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Old 11-28-2001, 12:18 PM
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Truly Interactive...

Okies, we're gonna try this again.

I have to apologize, I attempted to run an interactive story before, where people could join in and post there own feelings and thoughts. However, I became sick and haven't been able to get back to Pixie's until today.

But, here I am, and we're gonna try this again!


The mid-afternoon heat was oppresive; the air was laden with well over a hundred percent humidity, and with the sun lambasting the earth, the heat rose like a stifling blanket, the moisture turning it into liquid soup that hurt the lungs to inhale.

Mayumi barely noticed, her bare feet sullenly gliding along the length of the dirt road.

The year was 1965, and the biggest thing in the Phillipine Islands was the American occupation. It had been, ever since they had ousted the Spanish. Their presence drove not only the wheels of their primitive, corrupt government, but their military utilized the string of tiny islands as a major airbase, and the soldiers, government officials, and all their families and the other Americans who came with such a huge, massive outpost fueled an economy that was always struggling.

While only nineteen, Mayumi was old enough to understand what the presence of the soldiers at Clark Airforce Base meant to at least her little community. She had spent the past few years peddling the various wares of her family at the chain link fences, and standing with other such young girls around the beige booths that held a handful of men that guarded and watched the moving gates that the military and their family moved through.

Most of the young girls had stood there, scantily clad, awating some young brazen American GI to take their hand and walk to one of their tiny shanties with them.

Mayumi had stood there with her huge basket, the thickly wound coconuit rope hanging it from her aching neck, and called to any of the Americans who walked by, selling her fathers length of raw sugar cane and freshly dropped coconuts. Sometimes she had fish as well, those that the eldest of her four little brothers and sisters had managed to catch in the murky, languid stream near their house. She always had rolled up mats of dyed coconut hair that had been braided and twisted into elaborate rugs - her own unending work at home. Her youngest brother and sister, only six and seven years old, worked hard each day to carve and build the small, simple toys that the American children loved to buy.

And thus it was that the young girl had helped her father raise his children, for almost six years now since her mother had died, and tried to bring some rice and pesos home each night.

She had used the rice to feed her family - her father had used the pesos to drink the raw sugar cane alochol until it literally rotted his teeth away and turned his breath bittersweet.

Confused and dazed, Mayumi dropped her weary form to a roughly hewn plank bench in the tiny park that occupied the little town's square. She idly brushed the thick, curly strands of hair that slid across her shoulders behind her and settled, eyes unseeing, in the minimal shade cast by the tiny tree next to the bench.

She had worked hard to take care of her family - she had loved each of those skinny, chestnut brown little bodies as if they were her own children. She had despised her father for as long as she could remember, the way he used them all, yelled at them - all too often beating them simply for lack of anything else to do with his time. She had tried to protect them, and her body bore the many scars of cane and bamboo lengths taken to her golden hide. But when her tatay had approached her, his eyes glazed with drink and his hands not heavy but grasping and caressing, she had flown out the door and down the dirt path, her limber young body taking her into the outskirts of Mabalacat easily.

She shuddered again, suddenly seeking the overwhelming heat of the bench and the sun as cold shudders once again ran through her small frame. She couldn't go back - she could never go back to that...

A figure sat beside her, and she looked up in surprise.

"Purit? Comoustas ," she said in greeting to the petite, voloptuous figure that had sat next to her. The girl had dark, chestnut skin, and even darker, almost black eyes. They were delicately slanted in the manner of her people, her nose flat, but her hair fell in a dark, straight, shiny mass to almost her knees. The young girl grinned and patted Mayumi's hand.

"Comoustas, Mayumi," she returned the native greeting. Unlike Purit, Mayumi was a mestiza - a half-breed, her mother the last of the purebred Spanish families left in the area. Her own skin was almost white in comparison to her friend's, her hair was long and thick, but it had a tendency to wave and curl, and was dark brown streaked with lighter brown, red, and even blonde highlights brought from the sun. Her eyes were tilted at the corners, like Purit's, but were a deep, dark green that she had never beheld, for her house was without mirror's or any real reflective metal surfaces. Purit was less than five feet tall, yet graced with a large bosom, tiny waist, and flaring hips. Mayumi's body was only a handsbreath taller, and while she had curves of chest and hip, they seemed only a hint next to her friend's ripe, lush body.

