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Old 10-11-2005, 11:35 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Revenge IS Sweet!

This is the first of seven parts to this story, which runs to over 40,000 words in total. If anyone wants the rest, leave a comment or PM me. Thanks



He was ANGRY! No, ..... totally apoplectic! The skinny, sexless bitch that was his boss had gone way too far this time. He was going to have to do something, even if it was just to make him feel better about himself. The more he thought about what had happened, how embarrassed and useless she'd made him feel, the more he thought about revenge. Going home from work, he had a long shower in an effort to feel more relaxed then, sipping a beer in warm sunshine seeping through his window, his anger dissipated to a cold, raw hatred deep in his gut. It was then that he began to concoct the beginnings of his plan.....

He thought back to the events which had led him to this place. Tom White was 35 years old, the eldest in a family of 5 which comprised his four sisters and him, all born within seven years. His mother had brought them all up after Tom's dad had been killed at his job of railway engineer, his pension and the payout offered by the rail company helping to ease the burden of his loss. Despite this financial help, Tom had helped bring up his sisters so his mother wouldn't need to 'buy in' help, and he had learned all kinds of things as a result, some of which had been enhanced by a three-year hitch in the army. He had retrained after his discharge, and now enjoyed his work as a psychiatric nurse, moving to this island six months before in response to an advertisement for nurses trained in all aspects of psychotherapy.... or at least he had until this recent humiliation at the hands of his incompetent, but connected, boss.

As he thought back to the events of the day, he had to determinedly push down the feelings of intense anger; a patient Tom had been working with for some time had committed suicide a week ago, much to his surprise. He had known the man was very depressed, but he felt they had begun to make some headway in dealing with the complex issues he faced and which contributed massively to his illness. As if that wasn't bad enough Tricia, his skinny, self-serving boss, had commented in front of everyone on shift how it must have been the poor quality of therapy from Tom that caused the man to take his own life; Tom had taken the bait swiftly, without thinking, and she had launched a scathing and withering attack on his professionalism and integrity. In his attempts to defend himself he had allowed his comments to become personal, and had ended up on a disciplinary charge - this had taken place that morning, and resulted in Tom receiving a final written warning about his future conduct! He was determined to extract some form of recompense, especially as he'd since found out that Tricia had been in charge the day his patient had killed himself, and it was her fault the man had had the opportunity to do what he did.

Tom was divorced, and since coming to the island had shared a house with a guy he had known from his service days who was now working in the I.T. Industry. He knew Steve well, and the two of them were like brothers in how they watched each others backs when they were out on the town, just as they had in the old days. Tom knew Steve would help him in his act of revenge, just as if he'd been the one who'd suffered himself. He also knew that Steve would probably enjoy it - there was a touch of the psychopath about Steve, which may come in quite useful in the days and weeks to come!

Tom took a 4-week leave of absence from work, and commenced his preparations. The house had a fully equipped garage attached to it, plus a spacious basement - an unusual addition on the island, which Steve had excavated for storing his computers in a cool environment. This basement would play a pivotal part of Tom's plan, and Steve was quite happy to move his computer equipment to another part of the house. Tom, with some help from Steve, spent most of the four weeks building and adapting the basement to suit their plan, acquiring some specialist items not commonly found on the island, until finally everything was in place. Tom then returned to work, feeling refreshed and content that the next phase of the plan could be put into action.

He was welcomed back by his colleagues, who had a great deal of respect for him and his expertise and had missed his calm influence on the patients. The only one not pleased to see him was Tricia, but he ignored her as best he could, biding his time until phase two could be implemented. This happened sooner than he had hoped; knowing she lived alone, Tom and Steve had kept her under a loose surveillance to find out what kind of routine she had. This had proved easy, thanks to the skills they had learned in the service, and they quickly determined the best place and time to put their plan into action.

A plan comes together

Tricia's main passion, outside of picking on anyone and everyone at work, was horses. She was due a two-week holiday the next week, which Tom knew from past experience would be spent riding her horse most days, possibly with occasional nights out with her friends. Occasionally she had gone away for a week or so, at which times she would get one of her friends to look after her horse. He and Steve planned their move for the second day of her holiday, to give them enough time to carry out their plan before she was due back to work. They wrote a note to Tricia's friend, asking her to look after the horse for 10 days - this would be put through the woman's letterbox that day. They then took Tom's 4X4 and parked it out of sight, close to Tricia's stable yard.... then, they waited. Sure enough, Tricia arrived to see to the horse, Tom and Steve watched as she swiftly went about the daily routine. When she had finished, she walked past the end of the barn towards her car; unbeknownst to her though, Steve was poised at the edge of the building, and when she passed by he slipped silently behind her and, with a pad soaked in an anaesthetic liquid he had "acquired", covered Tricia's mouth and nose, holding the pad tightly until she fell limp in his arms. Quickly, the two men bundled her into the boot of her own car, Steve taking off in his 4X4 and Tom right behind him. When they reached the house, Steve had already put up the garage door, and Tom drove straight in without anyone seeing him. They had deliberately picked this time, as both the neighbours would be out that night to a golf function on the other side of the island. Steve then helped Tom lift Tricia out of the car, and together they carried her into the house and down the stairs into the prepared basement, placing her on the specially-built bench in the centre of the room. Quickly, they stripped the unconscious woman of all her clothes, securing her to the bench with the attached ropes, then stood back to examine their handiwork. Satisfied, they took a few minutes to contemplate their actions.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this mate?" Steve asked

"Of course" replied Tom, "don't you?"

"Hell yes! After all the things she's done, to you and the rest, she deserves anything that happens to her. You can include me well and truly IN!"

"Good on ya, mate.... I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Tom answered, a feeling of satisfaction welling up inside him.

Now the two men could relax for a minute or two, and they stood watching the naked woman now stretched out on the bench in front of them. She was attached by her wrists and ankles to the complicated sections of the bench, her small breasts flat against her ribcage and the small bush of gingerly pubic hair now springing out from her groin.

"She looks almost anorexic to me" said Steve, "not much meat on her at all".

"Well, we don't have to find her attractive mate" Tom replied.

"True" Steve answered, "but look at how thin her legs she manages to stay on that horse of hers is beyond me".
Tricia was now showing signs of waking from her enforced sleep, and with a last check of her bonds, the two men left the room, turning off the spotlights in the ceiling so that the woman would wake in darkness, not having any idea of where she was or what was in store for her. These were just one of the many alterations the two men had made to the room over the past weeks, in addition to extra soundproofing, and they were confident that the woman would be in a state of panic very soon. They could hardly wait!

Tricia Mulholland came slowly awake into darkness, groggy, and unsure of just what had happened to her. As she came more awake, she became aware that she was lying on her back with her arms spread apart above her head, and secured by some soft-feeling, yet immensely strong cuffs. As she allowed her senses to drift down her body, she very soon became aware that her legs were also spread wide, and also secured by the same type of restraint as her wrists. She could feel a cool breeze drifting across her body.....wait a minute - ACROSS her body? Oh God, she was naked! As she narrowed her concentration, she could feel her nipples puckering in the cool air, and the delicate flow of air amongst her pubic hair. She realised then that she wasn't SEEING any of this; had she gone blind? Blinking quickly and repeatedly, she soon realised that she was, in fact, in pitch blackness, not a chink of light to be seen anywhere. She laid back on the bed? gurney? She wasn't sure; only sure that it too was solidly constructed and she was safe from falling, at least.

She could feel the beginnings of panic setting in now, and to keep it at bay she attempted to reconstruct how she had got here. She remembered having been at the stable, mucking out, feeding and watering her horse, Strongbow; then everything was a blank until she woke up here, naked and cold. Then, the panic swept in again, and Tricia began to scream and scream and scream.................

When she woke again, it was still pitch black. She was still naked. She was still cold.

Oh GOD! Where are you, when I need you?

Tom and Steve descended the stairs into the basement, both dressed identically in black boiler suits and black-visored, black motorcycle helmets. They didn't want Tricia to recognise them, for the moment anyway! Tom switched on the powerful spotlights as he began his descent, and when he reached the bottom he could see Tricia lying on the bench, her eyes screwed tightly together against the viciously bright lights.

"Hello, Bitch" he said, his voice an eerie electronic distortion of his normally mild tones ~ one of the tricks Steve had come up with so that Tricia wouldn't recognise them. This took the form of a tiny box strapped near their larynxes; it made both of them sound rather like an evil Stephen Hawking thought Tom. But, it did the job... for now.

As Tricia gradually regained her sight, she was aware of the two black-clad figures standing at the foot of the bench. She could now see clearly that it was modelled loosely on a weight-bench, but with a number of differences she could only wonder at just now.
The main items she observed were two steel poles at either end of the bench, each about two inches square, with a complicated system of pulleys and wires attached to it. She shivered involuntarily as she imagined just what they could mean for her.

Tom moved up to the head of the bench so that he could look into the upside-down eyes of his tormentress; he felt a tiny frisson of shame as he looked at the scrawny, naked woman, but quickly quashed it - he knew what he was going to do, and he would let nothing stop him now.

"Well now, Tricia" he said, finally, "have you worked out yet why you're here?"

"No, I haven't" she replied, her voice breaking at the last second, betraying the fear just below the surface.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"Yes, I am" Tom answered, the electronic voice displaying no emotion.

"It's my small attempt to repay you for all the back-stabbing you've done over the years, getting good nurses sacked for no reason other than your own petty spite, putting people down if they don't happen to YOUR ideas of 'normality' - which, by the way, are pretty damn warped!"

"You''re not going to hurt me..... are you?" Asked Tricia, in a small voice. "I mean...."

She could go on no further.

"It wouldn't be outwith the bounds of possibility" Steve now entered the conversation.
"After all, when did you ever stop to think about hurting anyone else?"

"How do you people KNOW these things?" she screamed, "I DEMAND to know who you are and what you want with me!"

"I don't think you're in much of a position to demand ANYthing" Steve replied curtly, "so if I were you, I'd just keep quiet and think about all the unpleasant, hurtful and downright nasty things you've done to folks over the years. And just pray we're not as vindictive as you ~ after all, we DO have reasons, unlike you!"
As soon as he finished speaking, Steve nodded to Tom and the two made their way back up the stairs, turning the lights out as Tricia continued screaming questions into the darkness. They closed the door at the top of the stairs, cutting her voice off in mid-expletive.

"I think she'll keep for a few more hours mate, what d'you think?" asked Steve.

"Yup, I think you're right" Tom smiled his answer. "Let's go out for a pint, eh?"

Before going out, Tom phoned his immediate boss, stating that he was taking some emergency leave and wouldn't be back for at least a week, citing a family emergency as the reason. His boss was very understanding, and told him to take all the time he needed;
"After all, Tricia's not here to argue, is she?" she said.

"No, she certainly isn't" Tom smiled to himself, thanking his boss for her compassion.

Steve and Tom sat in their favourite pub, which was nice and quiet at this time of night, discussing their immediate plans. They had already discussed the broad outline of their plan, and Steve now wanted to make sure his friend had the nerve to go through with what they'd planned, as he knew this whole scheme was alien to Tom basic nature.

"I guess I do feel a little bit nervous about it" Tom said to him, " but we've started now, so we have no choice but to keep on 'til the end. After all, if we let her go now, she'll get the police involved, things could get VERY messy for you, mate"

"Hell, you don't need to worry about ME Tom" Steve retorted, "It wouldn't bother me in the least leaving this island; truth is, I was getting a bit bored anyway, this has livened things up a bit for me!"

Tom knew his friend had a low threshold for boredom, and had been quite surprised he had stayed on the island for as long has he had. Steve had said that the only reason he stayed was because the money he earned at his job was very good, but he had saved a lot of money over the past few years and had been planning to 'spread his wings' quite soon if this hadn't come along. Tom also lived quite frugally, and although his salary was nowhere near as much as Steve's, he too had a tidy sum stashed away. After their second pint, the two men decided it was time to return to the house, and see what their captive was getting up to.

On their return to the house, the two went directly into Steve's computer room, where he had set up some extra equipment he had borrowed from work. In addition to a state of the art video monitor and twin recorder, he had installed cameras with special infrared capability in the basement, and the men now sat in front of the monitor to watch their captive in tones of red and black on the 19-inch screen. At this moment she was quiescent, not struggling with the straps securing her to the bench as she had been earlier.

"Time to go and wake her up, I think" said Tom, and the men donned their boiler suits and helmets before descending the stairs into the basement.

Tricia had fallen in to a light doze, and let out a small whimper of fear as the bright spotlights clicked into life above her. For a few seconds she was disorientated, but quickly she remembered what had happened to her, and the predicament she was in. Having been restrained now for several hours, her shoulders in particular were quite painful due to the unnatural position they were trapped in. Despite being able to move a little on the bench, she had been unable to relieve entirely the cramps that had set in and as soon as she saw the two men coming down the stairs she let them know how sore she was. The taller of the two men (Tom, although she didn't know this) put a finger in front of his helmet, in a parody of the 'shush' gesture used by parents all over the world.

"Hush now, Tricia; we'll sort that out for you right now"

"Thank you........ oh, THANK you" she whimpered, angry at herself for appearing so weak, but unable to help herself. She started squealing again seconds later, when the tall man went to the top of the bench and began winding some sort of winch contraption - but instead of slackening her bonds off, it was stretching her arms higher above her head!

"Ow, ow , owwowwwww!!" she screamed, as her body seemed to be stretched intolerably even straighter over the plastic material of the bench. "That HURTS, you bastards!"

"I don't think my ears can take such foul language" the smaller man said in his eerie electronic voice, "I think we'll leave you to think some more, dear. What do you say mate?"
Tom merely nodded, and the two men again ascended the stairs, however this time they left the lights on, so Tricia could better appreciate the decor, or lack of it!, in the basement room.

Back in the 'viewing room', as they had taken to calling it, Tom and Steve sat and watched the woman framed on the screen as she tried half-heartedly to struggle against her restraints. They had decided to leave her for half an hour, no longer, as to keep her arms pulled up as they were could cause more pain and discomfort than they wished to inflict - for now, anyway. Playing with the tilt and zoom of the remote-controlled cameras, Steve closed in to the supine woman's face, which now wore a rather desperate, yet resigned, look. Panning downwards from her face, he paused at where her small breasts were stretched flat across her drawn-out ribs. Zooming in even closer, he commented to Tom,

"Tell you what, mate, she's got a cracking set of nipples there!" Steve stared intently at the glowing screen, adjusting the camera so he could see both of Tricia's erect nipples which protruded at least ¾ of an inch from her body.

"I suppose she has" agreed Tom reluctantly, "pity they're attached to such a Grade A bitch!"

"We-e-e-ll.... there's nothing to say we couldn't have a wee bit of fun with her.......... is there?"

"Guess not" Tom replied; in truth, and much to his own disgust, he was feeling quite aroused at the prospect of using and abusing this woman who had caused him so much stress and self-doubt.
"Good for you mate!" exulted Steve, and continued his sweep down the length of Tricia's slim body. On reaching the, rather plump, mound of Tricia's mons pubis he paused again.

"A bit hairy for us Tom, don't you think?" he asked, "I reckon we'll have to shave that off".

"Mmmm" was the only answer he got, as Tom mentally relived some of the woman-sharing exploits he and his friend had enjoyed over the years. It was true, he thought, both of them had a taste for slim, small-breasted women, and in particular shaved pussies. Tom's preference was for brunettes, while Steve preferred blondes, but they both were quite happy to make exceptions where the occasion demanded! Steve zoomed closer in to the woman's groin, and both men saw that her inner lips protruded enough from her labia to be visible through the hair around her slit.

"Looking better and better, my old mate" muttered Steve, "she's got a cracking set of lips on her there!"

Resuming his traverse down Tricia's body, he lingered again on her legs, which under such close scrutiny appeared well-muscled and slim rather than 'skinny' as they had first believed.

"Not bad legs either really, she's got more muscle there than I first thought" Tom this time made the first comment, "must be all that horse-riding she does".

"So, what have you decided then Tom?" Steve asked, "are you up for a 'bit of fun?"

"Hell, yeah - why not?" he answered, "we can adapt things to 'have our cake AND eat it!'"

After another few minutes watching Tricia relax against her restraints, the two men decided to attend to her more basic functions before hitting the sack. Descending to the basement again, Steve slacked off the winch so that Tricia could relax her arms somewhat, and also slightly slackened the tension on her legs. It was now that another of the special adjustments to the bench was revealed to the captive woman; First, Tom raised the back portion of the bench so that she was in a sitting position; next, he removed a square of bench at the level of Tricia's groin, to reveal a commode-type basin underneath.

"Right" he said curtly, "if you want to go, do it now. There won't be another chance 'til the morning".

"Surely you don't expect me to go while you two stand and watch, do you?" she asked, horrified.

"Well, we certainly aren't going to leave you like this" Steve answered her. "Like the man said, if you want to go, go now. There won't be another chance".

Resigned by now to her fate, Tricia eventually relaxed enough to pass her water, for which she was indeed grateful, although she wasn't about to let these vile men know that!

"I'm hungry and thirsty, too" she murmured.
"That's OK - we're not monsters" riposted Tom. He then fed her a sliced apple, one piece at a time, then allowed her to sip a glass of water.

