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Old 10-03-2018, 06:37 AM
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29 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Canal du Nord (27 September-1 October 1918): Dixmude retaken by Belgian forces (see November 10th, 1914).
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the St. Quentin Canal: British right wing (Fourth Army, 17 divisions) and French left (First Army, 14 divisions) Messines, Gheluvelt and other places occupied. Allies reach Roulers-Menin road. British reach outskirts of Cambrai and break Hindenburg Line on a 6-mile front. 22,000 prisoners claimed in three days.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): General Charles Mangin reaches the Ailette.
The Allied Flanders Advance: Battle of the Flanders Peaks (see October 10th) and the Fifth Battle of Ypres 1918 (see November 10th, 1917, and October 2nd, 1918): Passchendaele retaken by Allied forces.
Western Front, Air: 337 RAF aircraft (17 squadrons) support BEF Fourth Army’s rupture of the Hindenburg Line although smoke and mist hampers them; 5 German balloons shot down, 6 fighters for loss of 3 including fight between 20 German and 29 RAF fighters, although Germans concede only 2 losses for 8 Allied.
Allied soldiers prepare to go forward with the tanks near Bellicourt to assault the Hindenburg Line:
British soldiers near Bellicourt as a German shell explodes in front of them: © IWM (Q 9349):
German prisoners carrying wounded soldiers pass by Allied tanks near Bellicourt:

Southern Front
With Bulgaria out of the war, Allied nations on the Macedonian Front begin the “liberation” of Serbia, Albania, and Montenegro.
Serbia: Serbs close to Bulgarian frontier south of Kustendil and storm Bulgarian position, 11 miles north-east of Veles.
French cavalry enter Uskub (Skopje).
Albania: Severe fighting with Austro-Hungarian rearguards in Albania.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Cavalry and car movement towards Damascus continues.
10,000 Turks, part of 2nd corps, 4th army, between Ma’an and Amman, surrender at Ziza (17 miles south of Amman).
Palestine: The small remaining Turkish garrison of Ma'an surrenders near Amman (Palestine) (see 23rd).

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Coastal submarine UB-115 (oil patch sighted by rigid airship R.29) sunk off Sunderland by depth charges from several Royal Navy destroyers (including HMS Ouse) and trawlers.

Political, etc
: Czechoslovak resolution for liberty proclaimed at Prague.
United Kingdom: The Planets, Op. 32, the orchestral suite by English composer Gustav Holst, premiers in London. Gustav Holst:
Japan: Takashi Hara succeeds Count Terauchi as Japanese Prime Minister (see October 9th, 1916). Count Yasuya Uchida appointed Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (see 28th). Lieut.-General Kenichi Oshima, Japanese Minister for War, resigns (see 30th, and March 30th, 1916).
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Old 10-03-2018, 06:41 AM
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30 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Canal du Nord (27 September-1 October 1918): Belgians threaten Roulers.
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the St. Quentin Canal: The German Army's primary defensive line, the Hindenburg Line, is breached by Franco-British troops, with the help of substantial air support. Important progress on St. Quentin-Cambrai sector, Thorigny-Guistain-Rumilly taken. Cambrai fired by Germans. British in Cambrai outskirts; six villages captured. German incendiarists at work. BEF first uses mustard gas, vs so-called Hindenburg Line. Ferdinand Foch, back from Flanders sees Douglas Haig at Arras.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): General Gouraud, on 20-mile front in Champagne takes Ste. Marie-a-Py, etc.
General Mangin progresses on Aisne and Vesle.
AEF heavily engaged as its ill-organized motor and horse transport becomes increasingly traffic-jammed. Allied maximum advance now 8 miles with 18,000 PoWs and 200 guns.
German September losses 236,200 men. Total 160 Allied divisions (+57 in reserve) vs 113 German front-line divisions (+84 in reserve), but only 59 German divisions classed as ‘fit’. British Army adopts 24-hour clock (French Army throughout) from midnight September 30-October 1. During September 10 more German divisions disbanded (3 more early October) to strengthen depleted remainder. Lack of horses reducing medium batteries from 4 guns to 3.
The Allied Flanders Advance: Battle of the Flanders Peaks (see October 10th) and the Fifth Battle of Ypres 1918 (see November 10th, 1917, and October 2nd, 1918): British progress north of Neuve Chapelle., troops 2 miles away from Menin.
Western Front, Air: During September German airmen make 130 parachute descents as new Heinecke equipment comes into general use. RAF September loss (excluding IAF) a record 235 aircraft (French 59). German loss 115 aircraft (excluding September 21-23 and 30). Jasta Boelcke scores its monthly record of 46 kills for loss of 2 pilots.
Wounded Canadian soldiers on the Western Front:
American nurse gives a wounded African American soldier chocolate:
German Field Marshal von Hindenburg and General Ludendorff at a train station in Brussels:

Eastern Front
Canadian contingent lands at Archangel to join Allied Expeditionary Force (see August 2nd).