"Where is your basket, your wares today?" she asked softly, her eyes turning towards the broad dirt road that lead towards one of the gates for Clark. Already, the soldiers were easing in and out of them, and the crowd of girls before them was growing.

Mayumi simply shook her head and took a deep, gasping breath.

"No more, Purit - I can't do it anymore," she whispered softly. Purit simply nodded knowingly and wrapped an arm around Mayumi's shoulders, then tugged her upwards. The two made their way into the dim hut that housed the bar Purit worked in, and led to her shanty in the back. Purit was one of the girls who remained near the building - waiting for soldiers to come to her. Even now, a handful of the young, boisterous men entered the dwelling, set on stilts above the often flooded ground, and headed for the long, glistening bar. Purit guided Mayumi to a corner table and sat her down, then patted her hand.

"Wait here - I will have Sonia cook you something, ok?" she gave Mayumi a comforting smile and moved off, first heading towards the bar to serve the smiling young American soldiers before disappearing behind the thin coconut hair curtain and into the kitchen.

Mayumi's stomach rumbled noisily, the knots of hunger in it causing her to drop one hand and rub it gently. At least this meal she would not have to work for, she though wearily.
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Old 11-28-2001, 02:31 PM
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Bob Babcock was in his first overseas tour of duty assigned to Clark AFB as an American pilot. Bob was a graduate of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Having finished school, he was a little older than his peers. Bob was affectionately known as "Pops", at the grand old age of 25. He looked out for his boys as part of his nature.

From the first moment he set foot in this beautiful place, Bob was transported to a world unlike any other he had ever seen, and he quickly found out more. 7,000 islands divided into three main areas: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Great diving in the archipelago. The land's physical beauty starkly contrasted with it's people's poverty. Poor folks were everywhere, many begging, selling and whoring just to get by. "There but for the grace of God, go I " Bob muttered as he made his way into the bar.

A beer was served to him without his asking, a tribute to being a "regular" here. He surveyed the place noting it held the usual colorful collection of characters. That fresh bunch of marines just arrived, pawing at the girls like they all do when they just get here. Center stage of course was Purit, her large breasts always the object of somebodies lust. Everybody knew Purit, and I do mean everybody. She was joined by six other women, all scouting for men with money.

He looked through the coconut screen into the kitchen, and saw this beautiful girl rubbing her stomach, a pained look on her face. Bob was inexplicably drawn to her, without thinking he got up and approached her. She was sitting, eyes downcast as he came close. Laying his big hand gently on her shoulder, he leaned over and whispered "What pains you so, little one? I am here for you". Startled, she looked up - Bob had never seen eyes so beautifully brown before. Yet tinged with sadness. He was dazzled. She spoke ...
" Each day through my window, I watch her as she passes by, I say to myself, you're such a lucky guy. To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in the world, she belongs to me. ..
...This couldn't be a dream, for too real it all seems...

But it was just my imagination, runnin away with me, it was just my imagination, runnin away with me. "

Smokey Robinson
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Old 11-28-2001, 03:49 PM
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She turned to him, an unsettled gasp upon her lips even as she quickly rose from the stool she had been perched upon.

Her mind had been lost in reverie, her thoughts trapped in a lifetime of what had felt like endless suffering...

The white hand that had settled upon her shoulder had instantly brought her to awareness, her ebony lashes spreading as her eyes opened wide, the dim light refracting on the gold-rimmed green hidden within.

Her dusky head shook, her thick curtain of hair bobbing as she slowly backed away, one hand extended before her.

"Cung pwede, hinde," she whispered. Please, no, the native language easing off her tongue without thought.

The wide, bustling frame of Sonia bustled over and took hold of her wrist, and abruptly tugged her back onto the stool she had so quickly abandoned. Mumbling in garbled Tagalog, the woman thrust a plate of steaming rice and fish before her, putting a bottle of precious bottled water alongside it before turning away. Mayumi glanced after Sonia, her fear turning to confusion.

The raucous sounds of the bar suddenly rushed in, as Purit sidled through the curtain and towards the table where Mayumi sat. One of her tiny, slender hands placed a moisture-covered bottle of beer before the anglo, the red label of the San Marcos seeming almost garish in the muted light. Purit offered a small smile to Bob and pointed at the stool opposite Mayumi.

