.
Sam looked at John reprovingly, and told him that he shouldn’t have worked Mabel so hard.

‘She was in charge Dad, I only did as she ordered’ he muttered apologetically.
Doreen walked into the lounge, ‘Hello trouble, what have you done now?’ she asked Mabel.
Sam told her, Doreen suggested that Mabel try some Deep heat well rubbed in, to loosen her back muscles.

Mabel thanked her for the thought, and asked what was on the menu for dinner.
Soon they were chatting about food, drink and old friends, and Sam and Doreen seemed to accept the dowdy Mabel as genuine.

John however couldn’t look at her without seeing in his mind’s eye the passionate naked woman, he had fucked every way possible, the previous day.
He could see now what she had done, and he understood why.

As the evening progressed, they spoke about many things.
Mabel suddenly asked Doreen if she had ever given her back her new handbag, that she had borrowed years ago.
Doreen looked puzzled, so Mabel turned to Sam and reminded him of the night he had borrowed it on behalf of Doreen.

‘You do remember that night, don’t you Sam?’ she asked innocently.
Sam’s face went red, and he had to avert his eyes from her’s.
Mabel smiled a secret smile, he had known all along that she was fucking him.
Remembering the size of his cock, started getting her damp again.

Seeing her smile, Sam knew that she knew, and the knowledge made his cock swell as it had all those years ago.
That night was burned into his memory.
He had been drunk, and the room had been warm, but he hadn’t been that drunk, and the room hadn’t been that warm.
He had always fancied Mabel back then, but had been too shy to ask her out.

He had settled for Doreen, she was a pretty girl, but she was the Moon compared to Mabels Sun.
That night he had lain on the sofa on purpose.
His plan was to have his flys open ‘by accident,’ and allowing her to catch a glimpse of his big cock.
However she had returned before he could do more than pull up his shirt exposing his belly.

Amazingly that had been enough to achieve his desire.
And he had to pretend to be asleep, as she played with his cock.
Only when she was bouncing on his cock like a wild thing, and he felt her hot cunt juices splashing over his balls, did he lose control and with a muffled cry shoot his hot cum deep into her willing cunt.

Doreen insisted that she had indeed given Mabel her handbag back, and they both laughed over the mad things they had got up to when they were young.

John’s conception.

Neither Sam nor Mabel realised that was it not for that night, Sam may not have married Doreen, and John almost certainly would not have been born.
Sam had courted Doreen very slowly, and had only progressed to feeling her tits.
Doreen was a good girl and although she would sometimes hold his naked cock, she refused to suck it as her friends bragged about doing to their boyfriends.

If things had continued like that, then they may well have gone their separate ways.
However on their next date, Sam was so randy from thinking about Mabel bouncing on his cock, that he was very forceful with Doreen in the back seat of his car.
Before she knew it his fingers were inside her sensible white cotton knickers, and he was fingering her cunt passionately.

Doreen had never allowed things to go that far before, and suddenly found herself having her first orgasm.
She was still in the throes of it, when she found herself on her knees with Sam pulling down her knickers.
The next thing she knew she had his cock rammed up her virgin cunt, and he was fucking her madly.

The combination of her original orgasm, and the feel of his big cock fucking her, made her come again.
Hearing her moan in passion, Sam lost all control and squirted his hot cum deep into her fertile womb.

A few months afterward, she told him that it would be best if they got married as soon as possible.
Sam was proud and delighted, and they married just soon enough to quell rumours of a shotgun wedding.
It could be argued that Mabel, was the cause of John being born.

Mabel was having a wonderful evening, it was lovely just to relax in pleasant company, and chat about inconsequential things.
The alternative, would be her sitting alone watching TV until bed time. After having John in her bed, it seemed so very empty without him.
She needed some reason to see him more often.

Mabel needs a car.

During the conversation, she brought up the fact that she needed to be able to travel to the nearest main towns.
The bus service in their village was hopeless, and she really needed a car. However she couldn’t drive, and it was no use her buying a car until she could.

She would like to learn to drive, but she would need a car to learn in. There were no driving schools in the village, so she needed someone who could drive to teach her at weekends and odd evenings.
Did they know of anyone who could help her?
Sam obviously could drive, but he knew that to offer his services would put him in deep shit with Doreen.

She was still wary of Mabel and would not like to think of them in a car alone together in the country.
Sam asked John to join him in the kitchen.
When they were alone he suggested that John could take Mabel out a few evenings and weekends, to teach her the rudiments of driving.

John cunningly whispered, that the last thing he wanted to do was drive an old lady about during his time off.
He would rather be out with his mates down the pub.

Hearing this, made Sam aware that he would really rather his son was sober, and with a sensible adult.
Rather than being down the pub and getting pissed every night.

However he waited until he had a private talk with Doreen in the kitchen before they returned to Mabel and addressed the problem.
While Doreen and Sam were discussing, how much safer John would be with Mabel.

Mabel was slowly opening her legs, and lifting up her sensible skirt, so that John could have a good look at her wet cunt.
Seeing her sitting there so prim and proper, with her golden hairy cunt on view gave John an instant erection.
She had known that this would happen, and had only meant to tease him tonight.

He surprised, and alarmed her, by getting his hard cock out and beckoning her over.
‘I want your cunt on my cock.’ He whispered urgently.
She knew it was far to dangerous to do that.
Regardless, the sight of him sitting there with his cock in his hand, seemed to switch her brain off, and allow her cunt to take charge.

She stood up, and lifting her skirts up high, walked over to him, and straddling his lap, lowered her hot cunt onto his cock.
She could feel his cock throbbing in her cunt, she could also hear Doreen and Sam talking in the next room.
‘ Bounce on my cock.’ He ordered.

Listening intently for any sign of his parents return to the room, she commenced bouncing up and down on his rampant young cock.
The sight of his Auntie Mabel bouncing on his naked cock, combined with her braless breasts bouncing in front of his eyes, and the excitement of his parents possibly coming and catching them, made John ready to come quicker than he would have wanted.

However, before he could reach to point of no return, they heard his mum and dad returning from the kitchen.
Mabel quickly lifted her cunt off his cock, she only had to stand, to enable her skirt to drop down and make her decent again.
However he just sat there with his cock out, and throbbing.

She hurriedly tucked his cock back into his trousers, and moved back across the room to her chair, just as Doreen and Sam re-entered the room.
Sam and Doreen presented a united front as they explained to Mabel that they would be happy to let John show her the ropes so to speak, but he didn’t have a car so they seemed stumped for a solution.

Mabel had the answer to that small problem, she would simply buy a car to learn in.
‘What sort of car?’ john asked curiously.
‘Any type you like.’ She stated with a smile, ‘I could buy a jaguar if you fancy one.’

Sam and Doreen could see that the offer of a car to drive, had changed their son’s mind about teaching an old lady to drive.
They were pleased, because they thought the alternative was worse.
John had rushed upstairs to his bedroom, Mabel had wished that she could follow him up there and fuck him again.

Instead she waited in the lounge with a throbbing wet cunt, until he returned with his car magazines.
They all had a quick look through them until Doreen said, that as it was late, perhaps John could walk Mabel home.
They could discuss the type of car tomorrow.
Mabel and John quickly agreed to this course of action, and after many thanks and kisses all round, John walked Mabel home.

The field.

As soon as they were out of sight of his house, John hugged May to him, and kissed her passionately.
She thrust her tongue deep into his mouth, and felt his cock harden against her belly.
‘ You were a naughty boy back there,’ she scolded, ‘ as a punishment I want you to fuck me hard’.

He picked her up and carried her into the nearby field.
There were straw bales scattered around the field, and he laid her down on one of them.
She immediately got up and started to strip naked.

‘What are you doing?’ he whispered, ‘we are in a field, someone might see us.’
‘Your parents might have seen us fucking as well’ she replied,
‘anyway It’s too dark for us to be seen, and I need you to be naked too.
I want to see your body as you fuck me’, she continued, throwing his last item of clothing onto the ground.

She helped him undress, although trying to suck his cock as he was pulling down his trousers caused a bit of a tangle.
Soon they were both stark naked, and she knelt down in the field and grasped his rampant cock in both her small hands.
‘ I need to suck your cock first,’ she begged, ‘ I’ve been dying to do that all night’.

He stood in the dark field trying to keep a lookout, as her hot mouth encompassed his throbbing cock.
She sucked so hard that he had to close his eyes, and clench his teeth, to stop a moan of pleasure from echoing around the field.

She loved the feel and taste of his big cock, she kissed it, licked it and sucked for all she was worth.
He could wait no longer, and bending down, he put his arms around her, and bodily lifted her off his cock and onto the straw bale.

He laid her on her back, and positioned himself between her legs.
Before he could enter her, she surprised him by spreading her legs wide and holding them that way.
It looked as if she was doing the splits for him, and exposed her cunt completely to him.

He wasted no more time and guiding his knob between her eager cunt lips he thrust into her hard.
Soon he was pounding away at her cunt, and at every thrust her large unconstrained breasts bounced madly for him.
The cool night air, and the eroticness of the situation had hardened her nipples.

After a minute of ferocious fucking, he withdrew from her and told her to get on her hands and knees.
No sooner had she complied, than he was back up her cunt from behind. Hammering her until her naked arse cheeks were shuddering from his fucking.

She couldn’t get enough of him, and demanded that he fuck her harder and faster.
Soon even he couldn’t keep up the pace, and he had to pull his cock out of her cunt and join her on the straw.
She also was satisfied for the moment, but asked him if he would lick her cunt while she recovered her breath.

She opened her legs for him, and he buried his face in her golden pubes. She could feel his tongue inside her, and then he was sucking her clitoris. She felt her first orgasm of the night coming, and clamping her legs around his head she came into his mouth, and all over his face.

One minute he was licking, and sucking, her lovely sexy cunt, and then she had clamped his head between her gorgeous thighs, and he was being drowned in her cunt juices.
He didn’t mind in the least, and as fast as she squirted her cum into his mouth, he was sucking and swallowing it down his throat.
He loved the taste of her and couldn’t get enough.

She reached down towards her bag, and rummaging through it, withdrew a tube of lubricant.
‘I want you up my arse,’ she demanded urgently.
‘I want you to bugger me hard, until I come over your balls’.
She got back on all fours, and John squirted a big drop of lubricant into
her bumhole.

Using his finger he pushed it into her bum, and rotated it so as to spread her anus and grease it at the same time.
The surplus he rubbed over his knob, until it was nice and slippery.
‘Did you get your bum ready for me just in case? He asked.
‘ Of course I did my darling, just ram it in’ she begged, ‘I can’t wait any longer.’
He positioned himself, and did as he was told.

He simply rammed his big thick cock directly up her arse.
She yelled in shock, as his cock stretched her more than she had bargained for.
He ignored her cries and moans, and holding her face down into the straw to muffle her noise, he arse fucked her as hard as he could.

She was going to complain to him to slow down, when the orgasm hit her.
It spread from a burning sensation in her arse, to a hot wave in her cunt. Again he heard her cry out in ecstasies, as her cunt juices splashed all over his balls.
Still he carried on fucking her arse, drinking in the sight of his woman’s bum cheeks bouncing to his thrusts.

It pushed him over the edge, and with a loud cry he shot his hot cum up his Auntie Mabel’s throbbing arsehole.
He collapsed over her back, and had to lean on her for a minute, as he got his breath back.

She had felt his big cock squirting his cum into her bum.
He had injected four large squirts of creamy cum up her bum, and she had felt every one of them.
Now she could feel his cock shrinking inside her arse, until it slipped out and fell between his legs.

Greedy Mabel, had wanted more cunt, arse and mouth fucking.
Realistic Mabel, knew she would be lucky to be able to walk in the morning, after such an arse fucking that she had just received.
They had just managed to get dressed, when they heard a querulous voice demanding to know what they were doing in that field.

It was Ms. Adams, she had been walking her little dog when she heard the strange noises coming from the field.
Mabel grabbed her bag and ran, giggling as she did so.
John followed behind her, and they both ran across the field towards Mabel’s back garden.

‘You should be ashamed of yourselves, you naughty teenagers.’
Mrs. Adams shouted after them, ‘you girl, will end up pregnant if you keep on like this.’
They could barely run for laughing, and climbing over Mabel’s back fence, they went into her flat via. her patio doors.

‘That was a close call,’ he said as they collapsed onto the sofa.
‘She thought I was a teenager,’ she giggled,
‘ I am probably older than she is.’
John looked at his watch and realised that they had been fucking for twenty minutes.

Mabel told him to relax, they would say if asked, that she had made him a cup of tea for walking her home.
He reminded her that she had indeed made him a drink.
Lots of hot cunt cum, squirted into his mouth.
‘Did I really?, I hadn’t realised,’ she said, her cheeks turning pink at the thought of him drinking her cunt juices.

‘May, considering all the things you have done to me, and taught me to do to you.
I am surprised that you are blushing about coming in my mouth.
I have come in your mouth if you remember,’ John said as he hugged her tightly.

‘Oh yes, I certainly do remember you squirting all your hot creamy cum into my mouth and all over my face,’ she replied fondly.
‘ I went to sleep with my face all sticky last night.’
It was time he went home, his balls were empty, and both her holes were sore.
So after a few passionate kisses, she watched as he walked into the night.

To be continued.
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Old 10-25-2006, 04:26 AM
drsnip drsnip is offline
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Posts: 7
Auntie Mabel Book Three Sixty&Sexy

Auntie Mabel. Sixty and Sexy.

Book three

Luckily it was a bank holiday and John didn’t have to go to work.
He was extremely excited as he looked through all his car magazines.
He was spoilt for choice, there were so many cars that he loved.
His dad was also skimming through them; he explained to John that if he was going to try and teach a sixty-year-old woman to drive, he had better forget about a sporty car.

She would most probably kill them both, the first time she got behind the wheel.
They should look for something sensible, and suitable for the job.
Who knows, when she finally passed her test, she may well buy a jaguar or something similar.
John knew his dad was right, it was nice to dream of a hot hatch like his friend Steve, but it wouldn’t really to suitable for the job.

Anyway he couldn’t really make any choice, until he knew how much Auntie Mabel could afford to pay.
Thinking of her always brought a smile to his face, and a warm feeling to his cock.
He had noticed that when he was away from her, he thought of her as Auntie Mabel.

When he was with her, especially in private, he thought of her as May. His May, his lover, and teacher of all things sexual.
Even the thought of May gave him an erection; if he closed his eyes he could see her naked.
He could remember the tightness of her cunt, and the erotic thrill of fucking her up her arse.

John had dreamed about her last night.
No, that wasn’t strictly true, he had in the past dreamt about girls in the office at work.
Especially the sexy Jane Sanderson, she was blond and beautiful, and had told him to call her Sandy.

He had dreamt of going up behind her, and sliding his hands around her, until he could cup her firm young breasts in his hands.
He had dreamt of her bending over her desk, and pulling down her panties to allow him free access to her naked cunt.
He had dreamt that he had fucked her until she came, in full view of his friends on the shop floor.

Those he realised were just dreams, they had never happened, they probably never would happen.
When he dreamed of May, the things he did to her in his dream, he had really done to her whilst awake.
They were more memories than dreams, and he had a very good memory when it came to May.

That explained why he woke up with the most urgent erection he had ever had.
Normally he would have to wank his cock to relive the need.
But knowing that he was going to be with May today, he jealously guarded his come for her.
Rather than waste it squirting over his belly and balls, he determined to save it for her.
Just in case the opportunity arose, when he could squirt it in her mouth, cunt or arse.

John couldn’t wait to see his sexy mentor again.
She had turned him from a shy virgin, into a confident lover, in just a few days.
He looked at his watch for the time, she would soon be here.

