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Old 07-22-2010, 02:07 AM
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The guest night

(This event follows on from my posting of “The Escort” on 29 December, 2008)

After her experience with Jason from the escort agency Carole met up the next day with Melinda to stay with her and her husband, John. She and Melinda visited LA, shopped, walked along beside the sea, watched skaters manoeuvring with great skill on skates and boards, guys clad in shorts of various lengths and girls in short pants some so tight she could see the outline of their creases fore and aft! Cameltoes in evidence!

On the evening of her second night with Melinda and John they were sitting after dinner in the house looking out at the fine view towards the sea when Carole ventured to introduce her experience with Jason.

“As you may recall the last time I saw you Melinda I mentioned that David showed little interest in me when it comes to flirtation, sex and so on. I decided I would experiment with a new man the next time I was away from home so a couple of nights ago when in my hotel I called up an escort agency to see what would happen.”

“And what did happen?” asked Melinda.

“They sent along a handsome young man in his twenties to be my toy boy for the night.” Carole paused for a drink.

“And..?” Melinda queried again.

“You’re certainly keen to know, Melinda,” Carole laughed.

“Of course, but it was you introduced the subject so tell all.”

Carole then proceeded to relate her “adventure” of the evening, concluding with the reflection that she had been well satisfied by Jason.

“Mmmm, maybe we should try that, John, shouldn’t we?” Melinda said. “Sounds as though it would be quite fun. What do you think?”

“Yea, I dare say it would be but it sounds as though you have all the cards in your hand!”

“Probably, but that would make for a change!” said Melinda.

“We’ll come back to that later, Melinda. I think we should tell Carole about our guest night experience in Singapore.” Melinda agreed. John again:
“You recall, Carole, a few years ago I worked in the business of shipping insurance. On one occasion there was a conference in Singapore to which I was required to go. I took Melinda with me and on our second night there was dinner organised by our Singaporean hosts. It turned out that they had what they called guest nights about every 2 months or so when the guys in the business would have a dinner together, bring their wives or girl-friends and have a good night.”

Melinda: “John and I went along to this fancy dinner held in a hotel in a private room. We must have been about 30 or so, with slightly more men than women. I had been advised to dress smartly as these affairs were quite formal. The men were dressed in dinner jacket. Women were expected to wear a long dress. So I organised myself, found myself a long pale pink dress, low cut at the back, cinched at the waist, pumps, no pantyhose and nice lingerie (semi-transparent pink blue thong and matching bra, not that I was planning on anybody seeing it except John!). After drinks in the bar we moved to the dining room where the tables were beautifully laid. However, a strange thing struck me: the dining tables were very wide, where everybody sat on the outside of the tables arranged in 3 sides of a square, the tables were covered with a white table cloth which reached down to the floor and had slits in it between each place. You could not see under the table opposite.”

John resumed, “We took our places and dinner started. We were seated, where possible, man woman man, and I was on the opposite of the room from Melinda. I had been pulled aside by one of our hosts and told about certain procedures which might take place during the course of dinner. Melinda will relate what she saw.”

“Well, in fact I did not see a great deal. I talked with my neighbours as you do but at one point when looking across to the other side I noticed one of the men not talking at all but rather looking rather tense and staring ahead somewhere over our heads. I thought this unusual; I watched and could see beads of perspiration on his head. He seemed to be breathing rather heavily as far as I could tell. I was distracted by a neighbour so stopped watching but a few minutes later saw that this man was conversing normally with the ladies beside him.

“I did’nt notice anything else unusual until at about the third course when Peter, sitting on my left, became somewhat distrait. He had been talking to me but his conversation dried up and he just ate but rather slowly. His mind seemed otherwise occupied, and he shifted in his seat, leaning forward slightly. I spotted perspiration on his forehead too. He clutched the table with both hands.

‘Are you OK, Peter,’ I asked. ‘You’re looking a bit flushed.’

‘Yes, yes, absolutely fine,’ he whispered hoarsely without looking at me. He began to shift about in his seat, gave a gasp or two, then seemed to relax. After a bit more seat adjusting he brushed his brow and he resumed eating with more enthusiasm.

‘Sorry about that,’ he said. ‘Just had a touch of the vapours. It sometimes happens in this climate but soon passes.’

“I was not convinced but did not argue. Two or 3 other times during the rest of the dinner I observed men having ‘a touch of the vapours’, never the ladies, and I felt fine. During one of these ‘touches’ I saw a note being passed from somebody on my side via a waitress to the woman sitting next to the man who seemed to be stressed. She read the note, leaned slightly back, looked down and sideways, possibly moved the tablecloth, nodded across the room, made a further note on the paper and handed it to the waitress who took it to the President of the dinner. Later, during his speech, the President, amongst other things, informed us all that Andy Armstrong would be treating us to champagne.”

At this point John looked at Carole and asked: “I don’t suppose you have any idea what had happened to these men during our dinner?”

