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Old 01-23-2002, 08:38 PM
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Pixies Devilish Soul
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Seven Days Of Lust

I hope that this is not too long. This was written a while back and is my first attempt at erotic writing. I welcome your feedback.

The people calling themselves Kaos and Razeel Ravencroft (and those are their real names) own and operate a very thriving retail business on the strip between New Orleans and Florida, catering to the most exotic and eccentric of individuals. My wife/assistant Lilithe and I had the great fortune to meet them. Lil and I had only been in town a short while, when we’d stopped over at an antique bookseller downtown. It being my wife’s birthday I thought that she would enjoy something rare.

Upon entering the bookstore we were greeted with feelings of nostalgia we went from shelf to shelf examining books that we had read when we were kids. That’s when we saw her. On first glance we knew there was something special about her. The lady was around 5’7” with long, ebony hair streaked through with blue. He hair spilled down past her shoulders and resting about nipple high on her breast. The very vocal woman was haggling over the price of a particularly rare book. She turns swinging her arms gesturing back, taking in the whole room, we saw her eyes for the briefest of instances. She had those strange kinds of eyes that make it hard to discern their color. They intrigued my wife and I for they kept shifting from blue to stormy gray each time her hair moved cross her face. She was one of the most fetching ladies I’d ever seen and my wife agreed. She was well endowed with nice large round breasts, blessed with a warm smile and infectious laugh and an endearing aura.

We caught ourselves staring in fascination. Later, my wife and I agreed that there was something about her that stirs the passions within. In the space of time in which our eyes were down cast, trying to appear inconspicuous, a tall imposing figure walk over to the lady and rested his hand on her shoulder. He was quite impressive standing at 6 feet. His caramel colored skin glistening with a sheen or perspiration like warm honey. The man’s hair was a black and dusty brownish color almost like brass. It was done up in the intricate braid work of the Caribbean Islanders. At that moment the lady let out a sharp sound of triumph.

She turned to the man smiling brightly as she held up her prize, leather bound copy of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The man looked over at us staring me in the eyes. He then whispered into the lady’s ear. I realized then that we must have been staring for quite some time and lord only knew what he thought of us. The lady turned regarding us and began to walk over in our direction with her caramel-skinned lover in tow. We were surprised when she struck up a conversation. We’d assumed she was coming over to tell us off for staring at her. After assuring us that she wasn’t upset she told us that they’d gotten used to the stares already.

We started with the usual pleasantries. My wife became visibly nervous as the question of “what we did for a living” came up. This was always the hardest thing to tell people so I just let it out. “I collect people’s lives. Everyone has a fantasy, a dream, and a story to tell. We all want to hear those stories of personal interests, of longing, of pain, of struggle, of sexual exhibitionism and conquests. These are the frameworks of ordinary everyday people. The truth is most times often stranger than fiction. We have been working on a book dealing with an erotic theme. Something that would stir feelings and even shock some but we haven’t found a story that interests us.

We expected them to give us the look that we’ve come to expect from people. Most people think we’re rude as well as freakish and perverted for wanting to delve into their most intimate thoughts and emotions. They weren’t the least bit shaken at all. There was a new look in their eyes; one I’d missed earlier, sexual hunger. That’s when they asked if we’d like to have dinner with them. We accepted.

My gut began to tell me to push forward. The way they carried themselves intrigued me to no ends. They suggested a local Italian bistro downtown that they had frequented many times. The building was situated in the corner of a garden where the open-air terrace sat among the beautiful flora. The hostess seated us at one of the more secluded tables next to a flowering fruit tree. Before leaving, she lit the candle and added a bit of mystery to the setting. She later returned with a bottle of wine. Its presence upon the table stirred a cluster of fireflies, which passed before us into the obscurity of the night. With the shadows of flickering fire light the stage was set for a tale to be told. Over a couple glasses of wine I began asking questions.

“Isn’t it kind of difficult being an interracial couple today?” I asked, from Razeel’s expression perhaps I was a bit too direct.

“Where we came from it was very difficult but over the years we’ve found the freedom to be expressive. Don’t misunderstand me everyday isn’t a picnic but we enjoy life.” Kaos said.

I look over at Razeel. She looks as if she’s not happy.

“Is it difficult?” She says a bit forcefully.

“I’m sorry if I upset you.” She cuts me off with a wave.

“I didn’t mean it like that Mr. Cadmium. We’ve been asked these before. How does it feel to be adopted? How hard is it being a white woman married to a black man? How can you love him being brought up the way you were? White girl, what are you doing with him? How can two people raised to be Baptist, become Wiccan and practice paganism? The list goes on Mr. Cadmium. We deal with them subtly from family, vocally from racists, and see them in the eyes of strangers.”

“Please call me Kache’.”

“It’s not enough Kache’ that we be raised a certain way to societies’ reality but; we do not have to accept it. We lead the lives we lead no more no less.”

We knew then that this was what we’d been looking for. I signal for the waitress to bring another bottle of wine but Kaos stops me.

“Lindsey bring us a pitcher of beer and tell Dominick we’ll be here for a while okay.”

“Sure thing Kaos.” She says before leaving. She returns several moments later with glasses and a pitcher of beer.

“Now, tell us more.” I said Lilithe handing me a tape recorder from my bag. Razeel turned to Kaos and told him to go first.

“Razeel and I first met each other during the early months of fall. A fitting time I now think for what we were ultimately to become. At the time I was promised to another. From the moment I saw her eyes there was an attraction. You both felt it when you first saw her eyes. They have this bewitching quality that halts you in your tracks and inevitably draws you in. There is nothing worse than going against the calling of your heart. The struggle against it hurts and you always lose in the end. The things that came before were not to be. Ours was a friendship that blossomed into love and formed out of the betrayal of a broken heart. Mr. Cadmium you now have our heart so also know our pain.

We were torn from each other for several months. It’s unbearable, the coldness of loneliness after knowing the warmth of someone filling your bed. After knowing the press of warm flesh against yours in the night, a shield against the darkness. How can one put into words this pain? The pains of being away from ones love ones child, and ripped apart by ignorance in your absence. Now, that my friend is a pain worse than death to be vilified to your loved ones.

We survived--but just barely. The reunion was sweet. That night we lay in bed, after our child had been caressed by the kiss of slumber, and promised to remember our time apart. When the problems and troubles arose we could look back on it and remember, that we could survive. So we turned it into a game in which every other year we’d forgo sex for months on end to commemorate our time apart. At the end we’d throw a sexual feast big enough to rival Mardi Gras. We decided to move down here shortly after. It wasn’t enough to move we had to totally divorce ourselves from our past lives. So we legally changed our names. Until about several years ago you would not have found any record of a Kaos and Razeel Ravencroft to be found on any registry.”

“Why did you choose those names?”

“We wanted something different. Something that had not been forced upon us or already decided by others for us. We wanted our own identity.”

I listened on in stunned silence. The emotions were so thick they caught in my throat. “Where did you go, Kaos?”

“I had been forced to attend school by my parents. So I was sent to live with some relatives half way across the country. The purpose of the distance was clear to Razeel and I. They hoped that one or the other or both would find someone else. They never counted on us being steadfast in our determination to be together.”

I heard the faint click as the tape stopped. Lil fished out another tape for me, which I quickly slammed into place.

“What we’ll relate to you now is our…” He smiled at Razeel in a way that made her blush. His eyes twinkling subtly. “…Most recent, uhm, celebration.”

This is their story as it was told to us. We have not changed their words only name’s of people. The names of some places have been omitted.
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:43 PM
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Pixies Devilish Soul
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Chapter 1

It is as it was the day before. Razeel and I were both sexually frustrated animals on the edge of frenzy. The smallest taste of blood would send us over into a sexual rage.

It had been our custom to commemorate the periods of forced celibacy place upon us during the long courtship when we were apart. This year had been the worst by far. Our lives had stepped up in pace, significantly lengthening the game and sending it to a whole new level. The day and hour of our choosing was only three days away. Then things would drop back into place, after months of celibacy, a weeklong nonstop exploration into worlds of sensual delights would begin.

It was not just enough to tantalize and to arouse each other no we must shock and amaze or the game wouldn't be worth playing. We must make our lover cling to us knowing that the other was capable of anything. Also that we are connected in all things; bonded by marriage, by friendship, by respect, by love and by our insatiable sexual appetite.

Lately it was becoming hard to concentrate at work. The pressure was getting to me and Razeel took a perverse pleasure in taunting me but I wasn't mad, let her have her fun, even if my eyes kept darting to my lover and soul mate across the building. The very sway of her hips is telling me to take her and damn the customers. Her ass called to be grabbed. Her body-saying take me...fuck me...suck me.

I could smell the sweet pungent aroma of her pussy from across the room. She was like an animal in heat.


She'd taken to wearing no panties as of late something that I’d tried to encourage in our earlier years together. Now I fear it was done to drive me insane. Our sexual yearning and playful enticing led us to frequent a back alley adult rental shop.