"Is that ALL?" she squealed, "one lousy apple and some water?"

"For tonight, yes" Tom snarled, "and think yourself lucky to get THAT"
With that, the two men returned her to her previous position on the bench, ensuring that she wasn't likely to suffer too badly from cramps. They then left the room and went upstairs, the sounds of the woman's curses dying away as the door swung closed. After watching again from the viewing gallery, and observing Tricia drift eventually into a restless slumber, the two retired to bed and slept the sleep of the just.

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind

Last edited by fzzy : 10-12-2005 at 02:20 AM.
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Old 10-12-2005, 04:15 AM
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Part Two

Next morning Tom and Steve woke early, and went to the viewing room to check on their captive. She also was awake, and was again trying to strain against her bonds in a futile effort to escape the thick, supple leather of the cuffs buckled securely to her wrists and ankles. After eating a leisurely breakfast, the men descended once more into the basement prison.

"Morning, sweetheart" boomed Steve jovially, "and how are we this fine morning?"

"All the worse for seeing YOU, you pig" was the feisty reply.

"Naughty, naughty, Trish........ now what did I tell you about my delicate sensibilities last night?

"I'm sorry" came the small voice of her apology.

"That's better, dear!" was Tom's comment, "don't forget your manners!"

They performed the same manoeuvres as before to allow Tricia to complete her ablutions, then Tom washed her down with soap and cold water. He found himself becoming aroused by the touch of his hands on her bare, female form, and was grateful for the 'protection' offered by his boiler suit. Time enough for her to find out some of the more 'exotic' plans they had for her.

"I think it's time for phase two mate, don't you?" Steve asked, and Tom merely nodded in agreement. He moved to the back of the room, out of Tricia's view, and returned shortly with a bowl of hot water, a razor and a pair of scissors.

"What are you going to do with them?" Tricia worried, "Oh NO. You're not going to shave my HEAD, are you?"

"Now, there's an idea" smiled Steve to himself, but neither man made any reply.
Working carefully, Tom first took the scissors and carefully trimmed Tricia's quite thick, reddish hair to a length of about half an inch, all over. During this, Tricia kept up a constant litany of abuse, until by the time Tom had finished, Steve was tired of the same repeated profanity, over and over again.
"Jees-sus" he exclaimed, "are they the only words you know? Time for the gag, mate" he said to Tom.

Tricia quieted and watched as the tall man again moved out of her line of sight, reappearing seconds later with something in his hands she couldn't quite make out, but which looked familiar to her. As he shook out the folds in the leather, she suddenly realised what it was and began to scream and plead with the man that she would be quiet from now on.

"I'm afraid I don't believe you" he said, "and anyway, with your well-known love of horses, we thought you'd appreciate this!"
'This' was a smaller, adapted version of a pony's bridle, complete with a stainless-steel bit attached to the leather straps. One of Tom's many talents was sewing and leather work, and he had adapted this regular bridle to accommodate a human head. While Steve held her head firmly in a vicelike grip to minimise the risk of her biting, Tom eased the cold steel bar into Tricia's mouth, pressing hard on the points of her jaw to open her mouth when she tried, vainly, to clamp her jaws shut. The only concession to comfort at all was a thin pad of material at either end of the bit, so that Tricia's mouth wouldn't chafe too badly.

Now the bridle was securely in place, and although Tricia could still scream and make other noises, she was prevented from speaking by the thick metal bit in her mouth.

"May as well put the bar in , too" mentioned Tom, "save any thrashing about later".

"Right you are, mate" Steve answered, and this time it was he who disappeared from Tricia's sight. He returned carrying a steel bar, about three feet long, with rings formed into the ends. He went down to the foot of the bench, and she lifted her head to try and see what he was doing. When he clipped on end of the bar to a clip fixed on the inner part of the cuff round her ankle, she realised with horror what the bar was for and let out a scream, muffled only slightly by the bit in her mouth. Steve ignored the noise, and her now wildly thrashing body, and attached the bar to the other cuff, causing Tricia's legs to be spread wide apart on the bench. He also tightened the original straps, so that she could now barely move her legs at all. Tom then brought up two wide leather straps from either side of the bench, and buckled them snugly together over the now frantic woman's bare midriff, completely immobilising her lower body. He then moved to the head of the bench, bringing up two clip-ended chains which he attached to two rings on the bridle, thus now rendering Tricia totally helpless. The two men then stood back and surveyed their handiwork.

The woman lay on the bench, tense, and tears spilled out of her screwed-shut eyes to trickle down her temples into her newly-cropped hairline. The men examined her pinned-down body, reiterating their comments of the night before but in a way she would take no pleasure in, even if she had been listening. Steve finally left the bench and returned a few minutes later with the shaving accoutrements they had assembled. Taking a soft badger-hair brush, he gathered shaving foam from a spray can onto the ends of the bristles, the noise causing Tricia to open her eyes. When she saw what the man had in his hands she quickly shut them again, whimpering

"oh no, oh no... not that too!"

Steve slowly worked the foam well into the mound of tight curls on Tricia's mound, until they were completely covered. Taking a generic multi-blade razor in his hand, he began to shave the soapy bush from the top in short, smooth strokes, rinsing out the razor carefully between each downward motion. When he reached the fleshy outer lips of the vagina, he took even greater care, scraping the razor with great deliberation down side of the mound, until only the very edges of Tricia's outer lips had but a few small hairs left visible.

"It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it!" joked Steve, as he pulled the left side of Tricia's mons to one side and drew the razor slowly down the revealed edge of the labia. He then repeated his action on the other side and, finally, he was finished. Standing back next to Tom, he admired his dextrous touch with the razor.

"I doubt she's been as smooth as that since they day he was born" he laughed, "and maybe not even then!"

"We'd better make sure there's no redness there" Tom muttered, thinking that Tricia's naked cunt actually looked quite sexy, at the same time feeling disgusted with himself for having such thoughts about this woman, of all the women in the world! He opened the bottle of baby-oil that had been placed on the shelf behind him, and began to smooth the slippery liquid into the newly-shaved skin. As he worked, he became aware of a growing bulge in his crotch - God, this was turning him on! Sneaking a quick glance at Steve, he observed, quite clinically, that his ministrations were having a similar effect on his friend! He almost stopped then, quite appalled at the effect this sexless, yet sensual, contact was having on them both. Then he remembered that he had agreed with Steve that they were going to have 'a wee bit of fun' with Tricia, and rationalised to himself that if they couldn't get a hard-on, then they wouldn't be able to have this 'fun'.

Working on, now having reached her slit with it's smooth expanse of plump mound on either side, he discovered to his amazement that he and Steve weren't the only ones to be getting turned on! Motioning to Steve to come and look, he pointed out to his friend that despite not yet having reached her labia with the oil, Tricia's pussy was already moist; in fact, it was positively wet with her own sexual lubrication!

"My, my Tricia" Steve crowed, "are you actually enjoying this, perchance?"
As Tricia tried vainly to shake her head in denial, Tom continued to apply the baby-oil to her labia, finishing with a light dab of his oil-coated finger on her perineum. Tricia convulsed uncontrollably at the touch of his finger there, though the two men could not decide if this was in pleasure or disgust.

"I don't know if she liked that or not, mate" Steve voiced the thoughts of them both, "but she's stopped crying, so I reckon she might like a bit of 'ass play', what d'you reckon?"

"Well, I reckon I agree with you, pal" Tom replied, "which may well prove interesting later, to say the least!"

"Time to leave her to think things over a bit more" Steve commented, and the two men removed all the shaving gear from it's shelf, and then they ascended the stairs and returned once more to the viewing room on the second floor of the house.

Tom and Steve thankfully removed their boiler-suits and helmets, both of them feeling very warm having spent quite a long time in the basement.

"We'll cover her eyes next time, so we don't get so hot" said Steve, and Tom replied,

"Yeah - I was thinking of doing that anyway, just to increase the pressure on her a bit"

"Like your thinking, fella" was Steve's retort, and they settled back to watch the monitor in front of them, Steve taking his time over a coffee while Tom made some adjustments to another piece of equipment he had constructed.

"I was thinking," he pondered aloud, "it might be 'nice' to get some extra .. erm .. toys, for later on!" Steve looked at his friend, with one eyebrow raised quizzically before comprehension dawned.

"Nah, we don't need to do that" he replied, "we've still got a few things from when those two sisters were here a few months ago. They left them when they went back home to France!"

Tom smiled as he thought back to when the four of them had engaged in virtually every sexual activity it was possible for two guys and two very willing girls to enjoy!

"Oh yes ... I remember they were a bit preoccupied when they left!" he laughed, recalling that both the girls had enjoyed their little vibrating eggs so much, they had refused to take them out when they left, and Steve had grabbed the remote controls from them and had played with them even as the taxi took them down the street towards the airport, both the girls squirming in their seats and visible through the taxi's back window shaking their fists playfully at the two laughing men.

"Pity they took those eggs with them" he mused.

"Well, they didn't take all of them" Steve answered, "I didn't tell you at the time, but I managed to sweet-talk the sales girl into giving me an extra set. And we still have the controls!"

"You sly devil!" grinned Tom, "why didn't you tell me that before?"

Returning their attentions to the screen, they noticed that the bound woman on the bench had now attained as relaxed a posture as was possible given the nature of her restraints, and appeared to be dozing again. Steve zoomed the camera into her face and saw that her earlier tears had dried; panning down, he lingered briefly on the still quite pronounced nipples on the woman's chest, continuing down until he stopped and zoomed closer in on the junction of her wide-spread thighs and the plump, now smoothly-shave, pussy that, to both men, still appeared to be quite wet!

"Well, well, we-e-e-ll". Steve was the first to comment on Tricia's apparent liking
of the circumstances in which she found herself.

"Maybe because we haven't done anything REAL bad yet, she thinks it's some kind of game" he said, "maybe we should go down and show her it isn't for her enjoyment, all this. Hmm?" he asked Tom.

"I think you're right" Tom replied, " I think we'll definitely start with the blindfold, then maybe half an hour of Cold air"

As Steve nodded his agreement, both men were moving as one out of the room, boiler-suits already donned and helmets being put on even as they moved swiftly down the stairs. They entered the room to find Tricia was, in fact, awake, and quickly proceeded to attach a specially fashioned blindfold onto the bridle, completely covering her eyes and rendering her effectively blind. They removed their helmets, now able to move around quite freely without fear of Tricia realising who they were, or at least who Tom was, as she'd never actually met Steve.

"What about this, as well?" asked Steve, holding up a large butt-plug he had lifted out of the small case of sex-toys they had brought down from a spare room. Tom merely nodded his assent, and moved over to a control panel previously unnoticed by Tricia when she had been looking around the room. He watched as Steve attached two broad leather straps around the woman's thighs, and completely removed the panel which had previously been dropped to allow Tricia to perform her ablutions. When Steve had finished his tasks, much to the loudly-voiced, but unintelligible, complaints of their captive, Tom pressed a couple of buttons on his control panel and the whole bench began to rotate, turning slowly for 180 degrees until it was upside-down from it's original position. He then raised the height of the entire bench with another button-press, until it was at approximately rib-height for both men. Lastly, he pressed two more buttons, which simultaneously relaxed the tension on the ankles cuffs, while lifting the straps secured around Tricia's naked thighs. Steve then removed the end section of the bench, with the end result being that the woman was now face-down in a position bizarrely reminiscent of childbirth, only she was suspended face-down and held securely by the array of leather straps.

The men now rested from their labours, checking all the straps were totally secure and the woman could not fall out, or escape. When they were completely satisfied all was well, they allowed themselves to concentrate on her properly.

"Your ass looks really cute from here" Steve smiled at Tricia, well aware she could not see him!

"Your tits actually look like tits now, too" added Tom, "no stretch marks either, which is a bit of a surprise given you're nearly 39. 'course, you haven't had any kids, have you, so that might explain it".

Tom was referring to the biggest regret in Tricia's life; when she had been married, she and her husband had tried for years to have a child. When they had finally gone to see a specialist, it transpired that she was sterile. Unknown to either man, it was then that Tricia had turned into the nasty, vindictive woman she was today. The words struck a bolt of loathing and torment through her, making her feel even more a prisoner than all the straps and chains combined. She was glad that the blindfold covering her eyes served also to hide her renewed tears from these men. Briefly, she allowed herself to contemplate that the reason she'd had pubic hair to shave off was because she had deliberately grown it back after her divorce, no longer wishing to see the organ that could not produce what she had so longed for - a child of her own. Amidst her humiliation and distress, a tiny switch inside her brain 'clicked', but as yet she was unwilling to acknowledge the circuit inside her that this 'switch' had illuminated. That would come much later!

Observing the naked woman displayed so wantonly before them was having a quite natural 'reaction' on the two friends, despite the circumstances and the loathing that Tom, in particular, felt for this woman. Her buttocks were clear of the end of the bench and hence clearly visible to them; both men admired the firm roundness of her small posterior, and her clean-shaven labia clearly visible between her held-apart thighs. Both men reached out one of their hands, and in perfect harmony, each squeezed one of the firm buttocks and then allowed the hand to slide round to the front of the front of the slim woman's body, meeting at the puffed-out lips and inserting a finger each into the hidden hole, withdrawing them almost immediately and rubbing her clitoral hood as they did so.

The reaction to this was surprising, both to the two men AND to Tricia herself. As the two fingertips slipped over the end of her clitoris, Tricia experienced what to her felt like a tiny orgasm; to the men, it appeared the same, evidenced by a tremor through her whole body and a noticeable increase in the wetness of her slit. The reason Tricia was so surprised was that since her divorce, over five years earlier, she had not slept with anyone; in fact, she had not really felt any sexual stirrings at all, surprising in a woman who prior to that could barely get enough sex in her life! Tom's response to this unexpected turn of events was quite unexpected to him, too; his cock twitched very noticeably inside his pants and he felt strange lustful emotions inside him, directed at the bound, naked woman in front of him. Steve's response was similar, but his reaction was much more overt than Tom's. He reached out again, and inserted two fingers deep inside Tricia's wet pussy, twisted them a couple of times inside the hot slit and withdrew, slipping the fingers in his mouth and sucking deeply on the sweet honey coating them. During this, the woman's reaction was tenfold what it had been the first time; she shivered almost uncontrollably at the feelings of sheer lust ripped through her body, screaming loudly in pleasure around the steel gag in her mouth.

Tom's reaction underwent something of a sea-change then; he and Steve had been in a similar position before, both of them with one woman, and they had developed a kind of informal rhythm over the past few years; Tom fell in to this almost unconsciously, in spite of the vastly different circumstances of this encounter. He knelt down under the table and brought his face up until his lips were only millimetres away from Tricia's dangling breasts, the nipples now much harder and more prominent than he had noticed earlier. He reached out with the tip of his tongue and licked the very tip of her right nipple, causing her to flinch slightly then, as he licked the full length of her engorged mammary button she moaned in delight, only encouraging his ministrations to the extent where, after a few more long licks of her breast flesh, he sucked the now rock-hard nipple deep into his mouth, rasping his tongue across the tip of the delicate nub as he enjoyed the texture and taste of the rubbery button.

Although he couldn't see from his position under the bench, Steve had also taken things a stage further. Observing Tricia's reaction to Tom's stimulation of her nipple, he plunged the two fingers he had used minutes ago deep into her tight hole, the thrust made easy by the copious amounts of lubrication now coating the inside of her canal. Rubbing the tip of his thumb against her swelling labia, coating it in her juice, he then placed the tip against the puckered entrance to her anus and began to rub it over the dark ring even as he was sliding his fingers in and out of her pussy, literally fucking her with his fingers as Tom sucked on her breast. When Tom swapped his attention to her left breast, forgoing any kind of 'foreplay' and taking her left nipple between his lips, Steve felt her reaction by the tightening of her inner muscles around his fingers and instantly pushed his thumb into her anus, easily penetrating past her sphincter due to the surprise and speed of his insertion until the entire length of his digit was buried deep inside her asshole. As Tom sucked Tricia's entire left breast into his mouth, his tongue squashing the nipple against the roof of his mouth, Steve increased the tempo of the two fingers buried in Tricia's cunt, his third finger rubbing against the swollen mini-prick of her clitoris. Within seconds of this added stimulation, Tricia let out a strange noise; a combination of scream and moan issuing past the steel between her jaws as she came uncontrollably at the behest of the two men's attentions.

As soon as this happened, it seemed to bring both men back to their senses; both immediately stopped what they were doing, and removed their various body parts from Tricia's proximity. Despite this, she continued to moan and writhe to the limits of the straps securing her, all her internal muscles in spasm as she rode the crest of her orgasm. As her climax diminished, Tom moved over to the control panel and revolved the bench again so that Tricia was once again in a supine position. In addition to her soaking genitalia, her breasts were also wet, covered in Tom's saliva where he had sucked her breasts hard. He had also left a slight bruise around the circumference of her left breast, he had been so engrossed in his actions upon her. He was shocked at the sight; never before had he marked any woman like this, never mind a woman that, consciously at least, he detested the very sight of. He was also aware of the fact that his cock was as hard as he'd ever known it, and when he glanced at Steve, he could see his friend was in the same rampant state.

