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Old 10-30-2003, 10:52 PM
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Chapter 16

Amber made sure to get to work early the next day. She smiled for the first time in a long time. David would be back with her as soon as he finds out that Callie is an incestuous slut. She wouldn't tell Callie to her face. She had to find the ultimate way to embarrass Callie.

Callie arrived a few minutes late to work since traffic had been extremely heavy that morning. She hurried to her office almost running into the students in the library. When she arrived she saw Amber at the front desk like always. Only this time she seemed different. She looked more alive and actually happy. Callie didn't care; she just wanted to stay away from the girl as much as possible.

"Good morning Callie," Amber said as Callie was passing by.

Callie stopped in her track shocked that the girl was actually talking to her. "Morning Amber," Callie replied politely.

Amber scoffed. Oh what a fuckin' idiot. She thinks I'm actually being nice!

Amber continued to smile deviously. "So Callie, are you dating David now?"

Callie looked surprised. "No. Who said I was?"

Amber shrugged. "No one. I was just wondering since you two are always together. You both make a nice couple actually. I know I gave you a hard time at first, but you know I have to get over David. He obviously likes you so I just wanted to let you know that I'm ready to be friends with you if that's OK?"

Callie couldn't have been more shocked. Still something deep inside told her not to trust this girl. "Well that's fine Amber. I appreciate you coming out and telling me this."

Amber sighed. "Oh well I'm seeing another guy now so it's OK. Pretty soon you'll be dating David and he'll finally be able to be with the girl that he really likes."

Callie laughed. "No he knows I'm already seeing someone."

Amber narrowed her eyes. "Oh really? Well then you should probably let him see you with your boyfriend, otherwise he'll just assume you're making it all up. I know David."

Callie hesitated to answer. "Yeah I may just do that. Well I gotta get to work. See you around."

Amber watched Callie walk away feeling she wanted to burst out and laugh hysterically. Callie was definitely involved with her brother. Now Amber had to just play a few mind games with Rebecca and David to get her revenge on the people that have hurt her the most.

In the morning the phones were constantly ringing and Amber was getting tried desperately wanting a break. She knew David was in his office and couldn't wait to get up there and play games with him. The last call she got was actually not an information call from a student or staff member but from a woman who claimed to say her name was Gloria Adams. It was Callie's mother!

"Yes hi Mrs. Adams. My name is Amber. Amber Wilkinson and I work here with your daughter Callie. I believe she's busy at the moment. Did you need for me to leave her a message?"

The woman's voice sounded pleasant. "Yes could you please let my daughter know that her car is actually already fixed. Her father is going to park by the library rear exit today after lunch."

Amber rolled her eyes. "Yes sure Mrs. Adams. I'll give her the message."

She hung up the phone and went upstairs to give Callie the message. Callie was reading her e-mails when Amber knocked on her door. She relayed the message and took off to torture David. David was busy printing out the e-mails of staff members that need programs added to their computers.

"Hey David!" Amber squealed.

David sighed. "What is it now Amber?"

She hummed suspiciously. "Oh nothing just came by to say good morning. You know I know I've been a real bitch to you and I'm sorry."

David raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You're sorry? Yeah right. Amber you're more devious than the devil himself."

Amber's smile faded. "I'm being serious. I mean I still love you and I don?t think I'll ever stop loving you, but I have to get over you."

David nodded. "What kind of game do you think you're playing with me Amber? I already know you by now. You're cruel and mean."

"Oh and you and your precious cousin aren't?" Amber yelled back.

"Look just stay away from me Amber. I don't even want to be friends. We are co-workers and nothing else."

Amber knew she wasn't getting away with anything. She would just have to come right out and tell David about what she saw between Callie and Nathan. She was losing him everyday and she knew it was because of Callie.

"David I have to tell you something." She said quietly.

David looked up from his stacks of papers. "What now?"

"I know who Callie's boyfriend is."

David's eyes widened. "You do? Who?"

Amber paused for a moment taking a deep breath. "It's Nathan. Her own brother."

David's jaw dropped open. "Oh my God. I can't believe you'd stoop so low Amber."

Amber tried to protest but David cut her off. "Do you hate Callie that bad? Amber I think its time you leave this job."

Amber was speechless. Why didn't he believe her? How could anyone make something like that up?

"David, I'm telling you the truth! Please believe me!" Amber begged.

David nodded. "No way. Your psychotic and you need help Amber. I'm gonna make sure to tell my uncle about you."

Amber felt angry tears rise. "Fuck you. You don?t have to tell your uncle to fire me, I'm quitting!"

She ran out David's office in tears. She should have known better than to come out and say it. She should have let him catch that bitch with her brother. It was too late now. She was leaving and she knew what she had to do. Callie Adams had destroyed her life now she was ready to destroy hers.

"Sweetie I'm not gonna need for you to pick me up. Dad's gonna drop off my car after lunch." Callie was talking to Nathan over the phone.

"Oh Ok. Will I just see you at home then?"

"No I was gonna go to Mom and Dad's after work to drop off some money for having my car fixed. I got paid today you know." Callie said proudly.

"Hey well congrats babe. I'll see you at home then. I love you Callie."

"I love you Nathan. Bye Babe."

She hung up the phone sighing. Just knowing her brother would be waiting for her when she got home made her feel so good. Callie went back to her paperwork not knowing what was next to come.

Amber stomped out of the building angry and hurt. She noticed everyone staring at her as she walked past the students that stood outside. She was trying to hurry and get in her car, when she bumped into Rebecca.

"Whoa! Slow down Amber!" She shouted at her.

"Get out of my way Rebecca. I'm leaving this fuckin' job and all the fucked up people that work here!"

Rebecca stopped her. "Wait a minute! You're quitting? What about David? You gave up so easily? I told you to give me some time to get to Nathan first."

Rebecca scoffed. "Ha! Good luck on that one Rebecca."

Rebecca looked confused. "What do you mean good luck? Amber what do you know that I don?t?"

Amber didn't answer. Just glared into her ex friends eyes and walked away. She turned back and screamed out, "Just ask you cousin."

Rebecca was still baffled. She needed to find out what happened.

"Hey Callie?" David asked poking his head in Callie's office.

Callie looked up. "Yeah?"

"Look I just want you to be the first to know that Amber quit today."

Callie looked shocked. "What? Why? She was being so nice to me this morning."

David shrugged. "I don't know. She's been saying some nasty things about certain people."

"What people? Like me?"

"Yes. I don't like people saying things about someone that's not true."

Callie felt saddened. "I don't know why she hates me so much."

David walked closer to Callie. "It's probably because I like you so much Callie."

Callie tried to turn her face away from him but her cupped her pretty face. "David, I told you I'm seeing someone else."

He knelt down to face her. God you're so pretty he thought to himself. He knew he had to kiss her. She was incredibly hard to resist. Her pouty lips had been driving him crazy these past few weeks. He didn't think twice and planted a soft kiss on Callie's lips.

Callie quickly moved back away from him. She gave him a look of surprise. "David! Why did you go and do that?"

David felt like a jerk but at the same time he was glad to have been able to kiss such a beautiful girl. A girl he'd been lusting for. "I-I'm sorry Callie. I'm so sorry it was just a reaction."

Callie got up from her seat and paced the room. "Ok I think you need to leave for now David."

David got up feeling awkward yet incredible turned on. "I'm sorry. I really am." He apologized as he walked out.

Callie felt so uncomfortable now. She couldn't wait to get out of work and go home to the man she really loved.

Amber was driving for a while now with tears in her eyes. She felt her heart racing thinking of what she was going to say. She practiced over and over on her speech. She was heading over to Callie's mother's house. It was time her mother knew that her daughter was an incestuous slut.

Gloria Adams was busy about to start making dinner for her and her husband. She was getting her ingredients ready to make her famous meatloaf. Her husband wouldn't be home for another two hours. She was starting to take out all the things she needed, when she heard the doorbell.

"Yes?" Gloria asked looking at a pretty tall blonde.

"Mrs. Adams?" She asked.

"Yes. And who are you?"

"Hi. My name is Amber Wilkinson."
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 10:52 PM
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Chapter 17

"Amber Wilkinson?" Mrs. Adams echoed.

"Yes. I spoke with you today over the phone, remember? You asked me to relay the message to Callie about her father leaving the car at work after lunch."

Mrs. Adams laughed softly. "Oh yes of course. I?m sorry. What can I do for you today."

Amber looked in the house. It seemed like such a nice place to live. It had a small touch of country. It was nothing compared to her parent's huge house with white walls and expensive art. This house had a warm feeling to it.

"May I come in? I need to talk to you about Callie." Amber asked nervously.

"About Callie? Yes, sure." Mrs. Adams stepped aside letting the girl walk in.

Amber gazed around the house and saw tons of pictures of Callie and Nathan in gorgeous picture frames. They must be a tight family Amber thought. She continued walking and sat on one of the soft couches in the living room.

Mrs. Adams followed her. She hoped this girl wasn't here to deliver any bad news about her daughter.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Gloria asked Amber.

Amber nodded. "N-no thank you. Listen Mrs. Adams, I got something to tell you but I think you should brace yourself."

Gloria felt her heart race. "Is Callie in trouble?"

Amber was about to speak when Gloria's phone rang. "Oh wait honey, I gotta get this."

Amber watched the woman run to the phone. She saw a huge picture book on the coffee table. Feeling curious, she started looking through the pictures. Most of the pictures were of the family of course. They were of vacations, birthday parties, graduations, or just pictures taken for fun. Amber almost felt her eyes tear up again. She knew Callie had a loving family and that she didn't. Amber's parents were hardly ever home when she was growing up. Her house always felt empty and cold. She didn't have any siblings of her own, so it was very lonesome at times.

"You like that picture? It was Callie's first communion." Gloria said suddenly.

Amber looked up startled. She hadn't realized Mrs. Adams was back. She was staring at the picture of Callie as a child in a white dress holding a candle at a church. "Oh yeah. I guess I was just trying to figure out if that was Callie."

Mrs. Adams smiled. "Yes my little girl. We are so proud of her. Well of her and my son of course. I feel so lucky to have children like them."

Amber almost cringed. She just remembered her terrible day. She'd quite her job and wouldn't be able to see the man she loved because of Callie Adams. Stop being weak Amber, and tell this woman what her "innocent" daughter has been doing with her "wonderful" son.

"Mrs. Adams," Amber said putting the picture book down, "You're daughter is doing something very bad."

Gloria frowned. "Bad? What do you mean? Like drugs?"

Amber sighed. "No. She's committing incest."

Gloria felt as if she'd been knocked out. "W-what?"

Amber shrugged. "Yeah. Incest. She's your son's lover."

Gloria got up angry. "Listen young lady, I don?t know why you're here telling me this, but I think you better leave now!"

Amber shot her eyes of fury. "I'm telling you the truth! Please believe me!"

Gloria began to walk to the door to let this strange rude girl out immediately. "Please leave right now!"

Amber got up slowly still trying to defend herself. "I swear to you! I saw them with my own eyes kissing!"

"Leave!" Gloria yelled out opening the door.

Amber was getting frustrated and felt her face turn red. Why didn't anyone believe her? Did everyone think Callie was that innocent? Fuck that bitch! Callie was an incestuous slut and she wanted to make sure everyone knew it!

Just then they both heard a car pull up. Gloria saw her daughter walking towards the door staring suspiciously at the car that was parked. Little did she know it was Amber's car.

"Mom? Hey do you have company?" Callie asked at the door.

Gloria didn't respond and Amber stood behind her.

"Amber? What are you doing here?" Callie looking confused.

"I'm here to tell your mother that you're sick. You and you're brother are lovers aren't you? I saw you both kissing in your office the other day!"

Callie felt her face turn white as a ghost. Her mother looked down. "Amber get the hell out of my mother's house! "

"Oh sure I'm leaving. I'm just glad she knows. Go on Callie, try to deny it. Let me watch you lie to your own mother who trusts you. Lie to her like you have been lying to everyone else!"

"Get out!" Callie screamed feeling tears running down her face.

Amber was leaving with a huge smile on her face. She'd finally done it! She was ruining Callie's perfect little life. Now Callie would know what it feels like to be hurting.

Callie stood there until she heard the door close. Gloria slowly walked away into the living room.

"Mom? Mom are you OK?"

Gloria sat on the sofa silently. "Yes Callie. I think so."

Callie knew her mother was lying. She'd actually believed what Amber was saying. "Mom that girl is crazy. She's hated me since I started working at the college."

Gloria looked up at her daughter. "Tell me it isn't true Callie. Tell me what that deranged girl said isn't true!"

Callie felt more tears come out. She wasn't going to do it anymore. She had to face up to her mother. The truth was going to be told tonight. Not the way she planned but now it was out there and she wasn't going to lie to her mother.

"Yes, Mom it's true. It's all true."

Gloria felt her heart sink. Her own two children, whom she loved and cared about were involved with each other! It was impossible! These things only happened to broken families, not loving families like her own! This had to be untrue.

"Oh Callie! There are so many young men out there for you! Why your own brother? Why?"