This had started at the very begin. I remember it very vividly. God! It had been a turn on to hear her to watch her as she handpicked the videos. The laced up black half vest she wore accentuated her ample breast which threatened to spill out at any moment. I half hoped they would so that I could help her put them back into place. The knee-high skirt swished around, it was conservative and revealing all at once. The videos she picked she later told me on the basis of things she wanted to try, things she wanted me to witness, and things she thought were so plain dirty they'd cause me to take her in a fit of sexual fury. I must ask, is it bad to be known so well?

As she approached the counter she begins to rattle off the titles of the various videos, instead of handing the lady and man the boxes.

"Harem Whores, Gushing Cunts, Orgy Mania, Two's Company Five’s A Party, Daisy Chain, Big Breasted Concubines, Man-Servants, Raw Pussy, Raw Pussy 2: The Pounding."

Her melodious voice so steeped with raw untold longing, innocence, and sex appeal fills the air with erotic music all its own. The way in which she had carried herself left me and the two shop owners aroused. It is my opinion they had a very eventful night.

I believe that that was the night I found out that Razeel had begun to go pantiless. We'd arrived home the kids gone to stay with a friend of ours. The house was ours. The sexual energy filled the air like ozone. I got some wine while she prepped the VCR. By the time I came back in there the movie had already begun and Razeel had staked her claim to one end of the couch. She was leaning back across the arm of the couch her tits rising and falling with each breath. Her cleavage so pale and deep almost giving the impression one could fall in.

God! She has such beautiful tits. Her nipples were even poking defiantly through the material of her top. Her legs were bare. I scanned the length of her legs enjoying taking in the whole picture, all the way up to her skirt line. As I continued watching her, she caught me and turned over to view me asking, "aren't you gonna watch the movie?"

"I’m watching" I replied my mouth already a bit dry. "I bet you are." She says smiling her head falling back to view the screen. She reaches back scratching her leg as well as rubbing one heel against the other before settling back again. After a while her feet brush my thigh. I turn to regard her but she's semi-quiet only every now and then sighing to herself. As she sits there her legs are just spread enough to give me a good clear view of the pink inner folds of her juicy dripping cunt. The wetness is so laden with heat I can smell it's potency.

Damn her she can really be a lil' bitch sometimes. Clearing my head I eventually get back to work. One more day down.

The following day Razeel and I had a dinner date planned. As things were a bit backed up at work I made it to the little Italian restaurant a half-hour late. Upon entering Lindsey, our usual waitress, points out the table in her section.

"Razeel's waiting over there. I'll be over to take your order in a couple minutes."

After settling in Lindsey brought us some wine. Now there's a nice person. I remember when we first came here a year ago. Lindsey was our waitress then. Razeel had been in an inquisitive mood that evening. I think it was just the wine. We both drank entirely too much. She asked me what I thought of our waitress Lindsey. I told her, "she was okay." My face said I didn't want to go there but Razeel wasn't having it.

"Come on Kaos it's a simple question so be honest and tell me what you think. How does she look, and don't leave anything out."

"She’s pretty…I like the flaming red hair, it's probably not natural…a nice okay ass...average tits...a little too damn thin. She should eat more. Are you happy?" I say as I begin sipping my wine.

"Yeah." She lowered her voice a bit. "Would you fuck her?"

"What!?" That statement caught me off guard and caused me to choke on my wine. That in turn sent the object of our discussion over to see if I was okay.

I told her my wife tried to choke me. After she left Razeel gives me that look that says she wants to know. Those beautiful eyes always seem to turn me into a spineless jellyfish.

"Baby she's pretty but she looks too tame and innocent and there's not much to her."

She gives me a wicked smile that says she just won by pulling information out I didn't want to give. Then replies, "that's male for yes, but I have no intentions of ever getting within a yard of her so don't worry, you're the only one."

I smile she's always known me better than I know myself. Her smile brings me back to myself. She stands, leaning over the table, and begins whispering in my ear, "two more days and by the way..." Taking my hand in hers she rubs my hand across the underside of her skirt. "...I shaved and I’m very wet." She said as my hand grazed her hairless cunt slick with moisture. Then she once again sits down.

That had been the sum of our sexual encounters in the last several months, not counting the battle of sexual wills.

I'd recently found an outlet for my sexual aggression and it was paying off. I’d had the lower rooms of the house converted into an exercise room. It had been my outlet to workout whenever things got to be too much. I'd improved my abs and arms. Every time she got to me I took out my frustration with another couple reps on the free weights. It's all I could do to keep from going upstairs and raping Razeel repeatedly till she proclaimed me her god.

I can't say I didn't do my fair share of mental manipulation. I got her going more than once by pretending not to know she was in the room and flexing in the mirror. I've caught her licking her lips on more than one occasion.

The next day passed quickly but on the eve of d-day time stopped. Every single sexual memory bombarded my pitiful little mind from moment one.

On a previous occasion Razeel had me bound, gagged, and blindfolded she sucked me raw releasing her hold on my cock as I shot hot cream everywhere. Then as she removed the blindfold she held two crystal goblets. In one was deep red wine the other was half full of my cum. She took a draught of the wine and then turned back the one with cum and drank it down with the rest of the wine. "Your essence is mine every drop belongs to me." She said as I kissed her. I could taste the remnants of my essence mingled with the tart of wine.
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:46 PM
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Pixies Devilish Soul
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It turned me on so much I ripped the cords from my arms leaving me with a couple rope burns but I bore her down to the bed. Rubbed my cock against her wet snatch getting it sloppy and slick and banged her in her ass. I took her that way repeatedly before raping her pussy and once again fucking her mouth raw. She was hoarse for a week.

I couldn't keep these memories at bay. They invaded my senses like water in nostrils of a drowning man. I remember getting a card with an address on it. I followed the directions until a came to a large hotel. At the desk word had been left that I was to meet my wife at the penthouse. As I entered the room, Razeel stood blindfolded and bound to the two columns in the center of the room, beside her sitting upon a chair was a paddle with "punish me!" Written across it.

We had the whole floor to ourselves so I spanked her hard, leaving stinging red welts which I later cooled with ice but not before I grabbed her head forcefully and bid her suck me hard. I pushed her onto all fours and pounded her sweet cunt, over and over again. Each time I thrust her ass pained her arousing her more. Her pussy dripping sweet juice down to puddle on the hard marble floor. I fucked her rough and brutal her pussy stretching a bit far ripping from being tight and unused for months. Tearing it like it was her first time once more. Then finally exploding hot cum inside her pussy and all over her ass and back. "Clean me!" I said as with gasping breaths she sucked my gooey cock clean.

Over the course of the next few days; though, she dominated me. Breaking me down with aggressive, pleasurable torture. After a long fingering session her pussy sloppy and swollen she bid me bath her with my tongue every orifice. I licked and ate her out like a starving man before dropping down tired in a faint and waking up to her riding my cock till I exploded inside of her.

I could only wonder at what she had prepared for me. She had been sexually tormenting me as if she wanted to turn me into a wild animal and damn the consequences. I could only assume she wanted me to make it a brutal rape. To take her in deadly forms of taboo arts to which we had not yet attained.

Chapter 2

I guess that if I could see things from Razeel’s point-of-view it would be so different. Here I am my man drooling all over himself to get to me. She is good. My birthday was especially fun. Razeel tells me she's not feeling well and goes home. Three hours later I get a call from her telling me to rush home soon. As I enter the house I call out to her.

"I’m in the kitchen." Her reply cuts through the silence of the house.

When I step in the kitchen she's straddling one end of the table her legs spread. In the center is a small cake, whip cream lines her thighs and her tits. On top of the cake and whip cream is a cherry.

"Start with the cherry baby I know how much you like them." She said with a mischievous grin.

"Where’s the spoon?"

"It’s on the bottom so I guess you’ll have to dig for it."

I dug into the cake and cream face first licking and chewing my way to the very center. As I continued on sucking up the cream I found the elusive spoon. I thought she was kidding about the spoon being on the bottom, but low and behold there it was. The spoon presented me with an interesting thought. So I began working the cold metal in and out of her cunt added more cream to the mix. As I pulled it out my tongue replace it working its way in, out, and around sucking and lapping up the cunt juice. We never left the table as I pulled her over and hit the pussy from the side her screams filling the air. Her mammoth sized tits jiggling as I rammed that cunt with all of my might, her nails carving a groove in the large wooden table. Every time I eat at that table I see those grooves and smile.

My head cleared as my stomach began to growl. These thoughts had only helped me make it to midday and boy was I hungry. My knees buckled at the thought of plunging headfirst into that warm wet cunt. She could see my discomfort right away not to mention the evil gleam in my eyes.

She knew something was up by the way I kept staring at her. She’d been working me into frenzy all day. The outfit she decided to wear to lunch happened to be the shortest skirt I’d ever seen her wear. It was so short she decided to wear panties today. To my pain and pleasure it was a g-string, the skirt only came to midway on her ass. Half of her ass as well as g-string were showing. Where we lived that wasn’t too out of the ordinary. My hunger was intense. I’d gotten in a few reps before lunch so I was still a bit pumped. Adrenaline was flowing throughout my body. I’d worked up a sweat and had to change shirts. I’d changed into a black t-shirt (one or two sizes too small) which was tight across my arms and chest. The fact that it’d drizzled on us on the way to the restaurant added to the affect. It stuck to me as I started to remove Razeel’s jacket.

