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Old 02-22-2006, 08:21 AM
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One Winter

This story may take a little bit to write. I am working on it a little at a time so please, hang in there.

Chapter One

Dawson Ranch in Mission Creek, Montana mid-Winter early 1800's

James Dawsaon couldn't keep from laughing and smiling as he left his barn. It was growing dark as the snow lightly fell, the voices of his twenty-three year old daughter, Rebeka (better known as Becky) and his thirty-eight year old foreman, Clint Carson could be heard loud and clear. Once again they were arguing. This time, James had to agree with foreman though. Becky wanted to go for a ride on her new horse, but Clint argued that the weather could trun rapidly turn bad and she didn't need to go. James had even told his daughter that he agreed with his foreman. Becky shot her father a look that could have killed.

James was still smiling as reached the house. Irene, his wife of twenty-five years, smiled at him and asked, "I take it their at it again?" "Yup," James answered before kissing his wife's forehead. Both knew that Becky and Clint were madly in love with each. Even all the ranch hands could see it. The only two having the problem seeing it was Becky and Clint. A few moments later, the slamming of the back door annouced that their daughter had entered the house.

"He is the most sufferable man I've ever been around," Becky said, trying to calm herself. James and Irene smiled at their daughter. "Yes Becky," Irene said, "we usually do have a tendecy to fight the most with the ones we love the most. I guess the fear of telling someone how we really feel for them stops us from telling them at all."

Becky had a look of shock on her face. "Mother," she stammered, "are you suggesting that I am in love with that over grown barbarian?" "Well, you are, aren't you, dear," Irene asked. Becky was speechless at her mother's question. In a shock induced haze, Becky forgot about supper and made her way to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed. Stareing up at the ceiling she asked herself, "Could I really be in love with Clint Carson?"

Becky didn't know how long she had laid there. The thoughts of Clint's nearly six foot tall and very musclar body kept running through her mind. He was one a large man, not due to being over-weight mind you. He was broad at the shoulders and narrow at the hips. His dark brown eyes matched his hair. His large hands were rough and callouse worn. She had on occassion felt those hands on hers. Her thoughts now drifted to the prospect of them rubbing those parts of her that was covered by her undergarments. "MMM," she moaned as she thought of them making love. It wasn't long until she drifted off to sleep, still fully dressed and laying on top of her bed, with the dreams of "what could be" filling her head.

In the bunkhouse, Clint sat at the wooden table, finishing his meal. His thoughts were once again on that... that... female. Oh, how his blood boiled just thinking about the selfish, self-centered woman. He was brought back to reality as the men started moving away from the table, banging their metal dishes into the basket that would be picked up in the morning my the house maid.

"She's on your mind again, huh," asked one of the men he shared the bunkhouse with. "Yeah," Clint said before realizing he had even answered. "You love her," said another. "Just tell her," another chimmed in. "Yeah right," Clint huffed, "me in love with the likes of her." Turning to one of the older men in the room, he asked, "Hank, when did you first know that you were in love with your late wife?" The older man looked up from pulling off his boots and answered, "When I realized that I fought with her just so that I could be near her. Just like you and Miss Becky do. Ask yourself this: If she was to leave tomorrow, could you live without? If the answer is 'no', then tell her that you love her."

Clint dropped his own metal plate into the basket, blew the lamp out, and then went to bed. But sleep was far from his mind. Becky's small, slender five foot six body kept running through his mind. He could see her long strawberry blonde hair blowing in the wind. The way her green eyes sparkled each time the fought. The way her breast heaved each time she drew in a deep breathe, just so she could keep yelling at him for no reason. The way her dress hug not just her breasts, but her hips and nice, round ass too. He could feel the yearning, no the need, to lay between her legs over take him for the hundredth time. "Hank is right," he thought to himself as he laid int the dark on his own bunkbed. "I do love her. I know beyond anything that I could never live without her." Clint then slipped into a deep sleep filled with dreams of making love to Becky over and over again.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 02-23-2006, 09:12 AM
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Chapter Two

The snow that had lightly begun to fall the night before had turned the Dawson Ranch into a beautiful winter wonderland. Virginal snow covered everything that Becky could see from her bedroom window. The barn, the yard, the fields, even the tall mountains in the distance was covered in the white blanket. "HHHMMM," she sighed as she looked at the bunkhouse, "He's so close to me and yet, he's so far away." Changing out of yesterday's dress, which she had slept in all night, she choose one that made her green eyes shine. Flipping her long strawberry blonde off her shoulders, she gave herself one last look in the mirror before heading to the kitchen.

