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Old 09-14-2018, 11:09 AM
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14 September 1918

Western Front
Battle of St. Mihiel
: Continued German retreat between the Meuse and Moselle, closely followed by French and Americans. French and American troops successfully capture most of St. Mihiel. Captured German prisoners provide entertainment on the piano for American soldiers at St. Mihiel:
French children with French flags on a car at Saint Mihiel after the town’s recapture by the Allies:
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Havrincourt: German counter-attacks at Havrincourt fails.
Aisne: French Tenth Army storms Allemant (Legion’s last major action) and Laffaux Mill (Marine batallion) in 5-miles of Hindenburg Line and captures 2,500 PoWs and guns; recaptures Vailly on river (September 16); advances northeast of Soissons (September 17), and repulses five counter-attacks near Allemant (September 20).
Western Front, Air: Germany: Largest Handley Page effort (night September 14-15), 40 vs various targets (1 lost).
French refugees return to their destroyed town of Villers-Bretonneux: © IWM (Q 11339):
American troops take cover as tanks advance near Beauquesne: © IWM (Q 57694):
American troops change the street name “Hindenburg Strasse” in St. Mihiel to “Wilson, U.S.A.”:
A British soldier walks by the ruined town hall of Combles: © IWM (Q 78747):
A German bike with wheels made out of springs due to their rubber shortage:

Southern Front
: First of 3 RAF pre-final offensive bombing raids (until September 16) on Hudova airfield.
Allied final offensive: Battle of the Vardar (until September 25; French: Battle of the Dobropolje until September 17 and Serb Battle of the Moglenitsa) begins with record Balkans 650-gun bombardment from 0800 hours along 80-mile Vardar-Monastir line especially on 6-mile Mountains Sokol-Vetrenik sector. Friedrich von Scholtz wrongly moves Bulgar regiment and 12th Saxon Jäger battalion to north of Monastir, only at 2230 hours discovers the point of attack.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: British evacuation of Baku begins: British forces in the Southern Caucasus 'Dunsterforce' are forced to abandon the port of Baku to advancing Turkish troops. Eight to ten battalions capture Wolfs Gate. Dunsterforce evacuation ordered at 2000 hours after 180 casualties and 5 RAF sorties. 3 Royal Navy-manned ships take 1,300 British soldiers and 8,000 Armenians to Enzeli (until September 15). Tartars massacre 8,988 Armenians (until September 16). Turks install Khan Khoiski’s Tartar Government on September 16.
Oil rigs in Baku in 1918, in which the Germans, British and Turks are interested:
Ottoman artillery targeting the city:

Political, etc
: Government sends note to US, all belligerents and neutrals suggesting ‘non-committal discussion’ on neutral soil. Allies spurn and Germans irritated.
Germany: Germany makes peace offer to Belgium on the basis of no indemnity or reparation, etc.
Netherlands: (Listed for yesterday): The largest train disaster in the Netherlands (until the Harmelen train disaster in 1962) occurs when a train derails over a bridge near Weesp, resulting in 41 deaths:
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Old 09-15-2018, 09:49 AM
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15 September 1918

Western Front
Battle of St. Mihiel
: Americans continue advance on 33-mile front; they come within reach of fortress guns of Metz.
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Havrincourt: British capture Maissemy, five miles north-west of St. Quentin.
Germans make ineffective counter-attacks south of the Oise.
Western Front, Air: German pilots destroy 6 and damage 4 balloons on BEF First and Third Army fronts (RAF manage 3 plus 3). Germans claim 58 Allied aircraft for loss of 12 in air fighting above all but one of the 14 German armies.
Germany: Karlsruhe and Mainz heavily bombed by R.A.F. Stuttgart (Bosch and Daimler works) attacked by 9 DH4s of No 55 Squadron; claim 2 defensive fighters shot down.
France: last bombing of Paris: 50 Gotha bombers (2 lost) drop 85 bombs (37 casualties).
Bulgarian machinge-gunners in action with Maxim Model 1908 machone-guns purchased before the war in UK.:
Construction of Hermann Line behind Army Groups Rupprecht and Boehn begun. German gas response to BEF autumn offensive: 2 million rounds (4,000t) mustard gas expended; 24,363 gassed (540 deaths) until November 11.
Flanders: Belgian composer and soldier for duration of war Georges Antoine dies from influenza.
A British soldier in the ruins of Bethune: © IWM (Q 11337):
American soldiers repair shell holes after capturing the area from the Germans, near Montsec:
A Portuguese soldier holding an improvised gas alarm at Festubert: © IWM (Q 11338):

Eastern Front
: Red Eastern Front (5 armies) total 70,000 men; 225 guns; 1,059 Mgs..

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa: Bulgarian position carried on front of seven miles, and 800 prisoners taken.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: British forces complete evacuation of Baku.

