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Old 04-23-2008, 08:50 PM
Moonshine's Avatar
Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
A Pirate's Desire


Captain William Roberts looked through the spy glass at the ship ahead of them. He saw the beautiful woman standing on the stern of the ship. Her long strawberry blonde hair whip around her, falling way past her waist. He could tell that she was tall; taller than most English women. He watched as she turned towards him and noticed his ship following. He could tell by her actions that she was alerting someone to his ships presence. Sure enough, a crewman came to her side. A spyglass was put to his eye. "Raise the Jolly Roger," he called out. Just to let the man know that he could see him, he waved at him. He laughed a deep and hearty laugh as the man turned and began to alert the rest of the ship to their presence. "Take the ship," he called. "Bring the young maid to me, gentleman." William collapsed the spyglass between his hands and prepared to board the ship.

Chapter One

Brooklyn Richards chided herself as she and her maid, Maddy Long, sat huddled in the small closet. She heard the growly voice of the young pirate as he stormed into the captain's quarters of the ship. "Where is the woman," she heard him yell. "I do not know what you are talking about, Captain Roberts," she heard her own Captain, an older man, say. "Captain Roberts," she thought to herself. She knew of only one Captain Roberts; a Captain William Roberts. His reputation was one that she wished she didn't know about. "Don't toy with me," Roberts growled. "I saw a woman with long flowing strawberry blonde hair on the stern of your ship. Where is she?" "I would rather die before I give away her location," the Captain said. "That can easily be arranged," Roberts snarled.

Through a slit in the boards on the door, Brooklyn watched as a large and powerful hand slammed into the old man's head. The old Captain lowered to his knees, but refused to fall completely. Not able to bare the thought of this gentle man taking any more abuse, Brooklyn stepped from the closet. "Enough," she demanded. "Brooklyn. NO," both the Captain and Maddy cried out in unison. "No Captain," she said to the older man, "I will not watch him beat you to death, knowing that I can stop it." She turned to the large man standing before her. Even at five foot nine herself, she had to look up at this mountain of a man. His body was massive with a wide broad chest, which his open shirt revealed lots of sandy blonde hair across, and even wider shoulders. His body tapered down to a waist that was as wide as her own shoulders. She noted the monstrous man's hard, steel blue eyes as they stared at her, taking her in as well.

"It is I that you want," Brooklyn calmly said. "Let them go, unharmed, and I will go with you willingly." "No," Maddy cried, "you can't leave with him." She turned to the older woman who had been like a mother to her since her own had passed. "It will be alright, Maddy," she said, trying to hide her own fear. "You know as well as I that I didn't want to marry the man father had picked for me. He is far to old to give me children and would only leave me a widow in a few years." "Yes," Maddy countered, "but then you would have been a rich widow who could choose whom she married next."

Brooklyn shook her head. "No Maddy," she softly said, "I would rather die than have to live with the knowledge of that old man being with me in that way." She turned towards the monstrous man and asked, "Do you give me your word that you will not let your men share me?" Roberts bowed before her and answered, "I give you my word. But it comes with a condition." "And that is," she asked. A devilish grin spread across his face as he said, "That you allow me the pleasure of your body so long as you are my prisoner." "No," both the Captain and Maddy yelled. "And what about when you are done with me," she asked. "Will I then be passed from man to man until your crew is done with me? Or will I be sold into slavery so that you can make money from me? Or will you simple release me, forcing me to fend for myself?"

Brooklyn watched the tall man as he scratched the sandy blonde stubble on his chin. "I promise not to allow my men to touch you as long as you are my prisoner. And depending on how well you please me, I may just keep you. If I do, you must continue to do my will as long as I have you." Feeling that this was going to be the best offer she would get from the man, she closed her emerald green eyes, sucked in a deep breathe, and then looked into his cold steel blue eyes. "My body is for your pleasure alone as long as you have me." She then fell into a daze as she was taken from the ship and placed in Roberts' quarters aboard is own ship.

Captain William Roberts kept his word and allowed the other ship to sail on with all those aboard, except for Brooklyn, unharmed. But not before looting it of the food, water, weapons, and any other booty that was there to plunder. By taking their food, water, and weapons he ensured that they would have to turn back for more provisions. By then, they would have at least two days head start. They could be in any direction by then.

