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Old 07-05-2003, 04:05 AM
Vullkan's Avatar
Vullkan Vullkan is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Great Falls, MT
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Goblin Wars

Goblin Wars: Into Darkness

Thayen spurred his golden warhorse up the steep slope of the wooded hill. As the outrider of the party, he had scouted on ahead. He would wait for the rest of the party to catch up before heading out again several leagues.
Coming around the twisting trail the two Elven knights where in the vanguard. Thayen's heart sat heavy in his chest as he spied the rest of the group. For last in the column, his sister, De'Allen rode on her white horse. Her long silver hair danced in the wind. The richly embrodered white spider silk dress hugged her slender frame revealing the spender of her female shape. In his heart as he looked at the loveliness of his sister, a dark dispair held him in a grim mood.
Thayen brooded over the fact that he was part of the honor guard bringing his sister to King K'tel of the Ironwood Elves. He knew that the splendure of his father's Elven kingdom would be forever lost to his sister. The Ironwood Elves where the most marshal in temperment, where there lore in warcraft reigned and not of song and art. It would be a bleak life for his sister. Indeed as Thayen looked at the party, King K'tel had sent 12 of his household knights as escourt. Their bearing was on of strength and might, and they ignored the beauty of the local woods.
As the party approached him he could hear his sister's singing. The sounds seem to echo off each tree along the path. But as soon as she saw him, she stopped her song and asked, "Why so grim my dear brother?"
Looking deep into De'Allens colbalt blue eyes, Thayen was nearly able to cast away his sorrow. But replied, "Such that this day never have come. This is none of your wishes."
De'Allen casted her eyes down for in her own heart there was dread. "This alliance is needed, for King K'tel has promised father 500 cohorts." And looking back up at her brother, her eyes wet with tears. "Though this is not of my choosing, better my fate, then the fate that awaits our people at the hands of the Goblins."
Thayen clenched his hand around his sword at the mention of Goblins. For nearly 500 years his people where at peace, for the Goblins paid so dear a price in the last war. But now like a plague of insects they have grown in such number to once again wage war on the Elves.
"Sister, perhaps, yet to be wedded to King K'tel for the sake of an alliance" Thayen start to say but a movement in the bushes caught his eye. Looking with all his concentration to get a better view at the dark shape that moved in the forest shadows, he failed to notice the Goblin to his right stepping from be hind a tree. But soon his eyes spotted the Goblin and started to yell, "AMBUSH!" No sooner then the words escaped his throat then a throwing-club impacted along his head sending him flying from his horse into the tall surronding bushes.
A black streak shot accross the shy. It flight ended in the back of the lead rider's skull felling him to the ground. Another such black streak ended its flight in the throat of the other lead rider. The surviving knights saw the black crossbow bolts lodged in their fallen comrades' head and throat. Whirling their horses around and drawing their swords, they cried, "for honor!" and started their charge at the Goblins to the rear.
De'Allen lashed her horse to attempt to flee but coming from another shadow a bola snarred the rear legs of her horse. Her mount came crashing to the ground. The impact with the ground knocked her unconscience.
Yet as the remaining knights of her honor guard whipped their horses to begin their charge. A crossbow bolt struck high in the chest of the group's captain. Charging down at the Goblins they saw on the path, 15 more Goblins jumped from their hiding places along the path. In their hands they wielded great two-handed axes and took the charging Elven knights on the flanks.
In an orgy of death and slaughter that lasted but seconds, all the Elven guard where dead and hacked to pieces. The Goblins wrath was total for some 8 of their company fell to the Elven swords.
** ** ** **

De'Allen awoke with a ringing in her ears. Cool musty air assaulted her nose and she became aware of the stench that only Goblins could make.
Looking up she saw the Goblin chief sitting on a crude rock throne. Two high oil lamps lit the cave she was in. His dark brown skin nearer to black, glistened in the light. Two beaming eyes like those of animals caught in the dark by moon light shone at her. But what caught her attention more was the great frog like mouth and the few roughted fangs that shown from his lips.
He sat there staring at her in his splendure. Baked leather armor, clung to his person. A heavy spiked club rested at his side. His hand held a copper cup which he drank a vile Goblin beer made from their victems blood.
"Well, it looks like the Elven wench has awakened." he growled. "Perchance the fun might start. What say you lads?" And as if in answer a chores of howls and shrieks of a multitude of Golbins hidden in the cave's shadows rang out. "And what say you Elf?"
De'Allen, stood up from the mat she was laying on. She was aware that the beauty that was her dress was stained and muddied beyond any attempt at cleaning. Yet despite her state, she held her bearing as one of her noble blood should. She looked at him defiantly and said, "release me fowl one, for my father and bethrothed would seek never ending vengence upon you."