Political, etc
: French losses since 1 July 279,000 soldiers.
United States: New York “Congress of Austrian subject peoples” demands Empire’s dismemberment.
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Old 09-16-2018, 09:43 AM
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16 September 1918

Western Front
Battle of St. Mihiel
: Americans advance along west bank of Moselle. St Mihiel salient fully straightened out for 7,511 US and 597 French casualties (15,000 beds available), 15,000 PoWs and 450 (or 443) guns taken. Germans commit 4 reserve divisions. Metz fortress guns fire (September 15), but c.400,000 Americans now switched 60 miles northwest. Battle of St. Mihiel ends (see 12th).
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Havrincourt: French capture Vailly (north-east of Soissons) and Mt. des Singes.
Slight advance by British in neighbourhood of Ploegsteert and east of Ypres.
Western Front, Air: France: the overnight last raid on Paris resulted in 6 killed, 15 injured, 2 raiders brought down. RAF claim to destroy 8 German aircraft for loss of 4 over BEF Third Army but, overall, Germans claim 59 Allied planes for loss of 10.
Germany: 7 RAF Handley Pages lost on raids on Cologne, Saarbrücken and Trier etc, 6 of them lost to anti-aircraft guns (16,063 rounds fired and 173 searchlights in action, night September 16-17).
Soldiers from Britain and its Dominions compete in a log chopping contest near Pont-Remy. The Australian soldier won: © IWM (Q 7076):
A column of Germans prisoners being escorted by New Zealand soldiers through Havrincourt Wood:
American soldiers hurl grenades at Austro-Hungarian troops on the Piave Front in Italy:

Eastern Front
Archangel front
; successful operation by naval units and Allied troops on the River Dvina; two enemy ships sunk, three guns captured.

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Franco-Serbian advance continued; the troops advance to a depth of five miles on 16-mile front in region of Dobropolje. Serb Yugoslav Division attacks Mt Kozyak all day (inside Bulgarian 3rd line) and finally takes it, but German 13th Saxon Jäger battalion covers breach. Friedrich von Scholtz cables Paul von Hindenburg, asking for German divisions from Western Front; request forwarded to Austrians, who hedge. Bulgarian 2nd Division withdraws to 3rd line without warning.
Italy: Italians makes successful trench raid north and north-west of Mt. Grappa; capture over 300 prisoners and some machine guns.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: 6 RAF D.H.9s raid Deraa for first time; 8 German planes from there cause Arab Army only 2 casualties thanks to B.E.12 (destroyed).

Naval and Overseas Operations
Great Britain
: The world's first flush-decked aircraft carrier, HMS Argus, is commissioned into the Royal Navy. She was the first example of what is now the standard pattern of aircraft carrier, with a full-length flight deck that allowed wheeled aircraft to take off and land. Argus in harbor in 1918, painted in dazzle camouflage, with a Revenge-class battleship in the background:
Monitor H.M.S. Glatton sunk by explosion in Dover harbor.
Channel: Coastal submarine UB-103, sighted by British blimp SS 21 (Pilot US Ensign NJ Learned), sunk by several Royal Navy drifters’ depth charges off Cap Gris Nez.
An SS class airship with twin ventral fins and a BE2c-type car for the pilot:

Political, etc
: Count Georg von Hertling tells Conservative leader that Austrian peace move has prejudiced Dutch mediation.
Russia: Vladimir Lenin recovers from gunshots, attends meetings (until September 17), but moves to Gorki (September 24 or 25) to convalesced until mid-October.
United Kingdom: Balfour calls Austro-German offers unacceptable. King George V cables President Wilson with congratulations on St Mihiel salient removal.
Bulgaria: Tsar Ferdinand replies to General Lukov peacefeeler suggestion ‘Go out and get killed in your present lines’.
Japan: Recognition by Japan of Czechoslovakia as belligerent Allies.
United States: President Woodrow Wilson replies to the Austrian Note by rejecting suggestion for a peace conference (see 15th, and October 4th).
A map in front of the New York Public Library displays the “Czechoslovak Nation” in the territory of Austria-Hungary:
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Old 09-17-2018, 10:43 AM
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17 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Havrincourt: Battle peters out in general fighting.
British make local progress north-west of St. Quentin and in the north near Ploegsteert. Localized fighting including British 55th Division capture of Canteleux Trench.
Germans counter-attack at Moeuvres.
French gain ground north-east of Soissons, capture several strong points.
Americans consolidate their line between the Meuse heights and the Moselle.
Western Front, Air: “Good” results in bombing attacks by R.A.F. on German objectives.
Australian soldiers carrying a dummy tank used to fool aerial reconnaissance: © E AUS 4938:
A sign in Amiens warns British soldiers not to loot French property: © IWM (Q 23590):
British cavalrymen stop in the Authie River to water their horses: © IWM (Q 9311):
A French refugee family returns to the destroyed streets of Amiens: © IWM (Q 11341):

