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Old 02-11-2005, 09:37 AM
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Wink Co-Story Moved Here

Hi all!
A suggestion was made to move the story that Ranger1930 and I are writing to the interactive thread. Hope this makes things a little easier to follow. We welcome feedback on our story!



Last edited by fzzy : 09-17-2005 at 12:44 AM.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:38 AM
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The Beginning- Pt. 1

He sat atop the building, his legs hanging over the edge, his eyes scanning the few humans on the street below. Pondering lightly where his next meal for the evening would come. Sighing softly to himself, he looked up and out across the blackness of the nearly deserted city. Most of the inhabitants having been preyed upon, or simply leaving out of fear. He had wondered since he came to this village which other was preying upon them. He could sense the ammount of fear that was already brewed into them. He knew well with his prey of one a day to every other day that he was not creating it.

Occasionally he would see a shadow sweep through the streets over a building, not yet had he seen anything tangible. Perhaps tis why he stayed within this decrepit little town. When one stays alone for years upon years, and the only voices that you hear are the screams or moans of your victims, it affects you deeply. Shaking his head lightly he brought himself back from his reverie to spy upon a certain town official who had the luxury of spotting him on his perch. Eyeing the rather large man for a moment as he gazed up at shadow enshrouded vampire. An evil glare shot from his eyes and his voice filled the mans ears. "Begone simple peasent or ye shall no longer be able to protect those ye love so dearestly." Watching as the man looked down to the ground and followed the orders nearly exactly, a bit with haste from his fear. He was surprised at himself how easily it was to control these people, their fear of him making his power over them so all encompassing.

To think he had another to thank for it. Again he thought to himself these wonderings of another why is it he thought so much about this other when before the depths of loneliness did nay bother him. Was it the simple fact of being yet so close without knowing? Or was it, that other thing? Yes, that indeed was what it is, that strange smell, of course he had been around many other vampires in his day he used to live in a convent of them. He knew the smells and sights of all you could imagine. But this thing was certainly strange. He had seen its handy work he knew it to be another of his kind. Maybe a bit more violent for his taste but one none the less. But the smell, it lingered all over. Twas barely enough to contain his curiousity and nay just hunt the thing down and confront it. Each passing night of late left him feeling this way. To find the source of the strange scent, he truely wished to know more of this other. Yet he still avoided it he wondered why. A few times he spied the shadow sitting still upon a building not so far from where he might have been, watching him as he watched it. He wished to go over but he never did. The most he would do would simply turn and vault down to the streets and dissappear.

Sighing deeply to himself at his emotional plight he brought his gaze up from the cobblestones to a flickering street light, the candle within nearly burned to the bottom. Would not be long, how gracious of the cleaners to forget this light he thought. He would simply just have to go bring it to their attention, grinning devishly to himself at the thought of bleeding one as they came to change the candle. The thought picked him up considerabley and his feet twitched and began to tap a little rythem to the wall as he watched the candle burn down. So engrossed was he in his thought of how he just might massacre the poor cleaner, he did not even sense the shadow that landed behind him on the other side of the building.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:39 AM
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The Beginning- Pt. 2

I remained in the shadows and watched this other creature. I wondered if he could feel my eyes burning into him. I'd been watching him from afar, lingering far enough away to escape his glancing eyes. I watched him prey on the weak and the strong alike.....they were all the same to him. He never faltered in his attacks and no emotion showed in his face. The mystery and darkness that enshrouded him was tainted with an air of seduction. I found myself drawn to him despite my efforts to avoid him.

His eyes flickered in the lamplight and I found myself captivated by his presence. Still finding safety in the shadows, I kept my eyes trained on him as he leapt from the building and pounced onto the unwary lamp keeper. I lost sight of him but could hear the screams of terror from below. A smile spread across my face. He was of my kind....those who took lives to remain dead.

I was deep in thought when he caught me off guard. Before I realized what was happening, I found him before me grasping my shoulders tightly, his eyes piercing into my own. His lips shone crimson in the moonlight. I always thought I would fear an encounter with him but as I stood there in his grasp, I felt nothing except a flicker of desire. There was still no trace of emotion on his face yet I felt at ease.

I waited for him to speak. An soft wind stirred my raven hair, brushing it over his hands that still held my shoulders. As if it was a signal, his fingers began to gently caress my shoulders. My mind was racing and yet he just stood there, staring at me. A slight shiver ran through my body. It seemed like forever until he released his grip and pulled me against him. Without hesitating, I pressed my lips against his. After sharing a lust-filled kiss, I pulled back slightly and barely brushed my tongue over his lips. I didn't know who he was, only what he was. I knew that I desired him and so wanted him to desire me.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:40 AM
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The Beginning- Pt. 3

Pulling back from her my tongue flicked over my lips dissappearing whatever droplets of blood were left. A grin however soon replaced the calm look I held. My eyes glittering with a crimson fire, fresh blood coursing through my decaying veins and renewing all senses. The passion however of finally catching what indeed was this delicate little bat in her own trap alighting another fire within.

My work had paid off, the times I wished to flutter and great her and resisting. Now proved that time wasted is not time ill-spent. She was indeed like me and quite gorgeous at that. I could see something within, almost startling me. I could not place what it was but I was surely curious enough to explore her further to find it.

