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Old 09-09-2016, 06:39 AM
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9 September 1916

Western Front
German GHQ transferred from Charleville to Pless.
Colonel Lossberg, CoS German First Army, awarded Pour le Merite for outstanding Western Front service.
Battle of the Somme: Battle of Ginchy begins and ends; British 16th (Irish) Division (Irish nationalist and poet Lt Tom Kettle killed, aged 36) capture Ginchy, 7 miles east of Albert and trenches west and east of Leuze Wood.
Southern sector of Somme front: Germans begin counter-attacks against French Tenth Army round Berny and recover some ground (until September 12).
French troops claim the capture of 7700 Germans, including 100 officers, during the last 7 days at the Somme.
Battle of Verdun: Before Douaumont, east of Fleury, French carry whole system of German trenches.
French airmen drop bombs on Rottweil (Wurttemberg).
Naval air raid on Ghistelles, Handzaeme and Lichtervelde (Ostend).

Eastern Front

Kaiser visits Kovel, awards Carl Hoffmann Pour le Merite. Carl Hoffman was the Chief of Staff of the German 8th Army, and chief architect of the plan which resulted the annihilation of the Russian armies at the Battles of Tannerberg & the Masurian Lakes at the start of the First World War.
Transylvania Battle of Selimbar: Rumanians advance southwest of Hermannstadt.
Dobruja: Mackensen’s Bulgarian cavalry of 1st Infantry Divisions takes Silistria on Danube southern bank.

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa:
Main British advance of 1st Division reaches Tulo but Lettow’s 2,200 men with 24 MGs check it at river Dutumi (until September 12).

Political, etc.
Hindenburg and Ludendorff meet industrialists Gustav Krupp and Carl Duisberg (IG Farben) to discuss workforce shortage and Hindenburg programme.
United Kingdom: Cardiff: South Wales railwaymen resolve to strike, demanding increase of 10 shillings weekly on wages.
France: Paris, during last week, French and British Ministers for War and Munitions held conferences.
Austria-Hungary: Common Ministers Council discuss food crisis, War Minister mentions malnutrition signs in Army.
United States: U.S. Congress establishes the U.S. International Trade Commission, which provides trade expertise for the government.
Revenue Act of 1916 is passed in the US, raising the lowest income tax rate from 1% to 2% & the top rate to 15%. Estate tax is also created. (Apparently actually yesterday).
Greece: ‘Greek reservists’ (actually a false-flag operation initiated by the French) shoot at French Athens legation, Government apologies on September 11 (for what is really a secret French ploy).
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Old 09-10-2016, 08:39 AM
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10 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
German counter-attack fails at Ginchy, British advance east of Guillemont, Rawlinson discusses tanks’ role in forthcoming attack. British troops have advanced 6000 yards in the last week and are now 1000 yards east of Ginchy.
Picture of two Japanese Army Lieutenants sent to Europe to study military aviation:

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Carpathians:
Karl von Pflanzer-Baltin sacked from Austrian Seventh Army, Günther von Kirchbach replaces. Austrians retreat west of the Gyergyo and Czik valley.
Transylvania Russian and Romanian forces in contact.
Dobruja: Bulgarian and German troops continue their advance into Romania after they seize the city of Silistra.

Southern Front
6 British detachments demonstrate (161 casualties) along river Struma, further cross-river raids on September 15 and 23.
Corfu, Serbian Parliament assembles here, all ministers present.