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: The Franco-Serbian advance continues; breakthrough is now 6 miles deep and 20 miles wide. General Ruser orders his Bulgarian 2nd Division to retreat from 3rd line behind river Cherna leaving 5-mile gap for Serbs to reach river. Two Bulgarian 3rd Division regiments mutiny. Frriedrich von Scholtz orders general retreat behind river Belasnica.
Italy: Italians repulse strong counter-attacks north of Mt. Grappa.
After visit to Paris Diaz tells Prime Minister Orlando no premature autumn offensive until clear Allied success on Western Front.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Arab Army captures Tell Arar bridge north of Deraa. Lawrence gets slight bomb splinter arm wound; 350 Arab regulars then capture station 5 miles west of Deraa, drawing in reserve German troops from Afuleh.
Palestine: Desert Mounted Corps secretly concentrated in Plain of Sharon, betrayed by Indian Muslim sergeant deserter, but Otto Liman von Sanders believes him to be a plant.
Persia: Lionel Dunsterville recalled, GOC 14th Division William Thomson replaces in command ‘Norper Force’, Enzeli to be held. Commodore David Norris says Caspian Flotilla possible, plans 12 ships (September 27), first ready October 6.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Great Britain
: HMS Glatton destroyed in yesterday’s fire & scuttling. 60 sailors are killed in the incident:

Political, etc
United States
: Women deliver heavy ice blocks. Work previously done by men are now being done by women as more soldiers go to the front:
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Old 09-18-2018, 04:21 AM
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18 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Epéhy: Following the success at Havrincourt, three corps of the British Fourth Army, one corps of the British Third Army and units of the French First Army attacked. The left and right wings of the advance progressed with difficulty, but the two Australian divisions in the centre of the advance were successful in achieving an advance of three miles. Great Australian (5th/6th Australian Infantry Brigades) advance on 16-mile front (north-west of St. Quentin, extending from Holnon Wood to Gouzeaucourt; over 6,000 prisoners and a number of guns captured. The success of this attack showed to the Allies that the German defense, even on the fortified Hindenburg Line positions, was not impossible to break through.
An Australian battery of 4,5-inch field howitzers. The high elevation of the short barrels enabled their shells to fall almost vertically into enemy earthworks:
French, in liaison with British, capture Savy Wood and Fontaine-les-Cleres.
Germans continue strong counter-attacks north and south of Moeuvres, with some success.
Western Front, Air: Rain and clouds restrict flying over Somme (until September 19), both sides’ aircraft losses much lower (September 17-20).
Members of the Maori Pioneer Battalion help French peasants with the harvest:
The Amiens Gun, a large German 28-cm railway gun, on display in Paris after the gun was captured by Australian troops:

Eastern Front
Murmansk front
: Karelians defeat German-led forces from Finland at Ukhtinskaya and drive them back over the border.

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Bulgarians in full retreat before French, Serbians and Yugoslavs; Serbian cavalry reaches Polosko; communication with Prilep (Bulgarian advanced base) cut.
Battle of Monastir-Doiran (see 24th), (including Battle of Doiran, 1918), begins (see 19th): Anglo-Greeks attack in neighborhood of Lake Doiran and take the town. Bulgarian 9th Division with 122 guns, British enter Doiran town and take Petit Couronne with 777 PoWs but British 65th brigade (22nd Division) has only 200 survivors (30 poisoned by British gas) from attempt to storm Grand Couronne, (thrice-wounded commander 7th South Wales Borderers Lieutenant-Colonel Burges awarded Victoria Cross). Greek losses 1,232 men, British failure east of lake (900 Anglo-Greek casualties) due to grass wildfire started by Bulgarian artillery.
Salonika: RAF sends 372 calls for artillery fire until September 19, only 1 aircraft lost and shoots down 2 aircraft.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Arab force surrounds Dera'a and blows up railway junction.
Palestine: On Allenby’s east flank 53rd Division storms across Wadi-es-Samieh and advances 7 miles (night September 18-19).
Siberia: Blagovyeschensk occupied by Japanese forces (see 5th).

Political, etc
: Complete failure of the Austro-Hungarian peace offer, which is rejected by Great Britain, France, U.S.A. and Belgium in turn.
Germany: General Erich Ludendorff warns Admiral Maximilian Scheer of plans for abandoning Flanders coast.
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Old 09-19-2018, 11:30 AM
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19 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Further British and French gains in direction of St. Quentin; heavy fighting round Gouzeaucourt and Moeuvres, all Germans attacks finally repulsed.
British capture Lempire and the French advance beyond Contescourt; they capture Essigny le Grand at end of the day.
French troops resting in a trench near the village of Margival: © IWM (Q 78258):
A wounded soldier (from a Bantam unit) returns from the front near Épehy: © IWM (Q 11329):
A British officer instructs American soldiers on operating a machine gun in France:
Allied troops win the Battle of Épehy, with 11,750 German prisoners captured. A wounded British soldier and German prisoner share a cigarette near Épehy: © IWM (Q 11538):
Australian soldiers advancing towards the “Hindenburg Line” near Le Verguier: © IWM (E(AUS) 3260):
American Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur sitting in a chair at a French chateau after the Allies recaptured it from the Germans:
American soldiers testing a captured German telephone set in St. Mihiel:
An American warehouse in Paris destroyed by a German air raid:

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: One source claims: Bulgarian rout continues; Serbians cross the Cherna and march on Prilep; over 5,000 prisoners claimed.
Another source states: Renewed Anglo-Greek attack fails in 6 bloody hours as some British caught in own shellfire. Milne tells d’Esperey British can do no more. Bulgarian First Army Commander General Nerezov proposes counter-offensive to take Salonika but German-Bulgar (Steuben and Todorov) Prilep conference decides on gradual withdrawal prior to cutting off Allied salient. Franco-Greek attack storms Mt Dzena (7,000ft).
Battle of Monastir-Doiran: Battle of Doiran: Battle of Doiran, 1918, ends (see 18th and 22nd).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Major Thomas Lawrence destroys Turk plane on ground and engages train in his armored car.
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo (Sharon and Nablus) begin (see 23rd and 25th). General Allenby, in the form of Bulfin’s XXI Corps (35,000 men), advances on 16-mile front between Rafat and the sea behind 385-gun barrage; pierces Turkish lines. Desert Mounted Corps follows by 0700 hours, claims 7,000 PoWs and 100 guns in 22-mile ride.Infantry reach railway junction of Tull Keram, cavalry push forward east and north-east to cut off enemy retreat. 3,000 prisoners claimed by British. Turkish Eighth Army headquarter at Tulkarm falls to 60th Division after 18-mile march.
Battle of Megiddo begins as Allied troops attack Ottoman positions to drive them out of Palestine. Supplies moving up to the frontlines, while wounded soldiers are carried away on camels: © Q 12973:
British cavalry is advancing through Palestine:
Egyptian Labour Corps 100,000 strong in 99 coys and 30 camps in Palestine.
RAF strike Tulkarm-Nablus road, 2 army headquarters, telephone exchanges and 3 airfields. No 113 Squadron twice smokescreens XXI Corps’ advance. Jenin airfield captured on September 28 with 11 burnt German aircraft.

Political, etc
: Government formally rejects German peace offer.
United States: Mr. John W Davis appointed U.S. ambassador to Great Britain. (although another source says his appointment wasn’t until 21 November).
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Old 09-20-2018, 04:17 AM
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20 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: British line pushed forward in the Lempire-Epehy sector; recapture of Moeuvres completed.
North-west of La Bassee British front advanced.
French repulse five attacks against their new positions near Allemant (north of the Aisne). They advance east of Essigny le Grand.
A British convoy passes by a destroyed British tank near Brie: © IWM (Q 23602):

Eastern Front
: Reported set-back of Czechoslovaks on the Volga; they are driven from Volsk, Simbirsk and Kazan by Bolshevist and German forces.
Don: Krasnov’s 20 Cossack regiments attack again, breaking Red South Front.

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Bulgarian First Army receives order to retreat in ‘a stunned silence’.
Bombs and leaflets dropped on Constantinople by R.A.F. in co-operation with Greek Navy.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo
(Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): Nazareth and Beisan occupied by British cavalry (see 19th). 2nd Indian Lancers seize Musmus Pass and their charge wipes out 516 Turks. Liman (in pyjamas) just escapes 13th Cavalry Brigade’s swoop on Nazareth (1,250 PoWs). 4th Cavalry Division seizes Jordan crossings after 70-mile ride in 34 hours. 3rd ALH Brigade captures Jenin with 1,869 PoWs. Allenby sees Lawrence at GHQ after latter’s RAF Bristol Fighter flight from Azrak.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Austrian coastal submarine U-47 (ex-German UB-47) sinks French submarine Circe (1 survivor) off Albania.
Ex-UB-47 is put into service as U-47 on 4 July 1916 in Pola:

Political, etc
: Vienna Neue Freie Presse mentions rumors of coming Italian offensive.
Russia: SOVNARKOM repudiates Russo-Turkish Treaty from March 3, 1918.
United States: French Foreign Legion in New York City to promote the Fourth Liberty Loan drive:
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Old 09-21-2018, 01:02 PM
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21 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Cambrai: British 12th and 18th Divisions (with 9 tanks) capture Le Petit Priel farm, east of Epehy. 119 Australians of 1st Battalion refuse to attack and go to rear. British encounter stubborn resistance but gain ground east of Epehy.
British line improved at Moeuvres.
Further French gains south of St. Quentin, they take Benay.
British Whippet tanks captured by the Germans and then later recaptured by the British near Méaulte: © IWM (Q 23596):
French Chasseurs on the wharf of Dundee: © IWM (Q 102989):
American soldiers with gas masks at Essey, France:
Australian troops playing a game of rugby during a rest from fighting at Barleux: © IWM (E(AUS) 3355):
A German war cemetery in St. Mihiel after its capture by the Allies: © IWM (Q 78176):
An Australian field bakery in Rouen, France filled with bread to be delivered to troops: © IWM (E(AUS) 3462):