"Kaos what’s up I know you have something circulating through that evil little brain of yours."

"Nothing, I just thought I’d take you to a club tomorrow."

"That sounds like fun."

I didn’t think she was going to buy it at first but in the end things went my way.

It’s d-day all of my instinct told me "pounce on her now" but I willed it away. Before the week was over with I’d have shocked her many times over.

I decided on a gothic club Razeel had wanted to go to for the longest. There was just one thing she didn't know and it was going to blow her socks off.

As we arrived at the club, called "Satan’s Daughter", Razeel was growing more and more suspicious. Especially since we'd snuck in the back door and headed for the booths lining a corner on a raised dais. Two or twenty daiquiri's later she was loosening up. We'd already danced till we were dizzy.

"This has been a lovely evening baby." She says as she leans back onto the table. She was so hot. The violet tube top making her breasts all the more alluring than before. The skirt she had on was the same make as the one she wore the day before except it was the same shade of violet as her top. Today she'd forgone the g-string going au natural. As she sat on the table and I in the chair, I was at arms reach from her cunt. Its aroma was increasing the hotter she got. I reach over running my fingers up the smooth slit. It was warm but not burning to the touch, not yet anyway. Although I had plans to make it so before the night was up.

Her body was paler than normal, which was made possible by the vampire body gel and powder she was so fond of using. She looked like a paler version of one of those Japanese geisha dancers.

"Razeel come here." She hops off of the table and stands before me. My hand already three fingers deep in her cunt. Her knees grow weak and she stumbles falling to sit in my lap. Facing away from me at the crowd of writhing bodies she reaches behind finding me hard and begins to slowly unzip my pants. My cock slips quickly from its bindings her hand already stroking it. Moving back she impales her quivering pussy onto my hard shaft. A scream of ecstasy escapes to add to the noise around her. She looks back kissing me hard, hungrily and passionately upon the lips.

She rotates to the side lifting one leg straight up and arcing over my head hopping up and forward once again impaling herself on my throbbing cock. She grinds hard as my cock gorges itself on pussy and digs it's way in deep burying itself in hot flesh.

"You like that don't you motherfucker!" As she playfully slaps my cheek.

I answer by pushing forward and grabbing her ass to force my cock so deep stretching that pussy out like the pussy of virgin at her first time. She screams. Tears well up at the sheer ecstasy ever increasing depth of my cocks.

Chapter 3

A song called "Sex" begins to play; the dark trance music begins to vibrate the building. With a wave the titantron picks up the camera feed of us going wild upon the camera dais. The room goes into a frenzy as the sounds of ladies screaming during sex play out all over the room.

At that moment Razeel goes wild her eyes and skin glowing from the black light. She reaches behind me digging her nails into the fabric of my silk shirt. Her legs wound around and I thrust deep just as the music reached it's crescendo. We both cum her nails cut through my shirt dragging ten bloody scars up my back as she collapses on me. The video feed stops.

"That was wonderful baby." She says through ragged gasping breaths

"It’s only gonna get better." I say as I hand her three keys. "Do you remember Carl? Well he and I had a deal going a while back and he owed me some money."

"What are you saying?" I wave to the DJ who turns the camera on Razeel.

"Everyone meet the new owner, of 'Satan’s Daughter', Razeel Ravencroft" the DJ says. Razeel screams at the top of her lungs and embraces me in a deep passionate kiss that lingers on my lips well until after we leave the club.
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:50 PM
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The cab picked us up outside the club and Razeel began giving directions. I was totally lost as to where we were going. We eventually pulled up to an old Victorian mansion. One I didn't seemed to have been to but again I hadn't done much exploring lately.

Paying the man Razeel grabs my arm, "come on honey time to go."

The house was well lit and very well decorated. Razeel closed the door and moved further into the house until she came to a darkened room. I stop as she stops not wanting to stumble into her.

"Honey go to the parlor and wait for me, okay. I'll be there in a moment." I do, as she says wondering not for the first time what's up. After about twenty minutes or so she returns wearing a blue robe and carrying two bags that she drops in the parlor.


Razeel leads me to the back where a bath has been drawn in a large tub sunken into the floor. Rose petals float along the surface of the water. Razeel drops the robe and stands before me naked. She slowly removes my clothes and lays them to the side.

Razeel and I slip into the warm waters of the large bath. Slipping in behind me she begins to rub my shoulders massaging my muscles. Then I hear her clear her throat.

"Baby, you would do anything for me wouldn't you?"

"In a heartbeat my love."

"You may come in." She says. Two ladies, wearing similar robes as Razeel’s, walk in and also drop their robes. "You already know Lindsey, here, this is Carla." She says as she motions for them. They too slowly slip into the warm bath. The look of shock caught on my face produces a squeal of delight from Razeel.

"What’s wrong Kaos, don’t you like what you see?" Lindsey says as she sinks into the water.

"Come on, ladies, I think my hubby's a bit shy today." I back up to the edge of the pool. Razeel, seizing the moment, cuffs my hands together. "Oh one more thing you can't touch them but they can touch you."

The three ladies surround me leaving me nowhere else to go. Then one vanishes from my view. At that moment I feel a warmth and deep pressure surround my cock. It begins to furiously work around the head. Razeel kisses me on the lips and begins licking and nibbling on my ears, while the remaining lady pinches and sucks my nipples.

A soft warm voice sounds in my ear. "How do you like it baby? How do you like being controlled by three women you can't even touch? Does it infuriate you my love? Don't you just want to take us all?" With that Lindsey emerges from the water and connects another pair of cuffs to the pipe behind me and to the cuffs I already wear.

"That ought to hold you in place baby. Now just sit back with me baby and enjoy. I remembered how much you liked this part from the videos we watched."

Lindsey lay back rubbing her hands across her tits squeezing the nipples with each pass. Carla ran her tongue along Lindsey's wet slit sending a jolt of electricity surging through the woman's body. She slipped her hands under the girl's ass and raised her pussy up, tenderly taking her clit between her teeth. Carla squealed with muffled delight and buried her lips and tongue against Lindsey. In seconds they were consuming each other in a wild frenzy. As we watched on Razeel began stroking my cock rough and furious as she fingered her pussy with ferocious abandon. The site before us sending shocks throughout our systems.

We watched as Carla slid her tongue down and around to Lindsey's tight little ass. Lindsey wasted no time in rolling over and pouncing on Carla. Legs clamped together holding each other in place; mouths gorged on the tart tastes of women in heat and fingers worked inside asses and pussies.

Razeel continued stroking me hard. I begin nearing my peak and she backs off at the sound of my heavy breathing. The moans of the girls grow louder. Until they finally scream out loud in unison.

Razeel begins to unlock the cuffs my hands fall slack into the water. "Baby go into the next room and wait for me." I rise to leave but before I go I hear Razeel.

"Have fun you dirty sluts I’ll see you again in the morning." I leave heading toward the next room down. Inside is a large four post. I jump onto the bed feeling the down pillows give way.

As I look up Razeel appears at the door her long hair pulled into two long pigtails (kinda sailor moon-ish). All she has on are the red ribbons in her hair in her hand is a lollipop.

"I’ve been a bad little bitch. Are you gonna punish me." She says in the sweetest little kid voice. With that she begins twirling the lollipop between her cunt lips getting it all gooey.

"Are you going to spank me daddy?"

I notice the belt beside the bed. "Come here you dirty little slut." I grab her bare arm and throw her face first into the bed. The first strike is light she doesn't cry out but the second one makes her scream.

"Please daddy don't. Not so hard daddy. I can't take it."

"You take every stroke whore. I'm gonna fuck you so hard they'll have to scrape your pussy from my hard cock."

I ram my hard hot shaft into her pussy bruising it on first pass. She screams in pain and tries to crawl away but I’m quicker. I hold her down as I ram it in again and again raping it. She begins to whimper as each stroke tears her to the bone making her cum like crazy. She screams making animal sounds like a beast in heat. Her back arching. Her pussy was just begging to be fucked, to be torn a part. I ram on and on as she moans.

"How’s that bitch?"

"Uh! Fuck me! Yes fuck me motherfucker! Uh!"

Then she releases a shrill cry, which fills the air, as she collapses with my cock still inside her dirty cunt.

Chapter 4

Day 2—

I awoke to find myself alone in bed and the room devoid of the festivities it held the night before. My head was swimming a bit. As I tried to move I realized my arms had been bound to the bed. In walks Razeel with Carla and Lindsey in tow.

"I didn't think you'd ever wake up. I'm going keep my baby looking nice and clean. Lindsey please bring me the bowl." Lindsey walks out returning with a large bowl. Lindsey laid the bowl down between my legs. The steam rising from the top of the bowl was clearly visible to me.

