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Old 07-28-2005, 02:34 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
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Swamp Love

When I, Angel Lafonte, was six years old, my father wanted to move back to his small home town in the bayou's of Louisiana. Since my parents had never married, there was no need for a divorce. My mother, who had hardly been in the picture since I turned three, decided to make trouble for him when he told her he wanted to move. Once the judge saw that all she was doing was making trouble, he granted sole custody to my dad. It didn't take us long to sell the house and move. Over the next ten years, I made lots of friends and was very happy in my new town. Dad gave me all the love that I needed and mom... well, after I turn ten, I never heard from her again. When I turned sixteen I got a job as a cashier at the small grocery store in town. Little did I know that working at that store would change the rest of my life.

Growing up in the small bayou town, I had heard about the Brown's. They were a family that lived somewhere in the one hundred and fifty acres of swamp land that was next to our small town. There was the father, Amos, and his three sons, Jedidiah, Malachi, and Zachariah. It had been rumored that Amos had kidnapped a young woman nearly forty years ago and took her back to his home in the swamp. When Jedidiah, or Jed, was three and started coming to town with him, the town just knew that the rumors where true. The doctor was called on to deliver their fourth child. The doctor was unable to save her or the girl child. Amos Brown took his three sons deeper into the swamp. Now, the only time they are seen is when they come into town to buy the supplies that they can't grow.

Like I said, I was sixteen when I started working at the store. I had barely been there two weeks when Amos and his sons came in. I can still remember watching them as they walked in. I was immediately attracted to the oldest boy, Jed. When they checked out I talked to them, or at least to Jed. None of them said a word but, I couldn't help but laugh when Jed ran into the door on the way out because he was looking back at me. It would be another three more visits before I got him to say a word to me and then it was a struddered "hello ma'am".

In all, he wasn't that bad looking of a guy. He had to be at least six foot, maybe a little shorter, with shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, and weighed, at the most, 175 pounds. He didn't really have much muscle. In fact, all of them seemed kinda gangly. There clothes were well worn, tattered, and always dirty. Now me, I stand about five foot three, long brown hair, blue eyes, and weighed around 125 pounds. My tight shirts are nicely filled out with my C cup tits and my nice round ass gets stared at a lot. Living in town, I had all the necessities that a teenage girl wanted.

Over the next four years, I finally got Jed to carry on a conversation with me. It was becoming easier and easier to see that he was really taken to me. I started innocently flirting with him, not thinking that it would go any further. Like I said, I knew the story of how his dad had got his mom but, I never thought that he would do the same to me. I guess that my flirting with him made him think that I was interrested in him and in honesty, I really was.

Not long after I turned twenty, and Jed was thirty-five, he started sneaking into town by himself at night to see me. Unknown to me, he would sneak over to my house and watch me through my bedroom window. One Friday night during summer, my dad went his friends for an all night poker game. I had just gotten out of the shower and went to my room to get ready for bed. It was around ten o'clock, and since I was alone, all I had on was a towel. I shut the door behind me and fumbled around in the dark for my bedside lamp. Once the light came on, I felt one hand go over my mouth and another wrap around my stomach. I was too scared to scream. It was then that I head a voice that I recognized.

"Now," Jed said, "I'm gonna remove my hand. I know that your dad's not here and he won't be all night so, there's no use in screaming. Do you understand?"

With his hand still over my mouth, I shook my head "yes". Jed removed his hand and stepped away from me. I turned around and faced him.

"What are you doing in my room? And more importantly, how did you get in here?"

"I came for you, Angel. I came to take you back home with me. I want you to be... (his eyes grazed over my towel) my woman."

Jed threw a pair of my cut off shorts and a tight tanktop at me and told me to get dressed.

"I can't go with you, Jed. This is not how you go about getting a wife."

"Why not? This is how dad did it. Only my mother wanted to come along with him. She didn't fight him. She was proud to be his."