"Ah, I see you have met Mayumi - she is my friend from Baguio, do you know her?" she asked softly. Mayumi turned towards Purit, her confused expression apparent. Purit smiled and patted her shoulder, than made the introduction in her halting english.

"Mayumi, this is Bob - he flies planes from Clark. He comes here often, though normally not this early in the day." She opened her mouth and was about to say more when a loud, demanding American voice called for her. She shrugged one shoulder and again left, slipping past the coconut hair and into the growing crowd in the barroom.

Mayumi's fingers curled listlessly about the glass of clear water before her, and she awkwardly raised it to her lips to take a few swallows before setting it down with a soft sigh, her little pink tongue darting out to lap up the last remaining droplets on her once-parched lips.

She turned, a sheepish expression on her face now as she took in the American soldier before her, and she shyly ducked her head.

"I am sorry," she said softly, pausing. "I... I am simply tired, and hungry, and am trying to figure how I am going to go," she flushed as she stammered out the english words and then hesitantly reached for the water, taking a few more sips before setting it down and pointing at the same stool Purit had gestured the man to.

"It is nice to meet you, Bob," she said quietly, and then offered him a shy smile as she bent her head once more and began slowly eating the rice and bits of fish off her plate.
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Old 11-28-2001, 04:35 PM
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Bob saw Mayumi's sly grin as she bent her head down. He looked around and realized with a start that he was in the kitchen uninvited. What the hell, he thought I'm here, I'll stay. Grabbing his beer, he sat on the stool.

Mayumi ate slowly and carefully, making sure not to waste a bit of the fish or grain of the rice. Minutes past as Bob was completely content to watch every move of this slight woman in front of him. After eating about a third Mayumi did a curious thing. Taking a wooden bowl she pushed the remaining meal into it, as if to save it for later. Bob looked at her with new understanding. Of course, he thought she has others to feed.

She would never make it back to her house carrying food like that with so many others hungry everywhere. Impulsively he said, "I'll walk you to wherever it is that you are going. No harm will come to you." Mayumi looked up at him, with surprise in her eyes.

Suddenly, Bob was almost overwhelmed with the desire to hold her, to kiss that beautiful face, to make love to her. Physical attraction washed over him like the new tide, and he struggled for control. In the silence, her mouth seemed to beckon his kiss. Bob could see Mayumi's glorious hard nipples through her shirt. Shaking his head as if to cast off these thoughts, for he stood.

"We go now? " he asked. He looked at Mayumi. Still smiling, Mayumi spoke next...

" Each day through my window, I watch her as she passes by, I say to myself, you're such a lucky guy. To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in the world, she belongs to me. ..
...This couldn't be a dream, for too real it all seems...

But it was just my imagination, runnin away with me, it was just my imagination, runnin away with me. "

Smokey Robinson

Last edited by darrenfate : 11-28-2001 at 04:40 PM.
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Old 11-28-2001, 07:06 PM
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She looked up at him, her eyes wide and her mouth spread in a soft O of amazement. She was about to begin nodding when reality sunk in, and she fell back onto her stool with a shuddering of her shoulders.

"I - I would go... But now I have nowhere left!..." She trailed off, her eyes going huge and then shimmering with the silent kiss of glistening tears. Her head bent once more, and she looked up at the broad, tall, American GI, confusion evident even as she sniffled, attempting to bite back the moisture in her eyes.

"I might stay with Purit... but-" she glanced into the darkened barroom, and spied her friend sprawled in a soldier's lap. "But maybe that's not such a good idea," she whispered softly, and then turned towards Bob.

"Please - you know of somewhere I can go stay?" she blurted out, her english words stumbling and stilted as the words rushed past her lips.
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Old 11-29-2001, 12:32 PM
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Bob looked at Mayumi as she stood in front of him. He wanted her more than anything else he had wanted in his entire life. Crazy desire welled up in him. He appraised her entire body, his eyes missing no details. Her eyes so warm and tinged with tears. The soft lips led to her chin followed by Mayumi's thin graceful neck. Down her chest to perfectly formed breasts. Her thin waist widened gracefully to her hips. Those slender legs finished in small delicate feet. All in all, an incredible vision.

