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Old 02-20-2010, 10:59 AM
Vicious Tease's Avatar
Vicious Tease Vicious Tease is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,030
It was almost two weeks before I made another trip to the shop. I had put it off as long as I could to give the first experience plenty of time to sink in. In fact, in the time since my first encounter it seemed to be all I could think about, particularly Lisa. She had begun to haunt not only my dreams, but my fantasies as well. I tried several times to examine what it was that make her my type. Anytime I allowed her into my thoughts I became painfully aroused and all objectivity was gone. The only thing I had been able to determine for sure was that I wanted her. Frankly, it scared the hell out of me.

I pushed these thoughts aside as I pulled into the parking lot. I quickly made my way to the door. One deep, steadying breath and I went inside.
I spotted Lisa immediately. She glanced up from the table where she was folding clothes. She smiled, a slight nod indicating welcome, and she went back to what she was doing.

Glancing around the room, I decided to do some shopping before I went any farther. This time, however, I made sure to examine the sales girls as well as the merchandise. I began picking out items that I thought would look good on one girl or another. The blonde from my last visit would look incredible in the pink lace teddy and garters. Her long legs were perfect for it. I could picture her in it, complete with stockings and heels. The redhead in the corner I pictured in the emerald green bra and matching thong.

I could feel Lisa watching me as I moved from rack to rack, selecting items with a particular model in mind. From the way the others were looking at me, I could tell they had guessed what I was doing.

Once I had dressed each girl in my mind, I turned to look at Lisa again. My intention was to do the same with her. There was an outfit I’d found earlier that I wanted to “see” her in. I walked back to the rack containing the white cotton camisole and tiny g-string. As I picked it up I thought again how the simple, almost innocent style would look on her. The sweet, virginal ensemble, coupled with her dark, mysterious sensuality would have a striking effect.

I glanced back at Lisa, planning to dress her as I had done the others. My eyes swept down the length of her body again and again. Finally, unable to picture her in the outfit I had selected, I let my gaze fall to her hands. I noticed she nervously ran the tips of her fingers along the hem of her skirt. She was shifting from foot to foot again. I wanted to look at her breasts, knowing they would be pressing against her blouse with each movement. I tried to will myself to look up, teasing myself with the notion that her nipples were probably hard by now. I just couldn’t seem to stop watching her hands.

I began to fantasize about kneeling in front of her. My hands were trembling with the need to touch her as I imagined covering her hands with mine. Slowly, I would move our hands up to her waist, sliding her skirt up with them. My fingertips burned as if feeling the sensation of gliding along her thighs. I held my breath, frozen in place; staring at the black silk panties I imagined her wearing. My eyes followed the black lace trim from her waist, down to where it disappeared between her legs. Slowly I began to breathe again, catching the faint scent of her, as I noticed the fabric was darker there. Unconsciously licking my lips, I slid my right hand down along the front of her thigh until my thumb could reach the dark spot. I couldn’t help but moan softly as I felt it, confirming what I had somehow already known. She was wet … for me.

The spell was broken as Sharon tapped me on the shoulder. It took a moment to realize she was speaking to me. I cleared my throat, trying to concentrate on her words. Gradually I began to realize what she was saying.

“Some of our customers prefer to have models try on several outfits they’ve selected. If there is anything you’d like to see, just let Lisa know and she’ll carry it back for you.”

I blushed, knowing she had indeed guessed what I’d been doing, and whispered a quick, “Thank you.”

I closed my eyes for a moment to collect my thoughts. Deciding it was time for action, I carried the items I had picked out for myself up to the counter.
Lisa greeted me with a knowing smile. “Would you like to see any of these before you buy?”

“No, but I may be interested in seeing something else before I go.”

She winked as she asked, “Do you have anyone in particular in mind?”

The fantasy that gripped me earlier now flittered through my mind. Feeling that perhaps I wasn’t quite ready to face my attraction for Lisa, I replied, “I was hoping that little redhead in the corner might be available.” I expected shock and perhaps even hoped for a little disappointment. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined the look of outrage on Lisa’s face. She opened her mouth and then closed it again, as if she were unsure what to say.

Feeling suddenly bold, I leaned close to her and whispered, “I’m still testing the waters a bit … saving what I really want until I’m sure that I’m ready to play.” This seemed to settle her nerves slightly, though she still appeared somewhat indignant. Personally, I was relieved to find that she was as affected by me as I was by her.

Lisa rang up my purchases and, of course, the cost of my half hour. She then walked over to make arrangements with the redhead. I watched the two talking and as Lisa left her to return to the counter, the redhead walked over to the rack with the emerald green outfit. She carried it to the back, winking at me as she passed the counter.

“You’ve created quite a stir,” Lisa commented as she stepped behind the register.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

She grinned and said, “Apparently the girls have been watching you and trying to guess who you would pick. It seems Sharon was quite certain you would choose her again.”