"It's not that I'm not proud that you want me. I feel really honored that you do but,..."

"But, what," he asked with a raised voice. "I thought that you like me too. The way you flirt with me. The way look at me."

"But I barely know you. I just need some time to get to know you. And what about your dad and brothers. What will they think?"

"Aren't you really wanting to know what they will want to do to you? I've already built us our own home. That way, you won't have to be around my brothers. And besides, they have their eyes on a couple of other girls in different towns. They'll soon be getting them. As for dad, well... he died a year ago. That's when we decided that it was time for us to build our own homes and find our own woman. Now get dress so that we can go."

I don't know what surprised me more. The fact that he had planned all of this or that I was actually getting dressed to go with him. He watched me as I dressed. I talked him into letting me take some of my clothes and belongings with me. After packing, we quitely and quickly left the town. Jed took his place on the back seat with the motor and I sat in the seat in front of him. My belongings were in the front. For the next two hours, Jed zigzaged around the different channels in the swamp. I was so lost that I knew that I would never have been able to find my way out, even if I wanted too. I thought that we had reached his home when he finally stopped.

"Are we there," I asked, turning around to face him.

"No," he said looking at me, "we still have another hour to go before we reach it. The house is about half way in. We're just about two-thirds of the way there now."

"Oh," I said as I looked back around. The full moon was glistening on the water. I could see a gator on the closest bank. Pointing at it, I asked, "They can't get in the boat, can they?"

"No," he said laughing. Jed ran his fingers through my hair. "Have you ever laid with a man, Angel."

I turned around in my seat to face him. "No," I said, "I've never laid with a man. You will be my first."

Looking up at the moon he said, "It's about midnight." Looking down at me he continued, "I've been trying to decided wether to have you now or wait until we reach home."

"Is that why you stopped? Have you decided to take me now?"

"If you'll let me, I would like to have now."

I slowly removed my tanktop and shorts. I sat completely naked in front of him. Jed removed his shirt and pulled his pants down but, he did not remove them.

"Come here, Angel."

I had seen picures of naked men in the magiznes that my friends had but, I had never seen one in person. He was big, at least eight inches, and was very thick. Leaning against the back of the boat, Jed had me to sit down on his lap but, not on his cock. He took my breasts into his hands and gently massaged them. The roughness of them felt good against my smooth skin and I let out a light moan.

"MMM Angel. Your skin is so soft."

Sitting up, Jed wrapped his arms around me and placed his face between my breasts, licking my soft skin. He then let go and sucked and teased frist one tit and then the other. He slid one of his hands between my legs and roughly rubbed. I let out a loud scream of pleasure that echoed across the swamp. Once he had me wet, he straddled me over him, slowly pushing his way into me. The first couple of pushes hurt but, they were nothing compared to that of the thrid one. I let out another scream as he shattered my hyman. Jed helped me to start an up and down rythem on him and very soon I was moaning with pleasure.

"That's it baby," he said as he pump into me. "That's it, Angel. Just relax and feel it. MMM Yeah, baby. That's it."

I could feel myself climax as I rode him. I don't know how long I rode him or how many orgaisms I had, all that I knew was that I was greatly enjoying being with him.

"MMM SSS Jed. Oh, Jed."

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and placed my head on his shoulder. I knew that I was nearing yet another orgaism. I could hear him groaning.

"MMM Angel. Angel. Oh, yeah. I'm gonna cum, Angel. I'm gonna cum."