John got up and walked to the window, looking out he was delighted to see May walking down the path to their front door.
His eyes drank in everything about her.
She had her beautiful long golden hair in its habitual bun, hidden under a floppy hat.

As it was still a hot day she was only wearing a short summer dress with a floral pattern, and smart sandals.
A matching handbag was slung over one shoulder.
John smiled, and his cock twitched as he remembered what she kept in her handbag.

Along with all the usual things, May had a tube of ky, just in case they got the chance for John to fuck her up the arse.
May loved it up the bum, it gave her multiple orgasms.
John loved to thrust his big cock between the cheeks of her firm little arse, and bugger her every chance he had.

He went quickly to the door to greet her, his parents were in the back room, so he might be able to give May a kiss and cuddle in secret. Although May was his willing and wanton woman in private, when they were in public, she acted like an Aunt, and he had to treat her as such.

He opened the door, and drew her inside the house.
As soon as the door closed, he pressed her back against it, and kissed her passionately on her willing mouth.
His hand slid up the inside of her thigh, until he felt the lovely soft curls of her pubic hair.
May rarely wore knickers, and certainly not when she knew she would be with him.

She opened her legs for him, and he pushed his finger deep into her ready cunt.
Her hand was grasping and rubbing his cock through his trousers, and his erection was getting painful.
May had been remembering John as she walked towards his house, and
those thoughts had turned her on, and made her cunt juicy.

Being older and wiser, she broke off the kiss first before they were caught.
She reached down, and getting hold of John’s hand, pulled his finger slowly out of her cunt.
She lifted his hand to her mouth, and making sure he was watching closely, placed his finger into her mouth, and slowly sucked her cunt juice off it.

With a last squeeze of his cock, she brushed herself down, and walked past him into the lounge.
He knew she had gone ahead, to give him a chance to sort out his erection.
Once he had arranged his cock neatly in his pants, he followed her in.

Choosing a car.

May was already chatting to Doreen, about things of no interest to him or his dad.
Finally they were through with their girls talk, and May sat down at the table with John and Sam.
She asked what sort of car they thought she should buy.

They both looked at each other in embarrassment, and said nothing. Doreen explained to Mabel, that they couldn’t really decide on a car until they knew her budget.
They were pleasantly shocked when Mabel said that it didn’t matter how much the car cost, she needed to learn to drive, and she was willing to pay for what she wanted.

Would she be able to buy a suitable car for around £20,000? She asked them.
Sam and John were amazed, they had been thinking of a little second hand banger up to £2,000, they told her this and she laughed.
‘Sam my darling man, I wouldn’t be seen dead in a car like that, I always buy new, it’s cheaper in the long run you know.’ Mabel replied chuckling.

Given those parameters, they eventually chose a new Mini.
They explained that the new version was much bigger than the old one, but it was easy to drive and economical.
‘Doe’s it have a back seat?’ she asked, looking at John.
‘ I would need to take my handbag with me, and I would need somewhere to put it.’

She looked straight at him, and slowly licked her lips.
John immediately got an erection again, May licking her lips was their secret sign that she wanted him to fuck her.
She had impressed a memory of her mouth full of his cum, and her slowly licking her lips before swallowing it all.

She knew it would get him hard, wherever he was at the time.
Luckily the table hid his telltale bulge, and he buried his head in the specifications of the car while his cock subsided.
‘Are you thirsty Mabel? ‘ asked Doreen, noticing Mabel licking her lips.
‘I would love to get my mouth around a nice hot cuppa,’ she answered again looking at John innocently.

For fucks sake May, he thought I’m trying to concentrate here, as his cock swelled up again.
‘Why don’t you sit down Doreen, I’m sure John wouldn’t mind making me a cup of tea,’ May suggested wickedly.
John went pale at the thought, if he stood up now his mum would see his erection.

Luckily Doreen laughed at the very thought of John making a decent cup of tea, and chuckling went into the kitchen.
Sam got up and followed her out, to talk about the coming purchase.
This left John and May alone in the room.

‘What are you playing at May?’, he whispered to her angrily, ‘ you know I’ve got a hard on and daren’t stand up’
‘Sorry my darling, but I couldn’t help it, I was very naughty, and you will have to punish me severely, as soon as possible’ she whispered back suggestively.
‘Perhaps something concerning my arse, and your cock?’
‘You are going to make me come in my pants, if you don’t behave yourself,’ he muttered.

Doreen came back in with the tea, they had decided that as Mabel would be paying out such a large sum of money.
Sam would be in charge of the actual purchase.
Sam, Mabel and John would catch the train into town, and look at the cars available.

Sam had explained to Mabel that although a Mini was a good choice for a learner, there were variations of Mini and he didn’t want John buying her a Mini Cooper S by mistake.
‘Thank you dad, as if I would,’ said John.

The train station

Mabel had a plan concerning Sam, she had recently discovered that years ago, he had pretended to be asleep whilst she fucked him.
She was going to make him pay for that, and teach him not to underestimate her again.
When they reached the train station, John ran up the stairs ahead of them to get their tickets.

Mabel walked up the stairs ahead of Sam.
The stairs were pretty steep, and halfway up Mabel dropped her handbag. Bending from the waist she picked it up.
Sam walking right behind her, barely had time to stop, and just avoided banging his face into her bottom.

As it was he had a perfect view up her dress, he could see her bum clearly as she wasn’t wearing any knickers.
Also, as she had one foot on the next step up, her legs were apart and he saw her bushy golden pubic hair between her legs.

The last time he had seen her naked hairy cunt, it had been through half opened eyes, as he had been pretending to be asleep on her mothers sofa. He had watched, as that same golden cunt, had bounced up and down on his throbbing cock.
After he had shot his cum up into that cunt, he had watched as she lifted it off his cock.

All those great memories came flooding back, and to his dismay his cock remembered her cunt too.
He got an enormous erection there on the stairs.
Mabel continued up the stairs as though nothing had happened.
Sam took off his jacket, and used it to hide his erection as he followed her.

The train.

When they got on the train, it had separate compartments.
John sat next to the window facing the front of the train, whilst Sam sat with his back to it.
May reached up to put her handbag in the rack over Sam’s head.
In the process she stood in front of him, and as she stretched up her dress again lifted.

This time, she gave him a good look at her golden triangle, from the front.
He saw that her cunt hairs were just as golden and curly now, as they were years ago.
She noticed that Sam was holding his jacket on his lap, and offered to put it up on the rack for him.

This gave him a few more seconds to enjoy the view.
Sam thanked her for the thought, but said he would prefer to hold onto his jacket.
Once her handbag was secure, she sat down beside Sam and opposite John.

John was oblivious to all this, he was thinking only of cars, he couldn’t wait to get his hands on a new Mini.
Steve and his mates would be so envious, he willed the train to go faster.
His dad had gone a bit quiet, and was reading a newspaper he had found on the seat.

John looked across at May, she looked him in the eyes and licked her lips slowly.
With a sideways glance at Sam, she saw he was engrossed in his paper. She quietly lifted her leg nearest the window, and rested her foot on a ledge.
Equally slowly and quietly, she opened her legs wide and started to pull her dress up towards her waist.

John had seen her cunt before, he had licked it, he had fucked it.
He could describe her lovely golden cunt in great detail.
However seeing her slowly exposing her cunt to him in secret, with his dad sitting next to her; was so erotic that John had to put his car magazine on his lap to hide his erection.

As if that wasn’t enough for her, she slowly slipped her hand between her legs, and with two fingers opened her cunt lips to his view.
By this time his cock was so hard and throbbing, that he really needed to get it out of his trousers.

She still hadn’t finished with him, she turned to Sam and asked him if he had a pen she could borrow to do a crossword.
Sam couldn’t look her in the face just yet, his cock was throbbing so much he was sure that she could hear it.
He simply reached into his jacket pocket, and handed his fountain pen to her without lifting his eyes from his paper.

Looking back at John, May took the pen and pushed it down between her legs.
Soon it was lost in her golden curls, she rubbed it over her clitoris and then slipped it deep into her cunt.
The sight of her sitting there innocently, with his dads pen stuck up her cunt, gave John an erotic overload and he almost came in his pants.

John suddenly announced that he was going for a walk up the train, and bolted out of the compartment.
May waited a few seconds, and quietly undid a few buttons to expose more of her breasts than decency allowed.

Slipping Sam’s pen out of her cunt, she dropped it on the floor in front of him.
‘Woops, silly me I’ve dropped your pen,’ she exclaimed and knelt down on the floor to pick it up.
‘Here you are Sam, thank you for lending it to me,’ she said with a smile.
He looked up from his paper, to see her kneeling in front of him offering him his pen.

His eyes strayed from his pen, to her cleavage, he was sure that her dress had been buttoned up further than that.
He could see from this angle, that her dress had gaped so much that her nipples were exposed to his view.
Although he had fucked her, he had never seen her breasts before.

Her nipples were large and erect, and he visualised his lips on them sucking them hard.
‘Sam?’ she repeated, looking up at him innocently.
He realised that she was still offering him his pen, and with a muttered thanks, he took it from her and put it into his pocket.

‘I’ll just check on John he muttered, and went out the door, leaving her on her knees.
As he walked down the train, he brought his fingers that had touched the pen to his nose.
I am going mad he thought, I can even smell her cunt now.

May sat back on her seat with a wicked smile, she had enjoyed teasing both of them.
Still sexy at sixty, she thought to herself.
She buttoned her neckline up again, when Sam saw her again all prim and proper, he would assume he had imagined the entire thing.

The showroom.

By the time they arrived at the car showrooms, both John and Sam had regained control of their cocks.
May was back in her Aunt Mabel guise and didn’t send out any sexual vibes at all.
Sam was beginning to think he had imagined everything.

The showroom was full of brand new cars, John was estatic and even Sam was animated as he looked into various cars.
‘What colour do you like?’ asked John.
‘Red and throbbing,’ she replied quietly.
‘Behave yourself May, I nearly came in my pants on the train,’ John replied.
‘Sorry darling boy, I love Red, and I love you and I would like you to fuck me in that car over there,’

She walked towards a Red Mini in the corner of the showroom.
Checking to see where Sam was, she opened the passenger door and knelt on the seat.
Her dress rode up again, as she knew it would, and exposed her naked arse to his eyes.
She slowly swayed her bum from side to side, teasing him unmercifully.

John looked around, his dad was sitting in a car on the other side of the showroom talking to the salesman.
John stood close to the car, and slipped his fingers up her cunt.
He heard a muffled gasp from inside the car, he rotated his fingers in her cunt to stretch it wider.

Withdrawing his fingers, he released his now stiff cock from his trousers, and quietly inserted it deep into her cunt.
Without attracting attention, he gently fucked her from behind.
May was happy, but nervous, she loved the feel of his big young cock slowly slipping in and out of her cunt.
The lovely smell of a new car filled her nostrils, and the smells of leather and sex reminded her of another time, and another car.

May married.

May had played the field until she was Forty.
However she had always planned to be married to a rich man by the time she was Forty.
During her life so far, she had used her beauty and brains, to meet and fuck, many rich men.
So far she hadn’t wanted to marry any of them.

It was at a Charity Ball that she finally saw him, he looked like James Bond.
He was twenty years old, tall dark and handsome, and by covert investigation she had learned he was the only son of the CEO, of a massive Oil Company.

The problem was, that she was not the only beauty there that night with plans for him.
He was surrounded by a bevy of lovely girls, most of them wearing very low cut dresses that put their breasts on display for him, and everyone else.

She had discovered that he was a fan of racing cars, and prided himself on being a great driver.
She herself had just returned from America, where she had become involved with a rich Texan who raced at Daytona.

She had been driving since she was seventeen, and was herself very good with fast cars.
She had even taken part in the Indianapolis 500 Race, and had come a respectable tenth.

She paid a waiter, to mention in her targets hearing, that the female racing driver had arrived.
Hearing this apparently by accident, he was intrigued, and looked around the room, he was expecting to see a mannish tomboy type of woman.
The waiter earned his money by pointing her out to him.

She was walking down the stairs to the ballroom.
Unlike her blatant competitors for his attention, she was wearing a high-necked red silk sheath dress.
It covered everything, but as she was wearing nothing beneath it, it showed everything.

She had large firm breasts, that gently bobbed up and down as she descended the stairs.
However many other beauties in the room had large firm breasts.
Her nipples were pushing at the silk, and the silk was clinging seductively to her bottom and pubes.
Again, pert nipples, and firm young buttocks and pubes, were on display everywhere one looked.
All these things, although worthy of male attention in their own right, were put into the shade by her hair.

Mabel, or May as she was known, had been born with the most beautiful golden hair.
Technically as her catty female friends would point out, she had ginger hair.
However there are many shades of ginger, and May was lucky that she had the rare pure golden colour.
Also her hair was naturally wavy, even her pubic hair was golden and wavy.

Perhaps that would have been enough to interest him, but her secret weapon was the fact that her hair had never been cut.
It swept down her back like a golden cloak, it gently moved as she walked, its own weight keeping it in order.
She was unique, and stunning, in a world of beautiful women, and he was smitten when he saw her.

By the time she had leisurely reached the foot of the stairs, he had disengaged himself from his admirers, and was waiting to meet her.
He held out his hand and introduced himself,
‘Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Simon Armatage, it’s an honour to meet you Miss?
From her height of five foot she looked up at him standing a foot taller.

He found himself gazing down into a pair of brilliant blue eyes.
They were so striking up close, that her firm breasts and nipples, encased in pure silk went almost unnoticed.
‘Pleased to meet you Simon, my name is May’, she replied in a melodious voice.
‘I hear you like racing,’ he said, ‘ I will be racing at Brands Hatch tomorrow, would you like to join me?’

‘I am sorry,’ she said,’ but I have left my car in America, and I wont have time to buy one for tomorrow.’
He realised that she thought he wanted to race her.
‘I am sorry he replied, I didn’t mean for us to race, I just thought you may like to watch me race.’
She put her hands over her face and giggled,
‘Again I apologise, I am a racer, not a watcher, but I will certainly come with you tomorrow, thank you for the invitation.’

He was over the moon that she had accepted his invitation, and asked her where she was staying, so he could pick her up in the morning.
She replied that she wasn’t staying anywhere, as she had just arrived from the airport.
She had just managed to change out of her usual clothes into this borrowed dress.

He took his courage in both hands and asked her if she would like to stay in a guest room at his house for the night.
‘A guest room? Don’t you mean the guest room, she queried.
‘No he explained, we have ten guest rooms, it’s a big house.
She looked up at him in a thoughtful way,
‘Will I be safe in your guest room?’

‘I will guard you with my life,’ he replied, and realised that he meant every word.
It was late so he accompanied her outside to his car, it was a powerful Ferrari, she smiled when she saw it.
He realised that she wasn’t impressed with his car, and asked why.

She explained kindly that it looked like a toy car compared to hers, but she was sure it went reasonably fast.
His pride was pricked, and he handed her the keys to the car and went around to the passenger side.
Show me what you can do with my toy car, he challenged her.
‘Where do you live, and how long will it take me to drive there?’ she asked.

He lived five miles away, and it took him about ten minutes to drive the distance on normal roads.
She bet him that she could get him home in five minutes.
‘Impossible’ he stated, ‘our roads are not good enough for that sort of driving’.

She looked straight into his eyes, her brilliant blue eyes hypnotised him. He heard her bet, that if she couldn’t get him home in five minutes, he could do what he wanted with her that night.
‘What if you do get me home in five minutes? ‘He asked warily.
‘Then I get to do what I want with you tonight,’ she answered in a cool voice.
Slightly puzzled he got into the car and she started the engine.

May asked him if he had a watch with a second hand.
In reply he showed her his gold and diamond rolex, ‘will this do?’ he replied.
‘Perfectly, say when.’
He waited until the second hand was on a set mark, and said ‘go’.