Turning from her I slinked to the edge of the building looking back another insideous grin. "Tonight is definatly a night to lavish myself I believe." And with that I pounced from the roof taking to the sky in a bound of power. Quickly I made my way to the lavish palace of which the villages prosperity resided.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:41 AM
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The Beginning- Pt. 4- Sinful Pleasure

My breath caught in my throat after he pulled his lips from mine. Such an odd sensation overtook me and I felt weak. I didn't understand what it was at first. A quick thought made me realize that I desired this fellow creature with an uncontrollable lust. I never needed a companion before; I was used to having the dark as my only lover. Now, I was overwhelmed with longing for his touch, his kiss, and his seductive voice.
What was wrong with me? I was willing to become his next victim. I almost begged for him to prey upon me. A tingle spread through my body and I had to control my urge to let my passions take over. I was secretly wishing for him to hide me away and take control over me.
The words he uttered before springing away from me caused almost animalistic urges to be unleashed. Fearing that he would abandon me, I felt fear creep over me for the first time. I WANTED him.....and I wanted him to want ME. I didn't care if it was only for this night. I couldn't believe that I was handing this stranger my will.
Watching him leap from the building, a smile spread across my face. Surely he planned that I would follow him.....I WOULD be his.....I was hunting a sinful pleasure.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:42 AM
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The Ball at the Palace Royal

Gliding effortlessly through the evening air, his mind and body set aflame with the happenings. He lands utterly quiet 'pon the roof of the palace. Turning to gaze out back the way he came he spies the quick hopping shadows of his encounter. Grinning he looks about at the guards station creeping across the battlements he stands upon the roof of the atrium peering in through the sheets of glass to the party within. All the warm blood filled patrons below frolicing and pushing the limitations of their public sins to a point of disgust. The rythemic swaying of their intoxicated bodies almost hypnotic. Slipping across the roof to the slide he hangs and works himself in through a window. Landing on the floor in a back lit area of the room. Assuming himself admist the patrons he worked through the crowd generally enjoying the warmth of all around him.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:43 AM
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His movements were swift and graceful and tested my abilities. He was the only creature that could both dominate and mystify me all in the same instant. My mind lingered on how there had been a silent flame flickering in his eyes. It was if I had lost all my will.....I HAD to pursue him. Both my mind and my body wanted him with an undying lust. Had my heart not died long ago, it would have been racing, coursing blood through my veins. I saw him enter through a window. I questioned why he remained so secretive from these lambs for slaughter.

I walked up the marble steps and to the massive doors that kept the outside world from the festivities inside. With a wave of my hand, the doors swung back with a groan. It took a moment for the rosy-cheeked crowd to notice my presence in the doorway. The night wind toyed with my delicate black gown. I scanned the trembling crowd with my eyes, in search of my quarry. With the grace of any princess, I glided into the room, the slit in my gown exposing a smooth pale leg every now and then.

In a darkened corner, I found him gazing at me. Our eyes locked and a playful smile crept across my lips. The crowd murmered and I heard a gasp as eyes turned towards him. A young man near my age stood within my reach. With a single quick movement, I stepped next to him, tilted his head to expose his throat, and then drove my fangs into his juggular. In a matter of seconds, his breath came faster and then he sank to the floor. Fear sprung up into all the eyes that were focused on me. I glanced over to the shadow again and slowly licked the crimson from my lips.

I walked slowly towards him, my hands sliding casually down my sides until they came to rest on my hips. Standing with my body pressed against his and looking into his eyes I said, "I offer myself to you....I am here to bow to all your wishes." I pressed my lips forcefully against his, my mind straining with excitement.
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Old 02-15-2005, 05:33 AM
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Reaching up I glided my hands throughout her hair, Pulling her head to the side and taking her offering. My lips connecting with her neck before my fangs broke the skin and letting her blood pour into me. Tasting her scent and letting her will enter me.. Pulling away after but a taste I grin. " Well now.. Arn't you just the show stopper? Look what you've done little one.. This whole crowd has stopped and is staring at us. Just what are you going to do to get yourself out of this perdicament?" And with that I leap up gripping a rafter and vaulting myself from it out the glass window The shards of which falling to the heads of the occupants scratching and stabbing their shoulders and face. Nearly unresistable ammounts of warm fleshy blood drip from them to the floor.
Fantasy is only as as fake as your body wants it to be.
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Old 02-15-2005, 12:30 PM
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I smiled at his confidence. I knew all eyes were on me. The crowed awaited in fear. Was I going to be the destroyer of more life? I turned and faced the multitudes of pale faces. Stepping lightly towards the center of the crowd, they parted like a river. I glided past by these cowering weak creatures and out into the night air. Although the thrill of the chase was still in me, I was going to make him come to me this time. I sprang into the air and lit on the crumbling remnants of an old mansion. No one dared to come here....this was my dwelling. Walking to the edge of the roof, I peered down upon a great cemetary. I knew that it would only be a matter of time before he would find me. I listned to a raven calling in the distance and sat on the stone ledge wall that encased the roof's platform. I would await here until he came for me.
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