"You are betrothed?" Spoke the Goblin chief. "I should thing that your father would be the better for a more worthy son-in-law then some weak smippling Elf." He stood up and introduced himself, "I am Gron Stone-Fist. I should think I am a better choice then your betrothed."
De'Allens courage for a moment failed her as she looked upon the Goblin. Though he stood some 5'3 inches tall to her 5'8, he was massive in build. Thick powerful arms and legs supported his squat shape. His grin was made more sinister by the hugeness of his mouth and lower jaw. "My father would never consent, nor could be more the poorer then to have a son-in-law as you."
Laughing the Goblins asked, "Such a wicked tongue, my lady. Know you what happens to those who fall in our hands?"
"Likely you are to kill me, for that is the way of your kind" De'Allen said. She looked at him with mortal dread for she thought that soon he would take his club and kill her to be eatten in some fowl stew.
Laughing even louder Gron said, "HA! So that is what stories they tell of us to make their children afraid of us." Then quietly and with malice he continued, "for you my dear a worst fate awaits you." The he advanced toward her.
Confidently she stood her ground determined to show him no fear. Yet her lip quivered as he stood there looking up at her. His huge right hand reached up and stroked her soft silver hair. She had no idea of what fate could be worst then death from the hands of the Goblins.
Lightly he let go of her hair and let fall his heavy hand to her shoulder. Just has it lightly landed on her shoulder his hand hooked the thin material of her dress. And in one swift swipe, he riped the dress from her body. Her skin was creamy white as his was the Goblins nearer to black and it seemed to glow white in the gloom of the cave.
Instantly her hands flew up to cover her breasts and she hunched over to cover her naked sex. A look of shock and bewilderment hung on her face, her eyes pleading for an explaination.
No explanation came from the Goblin chief as he turned away from her and said to his guards, "take her and bring her." Then without warning rough hands grabbed her picking her off the ground. Her slender frame posed no problem for their brutish strength. They carried her to a pile of animal skins that looked like a bed. Terror filled her as she started to think of what her fate maybe.
As she came crashing down on the bed of furs, the Goblin Chief grasped both of her wrists, and looking dirrectly into her eyes said, "a pity that your father can not see this." His strength easy removed her hands covering her breasts. He could see the soft white shape of her breast the size of small grapefruit, the nipple as light rose pink, its size that of a walnut.
"NO!" shouted De'Allen as her hands left her breasts. She quickly curled her legs tightly against her stomach in an effort to protect her loins. All her thoughts where bent on escaping the Goblins and fear of being touched by them made her heart pound in her chest.
A chuckle eascaped from deep within the Goblins chief's throat has he opened his huge mouth. She could not stop his mouth inching its way to her exposed left breast.
A feeling of hot dampness assaulted her body as the Goblin took her breast into his mouth. His hot tongue wrapped around the whole of her breast as the tongue's tip played with her nipple. In a moment he had all of her left breast in his mouth and he seemed like he was swollowing it for it was drawn to the back of his throat. Another Goblin stepped into view and bent over. His mouth already drooling with excitement closed around her right breast. It too disappeared into his huge mouth.
Strange waves traveled the length of her body from her breasts to her groin. She had never felt anything like them and did not understand them. "Please stop. You can not do this!" she shouted. But her words only added to the slurping sounds of the goblins sucking her breasts.
Three more Goblins, lurking in the shadows, stepped into the light. De'Allen could feel the hot breath of one of them as he drew near her neck. His tongue began to lick at her throat and the nape of her neck. The other two busied themselves with their tongues trying to assault her cunt.
"Oh! for mercy's sake please stop. No! Don't do this!" she cried. She twisted and turned her hips trying to dodge the licking of the other two Goblins. But as she turned one way to avoid the assault of one tongue, she was exposed to the assault of the other tongue. Yet time their tongues would hit the crack of her cunt or swells of her ass cheeks. The waves grew. Shivers from the Goblin licking and sucking her neck traveled down her spine. Sensation waves continued to grow from her breast.
Suddenly realizing it, De'Allen became aware that her breathing intensified. And that as she breathed harder her chest rose and fell allowing more of her breasts to slide down the Goblins throats.
In her attempts at dodging the licking of her stomach and her ass, De'Allen made a fatal mistake. When she twisted from a Goblin who was licking her ass, she mistakenly let slip the Goblin's, who was trying to licking at her stomach and cunt, head between her thighs. There before the Goblin was the prize he sought. A very thin patch of soft silver pubic hair covered the gentle curl of her pussy lips. His tongue made immediately for it.
Lightning hit her soul as the Goblins tongue found its mark. Immediate sensations shot through her. She tried to wiggle free of the intruder but it was to no avail. The tip of the tongue parted her pussy lips and found the clit sending more lightning through her. De'Allens breath immediately quicked further as she breathed out an "Oomph!" at the contact of the tongue licking her clit.