Callie knelt down holding her mother's hands. "Because I love him Mom. We fell in love with each other. It just happened neither one of us intended for it to happen. I'm sorry."

Gloria was shedding her tears now. She cried softly. Callie felt her heart breaking as her mother cried. "Mom I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

Gloria closed her eyes feeling her tears roll down her face. "Callie this is hurting me so much. You don?t understand how much this hurts me right now."

Callie's saddened face searched her mother's eyes. "Mom, I-I don't know what else to say. I mean I've wanted to tell you, but-"

"But you couldn't. You had to wait until some stranger came into my house and told me this. Callie you have to stop this relationship with Nathan."

Callie looked away. "Mom I can't do that. I love him. He loves me."

Gloria knew it was useless to stop her daughter. She was hurting so much. She suddenly felt her heart race with anger and confusion. Her breath was becoming short. She started to pant falling back on the sofa.

"Mom? Mom!" Callie yelled out as her mother was breathing hard and cringing in pain.

"Mom! I'm calling 911."

Gloria held her daughter's hand. "No. No. Call Amy. P-please call Amy."

"But Mom you need an ambulance, or doctor."

"No call Amy. H-her n-number is in my phone b-book"

Callie hesitated at first and eventually ended up calling Amy. Since Amy was almost like a daughter to Mrs. Adams, Callie knew Amy would rush over to make sure she was OK. She managed to successfully reach Amy on her cell phone.

"Amy! Please can you hurry and come to my house! My mother is ill and she's requesting to see you!"

Amy felt her heart race as she drove home from work. "Callie she needs an ambulance. What is wrong with her? Is she breathing OK?"

Callie was in tears. "Yes, well sort of. She's breathing hard."

"Did something happen today?"

Callie didn't want to answer that. "Yes, she received some bad news. Please Amy just hurry."

"Ok I'll be there. It sounds like she's having a panic attack. Just try to keep her calm."

Callie hung up and rushed back to her mother. Gloria laid on the couch breathing a lot better now. Her eyes were closing as if she was about to go to sleep. Callie brushed her mother's golden hair back. "Mom please be OK. I'm so sorry."

It was almost twenty minutes later when Amy arrived. Gloria was still awake but her eyes were dazed.

"Thank you for coming over Amy." Callie went to hug her friend. Her brother's ex-girlfriend.

"No problem. How is she now?"

"Better I suppose. She's just quiet and looking up."

"Yeah she's calming down obviously."

Amy walked closer and sat next to Gloria's side. Gloria moved holding Amy's hand. "Mrs. Adams how are you feeling now?"

Gloria groaned quietly. "Oh I'm better I suppose."

"You just need to rest Mrs. Adams. You had a panic attack. Just rest for now."

"Thank you for coming Amy. Thank you."

Amy looked up at Callie. Callie looked so nervous and her eyes were swollen. They were red from crying so much. Amy sat quietly until Gloria fell asleep.

"It's all my fault Amy," Callie cried.

Amy hugged Callie trying to comfort her. "No Callie. It's not your fault. She must have had this attack due to so many things going around. What was the bad news she received?"

Callie shrugged. "I'm not sure." She didn't want to tell Amy everything. It was a private family matter for the moment.

"Well I'm gonna go home for now but if you need me again let me know. For now just let your Mom rest. Make sure she avoids any stress."

Callie nodded and walked Amy out. She didn't know what to do next. Obviously she'd have to tell Nathan that they could no longer be lovers. They'd have to get back to being brother and sister even as hard as that would be. For their mother's sake.

Nathan paced the living room wondering why Callie was taking so long. He was worried and felt something must be wrong. He heard his phone ring and almost jumped as he rushed to answer it.

"Nathan!" Callie whispered.

"Babe? Where are you? Still at Mom and Dad's?"

She sobbed. "Y-yes."

Nathan froze for a moment. "What's wrong sweetheart? Why are you crying? Is everything OK?"

Callie whimpered quietly. "No. Nathan Mom knows about us."

Nathan's heart sank. "W-what? How?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you another time. I'm staying here tonight."

Nathan paused for a moment. "Can I go over?"

"No it's better if you don't. Nathan we have to stop seeing one another. Mom's really hurt and I have no idea how Dad is going to take this."

Nathan's heart was wounded. How would he ever be able to stay away from Callie? He loved her and could not picture his life with another woman. She was his one and only. He wasn't going to give up so easily.

"I don't think I can stop loving you Callie."

Callie sobbed more. "Please don?t say things like that. This is hard enough Nathan."

"Well it's true. I'm going to do it for Mom's sake, but don't think I'm giving up so easily."

"I have to go."

"Call me tomorrow and let me know how Mom's doing. I do want to come by and see her."

"I'll call you. For now she needs rest. If she sees you, I'm afraid it might do more damage."

Nathan felt guilty for his mother's pain. He couldn't help it. Couldn't help the fact that he'd fallen deeply in love with his sister. "Goodnight Callie. I love you.'

Callie closed her eyes listening to her brother's voice. You don't know how bad I need you right now Nathan. I need you to comfort me, put your arms around me she thought to herself. "Goodnight. I love you too."
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 10:56 PM
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Chapter 18

Callie watched her mother sleep peacefully. She felt so awful for having hurt her like this. Why did she have to fall in love with her own brother? She kept pondering that question over and over again. Callie sat back and thought of all the times she'd been with a man and none of those times compared to the few times she'd shared with Nathan. She eventually would have to end this wonderful relationship that everyone would see as forbidden.

"Callie?" She heard a male voice speak.

Callie snapped out of her thoughts seeing her father. "D-dad. Hi." She stammered.

"Is your mother OK? Amy called me at work." Jim asked looking over at his wife.

"Y-yes she is now. She had a panic attack."

His eyes widened. "A panic attack? Why? What happened?"

Callie wasn't ready to worry her father. "I-I'm not sure. Amy was here and she said it's because of stress."

Jim looked puzzled. "Stress? Hmm that's strange, she hasn't said anything to me."

"Dad she just needs rest. Look let me fix you something for dinner and I need you to just stay calm. I'm gonna stay here tonight to take care of her."

Jim admired his daughter for being so brave and strong. She'd always been like that. "I'm going to go shower up then." Jim walked close to his wife and kissed her softly on her forehead.

Callie sighed. What a day it had been. A terrible day. The truth had come out about her incestuous relationship with her brother. Now she had to figure out a way to tell her father. He was eventually going to find out one way or another.

Callie quickly just cooked some steaks and made some mash potatoes with gravy. She felt her hands shaking while she waited for her father to get his dinner. Jim came downstairs quietly. He looked worried for his wife. He'd once told Callie that he wouldn't know what to do if she ever left him. He felt he was nothing without his long time partner.

"Mmmm Callie, that smells delicious," Jims said trying to smile.

"Thanks Dad. I think Mom was going to make you some meatloaf but that takes a while so I just cooked the steaks. I got some rolls in the oven if you wanna wait a bit?"

"Yeah I'll wait." Jim poured himself some iced tea.

Callie was speechless. She wanted to tell her father, but she knew the time was not right. She had to stay away from her brother at least for a few days. Once her mother was more at ease and calm. Callie didn't want to hurt her mother anymore that she felt she'd already done. It was going to be the hardest thing she'd ever do, but she had to get over Nathan. Their love was impossible. She knew one thing and that was she'd never find true love like she had found with Nathan.

"Honey? Are you OK?" Jim asked Callie.

"Huh? Y-yes I'm fine. I'm just worried about Mom. I hope she'll be OK."

Jim reached out and grabbed his daughter's tiny hand. "Yes, she's a strong woman just like yourself. She'll be fine."

Callie only hoped that was true.

"What? Amber quit?" Rebecca asked David as he drove her home.

"Yeah. She started saying some really bad shit about Callie and I just told her how I feel about her. She got pissed off and just quit on the spot."

Rebecca laughed hysterically. "Oh my god cuz! That is crazy! What was she saying about Callie?"

"Ugh she was saying that Callie and Nathan are lovers!"

Rebecca's eyes widened. "What? Lovers? That's so sick!"

David nodded. "Yeah I know. Only someone like Amber would make that shit up."

Rebecca reclined back on the passenger's seat. She felt bad for saying that incest was sick; after all she'd had a taste of incest herself. Long ago when she was about 12 or so, she and David had made out in her closet playing house. It had been her first kiss but she'd always looked at it as just an experimental thing. She wondered if it was just an innocent kiss why had she never forgotten it?

"Mom?" Callie called out softly stroking her mother's hair.

Gloria's eyes fluttered as she woke up. "Callie?"

"Yes Mom how are you feeling?"

Gloria opened her eyes. She still looked sad and worried. "I'm better I suppose. What time is it?"

Callie looked at her watch. "It's almost eleven at night. You've been asleep for a while."

Gloria looked away. "Yes I thought I'd wake up and realized what had happened was just a nightmare. I guess it wasn't."

Callie's eyes were starting to fill with tears. Don't cry, she'll only worry more.

"I'm sorry Mom. Look I'm going to stop seeing Nathan. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Gloria's eyes lit up. "Really? Oh Callie that's the best decision you can make. Honey it's for the best."

Then Why do I feel so rotten? Callie asked herself silently.

"Let me take you up to your room. Dad's already asleep. I'm gonna stay the night here."

Gloria slowly got up. She felt weak and dizzy. Callie held on to her as they walked upstairs slowly. Callie's intentions were to mend her mother's broken heart and she had to do whatever it took to do that. Even if that meant not being with the man she loved.

Nathan woke up the next day feeling somber and lonely. He reached over to hopefully feel Callie's small warm body next to him but it was useless. She was gone. He'd cried quite a bit last night. He rolled over and could still smell Callie on his sheets. It'd only been one night without her and he was already yearning for her. He never knew he could miss someone so much. Damnit! Why did she have such a hold on him!

Nathan made himself get up. He had no intentions of going to work today. He wanted to just go and visit his parents and Callie. A few minutes later her found himself calling in to work. It was going to be tough, but he was going to go to his parent's house. If anything to make sure his mother was OK and to talk to her. He needed to explain everything to her. Make her understand that his and Callie's relationship was real. Something special.

Callie had been awakened by the sound of her parents talking in the hallway. They seemed to be acting as if everything was back to normal. She only wished things were back to the way they were a few days ago. But in a way she was glad her relationship with Nathan had been revealed.

Callie called into work leaving the message through the answering service for the school. She wouldn't be able to go to work feeling so sad. She missed Nathan immensely. Closing her eyes she could still see his face and feel his touch. Oh god how she missed his touch! Ok Callie stop it! Your mother is ill and you're not going to hurt her anymore.

Callie heard her father leave to work. He probably didn't know anything, yet.

"Mom?" Callie asked walking into the kitchen.

Gloria was sitting on the table reading the newspaper as she sipped her morning coffee. She looked up and saw her little girl. She remembered Callie once being so innocent. Now after discovering she had a relationship with her own brother, she had no idea what to think. Either way, she loved her daughter no matter what. Callie and Nathan were her only two children and she wasn't going to let anyone, especially some stranger change how much she loved them.

"Hi sweetheart. Come on and join me here. I was just catching up on the latest news here. Feel free to get some coffee or do you want me to fix you up something for breakfast?"

Callie was seeing signs of her mother returning to normal once again. "No Mom but thank you. I'll just read here with you. Did you sleep OK?"

Gloria nodded. "Yes I did. I feel much better today too. How are you feeling?"

Callie hesitated to answer that. "I'm fine."

Gloria knew her daughter was lying to her. Callie sat in silence mostly feeling her mother's eyes on her. Gloria wondered how hard all this was on her daughter. She just had to make Callie understand that an incestuous love was a sin and wrong. As much as her daughter was hurting, it was for her own good.

Nathan felt his heart race as he drove to his parents' house. He was thinking of what to say to his mother. He had to be careful about the things he'd say around her. She was in a vulnerable state right now.

Gloria was starting to wash dishes. "Mom! No go sit down. You need to take it easy right now."

Gloria smiled sweetly at her daughter. "It's ok Callie. I'm capable of washing dishes."

Callie was about to speak when she heard the doorbell. "I'll get that Mom."

She scurried over to the door and her heart skipped a beat seeing Nathan standing there. Their eyes locked for a moment. They didn't need words or actions to show the world their love for one another.

"Hey, how are you?" Nathan asked softly wanting to put his arms around her.

Callie's breath grew short for a moment. "I-I'm fine. What are you doing here? I told you that it's not safe right now."

Nathan looked down. "I wanted to see how Mom was, and I wanted to see you."

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave. Mom might not take this visit so well."

"Callie, I-"

"Callie? Who is it?" Gloria asked walking in the living room.

It was too late. Callie felt her body weaken as her mother saw Nathan.

Gloria stood there frozen. She had to now face up to her son.

Nathan's sad eyes were fixed on his mother. "Hi Mom." He said slowly.

"Nathan. Hello. Uh why don't you go ahead and come in," Gloria said nervously.

Callie wanted to just leave the room. Nathan walked past her, his eyes never leaving hers.