The wheels spun on the gravel as she sent power to the rear wheels.
The Ferrari shot along the straight driveway towards the main road.
Suddenly she braked to a stop just before she would have left the drive.
He heard her mutter, ‘This is no good, this dress is not designed for racing’.

Before his astonished eyes, she got out of the car and with a fluid shimmy, pulled her dress over her head and threw it into the back of the car.
Totally naked and unconcerned, she sat back in the car and put on her seatbelt.
Simon was speechless, he managed to stammer out, ‘ What are you doing?’
She explained that she needed freedom to drive fast, and as she didn’t have her overalls on her, she would rather be naked than lose the bet.
He couldn’t help but notice that the seatbelt fitted perfectly between her large firm breasts.
As she steered the car onto the main road, he was flung back in his seat by the G- Force exerted by a Ferrari accelerating at top revs.

The engine screamed as she flicked up through the gears, she seemed happy to stay at 100 mph regardless of bends and corners.
As he held on in mounting terror, she drifted through bends at full speed. He could swear that at one point she managed to spin the rear wheels whilst they were already doing 120 mph.

What really impressed him however, was the fact that she was smiling and humming a little tune, that he could barely hear over the scream of the supercharged engine.
She slammed the brakes full on, and the Ferrari skidded at least 100 yards up the drive of his house, before stopping neatly in front of the main door.

‘Time?’, she queried calmly, pointing at his watch.
He had forgotten their bet, in the adrenalin rush of the last few minutes, but she hadn’t.
His eyes focused on the Gold Rolex, the elapsed time was four minutes ten seconds.

Without a word he unstrapped it and handed it to her.
‘You won, sincere congratulations, please take this as a memento of the race,’ he said admiringly.
‘Why thank you, Simon,’ replied May, and held out her wrist for him to fit it on her.

While he sat there and got his breath back, she had jumped out of the car and had retrieved her dress from the back.
After a few seconds of struggle, he heard her say ‘Help’, in a little girls voice.
He quickly got out of the car, and was greeted by the sight of a beautiful naked woman, only half into her dress.

‘I’m stuck Simon, I think this dress was painted on me, it is so tight fitting’ she complained piteously.
Hold still he ordered, and instead of helping her into the dress, he took it completely off her and threw it back into the car.

She watched with interest as her took off his belt, he then arranged her ankle length hair over her breasts and bottom.
Using his belt he secured her hair around her naked body like a designer dress.
‘What’s the point of having it, if you can’t use it he declared’, as he stood back and admired her.

May looked at herself in the rear view mirror of the car, and did a twirl. Her hair-dress did indeed look like one of the more outrageous creations, from a Paris catwalk.
‘You are so clever,’ she admitted, and reaching up, kissed him full on his mouth.

‘I believe that owing to the terms of the wager, I know must let you do as you want with me,’ he said looking down at her.
‘Oh, I had almost forgotten that, where is this guest room please?’
He asked her to follow him up the wide stone steps, into the main hall of the house.

It was more a mansion than a house.
To get to the guest room, they took a lift up to the top floor, and had to walk quite a way before arriving at the door of what was to be her room.
As she walked into the room she asked if there was a bathroom nearby.
He pointed to a door marked Bathroom, and one marked Toilet.

‘Be a love and run a bath for me please’, she asked politely, ‘racing makes me sweat.’
As he walked into the bathroom he heard her ask him to strip naked for her, she didn’t want to be the only one naked tonight.

May walked into the separate toilet and closed the door.
She had her own preparations to make before she emerged again.
She arranged her hair as best she could with the items available,
Then she prepared her bottom for what was to come.

As ordered Simon removed all his clothes, before bending over the bath and opening the taps.
It was in actual fact a Jacuzzi, so he started up the whirlpools, and added bath foam to the water.
May had taken off his belt, and walked into the bathroom with her hair in its customary bun.

Despite being with her when she was driving naked, this was the first time he could actually look at her properly.
His eyes drank in every detail of her, as she stood in front of him waiting for the bath to fill.

His cock was at full attention, and rather than try and hide it, he found that he wanted her to see the effect she had on him.
She looked admiringly at him, his body was lean and muscular.
She walked over to him, and slid her hand down his shaft, to gently cup his balls in her hand.
‘Is this all for me?’ she asked with a smile.

‘Your servant, Madam,’ he replied seriously, ‘ Yours to command’.
She told him that she needed a bath, and a massage.
The bath was full of water and suds, so she carefully stepped in and waited for him to join her.
She told him to use only his hands, and to soap her all over.

May stood in the big bath while Simon scooped up suds, and rubbed them gently over her body.
She closed her eyes, as his hands rubbed over her breasts, her nipples grew hard as his palms brushed over them.
Without a word said, she opened her legs for him, and he slipped his soapy hand between them, and rubbed the suds into her golden pubes. The feel of his hand, against her most private places made her cunt wet.

She turned her back on him, and holding on to the taps, bent over to present her naked bottom to his ministrations.
Her little bottom looked so sweet and innocent to him, that he couldn’t resist giving it a kiss, before he commenced soaping her bum cheeks.
May stood up in the bath, and Simon moved up behind her.

Reaching around her naked body, his hands lifted her breasts as his cock slipped between her legs.
His hot shaft pressing against her soapy cunt lips.
‘Am I clean do you think?’ she asked innocently.
‘Clean and shiny’, he replied breathlessly.

‘Time for my massage then,’ she stated, and allowing his cock to slip from between her legs, she climbed out of the bath.
To his surprise she then lay down on the cool marble floor.
She had seen a Thai girl massage her clients once, and wanted to have it done to her the same way.

She told Simon to cover her body in suds.
He did so, and apart from her firm breasts sticking up out of the suds, she was completely covered in them.
She then told him to lay flat on her, and to slide his naked body up and down on hers.

He was intrigued and did as she asked.
As she was so small compared to him, he had to take a lot of his weight off her, by holding himself up on his elbows.
However he was soon sliding up and down on her, in a slow and seductive manner.

She could feel his knob pushing through her pubic hair, spreading her cunt lips.
Then his shaft rubbed against them, followed by his balls.
As he went back down her body the pattern was reversed, and she could feel his balls rubbing her pubes, followed by his hot shaft until his knob fell between her cunt lips again.

He could feel her hardened nipples, rubbing against his chest.
May told him to lift up, so she could turn on her tummy.
When she was settled, he again rubbed his entire body against hers.
This time it was her bum cheeks that were pushed apart by his cock.
She closed her eyes in relaxation, and could feel every hair on his balls as they rubbed over and between her bum cheeks.

Simon slid his hands under her breasts, and gently squeezed them as he massaged her back.
May told him to let her turn over again, this time as she was on her back she opened her legs for him.
‘You have massaged me on the outside, now it’s time you massaged me on the inside’, she whispered in his ear.

His cock knew where to go, and as he moved up her soapy body it slipped into her open cunt.
He gripped her shoulders to stop her sliding away from his thrusts, and gently slid in and out of her cunt.
Her soapy breasts were rubbing against his chest. and her nipples were hard and swollen from the friction of his chest hairs.

She closed her eyes and relished the feelings that his lovemaking engendered.
The feel of the hot soapy suds, his warm firm body rubbing against her breasts, and of course the wonderful sensation of his cock deep inside her.
She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him slowly.

‘Time to turn again’, she whispered.
He slid out of her and lifted himself up again.
May turned back onto her tummy, and then got up on all fours.
He was left kneeling between her legs, with a perfect view of her bottom.

‘More deep massage, if you please sir,’ he heard her say, as she wiggled her bottom suggestively.
His cock, which he had thought was rampant, seemed to double in size as he understood her meaning.
Could she possibly be wanting him to fuck her up her arse?

Simon had made love to many beautiful girls, and women in his life.
The only time he had ever had anal sex, was in Amsterdam.
He and some friends, had gone to an expensive Brothel, and the woman he had chosen from the pack had actually offered anal sex to him.
Had she not done so, he knew he wouldn’t have had the nerve to ask for it.

For his money he had her suck his cock, then allow him to fuck her cunt hard, he had her in both missionary and doggie positions.
Then he sat and watched as she inserted a vibrator into her anus, and using plenty of lubricant, stretched her anus preparatory to him buggering her.

He remembered that her name had been Helga, and she hailed from Poland.
She had then knelt on the bed, and wiggled her naked arse at him, exactly the same way that May was now doing.
He had tentatively placed his knob against her anus, and pressed forward.

His cock had slipped up her bum easily, he had forgotten that she was a professional whore.
Her arse hole had been so well fucked, that she hadn’t really needed to stretch it for him.
It had all been part of the show that his money had paid for.

Once his cock was well into her bum, he gripped hold of her bony hips and started to fuck her.
He remembered being a bit disappointed, that her arse didn’t feel as tight as he had expected.
However he carried on fucking her up the arse, until he was ready to come.

She had already told him what to do at this point.
He withdrew his cock from her arse hole, and Helga turned around and guided it straight into her mouth.
He watched as she sucked it hard, whilst massaging his balls.
He felt the familiar peak approaching, and grabbing hold of her head, he shot his cum deep into her throat.

Later he complained to his more experienced friends, over the lack of friction of Helgas arse.
They laughed, and told him that Helga was renowned for fisting.
She could have taken his entire fist, and part of his forearm up her arse, without complaint.

This episode he had put down to experience, and had never asked for anal sex again.
Neither had any of his lovers offered it to him unasked.
Consequently it was with slight trepidation, that he offered his knob to May’s anus.

Looking back in memory he compared Helga’s anus to May’s.
Helga’s anus was quite large and puckered, whereas May’s was small and looked just like a rosebud, it seemed far too tight for his knob.
He was just about to thrust it in when he heard a polite cough, and something tapped him on his wrist.
May had a tube of lubricant and was offering it to him.

‘Have you never fucked a woman up her arse before?’ she asked, looking around at him quizzically.
‘We need plenty of lubrication, or it will hurt us’.
‘Sorry Madam, I was thinking with my other brain there for a second,’ he apologised.

Opening the tube he squirted a decent drop onto the end of his finger. Spreading her bum cheeks apart with one hand, he gently inserted his finger into her anus.
He found he had to push firmly, as her bum hole was really tight.
It gripped his finger hard despite the lubricant, and he started to rotate his finger in her anus to loosen it.

He hadn’t stuck his finger in Helga’s bum, so this was a first for him.
He found that the sensation of her tight arse gripping his finger, made his cock throb with the anticipation of entering this tight little hole.
May had tightened her arse as hard as she could when his finger first went in, and now she allowed it to relax.

Soon he had widened her anus, to the stage that he thought there was a chance that his knob might fit, without hurting May too much.
Once again he offered up his knob to her anus, and pressing firmly felt it slip into her bum.

As soon as his knob was in her arse May groaned quietly. ‘are you OK?, he asked keeping very still.
‘God, your cock is so big up my little bum hole,’ she whispered bravely,’ please just give me a few seconds to get used to your thickness’.
Simon was secretly pleased, that his cock was so big that she couldn’t take it.

Helga had hardly noticed, when he had inserted his cock up her arse.
May was obviously unused to anal sex, and was trying to impress him by pretending a sophistication that she didn’t have.
While he was thinking this, he had unconsciously been moving his knob gently in and out of her bum.

May thought it time that she relaxed the tight grip of his knob by her arse muscles, and allowed him to push his cock a few more inches into her bum.
Again she tried to bravely muffle a gasp of pain.
Simon found that with every indication of her discomfort at the size of his cock, it seemed to swell even bigger than it had been.

At last he felt her firm bum cheeks pressing against his balls, as every inch of his cock was now up her arse.
May had started to sway her arse from side to side, this stretched her anus and also gave Simon’s cock a massage at the same time.
He heard her whisper that she was alright now, and he was to fuck her arse as hard as he could.

When he gallantly demurred, she reminded him that he was to do as she asked.
Hearing this, his rampant cock took over his actions, and pulling his cock almost all the way out, he thrust it back up her arse hole as hard as he could.

He found that he was sliding about on the soapy marble floor, so to brace himself, he reached under her and grabbed tight hold of her firm breasts. He started then to seriously bugger her, he pounded away at her arse enjoying every stroke.
She had such a tight arse, no matter how hard he fucked it, her anus still gripped his cock tightly.

The sight of his cock going in and out from between her bum cheeks, soon pushed him towards the brink of orgasm.
‘Don’t come yet, I haven’t finished with you,’ she gasped between thrusts.
He slowed his strokes, until at last his cock was stationary deep inside her.

The soapy floor had become quite cold now, but the heat of her arse transmitted through his throbbing cock, had actually made him break into a sweat.
‘Waiting for orders Milady,’ he gasped.
‘Time for bed, Simon, I’m getting cold kneeling here, although your big cock is nice and hot in my bum’, she replied.

He slowly and reluctantly pulled his cock from her bum.
For a few seconds her anus was the same size as the thickness of his cock. Then before his eyes, it shrank back to the little tight rosebud it had been.
He helped her up and took her into the bedroom.
Big fluffy towels were waiting, and they dried each other thoroughly, with much giggling from May and touching from him.

Before climbing onto the massive four poster that dominated the room.
May lay on her back and relaxed, she had been fucked and buggered, but still wanted a lot more.
So far her plan was running smoothly, she knew that her driving skills would be the lure.

She hadn’t just arrived from America, she had been in this vicinity for about a week.
The time had been spent in acquiring a ticket to the event, and hiring a sports car.
May had used the car to drive the route from the venue of the Ball, to his mansion.
She had driven the route so many times, that she knew every bend and pothole.

Eventually even in her hired Jaguar she had managed to do the trip in five minutes.
It was only the sheer power of the Ferrari, that had caused her to do the trip in four, ten.
Still the preparation had served its purpose, and she was now in charge of the situation.
Losing the bet, would have meant Simon calling the shots, and that wouldn’t have done at all.

Simon had opened a bottle of wine that had been waiting by the side of the bed.
Passing her a glass, he sipped his while admiring her naked body.
‘How long do I have to obey your every whim, Milady?’ he asked with a smile.
‘Just until midnight, my good man,’ she replied smiling at him.
‘But until then you are my slave, do you have any bathrobes handy?’
He thought there were some in the bathroom cupboard, and she sent him to fetch the belts from them.

When he returned she took both the belts, and told him to lay on his back on the bed.
She tied his hands to the headboard, and knelt over him to admire her work.
Kneeling over him, brought her cunt to within an inch of his mouth.
As she was checking the belts for tightness, she felt his tongue slip between her cunt lips.

‘I say my man, no licking or touching unless I permit it please,’ she said in a haughty voice.
‘Sorry Milady,’ he whispered meekly, and kissed her full on the cunt.
She squealed in pleasant surprise, and quickly turned to present her naked bum to his face.
She decided to teach him a lesson in manners; grasping his cock she held it still while lowering her mouth over it.

She started to suck his cock, feeling it swelling in her mouth until it was back to being rampant again.
While she was doing this, she lowered her cunt until it was just out of reach of his tongue.
She would brush her golden pubic hairs over his face, and then lift her cunt up, before he could stick his tongue into it.

It was time for one of her party tricks; holding his rigid cock at the best angle, she took a deep breath and lowered her mouth over it again. However, this time she kept on going down his shaft until his entire length was in her mouth, and completely down her throat.

Simon couldn’t believe what he was feeling, he had been cock sucked hundreds of times, by almost all his lovers.
He thought he could actually feel her lips, touching the root of his cock, where it joined his balls.
He felt her pulling her mouth back, until her lips were again around his knob.

May took another deep breath through her nose, and again pushed her mouth all the way down to his balls.
The feeling in his cock was so intense, that he lost all interest in trying to kiss her cunt, and arched his back in order to thrust his cock even deeper into her mouth.