Razeel took a cloth, wet it and began to wipe my cock. Moments later she spread shaving gel all around my cock and balls. "Ladies if you don't mind would you leave us for a while. Now be very still." Taking up the razor, she slid it down my flesh sheering the coarse hairs from around my balls and the base of my cock. The gel was cool as the warm blade slid across the shaft of my now erect cock. Holding the head as she went along, several strokes to the underside cleared it of all the hairs. Wetting the cloth once more Razeel removed the excess gel and stray hairs.

"There ya go all clean. How does it feel?"

"Cool." Taking my cock in her hand once more she rubs her tongue along the shaft up toward the head. Her warm tongue sending shocks throughout my body. Without another word she also leaves but not before giving me a look and saying, "don't touch those girls, okay luv." I nod to her as she leaves.

An hour and a half-later Carla walks in wearing a French maid outfit. If it weren’t so fetching on the lady I would laugh. I kept my comments to myself as she brought me breakfast. She stops three feet from the bed and lays the tray on the table. I watch her carefully.

"What’s for breakfast?” I ask. She raises the tray so that I can see. "Looks good. Can you untie me so that I can eat?"

"I’m not supposed to." She walks out leaving the tray on the other side of the room. Razeel walks back in twenty minutes later. "Carla says you want to be untied so that you can eat breakfast. Tsk tsk tsk! Dirty little boys like you must earn their breakfast. I'll make you a deal."

"What kinda deal?"

"If you take all of your medicine without complaint then you may have your breakfast."

"Okay." Razeel crawls up the bed, until she's right on my chest, turns around and sits back on my face.

"Eat that pussy good motherfucker. Lick it clean suck all of that cunt juice down like a good little boy." I work my tongue in lapping it up...rooting my tongue in giving it the best tongue-lashing every.

"Tongue fuck it, ya bastard. Suck that clit. Nibble that sweet cunt. Yeah that's a good little boy." I push up as best I can and rub my face in it.

"Yeah that's right rub it in. I want your face totally covered. Show me that you serve your mistress well." I suck on it for dear life as I make her gush hot cunt juice all over my face. It's so intense I think I’m going to drown in it. It flows up my nose as I root in deep making her cum once more.

"That’s a good boy. Lindsey he's ready for breakfast. Feed him and then come for me. Oh one other thing, Kaos, don't touch the girls."

I finished breakfast without incident and Lindsey went to get Razeel. Razeel came and untied me telling me to get dressed quickly because we'd all be going out.

"All of us?"

"Yes all of us, sweet heart." She said in her oh so sweet way, batting those beautiful eyes. "Baby, do you remember the rule now or shall I punish you to get it firmly into your mind?"

"Yes I remember. Don't touch either one of the girls."

A day at the park and botanical garden was great. Razeel and I hadn't been to the park in so long. I never thought I’d miss the country. I just don't see all that many trees and flowers in the concrete and steel jungle in which we worked. Sand and ocean were great but you had to miss the shade of a tree every now and then. All three women were hanging all over me, not overtly so just enough that I knew someone had gotten a bit closer in my personal arena. If this had happened during my teenage years I would have felt like a "stud".

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Old 01-23-2002, 08:52 PM
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It seemed as though Carla and Lindsey were competing for my affection. As we walked the mall surrounding the gardens. I had noticed subtle things, a slight squeeze of my ass by Carla as Razeel lead them into a store. Lindsey’s fingers running playfully across my neck at the food court. Razeel talking to a couple of ladies, friends we'd met at a club after we'd first moved into town...them smiling and pointing at me. Something was greatly amiss.

As the day progressed things got not worse but a bit uncomfortable. Lindsey had started it. She'd seen some outfit in a store which was a little more than she had. My offer of help earned me more than I’d bargained for, a long French kiss in full view of Razeel, before bounding back in the store. Carla had acted a bit different more flirtatious. At another trip to the food court I picked up an ice-cream cone. Carla asked if she could have a lick of my cone. I didn't see why not until after she began to eat it. Her motions aroused every man within eyeshot. Now let me say, I had been used to my wife's looks and manner, when each emotion played on her face, for a long time. Her expression when she said don't touch was as serious as any I’d ever heard from her. Although I glanced at her when she wasn't looking and it seemed she was taking a perverse interest in the things going on around me. Something big was up.

We arrived back at the house. I still had not found out whom it belonged to. I guess it didn't matter enough to tell me. I sat around waiting and wondering what was going to happen next when all of a sudden I heard bickering from the other room. When I walked in everyone stopped talking and began to do other things. I hope that it hadn't been a fight about me. Razeel knew I’d never cheat on her of my own free will and I’d be even less disposed to doing it if she asked.

Things went back to normal for an hour until I heard, "let's settle this ladies." Razeel walked in wearing vinyl pants and one of those blouses with a peasant top and carrying a riding crop. I loved those; they always accentuated the fullness of her tits and the hardness of her nipples. Down boy let's see what's up besides me.

"Strip!" Razeel ordered. Not waiting for me to move she begins jerking my clothes off leaving me standing in the room naked. "Move!" She says punctuating her command with a strike from her riding crop on my ass. I walk before her as she ushers me into the large parlor. In the center of the room are several mattresses. Across from them at the head and foot are stakes of some sort bolted to the floor. "Kiss me and lay down!" I do as she commands without a word. I know better than to speak at such times. As I lay on the mattresses Carla and Lindsey lock my hands and feet into place. I have just enough freedom of movement at my legs to move my knees.

Lindsey begins to speak; "you are going to settle something for us Kaos. I say all men fall short, Carla here agrees, your wife on the other hand says that you can outlast any woman and make her cum many times before you release."

"Yes, he has natural ability. Something you little sluts wouldn't know anything about. He could take on six women and not cum until I’ve told him to. I have trained him well. His willpower is like no other." She reaches into the zipper on her pants removing a purple ring with two blue balls on either end of the ring. Razeel licks and sucks on the ring before placing it fully in her mouth. She kneels down taking my cock in her mouth, her wet lips falling across my shaft, as the tight ring fits snugly but not to snugly into place.

"Kaos, do you know what is expected of you, my little man?"

"No mistress." A deliciously evil smile came over her lips.

"Okay let me put this plain and simple then. These two sluts as well as three others are going to fuck you silly. You are not to cum at all. If you do you will be punished. If you don't, well, you may choose your prize."

"I will not fail you my mistress."

As I looked up at Razeel the other three women enter the room. As they step in all of the ladies undress sliding bra and panties off giving me a full view of tits of varying size and cunts already dripping with pussy juice.

"Alright ladies you know the name of the game. You've seen or heard football players talk about it or been subjected to one the good ole American gangbang, except there's a twist. He is not aloud to cum until I tell him so. Ladies abuse him but don't bruise him, okay."

The first lady up was one of the newcummers. A very short lady with short cropped raven hair natural from the looks of the thick patch of cunt hair lining her cunt's outer limits. My eyes drift towards her petite breasts like that of a virgin schoolgirl. Her ass was too small and tight. She presented all of this to me as if she were a runway model. She slipped her tight little pussy over my stiff throbbing cock. It hurt as her pussy surrounded it. She had not been fucked hard before and it was hard going to squeeze inside. As soon as my cock had entered she began to ride putting all of her weight into it riding me for dear life.

She screamed loud as on one pass I thrust up with my hips tearing her, a little blood escaped along with a gush of pussy juice. She continued building pressure until she popped and let out another scream. The moans of pleasure from the ladies around us were distracting. The room was filled with cunt scent. The remaining five women fingered themselves to orgasm I could hear the wet slurpy pops as they fingered faster and faster. The room was filled with the sound of bitches in heat. Their mingled cunt odor choking me with sexual longing. The raven-haired beauty thrust her hips several more times cumming once again. By the looks of the clock she'd been at it for an hour.

Chapter 5

"That dirty cunt couldn't handle it. How bout you, honey?" I say as I motion to a maroon haired lady. Her skin was paler than the makeup Razeel had worn the day before. She had long coarse blonde cunt hair a big bright gold patch. She had more hair on a cunt than I’ve ever seen before in my life. She caught where my eyes were positioned, right away.

She straddled my face rubbing her ass and large bush all over my face. "You want that?. You can't handle that motherfucker." She says as she grabs my cock in a vice grip and twirls around looking me in the eyes. Licking the head once she literally hops on my cock rubbing against something cold and metallic. She noted my expression.

"You like my pussy piercing. Yeah you do don’tcha motherfucker. Answer me!" She says. Twisting my nipples hard as she rides my cock thrusting and grinding her hips at a slow pace. The muscles of her pussy squeezing the head.

"You’re not my mistress, bitch. Your dirty rotten cunt can't take this cock."

My mistress smiles with satisfaction. No one could tame the wild spirit of her man. So far their tight, juicy, and experienced cunts could not tame my cock. Even now she knew...she knew I belonged to her. She had always been told but to witness my defiance to submit even under the strain of temptation proved it with deeds.

The scene played out as the maroon haired temptress slapped me across the face hard before arching her back and adding yet another gushing spastic orgasm to the growing list of failures. "Can’t you sluts do anything right?"