Southern Front
Hostilities between Bulgaria and Entente Powers cease at 12 noon, conceding Allied occupation of key points and use of railways vs remaining Central Powers; Bulgarian Army to be reduced to 3 divisions and 2 cavalry regiments. British September sick admissions 9,855 (mainly flu and malaria); 3,137 wounded.
Opening of Sobranje and King's Speech.
German Alpenkorps (from Western Front) reaches Nis with 219th (Saxon) Division (from Eastern Front) behind.
Albania: Italian cavalry patrols reach river Skumbi.
RAF photo-recon flight to Sofia.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Arab flags flown in Damascus as Turks retreat north on two roads and Germans blow ammo dumps. Australian Mounted Division blocks Barada Gorge (Beirut road) and takes 4,000 PoWs; 5th Cavalry Division makes 1,294 for 10 casualties; Arabs take 600 from Turk Deraa column after Lawrence fetches 4th Cavalry Division artillery.
Ottoman prisoners captured as Allied troops approach the city of Damascus: © IWM (Q 12353):
Mesopotamia: Turkish Sixth Army estimated at 13,725 soldiers (more than 4 divisions), 154 guns and 237 MGs.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: British seaplane squadron over Heligoland Bight.
Atlantic: U.S.S. Ticonderoga torpedoed by U-152 (121 soldiers lost) (another source says 213). USS Ticonderoga:
Adriatic: Otranto Barrage completed.
Allied and neutral shipping lost to U-boats in September: 79 ships (48 British with 521 lives) worth 186,600t (British 136,859t). U-boat figure 91 ships worth 171,972t including 38 ships of 42,693t in Mediterranean (including last Austrian score, 16 ships worth 5,004t); 9 U-boats sunk.

Political, etc
: Count Georg von Hertling, German Imperial Chancellor, and all German Secretaries of State resign. (see October 30th, 1917, and October 4th, 1918).
United Kingdom: The Chancellor of the Exchequer Bonar Law opens a "Feed-the-Guns" campaign to raise a second War Loan of £1,000,000,000.
Mr. Balfour on the League of Nations.
Japan: Lieut.-General Giichi Tanaka appointed Japanese Minister for War.
United States: Woodrow Wilson tells Senate woman suffrage ‘a vitally necessary war measure’.
Despite President Wilson’s support of women’s suffrage, the amendment to give women the right to vote is defeated in the Senate by two votes. Wilson’s speech:
Governor Whitman of New York makes an appeal for citizens to buy Liberty Bonds:
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Old 10-03-2018, 06:48 AM
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1 October 1918

42 Days until Armistice
Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of Canal du Nord (27 September-1 October 1918): Battle of the Canal du Nord ends. British and Canadian troops capture the Canal du Nord in France, claiming 36,500 German prisoners.
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the St. Quentin Canal: St. Quentin retaken by French forces (see September 27th). British progress and take ground south of Le Catelet; stiff fighting near Bony and south of Cambrai.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Quiet in this sector, relative lull.
The Allied Flanders Advance: Battle of the Flanders Peaks (see October 10th) and the Fifth Battle of Ypres 1918 (see November 10th, 1917, and October 2nd, 1918): Flanders ridge occupied and Ledeghem seized by British.
RAF drop c.24t bombs and destroy 16 German aircraft.
Somme: BEF about to break through Hindenburg Line last defences after 7-mile advance since September 27. This Wotan position runs west of Lille, Douai and St Quentin to Reims. Behind, Germans have begun 2 other positions Hermann (Ghent-Valenciennes-Le Cateau-Aisne) and Antwerp-Meuse Line (west of Antwerp and Brussels to Mezieres and Sedan). Ludendorff sends staff officer Major Bussche to Berlin to explain to new Chancellor military situation makes peace moves essential. German casualties since March 21 claimed to be 1,222,299 soldiers, and German Ninth Army disbanded due to shortened front.
Artois: Germans evacuate Lens and Armentieres (night October 1-2). British 2nd Division captures Mont sur l’Oeuvre. Canadians (over 1,000 casualties) fight another mile forward north of Cambrai, have captured over 7,000 PoWs and 205 guns since September 27, from up to 12 German divisions.
Champagne: French Fourth Army (Gouraud) advances on 14-mile front.
Western Front, Air: Fine weather all day. Only 11 of 49 D.H.9s reach and bomb Aulnoye rail junction after midnight, mainly due to engine trouble, but 18 of 21 bomb it in the morning, exploding ammo train. In October Major-General Salmond, GOC RAF in France complains D.H.9 day bomber so inadequate it has ‘to accept battle when, and where, the defending forces choose …’.
Allied supplies move through the destroyed landscape near Hooge, Belgium:
A British soldier with a captured German soldier at Menin Road near Gheluvelt: © IWM (Q 11764):
American soldiers moving through a crowded road on motor transports and on horseback on the Western Front: © IWM (Q 70182):

Southern Front
: Berat retaken by Italian forces (see August 26th).
Austro-Hungarians take defensive measures on their southern frontier in consequence of Bulgarian Armistice.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Damascus taken by British and Arab forces.
Damascus falls to British and Arab forces, and more than 7000 Ottoman prisoners are claimed. Mounted Sharifan irregulars ride through the city of Damascus: © IWM (Q 11764):

Naval and Overseas Operations
: During October 179 operational U-boats. Largely propaganda ‘Scheer Programme’ (October 1) envisages increasing monthly U-boat production from 13 to 37 boats (December 1919) building 376-450 U-boats using 69,000 workers and 11 yards.
Britain: Only 257 (5.1%) of 5,018 Royal Navy warships on convoy escort duty.
USA: Shipping Board has 3,115 ships of 17,276,318t building.
Arctic: British flag raised at Ebeltoff Harbour, Spitzbergen.
Black Sea: c.200 Germans take over Russian battleship Volya; 4 destroyers; 2 torpedo boats; and 1 auxiliary cruiser, Volya enters service on October 15. By October 26 Berlin urging return to Russians.
North Sea, Channel: Flanders U-boat Flotilla recalls all 8 boats at sea for return to Germany, 4 others scuttled until October 5.