"What the Hell came over us?" He wondered silently to himself, "we're not supposed to be enjoying this so much!"
When Steve moved to release his erection from the confines of his boiler-suit, Tom reached over and touched his friend on the arm.

"Not now" he mouthed, and gestured for Steve to leave the room with him. Steve contented himself with patting Tricia familiarly on her pussy mound, and saying to her,

"Relax Trish, we'll be back later!", and with that the two men left the basement and returned yet again to the viewing room.

"Wow!" exclaimed Steve when they had reached the room and made themselves comfortable again. "Who would have thought such a nasty, skinny bitch could turn out to be such a sexy little number?"

"She certainly surprised the Hell out of ME!" answered Tom, "and you could have knocked me over with a feather when she came SO easily, especially in her circumstances".

"Mmm, yeah. Makes y'wonder if she was into the bondage 'thing' before, huh?" Steve murmured, it'll be interesting to see what happens if...... no, WHEN we go a bit further!".

"You really think we should?" Tom wondered if his resolve to humiliate and punish this woman was wavering, simply because of the completely unexpected physical attraction he felt for her.

"Christ yeah, of COURSE we should!" Steve exclaimed, "but let's put our own little twist on enjoying ourselves. We can set this" he pointed at the monitor, "to tape whatever we do with her. We'll keep some kind of mask on ourselves, but make sure her face features well in the footage - that way, any thoughts of comeback from her if... no when she finds out who we are will be negated. After all, she wouldn't want a tape of herself enjoying kinky sex to get out, and there'd be no way of proving she wasn't here voluntarily!"

"I like your thinking, mate" enthused Tom, "I must be too hung up on the punishment side of all this or something - I didn't think of that, and it's so obvious!"

"One thing we'll need to do for her though," opined Steve, "is allow her to get showered, or at least washed - after all I, for one, don't want to have my wicked way with someone who's stinking of B.O. Or anything else!"

"I know what you mean. I'll make an adjustment to one of the other straps, and we can let her use the shower down there" answered Tom, "in fact, I'll get on with that now."

"And I'll go and make us all something to eat" Steve countered, "we don't want any of us 'fading away', now do we?"
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 10-13-2005, 04:08 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Part Three

A little over an hour later, Tricia heard the noise of her two captors coming down the stairs of the basement. With a high degree of trepidation, she wondered what they had in store for her now. Much to her shame, she also wondered if, whatever else they had in mind, they would make her cum again; she had been SO turned on and, despite not knowing who they were, or where she was, she had really enjoyed the amazing orgasm they had induced in her. Having been so long without any form of sexual contact, the craving for more that had been set up inside her was overwhelming.

She listened as one pair of footsteps walked towards her, and could just make out the other set heading away from her, and various other sounds; metal clinking softly, the scrape of a chain (there was no mistaking THAT sound!) and, incongruously, the sound of china on a table. When her blindfold was suddenly whipped off her head, she was momentarily dazzled by the brightness of the spotlights blazing from the ceiling, and she could only experience the feeling of the man removing the bridle with its steel bit. She then felt the backrest of the bench rising up, while at the same time the bar holding her legs apart was swiftly removed. When her right arm was also released, she thought for a brief second that the two men were going to release her! Somewhat to her own surprise, however, she was only mildly disappointed when none of the other straps were loosened, and she could begin to make out that a small table had been placed in front of her, which held a plate of, what appeared to be, stew and potatoes, and a glass of orange juice. At least they weren't going to starve her, anyway!

The smaller man, for it was he who had moved her and laid down the plate, allowed her a minute to recover the full use of her arm before handing her a spoon.

"Eat" was all he said, and turned away to go behind her where she was unable to see what he was doing. As she ravenously began eating, she could dimly hear the sounds of the two men, but couldn't quite make out what they might be doing. After she had finished her meal, and drunk the glass of juice, she was able to concentrate more fully on what was going on behind her. When the two men appeared one either side of her, she was again unsure of what was going to happen, so when they began to release the straps around her ankles she was unprepared to lash out at them, or even attempt to do so.

"Don't even think of trying to kick us, or anything else" said the smaller man, "neither of us will have any hesitation in breaking your leg or whatever else you might use. OK?"
Tricia only nodded, her brief thoughts of trying to injure her captors already blown away like a feather on the wind. Her left arm remained shackled, and she watched silently as the tall man attached another cuff to her right ankle, this one with a long length of smaller chain attached to it. Then the smaller man unbuckled the cuff around her wrist, and helped her to stand up for the first time in almost a day!

After a few minutes, during which she could barely hold her own weight up, Tricia was able to move around on her own, although not able to move very far due to the chain and cuff securing her ankle. The smaller man now guided her over to a corner of the room she had not been able to see earlier; to her surprise, it contained a small but perfectly serviceable shower stall, complete with shower gels, soap and a large, fluffy bath-towel at the side. Pushing her, not ungently, into the stall, the man said "Wash", and pressed the button to start a powerful jet of hot water, which cascaded over her naked body like a self-contained waterfall. She was vaguely aware that there was no door on the shower stall, but quickly rationalised to herself that she no longer had any reason to try and hide her body from these men, as they had already seen more of it than any man had for over five years! And, she admitted grudgingly to herself, it actually made her feel quite turned on to know they were watching her soap and scrub her most intimate parts!

She quickly gave herself a basic wash all over, then decided to concentrate more fully on her breasts, groin and bottom. Soaping up the sponge they had given her to a thick lather, she first spent several minutes rubbing and caressing her small breasts with their larger than expected nipples, making certain that every trace of soap was rinsed clean. When she had finished her nipples had, once again, achieved a pebble-like shape and hardness, an indication to both herself and the two men watching her, of just how turned on she was feeling.
Tricia then soaped up the sponge again and began to thoroughly scrub her mound, dipping lower until she was stroking over the outside of her vaginal lips, the tip of her finger occasionally rubbing the sensitive button of her clitoris. She moved further down so that she was soaping right between her legs, the sponge covering her labia and perineum with thick suds. Bringing the sponge out now, she rinsed it off and reapplied the soap; reaching her arm behind her, she slowly drew the sponge up the full length of the cleft separating her buttocks, relishing the touch of the slightly rough material over her skin, and shivering slightly as it scraped across the entrance to her anus. She had never even tried anal play before, and she had been amazed at her own reaction when the smaller man had jammed his thumb inside her ass; it had felt so dirty but yet SO intoxicatingly sensual at the same time! She closed her eyes tightly as she continued to stroke her rosebud with the sponge, only opening them and ceasing her movements when she realised she was close to cumming again at the thought of one (or both?) of the men taking her anal virginity!
Tricia washed out the sponge one last time then, taking the shower head from it's cradle, began rinsing the soap from her groin and butt, paying special attention to her ass as she enjoyed the pulsating jet of hot water against her hole. Eventually she finished, and faced the shower controls to turn off the water. After she did so, she reached for the towel held out to her by the tall man; glancing down, she couldn't help but notice the large bulge in the front of his black boiler suit! Snatching a quick look at the other man, she noticed that he too had a prominent lump at the front of his suit!

"Oh My God..... these guys are getting turned on! What will happen now?" she thought, bending over a little to dry the tops of her thighs.

She was about to find out, in a most unexpected way! The sight of Tricia so unashamedly playing with herself had not gone unnoticed by the two men; both of them were extremely aroused by Tricia's very obvious and blatant display and Steve, at least, was keen to take advantage of the body which was quickly beginning to consume his consciousness. Tom was also painfully aroused despite, or was it because of?, his ambivalent feelings towards this woman.
As Tricia finished drying herself off, he tapped Steve on the arm and pointed to the bench, indicating by gestures what he was planning quickly in his head. Steve nodded rapidly in understanding and taking Tricia by the arm he led her back over to the bench where he got her to lie down and reattached her leg and wrist cuffs, albeit much looser than before, which would allow the woman to move around a lot easier. Neither man was the least concerned that she would manage to escape, as all the cuffs were secured by a small combination padlock that would prevent any attempts to get away, especially as all the combinations were different!

For Tricia's part, she was a little disappointed the men had chained her up again, but she quickly realised they had done so in a much freer manner this time. When she saw the taller man approaching her with a blindfold (different to the one they had used before, she noticed) she panicked. Whatever was going to happen to her, she at least wanted to see; she was not easily scared, whatever her other faults may have been! However, she also realised the futility of trying to fight these men, and meekly succumbed to having the blindfold reapplied to her eyes. She then had to strain to hear, able to discern a strange clicking sound, then the more familiar rustle of clothing being removed. She then heard sounds of the men moving around, then - silence.

Oh! "What was that?", Tricia asked herself. 'That' was something hard pressing into the inside of her left thigh, easily done because the men had not replaced the fold-down part of the bench, and she had been resting her opened legs on the edge of the bench that was left. When the object moved slightly, she felt a thigh rubbing where the object had been seconds before, and she realised with a start just what 'That' had been. It was .. OH! it had been, and still was, a hard cock! And it was now pressing against her labia, the head pushing, pushing until .... aaahhh! He, whoever 'He' was, was inside her, with what felt like a very nice-sized penis! She could feel the rim of the glans just inside her copiously-leaking pussy, and desperately wanted to feel the full length fill her up. This did not happen, however, the man seemingly content merely to move himself infinitesimally backwards and forwards, teasing her and turning her on almost beyond measure.

Frustrated, she was, and very much to her own surprise desperate to have this strangers hardness buried inside her; suddenly enraged with her tormentor, she at once slipped her body down the bench and cried out,

"Shove that thing IN ME, you fucker!"
Even more frustratingly, the man merely reversed with her, and next second she received a sharp slap on her left buttock.

"You'll get it when I say so!" snarled a voice, and she gasped aloud at the shock and pain of the slap. "just lie there and Wait", snapped the voice, and now she was almost certain this was the smaller of the two men.
Tricia had sat up during this exchange and she was now pulled back down by her shoulders, the other man obviously having been behind her all the time! She felt him leaning on the head of the bench, her head between his forearms, then the pressure of his arms on her shoulders as he reached down and cupped her petite breasts in his hands. She moaned as the palms of his hands landed on her hard throbbing nipples, squirming as he began to move his hands in small circular motions, his rubbing hands causing her to imagine that bolts of electricity were shooting through her body, defining the clear link between her nipples and her clitoris. Tricia had always had highly sensitive nipples, and she remembered many occasions where she had cum merely from having them played with, or sucked into her partners ever willing mouth! As she thought it, the past repeated itself in spades. Tall-man, as she now thought of him, stopped his circular motions and lightly pinched her nipples between his fingers. That was enough to set her off, a loud cry issuing from between clenched teeth as her back arched in an ecstasy of orgasm. When tall-man leant over further and took her right nipple between his teeth and bit down gently, she screamed into his chest as she felt her juices spurting out of her, covering small-man's pulsating member in a flood of her sweet honey.

"Wow, we've got a real goer here, mate!" she dimly heard small-man's voice, "she's squirting all over me!"

"Mmm, so I can see" was tall-man's reply, having momentarily lifted his mouth from her breast. He returned his fingers to her dark-pink nipples, teasing them out between his fingers and thumbs until they were each a separate throbbing nubbin of flesh almost half an inch long. As she felt her breasts were about to explode, small-man chose that moment to thrust himself fully into her hot, streaming cunt, so deep inside her that she could feel his heavy ball sack squashing against her anus. She gasped once again at the feeling of the thick shaft which filled her hole completely, stretching her beyond anything she'd experienced before even with her ex-husband whom she had thought, mistakenly it now appeared, had been quite well endowed. Now tall-man grasped her firmly under her arms and pulled her up the bench, small-man staying buried inside her as she moved. The thought that 'small-man' was really quite an inappropriate nickname for him, given the size of the cock that was buried inside her right now, flashed fleetingly through her mind, then she felt a pillow, or some kind of support, eased underneath her shoulders, so that when she laid back on the bench and the back of her head touched the bench, her head was tilted back at a comfortable, but strange, angle. "You even think of biting, and I'll break your jaw" promised tall-man's voice, and as he said it, she felt something hot and silky smooth rubbing gently along the top of her nose, and then felt a throbbing, round mushroom-shaped object butting against her lips. God! It was tall-man's cock, and if anything it was even bigger than small-man!

"I won't bite" she promised, "just let me suck it for you!"

She had thought she had been as shocked at herself as she was going to get by now, but hearing those words from her own mouth amazed her; what was even more surprising was that she meant every syllable! All she could think of was swallowing as much of this monster as she could, wanting to be filled at both ends with rampant specimens of man-flesh; the fact she did not know who they were, or that she had been brought here very much against her will didn't seem to matter any more. She simply HAD to have these cocks, to make her cum and cum and cum!

Tom looked up at his friend, taking in his beatific expression as he held on tightly to the woman's thighs, his penis buried to the hilt inside the woman's still-cumming pussy. Guiding his own penis into her eagerly waiting mouth, he revelled in the feeling of the suction immediately applied by Tricia's orifice, sliding his shaft slowly, but inexorably, further and further into her mouth. When the head reached the very back of her mouth Tricia gagged, but quickly managed to relax her throat muscles enough to allow Tom's penis to penetrate her throat, the girth and length expanding her slim neck so noticeably Tom worried for a moment that she might choke. However he had failed to take into account just how aroused the woman before him actually was; Tricia was now having no difficulty whatsoever accommodating Tom's member, and was stunned, but pleased, when she felt his heavy sac touching the bridge of her nose. She was now lying flat on her back, on a bench in an unknown basement, at the mercy of two men who had basically kidnapped her and were in the process of, technically at least, raping her. But, filled as she was with two of the biggest pricks she thought she had ever encountered, she felt as if she'd died and gone to heaven; she couldn't believe how turned on she was by this, and how much she wanted to please these two captors of hers. She felt a surge of disappointment when tall-man began to withdraw himself from her mouth, but could only grunt when small-man thrust himself deeper into her soaking cunt. When he also began to withdraw, the feeling of loss that suddenly overwhelmed her was almost unbearable, but as soon as small-man's cock began to move, so did tall-man's ~ right into her throat again!
Of course, Tricia could not be aware, even if she had known who the two men were, that they had been in similar situations many times before, and had now 'practised' this type of manoeuvre so often, that they each knew, almost to the second, what the other was going to do. They both moved slowly, Steve slipping in and out of Tricia's slick pussy while Tom gently fucked her willing mouth. When Steve started to slowly rotate his thumb on Tricia's prominent clit, AND Tom again began to roll her fiery nipples between his fingers and thumbs, she virtually lifted off the bench in a lust-filled explosion of pleasure, every nerve feeling as though it was on fire, and then convulsing in the throes of a full-body orgasm, something she had never experienced in her life before!

Of course, Tom and Steve had encountered this phenomenon several times before; although never with someone chained up and at their mercy, so to speak, so they did not let up on their double fucking of the woman lying in front of them - rather, they redoubled their efforts, Tom thrusting his rigid member as deep into her throat as he could while simultaneously pulling and twisting her throbbing nipples so hard that her chest appeared to possess a pair of fairly substantial breasts, despite her normally diminutive stature; as Tom enjoyed his manipulations of Tricia's upper body, Steve was concentrating on filling her pussy with his entire length, plunging his thick 8-inch penis into her deep and hard enough that his balls were nudging against her asshole on every stroke.

For Tricia this was more sexual stimulation than she'd ever experienced at one time in her entire life. In all her previous experiences, she had never been fucked so deeply and hard, nor had she ever taken such a big cock so far down her throat before - and she was loving it! In the (very) brief periods where she was able to think, she was certain that in the past either of the experiences she was having would have satisfied her beyond measure, but the two together were just about blowing her mind completely. After her second orgasm, she simply gave up trying to retain any coherent thoughts, and just gave herself over completely to the immeasurable sexual feelings she was experiencing, forgetting altogether the circumstances which had led to where she now was. When she heard small-man grunting to his friend "gonna cum in a minute, mate" her response was to shout out,

"God, YES! Fill me up with your spunk, you fucker!"
This seemed to be the catalyst for both men; no sooner were the words out of her mouth, than small-man increased the already frenetic rhythm of his pounding, and tall-man's thrusting into her throat also quickened in exact counterpoint to the cock in her pussy. Small-man now had Tricia's legs bent up to her chest almost as far as they would go, giving him unrestricted access to her cunt, and he was hammering into her harder almost than she could bear. Tall-man, by now, had squashed her tits into small conical mounds, the nipples squeezed out between his fingers into nearly ¾-inch-long, deep-red arrow heads, which sent bolts of sexual energy through her body every time he rubbed their tips with his fingertips.