Together we came. I could feel his hot seed as it shot into me. Jed held me tightly as we both caught our breath. Looking at him, he leaned into me and we passionately kiss. Jed started the boat and without telling me too, I sat naked on him the rest of the way home. I never wanted to pull apart from him. I always wanted him in me. I didn't get off of him until we reached the house. All I did then was pick up my clothes and walked naked into my new home. Jed led me into our bedroom and I fell asleep in his arms.
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Old 07-29-2005, 02:12 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Swamp Love II

I laid with my eyes closed, still half asleep in bed the next morning. I heard the swamp birds outside singing. Opening my eyes, I saw that Jed was no longer in bed with me. Sitting up, I wrapped the thin top sheet around me and went into the kitchen. Looking into the living room, I saw my belongings sitting there. It was then that it occured to me that my dad had no idea where I was or if I was okay. I hear the boat motor as Jed pulled up to the dock. Going out onto the porch, I watched as Jed came up the steep steps that I had climbed the night before. He was carrying a huge catfish and several crabs that were still in a large cage. I could tell that he had not even notice that I was standing on the porch. How could he? He hadn't even looked up once since he had gotten out of the boat.

"Good morning, Jed," I said as he walked up the hill on which the porch was built on.

Jed looked up at me and smiled. "Good morning to you, my sweet Angel. I hope that you slept well."

"Yes, I slept very well."

I took the catfish from him as he stepped up onto the porch, leaving him to carry the large crab filled cage. After sitting the cage down, Jed took the fish from me and carried it inside where he laid it in the sink. After washing his hands, he then took me into his arms, his chin resting on my head.

"I don't know what's nicer; waking up with you in my bed or coming home and finding you wrapped in a bedsheet. Either way, I have you here and I'm not letting you go."

"I don't want to go. I want to stay here with you but...," my voice faltered off.

Jed pushed me back and looked down at me. "But what, Angel?" His voice had a hint of hurt in it.

"I have to let dad know that I'm okay. He's gonna worry and then the sheriff and his men will be looking for me. Think about it. How would you feel if someone stole your daughter and took her away?"

"I'd hunt the son of a bitch down and kill him," he said, his voice full of rage at the thought of someone taking his own child.

"Then look at it from dad's point of view. Right now, you are that son of a bitch. He and the sheriff are good friends and they will hunt for me."

"I know," he said as he walked away, unable to look at me. "I thought of that as I was checking traps this morning. I just wanted you so badly. I guess that I wasn't thinking clearly when I took you."

Walking over to him and turning him around to face me, I continued, "You didn't take me. Did you know that last night when we left, we walked right past the jail? And that the sheriff, two of his deputies, and my father was in there playing poker. I could have screamed and they would have came out so quick that I would be at home right now and you in jail. But I didn't, did I. No. I walked right past the only people awake that could have stopped you and I did it silently. I wanted to come with you. I want to stay with you but, I have go to let my dad know that I am alright."

Jed held me tightly as I begged him, "Please, Jed. Please, let me tell him that I am alright and that I chose to come with you. If I don't, they will hunt us down and take you."

Jed finally agreed and after breakfast, we made the three hour trip back to town. I quickly found dad and told him that I was alright. Staring at Jed he asked me, "How did you come to be with him?"

I didn't know what to say. I was afraid that if I told him the truth, dad would attack Jed and I didn't want that. I had never been able to fool dad. Dad was still staring at Jed when he said, "He came here with every intention of taking you just like his father took his mother, didn't he, Angel." Looking down at me, he continued, "I know that you like him and I have a feeling that you willingly went with him. Am I right?"


Looking back at Jed he asked, "Am I also right in assuming that you laid with her?"

"Yes, sir," Jed said, raising himself from the slumped stand that he was in.

It was then that dad did something that surprised me. He walked over to Jed and shook his hand. Still shaking his hand, dad looked Jed square in the eye and said, "You honesty is very honorable, Jed. There is two things that I ask of you. First is that you marry her before you leave here today. And second..." Dad paused and smiled at Jed, "you take care of my little girl. Don't let any harm come to her out there in the swamp."

With that settled, the three of us went to the judge's office where we obtained our marriage license and was married by Judge Holdman. We then ate lunch with dad at the local diner before we gathered up supplies and headed back home. It was going on six when we reached home. I changed into a pair of cut off shorts that barely covered my ass and a cut off t-shirt that barely covered my breasts. Jed smiled when he seen me coming out of the bed room.