The three of them sat in the living room. It was silence at first. An uncomfortable silence. Callie kept her eyes on the ground and finally Nathan was first to speak.

"Mom, are you feeling OK?"

Gloria shrugged. "Well physically yes, emotionally no. Nathan what is going on?"

Nathan looked at Callie who still had her faced turned away. "Well Mom I'm in love with Callie and she's in love with me."

Gloria got up immediately frustrated. "Oh for Christ sakes! Nathan you are brother and sister! This kind of love cannot exist!"

Nathan felt his mother's angry words cut through him. "Mom, it does exist. I'm sorry. Neither one of us meant to hurt you."

"How am I supposed to feel? Honey, you and your sister cannot ever have children together."

Nathan felt Callie look up at him now. The thought of even having a child with Nathan had always excited Callie. Nathan always pictured his sister's belly so swollen as she carried his baby. He'd done some research and in a lot of incest relationships the babies are usually born healthy.

"Mom, the conversation of children has not ever come up. At the moment I just want to be with Callie. I love her."

"Sweetheart please try to understand that this relationship is wrong! It's immoral!"

"Says who? I don't feel that way. I've never been happier with any other girl than I have been with Callie."

"You were happy with Amy." Gloria dared to say.

Callie didn't need to hear that. "Mom please don't bring up the past. Amy was someone else. I don't love her. She's a friend and that's it." Nathan argued.

"Look," Callie blurted out as she stood up, "Nathan I already told her I'm not going to continue this relationship with you. Please, you already said how you feel but just go. I don't want Mom hurt more than she already is."

Nathan stared deeply at Callie. Her sweet voice cracked as if she wanted to cry. Nathan knew Callie still loved him. It was probably just for the best if he left.

"Ok I'm leaving." Nathan stood up as Callie began to cry.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I just had to come speak to you about my feelings for Callie. I never meant to hurt you."

Gloria put her arms around her son. He'd been so brave to talk to her. She could never hate him no matter what. She was just doing this for his own well-being. In the long run his love for Callie would hurt so many people.

"Bye sweetie."

Nathan stared at Callie. Her eyes met his. He wanted to just pick her up and kidnap her to take her away from this pain she was going through. Callie wanted to runaway with Nathan. Somewhere far away where no one knew them. Somewhere that they could be together as lovers the way they should be.

Callie watched her brother leave. Her mother stood behind her putting her arm around her. Callie began to sob quietly trying not to but it was impossible to not want to cry. She watched her lover leave. How was she ever going to go on with her life again?
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 10:57 PM
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Chapter 19

The weekend was a long one for Callie. She'd spent a large amount of time with her mother trying hard not to bring Nathan's name up in any conversations. She'd taken her mother out to eat and they'd also done some shopping. Callie's father still didn't understand the reason for his wife and daughter being so close. He just figured Callie was still in shock after her mother's panic attack and just wanted to be there for her.

Friday and Saturday night Callie had been unable to sleep. She kept thinking about her brother. Her heart would race thinking of the times they'd made love and how he'd made her feel. She could still feel his touch and still remembered his kisses. Just get him out of your mind!, she pleaded with herself.

Nathan had been all alone that weekend. He couldn't remember ever having a more terrible weekend than this one. It was lonesome and heartbreaking. He tried calling up some of his work buddies to go and play pool, or go drinking, but then he felt he didn't want to go out at all. He only wanted Callie to be with him.

It had been a struggle but both Nathan and Callie barely managed to make it through the weekend without each other. It was such a misfortune that their love was shattered by the prejudice of incest. Both siblings didn't see it as a sin, but instead of a true love that was always there and was just found.

Amber had spent most of her weekend alone at her own apartment. She'd gotten high off cocaine the whole three days. Deep down she felt awful for having told Callie's mother everything. She wondered how Callie and her brother were now doing. She laughed to herself thinking they must be in agony without each other. It was just like she'd been in agony without David.

Amber cried a lot those days. She hated David, but she knew deep down she still loved him and probably would never forget him. He had been her first true love and a great sex partner. Damnit why did he have to have fallen in love with Callie Adams! Now Callie got what she deserved! Amber's apartment was a pigsty. She didn't care though, she was so high that the drugs made her forget all her troubles and worries.

Sunday night Callie wanted to go over to Nathan's to pick up some of her things. The toughest part would be to tell her mother exactly where she was going. She saw Gloria and Jim watching TV in the living room. She was rushing past them leaving towards the front door.

"Callie? Where you going?" Right away Gloria asked.

Callie paused and turned to look at her mother. "Um I'm going to Nathan's to pick up some of my things. I'll be back soon." She didn't see any need to lie to her mother. She was just going to pick up her things and rush back home. At least she hoped to.

Gloria's eyes widened. "Do you want me to come with you? I can. Or maybe your father can go with you."

Jim laughed. "Oh honey let her go alone. Besides, I want to be with you alone for a few hours." Jim put his arm around his wife as she looked suspiciously at her daugheter.

Gloria smiled weakly.

Callie nodded. "Yeah it's ok Mom. Trust me. I'll be fine."

With that, Callie dashed leaving her mother thinking bad thoughts. There was still some daylight outside and Callie drove over to Nathan's. She felt her whole body shaking with nervousness. OK Callie just go in there and get what you need and leave quickly! Callie warned herself. She went through over what exactly she needed to get. Just some of her clothes and makeup. The long drive made her mind wonder about the situation she was in. If she and Nathan never got to be together again as lovers, how could she ever just go back to being brother and sister? She'd have to just sit back and watch him marry some woman and have children with her, while Callie would eventually marry a man she doesn't love just for her mother's sake. Callie loved her mother dearly and certainly didn't want to keep hurting her, but what about her own life?

She arrived at Nathan's apartment getting more nervous as she saw his car parked. She knew he was home, hopefully alone. She still had the spare key he'd given her and she was going to use it, but she felt that in case he did have company, she better knock. She took a deep breath and knocked hard on the door hoping he'd hear her.

It took only a few seconds and Nathan opened his door looking at his beautiful sister standing there with her eyes fixed on him.

"Callie? Are you back home with me?" Nathan asked quietly.

She looked down and nodded. "N-no I just came to get some of my things."

Nathan felt disappointed but let his sister in. He watched her getting her things and putting them in a big suitcase. He didn't want her to leave but he knew that she'd already made up her mind. They were so silent, that one could hear their breathing in the room.

Callie fumbled nervously getting her things. She knew Nathan was looking at her, but damnit she wasn't going to let him get to her. Just be strong, for your mother's sake. It was hard not to look at her brother since he just stood there in his t-shirt and boxers. He was so irresistible just wearing that.

Nathan admired every curve his sister possessed. Her short blue jean skirt and sexy white button up top fitted her body so perfect. Her long tan legs always seemed to catch his attention. No stop it. Nathan kept reminding himself.

Finally Callie had gotten her things and was ready to leave. She didn't really want to leave, but she knew she had to. "Thank you for letting me get my things. I'll be back later in the week for more if that's OK?" Callie stammered.

Nathan shook his head. "Y-yeah that's fine. Feel free to come over anytime."

Callie and Nathan's eyes were locked and that's when Callie realized she was so weak. She put her suitcase down and just ran to Nathan putting her arms around him. Nathan was taken by surprise, yet so turned on that his sister made the first move.

He held her close as they began to share a sexy deep kiss. He'd missed kissing her soft sweet lips. Their tongues were madly massaging one another.

"Oh Nate, I can't stay away from you! I want you!"

Nathan held her closer almost crushing her sweet little body against his. His cock was already throbbing ready to penetrate her. He'd been living without her these past two days and now he was determined to make that time up.

"I love you Callie. I hate being away from you." Nathan whispered between kisses.

He picked Callie up and placed her back against the wall. Her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist as they continued to kiss. He kissed her neck hard showing her how much he wanted her.

Callie felt her brother's kisses and all the feelings she knew she had for him were coming back to her. His touch was so incredible making her want to cum right then and there. She'd lived without his wonderful touch and his loving kisses, now she was glad she was here with him.

"Fuck me Nathan, just fuck me!" Callie cooed as Nathan began to unbutton her white top. His fingers were shaky as each button came undone until he revealed her lovely chest. He dove his mouth down to suck on her nipples making Callie whimper with delight. Nathan's mouth was attached to one of her nipples as his hands slid down to pull her white panties down. It was hard pulling them down since her legs were wrapped tightly against him. Nathan didn't care and just tore them off of her.

Callie gasped feeling her brother tear her panties off. It was so sexy to see him full of passion. Nathan felt his cock creeping out of his boxers full of precum. "Callie I'm so ready to be inside you!" Nathan panted as he pulled his hard cock out ready to fuck his sister, his lover.

Callie's skirt was pulled up high above her waist giving her brother full access of her wet pussy. She'd needed him so bad the past few days she knew she was going to cum fast and so hard!

Nathan didn't waist any time and slid his cock inside Callie's soaked pussy. He groaned as he entered her. She felt so warm and so tight. Their eyes met as their body became one. His hands cupped her firm little ass and he started to fuck her, just like he'd been wanting to. His rhythm was fast as he fucked her with anger and love mixed. Callie moaned loudly holding him close to her.

"Oooh you feel so good Nathan! Oh I love you!" Callie spoke out breathlessly.

"I love you Callie. I want to be with you like this for the rest of my life."

Nathan's cock kept thrusting inside of Callie reaching deep into her. He knew it wasn't going to be long before he could shoot out his cum deep inside his sister's sweet cunt. Callie felt her body tingle and tighten. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cummmm!" She wailed out.

Nathan watched his sister toss her head back and her little body quiver as she came hard on his cock. He could feel her pussy pulsate and her juices oozed out. Nathan never wanted to forget the look on her face when she came. She looked so beautiful and precious. Her eyelids fluttered as she closed them and held her head back.

"Yes baby cum for me. Oh Callie cum so hard baby let yourself go!" Nathan said roughly.

Nathan kept pumping her already feeling his balls tighten. He felt he was going to drain is cum in his sister so good. He slowed his pace and started to cum hard! "I'm cumming! Fuck I'm cumming!" Nathan moaned. He felt the spurts of cum shoot out into Callie's pussy and she took it all. He loved the way she took his cum.

Callie felt her brother provided erupt inside of her drowning her pussy. "Nathan! Oh God bro I love you!" Callie kissed her brother hard as he slowly softened inside of her.

Nathan put his sister down trying to recover from his hard orgasm. "Callie don?t leave tonight please. Stay here with me."

Callie put her skirt down slowly starting to cry. "I wish I could, but I can't."

Nathan cupped her face drying off her tears. "I love you and I'm willing to wait for you. I know you care about Mom and I do to, but we have to live our own life someday."

Callie knew he was right, but for now she wanted to take things slow. She buttoned up her top and fixed herself back up looking at her torn panties that were thrown on the floor. She picked them up and handed them to her brother.

"Look what you did." She teased.

Nathan blushed looking at the panties now in rags. "I'm sorry."

She kissed him softly. "No problem at least I got some more pairs of these in the suitcase so I better put them on just in case."

Nathan watched his sister look for a pair of underpants through her suitcase. It had felt so incredible to be inside of her again.

"Here we go," She said as she put on a pair of champagne colored silk panties.

He smiled at her so warmly. It was obvious that they couldn't stay away from each other, now they were going to have to find ways to sneak around without anyone finding out.

"I'm gonna go babe. I'll stop by to see you tomorrow after work if that's OK?" Callie asked putting her arms around Nathan.

"Mmmm yes please do. Even if I get to see you for a short while, it'll be worth it. One thing though, what are you going to tell Mom and Dad?"

Callie shrugged. "I don't know I'll tell them I'm working a little late."

"You think they'll believe that?"

"Probably not. Hmmm Oh I'll just tell Mom I had car trouble again."

Nathan smiled wickedly. "Ooh good one! She's gotta believe that one."

Callie giggled as she kissed her brother. "Well I better leave now. They are both waiting for me.'

"Oh ok. I can't wait to see you tomorrow though. I love you."

She put her hand on his face. "I love you too."

Nathan walked his sister out the door. He held her hand and pulled her close to him before she left. He kissed her softly. "Hey stop! Someone might see us!" She said playfully.

Nathan pretended not to hear that and kissed her again. "No one here ever knew you were my sister anyway. I love you.'

"I love you. Goodnight." Callie walked to her car and couldn't stop smiling. Little did she know that Gabriel, Amber's friend had been watching the whole thing.

Gloria finally heard her daughter come home. She wondered if Callie had been honest and just gone and gotten her things. She eyed her daughter carefully obviously seeing a glow on her face. I bet she was with him! Gloria said furiously in her mind.

"Callie? Are you OK?" Gloria asked suspiciously.

Callie was startled didn't even realize her mother was waiting up for her. "Oh Mom! You scared me! Yes I'm fine."

Gloria didn't believe her. She knew she had to trust her daughter but it was hard not to. She knew how much Callie really loved Nathan and that scared her. She knew she had to do something quick to make Callie forget her brother. The question was what?
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 10:58 PM
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Chapter 20

Callie left her parent's house early that day to beat the morning traffic. It was going to be a long drive to work now that she moved back to her parents. She needed to get a new car soon before her car started giving her trouble again. As soon as she got to work, David was by her office waiting for her.