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa:
British 2nd Division occupies Kidodi and halts with 1,946 of 6,696 men unfit. Belgian Southern Brigade fights at Lulanguru (until September 12) in railway advance on Tabora.
French Voltaire-Class Battleship at Toulon: © IWM (Q 71055)

Political, etc.
Official casualty lists from Germany total 3,375,000 men killed, wounded, captured, and missing since the war’s start.
United Kingdom: Lloyd George, the British Minister of Munitions, visits Verdun with General Dubois and M. Albert Thomas, and makes a speech praising the French defenders.
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Old 09-10-2016, 04:25 PM
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"6 British detachments demonstrate (161 casualties) along river Struma"

I'm not sure of the meaning of demonstrate in this sentence.
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Old 09-11-2016, 08:32 AM
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Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British guns detonate German munition dump near Grandcourt. Rawlinson issues orders for third great British assault.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Carpathians:
Lechitski takes Mt Capel Kapul (5,000 ft) and links with Rumanian Fourth Army on September 12, claim ‘many’ prisoners.
Alexandru Averescu given Third Army.

: Turkish 50th Division (11,979 men with 16 guns and 12 MGs) begins taking over Drama seaward sector of Bulgarian line.
British troops in Greece cross the Struma River into Bulgaria, capturing four villages.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Brooking’s 1,900 British soldiers (196 casualties) with 14 guns beat c.5,000 Arabs (est 1,200 casualties) at As Sahilan northeast of Nasiriya (Euphrates).
Southern Persia: Sykes reaches Isfahan.
Russia announce the capture of the city of Baneh in Persia from the Ottomans.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Black Sea:
Two Bulgarian torpedo boats hit Russian mines of Varna (1 sunk).

Political, etc.
Kaiser Wilhelm and King Ferdinand of Bulgaria meet to discuss strategy in the Balkan theater of the war.
Russia: General Averyanov to STAVKA: ‘… we are close to complete exhaustion of the manpower reserve’.
Canada: Quebec Bridge collapses during construction, killing 13 workers. The bridge had also collapsed in 1907.
Greece: PM Alexandros Zaimis resigns; Kalogeroulos succeeds on September 16.
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Old 09-11-2016, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Oldfart
"6 British detachments demonstrate (161 casualties) along river Struma"

I'm not sure of the meaning of demonstrate in this sentence.

Yeah, 'demonstrate' is one of those weasel words in a military context. It can be anything from a mere parade, to a full-scale attack.

For example, in an earlier post, the British naval forces "demonstrated" in an attempt to intimidate the government in Athens (it worked).

Here, the British "demonstrated" their military muscle: in the context of this sentence, it would have been in the context of a raid.
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Old 09-11-2016, 06:43 PM
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Thanks GG.
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Old 09-12-2016, 07:07 AM
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12 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme
: After 6-day delay (bad weather and muddy ground) French Sixth Army resumes offensive after Allied bombardment opens at 0600 hours: ‘Good progress’ reported with Bois d’Anderu and Bouchavesnes captured on Bapaume-St Quentin road.
Lloyd George, General Joffre, General Haig, and Albert Thomas (right to left) meeting at the Somme:
Lloyd George, British Minister of Munitions, visiting captured German trenches at Fricourt:* © IWM (Q 1179)

Eastern Front
: Romanians advance on Kronstadt (Brasso), their right flank.
Dobruja: Field Marshall von Mackensen in supreme command of German-Bulgarian forces.

Southern Front
Allied offensive begins on west flank at 0600 hours. Serb First Army captures foothills of Mt Kajmakcalan (‘butter-churn’; 8,284 ft) 25 miles east-south-east of Monastir. Bulgars occupy Kavalla port. French 156th Division attacks west to Florina, 6 miles east by September 17.
4th Greek Corps of 25,000 men at Kavalla deserts (under Colonel Hatzopoulos) to the Germans. Sent to Germany as "guests".
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Old 09-13-2016, 05:09 AM
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13 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
French I Corps advance southeast of Combles; VII Corps repulses heavy counter-attacks at Bouchavesnes.
Battle of Verdun: At citadel President Poincare confers Legion of Honour on the fortress ‘against whose walls the highest ambitions of Imperial Germany have broken’; Petain, Joffre, Nivelle and Mangin all present.

