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Old 08-10-2006, 01:10 AM
oceaneyes oceaneyes is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: California
Posts: 1
Sea Creatures

Zoe was incensed at the idea that she was told not to explore the shoreline on her own, and she had no intention of being obedient. Visiting her father's cousins had not been her idea and the only thing she had looked forward to was the ocean. Nothing annoyed her more than being forbidden to do something without explanations. It was two days ago that she first heard the rumors from some of the girls; incredible tales of girls being taken as mates by some sort of 'sea men' back when the dingy resort town had been an active fishing village. Zoe thought she could guess how these tales had originated: village girls sneaking into secluded coves to have sex with young fishermen or, in a more interesting scenario, being surprised while bathing by boatsmen and being coerced or seduced into having sex with them. Zoe thought of such scenes as she skirted the edge of the town and followed a steep path leading to the rockier part of the shoreline to the north.

She could imagine why those girls had yielded and let those men take them on the sand; being on the beach and watching the waves caress the shore made her sure that she knew what it would feel like if a man seized her and pressed himself against her. If she had been one of those girls and a boatsman had found her alone on the beach she knew she would have let him shove her down onto the sand. As Zoe thought about this, another image came into her head; the arms pinning her to the sand were iridescent and the supple, smoothly muscled body pressing down on hers had the supple grace of a dolphin….Zoe came to an abrupt halt in her decent down the path; with an exasperated toss of her head she tried to dispel the image. She knew its source; last night the girls had gathered around old Magda, the crazy old woman who lived in the cottage behind the restaurant. The rumors said that Magda had been one of the girls that had been taken by one of the 'sea men'. She had supposedly been missing for a month and had returned, but left the village soon after until the following spring. There were whispers of pregnancy and a freakish baby. As the girls had plied her with questions last night, Magda had suddenly begun to speak.

"None of them would take any of you lot!" She cackled. Then she had seen Zoe, and her hand shot out and grabbed Zoe's wrist.

"Ah, who's this now?" She murmured looking closely at Zoe's face "You have the ringed eyes, they would see you as kin to them, they would mate with you!" Zoe tried to free her wrist, but the old woman's grasp was surprisingly strong. She held Zoe at arms length and looked her up and down. "Aye, you would fit perfectly on the stones" "What stones?" asked Zoe angrily. "The mating stones, they're in all the hidden places up and down the coast, that's where they bring you, to put their seed in you."

"That's ridiculous!" Snapped Zoe, breaking free.

"No" Whispered Magda "It was hard for us, they weren't human then, they had to force themselves into us. It was harsh and quick, but now the half-human babies that went back to the sea will be looking for females to mate with and deposit their seed. It will be different for you." Zoe was doing her best to keep up an appearance of annoyance, but she was beginning to be fascinated. Magda spoke again of the mating stones and the creatures that appeared silently out of the water; their mesmerizing eyes and strong arms and the thick, supple shafts that penetrated their chosen mates. The feeling of searing warmth as they deposited their seed, the multiple mating acts during the lunar month they kept their mates captive. Zoe had had to tear herself away, and could do nothing to dispel the images that Magda's tale had left in her head.

The path ended at a steep cliff, but Zoe could see multiple footholds and began to climb. When she reached the water, she saw an intriguing cleft in the rocks. She pulled off her T-Shirt and shorts and stowed them in a crevice and plunged into the sea, swimming toward the cleft.

It led into a small, secluded cove. The sea was calm here, and clear as crystal. Zoe smiled, very pleased to have found such a lovely, secluded spot. After a quick inspection, she felt secure in the fact that no one would find her here. She swam the circumference and found a convenient crevice for her bathing suit. Naked in the water, she felt exquisitely free. She loved the feeling of the chilling salt water on her naked flesh. She found a ledge and lifted herself out of the water to feel the sun. She felt herself sliding back on the slippery rock and found herself cradled in a depression in the smooth, wet stone. She was on her back, with her hips tilted upward. The lapping water in the cove was caressing her between her legs. The sensation of the cool, lapping water and the warm cradling stone began to make her breath quicken and her thighs tremble. A sudden awareness shot through her: the mating stones! This was one of the mating stones! They were real after all! And if the stones were real…..before Zoe could complete the thought, she felt the water whirl and rush between her legs and she gasped in shock as a glistening figure shot out of the water.