"Callie! I'm so glad you're back! Are you feeling OK? I heard you called in sick Friday." David's face showed concern.

"Yeah I'm fine. Actually it was my Mother who was ill. But she's fine now."

"Oh well I'm glad she is and I'm very glad you're back."

He stood in front of Callie very close to her. His hand lightly rubbed her arm but she quickly moved away. David was disappointed that this beautiful girl kept denying him. No other girl he'd met had ever played hard to get with him as Callie Adams.

"Well I guess I'll let you get back to work," David said as Callie entered her office.

She took one last look at him before closing the door. Oh David why couldn't I have met you before I fell in love with my own brother? Maybe then life wouldn't be this complicated.

As David walked back to his office he saw Rebecca waiting for him by his office. She wore her usual short skirts and tight tops that sometimes made David wonder if he wanted his cousin too.

"Hey David!"

"Hey Becky. What are you doing here?"

"Well I forgot my jacket in your car. It gets cold in my first class and I need it. Can I borrow our keys to go get it?"

David knew he trusted his cousin. "Yeah sure, but maybe you wouldn't be so cold if you wore some clothes!"

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever! Just give me the keys!"

David handed her the keys and watched her walk away. Her little body swayed side to side in such a sassy way.

The loud ringing of her cell phone awakened Amber. She opened her eyes slowly as the bright sun that beamed into her room. She almost forgot where she was for a moment.

"Hello?" She said in an agonized tone.

"Oh Dear Amber I have some news for you."

"Who the hell is this?" She asked finally waking up.

"It's your favorite candy man. Gabriel."

"Oh hey! What's the news you got?"

"Well remember you were asking about that guy who lives in my apartment complex? The one with the sister?"


"Well guess what? I saw her here just yesterday and they were outside kissing. It was kinda hot!" Gabriel laughed hysterically.

Amber made a face of disgust. "Oh my God that is sick! I thought that with me going to her mother's house and letting her know what a slut her daughter is, that the bitch would stop her relationship with her brother."

"Well obviously not!"

"Listen how about if I come over to your place later on just to see if she's gonna meet up with him again?"

"Fine with me. Just bring some dough cuz I got some good shit for you."

Amber giggled. "Ooh yeah you know I'm bringing lots of money!"

Callie kept looking at the time and wanting the day to end. She couldn't wait to go over and see Nathan even for just a small amount of time. She wanted to be with him every chance she got. Suddenly guilt filled her remembering her mother getting ill over this. I'm sorry Mom, but I love him. Callie thought to herself.

Work was over and Callie practically ran out of the building rushing to go see her lover. She was already yearning for his touch, his kisses! She'd wait a while before she would call her mother to let her know she had car trouble.

Gloria was busy in the kitchen looking at the time. Callie should be home in about forty-five minutes. She felt nervous and still had suspicion that her daughter might be secretly seeing Nathan. She knew the only way to get her daughter away from him was to pretend she was sick like when she had the panic attack. She could just do a fake panic attack. It was a mean and cruel plan, but Gloria only wanted the best for her children. She felt a twinge of guilt thinking about her plan, yet she knew it was for the best.

Nathan waited impatiently for his sister to arrive. He kept looking out the window almost every second hoping to see her. Finally he saw her car pull up and he hurried to open the door. He opened the door before Callie was even able to knock.

"Whoa! I guess you've been waiting for me huh?" Callie giggled.

"Get in here right now woman!" Nathan ordered.

Callie walked inside ready to spend some time with the man she loved.

"See, I told you so," Gabriel nudged Amber's arm as they both saw Callie go to her brother's apartment.

"That little whore! I guess her mother is a whore like her too. She's just gonna let her daughter runaround like a slut fucking her own brother!"

"Calm down now Amber. I bet ya her mother don't even know."

Amber squealed. "Oh that's right! She is probably clueless! I think I should be the one to tell her that her daughter is lying to her once again."

Gabriel looked at Amber with caution. "Are you sure you wanna do that?"

"Yeah why not?"

"Well something like that can cause problems."

"You have no idea what this bitch has done to me. I hate her and want to make sure her life is ruined."

Callie was on her knees with Nathan's throbbing cock in her mouth. She bobbed her head in a fast rhythm as she sucked him off. Nathan looked down watching his sister blow him. Her nice plump lips were tightly wrapped around his cock. He couldn't wait to shoot his cum once again in her mouth. The fact that she was going to swallow it, made him hotter.

"Mmm yes baby suck it. Oh Callie suck it good!" Nathan was breathless feeling so close to cumming.

Callie loved the way her brother tasted. His brackish taste was left in her mouth for hours and she loved that. She had already managed to slurp up his precum and now awaited his hot load in her mouth. Her mouth moved up and down his long shaft feeling his cock twitch as he came closer to his climax.

"I'm cummmming! Callie I'm cumming! Swallow it Callie. Swallow it all!" Nathan moaned loudly.

Callie felt his long ropes of cum spurt on in her mouth. He did at least four hard spurts and one semi hard spurt as he finished cumming. Callie took it all and gulped it all down. Her brother's seed was swimming her belly and just the thought of that made her hot.

Callie got back up slowly as Nathan was still trying to catch his breath. "Let me taste you sis."

Callie blushed but she knew she had to leave. She didn't want to worry her mother too much. After all what she just finished doing was bad enough if her mother ever found out.

"I would love you to taste me Nathan, but I really have to go."

Nathan's eyes saddened. "So soon? Look I hate this sneaking around stuff. I mean I know it's all we got for now but I would really like us to confront Mom and Dad together and let them know how much we love each other."

Callie knew this was coming. "Nathan we can't do that just yet. Please just give me some time and then we will I promise. Look I'll come by tomorrow to see you again OK?"

Nathan nodded. "OK but I really want us to be together Callie."

"Yes I know. I do too."

Gloria and Jim sat at the dinner table eating and Gloria was mostly quiet still wondering where Callie had gone. Is she with Nathan? Oh dear lord please make her understand that incest is wrong.

"Gloria, are you doing OK?" Jim asked his wife suspiciously.

"Y-yes I am. W-why do you ask?"

"Well honey you haven't said much to me tonight. Come on you're usually the one who's talkative."

Gloria wanted to tell her husband what was going on between their children but she feared he might get more upset than she did. Suddenly she heard the bell ring but wondered why Callie would ring the doorbell if she had a key.

"Amy?" Gloria asked as she opened the door.

"Hi Mrs. Adams. I just came by to make sure you're doing OK."

"Oh thank you sweetie. Yes I'm doing much better. Come on in. Jim and I were having dinner."

Amy entered the house that she'd been in so many times. She remembered how she and Nathan play in this house as she grew up. Slowly she fell in love with Nathan and they shared a beautiful relationship that she wished had never been ruined. Amy knew she was at fault for losing Nathan. If she hadn't been so caught up with school and other men then she'd still have him in her life.

Gloria never knew the real reason why Amy and Nathan had separated. She always thought that Nathan was the one who wanted to be with other girls or just got tired of being in a serious relationship. Nathan never told his mother because he knew how much she loved Amy.

It was the past and now in the future Amy knew she'd lost Nathan's trust and love. They remained friends, but deep down Amy wanted him the way she used to have him.

"Amy hello there." Jim greeted her as he stood up.

"Hi Mr. Adams. Look I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No way. Did you want some dinner too? I've made plenty of spaghetti. It's Callie and Jim's favorite."

"Yeah and Nathan's too." Amy added laughing softly.

Gloria cleared her throat trying to change the subject. "So how is work going for you?"

"Well it's been hectic. I'm working some crazy shifts. Luckily I got today off, but tomorrow I work a graveyard shift."

Gloria was trying hard to listen but her mind was still on Callie. She saw some bright car lights in the driveway and she began to feel better. She was glad her daughter was home.

The doorbell rang again and Gloria felt something strange. She knew it wasn't Callie. Amy saw Mrs. Adams frozen standing there. "Do you want me to get that?" Amy asked.

Mrs. Adams nodded and Amy went ahead to open the door. Gloria was drying off her hands and she heard a loud commotion coming from the living room. Jim looked at her and he got up to see what was going on.

Gloria knew the voice sounded familiar. No it couldn't be! It was that same girl who'd given her the bad news about Callie and Nathan.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Amy said confused.

Amber stood there yelling loudly. "Where is Mrs. Adams?"

Jim stood in front of Amy. "I'm Mr. Adams young lady what is your problem coming her to cause trouble."

Amber's green eyes widened. "Oh? Mr. Adams? Well I take it you don't know yet?"

Jim looked at the girl and then at Amy and Gloria. "Young lady you better leave now!" Gloria yelled out.

Amy stood there confound. Who in the world was this girl and what did she want with Mrs. Adams?

Amber raised her voice. "I see how much of an unfit mother you really are! You didn't have the guts to tell your husband that your daughter and son are lovers!"

Gloria held her breath and Jim looked shocked. Amy felt as if she'd been knocked down.

"What? Gloria what in the world is this girl talking about?"

"Leave right now!" Gloria yelled out.

Amber didn't budge. "Oh and you know what else Mrs. Adams? Your slut daughter is still seeing her brother behind your back in case you didn't know! Don't you wonder why she'd not home yet?"

Gloria felt her heart breaking. She knew this girl was probably telling the truth. Now Jim knew and she'd have to explain it to him and unfortunately Amy too hear everything. Gloria had wanted to keep this a secret but there was no way now.

"Young lady you better just get the hell out of my house and stop coming here insulting my family!" Jim shouted.

Amber smiled knowing she'd done more damage. She laughed and left the family in silence. Gloria heard the girl drive off and looked at her husband knowing he wanted some answers.

"I-I better go now." Amy said quietly.

Gloria nodded and felt fear all through her body. Amy left and it seemed forever until Jim finally spoke.

"Gloria what was that all about?"

Gloria knew it was time to tell her husband everything.
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 11:00 PM
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Chapter 21

Gloria quietly backed back to the living room and sensed the silence between her and her husband. Jim looked hurt and confused. She owed him an explanation but wasn't sure where to begin.

"Jim, I have to tell you something, but please just listen first before saying anything OK?"

Jim stood in front of his wife looking at her closely. Gloria took a deep breath not really knowing what her husband's reaction would be.

"Well Friday, that same blonde girl came telling me she worked with Callie and she had something to tell me about her. She sounded very serious, and I was concerned and let her tell me what it was. She burst out with the unthinkable that Callie and Nathan were lovers. I was in shock until I asked Callie myself."

Jim stayed quiet and looked away. "So it's true? Callie and Nathan are?lovers?" He hesitated to say.

Gloria nodded slowly seeing the hurt in her husband's eyes. "Jim I don't know what we can do to keep them apart."

"Keep them apart? Gloria they are grown children, they know what they're doing. If we try to keep them apart, what makes you think they're going to stop seeing each other?"

Gloria's eyes widened. "You mean you approve their relationship?"

Jim paced the room nervously. "No I don't, but what I'm saying is that obviously they are going to hate us if we try to keep them apart. I mean I'm sure Callie is probably still seeing Nathan even though she knows you don't want her to."

Gloria knew he was right but she didn't want to admit that. "Jim but it's immoral! Their relationship is wrong! Can't you see that?"

Jim remained calm but deep down he was saddened by the discovery of his children in an incestuous relationship. He'd always dreamed of walking Callie down the aisle in her white wedding dress, or holding Nathan's firstborn child in his arms, as he became a grandfather. All those dreams and hopes seemed to be shattered. He loved his children no matter what and even something as shocking as this wouldn't change that.

"Gloria sweetheart, I know exactly what you mean. Honey they both got their own lives now. We have to let them live their own lives and make their own mistakes."

"It's just so strange. To see my own two children not as brother and sister but as lovers. Gloria said almost in tears.

"I know it's going to be difficult for me too. I guess the future we had planned for our children didn't go as we thought it would."

Gloria walked over to her husband and sobbed as he held her. Jim felt tears running down his face as well. They cried together relieving their pain and ready to face up to reality.

"Jim I love you. I just hope we're doing the right thing," Gloria said as she sobbed quietly.

Jim kissed her lips softly trying to stop crying himself. "I love you too. We'll always have each other Gloria just remember that."

Gloria didn't want to give in but she knew she had no power to make Callie stay away from the man she loved. "Callie should be home soon," Gloria added.

Jim sighed. "Yes I know. We'll both talk to her and I'll call Nathan to come over. We need to sit and talk as a family. We haven't done that in a long time."

"Amber you need to take it easy on the drinking there," Gabriel said taking the bottle of whiskey away from Amber.

"Hey! I wasn't finished!" Amber slurred.

"Calm down! If you're going to be acting like that you just need to head on home!"

Amber got up stumbling over Gabriel's coffee table. "Oh I'm just celebrating. I'm sure I messed Callie up even more! You know her old man didn't know she was fucking her brother!"