"MMM," he smilingly moaned at me, "how do you expect me to get these supplies carried in with my wife tempting me like that. MMM I do like the sound of that: Angel Brown."

It hadn't occured to me until then but, I was now Mrs. Jedidiah Brown. "I like it too," I said smiling at him.

Around eight that evening, we went out on the porch to watch the sunset. I sat in Jed's lap with my legs hanging off the chair arm and we were soon lovely kissing and touching each other. In no time at all, I could tell that he wanted to be back inside of me as much as I wanted him there.

"Let's go to our bedroom, Mrs. Brown."

His eyes showed the desire that he felt.

"MMM Mr. Brown, that sounds wonderful to me."

Jed locked the outside door before following me to the bedroom. His hands were all over me as soon as he entered the room. Standing in front of me, one hand rubbed my back as the other went up my t-shirt, fondleing my tits. He softly kissed my neck, causing me to moan with pleasure.

"MMM Jed. I love the way your hands feel. Their roughness on my soft skin."

"And I, Angel, love the way your soft skin feels; the way your hair smells; the way you walk. Oh, baby, I love everything about you."

I could feel his cock grow, as did our passion for each other did. Jed removed my shirt and looked down at my ample C cup breasts. Bending down he gently kissed them before kneeling down and kissing his way down my stomach. He then removed my shorts and kissed the small patch of hair above my pussy. I ran my fingers through his hair as I moaned.

Jed then stood up and remove his own clothes. Embracing each other, I kissed my way down his chest and to his rock hard cock. Kneeling down, I took him into my mouth and slowly suck him, fondleing his balls as I did, causing him to breathe heavily. I moaned as my own sucking rhythem increased. Jed's heavy breathing increased and soon he too was moaning.

"Oh, Angel. Angel. HHH SSS HHH MMM SSS Yeah. Oh yeah, baby. Oh, yeah that's it, Angel."

I felt his balls tighten in my hand and soon I felt his hot seed hitting the back of my throat. Pulling off of him, I swallowed every drop.

"That felt good. Oh, Damn did that feel good, baby."

Jed led me over to the bed and laid me down. He spread my legs and laid himself down between them. Spreading my lips apart, his tongue slowly licked my swollen clit. He then made circles around it with his tongue before pushing it into my wet hole. His thrumb rubbed me roughly, just as he had when we were on the boat. My hands went above my head, gripping the pillows in my fist as I tried to keep from squirming to much.

"Oh, Jed. Jed. Jed. OH, YES, JED!!!"

"MMM," he moaned as I climaxed. He slowly licked the juices that had just flowed from me. He slowly kissed way up my stomach too my breasts. Taking my left one in his mouth, he lovingly circled my nipple with his tongue before gently nibbling it.

"MMM Jed."

Jed softly kissed my nipple before kissing his way to my right one and giving it the same attention. My nipples were so hard that they hurt.

"Oh, Angel," he said as he position himself on top of me. Looking down into my blue eyes with his blue ones, he said, "I can't believe that your actually my wife. I've wanted you for so long. I had you last night on the boat and now... I making love to you... in OUR bed... as husband and wife. Ooohhh, I can't believe it, your finally my wife."

I was so moved at what he said, I wanted him more now than ever. Jed pushed himself in me and I moaned as he did. I was so wet that he easily slid into me, moaning as he did. His hips rocked, moving him in and out of me. I moaned from the pleasure that my husband was giving me. My hands rubbed all over his back and through his hair. I would squeeze his shoulders as I came. Jed made love to me like this for a long time and I lost track of how many orgaisms I had. Jed pulled out of me and sat up on his knees.

"Lay on your side, baby."

I rolled onto my right side. Jed pushed my legs up so that he could enter me. Slowly he rocked his hips again. With my legs together, it felt as if he was bigger and I was again moaning.