Number three looked to be a problem. She was younger than the rest although, she bore a striking resemblance to the maroon haired slut who just got off. She was just barely getting into her teen years. I wondered what she was doing here. As she looked over smiling at maroon, Lindsey spoke.

"I’m sorry. I forgot to give introductions the first lady was Suzanne; to her left, melody; then there's orchid and this young thing is jasmine. By the way jasmine is a virgin, honey. I hope the thought of that sweet virgin twat hasn't shaken your concentration. "

It had but I wasn't going to let them know. Someone had coached her on appearance and everything. She looked like every lecherous man's perverse fantasy...young, pale, bright golden hair which was tied into two pigtails the ends were dyed blue. Around her waist she wore a blue flannel striped skirt the kind usually seen on catholic schoolgirls. She wore no top so I had a view of her over ripe melons. Her tits were quite developed but her face still held baby fat and youthfulness. She lifted the skirt showing me that all but a small round patch had been cleared from her young cunt.

Lindsey and Carla remove my bindings leaving me sitting there staring at the young girl. My eyes move to Razeel pleading with her not to have me corrupt this young thing. Her eyes tell me not to worry but her body tells me what's she's about to say. "Take her, now!"

My voice wavers, "only if my mistress wishes it."

"I wish it but be gentle." Razeel says her voice never wavering.

I lower jasmine slowly to the bed her tiny breasts and hard nipples were warm against my chest, her soft downy pussy lightly pressed against my crotch. Her tight muscles stretching as my cock burned its way through ripping the young flesh. I can see the pain in her eyes but I work through it.
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:54 PM
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"Fuck me harder daddy, please." That tiny plea makes me redouble my efforts thrusting till I can go no further. I've stretched her farther than her limits. Her pussy dripping blood and pussy juice. My body was working her over. Her gasps of pleasure like sweet music. She screams out she can no longer take it and collapses. I pull out and once again kneel before my mistress.

"I have done as you commanded."

"You have served and continue to serve me well. Did you cum?"

"No my mistress."

"You will in due time." She says as she walked over standing before him. Her sweet musky aroma invading his nostrils. "Here a taste of things to cum." She says allowing me to thrust my tongue and wiggle it around tasting her deeply. She walks back to her spot as Lindsey and Carla move to retie me tighter.

That's when everything got more intense the remaining ladies began to moan again as their cool fingers found red hot cunts. Lindsey and Carla double-teamed me enticing me with cunt scent and slobbering on my cock like a popsicle. As my cock got thoroughly saturated Carla spread her ass cheeks and impaled her virgin ass on my cock. Bouncing her body up and down as Lindsey fingered her hot pussy. Lindsey's pussy was right over my nose giving me a hot whiff of pussy stank. Carla cums hard flooding me with her juices. Getting up off my cock Lindsey shoves her blisteringly hot pussy over my cock engulfing it and riding for dear life as Carla squeezes her tits and plays with her clit firing her up more. She bucks, arching her back, and screaming as she gushes all over me. A feeling of defeat crosses her face.

There is a pained smile on my face as I breathe heavily and sweat nonstop. Razeel leaves and comes back with a large basin of water and a towel. She wets the cloth and begins to rub me gently clearing away the sweat wiping me from head to toe. The cool cloth feeling good as it rubs the head and shaft of my cock. I feel refreshed. Tossing the towel to the side she slides her mouth all the way down my shaft, the sensation is mind numbing, the tip of her tongue licking around the edge of the ring. Her teeth clamp onto it. As she slides her mouth back up the ring vanishes.

She squats down on my cock, her pussy taking me in. I've missed the feel of her. Nothing else in the world is quite like this. She rocks back and forth grinding in to get it all good and gooey. Her hands rubbing up my chest the touch burning me inside and out. She pinches my nipples hard the sensation sending a shock all the way to my loins. My balls quiver as I feel the urging of all of my pent up frustration call to me to be released. Her hips move faster...and faster...and faster a moan escaping her lips.

"I can't take it mistress."

"Not yet." She continues to push against me with all of her might my legs quiver with need of release.

"Please mistress. I'm yours I belong to no one else. I serve only you. Please release me." I beg

"Cum for me baby." She says as her nails dig into my shoulder and she clamps her pussy muscles down on me tight. I feel the wave after wave of orgasms from her body as she screams. I cum hard repeatedly. She moves back and forth milking me. After a moment she rolls over. To view the others showing them my cum flowing from her hot steaming cunt. With a ragged breath she orders them around.

"Here is your punishment for doubting me. You will eat, lick, and suck my lovers hot cum from my cunt. Take in every drop and then leave us." The ladies took turns lapping up my warm cum. My wife gave out the shallowest of moans as they sucked up my cum from her cunt like a cat with a saucer of milk. After they had finished the ladies dispersed leaving us to our own devices.

Chapter 6

“Where did all of those ladies come from?”

“They’re friends of mine. Women talk and they had some very frank things to say about you.” And that’s all that she would say on the subject.

Day 3—

I woke up feeling particularly randy. The events of the day before had taken their toll on her. I sat up thinking it would be a shame to wake such a sleeping angel. With that thought dismissed I grabbed both of her legs spreading them wide with such force she screamed. As she woke all she could see was the hungry look in my eyes as I rammed a rock hard cock into her pussy without hesitation. Her scream merely encouraged me.

"Good morning slut." I say as I grab her left tit and begin sucking and nibbling hard at her nipple, each pounding stroke forcing itself deep inside the still sleeping cunt bruising it. My dry cock burning and scraping against her cunt. Her screams started easing up as her cunt began to grow wet. I stop fucking her pulling my cock out of her cunt. Standing I walk to the bathroom to take a shower leaving the quivering slut to brood on what had happened

I stepped back into the room after a nice hot shower. She was still sitting where I’d left her. A small but tender voice escapes her lips. "Please fuck me? Please daddy?"

"I will decide when you'll get fucked bitch." I say as I step over to my discarded pants and pull out my belt and then popping it against my palm twice.

"Don’t daddy! Please daddy!" She screamed and pleaded as I took her over my knee. Her bare ass poking straight up into the air. The air whistle around the belt as I brought it down striking you across the ass and the back part of your cunt. With each whistling stroke the pain and whistling grow louder in her ears.

"Daddy I have to go to the bathroom."

"Your punishment’s not over yet." As she squirmed I struck her once more even harder her ass red with welts. "Are you gonna be a good lil' bitch?"

"Yes!" She screams as I struck her again a little too low. I felt a warmth roll over my leg. Reaching my hand underneath her I felt the wetness and noted its smell.

"I told you I had to go."

"Get in the bathroom now! Clean up and get dressed we're going out." She ran quickly into the bathroom.

An hour later we were being seated at one of the back tables of the local IHOP’s. The table was set up pretty nice here. The tables had long blue tablecloths. People sat further up from us marveling at the view of the waterway. The food arrived in record time but before Razeel could take a bite I stopped her hand.

"Did you think you'd get away with what happened this morning?" I say and in a lowered voice, "plus you owe me my prize mistress."

"What do you want?" I lean back and unzip my pants slowly so that she can see and scoot back up to the table. "You are to serve me here and now and don't come up until my cock is clean of cum."

Razeel slowly lowered to the floor as if looking for a contact. The swish of the tablecloth was barely noticeable in the dark atmosphere of the corner. As Razeel reached over grabbing my cock in her hand a dribble of pre-cum rolled down the tip to be lapped up by her waiting tongue. Taking the head in her mouth she rolls it over coating it in a warm bath of saliva and working the shaft up and down with her hand. The jerking and sucking became stronger as her hand moved underneath my balls and between my ass where she pressed down solidly. Massaging the sensitive underside of my cock and balls. The pressure so intense as she jerked. My body jerked just as she moved her hands deep-throating my cock. The hot jizz spraying the back of her throat with a loud grunt she swallowed every drop of my hot jizz. She licked my cock clean and then rose up.

She whispered lightly in my ear, "the pipe is clean master." As she notices the beads of sweat and the tight grip on my silverware she asks with a smile, "did I please you master or shall I do it again?"

"You pleased me and later you shall feel my pleasure."

Chapter 7

The minutes were ticking away towards nightfall, the thought of her warm mouth engulfing my cock sent a familiar stirring in my loins. The longing I felt for her was over powering.

As I took her into my arms her fresh sweet woman scent wafted into my nostrils. Taking her hand I lead her to the bedroom. As I removed her shirt her nipples peeked through the confines of her black lace bra. She fell into my arms as I lowered her upon the bed. Her lips were wet; and soft like the petals of a rose in bloom. I rubbed and fondled her through the material of the bra before reaching back to unclasp the hooks. Her tits spilling out. They jiggle, bouncing with their first act of freedom. Cries ring out as I reach up to squeeze a plump pink nipple between my fingers. I release the nipple pulling it into my mouth slowly savoring its gentle coolness. My tongue moved down finding the depression between her tits as I run it from her tits to the tender flesh of her throat. While I kissed her neck my hand reached up cupping her full roundness, kneading the soft flesh below the nipple. My other hand forcing her cum slicked sex wide. My hand encountered her moistness, then her small erect center of pleasure. Her gasps and cries welcome music to my ears.
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:56 PM
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My wet tongue parted her lips rolling over to squeeze between her teeth, her moans allowing me to gain entrance. Our tongues intertwined before I suckled of her tongue, pulling it into my mouth, and playing it across the sweet contours of her mouth. My hand played her cunt like a musical instrument. A great harp for my personal amusement.