He heard her mumble something, he felt her mouth slid up and off his cock. She took a deep breath and repeated, ‘ Keep still, do you want to choke me?’
‘Sorry I couldn’t hear you earlier,’ he said.
‘It’s hard to talk with your mouth full,’ she said and giggled.

As she giggled she lowered her bum within range of his mouth.
He strained up against his bonds, and lightly bit her naked bottom.
‘Ow, you cheeky man, how would you like it if I bit your knob?’ she yelped.
To escape his teeth, she moved her bum away from his mouth, until it was over his upright cock.

He watched helpless, as she lowered her bum, until his cock slid between her bum cheeks again.
She waited a second to relax her anus, and then simply pushed her arse down onto his cock.
Simon watched his cock slide deep up her bum.
She was such a tiny woman, that in comparison to her little bum,
his cock seemed enormous.

He watched in fascination as she started to bounce her arse on his cock. This was completely different to fucking her up the arse.
Then he was doing all the work, now he could relax and enjoy the view. He watched as she arse fucked him for a while, before stopping and managing to turn around to face him, whilst keeping his cock up her bum.

Now she was crouching over his cock, which was still rammed deep into her arse hole.
Using the mattress as an aid, she started to bounce up and down again. This time he could watch her beautiful big breasts bouncing to suit.
Her nipples were now the size of strawberries, and just as red.
She stopped for a rest, and just ground her arse in a circular motion onto his balls

May lowered her breasts, until he could suck one of her nipples into his mouth.
She let her breast dangle over his face, as he sucked on her swollen nipple greedily.
The sensation of his mouth on her nipple, and the feel of his balls as she ground her arse over them, was too much for her.
At last her orgasm thundered through her body, and with a scream of ecstasy she came for him.

He was startled as she suddenly had an orgasm in front of him.
As her arse was still rammed onto his cock, he could feel her involuntary tightening of her anus as she came.
From his position, he could see and feel, her hot cunt juices pouring out from between her cunt lips, and splashing over his belly.

The jolt from her orgasm had loosened her hair from its neat bun, and it had cascaded down around her body.
He watched her face, her expression ecstatic, as the waves of pleasure radiated out from her arse to her entire body.
The sight was enough to weaken his control, and he too felt the explosive release of his orgasm.

He felt his cock squirting every drop of cum out of his balls, and deep into her arse.
At last it ended, and with a sob she fell limply forward until she was laying flat on top of him. ,
Her breasts were pressed hard against his chest, and he could feel her deep breaths, as she tried to get air back into her lungs.

He felt his cock slip out of her arse as her muscles relaxed.
He could hear her heart beating furiously, as she tried to regain control of herself.
He waited until her heart slowed. ‘ Untie me May,’ he asked quietly.
Her face was close to his, so he gently kissed her mouth.
‘Untie me now love, you’ve done enough for one night.
She looked him in the eyes and surrendered.

Reaching up she pulled the quick release knots that secured him to the bed.
His arms free, he used them to hug her to him tightly, she realised that he was rocking her gently and closed her eyes for a moment.
When she awoke the sun was blasting through the window, and he was asleep, his arms still around her.
‘Fuck it,’ she swore softly, ‘ I think I love you’.
‘Just as well he said sleepily, because I fucking well love you’.

May was suddenly pulled out of her reverie of twenty years ago.
John had been gently fucking her, but then he saw his dad starting to get out of the car on the other side of the showroom.

As May had teased him so badly on the train, his balls were ready to burst with cum.
Speeding up his strokes, he allowed himself to explode into her womb.
It was his gasp of relief, and the feel of his big cock squirting out his cum, that brought her back from memory lane.

He had never squirted so much cum into her cunt before, but then she had never teased him so badly before.
Once the last drop had left his cock, he hastily pulled his cock out of her cunt, and zipping up his trousers.
Sam and the salesman were walking towards them in animated conversation.
May shook herself back to reality, and backing out of the Mini, waited innocently with John to hear the news.
Little did she realise, that his cum was dripping out from between her wet cunt lips, and running down her inner thighs to drip onto the showroom carpet.

Sam and the salesman had reached agreement on the make and model suitable for a sixty year old woman.
There was only the matter of what colour it would be.
Mabel stated that she would have the red one that she had just been checking out.

Fortunately this car, although slightly more powerful than Sam had bargained for, was within the parameters that had been agreed with the salesman.
May wanted to drive it away immediately, and followed the salesman into the office to sort out the payment and paperwork.
Soon they all piled in to her car, and with Sam driving carefully, went home.

To be continued.
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Old 10-26-2006, 04:37 AM
drsnip drsnip is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 7
Auntie Mabel Book Four

Auntie Mabel. Sixty and Sexy.

Book Four.

John was over the moon, Auntie Mabel was sucking his cock, and had just bought a brand new Mini.
His dad was driving it home from the showroom, with John and Mabel sitting in the back seat.
She explained that the excitement had been a bit too much for her, and needed to relax in the back.
John had offered to sit with her, to keep an eye on her.

Sam was concentrating hard on the road, he was aware that this was a brand new, reasonably expensive car, and he didn’t want to have an accident.
This gave Mabel the opportunity to slip her hand onto John’s lap, and fondle his cock.
She asked Sam if she could use his jacket as a pillow, so she could lay with her head on John’s lap for a little rest.

Under the cover of his dad’s jacket, she quietly got John’s cock out of his trousers, and settling herself comfortably, popped it into her mouth.
Things were going well for May, she had bought this car simply to have an excuse to see more of John.

She didn’t need to learn to drive, she had been driving since she was twenty.
Mabel had learned to drive in Europe, and had an international drivers licence.
Neither John, Sam or Doreen knew this, so she was looking forward to having plenty of opportunities to fuck John.

She closed her eyes and gently sucked on his cock, it was still quite soft as he had just recently pumped all his cum into her cunt.
She had finally noticed it running down her legs, and using her skirt had managed to stop it dripping.

She loved the feel of a big cock in her mouth, she didn’t mind if it was hard or soft.
Mabel loved men, she had tried various women and had enjoyed the experience, but she defiantly preferred cock to cunt.

Laying there on John’s lap with his big cock in her mouth she cast her mind back to her university days, and her first lesbian experience, Miss Simpson.

Miss Simpson

Mabel was exercising in the gym, she had been daydreaming about her latest boyfriend Charles, she hadn’t fucked him yet but was seriously considering it.
Thoughts of him, and hard exercise, had made the crotch of her leotards very damp, and her cunt very hot and juicey.

Miss Simpson was in charge of the gym that night, she was about Thirty years old, blond, blue eyed and beautiful.
She was the PE teacher, and had little patience with lazy girls.
Mabel was alone in the gym with her, as she was the only girl exercising that late at night.

Miss Simpson was dressed in her usual gym skirt and tee shirt, and Mabel noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra, as her big nipples clearly showed through the thin material.
As she walked past Mabel she dropped her papers, and bending from the waist to pick them up, her gym skirt rose up.

Mabel had a clear view of her arse and naked cunt lips; she wasn’t wearing any knickers under her gymslip.
As her legs were spread for balance, Mabel could see every detail of Miss Simpson’s cunt, it was clean-shaven and her inner lips protruded slightly beyond her pubes.

Mabel was already wet from thinking about Charles, and she realised that no one would take that long to pick up a few papers from the floor, perhaps she was showing me her cunt on purpose.
Mabel had heard whispers that Miss Simpson was a lesbian, although nobody could prove such a thing.

As she was already bored with exercise, Mabel took a chance.
She approached Miss Simpson, and asking if she could help her pick up the papers, she gently placed her hand on her firm naked arse.
Miss Simpson looked up at her and smiled, ‘That’s nice of you Mabel dear, but I can do it, perhaps you can hold me tightly in case I fall over.’

‘Certainly Miss, I’d love to’ Mabel said, and reaching around, slid her left hand under the woman’s tee shirt.
She took hold of her teacher’s left breast firmly, holding her large nipple between her thumb and forefinger, and pulled on it gently.
Whilst her right hand slid down between Miss Simpson’s cool firm bum cheeks, until it could cup her hot shaven cunt firmly.

‘Is this all right Miss? Mabel asked, squeezing both breast and cunt gently.
‘Oh yes dear that is really nice, I feel a lot better now.’
Miss Simpson swayed her naked arse from side to side, until Mabel fingers slipped up into her hot cunt.
It was very hot, and was dripping wet, and her fingers entered it easily.

Miss Simpson gasped, and pushed her cunt back onto Mabel’s hand swallowing her fingers even deeper.
The woman ran her hand up the inside of Mabel’s leg, until her fingers brushed her crotch.
Her leotard was soaking wet by now, and the touch of Miss Simpson’s hand made her gasp in pleasure, and rub her hot wet cunt against the exploring hand.

Mabel was so turned on by this, that she withdrew one of her fingers from Miss Simpson’s cunt, and thrust it gently into the teachers tight arse hole.
Pleasure flooded through the woman’s body, and she groaned loudly as Mabel gently fingered her cunt and arse.

Miss Simpson stood up slowly to allow Mabel to slide her fingers out of her.
‘I’ll just lock the door, so we wont be disturbed, is that alright with you dear?
‘Yes Miss, I’d really like that’ she replied.

She locked the gymnasium door and turned off the lights, as she walked back to Mabel, pulled her tee shirt over her head.
This revealed her large heavy breasts, with her big dark nipples already erect.

Standing before Mabel she pulled down her gymslip, and kicked off her shoes.
She was now completely naked, and Mabel could see even in the dim light from the window, that her body was beautiful.
She had swimmers shoulders, large firm breasts, and a firm tight arse, consequences of being a PE teacher she assumed.
‘Let me see you naked dear,’ she asked Mabel, and watched as the young girl stripped off her leotard until she stood naked before her.
To Mabel’s surprise, Miss Simpson took her in her arms and kissed her on the mouth.
It was a long sensual kiss, and her tongue slipped deep into Mabel’s mouth.

She had never been kissed by a woman before, and decided to go with the flow, she kissed her back and their tongues teased each other’s.
They were both the same height so their breasts, with their erect nipples, rubbed against each other’s, as did their bellies.

‘I want to lay you on the vaulting horse dear.’ whispered Miss Simpson into her ear.
Taking her by the hand, she led her to the leather-topped device at the side of the room.
She helped Mabel up onto the horse, and arranged her so she was laying on her back on the horse, with her bottom almost hanging off it.

‘Don’t worry dear I’ll hold you safe’ she assured Mabel, and lifting the girl’s legs up in the air, exposed Mabel’s naked cunt and arse.
‘Hold your legs like this for me ‘ she asked, ‘so I can concentrate on your pussy.

As Mabel held on to her own legs to keep them up in the air, Miss Simpson gently opened her vagina with her fingers and kissed it.
‘You have a beautiful little pussy, your cunt hair looks like spun gold, let me lick it for you’.

She ran the tip of her tongue between Mabel’s cunt lips, and then started to lick her cunt.
Every now and then she would kiss and suck on her clitoris, she loved thrusting her tongue deep into Mabel’s hole like a small penis.

‘Do you like this dear? She asked between licks.
‘Oh yes Miss, it’s lovely’ she groaned in pleasure.
Miss Simpson then slipped her fingers into Mabel’s sopping pussy.
Gently fingering her, until she writhed on the horse in pleasure.
Every so often, she would insert another finger, until she had all four fingers deep inside Mabel.
Stretching her cunt wider, than it had ever been stretched before.

She gently pulled her fingers out of Mabel’s cunt and began to lick her little bum hole.
Her tongue rubbed around the rim of her bum, and then pushed itself up into her bottom.
Soon her bum hole was soaking wet, and ready for Miss Simpson’s fingers to slip up inside.

Again she started out with just one finger, and slowly added additional fingers, until she had three fingers up Mabel’s bum.
Her fingers were stretching her arse, and giving her exquisite pleasure as they rubbed against her G-spot.

She withdrew her fingers from her anus, and began licking Mabel’s cunt again, faster and harder.
The pleasure became too much for her, and with a scream of pleasure she came over Miss Simpson’s face.

Miss Simpson sucked at her young fresh cunt, as her juices splashed out and ran down over her arse hole.
She kept licking and sucking, until Mabel’s cunt and arse, were clean of her sex juices.

Mabel lay on the vaulting horse, with her legs dangling over the sides. She was shuddering with pleasure, and responded passionately when Miss Simpson deep kissed her again.
‘Please let me do something for you Miss’ she begged.
‘That’s very thoughtful of you my dear’ she said.
‘I’d like you to start by sucking my breasts, I have sensitive nipples and really enjoy them being sucked.’

Miss Simpson climbed onto the horse and kneeled over Mabel so her big breasts dangled over her mouth.
She put her lips over one of the rubbery nipples, and gently started to suck Miss Simpson’s breasts.

She squeezed and kneaded the PE teacher’s big heavy breasts as she sucked them.
She heard Miss Simpson groan in pleasure, as she sucked hard on her nipples.
After a few minutes sucking, Miss Simpson pulled her nipple out of her mouth, and turned around on the horse so her shaven cunt was positioned directly over Mabel’s mouth.

‘Could you lick my cunt and arse please dear, while I lick yours?
She whispered, before putting her head between Mabel’s legs, and sucking on her clitoris.

Mabel was only to pleased to comply, and stuck her tongue deep into the waiting cunt hole.
Miss Simpson had a large clitoris, and she ran her tongue around it for a while, before pulling it into her mouth and sucking it hard.

She had been sucking and nibbling at Miss Simpson’s clitoris for a few minutes, before she started licking her arse hole.
She was giving it a good thorough licking.
Then she suddenly decided, to thrust her fingers up into Miss Simpson’s cunt and arse holes, simultaneously.

Suddenly with a scream muffled by Mabel’s thick golden cunt hair, Miss Simpson came in a gush of hot cunt juice, that soaked her face, and filled her mouth.
She swallowed and licked as fast as she could, until Miss Simpson’s shaven pussy and arse hole, were clean and shiny.
‘Thank you my dear,’ she gasped, ‘ that was lovely, I really needed a good orgasm, the students have been driving me mad all day.’

‘It was my pleasure Miss, I really enjoyed it, but how did you know I would do it with you?’
‘I didn’t my dear, but I sensed a kindred spirit, and took a chance that even if you didn’t respond, you wouldn’t report me.’

‘You surprised me when you came so fast.’ said Mabel.
‘That’s because you stuck your finger up my bottom, it’s very sensitive and pushed me over the edge quicker than I anticipated.’

As they were getting dressed she asked Miss Simpson if she could see her again.
‘Certainly my dear, here is my phone number, give me a ring when you want to come and see me, I have lots of toys we can play with.’

She took the piece of paper, and with a final deep passionate kiss, said goodnight to Miss Simpson and went home.

Mabel’s relationship with Miss Simpson lasted quite a while, she was a thoughtful and gentle lover.
She enjoyed going round to visit her at her home in the evenings when it was mutually convenient.

She simply told her friends, that she was going to see her PE teacher.
To join in a fitness class, that she ran for girls after studies.
The first time she visited, Miss Simpson asked her to address her as just Miss, as it pleased her to be addressed like that.
Mabel didn’t mind this, and was only too happy to comply.

Miss had a comprehensive collection of sex toys, and allowed her to examine them.
If she had any queries on their use, Miss was only too happy to explain their use to her, or indeed demonstrate their use on her.

Miss had a big old house with an open coal fire, in front of which was a big soft rug.
She would gently strip Mabel naked, and lay her down on the rug before making love to her.