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Franco-Serbian troops pursue Bulgarians past Kavadar and threaten Babuna pass. They reach the Vardar near Demirkapu and Negotin.
Bulgarians begin destroying their stores and war material preparatory to a retreat, confirmed by 2 RAF D.H.9 observers report 500 Bulgarian wagons and lorries in retreat at 1040 hours.
Only 5,000 Bulgarian PoWs so far.
RAF (45 serviceable planes) bomb Bulgarians fleeing through Kosturino defile to Lyumnitas, at least 700 killed, 300 wagons destroyed; then attack Kryesna Pass and block Kresni defile (September 28-29). Total of 782 bombs dropped until September 29.
The Prince of Wales visiting an Italian airfield with an Italian S.I.A.9 reconnaissance/light bomber: © Q 68809:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: East of Jordan the Hejaz Arabs cut the Damascus railway in numerous places.
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo (Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): Advance of British Infantry in Palestine; they reach Shechem and Samaria, and drive Turks into arms of cavalry operating southward from Jenin and Beisan, claim 18,000 prisoners taken.
Royal Air Force airplanes operating in support of Generally Allenby's campaign in Palestine attack and destroy the retreating Turkish 7th Army at Wadi el Far'a. T.E. Lawrence wrote of this attack: "It was the RAF which had converted the Turkish retreat into a rout, which had abolished their telephone and telegraph connections, had blocked their lorry columns, scattered their infantry units". 9 1/4t bombs and 56,000 MG rounds delivered in over 84 sorties (2 aircraft lost).
British planes strafing the Turkish column in Palestine:
Mopping up (until September 24) yields 87 guns, 55 lorries and 842 wagons.
Australian cavalry enters Nablus, Palestine while locals look on after the town was captured from the Ottomans: © IWM (Q 12331):
Dozens of Ottoman and German guns taken by the British after capturing Nablus, Palestine: © IWM (Q 12343):
Nazareth is also captured by the British. British cavalry in the town at Mary’s Well:

Political, etc
United Kingdom
: Sir M. de Bunsen returns from successful mission to South America.
War Minister warns Haig against heavy casualties due to poor recruiting at home, but the Field Marshal resolves to continue planned offensive.
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Old 09-22-2018, 11:50 AM
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22 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: South of St. Quentin French reach outskirts of Vendeul and gain ground east of Sancy.
Australian NCO tests a batch of bread before they are sent to the troops: © IWM (E(AUS) 3489):
War correspondents inside a trench at Langewaede, Belgium:

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: “Great” Allied victory in Balkans; “Brilliant” Serbian attack; Bulgarians retreat on 100-mile front, from Monastir to Lake Doiran.
Allies cut Vardar railway and line from Prilep to Gradsko. They advance on Babuna Pass. After Prilep-Gradsko rail line cut, d’Esperey orders cavalry pursuit.
Doiran occupied by British forces (see 19th and December 11th, 1915).
On the Balkan front, French cavalry brings German prisoners of war to the rear:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Two Bristol Fighters and 1 D.H.9 reinforce Arab Army east of Deraa, destroy 2 German two-seaters and a Pfalz scout. Handley Page joins on September 23 with fuel and spares and bombs Deraa rail station. West of Jordan. RAF drop 411 bombs and fire 30,000 MG rounds at Turkish fugitives.
A German AEG C.IV reconnaissance aircraft in Palestine: © IWM (Q 60316):
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo (Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): NZ Mounted Brigade seizes Jisr-ed-Damieh Jordan bridge with 786 PoWs. British seize passages of Jordan north of Dead Sea and close enemy's last means of escape. Total of approximately 25,000 prisoners and 260 guns taken in the entire battle. The 7th and 8th Turkish armies are virtually wiped out.
Djemal Kuchuk belatedly orders Fourth Army retreat east of Jordan while Colonel Oppen’s 2,000 Asia Corps (700 Germans) survivors ford Jordan (night September 22-23).
French cavalrymen of the Chasseurs d’Afrique in northern Palestine at the Battle of Sharon: © IWM (Q 12325):
British troops lead Ottoman prisoners captured at the Battle of Sharon in northern Palestine:
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Old 09-23-2018, 12:02 PM
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23 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Series of local battles along front; Germans make stubborn resistance round Epehy.
French advance their line east of St. Quentin Canal; they reach the Oise, three miles north of La Fere.
Actions round Haumont on American sector (Meuse-Argonne).
Western Front, Air: Thirteen German bombers raid RAF Marquise depot, destroy or damage 99 aircraft (172 casualties; night September 23-24).
A funeral ceremony for an American soldier at La Rochelle, France:

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: French Cavalry Brigade Jouinot-Gambetta begins 57-mile 6-day advance from Novak, C-in-C gives Uskub (Skopje) as their objective. Prilep taken by French forces (see November 16th, 1915). Bulgarians stream northward toward Veles pursued by Allied troops. Serbians in neighborhood of Demir Kapu are well north of the Vardar.
British advance north of Lake Doiran and their cavalry pursue Bulgarians along road to Strumitsa.
Serbian soldiers in the town of Prilep:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: East of the Jordan, Colonial and Jewish troops pursue Turkish 4th Army in retreat towards Amman on the coast.
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo (Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): Haifa, Acre, and Es Salt occupied by British forces (see 19th). Haul includes 889 PoWs and 18 guns. Liman von Sanders arrives in Damascus (stay until September 29), sends staff to Aleppo on September 25.
Ma'an (on Hejaz Railway) evacuated by the Turkish garrison (see 29th).
TE Lawrence war not the only officer in the Middle East to ‘go native’. Here a British Lieutenant is in full Arab regalia in 1918:
Indian cavalry of the Jodhpore and Mysore Lancers march through Haifa after the city’s capture from the Ottomans: © IWM (Q 12335):

Naval and Overseas Operations
America submarine R-27 being launched: © IWM (Q 68441):

Political, etc
United States
: Women of Boston collecting peach stones, which are used in the manufacture of gas masks:
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Old 09-24-2018, 11:14 AM
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24 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Sharp local fighting renewed in neighborhood of Selency. Anglo-French attack on 4-mile front east of Vermand to within 2 miles of St Quentin. British 1st and 6th Divisions with 20 tanks attack Quadrilateral and Fresnoy (northwest of St Quentin); French capture 2 villages to west.
Surprise attack by Germans near Moeuvres and Epehy are repulsed.
Artillery actions in French sector.
BEF’s best week of war for taking PoWs, with 30,441 claimed (until September 30).
British soldiers bring in exhausted, wounded and demoralized German PoWs:
Western Front, Air: U.S. Navy pilot David Sinton Ingalls becomes the first US Navy ace (he is also the only US Navy ace in WWI):

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Serbians in posession of Babuna Pass, they capture Veles and Ishtip, press on to Uskub.
British cross Bulgarian frontier at Kosturino. Over 10,000 prisoners and 200 guns claimed.
End of battle of the Vardar.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo
(Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): British cavalry reach Sea of Galilee in pursuit of Turks, who are fleeing towards Damascus.
East of Jordan British cavalry occupy Amman on Hejaz railway. Total of prisoners 45,000 and 265 guns.
Australian troops guard a captured German airplane at Jenin aerodrome: © IWM (Q 12345):
A British armoured car at the Battle of Megiddo in northern Palestine:

Political, etc
: OHL informs Berlin Govt that armistice talks inevitable.
Kaiser visits Kiel U-boat School, speaks to 400 U-boat officers and minelayer crews.
France: 4th War Loan authorized.
United Kingdom: Army educational scheme issued. Churchill first meets S Sassoon.
Women workers painting smoke shells at a factory in Lancashire: © IWM (Q 28241):
Italy: Yugoslav State recognized by Italy as independent.
Bulgaria: Bulgaria proposes an Armistice, but General Franchet d'Esperey, (Commander-in-Chief of Allied forces) declines any suspension of hostilities.
United States: Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls in Cincinnati, Ohio scatter flowers in advance of soldiers leaving for the front:
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Old 09-25-2018, 04:18 AM
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25 September 1918

Western Front
Western Front, Air
: Rickenbacker awarded Medal of Honor; posthumous award to Texas ‘balloon-buster’ Lieutenant Frank Luke, 29 (killed on September 19 after 14 victories in 8 days, including 3 aircraft and 2 balloons just on September 18). Germans claim 41 Allied aircraft for loss of 13 (including on September 24).
Germany: 4 D.H.9s of No 110 Squadron lost in raid on Frankfurt (bombed from 17,000ft) to 50 fighters.
US ace Edward ‘Eddie’ Rickenbacker joined and later led the elite 94th ‘Hat in the Ring’ Squadron in 1918:
Italian Caproni bomber operated by the Americans taking off at Souilly: © IWM (Q 65568):

Southern Front
: French and Serbs capture vital Bulgarian supply centre of Gradsko on the Vardar with 19 guns and 40 locomotives; General Pruneau of 17th Colonial Division ‘My poilus have their clothes in rags and most … are barefooted’ (September 26). Cavalry Brigade Jouinot-Gambetta reaches Babuna Pass and strikes north through mountains for Uskub covering 11 miles on September 26. British XVI Corps cross Bulgar frontier and enter Kosturino. Bulgarian deserters try to seize GHQ at Kurstendil and commandeer trains to go home, GHQ moves to Sofia on September 27.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: 2,750 Anzac soldiers capture Amman with 2,563 PoWs and 10 guns. 400 Australian Light Horse (78 casualties) storm Semakh rail station south of Lake Galilee with 364 PoWs (including c.150 Germans) and 1 gun. Tiberias surrenders. EEF total haul since September 19 are 45,000 PoWs and 260 guns.
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo (Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): Battles of Megiddo end (see 19th).