Southern Front
22 Italian Caproni bombers with Italian-built Nieuport fighter escort bomb Trieste.
Salonika: British 65th Brigade (22nd Division) storms German 59th Regiment’s Machukovo village salient, taking c.70 PoWs and 9 MGs for 586 casualties but loses it again until September 14.
French and Serbian troops in Macedonia attack on a 30-mile front against Bulgarian troops between Lake Ostrovo and Sorovitz.

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa:
British occupy Mikindani (southernmost post in German East Africa).

Political, etc.
OHL (German Supreme Forces Command) for the purpose becomes OKL (Supreme War Command).
Kaiser, Hindenburg, Bethmann, Enver and Tsar Ferdinand confer at Pless.
Australia: Melbourne: Mr. Hughes' bill, referendum for conscription in Australia, read first time.
Spain: Antonio Maura, former Spanish Premier and leader of the Conservatives, declares Spain must take sides in the war.
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Old 09-14-2016, 01:54 AM
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Some of the little or never heard of details are really fascinating.
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Old 09-14-2016, 07:27 AM
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14 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British storm trenches southeast of Thiepval and 11th Div the ‘Wonderwork’. Haig and Rawlinson confer, Haig urges determined assault on Martinpuich. French I Corps captures Le Priez Farm; French XXIII and VII Corps both stalemated; 78 German counter-attacks since September 1. Fruitless counter-attacks of a German division from Verdun front.
British armoured car and wounded soldiers near Guillemont:* © IWM (Q 1222)

Eastern Front
Battle of Merisor-Petrosani (until September 22) north of Vulcan Pass: Rumanian First Army attacks towards Hatszeg. Austrian codebreakers get a warning of Rumanian counter-attack.

Southern Front
Seventh Battle of Isonzo
(until September 17): Alter lengthy artillery preparation including gas shells Italian Third Army (14 divisions, 966 guns, 584 mortars) attacks at 0900 hours on 6-mile front, captures Nova Vas Hills 144, 265 and 208 (Carso) with 1,800 PoWs, later regained by Austrians (Fifth Army, 101 battalions with 409 guns).
Macedonia: Italians and French make diversionary attacks in Doiran-Vardar sector. Serbs break through at Gornichevo on Florina road and capture 32 Bulgarian guns. British gain ground towards Machukova (south of Gevgeli)
Kavalla (Greek Macedonia) occupied by Bulgarians.

Political, etc.
Ottoman government gives permission to the U.S. State Department to send aid to Syrians.
United States: Josiah Royce, American philosopher of the objective idealism school, has passed away:
(Possibly yesterday) San Francisco Chamber of Congress reports that Chinese immigrants to the U.S. have not been “accorded a square deal...”
Greece: Popular indignation in Greece at Kavalla news.
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Old 09-14-2016, 07:31 AM
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Of related interest

Not precisely 100 years ago today, but during the First World War, and ongoing for the several years of it. A bit of archaeology, the "White War":

Which in and of itself is fascinating, but also goes to show why there were 13 Battles of the Isonzo: that sector on the Austro-Hungarian/Italian front was practically the only path to cmoparatively military operations.
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Old 09-15-2016, 05:06 AM
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15 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
Great (only “Great” compared to earlie disasterous British advances) British advance (third phase) on the Somme, a six-mile front to depth of 2 or 3,000 yards. Flers, Martinpuich, Courcelette and whole of High Wood taken.
New heavy armoured vehicles (Tanks) used for first time, north of Pozieres to east of Guillemont:
Battle of Flers-Courcelette begins (see 22nd). From 0620 hours, after 40-minutes shelling, 14 divisions (2 Canandian and 1 NZ) and 32 of 49 FIRST TANK MK I‘s IN ACTION (see July 28th, 1917). The British Mark 1 tank is a huge shock to the German defenders. The first official tank photograph: © IWM (Q 2488)
Four Mark I tanks being refueled at Chimpanzee Valley:* © IWM (Q 5576). Despite the shock, not everything goes well with the tanks: 5 ditched, 9 break down, 10 hit.
Aeroplane co-operation with tanks instituted by the British Flying Corps:
During the Battle of Fleurs-Courcelette, No.7 and No.34 Squadrons, Royal Flying Corps, support the British Army's first tank attack. Royal Flying Corps helps engage 85 German batteries (29 silenced) and drops 8t bombs on 15 targets; claims 15 German aircraft, loses 14 aircrew and 6 aircraft. Second Lieutenant Ball destroys or forces down 10 German aircraft until September 28.
French capture trenches south of Rancourt, and system of trenches north of Le Priez Farm, south of Somme, east of Deniecourt, etc. the french also repulse frequent counter-attacks. Micheler regrets lack of reserves prevents follow-up operations.
146 extra heavy guns sent to German First and Second Armies at the Somme and 144 worn*out guns replaced (until October 8).
Hindenburg issues his first formal operation order: ‘The main task of the Armies is now to hold fast all positions on the Western, Eastern, Italian and Macedonian fronts and to employ all other available forces against Rumania’.
Situation map at the Somme, with the shaded regions denoting Allied advances:
(note the lack of scale on the map, making the gain look a whole lot bigger than they actually were).