Seconds later, both men quickened their thrusts even more, a signal to Tricia that they were about to cum; she could feel her own heart-rate speeding up as small-man rammed his hardness deep inside her and simply stopped, the torrent of his ejaculation exploding inside her pulsating hole as he spent jet after jet of his hot liquid into her. Seconds later, as she tried to ride the wave of orgasmic pleasure induced by small-man's cum, she felt the first spurt of tall-man's orgasm speeding down her throat. Clamping her cunt-muscles tightly around Steve's still spurting cock, she began to swallow Tom's scalding sperm; another first for her, as she had never enjoyed the taste of a man's juices before, not even with her husband in the early days of their relationship. She found the time, somewhere, to be astounded at the amount of spunk that was shooting out of tall-man's prick, it seemed that no matter how quickly she swallowed, much of the hot, slightly salty juice was running down the sides of her mouth, it's thick taste lost from her tongue. Even as small-man allowed his, now softening, penis to slip out of her pussy, she stretched her neck as far as she was able and licked tall-man's sac, her tongue smoothing over the skin from front to back, then continuing until she had somehow managed to reach his ass. As the last tremors of her own orgasm rippled through her, and small-man's spunk started to slide down the insides of her thighs towards her anus, she pointed her tongue and licked tall-man's asshole, revelling in the slightly bitter taste but enjoying even more the added two or three small jets of cum which spurted from his cock-head onto her chest. She reached up with her hands now and, gathering some of the spunk from the sides of her mouth, began to massage it together with the small blobs on her chest, smoothing the sticky white cream into her hypersensitive nipples, inducing one last, small orgasm deep within her very centre, which (unknown to her) did not go unnoticed by Steve.

The two men now backed away from the bench, leaving Tricia to virtually collapse her body onto the supportive material. Such was the unexpected and previously unexperienced force of her orgasms, Tricia was completely spent, and within seconds had fallen asleep on the bench, her legs remaining wide apart and displaying the sperm which still trickled from her well-fucked cunt. As the two men stood watching this from the bottom of the bench, Tricia unconsciously moved one hand to her crotch; despite her current unconscious state she seemed unable to forego the touch of something, even her own hand, on her enlivened sexual organ!
Tom and Steve looked at each other and, as he smiled broadly at his friend, Steve said,

"Well, mate, it looks like there's a lot more fun to be had with her, don't you think?"
Tom nodded, and grinned rapaciously as imagined some of the other acts the two of them could enjoy with this newly rampant woman!

Tom and Steve returned once more to their viewing room, both of them tired but well-satisfied with themselves. They sat for a while, enjoying a cold beer and discussing the events of the past 36 hours, during which they appeared to have turned a woman both detested, and who seemed to detest in turn most of the people around her, into an insatiable cum-slut with only the minimum of 'fuss'. Tom maintained a degree of scepticism about that, expressing his personal belief that no-one could change so radically in such a short space of time. Steve disagreed, arguing that Tricia had been placed in an invidious position and had simply adapted her 'survival techniques' to the only way she thought she might get away 'intact', so to speak.

"Besides," he concluded, "she isn't going anywhere for a while, so we've plenty of time to get it figured out!"

The two men then turned their attention to the monitor screen, and Steve zoomed in for a close-up on Tricia's pussy. To both men's surprise, Tricia was awake and was writhing on the bench, three of her slim fingers buried deep inside her freshly-shaved pussy, thrusting in and out while the other hand pulled viciously on her swollen nipples. As they watched, almost mesmerised by Tricia's performance, she rubbed herself even harder, almost pulling her left nipple from her breast as her entire body bucked and arched as she experienced yet another orgasm, this time induced solely by her own two hands and her imagination! Steve smiled at his friend, stroking his recuperating penis as he watched the show in front of him, noticing from the corner of his eye that Tom also was getting turned on at the sight of the naked woman frigging herself to orgasm under their unseen gaze.

"Looks like I might be right, for a change!" he gloated.

"We'll see" replied Tom, "We'll see!".

Both men enjoyed watching Tricia pleasuring herself until she fell asleep once again, this time looking completely spent from the length of time she had taken over her final orgasm of the night. They had stroked themselves quite unselfconsciously in front of each other, both of them with their eyes glued to the monitor rather than what the other was up to. When Tricia had finally had enough, they retired to bed, each falling quickly into a deep sleep.
On waking the next morning, the first thing they did was check the monitor; Tricia was still sound asleep, and a quick trawl of the video by Steve showed nothing more after they had last seen her. After a shower and quick breakfast, they sat for over three hours watching the taped footage of yesterday's activities, editing it down until they had almost an hour of Tricia being pleasured by both of them followed by her self-pleasuring action, which lasted for another twenty minutes.

"We've already got enough to ensure her silence for the next hundred years" said Tom, "we probably don't need any more now".

"Maybe so," replied Steve, "but we're going to film it anyway, just for added security. After all, she may think her friends might believe this to be 'normal' for her, but with some of the other things we've talked about......" He let his voice die away then, allowing Tom to make up his own mind about their next move. After all, he reasoned, it was Tom's idea and drive that had got them (and Tricia!) where they were now, so it was his decision to make.

"Yeah, you're right" Tom answered, "we have to keep taping her. Besides, it'll give us something to look back on in years to come!".

After a leisurely breakfast, the men went downstairs to the basement where Tricia was now wide awake. Following the same routine as yesterday, they gave Tricia some food and drink, then allowed her to shower. In what seemed an action replay of yesterday, Tricia again played with herself wantonly in the shower, making herself cum twice in the space of ten minutes. The men were both turned on by this, as before, but neither of them made any move towards her, much to her disappointment. Their first physical touch of her today was when they led her back over to the bench, replacing all the straps that had held her down originally, ensuring that she was again unable to move more than an inch or so in any direction. Tom adjusted the bench so that she was lying flat on her back with her legs held wide apart and up, again much as she had been yesterday. Today, however, the aim was not to finger or fuck her ... or at least, not for a while!

Both men had noticed Tricia's apparent liking for having her nipples nipped and pinched really hard, and had decided to see just how much she actually enjoyed nipple-play. Tom (tall-man) walked over to the side and returned holding several items which Tricia couldn't quite make out. When he shook out a thin chain with what looked like a silver ring on each end, she was perplexed as to what they might be. Tall-man moved to the top of the bench, and stood for a few seconds observing Tricia's body. As was fast becoming the norm, her nipples were hard and stiff, protruding quite sexily from her almost-flat chest. Tricia watched, mesmerised, as tall-man took one of the rings and slid it over her left nipple, ensuring it was sitting right at the base of the fleshy nub. His hand remained in her line of sight, obscuring what was going on from her view, and she took several seconds to realise there was a growing pressure around her nipple, that was actually rather pleasant! When tall-man moved his hand to straighten out the thin chain, she saw that the ring was now fitted snugly around her nipple and had been tightened up by a small, knurled screw at the side, the whole looking rather like a tiny jubilee clip, the type she most associated with being used on car water hoses!

As she assimilated this information, tall-man was tightening the clamp on her other nipple, until the pressure on each was identical. She noticed too that the chain had a round link in the middle of it, but she could not imagine what that was for. Then small-man picked up another length of chain, this one with a hooked snap clip at one end and what looked like a miniature crocodile clip at the other. She let her head fall back for a minute, as the strain of holding it up for so long was beginning to tell. She felt the chain linking her breasts lifted and replaced, then the cold metal of the other chain draping down across her ribs and belly, until finally she could feel the slightly warmer touch of metal resting on her pubic mound. Both men then moved back, and stood admiring their handiwork.

When Tricia lifted her head again and looked down the length of her body, she could see that the chain across her chest was now bisected by the other, longer chain, which in turn went down as far as the very top of her pussy. The strange clip on the end of this chain was now hidden from her gaze by the swell of her pubis. She laid back and looked at the two men enquiringly, to no answer. Then tall-man moved towards her and, concealing his actions from her once again with his hands, swiftly and efficiently tightened the nipple-clamps further. This time Tricia could really feel the pressure of the metal bands on her sensitive flesh, and now it was becoming slightly painful. Another small adjustment by tall-man and now she could feel definite pain, but in addition to being uncomfortable it was, amazingly, highly stimulating too! She glanced quickly at her chest, noting that her nipples were now a very dark red colour as well as thicker and longer than she had ever seen them before.

Neither of her two captors had yet spoken this morning, and this did not change now. A small nod from tall-man as he removed the bottom part of the bench led to small-man removing his boiler suit, closely followed by tall-man doing likewise. Both were sporting large erections, much to Tricia's secret delight, and they now moved into the identical places they had been yesterday, with one exception; this time, it was tall-man between her spread-open thighs, while small-man was standing at her head. Tall-man reached down to the junction of her thighs, and Tricia could not help but gasp as he slowly ran a finger up the full length of her slit, flicking the fingertip over her rapidly swelling clitoris as he lifted his hand in the air, displaying the glistening digit to his friend. Small-man merely smiled, which surprised Tricia even more than her own wet arousal. It was then that she noticed that neither man had the little electronic voice-box round his neck, and THAT was why they were not talking! That must mean one of two things, she thought; either she was going to die here at the hands of these men or, more likely, they thought she might recognise one or both of them. Oh God! That meant that they knew her, must know, or have discovered, her planned movements for the two weeks of her holiday. She could be here for days!

Her ruminations were brought to an abrupt halt when tall-man thrust two fingers deep inside her soaking pussy, so that she could feel his knuckles against the flesh of her buttocks. As his thumb began to stroke and rub her engorged clit, his fingers curled upwards inside her, almost immediately finding the small lump on the front wall of her vagina that was her G-spot and pressed lightly on it, stroking it with delicate but firm pressure.
That was it for Tricia! Her pelvis thrust upwards in a huge spasm as a massive orgasm ripped through her entire body, so sudden and unexpected that she nearly passed out with the force of it. She could feel her legs and arms trembling in their leather restraints, and the severe tension in her pelvic muscles as her cunt contracted tightly around the fingers buried inside her. When the initial paroxysms of sheer lust began to fade, small-man made his move. He reached over her head and placed a fingertip on each of her nipples, pressing down very lightly and began to move his finger in small, circular movements. This caused her hypersensitive breast-nubs to rub against the tiny metal collars enclosing them, sending shock waves of sexual electricity down to her already aflame clitoris and inducing another muscle-wrenching orgasm which this time proved too much for her overloaded nerves, and she passed out.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 10-13-2005, 12:17 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Part Four

Tricia Mulholland opened her eyes, unsure where she was for a few seconds, then remembered what had happened to her and, more importantly, what had caused her to be waking from a state of unconsciousness. She remembered achieving a nirvana-like state for a few brief seconds, where every nerve seemed to be on fire from a sexual ecstasy she doubted anyone else had ever experienced! As she finally became fully awake, she realised that feeling hadn't entirely diminished; looking round, she discovered she was once again alone in the basement, her two captor-fuckers had left to wherever it was they went. She took in the fact that she had been returned to a position where she was lying flat on her back, her legs lying flat and straight on the bench and, as she shortly discovered, strapped fairly closely together. The metal clamps were also still encircling her swollen and extremely aroused nipples, and her arms were still held in a position such that her hands were above her head, although not unduly uncomfortable. It was only when she shifted her position slightly that she realised there was an added 'extra' that she couldn't see - but BOY could she feel it now! She was aware of an overwhelming feeling of 'fullness' in her belly and, moving around some more, she realised that she had not one 'extra' inside her but TWO! Squeezing her internal muscles she could feel something that felt about the thickness of small-man's penis in her pussy, and what seemed to be some kind of wire, or wires, trailing over her thigh. She could also feel something small and fairly thin in her bottom too, which was slightly uncomfortable but yet intoxicatingly erotic at the same time! There was a thin belt around her waist which had an even thinner strip of leather attached to it; this disappeared between her legs, but seemed to serve no particular purpose that she could discern at the moment. She wallowed in the sensation of extreme sexuality that began to course through her body, feeling her eroticism turn immediately to wetness as her pussy once again began to produce a large volume of womanly juices.

Up in their viewing room, Tom and Steve watched the play of emotions over Tricia's face as she 'explored' the inner landscape of her body, and noted the expression of lust as she realised her pussy and ass were filled with phallic objects. Her nipples, protruding from her flattened breasts, seemed to swell even more as they watched, and when Steve panned down the length of her body with the high-definition camera, they could see the telltale sheen of her love juices as they seeped out of her tight hole onto her thighs.

"Right then," said Steve, "let's see how she reacts to a bit of extra stimulation!"
Turning slightly to a small control panel between the two men, he flicked a switch and two small lights indicated that the remote-control system was now active and working.

"Tits and clit first, I think" he muttered, and reached out to turn a small dial on the panel a quarter-turn to the right.

In the basement, Tricia's body went rigid as a strange tingling sensation suddenly filled her nipples, the dark buds feeling as though every molecule had been aroused in an instant, while at the same time an orgasm-inducing current shot through her clitoris, causing her juices to turn from a mere oozing to a flood almost instantly and soaking her inner thighs with her cum; so much that very soon it began to trickle down the crack of her ass, flowing over her anus which, by now, was so sensitive she could feel every drop of her fluids as they slid over the crinkled rosebud. Steve turned the dial further, increasing the flow of low-voltage, low-current electricity flowing through the nipple-clamps, and the chain which linked them to the loose clip attached to her clitoris. Tricia began to writhe and moan on the bench, her thighs clamped tightly together as she began to orgasm, her juices now flowing from her like a tidal wave as she screamed her pleasure through clenched jaws. Steve reduced the current to virtually nothing, allowing her to relax for a bit and savour the sensual sensations running through her body. When he thought she was starting to recover he twisted the dial again, even higher this time, and he and Tom watched as yet another orgasm ripped through the slim body on the bench, every muscle tense and straining against the huge sexual explosion surging through her body. This time, Tricia could not restrain herself from giving in completely to the extreme sensations of lustful pleasure that had been induced in her, and after only a few seconds of enduring more sexual arousal than she had ever experienced at one time, she passed out, her whole body falling limply against the bench as it continued to twitch and shake with the remnants of the remotely-induced orgasm of her life!

"Seems like there's a lot of things about her that nobody realised before," Tom was saying, "certainly not me, at any rate. I'd hazard a guess that even she never realised before how much being treated this way turned her on. It'd be interesting to know just where it all came from, don't you think?"

"I suppose it might," answered his friend, "but for me it's enough to see it, and to tape it too. It'll be more interesting to me to see how she reacts to the vibrators."

"Well, she looks like she's waking up" Tom observed, "so you'll be able to satisfy your interest fairly soon mate!"

In the basement, Tricia had indeed regained consciousness, momentarily basking in feelings of post-orgasmic bliss despite the bizarre circumstances of it's cause. Coming fully awake now, she remembered where she was and gave some consideration to the two men who were responsible for her predicament. She thought back to where she imagined that at least one of the men seemed familiar; although she still had not seen either of the men's faces, there was something about tall-man that 'spoke' to her, something in his body language and movements that seemed familiar to her. Also, he had a large tattoo of tigers in some sort of jungle scene which covered his entire right shoulder which, although sure she'd never seen it before, still struck some chord of forgotten memory. Maybe she had seen it, or maybe heard someone else talking about it - she couldn't quite remember, and it was starting to really annoy her that she couldn't. Maybe if she could, she would know who at least one of the men was, although she couldn't for the life of her figure out how that would help her in the slightest. When she thought of how good his big, thick cock felt inside her - no, wait, that had been small-man, hadn't it? Tall-man had shot his hot, creamy spunk down her throat while small-man had fucked her hot pussy - NOW she remembered!

Tom watched as a smile appeared on Tricia's face, and he wondered briefly what had caused it. Putting that to the back of his mind for the moment, he turned to Steve and said,

"Looks like she's ready for some more mate, what do you reckon?"

Steve merely nodded, watching the monitor closely, and Tom reached out to one of the dials on his side of the control panel. There was a tiny click as the knob turned to the 'on' position, and he too watched with interest as the vibrator buried deep inside Tricia's pussy suddenly came to life.

Tricia's smile transformed immediately into an 'O' of surprise, then her mouth opened and the two men heard a loud sigh of pleasure emanating from her lips. Tom turned the dial up, and both men could now hear the faint buzzing noise of the vibrator over the sophisticated audio system. He moved the dial again, increasing the tempo and intensity of the vibrations, and watched as Tricia began to move her hips as much as she was able to within the restraints, as if she was fucking the pulsating rubbery phallus buried inside her. She had her eyes squeezed tightly shut now as she gave herself up to the resurgent feelings of lust which flowed through her body, imagining that small-man had his gorgeous cock in her, fucking her for all he was worth!

"Looks like she's enjoying herself, mate" Tom commented, and Steve was so engrossed in the vision on the screen he could only grunt in reply. Tom flicked the tiny switch to the right of the dial, and he too was carried away by Tricia's reaction to the remote-controlled clitoral stimulator attached to the vibrator - THIS was what the thin strip of leather Tricia had wondered about was for; to keep the little button of the stimulator positioned directly on her clit, exactly where it needed to be! She bucked her hips up and down even faster, her moans now turned to guttural squeals and screams as she clenched her thighs tightly together, not wanting to miss even one iota of the sensations being engendered in her sex-craving flesh, not realising that the strip of leather prevented that from happening. She strained against the leather straps securing her arms as her orgasm started, her hips and ass now also straining upwards as she endeavoured to increase the pressure on her over-stimulated button, wanting to maximise the sensations ripping through her groin into her whole body. Tom turned the dial down almost to the stop, causing the woman to scream " give me more, I need MORE!" Smiling to himself, he turned another dial up high, not building the sensations up as he had before. This dial was linked to the small anal wand that Tricia had felt earlier, and it vibrated busily inside her delicate opening, causing yet more spasms to invoke shudders and shivers of pure lust throughout Tricia's pelvic region. When Tom again turned the first dial, and the vibrator in her cunt instantly resumed it's frantic buzzing, Tricia went wild, her whole body now given over to the extremes of her orgasm as it pushed her nearer and nearer to the limits of her endurance, the juices from her abused pussy now a torrent which was flooding over her lower body as well as soaking the material of the bench, pooling in a large sticky puddle under her ass. Tom now played with both dials at once, turning them rapidly to the right and left, Tricia's orgasms now merging into one huge full-body cum which all too soon overwhelmed her yet again, collapsing into a deep blackness even as she felt the cessation of the vibrations in her body........