Her hand reached down finding my rigid cock and began stroking it rubbing it against her clit. The feel of her wetness made me lose all reason. She released her hold and spread her cunt unnaturally wide awaiting my cock. She guides my cock inside of her. I wanted to touch every part of her being as I began to thrust my rigid cock. I wanted to split through her warmth and divine her soul; glean her heart’s desire. The up and down motion pulling at the now gooey walls of her cunt. The faint odor of desire filled the air with the perfumed musk of sex. With joyous abandon, I thrust in and out again and again driving forward. The movement, a dance, grew faster surging send us to higher peaks. She rose up to meet me each time matching me stroke for stroke.

Then with cries that rose in pitch we collapsed together spent. The overwhelming rush of energy and pleasure had left us both drained upon release. We both lay there holding each other too sensually spent to move lingering in the feeling of joining. Each time we reached this level not only did our bodies merge but we merged together on a more spiritual level.

That warm glow carried us on into slumber curled up in each other’s embrace.

Day 4—

I arose the next morning sometime after three. Most of the day had passed and the sounds of people from across the road were dying down. Razeel slept soundly with her head lying tenderly against my chest. Her soft breath tickling my skin. Kissing her lightly upon the lips I edged my way out of bed. The ladies, all except Lindsey and Carla, had long since left I could only imagine what task Razeel still had yet for them to perform. It seemed everyone in the house was caught in the grips of a sexually exhaustive slumber.

It wasn’t yet time for my new plan to take affect. Today I would plan every detail out in my mind. Razeel would feel the full force of my ardor. You can lose yourself in thought especially when downing a small glass of sherry, and that is what I did. Many minutes later with a new bottle in hand and a plate of fruits and cheeses I headed back to the bedroom. The wooden steps were cool against my feet as I ascended the staircase. As I left the stairs, the sound of giggling, grunting, and soft moaning caught my attention.

“Mmm more! Oh god more!” Stopping slowly in front of the bedroom I lightly push the door open a crack. The image before me shocks me to my core. Razeel lies back writhing on the bed as Carla sucks on her cunt, while Lindsey fucks Carla with the aid of a strap-on. I am shocked to see Razeel in this light. The sight of Carla with her head buried in my wife’s sweet, sweet cunt inflames my passion. All I seem to can do is stand there and watch as Carla’s nimble tongue and fingers bring Razeel to a cataclysmic orgasm.

Lindsey pounds into Carla’s tight little muff. Each stroke brought Carla closer to the edge. The pounding pushes her face deeper into Razeel’s steaming inner folds. Carla tries to scream only to have all sound cut off by a mouth full wet snatch.

“Oh yeah my dirty little slut likes that don’t she?” The only acknowledgement that Carla heard Lindsey was the waving of her ass as she pushes back harder into her.

Razeel arches her back as Lindsey thrusts Carla deep. “Ugh... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!” Carla and Lindsey cum together with a blood curdling, earth shattering scream before once again falling back onto the bed.

With breath caught in my throat and my heart racing I enter the room it’s sex-laden air bringing a stirring from my crotch up. My head was swimming at the sight I’d just witnessed.

“I guess you ladies could use this.” I say as I open the bottle offering each a draught of the cool red wine. “That was quite a show.”

Lindsey pulls the strap-on off and tosses it on the bed. I sit on the bed as Lindsey gets up to close the door. “You bad little boy. Were you spying on us?”

Razeel crawls across the bed and kisses me and I hear a click. “We know how to deal with bad little boys like him, don’t we ladies?” She says, as she locks the cuffs in place and pushes me over.

Carla grabs my hands binding the cuffs to the headboard. Lindsey stuffs a pair of panties into my mouth, as Razeel stands up holding the strap-on. The ladies stick their fingers in their mouths. The next thing I feel is their warm wet saliva against my ass. Carla drops to her knees tonguing my as getting it nice and wet. Probing fingers dig deep spreading my cheeks and loosening up my ass.

“Are you scared? There’s nothing to be scared of, my little slut-puppy.”

She says oh so sweetly as she slowly slides the cool hard latex cock into my ass. It hurts at first as it rips through my virgin ass. Razeel pumps furiously. The pain subsides as it begins rubbing against my prostate. My cock becomes hard a slender sheen of pre-cum settling upon the tip. Carla and Lindsey suck and lick my cock and balls taking turns. The sensation of them sucking the inside and the fake cock rubbing against other side is overwhelming as I spray cum all over Carla and Lindsey’s face and tits. I fall limp being cradled by Lindsey who’s still covered in my juicy semen.

Chapter 8

I was physically exhausted as the ladies tied me to the bedposts in a kneeling position, my back exposed. As an after thought a blindfold was added. I sat there drained from head to toe. I could feel the raspy tips of Razeel’s cat-of-nine-tails. I was not prepared for the first lash, which came quick and hard. After several more strokes she finally spoke.

"Have you learned your lesson you bad little monkey?"

"Yes I have mistress."

"We’ll I’m not so sure. Sit there till I see fit to come for you." The minutes ticked away becoming hours. The clock on the nightstand told me only two hours had passed. My arms were numb and my shoulders sore. They knew no concept of time, it may as well have been a year. Carla walks in and unties me. She helps me to my feet and guide’s me to the bathroom.

“Razeel said we’d all be going out tonight and that you needed to be cleaned and dressed within an hour. That doesn’t leave much time.”

“Time for what?”

“Time for us to play.” She says as she kisses me.

“Where’s Razeel?”

“She left on an errand but she told me to tell you. She expects you to obey me in her absence.” She says as she drops to the tile floor. “That’s why you’re gonna fuck me and cum in my nice tight ass, isn’t it.” I move over to rub my cock in her pussy to get it wet when she stops me.

“No I want you to force that motherfucker in me. Do it hard! Rip me open!” I spread her ass and ram my unlubed cock deep in her tight ass. “Mmm…I’m a dirty whore…give me that cock give it all to me. Punish me.” I can feel as her ass tears she screams with pleasure from the glorious pain. She forces her ass farther back as I ram her tight rim.

“Yes that’s it ram that fat cock in my ass. Ungh!” She starts breathing real hard and real fast as I pound real deep. “Cum in my ass...yes…fill me up oh god!!!” She screams as we both cum hard. Pushing her hard away from me my cock flies out spraying long streams of cum everywhere.

I hear a clapping sound as the door opens. In walks Razeel her pussy all wet from her pussy tickling. “Bravo baby you made that poor cunt scream for it. That’s my big powerful man. Oh…really big.” She says as she notices my now growing erection. “What do you wanna do with that?”

Dragging her close and pushing her to the floor she realizes exactly what I plan to do. Thrusting my cock in deep I rape her ass with the abandon of a randy bull. My engorged cock feasting on fine female ass. Her screams are a sweet concert of lust to my ears as she pants and roars like a lioness for me to cum for her hard and juicy.

"You love this don't you, for me to leave you juicy with my cum running outta your body."

"Yes master!"

“Bathe me so that we may get ready for dinner.”

“Yes master!”

The ladies rushed to my side. They began bathing me with a tenderness that only a child knows from its mother. The warm water trickled down my body refreshing the burning muscles strained from sexual exertion. The feel of the towel caressing me sends tingles to all of the right areas. They kiss me lightly before I leave the room to get dressed.

An hour and a half later we were all seated at a nice table in a French restaurant of which it pains me to say I can’t pronounce. I sipped my wine slowly not wanting to get crocked totally during the first course. After a while Lindsey began to speak.
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Old 01-23-2002, 09:00 PM
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“Razeel? Kaos? I speak for both of us when I say these few days have been great. We are glad that you included us in on it. Maybe we can do it again sometime.” The dinner continued on in a festive manner with good food and lots of wine. By evenings end we were all crocked. Carla and Lindsey said their farewells outside the restaurant as they got into the waiting taxi. We pause for several minutes watching their cab slowly speed away before hailing another.

Razeel looks up at me with questioning eyes before voicing her query. “Do you miss the attention, my love?” This was the first time worry had creased her face in many days.

“Not in the way you might fear. I miss the novelty of it nothing more. No matter how many Carla or Lindsey’s you introduce, we will always be the only two people that matter to each other.” I say taking her chin in my hands. My lips graze the surface of hers as we kiss in the street. The taxi pulls up shortly after we break our embrace.

“Where to?” The cabby asks as he looks back through his rearview mirror. I wonder to myself what we must have looked like to him in our formal wear, a vampire couple out for a night on the town.