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Galicia:
General Kaledin with Eighth Army HQ transferred south to command, troops between Lechitski and Sakharov, Gourko’s Special Army takes over Brusilov’s northern flank.

Southern Front
Seventh Battle of Isonzo:
Lower Isonzo: Italians take San Grado, strong entrenchments towards Loquizza, and claim over 1,800 prisoners.
Monte Rosa Alpini Batallion captures Mt Cauriol (7,605 ft) at 4th assault, then Mt Gardinal (7,723 ft) to northeast (September 23), beats of Austrian attacks until September 28.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Southern Tunisia:
4 French Farmans bomb Senussi base, but 1 crashes.

Naval and Overseas Operations
French submarine Foucault is scuttled while on patrol off Cattaro after being damaged by two Austro-Hungarian aeroplanes. Austrian Lohner flying-boats then land and save crew.
East Africa: General Smuts' columns reach south of Uluguru Hills, and join near, and occupy, Kissaki; Van Deventer approaching the Great Ruaha river towards Mahenge.
Sudi Bay occupied by British naval forces.

Political, etc.
Crown Council decides to transfer half Transylvanian Armies to face Bulgaria.
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Old 09-16-2016, 05:58 AM
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16 September 1916

Western Front
Navy airships L-6 and L-9 destroyed in accidental fire on ground.
Battle of the Somme: British repulse counter-attack near Courcelette, but 5 German relief divisions now oppose exploitation. Allies capture Dunibe (Danube?) Trench. NZ Division advances north and west of Flers, Mouquet farm (Thiepval) captured.
Hindenburg arrives at Cambrai, orders construction of semi-permanent defence line (5-30 miles) to the rear (called by the Western Allies the “Hindenburg Line”; the German name was “Siegfriedstellung” (Siegfried Line)).
Royal Flying Corps aircraft and balloon collide with fatal results. (I wish I could find more information on this: doesn’t even list it).

Eastern Front
Ex-CoS Falkenhayn takes command of Ninth Army.

Brusilov Offensive, Galicia: Second Battle of the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa (until September 17): 4 Russian divisions with gas attack Turkish XV Corps which holds despite c.5,000 casualties. Along the Narajowka many Germans taken as well as Turks.
Transylvania: Rumanian Second Army occupies Baraoltu dominating Kronstadt-Foldvar railway 30 miles from frontier.
Dobruja: Mackensen attacks Rasova-Tuzla line (until September 20), but retires to re-stock with heavy shell. Turk 25th Division repulses Rumanian counter-attacks on September 22.

Southern Front
Seventh Battle of Isonzo:
Italians capture San Grado di Merna, Hill 208S, and all of Hill 144, but fail to take Hill 123 and Veliki Kribach farther east.
Macedonia: Serbs fighting Bulgars in forest on Mt Kajmakcalan foothills (until September 18).