Gabriel looked at Amber with disgust. "Man your one big mess right now."

Amber danced around the room happily. "Damn Gabriel you should have seen the look on her father's face. Oh and also some other girl who was there. I guess she was Callie's friend. It was so hilarious!"

Gabriel was already high himself off cocaine and didn't want to hear anymore about Amber's stupid stories. He wanted to actually just get her into bed. He'd wanted her for a while now. She was spoiled, rich, and so damn hot. Too bad she was stuck on that loser of David who never gave her the time of day.

He got up and wrapped his arms around Amber's tiny waist. She struggled against him. "Hey get away from me!" Amber slapped his face hard.

Gabriel felt embarrassed and pissed at the same time. "Well then get the fuck out of her bitch! You come just to tease my dick and then you freak out when I try to touch you."

Amber was panting looking at Gabriel furiously. "Don't worry I'm out of her! She walked slowly seeing the room spin.

Gabriel didn't care. He knew she was drunk as hell but he just sat back down and watched her leave.

Amber moved sluggishly to her car. She'd driven drunk before and managed to make it home fine. She knew she'd be able to make it home that night.

Nathan felt his body freeze as his father called him to go to their house as quickly as possible. Jim didn't dare tell him why but his voice sounded demanding. Maybe Mom got sick? Maybe something happened to Callie? He quickly got dressed and headed to his parent's house.

Callie finally had gotten home. She prayed her mother didn't suspect anything. Walking in the house she sensed something different. Her parents both sat in the living room quietly holding each other.

Gloria looked up to see Callie. "Callie you're finally home sweetie. We've been worried about you."

Callie felt relieved. "Yeah I'm sorry I had some car trouble Mom."

Gloria looked at her husband and then at Callie. "Oh is that so? Why don't I believe you?"

Callie's heart began to race. "W-what do you mean Mom?"

"Callie your father knows everything about you and Nathan." Gloria said quietly.

"Callie's face turned white as a paper. "H-he does?"

"Yes I do. I just called Nathan over so we can all sit down and talk about this. Callie being in a relationship with your own brother is going to be very hard. I don?t mean just around us but in life itself." Jim spoke with sincerity.

Callie slowly sat on the couch in front of them putting her suitcase down. "Yes Dad I know. Nathan and I have talked about this plenty of times. But Dad we love each other more than you'll ever know."

Jim knew his daughter was serious. He knew when she really wanted something and she wanted Nathan that was for sure.

Amber was driving back to her place though the dark streets of Houston. She drove fine for a moment but then her thoughts went back to David. Somehow he'd managed to creep back into the back of her mind and haunt her. Tears automatically dripped down her face as she thought about how hurt she'd been. She cried over David, how mean she'd been to Callie and over her own miserable life. Being drunk was suddenly making her realize how low she'd sunk to make others miserable.

The city dim lights were a blur to her as she continued to drive. All the sweet memories she did have of David were coming back to her making her smile as she remembered the one time in her life she had actually been happy. She wondered why all that bliss had disappeared. Her eyes began to tear as she drove. The traffic was bad for a weeknight and her vision was beginning to blur more and more. Suddenly all she saw was darkness.

It wasn't long before Nathan arrived at his parent's home. He took a deep breath before he went in. He found his parents and Callie in the living room. His parents possessed a serious face and Callie looked somewhat scared.

"Nathan, come on in son," Jim called out.

Nathan slowly stepped in remaining standing.

"Please sit down," Gloria pleaded.

Nathan sat comfortably next to Callie. She gave him a strange look as if she was trying to tell him something.

"Nathan I know all about your incestuous relationship with your sister," Jim began.

Nathan was speechless and turned his face to Callie. Callie just smiled at him so sweetly.

"Dad, look I can explain, "Nathan started to talk but Jim cut him off.

"No need to go into details. I know you are lovers and although your mother and I don't approve of it, we can't tell you how to run your lives. You both are grown adults and you must know the consequences of being in an incestuous relationship."

"Yes I know Dad. It's not going to be easy, but I'm willing to live that kind of life because I love Callie. I'm sorry if we let you both down but we can't hide our love anymore."

Gloria admired her son for being so brave in speaking out. "I know you love her Nathan. She loves you too. I can't be checking up on both of you making sure you stay away from each other, so I have to agree with your father. I don't think I'll ever see this relationship as a normal one, but it's your life."

Callie scooted her body sitting closer to her brother. She felt like she could breath now finally being able to show her love for him. Nathan took her hand into his as they sat in front of their parents. Gloria felt awkward seeing her children this way, but it was time to let go of them and let them learn the ways of life. Jim knew he'd done the right thing. His children had never looked more blissful in a long time. He noticed Callie had a bright glow on her face and Nathan's eyes never showed more love than that night.

"Mom, Dad?" Nathan spoke out again. "I want to be with Callie for the rest of my life."

Callie's heart fluttered. "Yes I want to be with Nathan forever. I love him."

Jim and Gloria looked at each other. "Well I suppose you can live as man and wife but I don't think incest marriage is legal." Gloria said slowly.

"Yeah I know it's not legal but I want to live with Callie. I want to call her my wife, not my sister. I want to share my life with her." Nathan said looking at Callie.

Jim smiled at his children. "Well then it's settled. You both can live together as man and wife besides living with someone for years is considered marriage by law."

Callie agreed. "Yes I know. I've read about that. But also I do want to have children with Nathan."

Gloria looked away. Jim's face looked worried. "Is that safe?" Jim asked concerned.

"Well no pregnancy is ever hundred percent safe is it?" Callie replied.

"No honey, but an incest child could turn out to have problems." Gloria added in a shaky voice.

"Mom, then Callie and I will take care of that. We'll get checkups weekly making sure we have a healthy baby. In a lot of cases incest babies are born healthy." Nathan said giving his sister's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Well I guess there's nothing we can do about that. Nathan please take care of Callie. As a father I must make sure that you do," Jim implored.

Nathan put his arm around his now soon to be wife and planted a softy kiss on her lips. Gloria and Jim wanted to look away but it was time they got used to their children doing this. They had to get used to seeing them as husband and wife, not brother and sister.

"Dad you got it. I'm going to try to be the best husband for Callie."

Callie laughed softly. "Thank you both for letting us be together. We love you."

They both got up to hug their parents. Everything was looking up for the moment.
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 11:01 PM
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Chapter 22

It seemed as if she'd been asleep forever, but Amber finally woke up in a hospital bed. She tried to move but felt so sore. Her arms showed many bruises. She looked around and saw no one in the hospital room. She tried to remember what had happened last night but her mind was blank. Her body shifted in the bed since she needed to go to the bathroom. As she tried to move, her body hurt more and more.

"You need help?" She heard a soft female voice call out.

Amber looked up to see a somewhat familiar face. She couldn't really tell but she knew she'd seen this girl before. Amy stood there looking down at the young girl. It had been the same girl who came to cause havoc at the Adams' house.

Amber was silent for a moment. "Yeah I need to go to the bathroom. How long have I been here?"

"You've been passed out for over 24 hours. Here let me help you up."

"What happened to me?" The girl asked concerned.

Amy began to lift her up. "Well you were drunk and you crashed into a light post."

Amber felt so idiotic. "Oh God I'm so stupid."

"Yes you are stupid for driving drunk. You're lucky you didn't kill anyone."

"Yeah I know. Has my family been notified?"

"Actually we couldn't get a hold of anyone. After you recover the police wants to have a few words with you."

"Oh shit. I'm in deep shit now." Amber said nervously.

Amy let the girl hold on to her as they walked towards the bathroom. They moved slowly since this girl was really hurt. This girl was tall but very light weight giving Amy easy access to helping her.

Amy waited outside letting the girl do her business and it was a few minutes later the girl called out for help. Amy helped her out and put her back to her bed to get her rest.

"Excuse me but do I know you from somewhere?" The blonde asked Amy.

Amy nodded. "Yeah you do. I believe you paid a pleasant visit to Jim and Gloria Adams."

Amber's eyes saddened. "Oh no wonder you looked familiar."

Amy began to change the girls' sheets. "Yeah well, you said some really far out things there. I think you really upset them."

"Yeah I know what I did was mean. I would really like to apologize to them. I've done so many fucked up things."

Amy looked curiously at the girl. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Was it true what you said about Callie and Nathan being?.lovers?"

Amber hesitated to answer at first. "Yeah it is true, but I never meant for her parents to find out through me."

Amy felt her eyes being to water. So it is true? Nathan is his sister's lover?

"Excuse me are you OK?" Amber asked.

Amy inhaled. "Yeah I'm fine."

Amber looked closely at her. "No oh I'm sorry are you crying?"

Amy couldn't hold back her tears. She sobbed like a child with her face turned away from Amber. "Yeah sorry. Don't worry about me."

"Are you Callie's older sister or something?" Amber asked curiously.

Amy turned to look at her. She felt embarrassed telling this stranger her problems. "No I'm not Callie's older sister, although I do see her as a little sister. I actually used to date Nathan."

Amber's eyes widened. "Oh shit. I'm sorry I guess you still had a thing for him?"

Amy nodded slowly. "Yeah I did. I'm just so shocked about their relationship. It's incest! It's wrong!"

Amber shrugged. "Well I guess they don't see it that way. I mean I think they really like being in that kind of relationship."

Amy was silent. She felt like she was in the middle of some kind of strange dream and she'd wake up and be with Nathan once again. It was impossible now. She had to come to terms with reality. She still loved Nathan and Callie. She would support them in any way that she could. Life was going to be hard for them so they were going to need support not bashing from their family and friends.

The next day Nathan got to work early seeing his long time friend Eddie waiting for him outside his office. Nathan had known Eddie since college and knew Nathan had dated Amy.

"Eddie? You're here pretty early." Nathan said with a grin on his face still thinking of last night.

"Hey buddy uh I just got word that they are wanting some of us to transfer to Phoenix. There is a new construction chain opening up there. The pay is going to be a lot better too."

Nathan gulped. "What? Is it voluntarily? Or are they choosing who's going?"

"It's voluntarily but if not enough men go, then they are going to choose themselves."

"But I don?t know if I can go. A few months ago I would have jumped at the opportunity, but now I don' t know."

"Why not? I mean I think it'll do you good. Come on buddy. I would go but they didn't even give me that option. Besides I love Houston too much."

"I-I I'm about to get married." Nathan said slowly.

Eddie looked shocked. "What? Wait a minute! You haven't told me that you were even dating anyone?

Nathan blushed. "Well it's not an easy relationship."

"What? Why not? Is it Amy?"

Nathan nodded. "No. It's someone else. I do believe you know her."

"Who? Oh damn you're making me crazy with all this suspense!"

"It's Callie."

Eddie looked puzzled. "Callie? Uh bro don't you got a sister named Callie?"

Nathan nodded proudly. "Yeah that's her. I'm gonna marry her."

Eddie stood there speechless just as Nathan thought he would. "B-but Nate? Is that legal? I mean I love you bro but are you sure about this?"

Nathan laughed. "Yeah I've never been more sure in my whole life. It's not legal, but we are going to live as husband and wife."

Eddie paced the room. "Well I don't know what to say. I mean I guess I should first say congratulations?"

Nathan smiled giving his friend a hug. "Thanks buddy. That's once of the nicest things I've heard anyone say to me about this relationship."

"So are you having a ceremony or anything?" Eddie asked.

"Uh well I haven't really thought about that. I do want something to show my loved ones the girl that I love."

"If you do have a ceremony I would love to be part of it bro."

Nathan could feel his friends respect for him. "I'll let you know. Right now I just gotta tell Callie about Phoenix maybe she'll wanna go. That way we can start out fresh there. Living our lives together."

Eddie patted Nathan's back. "I agree. I'll miss you bro but I do want you to be happy."

Callie arrived at work and noticed David in his office talking to Rebecca. He saw her through his glass window and waved for her to come in.

"Hey Callie, so Rebecca and I were talking and hoping you and your brother could maybe go out with us sometime again. We had a great time last time." David said smiling.

"Yeah come on Callie! I want a chance to pursue your hot brother!"

Callie wanted to laugh at Rebecca's remark. He's already mine so eat your heart out Callie said silently.

"Well not anytime soon we are busy. Really busy." Callie said almost laughing.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Oh David look at her. She's just like her brother playing hard to get. You know we Lambert's always get what we want."

Callie shrugged. "Well this time it's different. Sometimes we can't always get what we want."

David scoffed. "Man she's tough. Becky we are going to have to try harder with these two."

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah I know!"

Callie just laughed and walked out of the office. She got into her office and saw she had messages on her phone. She heard Nathan's voice sounding desperate to talk to her about something very important. Her heart raced hoping it wasn't anything bad. She was finally happy for once in her life she didn't want anything to ruin that.

"Phoenix?" Callie echoed as Nathan told her about the possibility of moving.

"Yes I mean I think this move can do us some good Callie. It'll be a new start in our new lives."

Callie had to agree with her brother. Staying in Houston would only make life harder and moving to Phoenix where no one knew there were brother and sister might be easier for them."

"Do Mom and Dad know?" Callie asked softly.