Political, etc
: Baron Husarek (Austrian Prime Minister) on situation: open to Peace offers; great row in Reichsrath.
Germany: German majority program issued.
Erich Ludendorff cables government to transmit peace offer without further delay, tells staff ‘Our own Army is .. heavily infected with the poison of Spartacist Socialist ideas’.
United Kingdom: Wages (men and women) Committee begins.
Milk to be controlled in Great Britain.
RFP 129% (up 13% due to meat, butter, milk and egg rises). Maximum horse ration 7-13lb per day. In October Film Mrs John Bull Prepared.
United States: Senate rejects women’s suffrage third time.
During October Flu pandemic at height (October 2-3) suspends draft in several cities, shuts war plants; 14,636 army cases (300 deaths) in last 24 hours, total 88,461 (1,877 deaths). Student Army Training Corps opens in over 500 colleges.
Sweden: Landslide in Getå, Sweden occurs, which causes a train to derail, killing 42 and injuring 41. It is the worse rail disaster in Swedish history:
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Old 10-04-2018, 09:14 AM
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2 October 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the St. Quentin Canal: Battle of the St. Quentin Canal ends (see September 29th). French eject Germans from the remainder of St. Quentin. Advance north of the Vesle to near Cormicy. Lille being evacuated.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): French capture Challerange.
Surrounded US ‘Lost Battalion’ (308th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division) holds till relief (until October 7), 194 survivors from over 600.
The Allied Flanders Advance: Battle of the Flanders Peaks (see October 10th) and the Fifth Battle of Ypres 1918 (see November 10th, 1917, and October 2nd, 1918): Battle of Ypres 1918 ends (see September 28th). Germans withdraw on wide front north and south of La Bassee Canal; British recapture Armentieres. Allies stopped short of key objectives (Roulers junction and Menin), but claim 11,000 PoWs, 300 guns and 600 MGs for 4,500 Belgian and 4,695 British casualties.
Britain: 3,017 BEF officer weekly casualties since September 25, second highest of war.
Western Front, Air: Aircraft of No.82 and No.218 Squadrons of the Royal Air Force (Armstrong Whitworth FK8s & de Havilland DH9s) are detailed to carry food to French and Belgian troops whose reserves are exhausted. 15,000 rations are dropped in bags of earth to prevent damage.
German communications bombed (October 3-4).
A British Mark IV tank captured by the Germans and then destroyed by French artillery, north of Perthes: © IWM (Q 49089):
French troops and a Renault FT-17 tank on a road near St. Julien: © IWM (Q 49087):
British band plays in the ruins of Bellenglise, France: © IWM (Q 9522):
Mass of recently captured German soldiers held at Abbeville: © IWM (Q 9355):

Southern Front
: RAF from Andrano in heel of Italy make 4 raids on Durazzo (total 29 aircraft), drop 6,280lb bombs.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Last Australian action: 9th ALH takes 1,481 PoWs, 3 guns and 26 MGs; only 17,000 of 100,000 Turks have escaped north. Lawrence’s Arabs disperse Algerian-Druze riot in Damascus.
Hodson’s Horse regiment of the Indian Army marching through the recently captured city of Damascus:
Mesopotamia: Marshall told to begin Tigris advance without delay. Trading with enemy limits raised in Baghdad and Basra districts.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Durazzo bombarded by Italian and British warships, which destroy Austrian base; 3 Austrian destroyers and torpedo boats slightly damaged in harbor (Austrian evacuation ordered September 28). Hospital ship allowed out. Austrian U-31 torpedoes cruiser Weymouth‘s stern off.
Atlantic: German submarine shells and sinks Spanish S.S. Francoli off Cartagena.

Political, etc
: Grand conference in Berlin under Kaiser's presidency. Bussche briefs Reichstag party leaders: sustained Allied attacks on whole Western Front make formation of reserves impossible; OHL can no longer make good losses suffered; Germany can continue for some time inflicting heavy losses and implementing a ‘scorched earth’ policy, but she cannot win the war. Every day reduces likelihood of acceptable peace terms.
United Kingdom: Allies recognise belligerent status of Arab allies in Palestine and Syria.
United States: Italian Bersaglieri veterans in New York City to help raise money for the Liberty Loan:
Norway: M. Maxim Litvinov arrives at Bergen.
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Old 10-04-2018, 09:53 AM
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3 October 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the Beaurevoir Line (3-5 October 1918): British successfully attack on eight-mile front and take Le Catelet and 350 guns.
Germans withdraw from Lens-Armentieres line and past La Bassee..
British capture Gheluwe; French and Belgians reach Hooglede.
Champagne: French take Challerange. US 2nd Division storms key Blanc Mont Ridge (15 miles northeast of Reims) until October 4 to aid Henri Gouraud’s hitherto stalled advance for 5 miles (until October 10) taking c.2,000 PoWs for 6,300 casualties
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Max von Gallwitz stalls US advance, after 7-mile gain, on Apremont-Brieulles line.
Western Front, Air: Allies claim successful air fighting, 55 German planes down.
The ruins of Villers-Bretonneux’s church: © IWM (Q 58389):
A crater created by a mine exploded under German positions at La Bassée, France:
American cavalryman and a tank arrive in Bellicourt, France: © IWM (Q 103006):

Eastern Front
Northern Russia
: Action near Pyavozero Lake (Murman front).
Southern Russia: The Ufa (southern Urals) loyal Government declare all Soviet treaties void and propose All-Russian Constituient Assembly.
Fighting in the Urals.