She particularly liked to fan Mabel’s beautiful long golden hair, out on the rug.
‘It’s like fucking an angel,’ she once confided to her.
Miss particularly loved being fucked up the arse with a rubber cock.
She liked the gentle way Mabel fucked her.
After they had made love, they would lie together in front of the fire and talk.

Miss explained that she was a lesbian, and preferred sex with women rather than men.
When asked why, she just said that she had very bad memories of her childhood, involving men.

Mabel was very happy with Miss, as she was always very gentle with her, and loved to kiss and cuddle her at every opportunity.

Her new boyfriend Charles, went to visit Mabel one evening.
He saw her walking down the road away from him.
He decided to follow her in the hopes of getting a fuck, she had been playing hard to get.
Then he saw her turn into a driveway leading to the home of Miss Simpson.

Charles had heard rumours about Miss Simpson liking girls too much, so he determined to check that Mabel was all right.
He crept up the driveway to the house, and seeing a light in a downstairs room went up to the window.
Through a gap in the curtains saw Mabel chatting to Miss Simpson.

Suddenly he saw Mabel begin to take off her clothes, and hang them over a chair.
Miss Simpson had left the room, but when she returned she showed no surprise to see Mabel lying naked on her rug.
Her golden hair spread out around her.

Dave didn’t know what to think, no one had made Mabel take her clothes off, and she had done it of her own free will.

The sight of the girl he fancied naked, gave him a massive hard on, as he could see Mabel clearly.
She had nice big tits and a firm arse, her nipples were small and pink.
He could also see between her legs, and her cunt was covered in thick golden curls.

To his further shock Miss Simpson started to take off her clothes at the side of the room closest to the curtains, so he had a very good view of her body as she stripped naked.

As she removed her bra, her big naked breasts bounced into view, her rubbery nipples prominent.
As she pulled down her knickers he could see her cunt clearly, it unlike Mabel’s was smooth and hairless.

By this time his cock was so big and throbbing, that he had to get it out of his trousers into the fresh air to cool down.

He was so close to the window, that he could hear what they were saying. Miss Simpson suggested to Mabel that they started off slowly with a bit of 69’ing.
She knelt over Mabel with her shaven cunt above her face, the young girl opened her legs so the woman could have easy access to her clitoris.

They both commenced to licking each others cunts, and he was transfixed by the sight of Mabel’s most private parts being on view to him.

The woman lifted her face from between the girl’s legs, and inserted two fingers into her cunt.
She gently fucked her with her fingers, until Mabel was squirming on the rug in pleasure.

Charles then watched as Miss Simpson pulled her fingers out of Mabel’s wet cunt, and thrust them up her arse hole.
She proceeded to fuck her arse with her fingers, until the girl screamed in ecstasy and orgasmed.

Miss Simpson then helped Mabel put something on out of his sight.
The next thing he saw, was that Mabel had a big cock sticking out from between her legs, very much the same as his now was.

Miss Simpson knelt down in front of the fire, and he saw Mabel kneeling down behind her.
They were sideways to him, so he could see what they were doing clearly.
Her cock was strapped on around her waist, and it looked like it was made of rubber.

She put her face between Miss Simpson’s bum cheeks and started to lick her, he grabbed his cock and started to rub it, as he watched Mabel lick the woman’s arse and cunt.

She then rubbed something from a jar, between Miss Simpson’s legs. Mabel then gently inserted her big rubber cock into Miss Simpson’s arse, and started to fuck her.

As Mabel thrust into her bum, both her breasts, and Miss Simpson’s, were bouncing about wildly.
The sight of two pairs of naked tits bouncing about, almost made him come.
He wished he had brought his camera, as no one would believe him if he told them about this.

Suddenly Miss Simpson gave a small cry, and he realised she had come. The sight of his PE teacher coming in front of him, pushed him over the edge, and his cock shot a stream of cum all over the window.

He decided to call it a day, and go home to think about what if anything he should do about this.

After Miss came for her, Mabel removed the strap on cock, and lay down beside her.
Miss pulled her head between her breasts and held her tightly.
‘That was lovely Mable, I really enjoyed that,’ she whispered kissing her neck.

The next day Charles cornered her in the library, he told her what he had seen and threatened to report Miss Simpson, if Mabel didn’t fuck him.
Mabel simply replied that if he did, nobody would believe him, and she would spread the word that he had a tiny cock.
Nothing more was ever said.

May heard John warn her that they were nearly home, she gave his knob a last kiss, and tucked it back into his trousers.
By the time they pulled into the drive they were both prim and proper again.

Doreen was waiting with a cup of tea, and they sat in the lounge and told her all about their trip.
As Mabel’s flat didn’t have a garage she decided to leave the car with John.
‘As he will be teaching me, he may as well have the use of it when I don’t need it,’ she said.

Sam pointed out, that this was in effect, giving John a brand new car.
Mabel just shrugged, and said that until she learned to drive it was no good to her, so he may as well use it.
Hearing this, John felt like jumping up and down and screaming with joy.
He had a brand new car, and it was thanks to his darling May.

He bounded across the room, and was going to kiss her full on the mouth. Luckily she saw him coming, and managed to turn her face, so he ended up by kissing her on the cheek instead.
‘Thank you so much, Auntie Mabel,’ he gushed.

‘How can I ever repay you?’ he said sincerely.
‘I’m sure I will think of something,’ she replied, and gave him an innocent smile.
It was getting late, so Mabel said she had better go home as she was tired.
John jumped up and asked Sam if he could drive her home.
Sam looked at his son’s eager face and said ‘ Why not, it is late and Mabel is tired.’
John rushed out of the door and was in the car, before the rest of them got out the door.

Sam courteously opened the car door for Mabel, and helped her in.
As it was only a few hundred yards to her flat, Mabel said it might be best if John took the scenic route.
This would give him some practice with the car, before he tried to teach her how to drive it.
Sam and Doreen thought this was a sensible idea, and waved as they drove off.

‘How is my big boy’s cock, is it waking up again yet?’ she asked as they drove out of the village.
John opened his legs wide, and invited her to investigate for herself.
May declined with a laugh, ‘ Do I want to get us both killed?, if I play with your cock while you are driving we will end up in a hedge.’

She asked him to drive to a secluded lay-by, about a mile away from the village.
The spot was off the road, and screened by a line of trees.
John stopped the car and turned off the engine.

‘How are you feeling?’ he asked.
‘Very horny, thank you,’ she replied, ‘ if you remember you came in my cunt in the showroom, but I didn’t get the chance, so you owe me a good fucking’.
She reached over and got his cock out, it was nice and hard.
This was why she always had preferred younger men.
They recovered so fast, and were always randy.

He relaxed back in his seat as her mouth covered his cock.
Soon he was groaning in pleasure as she rubbed and sucked him.
‘I think it’s ready for me now,’ she announced, and got out of the car.
John scrambled out, with his cock sticking out of his trousers like a lopped off tree branch.

May was already bent over the bonnet of the car.
She had taken off her skirt, and as she had been naked under it, her pale bottom caught the moonlight.
As he bent to kiss her bum, she handed him her tube of KY.
‘Both holes please,’ she asked politely, ‘I need to christen this car’.

John looked around, and seeing that they were as private as possible, took off his trousers.
He opened the tube, and put some lubricant in and around her cunt and arse.
The sight of her bending over his new car was very erotic indeed, and his cock was quivering with the need to fuck her.

He entered her cunt quickly, and was soon fucking her hard and fast.
She was still wearing her blouse and lavender cardigan, and the contrast between her little old lady clothes, and her naked bum really turned him on.
She held on tight to the bonnet, as he thrust into her from behind.

As he was fucking her she started to wiggle her bum, he knew by now what that meant, and pulled his cock out from her cunt.
However before he could stick it up her arse, she surprised him by turning around and sitting up on the bonnet of the car.
‘How can I fuck your arse if you are sitting on it?’ he asked.

‘Like this,’ she said, and laying right back on the bonnet, lifted her legs right up until she could grab her ankles.
Her bum was lifted up, and was just the right height for fucking.
‘I want to watch you fucking me up the arse,’ she said,’ normally I can’t see what’s going on back there’.

She looked even more erotic now, she was still wearing her granny hat that hid her fantastic hair.
Her cardigan had lost a few buttons, and without the waistband of her skirt to hold it tidy, her blouse had ridden up to expose the lower half of her naked breasts.

He only had eyes for her arse hole, by spreading her legs wide, she had opened the cheeks of her bum, and her little anus was in plain sight.
He moved in close and guided his knob until he could feel it tight against her bum hole.
She relaxed it, just as he pushed forward, and his cock slid up her arse until his balls hit her bum cheeks.

Once his cock was securely in her bum, she lowered her legs until they were resting on his shoulders.
By pressing down on his shoulders, she could lift her arse and push it against his balls.
Reaching forward, he undid the last few buttons and exposed her breasts fully.

Grasping a breast firmly in each hand, he started to fuck her arse.
He had never been able to see her face before as he buggered her, and it delighted him, to see that she so obviously enjoyed every thrust of his cock up her bum.

He found that in this position, he could also play with her cunt lips, as he was fucking her bum.
He spread them wide, and could see the effect his cock had on her cunt, as it slid in and out of her bum hole.
John was fucking her harder and harder, until she was having a job to hold on to the bonnet of the car.

Suddenly he bent forward, and putting his arms around her back, lifted her up towards him.
She gasped in surprised delight, as she was able to wrap her legs around his waist.
His cock was now buried even deeper up her arse, as her whole weight was sitting on it.

‘Oh my God John, this feels fucking wonderful,’ she said, as he rested his naked bottom against the car, and started to bounce her arse on his cock.
Her tits were also bouncing madly, and every now and again he tried to suck her nipples as they gyrated in front of him.
May hung on tight to his shoulders, as he pounded her arse onto his cock.
She felt the familiar feeling of her orgasm building, and then she screamed out loud, as her cunt exploded in a spray of hot cum juices.

His belly was soaking, he stopped bouncing her on his cock.
‘Have you just peed on me May?’
She clung to him tightly, breathing hard.
‘No my love, I am what they call a squirter.
When I really come, I squirt out white creamy cunt juices.
It looks very much like your cum, I’ll show you the next time I get you into a bed’. She gasped.

‘I hadn’t realised how strong you were, being an engineer has really built up your muscles.’ She continued admiringly.
She kissed him and asked him to put her down.
He lifted her arse off his rigid cock and set her on the ground.

May immediately turned around and bent over for him again.
‘I want you to pick me up with my back to you, hold me with your arms under my knees so my bum is sticking down.
Then I want you to lower my arse back onto your lovely big cock again.
I love it when you bounce my bum on your cock.

He did as instructed, and soon had his cock back up to his bollocks in her hot arse.
She squealed even more, because this way her pubic bone didn’t limit the depth of his cock’s penetration.
She thought she could feel his big knob in the back of her throat, as he thrust her onto his cock.
Again he felt her arse tighten on his shaft, as she came for him.

This time, she squirted her white cum all over the grass.
John finally had to lower her down, he was strong, but that position took a lot of effort.
When she was safely on the ground, he gently pulled his cock out of her bum hole.
He jumped up onto the bonnet for a rest, his cock beginning to wilt a bit.

‘Oh no you don’t Mr. Cock she said, and trapping his cock between her sweaty breasts, started to rub his cock between them.
John had never been wanked by a pair of big tits before, and looked on wonderingly as his cock appeared and disappeared between her breasts.

‘I like that,’ he said, your breasts are lovely and soft.
‘Now we have stopped fucking, they are also getting cold,’ she replied,
‘I think it is time you drove me home, I want you to see me squirting properly.’

They got dressed, and were soon on their way back to May’s flat.
When they got indoors, May ran up the stairs to her bedroom, discarding her clothes as she went.
By the time she reached her bed she was naked, and so was John who had been following her closely.
They lay on the bed, and kissed passionately.

‘What’s the difference between coming and squirting then?’ he asked, when they took a break from kissing.
May explained that an orgasm for many women, was simply a lovely wave of pleasure that swept from their cunts, to encompass their entire bodies.
Women had been known to have orgasms, whilst having their hair styled in the hairdressers.

Often these were quiet affairs, that no one except the person involved knew about.
Then you had the screamers, these women would scream loudly during their orgasm, regardless of where they were at the time.
They were often an embarrassment to their partners.

She fell into the reasonably quiet, copious cum squirter category.
Just as some people produced more saliva than others, she produced more cum than most women.
Instead of leaving a damp patch on the bed, she tended to soak it with her cunt juices.

While she was talking, she was rubbing his cock with one hand, and rubbing her clitoris with the other.
‘Mmmm, I’m almost ready to cum,’ she whispered, ‘kneel to the side of me, and stick two fingers up my cunt.
I need you to really finger me hard, and stretch my cunt roughly as you wank it.’

He slipped two fingers into her hot cunt hole and bracing himself with one hand on her belly, started to ram his fingers in and out of her cunt.
He fingered her faster and faster, he could hear her moaning louder and louder.

Suddenly she arched her back, lifting her cunt into the air.
With a muffled scream he saw her squirt for him.
It looked as if she was peeing cream, it shot out of her cunt and splashed all over the bed.
There wasn’t just one squirt, but many until the sheets were soaked in it.

She suddenly relaxed and flopped back onto the bed.
‘I’m too old for this John,’ she said blushing, ‘ but you bring out the wanton in me.’
John had the inexplicable urge to lick her cunt, he laid between her legs on the wet patch, and licked her cunt and surrounding areas until every drop of creamy cum had been swallowed.
‘You taste lovely May,’ he said.

She looked at him with love in her eyes.
‘ I want you to straddle me, with your bum on my belly, and your cock between my breasts.’ She ordered.
He carefully positioned himself as instructed, he didn’t put his whole weight on her belly as she was so tiny.

She held her sweaty breasts together, and told him to fuck them.
He found that he could slide his cock between them easily, and if he closed his eyes it almost felt like he was fucking her cunt.
However he didn’t want to close his eyes, he wanted to watch her every second.

He got a nice steady rhythm going as he fucked her tits.
May put a pillow under her head, to position her mouth so his knob entered it at every thrust.
He could feel his balls slapping against her tits as he fucked them, and her mouth on his knob at every stroke.

‘Come for me John, come over my tits, I want to rub your cum all over my breasts,’
May used her most seductive voice on him and it worked.
All the pent up cum that he had been holding onto since he came in her cunt at the showroom.
Was finally released, and shot in thick streams over her breasts and face. May made an attempt to guide his cock, but it was jerking so hard from the strength of his orgasm, that his cum was splashing everywhere.

In the end she gave up, and stuck his knob in her mouth, to catch the last of it.
John just knelt over her, with his head hanging down, he was drained and happy.
He watched as May wiped most of his cum off her face, and spread it liberally over her breasts.

‘Help me rub this in dear, it’s good for the skin I hear,’ she asked.
He sat back with his naked bum resting on her belly, and with both hands rubbed and fondled her soft breasts.
Eventually she was satisfied that each breast had a fair share of his cum. He then smiled and rubbed his cummy hands all over her face.
‘Oh you fucker,’ she said with a smile,’ trust you to do that to an old woman,’

He got off the bed, apart from his hands he was relatively clean, May however was covered in his cum.
She saw him looking at her and grinned at him,
‘ No I’m not going to wash it off until the morning, I like to go to sleep, smelling of you.’
He washed his hands and brushed himself down.
Still naked, she walked him to the door, and after their usual passionate kisses, saw him drive away in their new car.

She lifted up her breasts and licked his cum from her nipples.
Shutting the door she turned and went upstairs to bed.

To be Continued.
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Old 11-05-2006, 08:12 AM
drsnip drsnip is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 7
Auntie Mabel Sixty & sexy book five

Auntie Mabel Sixty & Sexy.

Book Five.

Madame Whiplash.