"Not yet. If we decide to do this let's tell them tonight. I have to know by Sunday at the latest."

Callie was hesitant but knew it was a great opportunity for her brother and for her as well. "Nathan. I will go with you. I'm ready to start a new life with you."

Amy sat in her car for a few minutes before going in and talking to Nathan at work. Her hands were shaky and she wasn't sure on what to say yet. She knew eventually the words would come out and hopefully they were the right words.

She walked and noticed Eddie was there on a phone call. She waved and passed by quickly wanting to get to Nathan's office. Nathan was sitting in his desk looking over some blueprints. He noticed someone was there as he looked up he saw Amy.

"Hey Nathan. I'm I interrupting you?"

He smiled and got up to give her a hug. "No. What brings you here?"

Amy was silent at first. "Uh well I came by to say that I know about you and Callie. And I'm going to support you both as much as I can."

Nathan's jaw dropped. "What? Are you serious?"

Amy smiled. "Yes I'm serious. I love you Nathan and I always will. You were such an important part of my life. I love Callie too. I love her like the sister I never had. I just want you two to know that."

Nathan hugged her again. He never knew Amy would ever approve of this but he knew she always had a good heart. "Thank you. That means a lot to us Amy. Means so much."

"So anything new in your life other than being in love with Callie?" Amy asked sincerely.

"Well actually we are going over to our parents house to let them know we are moving to Phoenix."

Amy's eyes widened. "Phoenix? When? Why?"

Nathan laughed. "Well because our construction company is opening a new chain there and the pay is going to be really good. I told Callie and I think it's best for us to start our new lives there where no one knows us."

"Well that does make sense. I just wonder how your parents are going to take the news. You know how attached they are to you both."

"Yeah I know but it's what Callie and I want. We want to be happy together and we deserve to be."

Amy held Nathan's hand. "Yes you do deserve to be. You deserve all the happiness in the world Nathan."

Callie was packing her things from her office as David was walking by. He stopped immediately wondering what she was up to.

"Hey whoa! Wait a minute are you quitting?" He asked Callie.

"Well I guess you can say that. I was going to tell you as I was on my way out the door. I'm moving to Phoenix."

David felt his heart breaking. "Phoenix huh? Why? It's hot over there!"

Callie laughed softly. "I know but it's a new beginning for me."

"You don?t have to quit today. I mean feel free to work the rest of the week."

"Well I guess I can work the rest of the week but don't try to convince me to stay David Lambert. I know how you Lamberts can be."

David smiled and hugged her. "Oh Callie I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss seeing your pretty face around her. I'm gonna miss your intelligence and charm."

"I'll miss you too David. Thank you for being so kind to me."

"My cousin is really gonna be hurt to see you leave since she won't be able to ask you about Nathan anymore. Before you leave just give her your brother's number."

Callie blushed. "Well actually Nathan is going to Phoenix too. It's a long story, which I promise to tell you before I leave."

"Alright then. I have to tell Rebecca the sad news and her heart is going to be broken."

"Tell her I'm sorry and that I know she'll find a really good man to be with her."

"Yeah she's one of a kind. I love her." David couldn't believe he was saying that out loud. He did mean that he loved her, not just as a cousin but something more.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow David. Goodnight." Callie left leaving David speechless.

He stood there thinking about Rebecca. Had he always been in love with his cousin? A few minutes later he heard her footsteps, as she looked for him ready for him to take her home. The stood there in her usual short skirts that always mad David's heart skip a beat.

"Hey there you are cuz! Are you ready now?"

I'm ready to take you and be inside you David thought to himself. "Yeah let's go." He replied quietly.
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 11:03 PM
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Chapter 23

"Why all the way to Phoenix?" Gloria asked as Nathan and Callie sat outside with her and Jim.

"Mom it's going to give us a chance to begin a new life together. Plus the pay is going to be really good. I've actually already begun to look for a house there on the Internet. "

"Well, I guess this week is just full of surprises. I mean first we find out you two are in love and now you are leaving us." Jim said sadly.

"Oh Dad come on don?t think of it as we are leaving you, just think that we are venturing on." Callie assured her father holding his hand.

"Well we couldn't stop you from being together we sure as hell can't stop you from moving to Phoenix," Gloria said laughing.

Callie got up to hug her mother. She knew how hard all this had been on her and now she was supporting her all the way through. "Oh Mom thank you!"

Nathan hugged his father and mother. They had both been so strong in this situation and he knew it wasn't easy for either of them.

Gloria looked at her children for a moment. "Wait when are you all leaving?"

"Sunday night why?" Nathan responded.

"Well I mean you are going to be husband and wife are you not?"

"Yes Mom we are."

"Then I would like to have some kind of wedding at least here at my house. I know it won't be a real wedding but a nice ceremony of your love."

Callie's eyes watered. "Oh mom! Are you serious? You want to give me a wedding?"

Gloria put her arms around her loving daughter. "Yes sweetheart. I want you to share your vows with Nathan."

Nathan couldn't help but smile. "Oh man I better hurry up and buy her the wedding ring!"

Gloria and Callie laughed as the men stepped aside to discuss when and where to buy the ring.

"Oh sweetheart you're going to make a lovely bride. Now while they are deciding on the ring, we have to look for a dress!"

"That's right! I gotta find a dress! Oh Mom you gotta help me with that!"

"I will help you any way I can. And don't forget you gotta buy Nathan a ring too."

"Of course he's my husband to be." Callie blushed.

Gloria and Callie discussed more about the ceremony. It was going to be Saturday afternoon. Callie wasn't sure who to invite but had a few ideas. Nathan knew he wanted Amy and Eddie to be there for sure. At least they could be their witnesses along with their parents. It was a short time but they were going to have a ceremony to prove their love.

"Hey cuz you don't have a good music anymore. What's the deal?" Rebecca complained looking through David's cd's.

David just listened to her as he sat on his couch admiring his cousin's long legs as she was bent over looking through his music. He didn't understand why he'd never noticed her before, or maybe he did but never wanted to admit it.

"Hello? Did you not hear me?" Rebecca asked waving a cd in the air.

"Huh? What?" David snapped out of his fantasies.

"I asked if this was any good. David are you OK? You seem a little weird tonight."

"Nah I'm fine cuz. Sorry just thinking about Callie. She said she's moving to Phoenix."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know she didn't tell me. She said she'd tell me later. But cuz I got bad news for you too. Nathan is leaving as well."

He saw the disappointed looked on Rebecca's pretty face. "Aww here I was thinking I could lure this guy. Damnit I have the worst luck."

"Don?t' worry Becky I'm sure you won't have any problems getting guys."

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

David paused for a moment. "Well because you're really pretty."

Rebecca felt her face turn red. "You think I'm pretty? You never said that before. Are you high?"

David laughed. "No I'm not high. I'm just being honest."

Rebecca walked over to sit next to her cousin. God you're sexy David She said to herself.

"So what did you want to do tonight cuz? I mean I don't have classes tomorrow until noon."

David swallowed wanting to make a bold move towards his cousin. "I don't know. I guess we can hang out here and maybe watch some movies. Or we could order in and invite some friends over."

Rebecca stared at her handsome cousin. "Yeah that sounds nice. I like being here with you cuz. You're fun to hang out with. I guess that's why I'm always here."

David felt his heart racing. He placed his hand over Rebecca's feeling her soft skin. "I love it when you're here. I love you Rebecca."

Rebecca almost gasped as her cousin reached over to kiss her. She'd wanted him all her life and now here he was all hers. He kissed so good, probably better than any other guy she'd ever kissed.

Their tongues explored one another. Rebecca put her arms around her cousin holding him tightly. She loved the way he felt and how his strong hands glided up and down her back.

David loved the way Rebecca kissed. She was young and so hot. He remembered when they had kissed back when they were younger but that kiss was nothing compared to this kiss.

"David, oh David. I love you. I've always been in love with you." Rebecca wailed in between kisses.

David got up and picked Rebecca up. Her little body fit perfect in his strong arms. He carried her over to his bedroom laying her on the king-sized bed in his room. He turned on the lights to see every inch of his beautiful cousin's body.

Rebecca felt so hot for her cousin. He laid next to her stroking her long dark hair. Rebecca felt his love immediately. "God you're so beautiful. I'm sick and tired of seeing so many guys asking you out."

She giggled. "Why didn't you ask me out before cuz?"

"I don't know I guess I was trying to ignore the fact that I thought you were hot."

"I always thought you were sexy David. I was always tired of hearing Amber talk about you, like you were only hers. I do have to admit I did get kinda jealous when you started liking Callie too."

"Well all that is in the past. I got you here with me." David leaned down to kiss his cousin again.

"David I want you. I want you so bad!" Rebecca moaned.

David got up to take off his black button up shirt. Rebecca looked up as he stood there baring his naked chest. His muscles showed well and Rebecca couldn't wait to see what else he was going to take off.

David was hesitant but then slowly removed his belt and slipped out of his shoes and socks. He then let his pants slide down his legs leaving him in his boxers. Rebecca felt him put his hands on her legs and removing her sandals off her feet. He trailed kisses up her legs giving her goosebumps.

He reached under her short skirt pulling down her black thong panty that she wore. Rebecca was feeling nervous yet very excited. Her panties came down and she was left showing her cousin her bare pussy.

"Oh fuck! You look delicious cuz."

David knelt down feeling the warmth of Rebecca's pussy on his face. Her lips were already wet and her clit barely poked out yearning to be sucked. He put his face closer already smelling her sex. Her aroma was intoxicating filling his senses.

With both hands he spread her legs further apart ready to taste what he's always wanted. He began to lick her long slit up and down vigorously. Rebecca let out a loud sensual moan. Her cousin licked her with long strokes making her squirm on the bed.

"Mmmmggggggmmmmm yes! Lick me David oooh lick me!" Rebecca wailed out.

David continued to lick his cousin's pussy slowly at first and then picking up his speed. His tongue flicked up and down her swollen clit. He reached his hands up to put them under her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra, which excited him even more. His fingers pinched her already erect nipples as she moaned more. Her legs were tightly wrapped around her cousin's head holding him there until she came.

David spread her lips further licking every inch of her sweet cunt. He could feel his cousin shaking with every lick he provided for her. His lips wrapped tightly around her throbbing clit pushing her over the edge.

Rebecca felt the strong suction of David's lips on her clit and she lost it. Her body came to a harsh quiver as she shook madly cumming on her cousin's mouth. She felt her nectar ooze out slowly into David's mouth.

"I-I'm c-cummmmmingggg!" She scream out. "Ooooh watch me cum!"

David lapped up her juices tasting every drop of her honey. He never thought his cousin would taste this sweet. He felt the hold she had on him was weakening as she recovered from her orgasm.

"So fuckin' sweet! So delicious," David rasped.

David slowly kissed up to her flat tummy. He looked up at his sexy cousin as she breathed hard. He pulled her top exposing her big breasts. Her nipples were a dark brown color and extremely hard. He moved his mouth up to her tits sucking on her nipples.

Rebecca put her arms around him searching for his lips to kiss him and taste herself on him. David planted his lips on hers as they both savored her taste. They kissed with hungry kisses with the taste of Rebecca's cum.

"Rebecca, I want to be inside you. I need to be inside you." David hissed kissing her neck.

"Oooh do it cuz. Stick that cock in me! Fuck I'm so hot for you!"

David got off her to pull his boxers down. Rebecca raised herself on her elbows to check out her cousin's cock. She bit her lip as she looked at his size. Fuck no wonder Amber never wanted to let you go! Rebecca thought.

"Are you ready for a good fuck cuz?" David whispered moving closer to Rebecca.

He put his strong body over hers and slid his cock in slowly feeling her tight pussy. He was shocked she was so tight, but then again she'd probably never been with a real man. She'd only been with eighteen or nineteen year old guys who don't know much about sex.

"Rebecca you're so tight. Baby you're so fuckin' tight! Fuck you feel good!"

Rebecca felt her cousin's huge cock entering her pussy making it stretch open. She hadn't had sex in a while and this was going to make up for all that time. David's cock was slowly sinking inside her wet pussy, moving in and out in a slowly rhythm.

Rebecca wrapped her legs around her cousin's waist pushing him closer wanting to feel him deep inside of her. Their eyes locked on one another as they made love. David pumped his cock in Rebecca's pussy fast now. Her big breasts jiggled with each thrust. David knew he was going to cum fast. His cousin had been turning him on for years now and she was going to find out just how much she turned him on.

David groaned loudly feeling the walls of Rebecca's tight pussy. She felt so incredible almost like a virgin. He felt his balls tighten full of cum ready to burst inside his cousin. He knew she was on birth control so he didn't worry about impregnating her, although the though of that made him hornier.

"Rebecca! I'm gonna cum! Feel me cum inside you!" David yelled out as he tossed his head back feeling his cock explode. His cum spurted out inside of Rebecca and she took it all.

"Hmmmmmgggghhhhhh, oh fuck! Damn!" David kept moaning feeling as if he'd never stop cumming.