I could feel my cheeks getting warm and silently cursed myself for blushing. “Is that so?”

“Indeed.” As she warmed to the subject, her earlier anger seemed to disappear. “In fact, Jesse, the redhead you selected, has never agreed to model for a female customer before, though she’s been asked a number of times.”

By this time there was no point trying to fight the color that was now burning my cheeks. I decided to give in to it and simply said, “I’m very flattered. I’ll have to be sure and thank her.” I grinned at Lisa and then winked at her for good measure.

I could see a flash of the previous anger return to her eyes as she said, “Follow me,” and led me to the back.

As Lisa opened the door I stepped around her, letting my hand slide against her hip in the process. I turned back to her, said, “Thank you, Lisa,” and then closed the door before she could respond. I was really beginning to enjoy teasing her.

Jesse spoke from behind me, “Make yourself comfortable. My name is Jesse. Is there anything I can get you?”

I turned to face her and realized she was gesturing to the cabinet where the various toys were displayed. “No, thank you. By the way, Lisa mentioned you don’t generally model for women. I appreciate you making an exception for me.”

Jesse blushed which, if you’ve never seen a redhead blush, I can assure you is an incredible sight. Her pale cheeks turned a soft pink and her freckles seemed to darken as well. She said, almost whispering, “I’ve been watching you since you came in. I asked a few of the girls about you and Sharon said you’d been here before. She said you were … different.”

The blush on her cheeks deepened as it began to travel down her neck. Although I would have been willing to say that redheads were definitely not my type, I was suddenly very glad I had chosen her. The idea that this sweet creature was blushing at every turn, yet would soon be stripping for me was an incredible turn on. In fact, I had a feeling that this time it would take a great deal of will power to “just watch.”

I walked over to the bench as I asked her, “What did she say made me different, if you don’t mind my asking?” I settled in and watched as she seemed to ponder the question.

“She said it was hard to explain, but that … well, it was as if you hadn’t come here looking to … it was like you came out of curiosity and you seemed surprised that you were actually turned on.”

I grinned at her and said, “I know what you mean and I’d say that was a pretty accurate description.”

Jesse seemed to relax a little. She smiled and said, “Just let me know when you are ready to begin.”

This time it was my turn to blush. “Sorry. Please, whenever you are ready.”
She grinned again and then turned to start the music. This time, however, I noticed she didn't start the timer. I checked my watch but quickly returned my attention to her as she started to move.

It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Jesse continued to blush, the color traveling down along her chest, disappearing beneath her wine colored shirt. She even giggled nervously now and then. The floral skirt she wore fell mid calf, and the soft flowing fabric moved with her body. Blushing or not, the way she moved was anything but shy.

She spent what seemed like an eternity unbuttoning her blouse. After each button she would slide it open a bit and then let it fall back closed. When the last button was undone I held my breath. Then she turned her back to me. She continued to move as she let her blouse slip off of one shoulder and then the other. She turned to face me, the blouse still hanging on her arms.

Jess began to move closer until she was standing directly in front of me. I was breathing heavily, each breath catching the sweet scent of her perfume. She reached down, taking my hands and guiding them to where the blouse rested in the crook of her elbows. She let her hands fall away as I slowly pulled the blouse off.

I could tell she was watching me but I couldn’t pull my eyes away from her breasts. The freckles on her chest were lighter and there were fewer of them. I had always been self conscious about my own freckles but seeing hers pepper her creamy white skin was hypnotizing. I wondered what it would be like to kiss each one, the hours it would take to give each tiny freckle a taste. She was wearing the green bra I had chosen for her earlier. It looked even better than I had imagined. Two tiny satin straps traced the line down from her shoulders to the lace cups. It was the sort of bra that rides just along the top of each nipple, teasing you with the knowledge that it is right there, yet still hidden from view. I wondered if there were freckles hiding behind it.

Jesse leaned closer, whispering against my ear, "Tell me what you want."
I was still staring at her nipples pressing against the fabric as I said, "I want to touch you."

I could hear her moan softly as she pulled away, again standing before me. She took my hands, this time guiding them to her shoulders. I slid my fingers down the length of the straps a few times, not quite reaching her breasts before I'd move them back up. When I couldn't wait any longer, I pulled them off of her shoulders. The lace shifted against her nipples and my own hardened in response.

I looked up at her then, silently asking for permission. She smiled softly and I could see the desire burning in her eyes.

Pulling my hands away, I sat back and smiled. I wasn't here to touch, I was here to learn. I kept telling myself that, but my body didn't want to hear it. She glanced down at my hands as I folded them in my lap. When her eyes once again found mine, I could see the question burning there.

"I don't think I'm ready to ..."