Carole responded that she had no idea at all. She had little knowledge of life in the tropics. She said that John had better tell her now that her interest was piqued.

John: “OK, I will. A highly unusual custom had developed in this group to which we had been invited for dinner. So unusual that I had never heard about it before nor have I heard any reference to it since. It may shock you, what you are about to hear!”

Melinda then said: “The host who drew me to one side before dinner explained what happened during dinner. He disclosed that there were 2 young ladies concealed under the tables during dinner and they roamed about out of sight giving pleasure to anybody who wanted it. If you wanted pleasure from one of them you gave a simple signal: you dropped your napkin onto the floor between your feet and a girl would know to come to you at some time during the dinner. There was one minor catch, however. While she looked after you you were to give no indication of this to other diners. If they perceived you were being pleasured your forfeit was a lot of champagne for the assembled company! You could be challenged by anybody except the persons sitting immediately to each side of you, and, if it was a correct challenge, the girl had to stop at once leaving you high and dry! If the challenger got it wrong the challenger, be it a man or a woman, suffered the forfeit. Verification was, apparently, done discreetly by one of the people sitting next to you!”

“Oh heavens, I ‘d never have guessed it!” Carole exclaimed. She paused, then, “I have to ask: did you receive this, uh, treatment, John?”

“I didn’t wish to be a wallflower, so, yes, I dropped my napkin.”

“You haven’t told me this before, John Harding,” Melinda said.

“No? I guess you never asked about my personal experience that night! It’s only now, for the first time, that anybody has asked me directly what happened to me.”

“Well, as you’re disclosing secrets, you’d better tell me as well as Carole,” Melinda said.

“It’s quite simple really. I dropped my napkin after the first course, having kept a keen eye on others to see what they did. Behaviour had been impeccable up to that point. It was some time before I felt anything happen. A gentle tug at the base of my trouser leg indicated the lady had arrived! A hand slid up my leg right in between my thighs where it lingered, moving around gently. In a short time it reached forward and with the other grasped my zip, pulled it down, rummaged around inside till it found my tool, now stiffening as I knew what was in store for me. With delicate manoeuvring and pulling it was extracted, and then the massaging began, quite slowly while I grew to full tumescence.”

Carole felt herself getting quite hot in spite of herself with John’s description. She crossed and recrossed her legs. I think I’d like to be doing this to John right now, she thought – but I must banish such thoughts from my mind.

“All right so far, Carole? The massaging went on more quickly, then a pause and a slight coolness and dampness on my cock and then it felt as though it was getting really warmed. The girl had put cream on me and then proceeded to give a massage from tip to base sliding her hand right up and down, pretty fast. She tinkered with my balls a bit but that was difficult with all the clothing. I guess with all the experience that this girl had she knew when to cover me with a napkin or whatever. I was loving this, but feeling hot and wanted to move about, breathe deeply, but mindful of the required etiquette I just sat as still as I could and let the girl take control. I got higher and higher and soon I erupted into the cloth she held. She managed me beautifully, catching everything, stroking me till I subsided and finally putting me away at the end. What an evening that was!"

John stopped talking, looked at Carole, then said, “Carole, you look flushed. Has my description of all this affected you?”

“You bet it has. My initial description of what I did two nights ago started to turn me on and now you two have just told me what can be described as an unusual dinner, which, to say the least, has turned me on even more!”

“I must admit it has made me horny too,” enjoined Melinda. “I expect you’re feeling hot too, my dear, aren’t you?”

“I’d be stupid not to admit it,” answered John.

“As we’re all agreed, then, here’s what I propose,” said Melinda. “We enact out what we’ve just described. John, you stay put and Carole can try to do, right where you are, the actions of the girl under the table – not bothering with the table of course because I want to see what happens – then we go to the bedroom and John and I act out what you did the other night, Carole, while you watch. How does that sound?”

(There’s no need to read further, unless you have the time, as what happens next is just a re-enactment – nearly -of what has gone before.)

“Sounds great to me!” said John enthusiastically.

“I reckon it’s good too,” said Carole, “but I get less than the full treatment that you other two will be getting.”

“Ah, such is life! You can’t have everything!” added Melinda.

Carole felt a quickening of her breath and a flutter in her stomach at the thought of getting to grips with John whom she had always thought a handsome man. A sense of excitement seized her even though she knew that complete fulfilment would not be hers tonight.

“Very well, enough talk,” said Carole who moved across the room throwing a cushion onto the floor in front of John’s feet. She kneeled in front of him, felt his inner thighs, moved her hands to the top of his trousers, undid the zip and opened him up. His pole was tucked into too tight a space and needed releasing.

“It’s bit difficult getting you out!” she exclaimed, but nonetheless she managed it! With a few caresses she had John’s cock straight up. She admired John’s pole which she considered long when compared to the one she had seen two nights ago and compared with her husband’s, not seen for quite some time. She could see the veins standing out on it, the large tube on its underside; she let go and could see its slight movement, its own life.