Rebecca felt the warm liquid her cousin produced shoot all inside of her. He'd been the first guy to actually fill her up since she requested other guys who'd slept with her in the past to use a condom even though she was on birth control.

David laid his head gently on Rebecca's chest. He could hear her heart beating fast and feel her chest heave trying to catch her breath. He slowly softened inside of her never wanting to leave that warm spot of hers.

"David that was beautiful. It was just so hot!" Rebecca said softly.

"Yeah it was awesome. God I think I'm really in love with you cuz."

"I love you David."

"Now what are we going to do about us?"

"We'll be together secretly. I'm sure a lot of people are involved in incestuous relationships secretly."

David didn't want that. He wanted to let everyone know he loved Rebecca.
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 11:04 PM
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Chapter 24

"How are you feeling today?" Amy asked Amber as she pulled up the blinds letting the sun enter the room.

Amber groaned waking up. "Oh I feel so shitty. I talked to the cops and after I get out of here, I have a year of community service to do. I would have gone to jail, expect that the office knows who my parents are."

"Well lucky you. I think you should go to rehab as well."

Amber laughed. "Yeah I know. I'm so fucked up. My life is fucked up."

"Well I think everyone had problems."

"Say, uh you did say you were good friend with Callie Adams didn't you?"

Amy looked at the girl suspiciously. "Yeah why?

"Well I kinda wanted you to maybe convince her to come here to the hospital because I really wanted to apologize to her for everything I did. Sometimes it takes a car accident to bring someone back to their senses."

Amy shrugged. "Well I can try but I can't force her to come here. I will give her your message. That's really nice of you to want to apologize."

"Yeah but I bet she'd want to kick my ass or something. I don't blame her for hating my guts."

"Believe me Callie could never hate anyone. She's got a forgiving heart. I guess that's why she managed to get a wonderful man in her life."

Amber made a sad face. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way about Callie and Nathan."

"Well I would have found out anyway. I'm like the Adams' third child."

Amber felt bad for Amy. She couldn?t even begin to imagine what she'd do if she ever found out David being with his sister or let alone his cousin Rebecca. Oh to hell with David. It's time for a new start. The past is the past. Amber thought to herself and smiled ready for a new beginning.

David sat at his desk the next morning gazing at the screensaver of his computer. He still couldn?t believe he'd actually got to make love to his beautiful cousin. He was lost in his daydream until he was distracted by a sound at his door. He looked up from his desk. It was Callie standing there glowing with happiness. "Hey David? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah sure come on in Callie. Here have a seat." He pulled up a small leather chair for her. "So what can I do for you?"

Callie had no idea where to begin. She was going to have to be honest with David. He had been very kind to her the short time she'd been working at the college. "Well I just have to tell you that today is my last day. I know you told me to wait until the end of the week, but I can't."

David raised his eyebrow. "Oh? Can I ask why not?"

Callie looked tense. "Well I'm?I'm getting married." She finally blurted out.

David felt as he almost choked. "Married? Wow so you were serious about this guy you kept brushing me off for huh?"

Callie blushed. "Yes very serious."

"So am I invited or what?"

"Uh I really don't know if you'd want to come to this wedding."

David looked confused now. "Whoa wait why not?"

"It's uh?it's more like a ceremony. It can't be a true wedding because it's considered illegal."

"Illegal? Are you marrying some kind of freaky guy or what? Come on Callie what's the story?"

Callie took a deep breath before she began to say the truth. "Well I'm marrying?I'm marrying Nathan."

David's face froze. "N-Nathan? You mean your brother Nathan?"

Callie nodded. "Yes. My brother."

"Oh! Well that explains why that would be illegal. I guess Amber had been telling me the truth when she blurted out that you and Nathan were lovers."

"Yeah I know it's really strange for you, but I had to be honest with you. I'd been sneaking around and well it finally caught up to me. Now I'm happier than ever finally being able to be with the man I love."

David admired Callie's attitude. "Well you know I would love to come to the ceremony. I do wanna say my goodbyes."

Callie's face lit up. "Really? We'd love to have you David."

David turned red. "Can I bring a date?"

"Well be sure to bring someone with an open mind," Callie teased.

"I'm bringing Rebecca."

"Oh your cousin? Well sure if she can take seeing a brother and sister getting married then by all means."

David couldn't hold in his secret any longer. "Callie, Rebecca and I became lovers last night."

Callie felt shocked, but knew she had no reason to feel so stunned, after all she was marrying her brother. "Wow. David I guess I should say congratulations!"

David looked somewhat scared. "Well it's not so easy. Our fathers are brothers and are high-class men. Do you know how freaked out they'll get when they hear that their children are lovers?"

"I can only imagine. I'm sorry. Give them time and I'm sure they'll have to accept you both. Just like my parents accepted Nathan and me."

"Well we're going to take it slow and then we'll go from there."

"I do wish you luck David. You deserve to be happy." Callie smiled at him so sweetly knowing he was going to be OK.

"So when's the ceremony?" David asked getting back to Callie.

"This Saturday evening at five o'clock."

"I'll be there and so will the love of my life."

"Then we'll see you both."

Later that day Callie was checking her voice messages and heard Amy's voice requesting for her to go to the hospital. Callie felt uneasy about going. Gloria had told her that Amy was there the night Amber had gotten there to announce Nathan and Callie's love affair to Mr. Adams.

The message wasn't very clear. All she had said was to go to the hospital because someone had to speak with her. Callie couldn't imagine anyone being at the hospital. She was nervous, but decided to grant Amy's request.

Gloria knew she needed to tell Carl and Diane, Amy's parents about the ceremony Saturday night. Gloria had invited them over for coffee and Jim would be there as well ready to announce the marriage of their children.

"I hope they don't take this the wrong way." Gloria told Jim as they waited for the Rogers' to arrive that afternoon.

"Well this kind of thing shows who really is your friend and who isn't." Jim assured her.

A few moments later Carl and Diane arrived looking cheerful as always. They'd been married as long as Jim and Gloria had and were also as happy.

"Gloria! So nice of you to invite us over for your delicious coffee and cake!" Diane exclaimed.

"Glad to have you Diane. Hi Carl come on in."

The couple walked in chatting about their work lives and Amy's new job. Gloria and Jim were only focused on one main thing.

"The reason we asked you here is very important." Gloria began as she poured coffee for her friends.

"No what we are about to tell you is shocking. I mean it did shock the hell out of us but we learned to accept it," Jim added.

"Oh it can't be that bad Jim," Carl said smiling.

Jim and Gloria took a deep breath. Gloria began to speak. "Well tomorrow there will be a wedding ceremony here in our house at five in the afternoon."

Diane's eyes widened and Carl showed a huge grin. "Oh my God! Gloria is Nathan getting married? Or is it Callie?' Diane asked almost squealing.

Gloria hesitated to answer. Jim took the liberty to answer that. "Well they are both getting married. To each other."

Diane and Carl's face went blank. There was an awkward silence in the room. Only thing that could be heard was the ticking of the grandfather clock that was in the Adam's living room.

"W-well uh I-I don't know what to say," Carl stammered.

"You don't have to say anything. I know it's a big shock and I understand if you don't want to come to the ceremony tomorrow." Gloria told both of them.

"Isn't it illegal for a brother and sister to marry?" Carl asked.

"Yes it is, but it's not going to be a real marriage just a ceremony where they can exchange vows and rings," Jim answered his friend.

Diane got up and put her arms around Gloria. "We'll be there for you. I know how difficult it must have been for you to even ask us. You are my friend and I love you."

Gloria couldn't believe her luck! Jim looked over at Carl his long time friend for his approval. Carl just shook his head letting Jim know he'd be there as well. "That's right we will be there." Carl only worried thinking of what Amy would have to say about all this.

Callie arrived at the hospital later on that evening. She wanted to rush and get home to Nathan since they were going to look up some houses on the internet but she knew she had to do this at least because Amy asked her to.

"Callie! Over here!" Amy shouted over a crowd of people while Callie looked around for a hospital directory.

"Amy! Hi I got your message this afternoon. Is everything OK?"

"Yeah everything's fine. Someone here has a few things to say to you. Come on let's get on the elevator and I'll take you to her room."

Callie paused. "Her room? Who is it?"

"Just come on please?"

Callie followed Amy. Once they hit the fourth floor she walked fast leading Callie to the hospital room. Callie froze as she saw Amber laying on her bed with her face bruised.

"Amy I don't want to talk to his girl."

"Look please talk to her. She's got some things to say to you."

"Yeah I bet she does. What's she gonna say? That I'm sick to be in love with my brother?"

Amy sighed. "No please just listen to her. Please."

Callie walked in slowly as Amy left them alone. "I'll be waiting outside," Amy announced.

"Well what happened to you?" Callie asked Amber in a sarcastic tone.

"I got drunk and I drove and now I'm here."

Callie rolled her eyes. "Well I'm glad you're OK. Now what is it you wanted to say to me Amber?"

"Callie I know I did some really shitty things to you. I wanted to apologize in person. I wanted to tell you how sorry I was for what I did."

Callie walked closer to her. "Amber what you do to me is one thing, but you had to hurt my mother first by announcing my love for Nathan. Hurting me was one thing but hurting my family was another."

Amber's eyes saddened. "I know I did wrong. Please forgive me Callie. I was only pissed because I knew David liked you."

"Amber I'm going to sound crazy, but I do forgive you. I think I should thank you in a way."

Amber looked puzzled. "Thank me? Why?'"

"Well it was because of you that the truth came and now my parents approve of my relationship with Nathan. If you had never said anything, then maybe Nathan and I would still be sneaking around hiding our love."

Amber looked surprised. "Whoa so you mean I actually helped you instead of hurt you?"

"Well you did hurt me pretty bad but something good came out of all that. I now get to be with Nathan freely."

"Well I guess I feel better knowing you're doing good Callie. But I just had to clear everything up with you."

"Thank you Amber. I do wish you luck in the future."

"Thank you. I wish you luck too."

"I'm going to need as much luck as possible." Callie said seeing Amber smile.

"So do you feel better you talked to her?" Amy asked Callie as she came out of the room.

"Yeah I do. Thanks."

Amy looked down. "Uh Callie I know you and I haven't talked about this, but I'm sure you know that I know about you and Nathan."

"Yes. My mom told me you heard that night when Amber went to my parents house."

"Yeah. Well I just want to say that I'm very happy for you. You got yourself a really good man."

Callie felt the small sadness in Amy's voice. "Amy I'm sorry. I know this must hurt to see me and Nathan this way."

"Well I'm going to admit that at first it did, but I got over it."

"Listen we are having a small ceremony at my house on Saturday at five in the evening and I'd really like you to come."

Amy's smile began to form. "I would love to."

Callie hugged her long time friend. "Thank you so much. I love you Amy. You're like a big sister to me."

Amy was now in tears of joy. "I love you Callie. I'm always going to be here for you and Nathan. I will support you both until the end of time."

"That's what we are going to need. Plenty of support."

The two girls walked out the hospital talking about the big ceremony on Saturday.
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 10-30-2003, 11:10 PM
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Chaper 25

"I like that one! I want that one Nathan!" Callie exclaimed as she and Nathan looked through different housed on the Internet. It was a nice three bedroom Spanish style home. The location was somewhat far from where Nathan would be working but very close to a local college where Callie hoped to get a job.

"Well that one looks like a really good choice. I like as well. The price is good too. I'll be sure to call about that one first thing tomorrow morning. We still got a temporary company house that we can stay in for the meantime in case we can't get this house."

Callie put her arms around her brother as she sat on his lap. She kissed him hard still finding it hard to believe that this was all coming true. She was finally going to be with him for the rest of her life. "Mmmmm I love you Nathan Adams. I hope to be a good wife to you."

Nathan stroked his sister's soft hair. "I love you Callie Adams. I'm counting the hours where we can finally be considered husband and wife."

"Ok so who is coming to our ceremony besides Amy and I still gotta tell Eddie at work."

"Well David and Rebecca are going to be there too."

Nathan looked surprised. "David and Rebecca? Do they know about us?"

Callie giggled. "Yup they sure do. In fact they are lovers themselves!"

Nathan scoffed. "But they're cousins right? You mean they are doing basically the same thing we are."

"That's right. I don't think marriage between cousins is illegal though. They still have to tell their folks."

"That's gonna be the hard part."

"Yeah I know I mean I was never able to tell Mom and if it hadn't been because of Amber, you and I would probably not be making plans to be husband and wife."

Nathan squeezed Callie's little body with his strong arms. "I guess sometimes things happen for the best."

"That's so true I mean just look at us."

"Mmmmm yes." Nathan kissed Callie softly.

"Well I better pack up some of my clothes. I really don't have much here. I can help you do some packing as well."

Nathan tossed his head back groaning. "Oh yeah I still got a lot of packing to do. It's probably gonna take me most of the night."

Callie smiled stroking his hair. "I'll stay up and help you. I do have to get up kind of early tomorrow though to go buy my dress."

"Well then, let's get started so you can go to bed early."