Zoe's heart was hammering as she looked into the mesmerizing eyes of the creature before her. It immediately moved in close to her, gazing into her eyes. Zoe was numb; she couldn't move, she felt the creature draw very close to her, pushing her back onto the mating stone. It began to rub his mouth, with delicate fin openings on either side, across her belly, up toward her breasts. She gasped as it placed its mouth on them and caressed them with a sensitive, forked tongue. Her mind was numb and in shock. She couldn't think. This wasn't another fantasy; the weight of the sea creature was real; pressing her into the stone. She felt its mouth on her breasts, she felt it pull itself out of the water to cover her with its smoothly scaled body. She gasped as she felt something thick and throbbing pressing into her between her legs. The tales were true, a sea man had found her, chosen her, and was preparing to mate with her. Some part of her mind told her to resist, to try to flee, but the physical sensations as the cruelly hard shaft between her legs began to press into her held her riveted. Some deep instinct inside her stirred and wanted this mating, whatever came of it. Although she was already beginning to feel the pain of it, she wanted the creature's shaft to press further into her.

As though it had sensed her submission, it thrust itself against her with incredible strength. Zoe cried out in pain as the sea man's shaft broke through her hymen and penetrated her. Hard and relentlessly deep, the sensation of its width and length inside her made her breath come in shuddering gasps. The mating stone cradled the impact as it began to thrust itself in and out of her. Every thrust was painful for Zoe, but with every thrust came a sensation of need for the next thrust and the next. Her whimpering moans were as much for the pain as for the desire for the pain and the anticipation of feeling the entire hard width and length thrusting back into her.

The sea man's skin scales glistened in the sunlight. Its webbed fingers held Zoe fast as it thrust himself into her again and again. Its thrusting became deeper and faster and it began to emit a low cry with each thrust. The pain increased with the deeper thrusting, but so did the feeling of wanting each thrust as it came, wanting it to be deep. Zoe began to moan with each thrust, softly at first, but louder as the creature began to thrust towards its climax. Suddenly, it stiffened, letting out a guttural cry. Zoe moaned and shivered as she felt a searing warmth inside her. She knew that the sea creature had deposited its seed in her. She was trembling and panting. She knew now that the tales were real, the sea creatures were real, and she had become this sea man's mate. Magda had said that they kept their mates for a lunar month, mating with them again and again. She felt a shuddering anticipation at what would now happen to her, kept as this creature's mate, being taken again and again. Here, or wherever else it chose to bring her.