William entered his quarters and felt the sting of book hit his cheek. In moments, his steel blue eyes found the young woman and watched as she grabbed another and hurled it towards him. This time he was swatted it away as if it was a pesty fly and headed straight for her. His long legs carried him to her in only two steps and he clamped his hand firmly, yet lightly, on her wrist, causing her to drop the candlestick she had picked up. "I wouldn't try that again, Brooklyn," he said in a deep voice. "I promised not to let my men have you, but I did not promise to keep from striking you." He watched her gasp in horror as she took in his meaning. He had never laid a violent hand on a woman before, but if this woman kept up her tantrum, he might forget himself and do just that.

William spun the young woman around and enclosed her small body in his arms. At six foot six, he had to bend over just to rest his chin on her head. But he didn't rest his chin there. He leaned over further and softly kissed the nape of her neck. Her skin was soft and almost silky feeling on his lips. "MMM," he moaned as he tasted her. He felt her shake in his arms and then heard her softly crying. Her tears dropped onto his hands. He could tell that she was brave and a woman of her word. She had promised to allow him the pleasure of her body, but he knew all too well that she would not be enjoying it. A lesser man wouldn't care if she enjoyed it or not; but he couldn't do that. He wanted her to not only enjoy the pleasure of making love, but making love to him.

William continued to kiss the strawberry blonde beauty in his arms. His large hands released her small ones and roamed her small fragile body. Starting with her two soft, perfect mounds of flesh, he then allowed his hands to wander down her flat stomach, and then back up again. He smiled as she closed her eyes and drew in a deep breathe. Again he softly kissed her neck. Her sobs slowed and he moved his hand so that it rested between her legs. He felt the building heat as it radiated from her womanhood. "It can be very pleasurable, Brooklyn," he whispered into her ear, allowing his lips to lightly graze it, "but you have to relax and allow the pleasure to flow through you."

Brooklyn felt a warming sensation spread through her body. Everywhere William touched her a warming fire began. It had began in her wrists and then up her arms. Then her breasts as he gently kneaded them. Even her stomach burn with desire. And her womanhood... her womanhood felt as if it was completely on fire. Not just a warming fire like the rest of her body, but a roaring fire that warmed a cold room in winter. She forgot what this man was. She forgot about his monstrous size. And the fact that he could have easily killed the poor old captain that had tried to defy him. All she wanted was this man's hands on her bare skin. She wanted to know the feel of his lips on places that no man had ever seen, much less kissed.

Brooklyn felt her eyes roll backwards as William nibbled on her earlobe. She didn't even realize that she had gasped with pleasure as he showed her his sensual side. But her eyes open quickly when he turned her to face him. She stared into his eyes as his powerful mouth claimed her own. Her lips opened with his and she allowed his tongue to slid into her mouth; mating her own and causing the warming fire she felt in her stomach and breasts to become the same roaring fire she felt in her womanhood.

Brooklyn couldn't remember feeling William undoing the buttons of her dress, but she was fully aware of his large, rough hands as they rub the soft skin of her shoulders. She felt her dress slide from her shoulders, down her body, past her waist, and then glide down her long legs easily. She saw the lustful look in his eyes as he took her in. The tight corset pushed her breasts up, causing them to spill out of it. And below it was the strawberry blonde hair that covered her womanhood. She was now fully aware of her near nakedness and tried to hide herself from. His dominating nature scared her and she wanted to run and hide completely from his glaring stare.

William stared at Brooklyn as he undressed himself. He watched as she looked at him curiously as he removed his shirt and boots, but then looked away when he began to remove his pants. He gave a deep, boisterous laugh that shook the rafters of the cabin and caused this fragile young woman to jump when he watched her look curiously back at his now naked body and then turn away; her cheeks reddening as she did. He knew that he was larger than most men, and that several whores had begged him not to visit them again, but he was certain that she would enjoy him.

It only took William one long step to bring him next to Brooklyn. Even though she was the tallest woman he had ever seen, he noted that she still seemed tiny next to him. He circled her like a predator circling it's prey. Her long strawberry blonde hair hung just past her round ass. Her small slender frame could stand some fattening, but she wasn't so small that he felt that he would hurt her as he make love to her. And her breasts... Oh, her breasts were perfect. He caressed them as he looked over her body.