She woke up, aching all over her body, feeling extremely tired yet full of energy at the same time! Weird, that's what it was, she thought to herself as she strived to decipher what had changed during her period of unconsciousness. Gradually she became aware that all the restraining leather and chains had been removed, as had the vibrator and anal wand, leaving a shockingly empty feeling inside her. Her arms were also free, and she moved them around, surprised to find little pain or discomfort from her movements. She finally realised that she was now tethered to the bench by only one ankle chain, and she was able to stand up at the side of the bench, albeit not able to move more than two steps in any direction. As she bent and stretched her body in a limited type of exercising, she realised that she had been washed down, as had the bench. There was no evidence of her marathon orgasm session anywhere, and she wondered fleetingly if she had imagined the whole thing. Touching her vagina and nipples, however, she was very aware of how sensitive she felt, the slightest touch seemed to re-energise the nerves in those places, and she was certain that everything she had experienced had been real.
Looking round further, she noticed a meal of cold meat and salad stuffs had been left for her, and she fell on it ravenously, drinking both the glasses of juice that had also been left.

Now feeling much better having had something to eat, she was able to look round the basement properly for the first time. She could see the various shelves and small cupboards that the men had brought different things from, but they were all shut and she couldn't see what else they might contain. Other than the strangely designed bench that had been her prison and her bed for the past days, she could see nothing else out the ordinary anywhere in the large room. That was, until she looked up to the ceiling. There, she saw two, no THREE, cameras, all of them trained on her! Instinctively, one hand shot to her groin and the other covered her tiny breasts, covering herself from whoever might be watching her. After a few seconds she realised the stupidity of her actions; of course, it was her two captors who were watching, and if anyone else was there too, they had doubtless already seen her nakedness. Moving her hands to her hips, she stared defiantly into the nearest camera lens, unconsciously adopting a model-type pose, arching her back and thrusting her small bosom forward and upward, drawing attention to her prominent, dark nipples. Soon enough, she tired of this, and looked around some more but not seeing anything she hadn't already noticed. Remembering she had not looked under the bench, she bent over and peered underneath the complicated-looking apparatus. There, she saw a blanket, neatly folded, and a pillow which felt nice and firm. Realising that her meal had been dinner, and becoming aware of her own tiredness, she decided that it was night-time and, feeling suddenly rather tired, she climbed back onto the bench and arranged herself for sleep.

Sleep wouldn't come easily to her though. She thought again about who the two men could be, striving to remember what she could about tall-man's tattoo to no avail. Just as she was drifting off to sleep, she suddenly jerked upright on the bench.

"Tom White!" she exclaimed aloud, "THAT'S who it is! I remember two of the girls talking about that tattoo, how awesome it was and how painful it must have been!"

Tricia was unaware that in addition to the cameras she had spotted, there were also several highly-sensitive microphones strategically placed around the room, and the watching Tom and Steve could hear every word she uttered.

Tricia continued with the vocalisation of her thoughts. "Well, if it is Tom White, who could the other one be? THINK, Tricia" she admonished herself. "Who does he hang about with? Not Armitage....., not Robertson either, he's too much of a wimp. Got it! It MUST be his old army friend, Steve someone. Yep, that's who they are - Tom White and his friend Steve!" Happy now that she had worked out who the men were, she laid back down on the bench and soon was fast asleep.

Up in the viewing room, Tom and Steve sat listening to Tricia's out-loud ruminations, and both were quite stunned.

"Well, she's a lot smarter than I gave her credit for" said Tom, "she worked out who we were a lot quicker than I imagined she would!"

"Yeah, but she was going to find out anyway, wasn't she? After all, there'd be no point in all this unless she knew who had done it. We've got all the insurance we need to keep her quiet" he added, patting the computer, "and it's all copied onto three different discs, so we won't lose any of it! Plus, if she knows anything about me at all, she'll know that I'm quite capable of making her 'disappear' for ever.... not just a few days or a week. She'll keep quiet, I'm sure of that!"

"Me too" agreed Tom, "but I would rather have kept her in the dark for a wee while longer!"

"Yeah, well" grunted Steve. "Looks like she's off to sleep now, so I reckon we should do the same".
The two men went off to their respective beds; both, unknown to the other, masturbating to the sights they had witnessed earlier, and the feel of the woman's soft skin as they had washed her down, savouring the heady aroma of her womanly ejaculations as they had done so!

Next morning, after a leisurely shower and breakfast, the two men descended once again into the basement where they found Tricia already awake. They had decided to keep wearing the black cotton masks they had worn previously to hide their identity, so as not to alert Tricia that they knew she had figured out who they were. If she commented on it herself, then fair enough; but they would keep the masks on anyway, simply because of the secret filming that was taking place. If Tricia mentioned their names, it was a simple enough job to edit it out, and Steve had already developed a programme that would remove Tom's tattoo from the finished article; he had already tested the programme and knew it worked as intended. In the fullness of time, he would sell it to one of the big film companies, and it would make him a millionaire several times over; it would do away with the frame-by-frame editing they had to do just now, and save them many millions in costs. That, however, was for another day. Right now, he and Tom had other business to attend to.

Tricia didn't mention that she knew who they were when they went into the room. She was permitted to take care of her toiletting needs, and also to shower. The men then led her back to the bench, sitting her down on the edge and fixing an ankle cuff to her right leg, as before.

To maintain the charade of ignorance further, both men had again donned the electronic voice-boxes they had used previously when talking to Tricia.

"Well Trish," Tom began, deliberately using the diminutive of her name, "how did you enjoy the little demonstration we provided for you?"

The question took Tricia by surprise, she had not expected the men to talk about what had happened last night; stupid of her, really, as they had obviously watched every second of what they had arranged - had to, in fact, to be able to orchestrate what they had done.

As Tom and Steve were both aware, Tricia had been awake for some time before they had appeared in the basement. She had been thinking hard about the situation she was in and, more importantly, what she felt about it. Her initial thoughts had been what they had been when she first woke up here, namely feelings of fear and hate, with a strong wish to get her revenge on the two men, especially as she was now sure of their identities. However, when she had turned over on the bench, her nipples brushing against the blanket had reminded her of the overwhelming sexuality that this whole scenario had enlivened in her. She had allowed herself to examine carefully her deep, honest reaction to the events of the past few days, and she had to admit to herself that despite the initial feelings of loathing she had felt for the two men, they had reawakened in her a latent love of sex that had lain dormant for far too long. Added to the explosive orgasms she had enjoyed so much, both from their bodies and the 'toys' they had used on her, she felt a shocking sense of gratitude to these men, something she couldn't quite understand. However, she decided that to lie to them would be futile as Tom White, if in fact it was him, and she felt certain it was, had the often-remarked gift of seeming to know when someone was lying to him.

"I enjoyed it very much" was her answer to Tom's question, and now it was his turn to be taken by surprise. "I have to say, though, that I would have much preferred to have your hard cocks inside me, rather than those bits of rubber and plastic!"

"Well, Trish" Steve answered her. "I was kind of wondering if you'd think like that - actually, it was going to happen anyway, but you may as well enjoy it, right?"

"Oh God, YES!" exclaimed Tricia, and the mere thought of these two well-hung men using her body for their pleasure sent all thoughts of trying to tease them, to try and get away, straight out of her head; she could feel that her pussy had begun to leak juices immediately that Steve had said she was going to be fucked by both of them, and she felt her breathing quicken with the anticipation of what might happen next.

Tom walked over to the door of the basement, and Tricia heard a click as he locked the door.
"We've put a padlock on the door" Tom informed her, "and this room, if you haven't guessed already, is soundproof. I'm going to undo this cuff now, but you know you can't possibly get out of this room unless we let you."

"I have no intention of going anywhere" shot back Tricia, " I want both of you to use me and make me cum at least as much as yesterday!"

She climbed up onto the bench that had, for the past several days, been her prison bed. Lying her head back on the pillow she had left on the head of the bench, she purred

"OK boys, do what you will with me!", and stretched her body out like a cat, her hands stroking the length of her body as if to arouse herself even more.

The two men stood looking at the naked woman in front of them, both of them now able to smell the unmistakable aroma of female arousal. As one, they removed their voice-boxes and boiler suits until they were standing naked and erect on either side of Tricia as she lay back languorously on the bench. Tricia reached out and took hold of the hard cocks on each side of her supine body, her hands unable to close around either shaft as she stroked them from tip to base, revelling in the feel of the silky hardnesses I her hands.

"I want both of you at once, just like before" she murmured, and guided the two men by their erections so that Steve moved to her head and Tom was manoeuvred to the foot of the bench. Tom removed the lower section of bench, as Steve had done all those hours ago, and Tricia immediately lifted her legs and rested her feet on the padded side portions of the bench, allowing him to slide easily between her wide-spread thighs. As Tricia leant her head back and reached for Steve's rampant penis with her tongue, Tom placed the removed section of bench at his feet and knelt on it, putting his face level with the glistening wet gash that was Tricia's pussy. Pressing the palms of his hands against the back of her thighs, he pushed her legs back towards her chest, opening her outer lips and causing her buttocks to spread apart, exposing the pink rosebud of her anus to his gaze. Slowly he lowered his face to her flesh, drinking in the smell of her arousal like nectar as he reached the soft, stretched skin of her buttocks. Extending his tongue, he let it touch the very bottom of her flattened butt cleft, then slowly, he drew it up the full length of the valley between her legs, over the crinkled opening to her anus and up to the incredibly smooth skin of her perineum where he lingered briefly, enjoying the satin-smoothness of her flesh on his tongue. Broadening his tongue now, he continued with his long licking stroke, now savouring the taste of the smoothly shaved pussy in front of him, drinking in the sweet-tasting juices that were flowing copiously from the hot, pink slit. When he reached the hard nubbin at the very top of her pussy, Tricia moaned loudly around the thickness of the hard cock that was filling her mouth. As Tom run his tongue roughly over Tricia's clit for the first time, she sucked hard on Steve's penis, gagging slightly at the force of her suction drawing his shaft deep into her throat.
Steve could hardly believe that this slim, wiry woman had deep-throated him at her first attempt. His member was so thick, that normally even 'specialist' cock-suckers had to have several tries at accommodating him in their throats. Any thoughts of comparisons with other women quickly vanished as Tricia started to work her throat muscles around his shaft, her breath blowing sensually against his balls every time she exhaled through her nose. Reaching up with one arm, she cupped his swollen testicles in her fingers, gently fondling the heavy orbs as she eased his cock in and out of her mouth and throat. Meanwhile, Tom had repeated his traverse of Tricia's anal cleft several times, each time spending longer and longer savouring the taste and texture of her ass and pussy. He relished the difference between the slightly bitter flavour of her rosebud and the sweet taste of her cunt, amazed by the sheer quantity of juice she was producing despite ample evidence of this phenomenon previously. He could make out that she had Steve's prick deep in her mouth, and on his next stroke he decided to concentrate on her honeypot for a time. He thrust his pointed tongue as far inside Tricia's hole as he could, his chin resting in the folds of her labia as he delved his tongue far inside her, the tip curling round to rasp against the inner walls of her canal as his teeth rubbed against the hard button of her clitoris.

He could tell by increasing rapidity of Tricia's breathing that she was getting close to her first orgasm and, leaning his left arm across the back of her thighs, he moved his mouth to suck her clit between his teeth while at the same time he brought his right hand up and slid two fingers straight into Tricia's hot pussy, feeling the muscles inside her clamp around the invading digits. He felt movement as Steve reached down and pressed his hands on Tricia's flattened breasts, trapping the nipples between thumbs and forefingers then squeezing the nipples out hard between them, stretching the rosy flesh out tight, away from the slight swell of her tiny breasts. This was more than enough to send Tricia over the edge, and with a loud cry her internal muscles clamped down hard on Tom's fingers as she came, Steve's member slipping from her lips as she continued to scream her pleasure while she flooded Tom's hand with her juices. When she started to relax somewhat, Tom took the opportunity to slip a third finger inside her pulsating cunt; standing up now, he allowed his pinkie to find the entrance to her asshole and on the next thrust of his three fingers into her love-tunnel, his pinkie disappeared up to the knuckle inside her tight anus.
Moving around to the side of the bench, Tom began to slam his hand back and forth rapidly; within half a dozen thrusts Tricia came again, aided this time by Steve clamping his mouth over her left nipple, sucking it and her whole breast, deep into his mouth, his other hand still manipulating her right nipple between his finger and thumb. Tom let his third finger slip from it's slippery sheath, and it joined his pinkie in filling her tight brown hole, his thumb now rubbing ferociously on Tricia's swollen clit as he continued his deep fingering of her fuck-holes. Tricia came yet again, this time even louder than before, thrusting her hips down hard against Tom's hand to achieve maximum penetration of both her orifices. Tom gradually began to slow his hand, and watched as Steve lifted his head form Tricia's tit, the nipple now a full inch in length, sitting proudly dark-red on top of her pubescent-sized breast. Both men disengaged completely from Tricia's body, her legs flopping onto the rests at the side of the bench and her head collapsing onto the pillow.
After a few minutes, she had recovered enough to exclaim softly, "

Wo-o-o-w! You know, I enjoyed that even MORE than the first time you did that to me - maybe because I wasn't chained down!"

"There's more to come, Trish, don't you be worrying!" smiled Steve, and he reached underneath her body to help her sit up on the bench. Sliding her down towards the foot of the bench, he climbed onto it himself and sat right behind her, his throbbing member digging into her back as he moved closer to her.

"OK, Trish" he said, "we know you like it in the ass, so maybe you'll like this, too!"
As he spoke, he grasped her firmly under the arms and lifted her bodily upwards to finish up sitting on his thighs. He slid himself, with his perplexed passenger, down to the foot of the bench, where he could gain a good purchase on the side-rails with his feet.

She felt the pulsating thickness of his erection along the full length of her slit, and looked down between her legs to see the head and first two or three inches of the shaft protruding beyond her swollen and puffy cunt lips. She reached a hand underneath this gorgeous cock, rubbing it hard into her pussy and coating it with her juices. She felt Steve's hands around her waist, and then Tom reached round and grasped her buttocks firmly in his hands; with no apparent effort, Tom simply lifted her bodily from Steve's lap, the muscles of his arms and chest moving smoothly under his skin. She felt a hand underneath her, then Tom let her drop fractionally and she felt something hard against her spread-apart butt cheeks.

"Oh my GOD!" she cried, "surely you're not going to....?"

Her question cut off sharply as Tom let her fall another half-inch, and the tip of Steve's cock pushed into her asshole, and she imagined the large, mushroom-shaped head opening the crinkled petals of her rosebud to accommodate his girth. Tom's earlier tonguing and finger-fucking of her anus had opened it slightly, and also added a lot of her own juices as lubrication, so when Tom dropped her another half inch, Steve's cock-head slid easily into her dark hole. Tom held her easily as she tried to relax her sphincter, accustoming herself to the hugeness of the penis that was only fractionally inside her most intimate orifice. Steve still held her securely around her upper ribcage, and she felt the movement of him nodding at Tom, who immediately let her drop another inch, allowing the full thickness of Steve's member to penetrate past her tight sphincter muscle. She felt a 'pop' as the head entered her rosebud fully for the first time, and could barely believe she had taken such a monster in her tiny opening. She suddenly realised she was talking, exhorting Tom to lower her all the way, to allow Steve's massive hardness to fill her completely and fill her with hot spunk.

She couldn't believe such words were coming from her mouth; although always vocal back when she'd had a regular sex life, she had never before used such language, especially to one man as she was being impaled on another's cock! Next second she forgot completely what she had been thinking, able only to scream soundlessly as Tom took her at her word and let her drop down until she felt her buttocks resting against Steve's muscular thighs, Tom's hands withdrawing from underneath her cheeks.

"FUCK! FUUUUCK!" she screamed, "GOD, that feels so GOOD!"
Steve continued to hold her firmly, not allowing her to move for a while as she got used to the hot poker filling her ass beyond the limit! When her breathing had returned to something approaching normal, she watched as Tom bent to her breasts and began to suckle on each nipple in turn, nibbling the delicate buds as he slid two fingers into her surprised pussy! When he brought the palm of his hand up to rub against her still-swollen clitoris, she came immediately, the sensations proving too much for her to handle. This time, though, she managed not to pass out, and then almost did as Steve lifted her up with his strong hands as Tom seemed to lift her by the fingers embedded in her cunt, and she felt Steve's prick sliding out of, then back in to, her clenching ass. She was unprepared for Tom removing his fingers from her pussy, but was unable to vocalise her disappointment. He leant over the side of the bench, and she felt a shudder as the bench lowered slightly, then he straightened up and stood in front of her again. Steve moved his hands now to cup her small bosoms, once again allowing her now huge nipples to protrude between his finger and thumb, and leaning her back onto his chest so that both of them were now in a comfortable sitting position on the bench.