At though her thoughts had been a signal, the creature drew her toward its chest with one arm, and plunged into the water. Zoe instinctively sucked air and held her breath as they went under water. She wondered briefly if she would drown, but they soon broke surface again. Looking around her, Zoe saw a similar cove, without any visible access. No one could reach this cove from the shore. The sea man released her and quickly swam the circumference of the cove. Zoe remained in the water, trying to calm herself. There was a throbbing soreness between her legs. She saw the ledge of another mating stone and leaned her head on it to rest. She didn't know how long the creature would wait before mating with her again. The thought evoked a stirring warmth inside her and she felt a gentle pulsing between her legs. She began to breath more rapidly. Slowly, she lifted herself out of the water, onto the mating stone. As she lay back, the creature began to swim toward her. In one swift movement, it lifted itself out of the water and stretched itself out on top of her. She felt the rapid rise and fall of its chest and the stiffening of its strange penis against her belly. It slipped itself lower and she felt it, stiff and throbbing, pressing with increasing urgency into her. The hard head of the shaft parted her vaginal lips and began to slide into her. Zoe whimpered and arched herself against the weight of the creatures body as it penetrated her again. The pain was less than the first time, and the aching to feel him deeper inside her much, much greater. Zoe's whimper became a long, low moan as the creature thrust completely into her. These mating stones were angled differently; she was being penetrated deeper and harder than the fist time. She began to lift herself to meet each thrust and the creatures webbed hands grasped her hips. She felt the webbed fingers sink into her flesh, pulling her sharply against the taut, scaled skin that was throbbing against hers. Zoe lost coherent thought. The thrusting and the depth of the creature's penetration into her were her entire world. His moans joined hers as the sensations from the thrusting reached almost unbearable heights. Zoe gasped and stiffened as something inside her clenched itself together and began to throb. The creature shuddered and began to thrust in a kind of frenzy. The searing warmth came again as Zoe's breaths came out in shuddering sobs. As the sensations of this second mating slowly began to ebb, Zoe knew that she would stay with the sea man as long as he wanted her, and mate with him as often as he wanted to take her. She wanted the sensation of his thrusting inside her, and his cumming inside her. The sensations of mating with the sea man overrode everything else. Nothing else mattered.
They lay for a time immobile on the stone. The sun glittered on the water, and Zoe thought briefly that time was passing in the village, but the village no longer seemed part of her world. She lay quietly, until she felt the creature begin to stir beside her. She pressed herself against him as they lay together on the stone, and her panting breath turned to another long moan as he turned to her and penetrated her again. This time, they were both lying sideways, and he wasn't going quite so deep. Zoe's breath came quick at the sensation of him slipping the tip of his shaft in and out of her. He went on and on with the shallow thrusting, until Zoe began to feel a desperate want for him to go deeper. She wrapped her arms around his smooth body, feeling the scales of his back and he rolled them over and began to go deeper into her. Zoe's moaning began to match his rythm. The thrusting went on and on, Zoe thought she would die of pleasure. The sea man lifted her high on the stone and began thrusting up into her. Zoe cried out as something began to shudder inside her that culminated in a slick wetness. Ecstatic moaning came from both of them as the sea man answered her wetness with the spurting heat of his semen. They continued to rhythmically press themselves against each other as the waves of orgasm slowly ebbed. Zoe felt ages away from the girl who thought she could imagine what sex would feel like. She was in a new world of shuddering moans, ecstatic pain, and excruciating pleasure.

The creature remained pressed up against her, his scaled arms locked around her and his shaft deep inside her. She lent weakly against him, trembling. His hardness had lessened, but he kept himself inside her. She couldn't relax completely and continued to breathe in shallow gasps. She belonged entirely to this creature that held her in this sexual embrace. She was effectively pinned; unable to escape, as much because of their being physically joined as because of her sudden inability to bear the thought of being empty of him. She wept a little as she clung to him with her arms, legs and body. He seemed to cradle her against him, though she didn't know if he was even capable of tenderness beyond the urge to mate. They stayed jointly entwined, resting against each other's heartbeats. Zoe was slowly becoming aware of a painful soreness inside her. Even as tears slid down her cheeks in response to the pain, desire began to rise inside her to feel the cause of the pain again. She pulled herself back to look at the creatures face. He stirred instantly at her movement and clasped her with his strong, scaled arms. Zoe caught her breath as the creature pressed himself against her, gazing at her with its strange sea-eyes. Incredibly, she could feel him beginning to harden again inside her. She had thought she was spent, yet she began to tremble and to strain her hips against him. Her breath began to come in pants as he stiffened and lengthened into her. They both strained against each other, falling into a rhythm, grasping each other tightly to deepen the sensation. Zoe's heart began to hammer they began to pulsate against each other, faster and faster. Her gasps turned to cries as the creatures shaft, deep inside her, began to stimulate incredible sensations as the straining and pulsating reached a frenetic pace. Uhhhhh! Ahhhh! Zoe couldn't contain herself; long, throaty cries accompanied the waves of pleasure breaking over her. Convulsions broke loose inside her again and again, and the creature threw back its head with a cry of its own as is pressed itself savagely against her, its pulsating shaft emitting spurt after spurt of searing heat deep, deep inside her. They continued to strain against each other, spent and moaning, unwilling to let the sensations ebb away. It was a long time before they could bear to relax their hold on each other.
Zoe was dazed, unable to think. The sun was beginning to set, but there was no question of going back. One lunar month he would keep her as his mate. She wanted nothing but that; to be his mate, to mate again and again, even though she would become impregnated with a sea-creature child. There was nothing for her but to remain with her mate and wait for him to penetrate her again. She cared for nothing else. There are many mating stones in hidden coves along that coast. That lunar month, Zoe coupled with her mate upon them all, each yielding a different sensation, each ending in shuddering ecstasy.
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