Southern Front
: 19,000 Bulgarians surrender to Italian 35th Division and French 11th Colonial Division at Sop; Allied forces in touch with Austro-Germans in southern Serbia; Serbs, in fighting against Austro-Hungarian forces, drive back Austrian 9th Division and also capture 7,000 Bulgarians, despite armistice.
Italy: Big British trench raid on Asiago front. Heavy fighting and 500 Austrian PoWs by October 11.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Edmund Allenby visits Damascus and meets Prince Feisal for first time, tells him France will be protecting power in Syria, but he can set up military administration Aqaba-Damascus east of Jordan. An exhausted and disillusioned Thomas Lawrence asks for leave and departs for Cairo on October 4.
T.E. Lawrence in Damascus after the entrance of King Faisal in to the city: © IWM (Q 46093):
Siberia: Japanese reported to have joined Semenov at Ruchlevo; 1,500 Magyar prisoners.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Royal Navy submarine L.11 torpedoes and sinks German torpedo boat S-33.

Political, etc
: “Brutal” order by Ludendorff re: prisoners. Germans witholding ratification of Prisoners of War Agreement because of Germans interned in China.
Prince Maximillian of Baden (Kaiser’s second cousin) becomes last Imperial Chancellor, also replaces Paul von Hintze as Foreign Minister. Hindenburg writes to Chancellor ‘As a result of the collapse of the Macedonian Front … there is no longer a prospect of forcing peace on the enemy’.
Prince Maximilian of Baden:
France: General Charles Moiner appointed Governor of Paris.
United Kingdom: Sir G. Cave appointed Chairman of Inder-departmenal Prisoners of War Committee.
Bulgaria: Boris Klemens Robert Maria Pius Ludwig Stanislaus Xaver, ascends the Bulgarian throne as Boris III. Boris III signs decree demobilizing Army and issues peaceful manifesto on October 6. Former Tsar Ferdinand’s train told to leave Austrian territory on October 5, leaves for Coburg on October 6.
Romania: Provisional National Council forms National Council of Unity (France recognizes on October 12).
United States: Czechoslovak soldiers marching in New York City. The Allies have promised them their independence after the war:
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Old 10-04-2018, 12:12 PM
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4 October 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the Beaurevoir Line (3-5 October 1918): British and French heavy fighting St. Quentin to Cambrai.
French and Americans increase gains in Champagne as far as the River Arnes.
Announcement re: prisoners, etc..
German guns being removed from Flanders coast.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): US advance resumed west of river, takes Hill 240 and 4 villages in mile or so advance. ‘… Bullard’s Corps forces the enemy back to the Kriemhilde positions south of the Bois de Forest’ (US communique). 3rd Division takes 1,366 casualties vs Curel Heights. Lull follows on October 5 after 8-mile advance.
American “Lost Battalion,” trapped behind German lines, is accidentally targeted by Allied artillery. They send a message by carrier pigeon: “OUR ARTILLERY IS DROPPING A BARRAGE DIRECTLY ON US. FOR HEAVENS SAKE STOP IT.” The pigeon is severely injured, but delivers the message.
France: Allies announce capture of 254,012 PoWs; 3,669 guns; 23,000 MGs between July 15 and September 30.
US artillery in action, equipped with the famous French 75mm M1897 field gun:
British troops occupy the town of Lens after the Germans abandon it. British soldiers in the ruins: © IWM (Q 11794):
Mule-drawn carts and Allied tanks pass by each other on a road near Bellicourt, France:
The ruins of the town of Lens, France. The mound in the background used to be the church:

Eastern Front
General Edmund Ironside takes over command of Allied forces at Archangel.

Southern Front
: Greek troops occupy Seres and Demir Hissar.
Serbia: French and Serbs drive back Austro-Hungarians in Vranya region.
Albania: French and Italians drive back Austro-Hungarians.
Italy: Sharp fighting in Monte Grappa (Upper Brenta) region.
48 Sopwith Camel fighters (no casualties) bomb Austrian flying schools at Campoformido, southwest of Udine and Egna, south of Bolzano (October 5), destroying over 13 aircraft.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Inspector-General of Communications Dickson reaches Juzzah border railhead, cables need for 14,600 camels or 1,450 vans.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Japanese steamer Hirano Maru torpedoed off Ireland, 292 lost.
Mediterranean: British convoy escorts and SS Greenland‘s gunfire sink coastal submarine UB-68 southeast of Malta, her commander Karl Doenitz (U-boat leader in WW2) a PoW, having sunk 7 ships or 16,993t including one from this convoy.
North Sea: Harwich Force hoping to find returning U-boats only finds 2 armed trawlers to sink.