“I know it’s not part of the script to talk but do you like me to hold you in the middle or near the top?” she asked as she began to oscillate fingers and thumb along his shaft.

“Up near the top will be very nice,” John replied.

“Fine, I ‘ll do it like this,” and her fingers wanked him in short strokes near the top. She added a little personal lubrication by leaning over him and covering his end with saliva. Melinda was up close to watch Carole’s action. She had never seen another woman bringing off her husband. John leaned back to give Carole plenty of room away from his garments and she took advantage of this to finger his balls, tight against him, in their wizened - like sac.

“This is a really nice piece you’ve got here John. Are you going to make it perform for me, show me what it can do, mmm?”

“Oh yes, that’s delicious,” gasped John. “I’m going to cum, yesssss, just continue like that,” and in a moment his sperm bubbled out of the end of his swollen tool, running down over Carole’s hand and onto his trousers. She did not stop massaging him, continuing to make further strokes as the cream boiled out of the end of his tool. At last she slowed her rhythm as the last drops ceased to flow.

“That’s really made me horny,” intoned Carole as she relaxed back, wiping John’s juice from her hand.

“Me too,” said Melinda. “I’m just going to refresh our drinks and then we’ll meet in the bedroom in 10 minutes or so.”

“So, was that OK?” asked Carole with a smile. “Did I do it as well as the girl in Singapore?”

“I don’t know about the girl in Singapore but you did that beautifully, most satisfying. I hope you enjoyed it too.”

“I sure did especially as I ‘ve been lacking a bit of action like this. Here, I’m just going to get that drink from Melinda, be back shortly.”

Carole found Melinda fixing the drinks who said to her: “I liked watching you get John off like that. It’s put me on a real high and I’m looking forward to the next scene! Let me get this right. I lay him out on the bed, naked, face up and then get him to taste those parts I offer him, yes?”

“Yes, you’ve got it. Be commanding and dominating, tease him, make him want you.”

“OK, I’m just going to change into something lighter and I’ll call you in.”

Carole returned to the living room saying, “I hope you’ll like the next part too. Should be good for you, each of you.”

A few minutes pass and Carole reflects: do I really want to watch, see what Melinda’s technique is? On the one hand I have some doubts but on the other I am still as horny as hell and, after all, something may come of it.

“OK, you two, come in now,” called out Melinda. They go in; Melinda has changed into a negligee and indicates a chair near the bed for Carole. For John: “Strip off and stand against the wall, facing it. Do not speak!”

She goes through a similar routine to Carole’s, as described.
Then: “Get on the bed with the bottom half of your legs hanging over the end…..That’s it.”

She beckons to Carole to help her tie a band across John’s eyes, then to tie his hands with sashes to the sides of the bed. His freedom of movement is now, of course, quite restricted and none for his hands. His penis is fully engorged, sprouting out of a good growth of black hair and Carole can see its true size now, really very long, and, my goodness, how she wants to handle it again, even slip it inside. But she sat down and Melinda teased John with her very ample tits, offering each one in turn, just touching his lips and withdrawing, then giving him the full nipple which he sucked upon greedily. While Melinda was having her cunt licked and squirmed her way towards orgasm Carole was having flushes of her own, pushing her hand down between her trouser legs, pressuring her own pussy with her hands and legs, feeling her excitement mount in conjunction with Melinda’s cries. Melinda came. At last Carole’s own climax washed over her, gripping her as she threw her head back and tried to constrain her own gasping and cries.

Melinda collapsed on top of John her faces inches from his swollen, unreleaved cock. Carole got up, moved over, took it again in her hand, marvelled at its length and strength, and, without further ado, engulfed it in her mouth, right as deep as it would go and then sucked, withdrawing it to the tip, then plunging down again. John was gasping somewhere beyond Melinda as she continued. Some more sucking and she withdraws her mouth, clasps her hand round the centre of the shaft and wanks it fast and in moments she sees the cum frothing out, spilling down once more over her hand into the fur on his stomach. She sees his cock pumping inside her hand as she entices the juice to flow, probably less than the last time she thinks but, nonentheless, impressive for all that.

Melinda, a little surprised at Carole’s precipitate action with her husband, observes that she has enjoyed the action as she releases John from his restraints. He, too, remarks: “That was great, doing it all and having it done when you cannot see, marvellous, it heightens the senses.”

“I think we should celebrate with some champagne,” said Melinda putting on her negligee. “I feel well satisfied with the evening’s work!”

Carole agreed to the champagne but did not wholly agree about the satisfaction. However, when she retired she took some comfort from the thought that she was staying for another few nights with Melinda and John and she reckoned new horizons were opening up. And if she could persuade them to visit her at home perhaps she / they could re-kindle some interest in her husband’s life…..
She makes hungry where most she satisfies
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