“Take the long way to Garden Park.” I tell the cabby. Razeel is a bit feverish from all of the wine. The alcohol giving her cheeks a barely flushed appearance. The dark crimson of the strapless silk dress was almost black in appearance. The shade made her ample bosom look so pale in the dim lights coming through the windows. She was radiant.

“You look so sexy tonight love.” Pulling her to me forcefully as I nuzzle her neck. I slowly kiss my way up her neck, tenderly allowing my tongue to just glide up grazing the skin of her neck. I move to the tender part of her throat dragging my teeth roughly over its delicate surface. The rhythmic depth of breath tells me that she’s enjoying it. I can feel her pulse quicken sharply as I kiss across the veins of her neck.

I slide my hand gently under the edge of her dress feeling for presence of her warm wet snatch. I meet resistance as my hand caresses the outline of a thong. Hooking my fingers up under the side I tug slowly at them. Razeel raises up to allow me to remove them intact. As my hand drags the wet pair of panties down to her feet and slip them off I notice that they are the cutest shade of pink that I’ve ever seen. I lay the saturated thong to the side as I begin to thrust three fingers in her waiting cunt over and over again making sure she’s slick and horny as hell. Her hands move to unzip me slow, agonizing seconds. Taking my throbbing cock in her hands she begins pumping it. I pull her over to straddle me her warm wet cunt pulsating with sexual energy as I bury my cock deep. She moans in my ear as she begins to grind me hard giving my dick a good buff with her swollen cunt muscles.

The cabby is visibly startled by this turn of events, two well dress fares fucking like wild beasts in the backseat of his taxi. The cabby moves to turn on the defogger since our wild passionate breathing was giving his visibility hell. The cabby almost swerves off of the road when Razeel screams in a deep throaty voice, “I’m a bad whore, a dirty cunt that needs to be punished. Oh yes baby fuck…fuck…fuck that pussy. Ungh! Give me that sweet cum.” She yells at me as she begins whipping her hips. Her cunt muscles tighten tighter than I’ve ever felt them. As if the thought of fucking me while speeding down the interstate at 75 mph had turned her into a sex demon.

I rise to meet her thrusting my pelvis in time with hers and she screams louder. “Goddammit give it to me you bastard. Give it to me now.”

“Alright you dirty bitch I’ll give you what you fuckin want.” I raise my hips grab hers jerking her forward and thrust deep in shooting my steaming loading into her cunt. The shockwave makes her collapse.

The cabby finally reaches the park. As we step out I can see beads of sweet on the man’s face and a large cum stain on his pants. I step out and begin counting out bills to pay the fare. With an evil grin I look over smiling at Razeel. “Baby I’m a little short could you give the man a tip.”

“Sure thing baby.” She says as she sees what my eyes drift to. Picking up the pink thong she runs it over her wet dripping cunt. As I hand the man the cash she hands him her wet and soiled panties. He takes them and thanks her.

As I grip her hand words cannot express my feelings. Razeel and I walked hand-in-hand under the full moon. The short walk led us to the waiting carriage I’d chartered at the restaurant earlier that evening. I helped her board the carriage, which bore us along the cobblestone paths of the park and into wistful fantasies of youth. Razeel lay her head on my shoulder her hand on my chest. Her body yielding to me telling me she felt safe and contented in my arms. The clopping of the horse’s hooves beat a slow rhythm sending Razeel away from me and into the arms of slumber.

The carriage carried us briskly back to the old house. She did not resist as I led her sleepy form from the carriage.

“Goodnight sweetheart. I love you!” She mumbled something as she rustles the covers and fell back silent once again.

Day 5—

The morning came with magnificent splendor as the first rays of heaven shown through the large picture window of the bedroom. It bathed the body of my beloved in heaven’s glory. In a matter of moments I’d see something I’d promised myself long ago. I kissed her lightly on the lips. Razeel stirred on the bed opening her eyes and staring up at me.
“Oh, good morning love.” She said as I stared at her beautiful naked body. “What’s wrong? You’re looking at me funny.” She turned to move and something slid across her nipples. Moving a hand down she feels it carefully. Looking across from the bed she finally sees what it is, for the first time. Around her neck and draped across the cleavage of her massive breasts is an interwoven diamond necklace with a star-shaped diamond in the center.

“K.?” She begins but I cut her off just as quick.

“Yes, they were expensive and no I will not take them back. They look beautiful sitting just where they are. Oh before I forget there’s something else I have for you. Come with me.” I grab her hand and pull her down the stairs towards the den. Inside is a backdrop of black velvet curtains and a long curved chair lined with silk. Across from it is a camera on a tripod. She just stands there mouth agape. I allow her to walk ahead of me and view the room.

“What is all of this?”

“Oh just a little something I threw together angel.” I say as I slip a pair of long white-feathered angel wings onto her back. The straps fit very well on her. When she finally got over the initial shock I lay her across the chair and began to take a couple photos of her lying down. She looked stunning. The arm lying underneath her breast boosted them even more, pushing up the diamonds. The light causing them to send cascading rainbows throughout the room.

“That was good. Let’s try something else now.” I said walking over to my long military duffel. Reaching in I pulled out a sword. It’s long crooked blade shining as light hit it. The hilt was well crafted emblazoned at the end was the skull of a dragon with two red crystals for eyes and a blue stone in it’s gaping jaws.

I handed her the sword. She held it carefully in awe the shiny silver blade bewitched her, as I knew it would. “Be careful love it’s sharp.” I position her with her right leg overlapping her left covering her sex, the flat of the blade resting against her smooth naked flesh. She held the hilt with a backhanding grip giving the impression of her being a seductive “Angel of Death”. The animalistic look in her eyes added to the illusion.

I wanted to take her right then but I pushed on. I could tell the feel of cold steel was making her horny so I moved on to take another photo. The curved blade made me think back to our wedding, the second wedding. The first had been a quick ceremony, before a few witnesses, just to make it legal. The second was a large ceremony with family and friends. I reminisce as I look down at my hand. I looked at the long curved scar going across my palm. Razeel bore a similar scar. During the ceremony the Wiccan priestess held the hilt of a long crooked dagger similar to the sword Razeel now held. She ran the daggers cool blade between the palms of our outstretched hands. The blade cut deep scoring our palms with a cut that mirrored each other. As the dagger was removed we squeezed our hands together. The priestess caught our mingled blood in a chalice of wine. We were mates under the law but that day we became mates under the universe. The soul that was once two had become one.

“Is something wrong love?” Razeel asks.

“Sorry my mind wandered.” I say as I take the sword from her hands and remove the wings from her back. In the process I pull her long mane of hair into a tail. The way she is laying allows the long ponytail to fall across one hard nipple.
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Old 01-23-2002, 09:01 PM
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“What no props, baby?”

“Wait one minute.” I lay a stuffed tiger at her feet and toss her a bullwhip from the bag. “Bad kitty.” I say as I get back behind the camera. I snap off one photo before I get distracted. Her hand begins to wander from its perch on her thigh until it’s resting between her legs.

She begins rubbing her clit slowly. “Umm yes bad kitty.” She moans as she does it faster. I continue to snap off photos, over and over again. I change the camera out a few button clicks later and I hit the shutter key. The camera whines and clicks off several second later.

I move out from behind the camera and kiss her repeatedly on the lips. I’ve never felt such lips--lips so sweet and tasty. I suck on her bottom lip. It quivers slightly in my passionate grasp. I bring my tongue to bare on her lip running it along before massaging it’s way into her mouth. After several all too soft caresses I move my tongue down her body. She grabs her knees and lifts her leg up onto the chair and spreads her pussy wide.

My tongue wades into her warm love canal and begins to stroke its way through currents and rapids of cunt juice. I suck her clit, flicking my tongue over it again and again. She throws back her head screaming with devilish glee as her legs pull my face in and she begins suffocating me with her cunt. After several minutes I pull her legs apart and inhale sharply sucking in her pussy’s juice. Then breathe out inflating her pussy and making it explode with sexual fire. I continue eating her, pussy juice drips from my chin. I stare into her face, her cheeks flushed and red with heat as she says, “Fuck me! Fuck me now.” I keep eating her making it raw my tongue fucking her to the bone. “Please. Please fuck me and I’ll do anything.”

She eyes my hard throbbing cock. As I move towards her she immediately begins grabbing for me. Her hands guide me into a pussy that is now feverish with longing. Longing to be brutalized; longing to be raped; longing to be fucked into oblivion. I move forward divining her deep well just as she begins pushing forward. We meet and she sends us falling. I turn her over and slam her back hard onto the marble floor. She cries out as I mount her. Her legs stretched back over her. Her body lying bent double as she is pounded into the hard surface. Each cry making me push on faster and harder.

“Please baby I can’t handle it.” I push forward hard thrusting her deep and make her cum buckets. In her throws of pleasure her shoulder skids roughly across the surface giving it a small friction burn. She finally lays still fucked into exhaustion. I place the pillow under her head and the tiger beneath her arm. I snap two more shots of her afterglow and shut the camera off.