"MMM Angel. You feel even tighter in this position."

"And you feel bigger," I said, barely audibale.

Jed's rhythem increased slightly but, not enough for him to cum. Again, he slowly made love to me causing me to orgaism multiple times. Several times, I softly moaned his name. Bending down to me, he passionately and deeply kissed me as he continued to slowly make love to me. Jed could tell that he was greatly pleasuring me and he was enjoying every second of it.

Pulling out he smiling he said, "Get on all fours baby."

I got on all fours and again moaned as Jed placed his hands on my hips and entered me. Jed's thrust were hard and deep, like the ones he gave on the boat last night. The harder he pushed the louder my moans got. Glancing side ways, I could see us in the mirror across the room. I watched with pleasure as Jed leaned his head back and slowly pulled almost all of the way out of me. He then rammed himself deep and hard into me, causing another moan. Looking down, he saw me watching us in the mirror. He too then watched as he pulled out and then slammed back into me a few times.

"MMM Do you like what you see, Angel," he asked pulling out of me.

"Yes," I moaned as he pushed back in.

Rubbing his hands up my sides and too my shoulders, he grabbed hold of them and feverously fucked me. I just knew that my screams of pleasure could be heard all through out the swamp.

"Oh, yes, Jed. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, fuck me, Jed. Fuck me."

I once again heard his moan and felt him cum in me just as I too came. Wrapping his arms tight around my waist, he pulled me closer to him. Laying his head on my back he panted, "Oh... Angel... Oh, damn... It just keeps getting better and better."

We stayed in this positioned for several minutes before finally pulling apart. Jed laid on his back as I laid on my stomach, half on-half off of him. We cuddled and kissed for a long time before finally falling asleep.
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Old 07-30-2005, 12:13 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Swamp Love III

A week had passed since I had came to live in the swamp with my husband, Jedidiah Brown. It didn't take long at all for the news to spread that he had taken me, Angel Lafonte, as his bride. Once again, we made the trip into town so that I could visit with my father and to buy supplies. It was around noon when we headed back for home. We where about half way there when Jed pulled the boat under the shade of a huge tree. I turned to look at him and saw that he had his pants undone and was stroking his already hard cock.

"Just couldn't wait until we got home, huh," I asked laughing.

"Nope. Even though you're full dressed, I still know what's underneath your clothes," he said smiling, stroking his full, thick eight inches as he stared at me.

I began to slowly strip for him, teasing him as I did. I first removed my t-shirt, leaving on my white lacy bra. He could see just enough skin through the lace to make him moan. Bending over in front of him, I removed my denim shorts, leaving on the matching lacy underwear. I turned around so that he could see my brown patch of hair through the lace.

"Oh, damn it, Angel. You know just how to tease me, don't you?"

Jed continued to stroke himself, moaning as he did due to the teasing I was giving him. Reaching behind me, I undone the snaps of my bra. Slowly, I pulled the straps down my arms, holding the bra to me before peeling it away from my ample breasts. After dropping it in the boat, I massaged my own breasts, watching Jed's face as he fought off the urge to cum.

"OH HO HO, Angel. You're gonna make me cum before I even get to touch you."

Bending back over in front of him, I pulled off the only remaining article of clothing; my lace panties. I slowly pulled them over my nice round ass and down my legs, and placed them with my other clothes. Sitting back down, I spread my legs and rubbed my clit with one hand as I rub my tits with the other. Jed had had enough. Without warning, several streams of cum shot from him as he smiled and said, "Oh, fuck, Angel. Now look what you made me do."

"That's alright baby. I can get you hard again."

I continued to rub my own clit, watching Jed as he grew hard again. Raising my left tit up, I licked my hard nipple with my tongue.

"Ok. I'm not wasting another load." His voice sound desperate, almost begging. Breathlessly he demanded, "Get over here!"