The next day Callie and Gloria went from store to store to find the perfect little wedding dress. It had taken hours and a lot of patience before they came across the perfect wedding dress for Callie. It was a white satin spaghetti strap dress that clings nicely to Callie's shapely body. It was long and had crystal embroidery at the top and on the very bottom. White satin shoes completed her angelic look.

She decided to go platinum on Nathan's wedding band since Jim had told Gloria Nathan was going platinum with Callie's ring. Gloria and Callie finally arrived back home late that Friday night. Callie had decided to stay at her parent's home night before the ceremony just to make the night after the ceremony more special.

Nathan and Jim had spent the day getting their tuxedos and Callie's ring. It hadn't taken them long, so Nathan had been playing phone tag with the real estate agent about the home in Phoenix almost all afternoon. He finally managed to give her an offer that she agreed on and the house would be theirs. Nathan decided to say that surprise for Callie after the ceremony.

Callie woke up Saturday morning anxiously waiting for the evening to arrive. Her heart fluttered with excitement of finally being able to marry her brother. She had thought about what she would say and just decided to let the words flow out freely. Looking into Nathan's eyes would enable her to do just that.

She laid quietly in her old bed and looked around her bedroom. So many memories came back to her. She still remembered how she and Nathan used to play together as kids in her room or even at times in his room. She even faintly recalled when her mother used to bathe them together as children as they tried to save water. Tears of happiness ran down Callie's face just remembering the times they had shared as brother and sister and how they'd grown to love each other as man and woman. Her parent's house had so many sweet memories to choose from. Callie found it hard to pick one favorite recollection. She knew life was going to be different now but she was ready for it.

Nathan woke up alone in his apartment. He felt nervous and yet excited about his big day. Finally he'd found the woman of his dreams and she'd been there all along. Who would have ever imagined it would be Callie? He recalled the times he used to get somewhat jealous when she'd go out with a guy. He never understood why until now. Now things were making sense. He'd fallen deeply in love with his sister and felt no shame in admitting it. He was ready to prove that today in front of their friends and family. Once they moved to Phoenix, he would introduce Callie as his wife not his sister.

It was past noon and Gloria and Jim were busy making last minutes preparations for their children's ceremony. Gloria had baked a huge cake and used the bride and groom figures from her wedding 28 years ago. It was a three-layer cake filled with pineapple fillings that were Callie and Nathan's favorite. Jim was setting up chairs and tables outside for their guests. Gloria had managed to cut some flowers from her garden to put as small decorations as well. It was going to be a small ceremony but a beautiful one.

It was almost four that afternoon and Rebecca was at David's apartment getting ready for the ceremony. She'd decided to put on a gorgeous long lavender color dress that showed her ample cleavage. She stood in front of David's full-length mirror making sure she looked decent. She had been in a bit of a shock when David told her about Callie and Nathan's wedding. She had realized why Nathan gave her the brush off. Now everything made sense to Rebecca. She knew now all about forbidden love because she was living it.

"Wow! You look so sexy!" David blurted out as he came from behind her putting his arms around her.

"Hey you'll wrinkle my dress!" She teased.

David turned her to face him. Her blue eyes danced as she looked up at her cousin. Her heart raced every time he held her so close. "Rebecca, I love you. God do I love you!"

She blushed feeling his warmth. "I love you too. Now hurry up and get dressed or we're going to be late!"

David kissed her softly not wanting to let her go. Now he had found the girl he wanted to be with. The perfect girl.

Callie was up in her room putting her hair up and retouching her makeup. She stood there in her white dress glowing. Gloria came in to check up on her. Callie turned to see her mother dressed in a stunning mint colored dress.

"Mom! You look so pretty!" Callie said sweetly.

"Me? Oh honey look at you! You're a beautiful bride!" Gloria hugged her daughter.

"I'm so nervous Mom. I know there's only going to be a few guests, but still I feel so scared."

"Callie you'll do just fine sweetheart. Every girl gets nervous before her wedding."

Callie smiled. "Mom thank you so much for everything. I love you."

"I love you too. Now you better get downstairs, I believe Nathan is waiting for you."

Callie took a deep breath and headed downstairs ready to be united with her husband.

"Callie! Oh wow! You look so pretty!" Rebecca squealed as she bumped into Callie in the kitchen.

"Rebecca thank you for coming. You look so pretty too! Is David here as well?"

"Yeah he's outside talking to Nathan. Let me tell you and don't get upset but Nathan looks damn handsome! Please don't tell David I said that."

Callie laughed. "Don't worry about that. I can only imagine how handsome he looks. Look Rebecca I was wondering if you'd be my well... I guess my maid of honor?"

Rebecca's eyes lit up. "Really? Oh yes! I'd love to!"

"Here, take this ring and hold for me. I want you to give it to me when Nathan and I exchange rings."

"OH Callie! This is an honor for me!" Rebecca took the platinum band and held it in her hand. "I'm gonna get going I'll see you outside!"

Callie stood in the kitchen for a while waiting for the perfect time to make her entrance.

"So it's almost time huh? Are you nervous?" David asked Nathan as he stood waiting for his bride.

"Yeah I guess I am but I'm so ready to do this. Listen I want you to be my best man. I mean I know I don't know you, but I feel like for some reason if it wasn't for you, Callie and I wouldn't be doing this."

David felt honored. "Y-yeah! I'll do it."

"Here just guard this ring." Nathan handed him Callie's ring.

"Ahem... here comes the bride." Gloria announced loudly.

Callie stood there looking around. There was Amy, her parents, Eddie, David, Rebecca and of course her parents. Jim saw his lovely daughter enter the room leaving everyone speechless with how beautiful she looked. He walked up to her as she put her hand in his arm as he walked her to Nathan.

Nathan was in awe. He couldn?t believe how gorgeous Callie looked. She looked like a goddess in white. He couldn't wait to be able to put his arms around her and kiss her deeply.

Callie saw how sexy her brother looked in his tux. He too looked nervous as he waited for her. It was time now. Time to be joined as husband and wife.

Finally Callie stood next to Nathan as they faced their parents ready to begin the ceremony. Gloria and Jim stood in front of their friends and children ready to give their speeches.

Gloria began her speech. "I welcome you all her today to witness the marriage between my son Nathan and my daughter Callie. These two children of mine mean the world to me and it was hard for me to let them decide on this, but I know they are making a wise choice. In life you have to find a partner who will love you, respect you, and protect you. I believe Nathan and Callie have found that in each other and therefore they have my blessing to marry."

Jim followed with his speech. "I stand before my two children that I'm so proud of. Nathan and Callie, I feel privileged to be your father. You two have been the light of my life and I respect any decisions you make now or in the future. You both have discovered a love that many of us go looking for, but rarely find. I believe you will have happiness for years to come and I give you both my blessing to marry."

With that Callie and Nathan turned to each other joining hands. They look deeply into each other's eyes ready to say their vows.

Nathan turned to David who handed him the ring.

Nathan went first. "Callie I remember you as a child. You were my little sister someone I could protect. As the years went by I watched you grow into a beautiful young woman and somewhere along the way, I fell in love with you. I promise to always love you as a brother, as a lover, as your husband. I Nathan Adams take you Callie Adams to be my wife and partner for life. I promise to love you and honor you for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health til death do us part. I give you this ring to wear in honor of this ceremony and before our family and friends and as a symbol of our marriage."

Nathan slipped the ring on Callie giving her hand a small squeeze.

Callie turned to Rebecca who handed her the ring.

Callie was now ready to begin. "Nathan I always looked up to you not just as a big brother, but as a friend. You were always there for me to help me in difficult situations and I love you for it. I love you like a brother but now I love you as a man. I am honored to be your wife and partner for life. I Callie Adams take you Nathan Adams to be my husband. I promise to love you and honor you for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health til death do us part. I give you this ring to wear as a symbol of our marriage and our bond as husband and wife. I love you."

She slipped the ring on Nathan and they joined hands. They shared a soft kiss in front of their family and friends. Now they'd finally done it. They were husband and wife and no one would ever break them apart.

The ceremony was short but sweet. Gloria and Jim had offered for the newlyweds to stay at their house while they would stay over at Diane and Carl's. It was the least they could do since Nathan and Callie would not have a proper honeymoon right away. Nathan and Callie accepted so tonight they'd be staying at the house they both grew up in.

"Do you think we could have a ceremony like this one?" David whispered in Rebecca's ear.

Rebecca laughed softly. "Yes I think so. In fact I hope we can have a real wedding and really piss our folks off."

"Oooh you wicked girl you." He kissed her neck softly as he put his arms around her.

A few hours later, Nathan and Callie were all alone in their parent's house. They were playfully running around the house like they used to when they were kids. Callie ran and hid in her parent's room. It was dark and she took off her shoes not to make a sound and let her husband find her.

Nathan crept slowly knowing Callie used to always hide in Gloria's closet. He moved slowly removing his shoes as well. He opened the door to his parent's bedroom turning on the lights. Callie could see him through the small openings of her mother's closet. She bit her lip with anticipation that he hurry up and find her and take her the way she wanted to be taken.

Nathan pretended not to know where Callie was. He stood there for a minute already hard as a rock wanting to get his beautiful bride. He moved slowly still passing up Gloria's closet leaving Callie anxiously waiting. Suddenly he flung the door open and finding his bride waiting for him.

"Mmm there you are!" He said pulling Callie towards him.

"Oooh you found me! Now what are you going to do with me?"

"I'm going to make love you until we both get tired."

"Nathan it's been only a few days now but I've stopped taking the pill. I'm ready to try to conceive a child with you. I know I probably can't get pregnant right away but I'm ready to start trying."

Nathan stroked her pretty face. "Let's start tonight. Let's do it here on our parents room where we were conceived."

Hearing that turned Callie on so bad. "I'm ready Nathan. I'm ready."

Nathan picked up his bride and carried her over to their parent's bed. It was a huge king-sized bed with plenty of room for them to play on. Nathan took off his tux slowly teasing his beautiful bride. Callie laid on the bed looking up at her husband get naked.

Nathan got on top of her right away he started trailing kisses all over her sweet young body. Callie held him close already feeling his hardness. They kissed long deep kisses.

"I better take this dress off, you might stain my dress." Callie said playfully.

Nathan rolled over letting Callie be on top. He reached to the back of her dress unzipping it letting it fall off her shoulders. He unsnapped her strapless bra letting her beautiful breasts fall out. He raised his head up to catch one of her breasts in his mouth sucking on it hard. Callie moaned right away feeling her husband's mouth on her whole breast.

Nathan let his hands slide off the rest of Callie's dress until it was completely off leaving her in her white silk panties. Callie was eager to get fully naked ready to have her new husband inside of her.

Nathan took turns sucking on Callie's breasts while his hand crept down slowly pulling down her panties. Callie shifted her body until her panties were off. Finally now she'd be able to have Nathan inside of her like he should be.

Nathan flipped her over as he pinned her down ready to make love to his bride. "I love you Callie." He hissed as he positioned his cock to enter her.

Callie gripped his shoulders tightly. "I love you too. I'll always love you."

Nathan leaned down to kiss her hard as he entered her. Callie gasped feeling her husband's cock sliding in. She loved how it felt inside of her. It was always meant to be inside of her.

"I love the way you feel Callie. You're always so warm, so wet. Oh fuck!" Nathan rasped as he started to speed up his rhythm.

"Nathan cum in me. Let's try to make a child tonight." Callie cooed feeling the pleasures of Nathan's cock.

Nathan was now more excited than ever. Just the thought of producing a life inside of Callie was so sexy. The fact that she'd be having his baby someday was the most amazing that he could imagine.

Nathan kept pumping hard in and out of Callie watching her breasts dance in circles as he went faster and faster. He was determined to cum hard inside of her. Callie wrapped her legs around Nathan pushing him closer to her grinding her pussy to get him deep inside of her. They held hands tightly as they made love on their wedding night. Nathan could feel his balls swell up full of cum and Callie could feel her body begin to weaken ready to burst.

It was a beautiful simultaneous climax. Callie's body tightened as she quivered while she exploded on Nathan's cock. Nathan felt her warm juices coat him and he just felt his cock spurt out long ropes of cum all inside of his bride. Callie felt the warm liquid shoot inside of her hoping they made a life tonight. They kept their hands together slowly releasing from one another as they bodies were weak from their incredible orgasms. Nathan laid besides Callie kissing her softly and holding her. He couldn't wait to tell her about the house they'd be moving into but he wanted to wait for later. Right now he wanted to just enjoy being with her. Even if they hadn't made a life today, they had all the time in world to do so later but for now they would live their lives happily as husband and wife.
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 11-05-2003, 02:34 AM
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My Brother My Lover

Jesie, what a great story ... I've never been turned on by incest before, but you've written so much tenderness and love that it is an incredibly strong and erotic story. I have had to stop twice already and "relax myself", and I've only read as far as "brother and sister" making love for the first time. I was particularly turned on by your descriptions of being "inside" both of them as they masturbated in their own rooms. Very well done - you've got a great talent and imagination.
What is this thing called Love
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Old 11-05-2003, 11:24 PM
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Thank you so much for reading and your feeback it means a lot! :)
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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