Political, etc
: German and Austro-Hungarian Governments send Notes to President Wilson via Switzerland proposing an armistice on the basis of his 14 points. [The German note was received by President Wilson on October 6th and the Austrian on October 7th.] (see 8th and 18th).
Germany: The German government under Chancellor Prince Maximillian of Baden seeks an armistice, but the Allies remain cautious of German intentions and do not accept it. The German Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor in Berlin:
United Kingdom: British Government learns Turkey has cabled Berlin that she is about to seek peace.
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Old 10-05-2018, 10:10 AM
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5 October 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Battle of the Beaurevoir Line (3-5 October 1918): Battle of the Beaurevoir Line ends. Kaiser Order of the Day mentions peace offer, but urges continued stern resistance. The Times, London ‘Our Armies in the West hold the front from the east of Ypres to the north of St Quentin. Since August 8 we have advanced practically at every point.’ BEF claims to have captured 35,000 PoWs and 380 guns since September 27 and broken through Hindenburg Line in 9 days on 30-mile front. Victorious Australian Corps withdrawn to rest after capturing Montbrehain, claiming to have captured 29,144 PoWs and 388 guns since March 27 (21,243 casualties including only 79 missing), liberated 116 towns and villages since August 8, engaged 39 German divisions (30 twice or more, 6 disbanded).
Germany falls back between La Catelet and Crevecoeur and burns Douai.
British carry Beaurevoir, etc. (East of Le Catelet)
Germans fall back towards the Suippe river; fighting on the Arnes (Champagne).
French occupy Moronvilliers Massif (east of Reims).
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Stiff American fighting west of Meuse.
Western Front, Air: “Much” successful bombing by Allies. A German Hannover CL-III plane brought down in the Argonne by U.S. machine gunners:
French aviator and fighter pilot Roland Garros is killed in combat. Garros made flight altitude records and flew the first non-stop flight over the Mediterranean, as well as being famous for being the first pilot to shoot down another aircraft with a fixed, forward-firing machinegun from a single-seat airplane:
2nd Lieutenant Val Browning fires a Browning machine gun, invented by his father, at Thillombois: © IWM (Q 70559):
Australian photographer standing on top of a tank near Ronssoy: © IWM (E(AUS) 3915):
A church mined and destroyed by German troops retreating from Armentières: © IWM (Q 58388):

Southern Front
Yugoslav delegates meet at Agram (another source say at Laibach: same town, different name (?)) and decide on the formation of a United National Council (see 29th, and September 25th).
German troops reported withdrawn from Bulgarian front.
Serbia: Vranje (aka Vranya) retaken by Serbian forces (see October 15th, 1915). Serbian Second Army begins transfer from Bulgarian frontier west to Montenegro and Albania (until October 20).
Albania: Dibra occupied.
Italy: Italians active on their own mountain fronts.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Northern Channel
: AMC Otranto (Orient Co) carrying US troops (431 lost) sinks in collision, destroyer HMS Mounsey rescues 596 men.
Eastern Mediterranean: French Syrian Squadron occupies Beirut, then Tripoli and Alexandretta (both on October 14).
Belgium: German Navy at Ostend and Zeebrugge, Belgium scuttles 4 submarines as the Allied forces approach the port cities.
Germany: Prince Max speaks in the Reichstag. Messrs. Grober, Erzberger and Scheidemann Secretaries of State, and Dr. Solf Foreign Minister, in attendance.
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Old 10-06-2018, 09:15 AM
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6 October 1918

Western Front
British take Fresnoy (north of Arras).
French press enemy back along Suippe front.
Italian advance north of Ostel (nine miles south of Laon); Laon on fire.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Stiff American fighting on Meuse-Argonne sector continues.
Western Front, Air: US airmen Erwin R Bleckley and Harold Goettler posthumously awarded CMH (US Medal of Honor, awarded in the name of Congress) for suicidal supply-dropping mission to ‘Lost Battalion’ at Binarville on October 2.
A British soldier picks up a fallen headstone at a destroyed cemetery in Gavrelle: © IWM (Q 9568):

Eastern Front
British officials from Petrograd reach Swedish frontier.
Bolsheviks repulsed by Allied troops at Seletskaya (170 miles south of Archangel).
Southern Russia: Trotsky recalls Stalin from Tsaritsyn to Moscow (until October 11), returns till October 19.

Southern Front
: 65,000 Bulgars have surrendered altogether.
Alexander Karađorđević, Prince Regent of Serbia, and later Alexander I of Yugoslavia, accepts promotion to General.
Albania: Italians pushing on in Albania, north of Berat, towards Elbasan.
Bulgarian soldiers captured in Macedonia. Bulgaria signed an armistice with the Allies late last month:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Reported 79,000 prisoners taken since 18 September 1918.
Syria: Sidon occupied by British forces. Zahleh and Rayak (north-west of Damascus) occupied by British cavalry.
Palestine: French and British warships find Beirut evacuated.
Two of the last wounded Allied soldiers are evacuated on horse-carts in Syria or Palestine:
British troops in Sidon (Lebanon) after its capture from the Ottomans: © IWM (Q 12479):

Political, etc
: France warns Germany re: crimes on French territory.
United Kingdom: Prince Max's letter of 12 January 1918 revealed.
India: Record of 768 flu deaths in Bombay today.
Bulgaria: Peaceful manifesto by King Boris.
China: Canton Government declares war on President Hsuh Shih Chang.
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Old 10-07-2018, 10:20 AM
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7 October 1918

Western Front
British advance north of Scarpe river.
Heavy French fighting all along their line; they take Berry-au-Bac (Aisne river).
Americans drive enemy back south-east of Grand Pre.
France: Supreme War Council learns new German Chancellor has approached President Wilson with request for armistice.
French railway guns in firing position:
The ruins of Merville, France: © IWM (Q 78783):
King Albert of Belgium and French Marshal Foch reviewing the troops at Houthem Aerodrome, Belgium:
American artillery firing in a ditch behind a road: © IWM (Q 101504):

Eastern Front
South Russia
: General Berthelot proposes Salonika army use in South Russia to Clemenceau to protect Denikin’s White build up; Franchet d’Esperey opposes on October 27.
Volga: Red Fourth Army retakes Samara. (Red Eastern Front now 103,000 soldiers; 298 guns and 1,627 MGs strong.)
North Russia: US 339th Infantry coy wins skirmish at Borok, but Reds force Allied outposts back (October 9-10). Allies retreat 20 miles to Kurgomin-Tulgas (October 13-17) and repel Red attack (October 23).