First things first, Maslow's hierarchy of needs flashed through his mind. At its base, physical need. Food, shelter, safety. Bob grinned inwardly, he'd have bet a thousand dollars that he would never use that college psychology mumbo jumbo in real life! Yet, Bob knew it was true. Mayumi's physical well being needed care first. Well he was just the man. Master Kim Jung owed him a favor or two. Since his son was in the states attending college - thanks in large part to Bob pulling a few old family strings - a room was empty in his house. Bob spoke.

" I have just the place to take you to. Kim is a friend of mine. Come with me and all your needs will be fulfilled."

Bob thought, my needs as well soon enough! My eyes have feasted on Mayumi, and soon the rest of me must be satisfied as well! Nodding her acceptance, Mayumi took Bob's hand as they he started out on the street. Her hand was so small compared to his! Yet it fit. Bob wove his way through the streets to Kim's. After obtaining his gleeful permission, he led Mayumi up to her new room. Mayumi's eyes widened at the size and quality of the new living space, why her entire family didn't have this much and it was her's alone. She spun around to Bob and without thinking hugged him! Eyes quickly downcast, she spoke - embarrassed at her emotional display ...
" Each day through my window, I watch her as she passes by, I say to myself, you're such a lucky guy. To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in the world, she belongs to me. ..
...This couldn't be a dream, for too real it all seems...

But it was just my imagination, runnin away with me, it was just my imagination, runnin away with me. "

Smokey Robinson
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Old 12-01-2001, 11:00 AM
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She stepped backwards, shyly easing the arms she had twined about his neck to fall at her side, even as her head ducked downwards. Amazingly enough, the faint light seemed to illuminate a brigthening blush the spread upwards from beneath the collar of her thin shirt. As it blazoned along her slanted cheekbones, she shot Bob a shy, tender gaze from the screen of dark, thick lashes on her eyes.

"Salamat, gnung Bob, po," she said softly, her body seeming to sway a bit as she spoke. Thank you, Mr Bob, sir... Her eyes dropped once more and her little pink tongue appeared, making a circle upon her full lips, leaving them pearlescent with moisture.

She turned away, shy once more, and turned to place her little wooden bowl and her little satchel on the bamboo and coconut desk against the wall.

Even more than the huge room, it was filled with quite wonderful and utilitarian furniture, another thing she was unused to.

Mayumi moved and stood before Bob, her eyes still lowered even as she softly murmured,

"I can never thank you enough, Bob, po!"
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Old 12-01-2001, 07:42 PM
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As Mayumi finished speaking the silence hung in the air charged with electricity. Long seconds passed, a decisive moment had arrived. Bob reached out and with one finger lifted Mayumi's chin up so that she was looking him in the eye. She started to speak, but before she formed the first words, Bob had leaned down and forward kissing Mayumi fully on her lips.

Oh, the softness, the seeming china doll like quality of this woman before him made Bob's heart soar. Mayumi kissed him passionately back. Quietly they embraced their kiss long and lingering. Yet restrained. Bob could tell by holding her that Mayumi while small was sinewy strong. Must be from being used to fending for herself on the streets. Bob's mind flashed back home for an instant.

Mayumi was so unlike those other women Bob had dated back home in Boston. His "current-almost-fiance" girl was from the "right" kind of family according to his parents. Bethany was a dressage rider. Unfortunately one of those high-riding, hoighty-toighty, snob nosed, afraid to get my new shiny black boots muddy little prisses that does dressage types. In this instant, Bob knew he could never marry Bethany.

Mayumi, Mayumi, Mayumi. Bob longed to know everything there was to know about this exquisite creature. She fired his imagination, and branded herself on his soul. Unwilling to force himself upon her without her consent Bob stepped back. With any positive sign, any invitation from Mayumi Bob knew he would leap back into her arms. He searched her eyes, waiting for her next action.....
" Each day through my window, I watch her as she passes by, I say to myself, you're such a lucky guy. To have a girl like her, is truly a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in the world, she belongs to me. ..
...This couldn't be a dream, for too real it all seems...

But it was just my imagination, runnin away with me, it was just my imagination, runnin away with me. "

Smokey Robinson

Last edited by darrenfate : 12-01-2001 at 07:45 PM.
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