"Morning mother," she said as she sat down at the table. "Where's father? He's usually here to eat with us." Irene smiled up at her daughter. "He's already eaten and is now out at the bunkhouse talking with Clint," she answered. Becky's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Clint's name. Her hands trembled as she poured herself a cup of coffee. Irene walked over to her daughter and placed her arm around Becky's shoulder. "When are you going to talk to him," Irene asked. "Who," Becky answered, trying to pretend she didn't have a clue as to who her mother meant. "You know who I'm talking about, Becky," her mother said smiling. "Oh... him," Becky said looking down at her cup. "I don't know if I can or not. What if we start fighting again before I have chance to tell him?" "Then tell him before you start fighting," her mother said.

After breakfast, Becky went out to the barn and saddled her new horse. "A nice ride in the fresh winter air will do me some good," Becky thought. Just as she was ready to leave, Clint came into the barn. "Where are you going," he politely asked. She started to snap back at him that it was none of his business, but thought better of it. The tone of his voice when he asked was not rude and demanding like usual, but kind and tender.

The words that her mother had spoke last night came to her mind. She looked down at the reins in her hands as she spoke. "I thought I might go for a ride," she answered, her head still down. "Now," she said to herself, "tell him how you feel now." Before she could speak, Clint replied, "I'm about to check the herd for any lost or hurt. The first snow usually kills some of the weaker ones due to it's slipperyness. Others are lost to hungry predators unable to find food." Raising her chin with his hand he asked, "Would you... like to ride with me?" Becky could feel herself blush as she softly answered, "Yes. Yes, I would." Becky saw the sparkle in Clint's brown eyes as a wide smile spread across his face. "I'll tell him out there," she thought.

Clint couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Becky's green eyes as she answered him. He had also notice that she didn't snap at him like she usually did, but smiled a pleasant smile. "She even more beautiful when she's not yelling at me," he thought to himself. He watched her as she swung herself onto the horse. Noticing that her legs would be unprotected from the wind, he grabbed a couple of quilts from the hunkhouse and carefully laid them around her waist and legs. "There," he said, "that will keep the cold wind off those beautiful legs." "Thank you," she blushed at his compliment.

James Dawson entered the barn just as Clint mounted his own horse. He couldn't keep from smiling at the two of them. "While you're out checking the herd," he said, "would you please go by the old homestead and check on it? Let me know if it looks like it will need any repairs. Even though Irene and I don't live their anymore, it was our first home and Becky's birthplace." "Sure thing, sir," Clint replied.

James walked with them out of the barn. Smiling at Becky he asked, "And just where are you going young lady?" Smiling back at her father she replied, "I was headed out to take a ride of my own when Clint asked if I'd like to check the herd with him. I just couldn't turn him down, now could I. After all, didn't you and mother raise me better than that?" James smiled back at her. Turning his attention back to Clint he said, "Also check the supplies inside the old house. There should be enough to last for nearly a week if a person, or two, should happen to be stranded out there." He then turned his attention towards the sky before continuing. "From the looks of the sky, it just might start up again." Looking back at his daughter and Clint he finished by saying, "If you should run into bad weather, take her back there if it's closer. I'd rather you two be alone there together than trying to make it back here." Once out of hearing range, Clint said, "If I didn't know better, I'd think that he was hinting that he didn't want us to return." "I too got the same feeling from him," Becky said blushing.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!

Last edited by Moonshine : 02-23-2006 at 09:31 AM.
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Old 02-24-2006, 08:46 AM
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Chapter Three

Becky and Clint had barely made it half a mile from the house when one of the ranch hands rode up behind them. "Clint. Clint," the young boy called. The couple stopped to let the boy catch up. "Here," the boy said, handing Clint three large sacks. "Mr. Dawson said to ride these out to you. He said to tell you that there is a cooked game hen, plenty of bread and vegetables, and a few other items in there." Turning his horse around, the boy shrugged his shoulders and finished by saying, "He said that you would probably be gone for a few days. This along with the game you kill should hold you over until this storm blows over." With that the boy took off on his horse. Becky and Clint exchanged wide smiles at each before heading back on their way.

Around noon, Becky and Clint shared the game hen before they finished looking over the herd. While out, Clint had shot four rabbits that would serve as the meat for their supper that night. "I'll clean them once we get to the old homestead," he said smiling at her. "MMM Rabbit," Becky said smiling, "I just love rabbit meat."