Tom bent down again, lower this time and, without preamble, thrust his tongue deep into her vagina, then sucked her labia into his mouth and ran his tongue up the centre of them until his mouth latched onto her swollen clit, sucking it between his lips and flicking it with his tongue, causing her to clench her muscles around the thickness inside her ass as she rocketed into yet another ripping orgasm.

Without warning, the warmth of Tom's mouth left her sweet hole, and almost immediately she felt something much harder at the entrance to her soaking cunt. She opened her eyes to see Tom right in front of her, his rigid length entering her honeypot even as she looked down. In and in it went, until she felt his pubic bone bump against her own, mashing her clit roughly between them and inducing another wave of orgasmic spasm to course through her body. Tom began to thrust into her in long, pile-driving strokes, each insertion lifting her upwards, with Steve's strong arms helping the process, so that with the movement of only one man she was actually being fucked by two; and it was the single most amazingly sexual, and sensual, experience of her life!

On and on it went, Tricia cumming and cumming until there was no gap between them, just one big never-ending orgasm that she could barely remember even beginning, nor imagine when it might end. She was vaguely aware that Tom had speeded up, his strong, thick penis now hammering her like a huge fleshy piston, another massive prick reciprocating the action deep inside her ass, and then she felt one last, deep thrust in her cunt as Tom erupted inside her, jet after jet of hot scalding liquid shooting deep into her sodden hole. As Tom's ejaculation began to subside, it was Steve's turn to cum. With a loud grunt, accompanied by the one and only movement of his hips that she could remember, he too filled her with spunk, his flooding her bowel with a torrent of his hot fluid. The feeling of two men filling her with their hot cream within seconds of each other was too much for Tricia; with one final scream of ecstasy she lapsed into a dead faint, Steve's strong arms keeping her from falling to the floor as she slumped limply against his chest, her entire body relaxing as she fell into the darkness of oblivion.

Tom and Steve sat in comfortable chairs in the viewing room, flicking occasional glances at the screen where the barely moving form of Tricia Mulholland lay on the padded bench she had spent so much of the last 4 days lying on. Most of their attention, however, was on the conversation they were having about their recent sexual adventure with Tricia. Both men had been astounded at Tricia's reaction to their double penetration of her slim body, at just how much she had enjoyed it and how the excitement of it had caused her to pass out, yet again. Steve was of the opinion that if she kept doing that, then a full session (in their lexicon, that meant keeping going for many hours, not just the hour and a half Tricia had lasted!) would be out of the question. Tom's riposte to that was to point out that even with the much increased stimulation from two large cocks and close physical contact, she had lasted a (relatively) long time before passing out; he further mentioned to Steve that previously she had only lasted for less than half an hour, so she was definitely improving in the stamina department.

"Besides" he added, "it's not as if she's going anywhere for a while, so she's got plenty of time to improve!".
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 10-14-2005, 03:50 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Part Five

Tom was actually much more interested in what he perceived to be massive psychological changes in Tricia. Previously, she had always presented herself as a cold, sexless woman, expressing no interest whatsoever in the opposite (or same!) sex, and seemed to go out of her way to make the lives of her work colleagues as miserable and difficult as possible. Now though, he and Steve appeared to have unleashed a whole new side to her, a deeply sensual and sexual woman seemed to have emerged from the hard shell of her former incarnation. Even more interesting was how much she seemed to be enjoying the situation in which she had found herself. She almost certainly must have been very scared when she had first woken up, naked and alone in a dark room, not knowing where she was or what could be going to happen to her. Although she had initially tried to fight against her captors, she had quickly realised the futility of this and thereafter had 'thrown' herself into the use and abuse of her body with gusto. Indeed, it seemed to Tom, she had delighted in being restrained on the bench, and positively revelled in being the object of Tom and Steve's sexual attentions; witness her actions in the shower over the past two mornings, he thought - how many women in a similar position would have exhibited themselves in such a manner in front of two unknown men? Very few, he suspected.

As a trained therapist and counsellor, Tom was well aware of the psychological phenomenon known as the Stockholm Syndrome. This was where captives or hostages began to identify with their captors to the extent that, when finally released, they would not say anything against their captors; rather, they would stick up for them, espousing the particular ideals of their gaolers almost as if they too were part of whatever organisation or group that had captured them in the first place and refusing to give evidence against them in court. However he also knew that this phenomenon took some time to manifest itself, and even then only when the captive had been treated reasonably well and had achieved a degree of interaction with their captors, none of which applied to Tricia in her situation. Tom was forced to conclude that Tricia actually got off on being restrained during sex, and the forceful nature of her present captivity had heightened the pleasure she achieved from this to a previously unknown, and hence unimagined, level; so much so that these feelings overrode any other considerations about the circumstances or participants.

Tom explained his thoughts to Steve, who gave some time to thinking about his friend's hypothesis and could find no significant flaw in it.

"Well," he finally answered, "I suppose that means our original plan to scare and humiliate her isn't going to work. We can still have some more fun with her though, can't we?"

"It won't work the way we planned originally, perhaps" Tom replied, "but however much she enjoys it while she's here, she still wouldn't want even a minute of our little compilation tape sent to anyone she knows. We'll still be able to achieve some of what we set out to do".

"Yes, I suppose you're right" Steve said. "Let's have a look at what she's up to now, shall we?"

The two studied the monitor on the desk in front of them, where they could see that Tricia was still sound asleep on the bench. She was still lying on her back, her legs slightly parted as she slept soundly on, and the sticky remnants of the double fucking she had received earlier that day still spattered over her inner thighs and groin. As Steve zoomed in closer to the woman's groin area, he commented at the minimal pubic stubble that had appeared on her mound.

"We'll need to get rid of that, later" he commented, "I really do detest a rough pussy - much better either hairy or smooth, not something in between!"

"Yep, we sure will" Tom replied, and strangely, he found himself very much looking forward to when they could once again watch Tricia shower, and afterwards they would shave her smooth prior to some more sex play with her - he felt a somewhat unexpected stirring in his loins at the thought of plunging his hard cock into her ass, holding her legs wide apart as he did so. He shook his head like a wet dog drying itself and, standing up from the desk, went through to shower and shave himself, leaving Steve to edit the tape of their latest session.

Next morning dawned bright and sunny. Tricia had been woken and fed by the two friends late the previous night, but apart from eating most of her meal and going to the toilet, she had been strangely silent, not even asking to have a shower. By now though, she had regained some of her feisty spirit, and when the men entered the basement she instantly demanded to wash herself, saying she felt dirty and abused. Tom raised an eyebrow at Steve, who nodded imperceptibly; instantly, he grabbed hold of Tricia in a vicelike grip and manhandled her onto the bench where Tom waited with the full set of restraints. He rapidly buckled Tricia into all the cuffs, and strapped the wide waist belt tightly around her middle. Throughout all of this, Tricia kept up a barrage of abuse and demands to be set free to wash and go home. Tom and Steve simply ignored her as they worked, until Tom decided he had endured quite enough for one day! He moved to one of the cupboards on the wall and removed from it the bridle and bit they had used on Tricia previously. As soon as she saw it, Tricia changed her tone completely, promising she would not utter another word.

"I'm afraid I don't fully believe you" Tom said, and proceeded to fit the apparatus to her head, despite Tricia trying her best to prevent it. Soon she was lying immobile on the bench, her arms held in a 'hands up' position and her legs spread wide apart with the steel bar in place, her mouth filled with the cold steel bar she remembered from the other day. She was quite uncomfortable in this position, but what unnerved her more was the complete silence from Tom and Steve. When Steve appeared with a bowl of hot water she thought that she might, at last, be getting washed; however when he also produced a razor and shaving cream she tried to struggle free of her bonds again, feeling far too unclean for what she thought of as an intimate act. This achieved her nothing but a sharp slap on her thigh from Tom; the smack of his hard hand on her soft flesh was painful, but not as painful to her as the look of contempt on his face. She slumped back onto the bench, resigned to whatever was going to be done to her today.

A few minutes later, Steve took position between Tricia's open thighs, now easily accessible since Tom had removed the bottom portion of the bench. She could see he had something in his hands, but from her supine position she was unable to see what it was; it was only when he placed one of the objects on her stomach that she could see that the object was, in fact, a pair of oval-shaped stainless steel balls, the like of which were somehow familiar to her. They were also cold - she shivered at the feel of the cold metal against her skin, but was even more aware of their temperature when Steve began to insert the first of another pair of the balls into her pussy, the fingers of his left hand spreading open her labia as his right hand's fingers pushed first one, then the other of the cool eggs deep inside her suddenly hot womanhood, their passage made all the easier by the remnants of the spunk still inside her. Then Tom raised her legs until they were, once again, in the 'childbirth' position; Steve picked up the remaining pair of eggs, and began inserting them one by one into the equally slick passageway of her asshole, a brief scream escaping round the metal bit in her mouth as he used the entire length of his middle finger to push them as far inside her butt as he could. She was aware also that there were wires attached to the eggs, and now remembered what these strangely familiar objects were - Vibrating Love Eggs! She had heard some of her friends talking about them, but had never tried them on herself. Now, it seemed, she was being given no choice in the matter!

Throughout the past minutes, apart from Tom voicing his lack of belief in her statement about keeping quiet, neither of the men had uttered a word to her since they had entered the room. Steve made way for Tom, who replaced the lower part of the bench before lowering Tricia's legs back down to the bench and removing the steel bar holding them apart, instead strapping her legs firmly together. Now, having achieved their immediate goals, the men left the basement, still without saying a word to her. Although she knew now that nothing 'bad' would happen to her, Tricia was still rather nervous; after all, she reasoned, they must be at least a little bit crazy to have started all this in the first place, so who knew what they were planning for her!

She lay quietly on the bench, the discomfort of the insertions slowly fading until she felt only the slight pressure of the eggs against her internal muscles. She silently cursed herself for her earlier intemperate burst of anger towards the two men, despite still feeling somewhat aggrieved at them for not allowing her to shower. She had no idea what was going to happen now, but she was sure that it wouldn't have been happening if she'd managed to keep her mouth shut! She chased these, and similarly unproductive thoughts, around her head for a while, then began to doze off as her still-tired body relaxed into slumber. Just as she was about to fall over into a deep sleep she suddenly felt a, not unpleasant, tingling sensation in her belly, and her eyes snapped open wide wondering what was going on. As soon as her eyes opened, the sensation stopped, and she imagined that she must have unconsciously been reliving the events of yesterday. Lying back and closing her eyes again, she did so consciously, remembering with only a slight degree of embarrassment the feeling of being impaled by two of the biggest cocks she'd ever seen, feeling in her mind the exquisite sensations of being totally filled by a brace of spunking pricks, both of them hot and hard because of her!

This time, she was aware of the tingling starting again in her belly, only this time she was able to identify it as the small eggs in her pussy vibrating together, sending small shivers of excitement through her body and causing a noticeable wetness between her thighs. Lifting her head as far as she was able, she could look down and see that her nipples had hardened considerably, the large nubs testament to the sexual feelings induced in her by the eggs which she could now feel were buzzing even more inside her. Despite herself, she could feel an orgasm building swiftly her weeping cunt, and her limbs strained against the straps holding her down. Just as she was about to cum, the vibrations suddenly stopped, leaving her on the brink of release with no way to stimulate herself over the edge. More frustrated than she had ever felt before, she cursed loudly around the metal bit still in her mouth, the words muffled but fairly clear, almost begging to be allowed to cum. She gradually fell away from her near-orgasmic high, and slowly her intense need for release abated slightly; still, she was desperate to enjoy the sensations of what had felt like would be a wonderful orgasm. Several minutes later, she felt the tingling begin again, only this time it was in a different place - now the eggs buried in her rear passage had started to vibrate, the slight movement of the steel orbs causing massive waves of lust to pulse through her body. Her mind immediately returned to the feeling of having Steve's hardness penetrating her bowels, and how much she had enjoyed it after the initial pain had so swiftly been replaced by an overwhelmingly erotic feeling of fullness. She gave herself up to the lust-fuelled thoughts of being taken again by a hard, throbbing prick, imagining the intense sensation of hot cream flooding into her darkest hole as she came and came over the cock still inside her from her 'proper' fucking by..... What the FUCK?!?! The tingling sensation had abruptly stopped, a sudden cessation of remotely-induced pleasure which left her once again on the very brink of orgasm, striving to cum but, again, unable to quite 'get there'. Tears of frustration poured down her cheeks and face, and she screamed her need at the cameras she could barely see from her restrained position on the bench. "Damn them!" She could think only of her sexual gratification now, all thoughts of how she had got here and who was responsible the furthest thing from her mind! "Let me CUM!" she shouted loudly, again managing to make herself understandable despite the metal gag inhibiting her speech!

Throughout the afternoon, the cycle progressed - sometimes the eggs in her pussy would bring her to the verge of orgasm, other times it would be the ones in her ass. On two memorable - and VERY quick - occasions, both sets of eggs were turned up to what she thoughts must have been their maximum; on that occasion she had got turned on so quickly that she had almost felt her orgasm, only to have it snatched away at the very last second. On those occasions especially, Tricia could not contain her frustrations, screaming for release at the cameras until she became hoarse. Finally, she felt the build up of another 'double vibe' as she thought of it now, only this time it did not stop; conditioned as she now was to not achieving the climax she so dearly craved, she was taken completely by surprise when instead of stopping, the vibrations in her cunt became even stronger than they ever had before, closely followed by the same increase in pleasure from the eggs deep inside her bowels. She could feel the orgasm building rapidly and savoured every millisecond, expecting the stimulation to be removed at any moment, so when her orgasm hit it was immense - far bigger and explosive than she had bargained for. She found new energy in her voice, screaming her pleasure loudly as she bucked and writhed on the bench, the straps of her bonds, cushioned though they were, digging deeply into her skin as wave after wave of orgasm bliss ripped through her, her pussy flooding it's juices over her thighs and onto the bench, her nipples rock-hard and feeling like they were going to explode. She was dimly aware that the eggs had stopped vibrating, yet continued to cum for several more minutes as the stimulation engendered in her finally died away, eventually, and not for the first time in her captivity, losing consciousness as the intensity of the experience proved too much for her overworked nerves.

When Tricia woke up, it was to find that once again she had been released save for one ankle cuff, and the bench was again back in it's bed-like configuration. She had to check with her fingers that both her pussy and ass were empty of the vibrating eggs which had driven her to such extremes of lust; in doing so her fingers slid across the nub of her clitoris, sending a tremor of half-remembered climax through her body and causing her flattened nipples to immediately perk up to their more usual (of late!) state of arousal. The feeling was almost too great for her to bear, a mad desire to masturbate only barely contained as her body seemed to yearn for more and more sexual stimulation to dowse the fires of lust within her. Seeing neither of the two men in the room, she almost capitulated; only with a great effort of will was she able to convince herself that they would be back soon and would then take care of her overwhelming need to be fucked.

However, it was not to be, not tonight at least. Looking around she spied her meal, once again waiting for her on a small table. She ate slowly, not wanting to make herself sick, despite her ravenous hunger. Afterwards she toiletted, although she was still unable to shower or wash herself. Later, lying on the bench while she relived her double penetration of yesterday, she again became very aroused. Her plum-coloured nipples, sitting firm and proud on the small pads of flesh that were her breasts, throbbed and ached in a silent plea for release; likewise, her swollen clitoris also sang out to her mind, her hot pussy continually seeping with her own uninvited lubrication. The smell of her unspent passion was heavy in the air until, bowing to the inevitable, Tricia succumbed to the lure of her, now highly-sexed, body.

Firstly she teased herself, her hands smoothing the slight mounds of her breasts round and round, until the edge of one grazed her nipple; she shuddered as a sharp electric feeling shot from her breast-tip directly to her swollen, pulsating clit - then both palms were rubbing furiously on her nipples and breasts, sending what felt like bolts of lightning straight to her lust-button, a climax rushing through her body after only a minute of two of starting her breast-play. This served only to spur her on further. Squeezing her breasts close together, she clamped both nipples tightly between her fingers and thumb, nipping them and rolling them together with one hand. The other hand went directly to her hot cunt, three fingers disappearing inside herself immediately as she forced the heel of her hand roughly against her clitoris; rubbing, rubbing furiously, she inserted her fourth finger deep inside her soaking pussy. Within a minute, she brought herself to orgasm again, all attempts at quiet enjoyment now abandoned as she yelled and screamed out in lust-fuelled pleasure. Time after time she brought herself off, rivers of her own juices now soaking the bench, the strong aroma of sex permeating through the still air of the basement. Eventually, and after more orgasms than she could possibly have counted even if she had been able, she was exhausted; she curled into a ball on the bench, shocked but not surprised when she realised she was sucking her own copious juices from her fingers, enjoying the sweet, yet slightly salt, taste of herself and her self-pleasure. Her one thought as she drifted off to sleep once more was she wished the two men had been there to fill her properly!