Political, etc
United Kingdom
: Railway strike, which began in South Wales, spreads to other lines; Great Western, Midland and London and South Western affected.
‘Italy’s Day’in London.
Bulgaria: Tsar Ferdinand orders Stamboliski freed to calm mutineers in Sofia; 1,500 casualties as loyal cadets and German 217th Division from Odessa and Varna disperse them.
United States: Soldiers at Camp Dix, New Jersey gargling with salt water to protect them from the Spanish Flu, which is spreading across army camps:
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Old 09-26-2018, 10:47 AM
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26 September 1918

Western Front
Allied Meuse-Argonne Offensive begins. Battle of Champagne and Argonne begins (see October 15th): Great Franco-American attack on 40-mile front, from middle of Champagne to the Meuse. French under General Henri Gouraud, Americans under General John Pershing. After 3 hour barrage 37 Franco-American divisions attack at 0530 hours on 40-mile front from Champagne to Meuse with 705 tanks available, average advance 3 miles. AEF gas effort: 800 million rounds (1600t) mustard gas and phosgene; 10,600 gassed (278 deaths; until November 11). Both armies advance several miles, capture Montfaucon, Varennes and many villages.
Western Front, Air: William Mitchell’s 842 US aircraft vs 302 German for Meuse-Argonne Offensive (until November 11), but weather restricts close support. Germans claim 63 Allied aircraft for loss of 3.
Germany: Four Handley Pages of No 216 Squadron damage railways and bridge at Metz-Sablon causing delays and dislocation for 24 hours.
US soldiers with French FT-17 tanks march into their deployment areas in the Meuse-Argonne sector:
Captured German prisoners being led down a French trench in the Marne region: © IWM (Q 70062):
American soldiers with a “camouflaged” railway gun:
Columns of German prisoners captured by the Americans during the Battle of St. Mihiel:
American troops launch the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, which is the largest offensive in US history, involving 1.2 million soldiers. A gun crew of the 23rd Infantry:
A wounded American soldier receiving treatment near Varennes-en-Argonne:
American artillerymen loading a 14-inch gun on the Argonne front:
Renault FT-17 tanks, operated by the Americans, advancing in the Argonne Forest: © IWM (Q 58691):

Southern Front
General fighting in Serbia/Bulgaria: British enter Strumitsa. Serbian cavalry, striking east from Ishtip, capture Kochana. Bulgarians make hard fight to retain Uskub.
Bulgarian capital Sofia still 130 miles and five mountains ranges to north.
Red Cross distributing cigarettes to Italian soldiers. Austro-Hungarian troops have control of the mountain in the background:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: 10th Cavalry Brigade at Irbid fails vs Turkish Fourth Army flank guard. Arab Army (3,000 men) crosses Hejaz Railway north of Deraa (Colonel Oppen’s 700 Germans reach, railed to Riyak on September 27), takes 2 stations and over 600 PoWs.
View of the town of Amman, future capital of Jordan:
Palestine: Edmund Allenby meets corps commanders at Jenin, orders advance on Damascus.

Naval and Overseas Operations
USCGC Tampa sunk on convoy duty (117 lost).
German submarine U-156, which sank 44 ships during its career and participated in the Attack on New Orleans (the only attack on the American mainland in the war), hits a mine and sinks, resulting in the deaths of all 77 crew.

Political, etc
: Count Istvan Tisza's Mission to Bosnia a complete failure.
United Kingdom: Railway strike in England ended.
Bulgaria: North of Kosturino at 0800 hours (95°F in shade) Derbyshire Yeomanry meets Bulgarian car with white flag and Todorov letter to Milne. BULGARIA REQUESTS ARMISTICE.
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Old 09-27-2018, 04:15 AM
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27 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Canal du Nord (27 September - 1 October 1918) The British First Army was to cross the canal continuing the advance following on from the Battle of the Drocourt-Quéant Line and advance towards Cambrai. This sector extended from Sauchy l'Estrees to Gouzeaucourt. So-called Hindenburg Line pierced. Beaucamp, Graincourt, etc., taken; Canadians capture Bourlon Wood. 10,000 PoWs and 200 guns claimed. Rupprecht writes that peace must be made in winter. US 106th Regiment (27th Division) loses 1,540 of 2,000 men attacking three outposts of Siegfried Line (actual name of “Hindenburg Line”).
Canadian soldiers with captured Germans watch the fighting on the Canal du Nord:
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Further Franco-American advance between Reims and Verdun, converging move on the Argonne. Franco-American advance slows: Montfaucon behind Michel Stellung and Varennes (Crown Prince’s 1916 Verdun observation point) captured, 3,000 prisoners claimed.
Reported from Christiana that British flag hoisted over (destroyed) German property at Spitsbergen.
Western Front, Air: 57 RAF squadrons with 1.058 aircraft support BEF assault; 6 fighter squdrons make low-lying attacks using 70t bombs and 26,000 MG rounds; 3 German airfields attacked. Germans claim 44 Allied aircraft for loss of 10. Handley Pages drop 6t bombs on Busigny rail junction (night September 27-28).
American artillery moves up to the front at dawn near Mœuvre for the Arras and Cambrai campaign:
British, Canadian, and New Zealand troops attack German positions on the Canal du Nord. British infantry moving up during the battle: © IWM (Q 9326):