Southern Front
: Supreme Allied War Council decides Salonika Army will march east through Thrace to Constantinople, Milne to command (October 10), ready with 4 divisions on October 29.
Albania: Elbasan taken by Italian forces (see February 2nd, 1916).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British occupy Sidon (aka Saida). British and French troops enter and complete the capture the city of Beirut (Lebanon) without any Ottoman resistance. A view of the city:

Political, etc
: Vice-Admiral Ritter von Mann appointed German Naval Secretary.
Russia: M. Alexander Guchkov (Minister of War for the Provisional Government) executed by Bolsheviks.
Poland: Poles in Warsaw proclaim independence, as do deputies in German Reichstag.
United States: U.S. solid views on answer to be given to Central Powers.
Sir Edward Geddes and Naval Mission arrive New York.
The streets of Cincinnati are empty as the city observes “auto-less day” to conserve fuel:
“Salomé,” American film starring Theda Bara, is released. Church groups protest the film for combining biblical stories with sexual themes (the film is considered lost today):
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Old 10-08-2018, 10:56 AM
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8 October 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Second Battle of Cambrai begins (see 9th): Great Allied (3rd and 4th British Armies, 30th U.S. Division and French) three-mile advance on St. Quentin-Cambrai; takes Fresnoy-Rouvroy line northeast of Arras. Armies attack with 82 tanks (22 lost) on 20-mile front between St Quentin and Cambrai, advance 3 miles, take 10,000 PoWs and 150 guns (including 1,500 PoWs and 30 guns by US 30th Division). Third Army captures Villers-Outreaux, Forenville and Niergnies southeast of Cambrai despite 15 German tanks (6 lost) heading 3 local counter-attacks and hitting 4 British tanks (4 A7Vs deliver another, October 11). Army Groups Rupprecht and Boehn ordered back to Hermann position. Boehn’s group then to be broken up; its Second Army to Rupprecht, Eighteenth to Crown Prince, Boehn sent on leave. over 10,000 prisoners and 150 guns.
North of Scarpe British take Fresnes-Rouvroy line.
French drive Germans back on the Arnes, Aisne and Suippe.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Americans and French take Cornay and Consenvoye, and drive Germans back north of Verdun. After his platoon suffered heavy casualties during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in France's Forest of Argonne, American Corporal Alvin York led the 7 remaining men on an attack against a German machine gun nest, killing 28 German soldiers and capturing 132 others.
Western Front, Air: RAF support Second Battle of Cambrai including laying smokescreens with 40lb phosphorous bombs, few air combats. Night bombers strike rail junctions (night October 8-9).
German prisoners of war giving their addresses to a Red Cross chaplain so that their families can be told they are alive:
Allied troops launch an offensive against Cambrai, France. Canadian soldiers advancing towards Cambrai:
British troops resting besides a disabled tank during the Battle of Cambrai: © IWM (Q 7113):
American troop advancing towards the village of Prémont, France: © IWM (Q 7084):
French 320mm guns on the Western Front:
A wounded German prisoner captured at the Battle of Cambrai: © IWM (Q 11375):

Eastern Front
Southern Russia
: Death of General Mikhail Alexeiev at Ekaterinodar (age 60), Anton Denikin becomes White supreme commander and civil dictator.

Southern Front
: Greeks occupy Drama.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
26 Turkish Divisions reported wiped out in Syrian and Mesopotamian campaigns.
7th Indian Division occupies Beirut after 2 French destroyers’ arrival, 600 Turks handed over. Colonel Piepape, French military Gouverneur, whose troops arrive on October 20.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Rear-Admiral Adolf von Trotha CoS German High Seas Fleet recommends a ‘final sortie’ vs Grand Fleet if U-boat campaign abandoned completely or Fleet threatened by a ‘humiliating end’. Franz von Hipper sanctions (October 10) detailed planning for this Flottenvorstoss (‘Fleet Attack’); Reinhard Scheer’s CoS Commodore Magnus von Levetzow supports (October 16). Scheer does not inform Army, Kaiser or politicians.
Mediterranean: Admiral Somerset Calthorpe leaves Malta in cruiser Foresight, arrives at Mudros on October 11.