Arching herself backward, De'Allen cried, "Father help me, please!" "Make them stop!" Her legs came out from their protective curl and straightened. Again she tried to bring her legs to her chest and stomach, but this time a restraining hand held her legs.
The tongue continued its work on her clit then slid to the opening of her womb. The tip entered her an inch. Immediately, the sensations increased. This time De'Allen knew what they meant. It occured to her that this was pleasure. Her mind was discussed with this realization that vile Goblins was making her feel this way that her body was betraying her. Yet despite indeed her body was begining to feel a raident glow. Her stomach felt as if a thousand birds had taken wing; her stomach muscels started to lightly spasm.
The Goblin licking her neck reached accross her chest and pinned her arms to her side. Then the Goblin Chief stopped sucking her breast and let it slip from his mouth. Standing up he reached for the clasps on his armor. In a thud, the armor hit the floor. His nakeness started De'Allen.
A long flaming red penis some 9 inches long and 2 inches thick immerged from a skin fold in his groin. Out popped two huge testicals from the same skin fold. The head already had a glob of dark yellow pre-cum on its slit. An oil ooze seemed to bath the whole of the large cock.
Horror gripped De'Allen. She truely realized for the first time that indeed these creatures where to unlease their lusts upon her body. And in the corner of her mind another thought hold of her; was it possible that these bruts could inpregnate her?
Yet as she battled the growing sensations, her will became weaker with each moment. With each moment that the Goblins busied themselves ravaging her body, she knew her very first orgasm of her life was nearing. The pleasure waves grew more frequent and intense sending ripple upon ripple through her. Her stomach muscel spasms grew more and more intense. De'Allen became very aware that her breathing was now audible; she would lick her lips uncontrolably to moisten them. To her horror and beyond her control, her hips would lurk forward when an intense wave coursed through her body toward the Goblins tongue.
"Liking this are we?" cruelly chuckled the Goblin chief. He stood behind the Goblin who was licking her cunt and stooped over and then took her left breast once again in his mouth.
"Oh! Great Goblin Lord, please, no, no more, I beg you. Oh! please stop." De'Allens voice was now horce, her breathing more labored. The waves going through her was almost one continious sensation.
"Ooooohoooooooo!" De'Allen cried. "Nooooooooo! Her first orgams took her shaking her to her core. Her whole body lurked forward. "Fatherrrrrrrrr!" The whole of her stomach and womb shook in spasm and fire seemed to run in her veins. A long like rolling thunder ran its way through her.
Finally the force of her orgasm let go of her, but a hollow pit feeling in her stomach remained. Once again as the Goblin continued to lick at her cunt the fires began to build again.
This time the Goblin Chief pushed away the Goblin licking her cunt and grabbed bother her creamy legs and drew them apart. De'Allen looked down at her groind and saw the inflamed red cock of the Goblin making its way to the opening of her cunt. The dark yellow pre-cum oozing more from it.
"Please no, my lord, I beg your mercy. Please no." Her eyes echoed her pleas. Yet in her heart she knew they where to no avail.
He just grinned at her and said, "Now Elven wench, we see how your kind is."
De'Allen watched as the red member reach her cunt's opening. The head of it hit the outer folds of her cunt and started to enter. She watched it start to disappear in her. She could feel it spreading the soft folds of her cunt. Expectently, she bit her lip in anticipation of its entry.
With one great lunge he shoved himself into her. Pain shot through her as the head of his cock took her virginity. The pain took her mind off the pleasure of a moment and gave briefly herself back under her control. But as he released her legs and grasp her just above her hips and took up a steady pace pounding his cock into her.
The sensations returned enforce and more quickly. The sloppy slupping sounds of his cock withdrawing from her and then back again mixed with the sounds of her heavy breathing. "Aha, aha, aha, aha!" De'Allen looked down again at her groin and saw the red throbbing cock disappear and reapper over and over again. A smacking sounded as his loins collided with hers.
Studdenly she felt something in the Goblin who was fucking her. She felt his mucsels grow more tense. His thrust became more urgent, harder and faster. Her body instinctively knew he was going to cum soon. She began to be aware that soon Goblin seed would flood her womb, and to her puzzelement she could not understand why her body urgently began to become more excited.
The now familiar glow returned to her stomach as started to reach her second orgasm. Her breathing became more a "Hah, hah, hah!" as she felt him coming closure to pouring himself into her.
In a howl of truimph he roared, his whole body began quaking and shivering as he poured gob upon gob of oozing cum into her. As she felt the rush of seaman enter her her orgasm exploded in her. Her womb began to spasm in its own effort to absorb every drop. Yet despite its efforts to do so, a large stream of Goblin cum escaped her cunt and ran down the crack of her ass. Her legs own their own grasped him to hold him into her.
Still his cock throbbed flooding her cervix with his seed and still her womb spasmed to accept it. But finally a cup of cum latter, he finished his orgasm. Looking down at her he grinned and said, "NEXT!"
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