Tom and Steve had watched avidly as their captive pleasured herself so wantonly, their enjoyment of their abuse of the woman by remote-control earlier in the day heightened by her enjoyment of her own self-gratification. When Tricia finally fell asleep, Steve checked that all of today's activities had been captured on tape, which they had, in glorious living colour and stereo sound! Unknown to Tricia, her wish to be fucked by the two men in every way possible had been uttered aloud, faithfully captured by the microphones hidden in the basement room.
"We'll have to make her wish come true tomorrow, I think" said Steve, a view shared eagerly by his friend.

"Yeah, we'll give her just what she wants, mate...... and then some!!"

With that, the two retired to their separate beds, each to masturbate for a long time over the thoughts and dreams of what they had seen that day.

Next morning, Tricia was woken by the loud bang of the basement door shutting. Startled, she sat up and watched Tom and Steve, dressed only in shorts, enter the room carrying a tray of breakfast and, more importantly, washing accoutrements. The men sat and watched silently as she ate her meal, removing the tray as soon as she'd finished. Tom unshackled Tricia's ankle and handed her the soap, leading her over to the shower cubicle in the corner. She stood for a long while under the high-pressure jets of hot water, basking in the feeling of cleanliness which that alone was able to cause. Then she began to wash, thoroughly soaping every inch of her body, scrubbing herself with the sponge the men had also provided her, making certain every area was spotless before moving to the next. She paid special attention to her pelvic areas, ensuring she was as clean and sweet-smelling as possible - after all, she thought to herself, she wanted to be well fucked today, and she wanted no hint of staleness or lack of freshness to put the two men off her!

When she had finished, Tom handed her the large fluffy towel he had brought, and again the two men watched as she dried herself thoroughly, the soft material lingering on her breasts and buttocks and between her legs as she ensured every part of her was dry. Now she was completely dried off, Tricia allowed herself to look carefully at the two men watching her. Both had assumed an air of nonchalance towards her ablutions, but she could easily see the lie of it; the shorts the two were wearing were unable to conceal their obvious arousal, the two patches of material looked to her like a pair of tents lying on their sides! Emboldened by still being free to move, with no hint of either man being in a hurry to chain her up again, Tricia moved towards them until she was mere inches away. Reaching out with her small hands, she stroked the fronts of the men's shorts, feeling the hardness of the two thick members encased in the soft material of the shorts. A soft moan escaped her lips as she grasped a throbbing prick in each hand, amazed at the heat permeating through the thin cloth and noticing the spreading patches of dampness at the very tips of the conical protrusions.

"I would like both of these inside me today" she purred, "one at a time or both together, I don't care. I just need to have you both. Will that be all right?"

So desperate was she to experience these two hard cocks filling her completely, she was totally unlike her usual demanding self; rather, her demeanour was almost pleading in nature, demure yet sincere in her desire to fulfil her body's needs. The two men were slightly surprised by the sea-change in Tricia's personality, but Tom was the first to regain his composure.

"I'm sure I can speak for us both when I say we'll be more than happy to accommodate your wishes, Tricia" he replied, smiling inside at the actuality of his prissy, ignorant and arrogant boss begging him and his best friend to fuck her as hard as long as they possibly could, and to have it captured on video (although Tricia didn't know that) standing naked as the day she was born and obviously under NO coercion whatsoever - he felt all his birthdays had come at once!

Steve was far more interested in taking Tricia up on her brazen offer though, and bending over quickly, he slipped his shorts down his legs and kicked them into the corner of the room, very closely followed by Tom reciprocating his actions. Now Tricia stood in all her naked glory, struggling to encompass the two huge specimens of male sexuality in her tiny hands, stroking the full lengths of penis in her palms so that a tiny teardrop of pre-cum oozed from the tip of each of the members in her grasp. As soon as she saw that Tricia immediately fell to her knees, still holding Tom and Steve's hard cocks in her hands and, leaning forwards, slowly took the tip of Tom's cock between her lips and licked the salty drop of liquid from his glans, swallowing it down with a deep sigh of satisfaction. She then moved her body to her right and repeated her actions on Steve, again swallowing his juice with obvious delight. Tom and Steve looked each other in the eye for a second then, moving as one, they lifted Tricia bodily from her kneeling position and deposited her squarely on the bench, a brief squeal issuing from her lips as she seemed to fly through the air. Somehow she had managed to keep her grip of her two prizes, the slick fleshy poles remaining in her hands only because she was bent almost in half as she landed on the bench.

This awkward placement of her torso resulted in her tiny bosom being shown to its best advantage, the pads of breast jutting forward, tipped by her dark-red, rock-hard nipples, both of them crinkling and swelling as her excitement grew with every passing second. Tom and Steve were both ideally placed for their next actions, as Tom was left-handed while Steve was right-handed; both reached for the breast nearest to their dominant hand, cupping the soft flesh in the bowl shapes of their hands and stroking the prominent nipples with the flats of the palms causing Tricia to moan deeply in the back of her throat. She began to run her hands up and down the two rigid shafts before her, revelling in the silky-soft texture of the prime examples of rampant manhood now devoted to exploring her every orifice. To Tom's surprise, Steve leant forwards and sideways, finishing his movement with his face mere fractions of an inch away from Tricias; she looked up at him, obviously as surprised as Tom by this development. She was even more surprised when Steve completed his move by moving the remaining half inch and planting his lips directly on Tricia's mouth, the tip of his tongue licking softly along the line of her own slightly-opened lips, then gently probing the sweet-tasting cave of her mouth.
Tricia kissed Steve back lustily, her tongue duelling his as she continued her manipulation of the two cocks in her hands, her body shaking in her enjoyment of the teasing of her sensitive nipples by two disparate hands. Steve increased the pressure on Tricia's lips, probing deeply inside her mouth with his tongue and easing her round and down onto her back on the bench, all the while squeezing, nipping and pulling on her fully erect right nipple, while his friend followed her path and bent down to take her left nipple deeply into his mouth, sucking it hard so the whole of her petite breast disappeared inside his mouth, the tip of the rubbery nipple tickling the back of his throat as he delicately chewed the soft flesh.
Tricia was rapturous with lust now, immersed in feelings of complete sensual overload as the two men continued their oral assault of her body. Tom released her breast from his lips, and began to plant small, soft kisses around the slight convexity of her flesh, slowly pecking his way down across her ribcage and stomach, observing in a slightly detached way the flutter in her stomach muscles as he kissed and licked his way round and past her navel. Meanwhile, Steve had moved so that he now held one of her exquisitely tiny mounds in each hand, kneading and squeezing out the nipples to an ecstasy of tautness which stretched her delicate flesh to limits she had never experienced before, his lips and tongue continuing their probing invasion of her mouth. The progression of Tom's kiss-fest on her torso had now led him to the soft roundness of her mons pubis, where he paused for a moment to savour the heady aroma of aroused pussy emanating from Tricia's honeypot, enjoying also the continuous moans of lust escaping from her mouth around the encapturing lips of his friend. As Tom reached the very top of her slit, Tricia's thighs parted, almost of their own volition, exposing her sopping hole to Tom's excited gaze. He allowed his tongue to graze Tricia's throbbing and prominent clitoris momentarily, causing a tremor to rush through her body and a loud gasp to issue from her as she experienced her first mini-orgasm of the day, then his tongue followed the contours of her mound, licking the very edges of her outer labia down as far as her perineum before returning back up the other side to her love button. He repeated the action several more times, each time getting closer and closer to the copiously leaking gash of her cunt, the inner lips now swollen and puffed out in a physical demonstration of the lustful need inside her.
Finally, Tom allowed his lips to close around these flaps of sweet flesh, sucking them gently between his lips and running the tip of his tongue the full length of the groove of her slit until it alighted on the erect nub of clitoris at the top of her hole. Tricia could not control the reaction of her body to the direct stimulation of her clit by Tom's probing tongue; her hips left the material of the bench as she strove to force her clit into the path of Tom's thrusting tongue, desperate for him to make her cum properly for the first time. Briefly, Tom was of a mind to deny her the release she so obviously craved, but he too was caught up in the moment; his tongue pressed hard against the button of flesh before him, moving quickly in a circular motion to stimulate the woman under him to an immediate release, signalled by her sudden tension and a flood of sweet-tasting juices which covered the entire lower half of his face in a mask of female ejaculate. Quickly, Tom lowered his head fractionally to lick and swallow down the flood of nectar from Tricia's pussy, his mouth now covering her entire mound as he delved his tongue as deeply inside her hot cunt as he possibly could, able to feel the pulsations of her internal muscles with his oral muscle.

Steve now broke away from his and Tricia's extended kiss as he took in what his friend was doing, but continuing his constant arousal of Tricia's breasts and nipples. She still had Steve's member in her hand, slowly stroking it's full length; now she tugged on it, and twisted her body so that she was able to place her lips over the head of Steve's leaking penis, her delicate tongue flicking around the rim of his glans as she endeavoured to fit him in her mouth. She was now accustomed to the size of Steve and Tom's manhoods, so it took only seconds for her to slide her lips down Steve's throbbing shaft until the head of it butted against the back of her throat; she managed to reach out around the hot flesh with her tongue, just barely able to reach the spot where his cock met his heavy ballsack. She felt Steve's moan as she slid her mouth back up his length, and reached her hand between his legs and cupped his balls in her small hand, revelling in the weight of the fleshy bag resting on her palm. Curling her fingers around the root of Steve's sac, her lips reached the tip of his cock and, as she reversed her movement to return back down to the base, she moved her forefinger so that it rested on the entrance to his anus. She felt his buttocks clench tightly for a second then relax again as she pressed the tip of her finger harder against his puckered opening, inserting it up to the first knuckle as she once again deep-throated his large member.

"Ooh, you sexy FUCKER!" exclaimed Steve, enjoying the feel of Tricia's slim fingertip probing his anal opening. He felt her begin to rotate her finger inside him as she began to accelerate her oral fucking of his shaft, her mouth leaving a wet trail of saliva upon the full length of his penis.
Tricia was in seventh heaven now, voluntarily taking this huge cock right to the back of her throat, and enjoying every second of feeling the velvety hardness violating her mouth. She was still very much aware of Tom's ministrations to her soaking cunt, could feel the pressure of his hands on her inner thighs as he pushed her legs wide apart; she gasped, nearly choking on Steve's meaty rod, when Tom lowered his mouth to her anus and proceeded to thrust his tongue into the very centre of her rosebud, penetrating her ass with the slimy organ then withdrawing to lick all around her dark opening. Again and again he repeated his anal attack until, with no warning, he held her legs up with one arm and reverted sucking her pussy, the fingers of his other hand sneaking up her anal cleft until two of his digits embedded themselves deep inside her ass, his lips sucking deeply on her ripe clitoris.
Tricia could take no more of this and, swallowing Steve's manhood to its full extent, let herself cum, the screams of lust muffled by Steve continuing to pump his shaft into her mouth and throat, causing Tricia to almost choke on more than one occasion! Meanwhile, Tom took full advantage of Tricia's massive emission of natural lubrication to stand up and plunge his engorged manhood fully inside Tricia's hot cunt, feeling his pubic bone slamming into her slick, bare pussy mound and his balls slap off her taut buttocks. He rammed into her repeatedly, wanting only to fill her with his boiling cream; heedless of his friend's pleasure, he could see no further than pounding the tight hole before him, making the woman scream as loud as he could in pleasure as he filled her up.
He need not have worried on that score; every time his cock slammed into her, Tricia came - so fast was Tom pistoning in and out of her, she was soon unable to tell where one orgasm ended and the next began. Despite this she never for a moment let up on her oral loving of Steve's erection, taking him fully into her throat with each of his deep thrusts, willing him to cum so she could taste his hot spunk as it trickled down her throat. She felt Tom's thrusts becoming shorter, and screamed again as he slid first one, then another, finger into her anus, increasing the already amazing amount of stimulation to her overworked pelvic nerves and causing her pussy muscles to clamp down tightly on the hot invader inside her. That was it for Tom; with a loud cry he ejaculated mightily inside Tricia, coating the walls of her pulsating cunt with thick jets of his sperm, his cock buried deeper inside her than he would have believed possible.
Steve, too, was overcome by the sexuality of the moment, quite apart from the finger in his ass that was playing merry Hell with his staying power! He was still playing with, and teasing unflinchingly, Tricia's plum-coloured, rock-hard nipples, and he began to pull and twist them so hard, he worried that he might be hurting her too much. Tricia seemed totally unfazed, however, merely redoubling her oral efforts on his twitching member, coping easily now with the thick length plunging in and out of her throat. Desperate now to taste him, she pushed her finger deeper into Steve's ass, the tip just able to stroke against the ring of muscle that was his prostate. Letting out a muted scream of his own, Steve almost ripped Tricia's nipples from her breasts as he came explosively into her throat, forgetting as he had the sheer intensity of being made to orgasm that way! Tricia's throat swallowed convulsively as she tried to cope with the huge quantity of sperm unleashed by her probing finger; she managed to swallow all of the first three spurts, but after that it became just too much for her, and Steve's sticky fluid escaped the corners of her mouth to begin it's oozing path down her chin and neck, towards her heaving bosom. Eventually Steve's ejaculations slowed to a trickle, then stopped, Tricia sucking hard on the head of his cock to ensure she had got every last drop. When she was sure he had completely finished, she laid back on the bench and smiled broadly, the wide grin leaving her face for a moment when Tom's now shrinking penis slipped from her hot, wet pussy.

"Well, boys," she murmured, "I hope you've got more where that came from!".

"Hell, sure we have" Steve replied for the both of them, "you don't get off quite so lightly, dear Trish!"
Tricia merely giggled in delight, already looking forward to the next session.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 10-15-2005, 02:34 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Part Six

Both men were still extremely turned on by their recent activities and within minutes both were growing hard again, much to Tricia's unspoken delight! She was surprised, but aroused at the same time, when Steve bent to kiss her hard on the mouth, the remnants of his cum still adhering to her chin and the upper swellings of her petite breasts. His hands moved to massage the sticky juice into her skin, the edges of his palms brushing lightly against her nipples as he did so, causing them to perk up even more than they already were, an almost painful twin-erection which sent tingling waves of lust pulsating through her body as she returned Steve's passionate kisses, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and shoulders pulling him closer into her.
When Tom knelt down between her still-open legs and began to kiss and lick his way from her left ankle up the inside of her leg, licking the full length of that so-soft area of her inner thigh until he reached a spot just below her leaking pussy, she did not for a second imagine that he would do what he did next; with no warning or hint at all of his plans, he widened his tongue and licked the whole length of her crack, from her puckered anal ring over her sensitive perineum, and then all the way from there, over her pouting vaginal lips with their smooth coating of cum, 'til he reached her erect clitoris, sucking the throbbing button between his lips and flicking the tip with his tongue. Tricia moaned into Steve's mouth, her body shuddering as her and Tom's mixed juices flooded over Tom's face, her nails digging into Steve's back with the force of the unexpected orgasm Tom had induced in her.

"Oh my GOD!" she screamed, "keep doing it to me.... pleeeaase!"

Tricia was nonplussed when both Tom and Steve suddenly moved away from her, and her first thought was that they were going to leave her alone in the basement with her overwhelming need for sex. With a massive effort of will she refrained from speaking, knowing that if she was wrong that would be exactly what they would do, so she was thankful she had kept quiet when, rather than leave the room, Tom came up the side of the bench and bodily lifted her up, cradling her in his arms like he would a baby. Tricia watched as Steve took her place on the bench, placing a pillow behind his had as he made himself comfortable on the padded material. Now it was Tom's turn to kiss her, still holding her in his muscular arms, one arm round her back and the other supporting her under her buttocks, his thumb absently stroking her still oozing cleft.
When Steve had made himself comfortable on the bench, his erection now returned and standing straight up from his neatly trimmed pubic hair, Tom whirled her up and round, placing her in a sitting position on the top of Steve's thighs, her leaking pussy less than an inch away from his glistening member. Steve's strong hands grasped her thighs, as if to forestall any movement she might make, although for the moment Tricia was quite content to remain where she was, enjoying the sight of the twitching penis that soon, she hoped, would be buried deep in her hot cunt. As if to give the lie to her own thought, her hands fell between her open legs, her right hand wrapping round the hot shaft and her left hands fingers delving inside her pussy, her thumb gently rubbing the small, hard button of her clit. Suddenly, Tom appeared at her left side, reaching his arm around her body and both hands landing on her chest to completely cover her small breasts, the pebble-hard nipples seeming to take on a life of their own as they pressed into his strong palms; she moaned as his hands closed on her flesh in a gentle, yet firm, squeeze which quickly metamorphosed into a rhythmic kneading of her breasts that sent further shivers of pleasure through her body.