I left her to sleep away the languor of sex. She was so beautiful when she slept. It’s how most people envision angels to be. She was always so accommodating, ready to please, ready to go at it at a moments notice. At times like this my mind was never clear. I kept seeing her lying on the bed. Her voice deep and throaty lustful as she said, “I want you to fuck me, K. You can do whatever you want. I want to be your personal little whore and I will do whatever you say. I will fuck you whenever you want or wherever you want to, K. You don't know how long I’ve longed for you, lusted for you, and loved you. I’ve been waiting for you the whole of my life. Come to me.”

She had said these words to my soul. There is no such feeling as that of being needed, loved, and yearned for.
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams
no mortal ever dreamed before.
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Old 01-27-2002, 03:46 AM
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I couldn't stay like this forever I had plans to attend to. Quickly getting up I head into the anteroom to use the phone. "Yes. One o'clock will be great the key will be under the mat. Your instructions will be on the parlor table." I finished and hung up the phone.

"Now all I have to do is take Razeel out shopping and then dinner."

We arrived back at the house around eight. I took the packages and placed them into the hall closet. I left her to stand there. After several minutes I returned she looked kind of edgey, especially when she noticed the riding crop in my hand.

"A bath has been drawn for you. Take off your clothes now." She slowly took off her clothes and recieved a whack on the ass from Kaos's riding crop. "I said now. Hurry up before 'it' get's cold." After removing her clothes she shivered. The cold air already making her nipples stand on end. Something about Kaos's manner made her cheeks flush with something acken unto embarrassment.

"Follow!" He said before walking into a downstairs bathroom. She missed the subtle changes in things as she kept her eyes downcast. Her senses caught a familiar odor in the air. The smell was potent and masculine like the way the air is during those daily workouts at the gym. Whack! An intense pain shoots through her calf and back end.

"Stop dawdling!"

She moved on into the bathroom with eyes still downcast. The end of the riding crop slipped under her throat and begin moving her chin up.Her surroundings now becomming rapidly more evident. Before her were three women. The first woman stood only 4'9". Her long brunette hair fell gently down her light tan skin and across her deep brown pools of eyes. Her stature was consistent with her petite build she could have only weighed no more than 90 lbs. The second beauty was only 5' with short hair almost black unitl light hit it the right way sending it into a shimmering burghandy mass, a stunning contrast against her pale skin. The final beauty was 5'4" a hairs breath taller than the second beauty. This woman's black hair, with skin dark beyond comparison, gleamed in the light. The nubian beauty smiled at Razeel as she ran her hands down the length of number two's breast. Her own awsome mammories floating in the contrast to the pool of cum supporting them. She looked on as if finally noticing that the tub did not contain water but in fact cum.

"This is Rita, Tammi, and Sarah. They'll be joining you this evening. Their husbands' were kind enough to drop them off for some much needed fun, training and discipline. Mostly to discipline you." The last part he whispered to her before pointing each one out with a flourish of his riding crop.

"Ladies This is Razeel. She will be your entertainment for the evening." As he said this he motioned her forward toward the tub. She looked on as if finally noticing that the tub did not contain water but in fact cum. She took a tentative step before being pushed headlong into the tub of warm cum. She pulled her head above the surface her hair slicked back by the large vessel of essence.

"Ladies. Here are the ground rules. Don't hurt each other. Not too many permanent scars. Above all have fun but when you're done bring your new playtoy to me understand. I'll decide who gets to play then. Oh one other thing, you are to drink this tub down until you find a red line. I hope you're really thirsty. Because if you do not make it to that line you will all be punished." Before leaving he tosses three strapons into the tub.

Kaos walks off smiling evilly since there isn't a redline. Once he reaches the den he begins to set the room up for the next round of games before retiring to the kitchen. The laptop in the kitchen displaying a video feed from the webcam hidden in the bathroom. Popping the cork from a bottle of champagne he sits to enjoy the sight of the ladies cum wrestling for possession of the three strapons.

Unfortunately enough for Razeel the three newcomers win and begin advancing on their cornered quarry.
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams
no mortal ever dreamed before.
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Old 01-27-2002, 11:47 PM
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In the other room, Kaos reaches into the laptop case removing a DVD. He gently slips the DVD into the computer and watches it glide back into it’s housing. He taps the mouse pad lightly setting the computer to record the video feed onto the DVD. Pouring some more wine he sits back to enjoy the goings-on taking place in the bathroom. Only partially paying attention a smug smile creeping across his lips. “Humph! Christopher and his boys did a great job filling that tub. I didn’t think they’d get it filled in seven hours. I don’t want to know how many of them it took. That’s a pretty big tub. Probably had the whole athletic department over here. I guess it pays to be on the athletic booster at the local community college.”

His musings are interrupted as a loud squeal comes from the computer’s speaker. His attention once again was drawn back to the screen. Tammi and Sarah had forced Razeel around and were holding her down as, Rita; the voluptuous Nubian thrust the strap-on deep betwixt her tender labial lips. Rita pinched Razeel’s nipples hard as she ground all 10-inches of the strap-on into her.

“Dirty tramp!”

“How is it you rotten whore?”

The other ladies taunt her. “Drink it in, you fucking cunt!” Sarah says as she dunks Razeel’s head beneath the surface of spunk forcing her to suck the head of her long fake phallus. Several minutes went by before Sarah wrapped her hands firmly around Razeel’s hair and tugged. The cumlogged whore rose sputtering cum with each cough. It was literally cumming out of her pores. Tammi took the opportunity to bite down her neck and shoulders until she reached her still erect and swollen pink nipple. She twisted it and nibbled all around it before biting the tip. Razeel shivered and once again squealed.

“What’s the matter little bitch are we too much for you to handle?”

The three women rolled her in between them so that they could get a better angle. Using the cum as lube, they each forced the strap-ons into all of her holes. Rita blasted her ass over and over as Tammi fucked her sweet cunt to oblivion. Sarah fucked that pretty little mouth of hers like an animal in heat. Razeel came with a tremendous orgasm that left her limp slumped against the side of the tub. The Nubian rose and stepped out of the tub. The sticky milky liquid clinging to her ebony skin. Her silky black patch of nether down now white with the sticky masculine essence. She was followed closely by the other two ladies supporting Razeel between them.

“Wake up bitch!”

“Hey slut, wake up!” The last phrase accented by a slap across the cheek. The sting of the blow arouses her. The languor of sex falling away quickly as they forced her to her knees before the Nubian. She spread her legs.

“Clean me!” She said. As she motioned for her to suck her spunk matted pubic hair. She trembles hesitating at the forcefulness of the women. That was until a wet towel cut across her with a biting blow to her back.

“Suck it you ungrateful bitch.”

“Don’t you know what you’re good for you whore!?” Tammi says as she grasps her by the hair and forces her down. Razeel begins to chew and suck the cold spunk from the still matted pubes. The cold cum slid slowly down her throat. The tub’s heating coils had kept the semen warm as they played in its depths. The Nubian breathed heavily as Razeel’s tongue entered her searching out the white viscous liquid. Rita shuddered as her muscles clenched and unclenched drenching Razeel in that which she had been seeking. She rose up steadily only to be pushed back down.

The Nubian cocked one ebony eyebrow above her amber catlike eyes. “You’re not done slut. Do I look clean to you? Clean me! And take your time.” Razeel slowly began to lick away the cream from her feet and from between her toes then continued on an upward path towards her navel. After many minutes the front end of her body was cleared of cum and slick with saliva. The ebony skin glistened with the efforts of Razeel’s tongue bath. The Nubian rolled over and spread her cheeks and thrust her ass in the air. Razeel bent over and began to lick the woman’s buttocks with great fervor. Her tongue sliding down Rita’s crack running around and around her small puckered opening. Every now and then she would flick her tongue over the opening making Rita shiver with delight. As she relaxed more and more under the brutal ASSault Razeel’s tongue impaled Rita’s asshole fucking it like a well-slicked cunt. Rita cummed again fiercely before rising and patting Razeel on the head like an obedient dog.

Tammi lies down to take her place. “Don’t worry I will only ask one thing of you that is if you will grant me a boon later?” Razeel nods slowly. “For now you have only to lick my twat clean but remember your promise for later.”

Kaos watches and listens with great interest before noticing that he had finished the entire bottle of champagne. Alcohol only seemed to make him hornier. The more he drank the hornier he became. Pulling a bottle of Chardonnay from the refrigerator he proceeds down the hall toward the den.

Across the way in the bathroom Razeel is just finishing up the last lady before falling back onto the marble floor.

"It's not time to sleep yet. Your master gave us specific instructions before he left. He wants some of that tub emptied out, so hop to it." Sarah says as she strikes Razeel across the ass.

"Yes hop to it ladies we still have a very busy evening." He says as he whacks the riding crop across the frame of the door. "So faces in and let's drink up shall we."

They all push their faces over the edge and begin lapping up the creamy discharge with a reckless abandon.

"Hurry gutter sluts we don't have all night." He says slapping each across the ass for emphasis. They continue lapping and sucking until almost two and a half levels have gone down in the tub. "Alright you cum guzzlers get up and wait for me in the next room."

Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams
no mortal ever dreamed before.
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