Staddleing him, I push my wet, warm pussy down onto his once again hard shaft. I raised and lower my body, brushing my ample C cup breasts in his face as I did. I moaned from the pleasure I was feeling. Jed's passion over took him as he licked and sucked at my breasts as they moved in front of his face. His hands grabbed my ass and moved with it as I rose and then lower my pussy on this thick shaft. Over and over again, I orgaismed and gave out screams of pleasure that echoed through out the swamp.

"Oh, Jed. Jed. Oh yes, Jed."

My screams grew louder and louder with each orgaism. Jed continued to suck on my tits, going back and forth between them. His hands now helping me to rise and lower faster and harder.

"Oh fuck, Angel. Yeah. Ride me. Ride me."

Jed gave a long graon and we both came together. My juices flowed over him as his seed shot deep into me. Still in our embrace, we kissed passionately for several minutes. In the distance, the hum of another boat motor could be heard. Jed turned his head to listen.

"It's coming this way."

"Shall I dress?"

"No. You won't have time. Just stay on me like you are."

With me still sitting on him, Jed turned us so that my back was to the on coming boat. By placing a cooler behind me and pulling it up to my body, he kept the occupants of the boat from seeing my naked ass. Wrapping his arms around me, he hid the sides of my breasts with his arms. The boat pulled up just as Jed hid all of his favorite parts of my body.

"Evening, Jed," one of the men said.

"I see that the rumors are true," said the other.

"Yeah," Jed answered, casually. "This is her."

Turning my head around to look at the men, Jed said, "Angel, allow me to introduce you to your brother-in-laws. Malachi and Zachariah or better known as Zach." Each man tipped his hat as they were introduced. "Brothers, this is your sister-in-law, Angel Lafonte Brown." I managed to produce a barely audiable "Hello." I was a completely embrassed at the first meeting I was having with my in-laws. After a short visit, they left and Jed and I continued on our way home with him still in me. Once reaching home and resting for a little while, Jed once again couldn't keep his hands off of me.
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Old 08-01-2005, 11:02 AM
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Swamp Love IV

I, Angel Fonte Brown, stood on the front porch of my swamp home, thinking about the past ten years. Jed is now forty-five and today is my thirtith birthday. Over the past ten years, I have bore Jed seven children: Angelica, 9; twin boys, Jedidiah Jr. & Amos, 7; Hannah, 5; twin girls, Rachel & Mary, 3; and Daniel, 1. Jed had told me once that he wanted to keep me bare foot and pregnant. Looking down towards the ground, which I can't see for my once again swollen stomach, I could feel the warm wood of the front porch underneath my bare feet. Rubbing my stomach, I smiled as I thought back onto Jed's words. He was doing exactly what he said he wanted to do.

In the distance, I could hear the sounds of boat motors. Jed was returning with Angelica, Jr., and Amos. They had been out checking the traps for the evening. Jed and Amos were in one boat and Angelica and Jr. in the other. Two more boats followed behind them. I saw that It was Malachi and Zach. They, and their wives, had agreed to take the children for the weekend so that Jed and I could celebrate my birthday.

As the boats docked, Malachi, laughing, called up to me, "Don't you know how to tell him 'No'."

"We're still trying to figure out what caused all of them," I said laughingly back at him.

Slapping Jed on the back, Zach smiled and laughingly said, "Well, at least he can't get her pregnant, she already is."

"You two," Jed answered, "have no room to talk. Both Eva and Missy are expecting again. Haven't either of you figured out what's causing it?"

The three brother shared a hearty laugh as they and the kids walked up the steps. Malachi and Zach, each in turn, hugged me as they reached the porch and said, "Happy Birthday, Sis." I thanked each as they did.

"What's that," I asked as Amos and Jr. passed me, each laddened with what seemed to be a heavy basket.

"Oh," laughed Zach, "Eva and Missy each had the idea of preparing you two a romantic dinner."

"Yeah," said Malachi, also laughing, "now you won't have to cook either tonight or tomorrow night."