Political, etc
: Vladimir Lenin appoints Iosef Stalin to Revolutionary Military Council.
France: Ferdinand Foch note gives his armistice terms to Allied Prime Ministers.
United States: President Woodrow Wilson replies to Note of German Government, and demands evacuation of occupied territories as first condition of armistice (see 4th and 12th).
A New York policeman wearing a mask to protect him from the Spanish flu:
Spain: Spanish Cabinet (Sr. Antonio Maura) resigns.
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Old 10-09-2018, 04:29 AM
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9 October 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Second Battle of Cambrai: Canadians enter Cambrai, link with Third Army, begin BEF pursuit to the Selle (until October 12) (see August 26th, 1914). British take Le Cateau and Rouvroy (south-east of Lens) and Sallaumines. King's congratulations. 3rd Cavalry Division (329 casualties) takes 500 PoWs, 10 guns and 60 MGs in 8-mile advance, finishes only 2 miles from Le Cateau (2 armored cars briefly enter).
A Canadian patrol enters Cambrai this day:
Germans forced back by French beyond Oise Canal and in Champagne (losing Grand Pre) and from part of the Chemin des Dames.
End of Second Battle of Cambrai (see 8th) brings Battles of the Hindenburg Line to a close (see September 12th).
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Argonne forest cleared. 20,000 AEF (American Expeditionary Forces) deaths to date from flu and pneumonia.
The American “Lost Battalion” of the 77th Division is rescued after holding out for more than 5 days surrounded by the Germans:
Western Front, Air: Mainly low-flying RAF operations, wet weather hampers flying (until October 13).
Germany: 8 Handley Page bombers of Nos 215 and 216 Squadrons attack Metz, bomb detonates magazine on island in river Moselle, fire burns for 4 days (1 million Reichsmark damage done, night October 9-10).
A Sopwith Camel biplane after a forced landing near Noyelles-sur-Escaut: © IWM (Q 12121):
A wounded German prisoner captured at the Battle of Cambrai: © IWM (Q 11375):
A Red Cross nurse plays checkers with a wounded African American soldier at Auteuil, France:
A British patrol during the Battle of Cambrai:
French gunners of a 155 mm gun on the lookout for German airplanes:

Southern Front
: Allies approach Nish, held by Mackensen.
Albania: French occupy Prishtina.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: RAF bombs Homs station (October 10 and 12) from new Haifa base, refuelling at Damascus.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Irish Channel
: The Irish mail-boat Leinster torpedoed in Irish Channel; 527 lost.
Mozambique: Von Lettow-Vorbeck reported moving to northern end of Lake Nyassa.

Political, etc
: Major-General heinrich Scheuch succeeds Major-General Herman von Stein as German Minister for War (see October 30th, 1916, and December 17th, 1918).
France: French Socialist Congress passes a "Bolshevist" resolution.
United Kingdom: Lord Grey on the League on Nations.
South Africa: Severe flu epidemic in South Africa.
China: Tuann Chi Jui, Chines Prime Minister, retired.
Minor Allies: Cuban troops offered to U.S.A.
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Old 10-10-2018, 04:28 AM
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10 October 1918

Western Front
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne
(see October 15th): Over 1 million Americans (record 29 divisions) in action, US Second Army (Bullard) formed (HQ Toul) for Meuse-Moselle sector. AEF holds record of 101 miles front line.
Somme and Cambrai: British advance continues to last line of Hindenburg line (Hermann position) along river Selle; Home’s First Army fights its way along Sensee Canal to north until October 16. British 66th Division retakes Le Cateau.
France: FOCH’S ORDERS FOR FINAL ALLIED ADVANCES: Belgians advance on Bruges, BEF upon Maubeuge and Mons, and Franco-Americans upon Mezieres and Sedan, to cut German forces’ main lateral line of communication – Brussels-Maubeuge-Mezieres-Sedan railway and to drive Germans into forested hilly Ardennes.
A US communications detachment with a field telephone in action; line repairs is a constant task:
A wounded American soldier enjoying chocolate and cakes given to him at Varenne-en-Argonne:
British troops pose with captured German pickelhaube helmets: © IWM (Q 11367):

Southern Front
: After 170-mile advance in 25 days Serbs recapture Nis from Germans who begin retreat to Krusevac and Knjazevac (night October 9-10). Field Marshal Kovess made Austro-German C-in-C Balkans (HQ Belgrade), decides on retreat behind Danube and Sava.
Bulgaria: British 26th Division reaches Livunovo (Struma valley) in advance on Radomir.
Italian Front: 21 divisions; 1,600 guns; 500 mortars and 2.4 million shells moved up for offensive since September 25.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Men of the Black Watch, led by pipers, enter the city of Beirut (Lebanon): © IWM (Q 12407):

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Coastal submarine UB-48 (Steinbauer) torpedoes French battleship Voltaire (night October 10-11) near Cerigotto.

Political, etc
: Kaiser and new liberal German Government demand that Navy halt U-boat attacks on passenger ships ‘since any incident that might disrupt the peace negotiations is to be avoided at all costs’. Scheer replies that Navy will demonstrate its ‘fullest loyalty’ by recalling all commerce-raiding U-boats.
United Kingdom: Minister of Munitions Winston Churchill with women workers at a shell filling factory near Glasgow: © IWM (Q 84079):
United States: An airplane crash caused by a cadet’s overalls getting caught in the controls. Kelly Field, Texas:
Finland: Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse, the brother-in-law to Kaiser Wilhelm II, is elected King of Finland:
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Old 10-11-2018, 10:15 AM
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11 October 1918

31 Days until the Armistice
Western Front

Germans forced by pressure on flanks into general withdrawal
Flanders: German Army and Marine units hasten evacuation of coastal bases and defences (ships and aircraft leave, guns moving since October 7). Strong German resistance north of River Selle (Le Cateau); Germans retreat from strong positions north of River Sensee; British close to Douai.
Artois: 2nd Canadian Division (British First Army) capture Iwuy, northeast of Cambrai, before handing over to British XXII Corps; since August 26 Canadian Corps has gained 23 miles vs 31 German divisions in 47 days. For 30,806 casualties since August 22, Canadians have captured 18,585 PoWs, 371 guns and almost 2,000 MGs, liberating 116 square miles with 54 towns and villages.
Champagne: French advance up to 6 miles on 37-mile front, have taken 21,500 PoWs and 600 guns since September 26, including Italian reoccupation of Chemin des Dames.
British troops with civilians at Bohain, France. A boy holds a German Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr anti-tank rifle: © IWM (Q 7103):
Statues at Versailles are covered up to protect them from German bombings: © IWM (Q 78183):
Canadian troops capture Cambrai, finding it deserted of German forces. Canadian soldiers walk by a burning building:
Ruins of Cambrai cathedral after it was captured by the Allies:
Wounded American soldiers in Argonne forest:
The smoldering ruins of Cambrai:
British soldiers amuse themselves by wearing a German pickelhaube helmet and sitting in a gutted car in Cambrai: © IWM (Q 11803):