Eastern Front
North Russia
: Allied Archangel advance blocked by far larger Red force at Nizhne-Toimski after 60-mile push, retreat to Borok and dig in until September 28.
Southern Russia: Josef Stalin signals Leon Trotsky for 30,000 rifles, 150 MGs and 50 guns or else retirement east of Volga.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Arab Army cuts in at Sheikh Saad, claims 2,000 PoWs and wipes out 2,000 Turks in revenge for Tafas village massacre.
Palestine: Australian Mounted Division begins ride for Damascus by crossing Jordan.

Political, etc
United States
: Broadway actresses from the “Fiddlers Three” perform for American sailors while sitting on a gun of the USS Charleston:
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Old 09-28-2018, 08:52 AM
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28 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Canal du Nord (27 September-1 October 1918): Messines retaken by British forces (see April 10th). Italians force crossing of the Aisne east of Conde.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Further Franco-American progress; General Mangin advances in Champagne and on the Aisne. Germans retire to the Ailette. American line advanced to Exermont and Brieulles, many villages taken.
The Allied Flanders Advance begins with the Battle of the Flanders Peaks (see October 10th) and the Fifth Battle of Ypres 1918 (see November 10th, 1917, and October 2nd, 1918) (Other sources count this as the Fourth Battle of Ypres (until October 2): Allied Flanders Army Group (King Albert, CoS General Degoutte) of 28 divisions with 2,550 guns (12 Belgian with 170,000 men, 10 BEF, 6 French divisions). Successful Anglo-Belgian attack after 3-hour barrage advances on 23-mile front from Dixmude to Ploegsteert under King Albert; Houthhulst Forest captured and claim over 4,000 prisoners, Houthulst Forest shows 4-mile advance; Wytschaete captured. Belgian 4th Carabineers storm Passchendaele.
Long range bombardment of Dunkirk.
Western Front, Air: Ernst Udet destroys 2 US-crewed DH and receives bullet graze. Lieutenant F Rumey (45 victories) of Jasta 4 killed in action. Bogohl 3 and other German units drop 167,154lb bombs. Most crews carry out 3 sorties (night September 28/29). RAF loss of 424 men since September 15 severest of war, average 15.5 per 100 planes flown (1,404 serviceable). 24 RAF squadrons support final Allied advance, helped by radio telephone. 6 main rail targets attacked, 27 aircraft lost in low-flying attacks.
German prisoners carrying a wounded soldier follow a British tank during the Battle of Canal du Nord: © IWM (Q 9345):
Damaged town of Varennes, France on the River Aire:
Panorama of Montfaucon, France after its capture by the American Army from the Germans:
A British soldier guarding German prisoners at Bapaume: © IWM (Q 9339):
American artillerymen exchanging fire with German artillery at Bois du Fays. A German shell explode in the background:
British troops underneath a damaged bridge near Mœuvres: © IWM (Q 9640):

Southern Front
Austro-Hungarian attack in Val Giudicaria (Dolomites) repulsed.
Salonika: Armistice talks begin at 1600 hours including General Lukov and Bulgarian Finance Minister who hope for neutral status but d’Esperey unyielding.
Serbia: French 57th Division occupies Ochrid.
Bulgarian soldiers in Allied captivity. Bulgaria’s withdrawal from the war causes the entire Balkan front of the Central Powers to collapse:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British troops under General Allenby cross the Upper Jordan at Jisr Benat Yakub and effect a junction with Arab forces near Deraa.
British cavalry at El Kuneitra, 40 miles from Damascus.
RAF bomb Damascus airfield from new Kuneitra landing ground, supplied with fuel by air. Aircraft land at Damascus on October 1.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Belgian Coast
: British ships and aeroplanes co-operate in attack on Zeebrugge. Eleven German destroyers evacuate port on September 30 and reach Germany thanks to moonless nights, shoals and rough weather which thwart Harwich Force.
Britain: Swan Hunter yard launches first fabricated ‘straight line’ ship SS War Climax, 31 weeks from laying keel.
Mozambique: Paul von Lettow recrosses river Rovuma into German East Africa, opposite Nagwamira (8 hippos shot for meat to celebrate return). Kartucol reaches river Lugenda.

Political, etc
Between Warring Powers
: Germany refuses British proposal re: Prisoners agreement.
Japan: Baron Goto Shinpei, Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, resigns (see 29th, and April 22nd).
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