Mabel woke up the next day, with her face and breasts, still stiff and sticky from John’s semen.
She had made him shoot it all over her breasts last night, and then he had rubbed it all over her face, the cheeky boy.
He deserved a good arse whipping.

The thought of him laying face down on a bed, with her whipping his naked bum made her cunt juicy again.
She lay naked on the bed, gently rubbing between her legs.

Her mind travelled back, to when she was friends with a dominatrix called Mary, or Madam Whiplash as her clients called her.
A corny name, but then so many of them were.
Her clients weren’t critics, they just wanted their sexual needs satisfied and were willing to pay for it.

Mabel would often phone her when she was bored, and thrilled to hear screams in the background.
The screams were usually from clients being whipped, or subjected to some other sort of abuse.

One day her husband Simon had been gone for a month, and she was getting frustrated.
She rang Madam ‘W’, and asked her what she was doing.

‘At this precise moment dear,’ she replied, ‘ I have my naked cunt covering a man’s mouth, as I drip hot candle wax onto the end of his cock.
You would hear him screaming, were it not for my cunt muffling his noise.’

Mabel was fascinated, and asked if she could possibly visit Mary, and try this sadomasochism thing out for herself.
They made a date for that weekend, and she went down to the country house in which Mary held court.

Mary met her at the door; Mabel expected lots of leather straps, and thigh length boots.
Mary disappointed her, by just wearing a tee-shirt and jeans.
She was a very good-looking woman, with ample breasts and prominent nipples.
She explained that the other stuff was her work clothes, and she liked to be out of them as soon as possible.

Mabel was very sexual, and liked to experiment with various sexual techniques.
She was determined that Simon would not get bored with her, and fuck around elsewhere.
To that end, she was here for the weekend, to learn all she could about this fetish.

Mary suggested that Mabel just be her helper, for the first few clients, before getting too involved.
There was one due in half an hour, so they just had time to dress for the part.
When Mary told her who this woman was she was shocked.
This client was a very powerful politician, and her colleagues walked in fear of her in the house of parliament.

These clients liked Mary to work to a prearranged script, but sometimes she ad-libbed a bit to keep them on their toes.
When they came out of the dressing room, Mary had turned into Madame Whiplash.
She was wearing all black leather and straps.

Two matching silver topped whips were at her hips, and she wore a black leather half mask over her eyes.
Her breasts were bare, as was her crotch; she had shaven pubes, and had rouged her nipples.

Mabel was dressed in a similar vein.
Her hair had been a problem, until Mary had plaited it into two pigtails, and had dressed her like a Viking .
Her large breasts and pubes were also bare, and were lifted up by a steel breastplate.
Her golden pubic hair, matched her pigtails perfectly.

They waited just inside the door of the house, a long black limousine pulled up, and an old grey haired woman emerged.
She snapped orders to the chauffeur, and strode purposefully up the stairs. As soon as she crossed the threshold, Mary pulled a black silk hood over the woman’s head and pressing on her shoulders pushed her to her knees.

‘How dare you,’ she demanded loudly,’ let me go instantly or there will be trouble.’
Mary ignored her, and continued pushing her, until she was flat on her face.

Mabel watched in amazement, as Mary then pulled up the woman’s tweed skirt, and revealed her naked bottom.
She wasn’t wearing any knickers, and Mary delivered a sharp slap to her naked arse.
‘You fucking old whore, how dare you walk around without any knickers on.’ shouted Mary.

She slapped the naked arse three more times, the crack of her hand against the old woman’s soft white buttocks echoed around the foyer.
‘Sorry Miss, I forgot again, please don’t hurt me, please’ she begged.
Mary just dragged her across the tiled floor into an adjoining room.

Strip for inspection she barked, and the old woman, still in her black hood, started undressing in front of them.
Mary snapped out the articles of clothing that had to be removed.
‘Skirt.’ she took her tweed skirt off, revealing her naked arse and cunt, her pubic hairs were grey and becoming sparse.
‘Jacket,’ she quickly removed her tweed jacket, and dropped it on the floor.

‘Bend over, and pick your jacket up, you fucking stupid old cunt’ Mary screamed at her.
The old girl dropped to her knees, and frantically felt around for her jacket.

Mary walked up behind her and slapped her naked bum again, leaving a red handprint on it.
She began to sob as she found her jacket, and stood up with it in her hands.
Mary took it off her and passed it to Mabel, and snapped out ‘Blouse,’
She took off her blouse and stood holding it, naked but for her bra.

Mary snatched it off her, and snapped out ‘Bra’
The old woman slowly and reluctantly undid her bra, and allowed it to drop on the floor, she was now totally naked.
Her breasts were still reasonably firm for her age and quite large.
The cold of the room and the excitement had made her nipples harden.
Mary walked up to her, and getting hold of both her nipples twisted them sharply.
The woman screamed in shock and pain.

‘Fucking untidy bitch, assume the position,’ Mary ordered, whipping off the hood.
The old woman stumbled to a set of stocks set low to the floor.
They had been set low, so that anyone in them would have their heads lower than their backsides, for maximum debasement.
Mary locked her into them, and studied the effect.

The old woman was now kneeling naked on the floor, with her head and hands locked into the stocks.
Her large breasts were dangling so that her nipples brushed the floor, and her naked arse was exposed to view.
The stocks made it impossible for her to turn her head and see behind her.
Mary and Mabel walked behind the woman, until they were out of sight.

Mary whispered to Mabel, that as long as her client didn’t see her she could have a go at punishing her.
Mabel beamed in delight, and picked up a schoolteachers cane.
She stood behind the woman, and looked at her bum sticking up in the air so vulnerably.

Mabel couldn’t resist giving that naked bum a whack with the cane,
she squealed and sobbed, as the cane left a red mark on her buttocks.
Mabel then knelt down behind her, and put her hands on her arse.
Slowly she pulled her bum cheeks wide apart, so she could see her cunt and arsehole clearly.
The old girl’s cunt had a thin covering of grey hair on it, but her small pink arsehole was still smooth and tight.

Mabel pushed her face between the old lady’s bum cheeks, and stuck her tongue into her anus.
She licked around the rim of her arse, and then pushed her tongue into her vagina.
Next to the stocks was a jar of Lubricant, and she took a liberal portion onto her fingers.

She stuck one finger deep into the woman’s cunt, feeling it grip her finger tightly, as she began rubbing the grease into her cunt lips.
The woman wriggled about trying to avoid Mabel’s fingers, but she only succeeded in turning Mabel on more, as she watched her naked bum moving in front of her face.

She then turned her attention to greasing the old girl’s tight bum hole.
This was even tighter than her cunt, and she could feel it gripping her finger tightly.
Mabel moved her finger in and out, until the old woman’s bottom was well greased.
She sobbed in embarrassment, ‘ Why are you doing this to me?’

Mabel selected a slim vibrator from the assortment available, and switching it on, she worked it up into her bottom.
It was a very tight fit, and the woman moaned as it went up her arse.
‘Ow! that hurts my bottom’ she complained sulkily.

Mabel then pulled the slim vibrator out of her bum, and replaced it with a slightly thicker one.
Again she moaned, when it was pushed completely into her.
Mabel didn’t want it sticking out of the old woman’s bum, and interfering with her fucking.

Mabel walked to the table at the side of the room, and selected a strap on dildo.
She always preferred the ones that had two cocks.
One went up the user’s cunt, and of course the other one was for the client.

Mabel positioned herself between the woman’s legs.
Her rubber cock was in just the right position to enter her from behind.
She put the cock between the old dears cunt lips, and thrust firmly into her hole.
The dildo had two big balls dangling from it, they slapped up against her naked arse as Mabel fucked her hard for a good few minutes.

After a while Mabel pulled out of her cunt with a lovely squelching sound, and slowly pulled the dildo out of the client’s anus.
She pushed her greasy finger up her bum, and wiggled it around to make it as wide as she could.
She then inserted the end of the cock into the old girl’s bum, and pushed hard.

The big rubber cock thrust up her arse hole, made the old woman gasp. The grease and stretching had helped prepare her hole, but it was still small and tight.
It hurt a lot, and she started to sob loudly.
The sound of her crying excited Mabel, and she fucked her bum even harder.

The woman’s arse gripped the cock tightly, as it rammed in and out. Mabel pulled it out of her bum with an audible pop, and thrust it back into her cunt.
She took a firm grip of the woman’s hips, and rammed the cock deep into her over and over.
Mabel’s tits were bouncing madly as were the old woman’s, and as she was fucking away, Mabel looked to see what Mary was doing.

Mary had been watching the show, and liked what she saw.
Mabel obviously had a talent for dishing out punishment.
Mary wondered if she could take it as well, she wouldn’t mind a go at her bum.
In fact watching Mabel buggering the old woman, had really turned her on.

Mary was sitting with both feet up on the chair, exposing her shaven pubes.
She was rubbing her clitoris, and every now and again she would slip her fingers deep inside herself.
Seeing this turned Mabel on, and she felt herself getting wet.
She pulled the cock out of the old dear’s cunt, and rammed it back up her arse again.

By now the old woman was sobbing in earnest, and her tears were running down her face and dripping onto the floor.
Mabel didn’t care; this was nothing like the lesbian love that she had shared with her old Gym teacher.
This old woman wanted to be punished for something, and she was only too happy to bugger her senseless.

Suddenly the old woman started to moan loudly, and as Mabel was still buggering her she orgasmed.
She was a noisy old bag when she came, she shouted,’ I’m coming, I’m coming, Oh fuck me I’m coming,’ and collapsed on the floor.

Mabel pulled the cock out of the old girl’s bum, and sat back on her heels to watch her twitching and groaning, as her orgasm flooded through her body.
From her position directly behind her, and between her legs, Mabel noticed that she didn’t seem to be very juicy around her cunt area.
She assumed that when you got old, you simply dried up down there.

Finally Mary called a break, and walking in front of the sobbing woman, released her from the stocks.
There was a glass of whisky on the side table, and Mary handed it to her client who gulped it down.

When she got her breath back, the grey haired old lady looked up at Mary with a radiant smile on her face.
‘That was wonderful Madam, it was worth every penny, and I will include a bonus as well.

You really know how to fuck and bugger a woman, and you aren’t even sweating,’ she said in an admiring and respectful voice.
The old lady pulled on her skirt and jacket, and holding her blouse and bra in her hands, walked out of the room and back to her life outside.

Mary informed Mabel that the next client was a man, a new customer.
As she had done such a good job with the last one, Mary would let her try her hand at dominating a man.

Mary’s basement had been kitted out like a torture chamber, so when he arrived they chained him to a hook in the ceiling and stripped him naked.
Mary and Mabel both stood next to him, and took turns fondling his large cock and firm arse.
He was rather effeminate looking and had a slim body.
When he felt their hands on him he became quiet and started to tremble.

‘You have been a bad boy Vince ,’ admonished Mary, ‘and we are going to punish you’.
Mary put a blindfold on him, and checked that the chains were nice and tight.
While she was doing that Mabel fancied a suck of his cock, it was nice and big and was just hanging there minding it’s own business.
She wasn’t having that, so she knelt down and took his dangling knob into her mouth.

He jumped in surprise as he felt her hot mouth on his cock, and she heard him moan quietly as she sucked hard on his knob.
As Mabel was busy, Mary picked a medium sized vibrator from the table and rubbed lubricant on it.
Mary asked Mabel to reach around him, and pull his bum cheeks open while she continued to suck his cock.

When his bum cheeks were pulled as far apart as they would go, Mary inserted the vibrator up his arse.
As Mabel sucked his cock, Mary rotated the vibrator in his bum; soon he was ready to orgasm.
However as soon as Mary noticed the tell tale signs, she pulled out the vibrator and told Mabel to stand well back.

The next thing Vince knew was the freezing shock of iced water being poured over his throbbing cock.
He screamed in shock, and his cock wilted immediately.

The women dragged the sobbing Vince over to a contraption in the middle of the room, and secured him to it with leather straps.
Mary explained to Vince for Mabel’s benefit, that this framework allowed them to place him into any position they desired, so they could punish him with ease.

Mabel couldn’t wait to see it work, and watched as Mary arranged Vince so he was spread-eagled in midair.
His arms and legs were spread wide, and his cock and balls were dangling and vulnerable.
She picked up another vibrator, and pulling his bum cheeks apart again thrust it up his arse.
Mary stood back and looked at the man suspended in the straps with the vibrator sticking out of his bum and smiled.

‘I think it’s time you started fucking him,’ she said to Mabel, ‘I’ll just watch this time around.’
Mary readjusted the straps so Vince was sitting in midair, with his legs up as high as possible, giving easy access to his arse.

Mabel strapped on a dildo again and stood behind him, she pulled the vibrator out of his bum, it had done it’s job and his anus was well stretched.
She entered him from behind, and held on to his shoulders for support.
He groaned as the big rubber cock slid up his bum, once it was right up as far as it would go, Mabel started to bugger him furiously.

Mary began to rub herself, as she watched the big cock thrusting in and out of his arse.
Mabel’s large firm breasts were bouncing wildly, as she pounded away at his arse.

She eventually had to stop hammering at Vince’s bum, and pulled the cock out of him.
While they were resting, Mary managed to adjust the straps so Vince was kneeling on the floor with his bum in the air.

Mary strapped on the rubber cock as Vince watched.
She slid the internal cock up inside herself, and tied the straps tightly.
She knelt down in front of him and said ‘It’s my turn now; I’m going to fuck your skinny arse.’

Mary knelt behind him and thrust her fingers up his bum, the rubber cock was fine but she couldn’t feel with it, and she liked to feel Vince’s hot throbbing bum hole.
She kept adding to the number of fingers up his bum, thrusting them into him, until she had her whole hand deep inside his arse.
Vince groaned softly, as he his bum stretched to accommodate her hand.

Mabel was astonished that Mary could do this and said so.
‘Don’t worry dear, Vince is Bi sexual, and loves fisting.
His arse has been fucked so much it stretches easily.’
Mary closed her fingers into a fist, and began to ram it in and out of his arse.
Mabel could see his cock getting hard as Mary fisted him.

This really excited Mabel, and she found her cunt getting hot and wet.
Walking over to Vince she knelt down on the floor in front of him, so her naked bum was in his face.
‘Lick me,’ she ordered, and pushed her cunt onto his mouth.

He started to lick her golden haired cunt, as Mary was ramming her fist up his arse.
Mabel could feel herself getting really wet now, and ordered him to lick her arse instead.

The feel of his long tongue probing into her anus, was very erotic and she felt an orgasm coming.
With a loud cry she squirted her juices all over his face, and into his mouth.
After her orgasm Mabel just knelt on the floor with her head bowed; her cunt juice was running down her legs.

Mary, seeing this, pulled her hand out of Vince’s arse, and moved over to kneel behind Mabel.
She reached out and grabbed a golden pigtail in each hand.
She pulled Mabel’s head back, and she thrust her strap on cock, deep into her cunt from behind.

Mabel was still feeling her orgasm, when Mary started to fuck her.
Within a few strokes she was coming again, and thrusting her cunt back towards Mary, trying to get the cock as deep as she could into her cunt.
As Mary was fucking her from behind, her tits were bouncing onto Mabels back.

Mary was really getting hot now, and pulling the cock out of Mabel’s cunt, she spread her arse wide and pushed the big rubber dick up her bum.
As Mabel opened her mouth to complain, Vince pushed his now swollen cock into it.
Mabel found herself being arse fucked by Mary, and mouth fucked by Vince.

Another orgasm swept over Mabel, and seeing her writhe in pleasure, made Vince shoot his cum deep into her throat.
The strap on cock inserted in Mary’s cunt, had done its job too, and she was in the grip of her own orgasm.