It was about an hour before sun set when they reached the Dawson's original homestead. Clint unwrapped the quilts from Becky's waist and legs. He then helped her off her horse. He placed the quilts over her saddle before taking the reins from Becky. "I'll bring the quilts and sacks in after I stable the horses," he said. "I'll then be in and start a fire in the cook stove and fireplace. The house can be warming while I skin the rabbits. I'll cook them if you don't know how." "I know how to cook," Becky said laughing. Looking down at her feet she continued. "It would give me great pleasure to cook supper for you tonight..." She paused long enough to blush, "and every night for the rest of my life." Wrapping his free hand around her waist, Clint pulled her closed to him. Bending down until his lips almost touched hers, he said, "I'd like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life making you happy, Rebeka Dawson."

Becky moaned as Clint pressed his lips to hers. Her lips parted with ease as his tongue slipped between them. "MMM," she moaned as their tongues wound around each other. Clint's hand pulled her tighter to him as their kiss escalated. Becky could feel him dropping the reins from his other hand and place it on the back of her neck. "MMM," he too moaned as he pressed his mouth harder to hers. She wanted to melt as his hands rubbed her back and ass. She hadn't even noticed that the snow had started to lightly fall. She could feel his arousal pressing against her stomach. She had to take a deep breathe when he finally pulled away from her. She smiled as he too drew in a deep breathe. "I'd better get the horses stabled," he said. She watched as he turned and grabbed the dropped reins before heading off to the barn.

Becky's head was swimming as she entered the cabing alone. Her heart was racing from the unspoken declartion of their love. "He loves me," she said aloud as she hugged herself. Regaining her composure, she then looked around the one room cabin that she had been born in. Along one wall was a wood cook stove. A small cabinet stood a few feet away from it. She assumed that the cooking pans, dishes, and eating utensils were held in it. The fireplace along the far wall looked almost identical to that of the one back at the house. Finishing her look of the room, she noticed that there was no bed. "We'll just have to sleep in front of the fireplace," she thought to herself.

As he stabled the horses, Clint smiled with satisfaction as he thought of the kiss that he and Becky had just had. She had, in not so many words, told him that she loved him and would be his wife if he was to ask her. "I'll have her tonight boys," he said to the horses as he left the barn. He stared at the house as he walked towards it. The snow now was falling fast and heavy. Stopping short of the door, he smiled at the knowledge of what would happen tonight when they went to bed. He would be able to lay with her the way he had been wanting to for some time now. She would become his and his alone.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 02-27-2006, 08:20 AM
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Chapter Four

By now, the weather had left close to another six inches of snow outside the small one room cabin. Both Clint and Becky were glad that they had stayed. With supper over, Clint sat at the table sipping on coffee and watching Becky as she made a bed for them in front of the fire. The way she moved on her hands and knees where almost too much for him. Her hair hung down as she worked; her round ass wiggled around as she worked the blankets around; from the side he could see her breasts hanging underneath the dress. His desire for her grew.

"Finished," she said as she stood back up. With her hands on her hips, she turned to face Clint. Curling his finger at her, beckoning her to him. Once she was sitting sideways on his lap, he made sure that she was able to feel his arousal for her. As they kissed, one of his hands moved up and down her back as the other one massaged her breasts through the clothes. "MMM," she moaned as both his hands and mouth continued to please her.

In one swift move, Clint picked Becky up and walked them over to the fireplace and their make-shift bed. Standing her before him, he softly said, "I want you Becky. I'll not lie to you about that. If you don't want to be with me, tell me now because once we start, I don't think I'll be able to stop until I've have you completely." "I want you," Becky said breathlessly. "I want to feel you in me." Clint kissed her again as his hands unzipped and removed the top part of her dress. He moaned as he watched the fabric slipped over her breasts, past her waist, landing on the floor. Her courset and lacy underwear was all that was left. Once they were removed, Clint picked Becky up again and gently laid her down on the quilt.

Becky watched as Clint removed his clothes. It was the first time she had ever seen a man naked but, she was sure that her body wasn't the first one that Clint had seen. Laying next to her, he sucked and played with her breasts with both his tongue and his hand. Her body arched as his tongue teased her nipples. "Oh Clint," she moaned as he ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to her. Her eyes widened as his other hand slipped between her legs and rubbed her clit before pushing a finger into her. "MMMM," she moaned as he slowly kissed his way down her stomach and to her strawberry blonde tuff of hair. Spreading her legs apart, Becky moaned as Clint's tongue licked at her swollen clit. Licking her until she came.