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa:
Lindi (port in southern German East Africa) occupied by British.

Political, etc.
39 industrialists tell War Ministry workers cannot exceed 9 hours per day. Army to release skilled workers and ‘open the great Belgian labour basin’.
United Kingdom: Lloyd George, British Secretary of War, claims there is a German plot to drive a wedge between U.S.-British relations.
Churchill to Fisher: ‘My poor land battleships have been let off prematurely and on a petty scale. In that idea resided one real victory’.
Austria-Hungary: A German-led Central Powers Supreme War Council agreed but Emperor Charles revokes Austrian signature after November 21.
Canada: Frank McGee, Canadian hockey player (later inductee into the Hockey Hall of Fame), is killed in action at the Somme:
Italy: Lieutenant Colonel Douhet, CoS Italian 5th Division and air power advocate, arrested for writing strong criticisms of Commndo Supremo to War Minister; court-martial imprisons him for a year from October 15.
Greece: Nikolas Kalogeropoulos forms new Greek Ministry, becomes the new Prime Minister: Expected to observe “benevolent neutrality” towards Entente.
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Old 09-17-2016, 08:59 AM
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17 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme
: French attack, taking Vermandovillers and Berny, Deniecourt surrounded, German reserves much cut up, ‘many’ prisoners.

Jasta 2 (Full name: Jagdstaffel 2) has its combat debut. and
After Max Immelmann's death, Kaiser Wilhelm II had ordered Oswald Boelcke grounded for a month to avoid losing him in combat soon after Zimmerman. He had become such an important hero to the German public, as well as such an authority on aerial warfare, that he could not be risked. Given a choice between a desk job and a tour of the Middle East, Boelcke downed a Nieuport over Douaumont on 27 June and reported to headquarters. Boelcke was detailed to share his expertise with the head of German military aviation. What had been known previously as the Deutsches Heer's Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreiches was being reorganized into the Luftstreitkräfte in mid-1916; this reorganization was inspired by Boelcke. At this time, Boelcke codified his Dicta. He also shared his views on creation of a fighter arm, and the organization of fighter squadrons.
Boelcke was sent on a tour of the Balkans. He transited Austria to visit Turkey. Upon his return swing, he visited Bulgaria and the Russian Front. Boelcke would be visiting Wilhelm in Kovel when he received a telegram from the head of German aviation, Feldflugchef (Aviation Chief of Staff) Oberstleutnant Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen, appointing him to raise, organize and command Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 2. Boelcke, by then a Hauptman, was given permission to choose his own pilots to form a fighter squadron. Among his first selections upon his return were Manfred von Richthofen, Erwin Böhme and Hans Reimann. The first aircraft arrived on 1 September; two Fokker DIIIs and an Albatros D.I. On 16 September, Boelcke's new squadron received five new Albatros D.Is for the pilots, and an improved Albatros D.II for the Staffelfuhrer. Boelcke promptly put the new planes in the air on the first-ever fighter unit effort to gain local air superiority. At 1300 hours 16 September, Boelcke and five of his pilots took off; they intercepted a British bombing raid on Marcoing Railway Station. While Boelcke held aside, his five wingmen bounced a British formation of 14 planes, broke it up, and shot down two; one of them an F.E. 2, by von Richthofen. The master himself added another. (Another source says 5 total British aircraft fell). That night, a German army tradition was ditched and a new German air force custom established when the enlisted men were invited into the Jasta's social center.
Captain Tom Rees becomes the first official confirmed kill of Manfred von Richthofen (the future Red Baron):