Eventually they all managed to stagger to their feet, and went to the bar. After a stiff drink, Vince declared himself very satisfied with their performance.
He promised to visit Mary again with all his boyfriends.
After fair consideration, Mabel decided that she wasn’t totally enamored with S&M, but had enjoyed the experience.

Mabel had never forgotten that experience, she decided that she liked John’s tight little bum the way it was, and had no inclination to introduce him to arse fucking or fisting.

The biggest thing going up his bottom, if she had anything to do with it, would be her tongue.
Although thinking about it, she might slip a finger up his bum, the next time she was sucking his cock.
A bit of prostate massage, might be a good experience for him.

John was working today, so she wouldn’t be able to see him until tonight, when hopefully he could come round and give her a driving lesson.
She had yet to tell him, that the whole business of buying him a car to teach her to drive, was just an excuse to spend time with him.

Mabel could drive already, and her own car was hidden in her large shed at the bottom of her garden.
Neither John, Sam nor Doreen knew she could drive, and that suited her fine.
Mabel didn’t want to waste good fucking time, driving aimlessly around the countryside.

She wanted his hard young cock in her mouth, cunt, and up her arse as many times as possible.
The phone by the side of her bed rang, it was Lady Alison Wainwright. This was her late husband’s sister, and despite his parent’s disapproval of Mabel, she had always been kind and friendly towards her.

She was in her early thirties, and was a very pretty woman; being an heiress she had plenty of male suitors, but still hadn’t made the decision to get married.
She asked if Mabel could pop over and see her today, as she had a very tricky problem to solve.

Mabel was at a loose end, so agreed to meet her for lunch at her house. Alison lived in the country about fifty miles from Mabels village.
There were no buses that went that way, and neither was there a train station near her house.

Fuck it, Mabel thought, I will have to drive there.
She wasn’t too upset, because she had really missed the thrill of driving lately.
She locked up the house and walked down the garden, the shed was at the very bottom, and so far John had shown no interest in it.
It had doors that opened onto the dirt track to the side of her property. Hopefully she could drive unseen along the track, until she joined the road that ran behind her house.

The Jaguar.

She unlocked the shed door and walked in, a large tarpaulin covered her pride and joy.
Pulling it back, revealed a Mark One Jaguar convertible, it was long, red, and very sexy.

A randy mechanic many years ago had modified it for her, he had fitted a supercharger to its already powerful engine.
It was now capable of 150 mph on a good day, and today felt like a good day.
Mabel had a naughty thing that she liked to do when driving.

She rarely wore knickers, and she got a thrill by ensuring that her naked bum was always against the seat of any car that she drove.
The Jag had leather seats, and she always felt erotic when she wriggled her naked bottom on its seat.
She turned the ignition switch, and the powerful engine rumbled into life.

The deep sound reminded her of the mechanic, who had fucked her years before she met Simon.
Mabel had been about the same age then as Alison was now, and she had been hot.
She was so hot, that she decided to buy herself a car to match.

She had found the Jag in a little one-man garage in Devon.
The owner was a young man named Steve.
She knew by the look on his face as she walked in, that he was hers if she so chose.
As he was well built and handsome, in a chunky sort of way, she did choose.

It was the swinging Sixties, and the era of the miniskirt. She was just about wearing one with a matching tank top.
As well as wearing no knickers, she was braless, and her nipples were very noticeable.
She asked Steve the price of the Jag, and how fast it could go.
As he started to go into his selling speech, she leant over the passenger side door to look inside the car.

By ‘accident’ she overbalanced, and tipped forward into the car with her bottom stuck over the door.
She could tell by the abrupt cessation of his speech, that he had seen her naked arse and her golden pubes.
‘Help me please, I’m stuck,’ she cried in a little girl voice.

She kicked her lovely legs helplessly, and wiggled her bottom trying to get upright.
All this achieved was to expose her arse and pussy to him more completely, as her miniskirt rode right up to her waist.
He was rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do.

Finally he snapped out of it, and rushed to help her out of her predicament.
The problem was, that in order to lift her back out, he had to grab hold of her.
If he tried to lift her by putting his arms under the top part of her body, he had no choice but to grab her breasts.

If on the other hand he tried to pull her out of the car, he would have to grab her naked arse.
In the end her piteous cries forced him to take the bull by the horns, and he moved up behind her.

As he was quite tall, he thought he could stand directly behind her, and bending over, scoop her into his arms and lift her out.
In order to do this he had to be as close to her as possible.
This meant pushing his groin against her naked arse, as he leaned over. As soon as she felt this, she started to wiggle faster, rubbing her naked bum against his cock.

He tried to be a gentleman and ignore this, but when he put his hands under her chest to lift her, his hands were full of hot soft naked breasts.
Her nipples had hardened, and were sticking into the palms of his hands like strawberries.

The combination of her arse and tits, short circuited his brain, and switched his cock on.
As it was a hot day he was only wearing football shorts, and a muscle tee shirt.
His erection thrust his shorts between the cheeks of her arse.

With a grunt of effort, he lifted her out and back towards him.
His hands were now totally supporting her by her breasts.
While his cock had slipped from between her bum cheeks, to between her legs.

‘Oh thank you so much.’ Mabel gushed, ‘ I was getting panicky there, the blood has rushed to my head.’
So saying she sagged in his arms in a faint, he quickly grabbed her, which placed his hands squarely on her naked bottom.
He scooped her up in his arms, to carry her to his office in the back of the garage.

She was only a tiny woman, five foot tall and slimly built apart from her breasts, which should have been on a bigger framed woman.
He lifted her easily, one hand on her naked bum, and the other supporting her back.
Finally, he managed to lay her on his sofa, and stepped back.

She was beautiful and lay there limp and breathing slowly.
Her tank top had risen up around her neck, and both her breasts were fully exposed, they rose and fell with her breathing.
He noticed her nipples, they were erect and swollen.
By this time the end of his cock had poked out from his shorts.

His eyes however were drawn like a magnet to her naked cunt, it was totally exposed to him, as her legs had somehow opened wide.
Was naked the word for it though, it wasn’t as if he could see her cunt lips.
They were covered by the thickest, most beautiful golden pubic hair he had ever seen.

On impulse he took off her hat, which had managed to stay on despite her gyrations.
He was astounded at the sight of her hair.
It was the same glorious colour as her pubes, but it must have been long enough to touch the ground if it was not tied up.

He started as he felt her hand slide up his inner thigh; she brushed her fingers against his balls.
She had her eyes shut, and was mumbling something.
He stood very still, as her hand found his shaft, and slid up it to encompass his knob.

She squeezed his knob, and started to slowly rub his cock.
He thought she was having a sexy dream, because she moaned and slowly opened her legs.
Finally he could see her pink cunt lips, poking through her pubic hair.
His cock was now so big and hard that it was painful.

It stuck out from his groin, long thick and throbbing with need.
He realised with embarrassment that she was laying there looking at it. Her eyes were a stunning blue, and held his gaze, firmly.
‘Oh dear, did I do that?’ she asked in a wondering tone of voice.
‘It’s so big and hard, I was dreaming that I was being made love to, and I’ve got all hot and juicy, look.’

He watched in amazement, as she lifted her legs up and showed him her wet cunt.
Her legs were up so high, that he could even see her little tight anus between her bum cheeks.
‘Your not going to leave me like this are you?’ she asked anxiously, looking up at him with her big blue eyes.

His cock took over his thinking, and he lowered his cock between her legs.
She guided it into her hot little hole, and he gasped as her cunt swallowed his rampant cock up to his balls.
It was hot and wet, he started to fuck her deep and hard, he felt as if he was dreaming.
However he was determined to fuck her as much as possible before he woke up.

Mabel was enjoying herself again, she wanted this car very much and was determined to have it.
Steve’s big cock was a bonus, and she thrust her cunt up to meet it.
He was kneeling over her, and fondling her breasts as he fucked her.

He was rolling her nipples between his finger and thumb, and they were throbbing just like his cock.
Mabel liked being fucked in the missionary position because she could watch the man as he fucked her.

After a while though, she needed it doggie fashion so his cock could thrust even deeper into her.
He big tits were bouncing about in front of her face, as he thrust into her.
‘Suck my tits, suck them hard,’ she begged, holding her breasts and offering them to him.
His mouth encompassed her nipples, and he sucked them as hard as he could, whilst keeping up his assault on her cunt.

Suddenly she pushed him back, so that his cock slipped out of her.
Before he could react she had turned onto her hands and knees, to present her naked bum to him.
She looked over her shoulder at him, and wriggled her bum invitingly.
He took the hint, and reinserted his cock into her cunt.
He was soon back into his stroke, and watched her firm little bum cheeks shake as he fucked her hard and fast.

As he was fucking her, she again turned and looked at him over her shoulder.
‘Do you have any grease handy?’ she asked ‘my bum is jealous and needs a good fucking too.’
Even though his cock was already deep in her cunt, she could feel the effect her words had on him.

His cock seemed to swell even bigger, as he envisioned fucking her up her beautiful little bum.
Steve pulled his cock out of her sopping wet cunt, and reached over to the bench.
Picking up a jar of clean axle grease, he dipped his finger in it and pushed it into her bum.
He repeated the action, and this time rubbed the grease around her tight little anus.

He wiped his fingers on his cock, and positioned it between her bum cheeks.
He was surprised and pleased, when she reached back with both hands, and held her bum cheeks apart for him.
Seeing her little anus clearly, he pushed firmly until his knob popped into her bum.

He carried on pushing it in, until his balls were resting against her bum cheeks.
Mabel was enjoying the feel of his big cock stretching her bum hole, and the smell of grease and oil was really turning her on.
She wriggled her arse to encourage him, and he started to bugger her hard.
Soon his cock was slipping in and out of her bum, as easily as he had been fucking her cunt.

The butchers widow.

Steve had fucked a woman up the arse, just once before.
He had been a few years younger, and she had been quite a few years older.
She was Mavis, the sixty-year-old widow of the butcher.
One weekend she had asked him to repair her car; as he had known her for some years and used her husband’s shop before he died, he did so.
When he had called round for the money that evening, she tearfully told him that she hadn’t enough to pay him.

Steve had just started in his business, and was justifiably annoyed.
Seeing this, the widow, who was still an attractive woman knelt down in front of him, and hugged his legs.
‘I’m so sorry Steve, I’ll do anything I can to make it up to you, honestly I will,’ she said.

Looking down at her, and realising that she really was sorry, Steve felt bad about upsetting her.
He decided that he would have to take the loss.
He told her this, and to his surprise she then burst into tears.
‘Thank you, thank you, Steve’ she whispered, ‘I have always liked you,’ and started to kiss him.

As she was kneeling down, her kisses were mostly landing on his cock. Being young, his cock had a mind of its own and was soon hard.
Seeing this she said ‘Of course, why didn’t I think of that.’ and unzipped his trousers.
His cock almost exploded out of his trousers, and hit her in the face.
He thought of being a gentleman and saying no, but his cock took over.

She grabbed it firmly with both hands and stuck it into her mouth.
She started to suck his cock hard and fast, until he asked her to slow down, as her teeth were rubbing over his shaft.
‘Oh I’m so sorry Steve I forgot,’ she apologised, ‘my husband always preferred me to take them out when I sucked his cock.’

To his amazement she reached into her mouth, and took out her teeth.
She quickly put them into her purse, and stuck his cock back into her mouth again.
This time when she sucked him it felt fantastic, her mouth felt just like a warm soft cunt.

This cunt however, could suck on the end of his cock, trying to suck his cum out of his balls.
‘It’s been a long time since I have sucked a mans cock,’ she said between sucking and licking his cock and balls, ‘I am really enjoying this.’
He told her that he had never been sucked so well by anyone.
‘You are the best cock sucker I have ever known Mavis,’ he said sincerely.

He saw her looking at him wistfully as she was sucking and licking him, and asked her what was wrong.
‘I don’t suppose you would want to fuck an old woman? would you,’ she asked.
‘I know I’m too old for you, but it’s been so long since I’ve been fucked, and I used to enjoy it so much.’

She sounded so sad that Steve bent over and kissed her cheek,
‘I’d love to fuck you Mavis,’ he said and helped her to her feet.
She hugged him in delight, and dragged him into her bedroom.
Standing in front of him she undressed quickly, soon she was down to her black lace bra and matching knickers.

She walked over to the wall and turned off the light.
‘Why did you do that?’ he asked.
‘Because I’m sixty years old, and I will look better in the dark.’
She replied with her eyes downcast.
Steve was a very kind man, and wasn’t having her thinking like that.

He firmly switched the light back on, and putting his hands behind her undid her bra.
Her breasts were big and soft; they felt heavy in his hands as he rubbed them gently.
He bent down and kissed and sucked her nipples; she closed her eyes in pleasure.

Running his hands down her body, he pulled down her knickers, exposing her cunt to his eyes.
She kept her pubes neatly trimmed, and although her hair was now grey, it was still soft and curly.
He kissed her protruding cunt lips, sucking them into his mouth.
Steve stripped his clothes off, and picked her up in his arms.

He held her naked in his arms holding her tight, before lowering her gently onto her bed.
She lay there with her legs wide apart, and watched him as he climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs.
With one hand she gently rubbed his hard cock, while with the other she reached between her legs, and opened her cunt lips wide for him.

Locating his knob between them, he gently entered her.
He laid down on top of her, his cock deep inside her cunt and her breasts pressing against his chest.
‘ Please fuck me Steve,’ she whispered.
He wanted her, and soon his cock was pistoning in and out of her cunt. She was moaning with pleasure, and holding him tight as he fucked her.

She gasped, and he felt her hot cunt juice running over his balls, as she came for him.
He was going to come in her cunt, when she asked him to stop for a moment.
‘I know it’s a cheek Steve,’ she said ‘but as you are here, and as you are fucking me, I wonder if you would mind if I asked you to fuck my bum for me.’

She explained that her husband didn’t like to do this, nor did he like to lick her cunt.
Steve said he would be only too pleased to fuck her up the bum, and lick her cunt if she wanted him to.

She asked him to wait on the bed, while she got herself ready for him, and went into the bathroom.
As he waited, he looked at a picture of her and her husband taken at the seaside.
She was probably in her twenties at the time, and had a lovely hourglass figure.

Little did she know at the time the photo was taken, that due to an unpaid bill, she would be being fucked by a mechanic forty years later.
He looked up with a smile as she came back into the bedroom.
She was now wearing a black lace see-through nightie, and he could see her nipples poking against the material as she walked towards him.

She looked even sexier wearing this, than she had looked stark naked.
She climbed onto the bed, and handed him a tube of lubricant.
She then knelt down with her head on the pillow and her bum in the air, waiting for him.

He knelt behind her and lifted her nightie, so he had a clear view of her bottom.
Putting some lubricant on his finger, he rubbed it around her neat little bum hole.
He then gently slipped his finger into her anus, and rotated it until he could feel her bum hole relaxing.

‘That feels lovely Steve I last had my bum played with when I was eighteen, and I was going out with a sailor.
He always wanted to fuck me up my arse, he said it was to stop me getting pregnant, but I think that he just liked to bugger me.’

Rubbing more lubricant onto his cock, he rubbed his knob against her anus until it entered.
Mavis gasped as it went in.
He waited a few seconds until her bum stretched around his knob, before pushing it in further.
Soon it was all the way up her bum, and he could feel her hot bum cheeks pressing against his balls.

He was in no rush, and just knelt there enjoying the feeling of her arse gripping his cock.
‘Let me do it Steve,’ she said she started to gently wiggle her bum, and bounce it back onto his cock.
He just knelt there and watched, as she fucked her arse onto his cock.