Kissing his way back up Becky's soft stomach, Clint postioned himself so that his thick, hard eight inches pushed into her. He smiled as her green eyes widen with the first push. "You're tight," he moaned before passionately kissing her. A mixed gasp of pain/pleasure escaped her lips as he again pushed in. Clint pulled out and then pushed nearly all the way in. "Clint," Becky gasped as he did, her arms wrapping around his neck. One hard push and he watched as tears of pleasure/pain flowed from her checks, her innocence now gone; taken by him. "I love you, Rebeka," he said as he kissed away her tears. "I love you, Clint," she answered through her tears.

Becky moaned and wiggled as Clint moved in her. Her legs wrapped around his waist, pushing him deeper and deeper into her. Her eyes watched his as he raised himself up on his arms. He continued to move in her, causing her to climax. "Oh Clint," she screamed as she came. "Oh Yes," she moaned as his pace increased. Becky watched as he gave one last hard thrust causing both of their bodies to shake with passion as they came together. Becky could feel her insides fill with his cum. "Oh Rebeka," he said as he laid on her. For several minutes, they laid there kissing and stroking each others hair and face before falling asleep.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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Old 02-28-2006, 08:21 AM
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Chapter Five

For the thrid time since they had made love, Clint slipped from the covers to add more wood to the fires. This time, the sun was starting to stream into the two windows of the small one room cabin. When he headed back for the pallet where Becky laid, he was surprised to see her awake. The quilt laid across her stomach between her navel and her womanhood. Her exposed nipples stood hard on her breautiful breasts. "Good morning, Mr. Carson," she sexily said. "Good morning, Miss Dawson," he replied as he laid back down next to her. His cock was already hardening with desire. "Would you like to make it a better morning," she asked, one hand rubbing her breast. "MMM," he moaned, "I most certain would."

Clint took Becky's breast into his mouth and gently teased the hard nub. "MMM," she moaned as she squirmed next to him. His rough and calloused hand slid down her stomach and to her waiting womanhood below. He played with the soft patch of strawberry blonde hair before slipping his finger in her warm and wet hole. "Oh Clint," she whispered as his finger rubbed across her clit as it moved in and out of her. He had now moved to her other breast, sucking and teasing it. Becky wrapped her arms around Clint's neck and pull him closer to her. For several minutes, Clint took great care to make sure that Becky was well satisified before kissing his way down her stomach and too her clit below.

Becky spread her legs, giving Clint as much access as he needed. Her fingers ran through his hair as his tongue lapped at the sweet nectar dripping from her love flower. "Clint. Clint," she screamed as he brought to climax, grabbing his hair and forcing his face closer and closer. He shook his head forcefully between her legs, causing to scream and climax again. Becky realeased her hands from his hair and laid back, her breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh darling," she moaned as he kissed his way back up her before laying next to her.

"Come here," Clint said as he showed Becky how to straddle him. She moaned as she lowered herself onto his thick, hard shaft. "Oh Rebeka," he gasped, "you're still so tight. I love it." Grabbing her ass, he helped her start a rythem that pleased them both. Several times she came as rode him. "Oh God, Clint," she screamed as the last orgaism, a very intense one, shook her whole body. Tears of pleasure trikled down her cheeks. Clint couldn't help but smile as it had been his cock that had caused her to cum so hard.

Becky smiled as he pushed himself up to face her. She had to admit though, she was a little confused when he told her to stand up by the table, but willingly went. He turned her around so that she faced the table. Chills ran down her spine as he kissed her neck and shoulders before gently leaning her over it. "Oh Clint," she moaned as he spread her legs a little wider and then entered her again. Becky gasped as he nearly raised her off the floor as he moved in her. His rough hands felt good as they moved her hips on him before sliding their way up her sides and grabbing her breasts. Clint's stomach and chest now gently rested on her back.

As he moved in her, Clint whispered into her, "When we get back to the ranch, I'm going to ask for your hand. I know that if I spend any more time with you in this cabin, you'll be pregant before we leave. And honestly, that's how I want it. I want to watch your stomach swell with my child. I want to wake up each morning laying next to you, knowing that you are mine and mine alone. I no longer want you name to be Rebeka Dawson but, Rebeka Carson." "Oh yes, Clint," she panted. His movements had became faster and rougher and she was enjoying it. "I want to have your children," she panted as he fucked her. A few more stokes and she felt him release in her. "OH REBEKA," he screamed as he did. For several minutes they stayed laid on the table, unable and unwilling to move.

Two days later, Becky and Clint were finally able to return to the ranch. Clint was true to his word and asked for her hand. James Dawson readily agreed and they were married as soon as possible. James and Irene insisted that they live at the ranch with them, in Becky's bedroom. That summer, Becky gave birth to a son, the first of five children she bore to Clint Carson. After the death of her parents, Clint took over running Dawson Ranch.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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