Edit to add: A friend on another forum managed to track down details on yesterdays: Royal Flying Corps aircraft and balloon collide with fatal results. The details:
Lieutenant Clarence Edwards Nooth Cooper RFC 6 Kite Balloon Section - Died of accidental injuries 16 September 1916 aged 25, following balloon cable being struck by FE2b 6971 of 18 Squadron, kite balloon was cut adrift and his parachute failed to open, he fell to the ground near Montauban. LIEUTENANT C. E. N COOPER, Lincolnshire Regiment, attached R. F. C., who fell on September 16, in his 26th year, was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Nooth Cooper, of South Norwood. He was educated at Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon, and after six years service in the Mercantile Marine, he obtained an appointment with Messrs. Geo. Cradock and Co., wire rope makers, of Wakefield, Yorks. He enlisted in the Queen Victoria Rifles in October, 1914, and obtained his commission in the Lincolnshire Regiment Special Reserve, in February, 1915. In April, 1915, he was sent to the front and served there with his regiment until about three months ago, when he was lent to the Royal Flying Corps as a balloon observation officer. His death was caused by his parachute failing to act when compelled by an accident to descend from his balloon.’

Eastern Front
: Romanians between Petrozseny and Hatszeg.

Southern Front
Seventh Battle of Isonzo
: Italian offensive suspended due to bad weather after 17,000 casualties and 4,500 captured Austrian PoWs. Breaches in wire not wide enough for rapid infantry assault. Another source realistically reports: 7th Battle of the Isonzo comes to an end with the Italian offensive achieving little gains for heavy casualties.
Italian success (as defined how ?) on the Carso. (What is this Carso of which they speak? There’s a “Monte Carso” in what is now Trieste Province, Italy; but Trieste at the time, belonged to Austria-Hungary, and the Italians got nowhere near the mountain. I don’t know what this means, but it was reported by:
Macedonia: Russian Brigade and French 57th Division recapture Florina; Bulgars retreat slightly north to river Brod by September 20.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: German Fokker thwarts Royal Navy bombardment of El Arish by shooting down 2 Sopwith Baby seaplanes (another lost to MG ground fire) and bombing the 4 warships. But German squadron later withdrawn to Beersheba.
Anzac Mounted Division attacks Mazar 45 miles east of Romani; 2,200 Turks evacuate 18 miles to El Arish (September 19).

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa
: Lindi, on East African wash, occupied by British naval forces.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom
: News describe tanks for the 1st time, comparing them “to armadillos & measuring worms & to many other weird creeping or crawling objects.”
Prince Albert, 2nd son of King George V, has been invalided home due to an abdominal abscess.
Japan: Japanese aviators graduating at the Tokorozawa Aerodrome near Tokyo:
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Old 09-18-2016, 09:01 AM
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18 September 1916

Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
South of the Ancre, British advance, taking "Quadrilateral" between Bouleaux Wood and Ginchy, on a front of a mile, to a depth of 1,000 yards.
French I Corps executes two successful local (evening) surprise attacks and gain ground south and southeast of Combles. And take Deniecourt.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive:
Russian forces under General Brusilov launch further attacks against Lemberg, Halicz, and Krasne.
Transylvania: Heavy fighting at Merisor, Romanians moving towards Hatszeg. However, German troops launch a counterattack against Romanian forces in Hațeg, bringing a temporary halt to the Romanian offensive in Transylvania.
Dobruja: Russo-Romanians fall back to Rasova-Tuzla line.

Southern Front
Franco-Russian troops enter Florina, Bulgarians start retreating on Monastir.
Serbs occupy parts of Mt. Kaymakchlan.
Greek IVth Army Corps at Kavala surrenders voluntarily to German forces.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British aeroplanes bomb enemy aerodrome in the Shumran bend (above Kut-el-Amara).
Sinai: British raid Bir-el-Tawal (30 miles south of El Kubri, Suez).

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
General Haig: “Our armored cars [tanks] gallantly led the action, causing indescribable demoralization in the enemy’s ranks.”
United States: Colonel Robert M. Thompson, President of the U.S. Navy League, predicts German can hold out until 1921.
“Joy Riding” from the New York Tribune:
Australia: New South Wales: Political Labour League carries resolution expelling Prime Minister, Mr. Hughes, from the Labour movement.
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