The sight of his shaft going up her bum, then pulling out of it was very erotic.
He grabbed hold of her hips, and started to seriously fuck her arse.
Soon she was moaning again, as she felt his big cock ramming in and out of her.
’Oh that’s lovely, it’s so good up my arse, fuck me, fuck me,’ she whispered passionately.

He felt her arse tense as her orgasm came upon her, and once again her hot cunt juices soaked his ball hairs.
This time she didn’t try and stop him coming, and with a deep groan he came up her arse.
He stayed in her, holding her tight and fondling her heavy breasts, until his cock shrank enough to slip out of her bum.

She rolled over on her back and opened her legs wide,
‘Are you going to kiss it goodnight Steve?’ She asked coyly.
He remembered that he had promised to lick her cunt for her, and lay down between her legs.
She opened her lips for him, and he started to lick her as promised.

She tasted wonderful, and although his cock was limp and satisfied he really enjoyed licking her cunt clean.
He was surprised when she lifted her legs right up, and presented her bum to him.
‘You couldn’t give my bum a little lick too please Steve, it will probably be the last one it will get.’

He answered her by spreading apart her bum cheeks and kissing her on her anus.
She had a few grey hairs around it and he dutifully licked her cunt juice off them.
Just as he was about to finish, he heard her gasp in pleasure again, and more cunt juice poured out of her.
He kissed her on the cunt, and got off the bed.

She lay there in her sexy black nightie, and watched him as he dressed.
When he was ready to go, he kissed her and thanked her for a wonderful time.
He often saw her around the town, she would smile at him but didn’t attempt to talk to him.

He still thought of her now and again, as he was thinking of her now, when he was fucking this hot bit of stuff up the arse.

He was well on the way to squirting his cum up her bum, when Mabel asked him to stop for a second.
He pulled his cock out of her bum, and watched as she removed her tank top completely and walked naked to the Jag.
She leant over the long red bonnet, and wiggled her arse at him.

He stood behind her, and slipped his cock back up her arse.
She held on tightly to the silver badge, as he fucked her hard up the bum. He felt her coming for him, her juices running between their legs and dripping onto the car.
The pressure from his balls became too much for him, and he shot his load right up her bum.

She hugged the bonnet of her car, as she felt his cock shrinking in her bum.
When he stepped back from her, his cock slipped out of her arse easily. ‘That was lovely, thank you,’ she said, ‘ could you make this car do 150 mph?’
‘I could make it fly for you if you asked,’ he replied with a grin.

A few weeks later, it was flying up the M1 at 150 mph.
The supercharger he had fitted was roaring like the big cat it was, as it sucked in the air and blasted it into the engine.
She wriggled her naked bum on the leather seat, and laughed with joy as her car hurtled into the sunset.

That had been forty odd years ago, Mabel wondered what had happened to Steve the mechanic.
Her car was now old, but in perfect working condition, just like her.

Lady Alison.

Just under an hour later, she was driving up the drive of Lady Alison’s house.
Alison was waiting to welcome her, and took her inside to the sitting room.
The maid brought them a glass of wine each, and Mabel politely sipped hers while waiting for Alison to get to the reason for her invitation.

‘I have decided to Marry,’ announced Alison, ‘he is my Masseur, his name is Alan.
Before I commit myself, I want to be sure that he loves me, and will be faithful to me.
I need you to test him, you are still beautiful and obviously sexy.
We will tell him that you are a very rich friend of mine, who is over here in England looking for a husband.

If he can give you a massage, without being unfaithful to me, then I will marry him.
If he tries to make love to you, then he is out the door.’
‘Have you fucked yet?’ Mabel asked bluntly.
‘No, but he has made me orgasm more than once, on his massage table,’ she admitted sheepishly.
‘Will you help me, for Simon’s sake?’ Alison begged.

Mabel privately thought that invoking the name of her dead husband, and Alison’s brother was a bit below the belt.
However she had nothing better to do, so she agreed.
‘You will know he loves you, if he refuses me,’ said Mabel.

Alison just smiled at her, and told Mabel that she must do her best to seduce him.
There was one thing that Alison hadn’t mentioned.
Alan always massaged her in the dark, he believed that the dark relaxed the muscles and made his job easier.
Also he never spoke during the massage, just used his hands to direct the placement of her limbs.

Curiouser and curiouser, thought Mabel, but agreed to the terms.
Alison contacted Alan on her phone, and arranged for him to be there in half an hour.
‘He likes to find me already bathed, and naked on the table, before he comes into the room,’ she explained to a wondering Mabel.
‘I will help you get ready for him,’ Alison offered.

She led Mabel to the large bathroom, and decided to join her in the bath. Mabel didn’t care; she wasn’t shy in front of women.
Come to think of it, she wasn’t shy in front of men either.
Soon they were sharing a lovely soapy bath, it was easily big enough for the two of them.
As Alison soaped Mabel’s back, she asked her how her sex life was going.

Mabel was a bit surprised at such a personal question, but told her that as she had just moved to her new home, she hadn’t had a chance to look at the local talent.
She didn’t want anyone knowing about her new toyboy John.
Alison finished soaping Mabel’s back, and turned round so Mabel could soap hers.

Mabel asked Alison why it had taken her so long to decide to marry. Alison admitted that there had been a few candidates for her hand that she had fancied, but that her father had been dead set against them.
Perhaps she would be luckier this time around.
Mabel complimented Alison on her body; she was almost six foot tall and willowy.

Like Mabel, her breasts were large compared to the rest of her, and although her hair was nowhere near as long as Mabel’s, it hung down to the small of her back when loose.
They went into the dressing room to dry themselves.

Mabel was surprised when Alison asked to feel her breasts.
Alison’s father had always maintained that Mabel had silicone breasts, and she wondered if they were real or not.
Mabel just shrugged, which made the aforementioned breasts bounce gently.

Alison stood in front of her, and lifted both of her breasts as if to weigh them.
Then she gently squeezed them, and felt them all over.
She lifted them up, and looked under them for surgical scars.
‘It looks as if father was wrong, your breasts are definitely real, and if I might say they are very beautiful.’ She said at last.

Mabel thanked her for the compliment, and told Alison that she thought her breasts were beautiful too.
‘Oh, thank you, that means a lot coming from you,’ and she impulsively kissed Mabel on the cheek.
She took Mabel’s hand and led her into the massage room, it was lovely and warm and there was a proper massage table.

It was covered in black leather, and had a hole in it, for the client to put their face in.
She asked Mabel to lie on the table face down.
When she had done so, Alison undid Mabel’s hair and started to comb it out.

Mabel’s hair was her pride and joy, it reached from the crown of her head to her ankles.
Her hair was a glorious golden colour, and was thick and wavy.
Alison was humming a little tune, as she ran the comb from Mabel’s head to her feet.

As she combed her hair she was spreading it out, to evenly cover her body.
When she had finished, Mabel had relaxed her muscles and was totally covered by her hair.
So her hair would not get in the way of the massage, Alison then plaited it into two large pigtails.

These were pinned up into Mabel’s customary bun.
Alison informed Mabel, that Alan would be there in a few minutes.
She patted her bottom, turned off the lights and left the room.
Soft music issued from hidden speakers, and lulled Mabel into a dreamlike state.
She heard someone quietly come into the room, and approach the table.

Hands gently worked their way down her naked body, checking for tightness in areas of her back, and feeling each of her vertebrae.
After the initial inspection, she felt a fantastic sensation, as a pair of mink gloves, were rubbed slowly down her body.
The feel of the warm fur on her skin, almost put her to sleep, it was so relaxing.

She could feel her muscles starting to melt, as her tensions were rubbed away.
The hands moved her arms, so that they were away from her sides.
She felt warm aromatic oil, being poured down her spine from her neck to the cleft of her bottom.

Warm hands, started to rub the oil deep into her body.
They worked down from her neck, rubbing every vertebrae of her spine until they reached her bottom.

The hands then parted her bum cheeks, and continued to rub the oil between them.
She felt her anus relaxing, as the warm oily fingers rubbed around it.

Her legs were gently opened, to allow the hands to continue rubbing the oil between her legs.
She could feel the warm oily fingers brushing against her golden pubic hair.
They finally parted it, so they could rub the oil directly onto and between the lips of her vagina.

Mabel was unconsciously swaying her bottom to the soft music, and when the fingers worked their way back up towards her anus, she felt a warm oily finger slip inside her.
She groaned in pleasure, and lifted her bum up slightly, so the finger went into her even deeper.
It started to gently rotate, and stretched her anus very gently.

She could feel all her tensions dissipating, as the finger massaged deep inside her bum.
She almost cried out in disappointment when it withdrew from her relaxed bum hole, but it was only moving down to her vagina again.
This time it slipped up inside her body, and again rotated gently to open her.
She could feel her juices oozing out from between her cunt lips, as the finger was joined by another, and then another.

She could now feel three fingers slipping in and out of her juicy cunt, and could feel the approach of her orgasm in the distance.
The fingers withdrew from her cunt, and again went up towards her anus. She felt two hands parting her bum cheeks, and then a lovely warm tongue started to lick her bottom.
It started from her vagina, and licked its way to just past her anus, then it went back down only to repeat its journey again.

She found herself pushing her bum up against the tongue as it neared her anus, trying to get it to enter her.
At last she succeeded, and the tongue went deep inside her bum hole.
It licked in and around her anus, until her bum was totally relaxed.
Mabel groaned with pleasure at the feeling of having her bum licked.
The hands returned, and indicated that she turn onto her back.

She felt too weak to move, but managed with the gentle help of the hands to end up flat on her back.
The room was very dark, and she could only make out a dim shape as it moved around the table.
The hands came back again, pouring oil between her breasts and dribbling it down her tummy towards her pubes.
She could feel the warm oil running between her cunt lips, and soaking into her pubic hair.

The hands began to gently massage her breasts, lifting and kneading them.
She felt the dim shape bending over her, and then she felt a pair of hot lips sucking gently on her nipples, until they became erect and swollen. Again she felt the distant promise of her orgasm.

All her attention was on her nipples, and she needed them to be sucked harder.
The mouth moved away from her breasts, and the hands returned.
The warm oil was rubbed into her skin, and down her belly towards her open legs.
She felt more warm oil being poured between her legs, and down each of her inner thighs, until she could feel it dripping between her toes.

The hands rubbed the oil down her legs, into her knees, and down her calves, until they were massaging her feet.
Each toe was individually oiled and massaged, and then the hands moved up her legs again towards her open vagina.
Her knees were lifted up, and her legs spread, to expose her eager cunt to the approaching hands.

At last they were between her legs again, and she was thrusting herself up off the table, to entice those fingers to go deep into her.
A hand was placed on her naked belly, and she was gently pushed down onto the table.
She moaned in disappointment, until she felt those oily fingers parting her cunt lips again.

Fingers gripped both her throbbing lips firmly, and pulled them wide apart.
She felt the tongue lick deep inside her vagina, and the mouth suck hard on her swollen clitoris.
She was growling now, a primitive sound that threatened violence if her cunt wasn’t given the attention it demanded.
The fingers returned with a vengeance, thrusting into her open cunt and stretching it wide, until eventually all the fingers of the hand were inside her.

She opened her legs as wide as possible, to give them unrestricted entry. Her cunt was now more relaxed and open, than it had ever been in her life.
She felt the fingers close into a fist, and she could feel that fist thrusting deep inside her cunt.
She had never been so stretched, and the feeling was amazing.

Slowly the fist relaxed, and one by one, the fingers decreased until there were only two thrusting up her.
Before she could growl in frustration, the missing fingers returned.
Whilst two stayed inside her throbbing cunt, two more slipped up her bottom.

She now had fingers up her cunt and arse, and a thumb rubbing against her clitoris.
She lifted her legs right up, so her knees were either side of her breasts, and held her own legs tightly to give unrestricted access to her body.

Her orgasm was within seconds, and as she felt the first stirrings of it, she felt a large swollen nipple thrust into her mouth.
She instinctively sucked it into her mouth, and felt a hot soft breast pushing against her face.
Suckling this breast gave her a feeling of safety and contentment, and this triggered her overdue orgasm.

It exploded from between her legs, and flashed over her entire body in an instant.
She took a deep breath and letting go of the breast, screamed her pleasure into the darkness of the room.
As her orgasm raged through her, the fingers slowed in their stimulation of her, until they were withdrawn completely.

Hands lowered her legs down for her, and helped her turn on her side. She curled up into the foetal position, as the waves of pleasure racked her body.
She was gasping for breath, and tears were streaming down her face, for no reason other than sheer relief from all her tensions.

She lay there shuddering from the aftershocks of her massive orgasm. Again she felt the warm stroking of the mink gloves, running from her neck down to her naked bottom.
Slowly under the gentle rubbing of the glove, she uncurled and lay flat on her back again.

The tongue was back, this time parting her lips in a soft yet passionate kiss.
It thrust deep into her mouth, and she thrust her tongue back into its mouth.
Hands caressed her body and breasts, and lips were kissing her face and neck.
She felt the erotic pain of her neck being bitten in passion, and another wave of pleasure caused her juices to flow again.

A soft warm body climbed onto the table and gently lay down on her, face to face, breast to breast, and pubes to pubes.
Mabel wrapped her arms tightly around the other body, and felt it’s pubes rubbing against her throbbing cunt.
The other body stiffened in her arms, and with a triumphant cry came for her.

Hot cunt juices flooded out, and splashed over her pubes and belly.
She held on tight, as waves of pleasure raced through the other body, until at last it relaxed on hers.
Her hands felt a soft warm bottom, and long hair had fallen over her face. She could smell the musky scent of a woman’s cunt juice, and just the slightest trace of Alison’s perfume.

Tears were falling on her face, and as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she saw the beautiful face of Alison gazing down at her.
Giving Mabel a tender kiss, she slid from the table and stood beside it waiting for her to recover enough to sit up.
When Mabel finally got off the table, her legs were wobbly, and Alison had to help her walk into the bedroom and lay her down on the bed.

Alison climbed under the covers with her, and held her in her arms.
As she was so much taller than Mabel, her breasts formed a ready made pillow for her head.
Once they had both calmed down from the orgasmic storm that had swept over them, Mabel asked ‘Why.’

Alison gently kissed her, and explained that the reason that she had never married, was that she was a confirmed Lesbian.
She had been for many years, since boarding school and before.
All the people she had wanted for a partner were women.
Her father wouldn’t have it, he wasn’t going to have his empire split up after his death amongst a pack of strangers.

His son’s share of the empire, was already in the hands of that gold digger Mabel.
Alison suggested that if she could interest Mabel in becoming her partner, then the empire would be back in the family.
Lesbians could now marry, and they could run it after he was gone.

She had orchestrated this situation, to seduce Mabel, and show her what it could be like to be her partner.
The wine had contained a mild drug to dull her suspicions, until Alison had time to turn her on with the techniques that she had learned over the past years.

She apologised for the deception, but she was desperate and Mabel was her best choice.
The drug was wearing off, and Mabel’s mind was clearing fast.
Lying there safe in Alison’s arms, she bore no ill will towards her.
Mabel herself was a material girl, and may have done the same in her place.

Alison’s lovemaking was earth-shattering, and she knew she would never forget that massage.
However she had plans of her own concerning John.
She loved and wanted him in her life, but was realistic enough to realise that there could be no long term relationship with a boy forty two years younger than she was.

He would eventually need a woman his own age if he wanted a family of his own.
She was quite happy to help him find such a woman, but not just yet.
Alison’s offer was very tempting, Mabel was already rich, but if she ended up an equal partner in Brit oil, she would be a billionaire.
She would need to consider all the options, before she made any decision.

It was late and she was mentally and sexually exhausted, she kissed Alison lovingly on her mouth, and cuddling up to her breasts went to sleep.
Alison lay there holding Mabel in her arms, just listening to her breathing until she too slept.

To be continued.
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