Southern Front
: Prizren retaken by French forces (see December 1st, 1915); they also complete the reoccupation of Nish (Nis) (see November 5th, 1915).
Bulgaria: General Jekor, Bulgarian Commander-in-Chief, dismissed.
Italy: Heavy fighting on Asiago plateau; 500 prisoners.
Allied raid north of Monte Grappa.
Albania: Austro-Hungarians evacuate Durazzo.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: 3 RAF R.E.8s attack Turk columns (2 lost, but 3 aircrew walk 120 miles to safety).

Political, etc
: Emperor Karl receives nationality deputations at Reichsrat.
Dr. Sandor Wekerle, Hungarian Prime Minister, resigns.
Germany: Herr Erzberger announces German militarism is dead.
Poland: Martial law in parts of Poland.
United States: Huge military appropriations demanded in U.S.
A 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits Puerto Rico, resulting in a tsunami. Around a hundred people are killed:
China: Feng-Kuo-Chang, President of China, retires (see July 6th, 1917 and September 4th, 1918).
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Old 10-12-2018, 01:43 PM
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12 October 1918

Western Front
Craonne again captured by French forces; they advance within three miles of Laon.
Fighting on River Selle.
French take Vouziers.
End of Champagne Battles (since 26 September); 21,500 prisoners and 600 guns taken.
British First Army reaches Douai suburbs but is checked by German flooding.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Pershing transfers First Army to Liggett.
Germany: Hindenburg warns troops that favourable armistice terms depend on.successful resitance. OHL sanctions Sixth Army retirement (begins early October 15). Mudra replaces O Below (recalled to Germany to organize home defense) in command of Seventeenth Army. Eberhardt takes over Mudra’s First Army.
German A7V tank caught in a trench and captured by New Zealand troops:
A German war cemetery at Sailly-sur-la-Lys: © IWM (Q 9540):
A soldier wearing a face protector used by Allied tank gunners: © IWM (Q 93249):
A New Zealand soldier removing a mine after capturing Esnes from the Germans:
A British patrol on a daylight raid. A soldier fires into a German dugout:

Southern Front
: French occupy Mitrovitsa and Prisrend. 90,000 Bulgars and 2,000 guns captured in 27 days.
Albania: Italians take Kavaya.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: Action of Dushak.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Australian light horse regiment leaving Jerusalem:

Political, etc
: In Transylvania Romanian National Party demands recognition as administration.
Germany: German Government reply to President Wilson's Note and accept conditions (see 8th and 14th).
Ex-Interior Minister Clemens von Delbruck replaces Friedrich von Berg as Kaiser’s civil cabinet chief.
Poland: Martial law in parts of Poland.
United Kingdom: British Government recognize the Polish National Army as autonomous, allied and co-belligerent.
Lloyd George given list of rebels and revolutionaries, includes Sylvia Pankhurst, GDH Cole and unions.
United States: U.S. troops overseas number over 1,900,000.
11,724 Army flu cases in past 24 hours, total since September 13 are 234,868 (338,257 cases and c.17,000 deaths by December 1).
Wilson attends Metropolitan Opera for Queen Margherita’s Fund for the Blinded Soldiers of Italy.[Listed for yesterday]: American painter Archibald Willard passed away. His most famous work is the “Spirit of ’76,” also known as “Yankee Doodle”:
Minor Allies: Luxembourg begs President Wilson to protect her rights.
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Old 10-13-2018, 06:44 AM
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13 October 1918

Western Front
: French Tenth Army enters Laon (population 10,000) after 11-mile advance in 36 hours, presses north to river Serre, has taken 26,000 PoWs and 400 guns since August 17.
Oise: French First Army liberates La Fare.
More fighting on River Selle line; progress north-west of Douai.
Battle of Courtrai begins as Belgian, British, and French troops attack German positions in Flanders and advance 5 miles.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of the Argonne (see October 15th): Stiff fighting on Meuse, north of Verdun.
A French armored car surprises a German infantry column:
A pioneer battalion tasked with clearing debris in Cambrai take a rest by playing a piano: © IWM (Q 9546):
British lancers returning from the front at Prémont, France: © IWM (Q 72605):
A Red Cross nurse gives a wounded American soldier a cookie:

Southern Front
: Serbs storm Austro-Hungarian positions north of Nish.
French cavalry enter Pirot.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Tripoli occupied by Allied forces. (19th Infantry Brigade arrives October 18, whole 7th Indian Division by October 28 having covered 270 miles since September 19).
Siberia: French, British and Japanese troops enter Siberia. Admiral Kolchak reaches Omsk.

Political, etc
United Kingdom
: M. Eleftherios Venizelos arrives in London.
Turkey: Young Turks resign; Izzet Pasha succeeds Talaat Pasha as Turkish Grand Vizier (see February 4th, 1917).
Finland: Government ask German troops to leave.
Portugal: Government crushes Democrat military rising in Lisbon, Oporto and Coimbra (until October 14) with over 1000 arrests, but violent crime already rampant.
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