After placing the baskets on the table, Amos and Jr. went to gather up items for the boys while Angelica and I gathered up things for the girls. I could hear the three brothers talking as we gathered items.

"Well," said Malachi, "Eva and I are going to take your four girls and Zach's one to play with my two. This way all seven girls are in one spot."

"And," concluded Zach, "Missy and I are going to take your three boys and Malachi's one one to play with my three, giving us all seven boys."

"Makes sense," I heard Jed say. "It would be easier having all the boys together and all the girls together that way they can't hollar that the boys, or girls, are bothering them."

Waving bye to the kids, Jed and I watched as Malachi and the girls turned left at the old stump and Zach and the boys headed straight before turning right at a clump of trees. Jed brushed back my hair and nuzzeled my neck as he rubbed my swollen stomach and whispered, "Finally alone. It already seems too quiet around here."

"Well," I said, turning around to face him and placing my arms around his neck, "we're not exactly alone. Isn't that obvious from my stomach."

"As long as he or she doesn't get here in the next two days, we're alone. Besides, you're not due for another three months. By the way, Happy 30th Birthday, Mrs. Brown."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Brown."

Jed and I ate the supper that Eva had prepared for us before going out to the porch to sit. I had learned from the other five pregnancy, that it was more comfortable for me to go naked. But, with the house being so full, this way the first time, in a long time, I was able to do this. Even Jed took in the opportunity to go naked for a change. Jed had made a large porch swing for me when I was pregnant the second time. It was big enough for him to sit at one end and for me to lay comfortable with my head in his lap.

Jed began to lightly stroke my hair. "Your hair gets softer, darker, and longer with each pregancy and I become more and more attracted to you with each one. When we first married and you came out here, I found you incredibly sexy. You then became pregrant with Angelica and as I watched your stomach grow, so did my love and attraction for you. You were even more sexy to me pregnant."

Looking up into his blue eyes with my blue ones, I asked, "So do you find me more attractive with a swollen stomach than you do any other time?"

Jed continued to stroke my hair as his other hand rubbed my stomach. "I hate to admit it but, yeah, I do. Just knowing that my child is growing inside of you really turns me." He then looked up, his eyes looking over the front of the house and he continued, "But,... we're running out of room in this house. We have already added on three times. Plus, it's all we can do now to feed all of us." I knew then that this would be the last time I would be pregrant and a large part of me was thankful.

Night had consumed the swamps around us and we made our way into the house. I headed for our bedroom as Jed locked the doors and blew out the lamps as he made his way to our bedroom. I was already lying on our bed when he entered the room. Once again, my naked, pregnant body on our bed proved to be a turn on for him because he became hard as he walked towards the bed. Blowing out the lamp, he laid next to me, fondeling my tender breasts. Since I'm still breast feeding our youngest son, I slightly winced as he touched them.

"I'm sorry," he said as he placed his mouth on my right tit. In no time I could feel him sucking, drinking the milk from it as he did. This had become a major turn on for the both of us and we both moaned. Kissing his way to my left tit, he then sucked milk from it too, again causing us both to moan. Rolling me over onto my right side, Jed slowly entered me from the back, rubbing my stomach as he did. This position not only gave me great pleasure but, it also was safer for the baby. For nearly half and hour, Jed made love to me slowly. I then took him into my mouth and slowly sucked him until I felt him releasing in my mouth. Laying behind me, he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

Three months later, I gave birth to our last child, Dwight. Jed insisted that he have a vasectomy done. Once he healed and was oked to have sex again, he made up for lost time. Althought I never again became pregrant, Jed proved that he was still attracted to me. Ever time one of the three brothers, or their wives, had a birthday or it was an anniversary, the children were split between the others so that each could have some privacy. Time seemed to fly and soon all of our children, neices, and nephews were having children. And to think, it all happened because Amos Brown loved a woman so much, that he took her to his swamp home to start a family.
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