I let the confession linger in the air as she nervously giggled. She stepped back, just out of reach, and moved to unfasten the bra. As she did, the lacy cups loosened and then fell away. I couldn't breathe. Her breasts were incredible. The milky white skin was completely covered in freckles. She began to dance again and the movement caused her breasts to sway slightly, setting a gentle rhythm that quickly had me entranced. I finally started to breathe again, but my head was spinning. The need to touch her nipples, to taste them, almost overwhelmed me. I realized I'd never seen a natural redhead naked before. The area around her nipples had almost no color at all. The freckles just seemed to stop there, framing her rigid white nipples, drawing my attention and holding it. I reached up and began to rub my own nipples, feeding the tension in my body as I imagined touching hers.

Jess moaned softly and my body shivered slightly in response to the sound. I looked up and realized she was watching my hands. I pulled them away and once again folded them in my lap. Her gaze followed my hands and then moved up to search my eyes.

My body was on fire, my head was clouded with thoughts of the beautiful woman in front of me, and I had no idea what to do.

"I want to see the rest of you .... I need to see you ...," I whispered.

Turning her back to me once again, Jesse slowly unzipped her skirt. The soft fabric fell slowly to the floor. I followed it down, watching it puddle around her ankles, grinning as she stepped out of her skirt and gently kicked it out of the way.

By the time my eyes began to travel back up, she had turned once again to face me. I knew from the tiny triangle of green satin that she was wearing the thong I had selected for her. I tried to hide my disappointment at not getting a view of the back. Her soft giggles told me I hadn't hidden it well enough.

Leaning back, I forced myself to take a deep breath and stop obsessing over that bit of green. Trying to take it all in at once, I was even more turned on. Jess was stunning. Her entire body was covered in delicious little freckles. Her long hair was a light peachy red, what you might call a strawberry blond. Occasionally her movements would send the soft tresses down over her breasts, the tips of her hair brushing against her nipples as gently as a lover's tongue. Her narrow hips moved from side to side, keeping perfect time with the music, giving the driving rhythm an added sensuality.

My pulse was racing and I was breathing a bit too fast. My nipples were painfully hard and the slight friction from each breath shifting the fabric of my bra was excruciating. My legs were trembling and I could feel the moisture collecting between my thighs.

I wanted more.

Jess must have sensed it. She slowly turned her back to me, and for the first time, I saw her incredible ass. Her entire body was soft, feminine, and her ass was no exception. It was tight, but full, the rounded cheeks curving gently out from her thighs. The tiny straps of her panties came around her sides, low on her hips. In the center there was a small lace butterfly and below it an even smaller strip of satin that disappeared between her freckled flesh. The thong accentuated her curves, drawing attention to her perfectly sculpted silhouette. As she danced I followed the line of her body from head to toe again and again. Her hair swung back and forth, her narrow waist bending and curving as she moved her hips to the music.

The last song ended and when the tape stopped, the gentle click startled us both.

Jesse quickly turned to face me, and with a nervous giggle said, "That was a one hour tape. I guess I got carried away."

I smiled and took a shaky breath, relieved the spell was broken. "I think we both got a little carried away." I stood and was reaching for my purse when Jess grabbed my wrist.

"I didn't actually finish ... I mean ... well, I could finish if you want."

I glanced once again at that little triangle of green satin. I didn't know what to say, I just stared at it, wondering at what was beneath.

Finally, Jess slid her fingers down from my wrist, gently grasping my hand and guiding it to her hip. She whispered, "Do you want to see me?"

I could only nod, my gaze fixed on that bit of fabric. I placed my free hand on her other hip. I was holding my breath as I slid one finger of each hand beneath the tiny straps. I began to slide her panties down, kneeling as I pulled them along her legs, watching the shiny fabric drag against her skin.
As she stepped out of the panties, I glanced back up, and let out a deep moan. Her pussy was right in front of me. The neatly trimmed curls looked so soft, a slightly darker shade than the rest of her hair. Without thinking, I reached up to hold the back of her thighs and leaned forward, softly kissing the skin just above her dark peach curls. Jess let out a moan and leaned into me, sliding her hands into my hair.

Sighing softly, I looked up and stared into her soft green eyes, desire turning them a darker shade. I stood slowly, tracing my fingertips up the back of her thighs as I moved, flattening my palms against her soft behind. I stifled a moan as I gently cupped her ass, finding it just as firm and full as I imagined it would be.

Standing before her, I leaned close and whispered, "Thank you," against her ear, lightly kissed her cheek, then quickly walked out, pulling the door closed behind me.

Leaning against the door, I closed my eyes and took a several deep steadying breaths. Once in control again, I opened my eyes to find Lisa standing behind the counter watching me. I slowly made my way over to the counter and paid for the additional half hour.

Lisa looked puzzled as she asked, “Everything go OK in there?”
I smiled and said, “You should give that girl a raise.”

The anger quickly returned to her face and I couldn’t help but laugh softly as I turned and walked out of the store.

© Chase 2010
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