"You're beautiful, Brooklyn," William said softly. He watched her already embarrassed face turn a shade redder as she looked away. "I know what you want, Captain," she said softly, yet stressing the word "captain", "so would you please save me the shame of being ogled and get this over with." "No, Brooklyn," he softly whispered into her ear, again lightly touching it with his lips, "I will take my time in pleasing myself." He lightly ran his fingers along her arm and chuckled when she jumped. "You were enjoying yourself when you were relaxed," he said, pausing long enough to kiss her neck, "so why don't you relax once more and enjoy this again."

Wanting to put her at ease, William cradled Brooklyn in his arms and softly kissed her lips. He felt her pushing against him with her hands with all her strength, but his own brute strength was just to strong; and he wasn't even trying to stop her from moving away from him. By the time he had reached the bed, she had stopped pushing against him and was eagerly returning his kisses. He nuzzled her cheek with his nose and softly as he possibly could said, "I'll be as gentle as possible." He smiled when she finally submitted by nodding "yes".

Brooklyn felt herself stiffen again as she laid on William's bed. His monstrous body hovered above her small one as his mouth gave her breasts some attention. She felt the hot fire, starting at her nipples, surging through her body until it consumed her entirely and she moaned with the greatest ecstacy she had ever known. She felt his tongue glide down her stomach and then tease her belly button. His large hands slipped under her legs and wrapped around her legs, holding her small waist still. She wondered what he was doing, but before she could look down at him, she felt his hands parting the soft hair of her womanhood. His tongue flicked at her sensitive area and she almost instantly felt an explosion inside of herself.

Brooklyn slapped the bed hard with both hands and gripped handfuls of material as William continue to pleasure her. "William," she growled as he brought her to the edge of sanity before feeling the explosion once again. He chuckled again and she felt the vibrations of his body not only against her warm and wet womanhood, but she felt the bed shake as well. Twice more he made her feel the pure pleasure of ecstacy before kissing his way back up her stomach. He nudged her thighs wider with his own knees before kissing her deeply. His hands found hers and moved them next to her head.

Brooklyn felt dizzy even though she was laying on her back. Her head spun as William showed her pleasure that she had never dared dream about. But that was short lived as she felt her womanhood splitting. She tried to scream, but her scream was smothered by his kissing. Tears streamed from her eyes as he again pushed. She began to shake uncontrollably as he again pushed. Pain seared through her body as she felt like she was being ripped in two as he shattered what told of her innocence. She was on the verge of passing out when he released her from his kiss. "I'm sorry," his deep voice whispered, "but it is necessary the first time."

Brooklyn took in deep lungfull breathes as she tried to control her sobbing. William softly kissed her forehead and eyes as he slowly began to move in her. The searing pain slowly began to ebb away and was replaced with a new pleasure unlike any that she had ever felt before. It was even better than what he had already shown her. She gripped his hands as she felt herself cum again. She stared into his steel blue eyes as he continue to move in her. She breathless called his name before closing her eyes in pleasure.

William increased his pace in Brooklyn. Her tightness was more than he could have imaged. In the pleasure of passion, she had called his name. It drove him crazy and he moved deep and harder in her. Her breathes came in pants and he too felt himself nearing climax. His lips grazed her ear as he called her, "Brooklyn." Her nails dug into the tops of his hands as he plunged himself over and over in her. He felt his balls tighten and knew his released was at hand. He gave a loud roar that shook the cabin as he released in her, causing her to stare at him frightfully.

William took deep, heavy breathes as he rested his head next to Brooklyn's on the bed. Not wanting to crush the small beauty under him, he carefully released her hands and braced himself so that he remained in her, but held the full weight of himself alone. "Was that so bad, Brooklyn?" he asked. He couldn't keep from smiling as she panted, "No. It was quiet enjoyable." He nuzzled her cheek again as he asked, "Would I be able to lay with you again on this voyage?" "Yes," she panted into his ear. He softly kissed her shoulder before saying, "That's good because I don't think I could have finished this voyage knowing that this was to be the only time."
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by wyndhy : 04-24-2008 at 09:23 AM.
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