Tricia reached down with her left hand now, groping for, and finally finding, Tom's fully erect and swollen manhood, folding her fingers as far round the shaft as she could manage. Now she felt bold and powerful, holding two rampant cocks in her small hands, knowing that both these beautiful organs would soon be filling her body with their hot hardness. Steve now took over from her fingers, two of his own sliding easily inside her moistness, still lubricated by the remains of Tom's ejaculation which didn't seem to bother him in the least, a scenario that turned Tricia on even more, much to her own surprise. She was finding more and more though, that nothing these two guys did could turn her off, so immersed was she in milking every last ounce of sexual pleasure from them, a bodily insistence that they had awakened in her in a few short days! She shivered again as Tom's hands slid from her breasts, the full span of his hands deliciously rubbing her aroused breast-tips, the warm skin of his hands smoothing round her torso until his thumbs met in the middle of her shoulder-blades, his palms now holding her round her slim ribs. Steve removed his fingers from her pussy, immediately replacing them with his other hand, continuing his pleasuring of her slippery canal and clit. He brought the fingers so recently removed from her pussy up to her mouth, coated in a heady mixture of her own, and Tom's, juices, and she sucked them into her wet mouth without thought, savouring the tanginess of the fluid as she sucked his fingers completely clean. Steve hooked his fingers slightly over her bottom teeth, and pulled gently at the same time as Tom pushed her body forward, until Tricia was bent almost double over Steve's supine body, his solid erection pressing into her stomach as her inflamed nipples brushed, almost painfully, over his roughly-haired chest, the contact sending tingles of electricity through her body to her clit, her cunt muscles contracting on Steve's buried fingers as she came once again. Seconds later, she screamed her pleasure, as Tom made use of her folded position to bend over and lick her roughly from pussy to ass, stopping at her puckered rosebud and probing her dark entrance with a long, sinuous tongue.
"Oohhhh...... Please........... OHMYGOD......" Tricia was unable to articulate any words as yet another orgasm ripped through her, her entire body tensing as she gave herself over to savouring every sensation her two lovers were inducing in her. She was unable to reach Steve's mouth to kiss him and taste him, and when he removed his fingers from her mouth she immediately latched on to his nipple, sucking it hard and nipping the raised flesh with her sharp teeth, causing a grunt of satisfaction from the man beneath her. His hands grabbed her hanging breasts, kneading them and pinching the nipples much rougher than Tom had a few minutes earlier; far from causing her pain, though, this served only to arouse Tricia even more, which was further enhanced when Tom took her buttocks in his hands and spread them wide, the tips of his fingers only a fraction away from her anal ring, his tongue licking, licking, probing inside her, his breath hot on her exposed centre. She could feel Steve's manhood digging insistently into her belly as he continued his unmerciful treatment of her breasts, and she was becoming ever more desperate to feel it inside her again.

Just as she was thinking of trying to move up the length of Steve's body, and feel his hardness against the entrance to her pussy, she felt Tom's mouth leave her ass; she moaned softly into Steve's chest as she felt, rather than saw, Tom climb onto the bench behind her. Steve changed the position of his hands then, turning them so that his forefinger and thumb were circled round the base of both breasts, his hands squeezing the flesh out just as though he was milking a cow! He began to rub her nipples against his chest hair, the sensations from this flooding her senses so that she was barely aware of what Tom was doing; so it was a genuine surprise this time when she felt the head of Tom's prick at the entrance to her anus, his slow, continuous pressure causing her ass to open easily to accept him, a low moan reverberating from her lips as his full eight-inch thickness slid inside her rear entrance until she could feel his heavy testicles bumping against her swollen vaginal lips. The feeling of fullness she was experiencing almost overwhelmed her for a few moments - then she pushed backwards with her hips, wanting to make certain that every last millimetre of his thick member was buried inside her forbidden hole, revelling in the tightness in her abdomen and the amazingly sexual sensations that were fermenting inside her body... AND mind! She could scarcely believe it when Tom just kept pushing his hips forward, forcing her to slide up Steve's belly, his hands still pulling and squeezing her tits against the rough hair of his chest, the hardness of his erection now sliding down her stomach, over her pubic mound, until it popped upright between her still-open thighs. This had obviously what Tom had been waiting for, because as soon as she felt Steve's cock jerk upright, Tom ceased his pushing. Steve again changed the position of his hands, this time simply reversing them on her tits, but continuing to pull them out from her body, his finger and thumb pinching and pulling on her nipples, so aroused now that they were a fiery dark-red in colour, and standing out from her breast-flesh almost an inch long!
Steve pulled her down by her tits now, his cock slotting easily into her pussy entrance and, with Tom pulling her backwards by the hips, she felt Steve's hardness gliding easily inside her tight hole, it's passage lubricated by Tom's earlier deposit of which a fair amount still remained in her pussy. Yet again, Steve appeared completely unconcerned by this even when Tricia could feel Tom's spunk oozing out of her around Steve's thick shaft, coating Steve's cock and balls with his best friend's emissions. Tricia was now in the same situation as she had been the other day, except that now Steve was in her cunt, while Tom was the one who was filling her ass.

Tricia could barely deal with the feeling of completeness she now felt, her whole body felt energised and the sensations emanating from her entire pelvic region were almost beyond belief. When Tom began to move deep inside her bowels, moving slowly in and out of her stretched asshole, every inward thrust seemed to fill her more and more, every withdrawal leaving an aching void of emptiness that she wanted filled all the time. Steve remained perfectly still, seemingly content with having his cock inside her tight pussy, only an occasional twitch letting her know his own desperate need to pound himself into her hot sweet hole, his hands never letting up on their manipulations of her breasts and electrified nipples. Tom's thrusts became faster and, if that were possible, felt even deeper; his cock now pounding her ass powerfully as he began to grunt his intentions to her.

"I am going to fuck your ass and fill it full of my spunk" he groaned, the head of his cock reaching parts of her insides that she didn't know she had.

"Oh, YEESSSSS!" she screamed, "fill me full of your cum.....I want to feel it shooting into my ass........ I want you to use me, like the whore you've made me, you bastards!"
Tom began to fuck her abused ass with a vengeance now, his cock pounding into her stretched ring like he had never fucked anyone before, wanting to fill the second of her holes today so that his spunk would drip from her whichever way she lay. His hands spread her buttocks wide apart, so that he could penetrate her as deep as humanly possible, feeling the head of his cock enter her bowel with every strong thrust inside her. He could feel Steve's member through the thin wall of flesh separating her two orifices, and it turned him on even more knowing his friend was also being stimulated by his pounding movements. He felt the tingling in his balls which heralded the onset of his orgasm, and he increased his tempo yet again, his cock disappearing into Tricia's ass with every rough stroke. All too soon he came, his ejaculations merging into one long stream of sperm which flooded into Tricia's bowels in a scalding flood of male juices.
Tricia was screaming louder now than either man had heard her before.

"YES....YES.....YEESSSS! Fill me up with your spunk you fucker! OHMYGOD, this is SO good..... I can't get enough of this.....of BOTH of you! You two are AMAZING!"

Tom eventually finished coming and withdrew his still-hard cock from Tricia's hole, watching as the abused orifice slowly began to iris closed, large globs of his spunk oozing from the battered rosebud of her ass. Steve now pushed up on Tricia's tits, forcing her to sit up straight on his rampant pole. Swiftly, and with some help from his friend, Steve swung Tricia round so that she was now facing his feet; wrapping one arm around her waist so that his hardness remained embedded in her tight cunt, he knelt up on the bench, and allowed her to fall forwards onto her hands and knees. Tricia was now in a similar position to what she had been in seconds earlier, but now she had no-one beneath her and it was Steve behind her....AND inside her! The small mounds of her breasts, with their swollen nipples, dangled beneath her as she knelt, the cool air a welcome balm to her abused flesh. Steve began to move in and out of her, slowly at first, but building rapidly to a rhythm similar to that of his friend only minutes before. Tricia closed her eyes, all the better to savour every thrust of Steve's cock inside her, pushing her hips back onto him to suck in as much of his length as she could. She was aware of the movement of the bench in front of her, and when she opened her eyes it was to be greeted with the sight of Tom's slick hardness right in front of her nose.

She was aware of a slightly musky odour from his shaft, and realised with a sudden illicit thrill that it was the smell of her recently fucked ass! Tom's deliberate placement of his cock right in front of her face left no doubt what he wanted, and she hesitated briefly, knowing exactly where this monstrous organ had just been.

"Oh, what the Hell", she thought to herself, "who cares? After all, he fucked my ass with his tongue first, what is there to worry about?" Even as the thought passed over the surface of her mind, Tricia was leaning forward to place her moist lips over the head of Tom's cock, swiftly inhaling his full length into her throat and, much to her astonishment, actually enjoying the taste of him on her tongue.
Steve was still thrusting into her pussy, every second or third stroke inducing another orgasm in her. She felt Tom's hands cupping her tits, massaging them both with his strong fingers and causing her internal muscles to tighten uncontrollably around Steve's pistoning erection as she came yet again. The contraction also occurred in her anus, and she could feel Tom's spunk being expelled from her rosebud to slide down over her perineum, coating Steve's thrusting prick and adding to the already copious lubrication leaking from her leaking, soaking pussy. Meanwhile she continued to deep-throat Tom's thrusting cock, moaning around the thick shaft as he pounded into her mouth, feeling a slight tightening in his balls as his second orgasm got closer. Tricia now started to ram her cunt back on to Steve's cock with every stroke, tightening her internal muscles as much as she could, milking him with her pussy at the same time as she milked Tom with her mouth. Seconds later, she felt the warning spasm of Tom's penis, and as he erupted into her mouth she felt and heard Steve grunt loudly as he too ejaculated deep within her, both men filling her body full of hot sperm, her screams and moans now louder than ever as she came massively and uncontrollably. Long seconds after Tom and Steve had both emptied the last of their juices into her, Tricia was still in the throes of orgasm; even though both had removed their manhoods from her body, Tricia's body was now so aroused, it needed no external stimulation to maintain her level of orgasm for several minutes. She was transported in a trance-like state of complete lust, caught up in the wonderful process of female climax until her body could take no more and, as she had done previously, Tricia lost consciousness, her entire body still spasming in an orgasmic flutter of nerves and muscles.

Tricia awoke in completely different surroundings to those she had become so accustomed to over the past week. She was lying on something firm, yet soft at the same time, her head supported by ...... God! Pillows! Looking around herself, she saw she was in a double bed, warm covers drawn up over her still naked body, no chains or cuffs attached to her limbs. She was confused now, wondering why Steve and Tom had allowed her to leave her 'prison' in the basement and sleep in a more civilised place. She lay back in the soft, supportive bed, taking stock of her body and how it felt as she remembered the events of .....when? Before she so ignominiously passed out yet again, anyway!

Tricia thought back over the events of the past days, and how she had changed from a terrified captive of two unknown men to the willing sex-slave of two men she knew, one of them well. She could scarcely believe the difference in herself now, and was startled when she realised that just thinking about what Tom and Steve had done to her ..... and with her, she had to admit ...... was turning her on! She continued to lie quietly in the warm bed, taking stock of her body and how it seemed to be satiated .... for the moment. She could tell already though, that despite the slight soreness in her well-used vagina and abused ass, and breasts that felt like they had been used as punch-bags by some manic miniature boxer, she wanted MORE! More of Tom fucking her ass and pussy, more of Steve in her hot pussy and slackened ass, more of the both of them spurting huge quantities of sperm down her throat! In a few short days, Tricia acknowledged, she had become addicted to sex; specifically, she had become addicted to Tom and Steve, and the way they had made her feel about herself, her body and the pleasure she could both receive and give. She also realised that, somehow, her whole outlook on life had changed radically - and probably forever.

The more she lay and thought about her feelings of her first couple of days trapped in the basement of this house, how she had felt humiliated and scared by not knowing what was to become of her Tricia was, finally, able to comprehend quite clearly how her staff must have felt over the past few years, what with all the spiteful and mean actions she had carried out against so many of them. That is was one of these selfsame staff who had shown her the error of her ways, struck her as quite ironical! The fact that at the same time, he and his friend has also reintroduced her to her sexuality - "no, let's get it right", she chastised herself - they had introduced her to her true sexuality; well, if nothing else had come out of this experience, she would always be grateful to them for that!

As her thoughts returned to her new-found sexual feelings, Tricia once again found herself thinking about her two captors with their hard bodies and harder cocks, drifting into a fantasy world of double penetrations and constant orgasms. her hands moved seemingly of their own accord, stroking her supersensitive breasts and nipples, slipping easily between her moist labia as she finger-fucked herself to a slow yet intense climax, her fingers luxuriating in the feel of her clean-shaven vagina. When the door of the room suddenly opened wide, revealing the silhouettes of her two captors, she started guiltily, for some reason not wanting them to know she had been pleasuring herself so unashamedly.

"Good morning, Trish" said Tom, looking good, she thought, dressed in tight jeans and a brilliant white polo shirt which set off his toned body wonderfully.

"Mornin', madam" quipped Steve, a sardonic grin on his handsome features!

"Umm.. good morning" stammered Tricia in reply, her voice uneven because of her recent orgasm.

Steve went on talking.

"We decided your 'punishment' is over, Trish" he explained, "which is why you're now in this bed instead of down in the basement. You'll be free to go soon, and get back to your holiday, but we want to show you something first".

Tom laid a towel and other bathing necessities on the bed, and indicated the en-suite through a door Tricia hadn't noticed before.

"Come through into the next room when you're ready" he said, "but don't try to leave before you do; the house is wired and locked, so you can't leave unless we allow it".

"I won't" replied Tricia meekly, and the two men left her to her ablutions.

When she had showered, and dressed in the clothes one of the men had left on her bed, she did as bidden and went through into the next room. What greeted her eyes was like something out of films she had seen of the moon landings - several computers were banked on one wall, with a couple of monitors and keyboards, together with a lot of other equipment she didn't recognise.
Steve swivelled round in the chair he was occupying, and gestured not unkindly, to another sitting beside him.

"Tom will be here in a minute" was all he said, returning his attention to what he had been doing before she arrived. Some minutes later, Tom appeared in the doorway.

"All set mate?" he asked, receiving an affirmative nod from his friend. Tom sat in the third chair present and turned to face Tricia, explaining to her what she was about to see.

"I know you noticed a couple of cameras down there" he continued, "but I don't think you realised there are, in fact, seven altogether, set up to capture every angle of that bench. Also," he went on, "they are all equipped with state-of-the-art microphones and infrared capability, and they've been running continuously since you first went in there." Tom paused to ensure Tricia was taking all this information in, and he could tell by the shocked look on her face that she was, indeed, processing every scrap of information he gave her and weighing up all the potential consequences. Now it was Steve's turn to speak.

"These two boxes here" he said, pointing to two large grey boxes sitting on the floor at one side, "are hard-drives; between the two of them, they hold the footage from every camera for every second you were in the basement, and as Tom said, those cameras captured every detail of what happened. Would you like to see?"

Tricia sat in a state of complete shock. Yes, she had noticed the cameras - well, two of them at least - but hadn't thought they would have sound, OR they could film in the dark! She could only nod at Steve's question, unable to articulate so much as a single word at that moment. Steve manipulated several controls on the board in front of him, and directed Tricia's attention to the 32-inch wide-screen TV in the corner of the room. She then watched the huge screen for nearly two hours, mesmerised completely by the images constantly flashing in front of her eyes, the story of her last week as spent in the basement of this secluded house. The completed film showed a slow progression from her initial reluctance and punishment, right through to where she was masturbating herself to orgasm after orgasm while shouting out for the two men to fuck her, finally showing segments where she had taken both men simultaneously at her own instigation.

When the 'film' had finished, Tricia's first question was,

"What happened to Tom's tattoos, and both your faces?" Steve told her the basics of his new computer programme, which could digitally remove a specific image in every frame of a movie and, for an initial trial, had worked even better than he had thought it would.

"What it means is, if you force us to show this to 'selected' people, neither of us will be identifiable. So it wouldn't make any sense to go to the police, for example; they could search this house forever and not find the entrance to the basement".

"So what exactly is it you want?" Tricia asked, trembling in fear now, petrified that her boss, or worse her friends, might get to see this film of her descent into debauched depravity. Even a few minutes of it would be enough to destroy her credibility and reputation for the rest of her life, and if it got out on such a small island she would never be able to show her face in public again.

Now it was Tom's turn to do the talking. He explained to Tricia the events that had led to her abduction and subsequent imprisonment in the basement, and the reasoning behind their sexual humiliation and subjugation of her over the past days. It was, he stressed, more because of what he had perceived to be her 'weak spot' rather than any wish on his or Steve's part to satisfy their own sexual desires ~ after all, he pointed out, neither of them had found her particularly attractive, at least initially! He was gracious enough to admit that he had erred in his judgement of what would humiliate her the most; he simply hadn't expected her to actually enjoy what they did to her. Now, though, he believed that whatever enjoyment Tricia may have had from her experience, she still wouldn't want any part of the 'tape' they had showed her to become public knowledge, and he went on to outline just what she had to do in order to prevent this from happening.

"First, and most importantly," he said, "you HAVE to start treating people better ~ every single member of staff in your unit hates your guts, and more pertinently, very few of them have escaped the nasty side of your personality. Whether it's jealousy, anger, whatever ~ from now on, you will treat people like the professionals they are."

"I know I've become a total bitch, these past few years" Tricia answered, "and I really have wanted to change ~ but you're right, it IS jealousy of them. I'll try my very best!"

"OK.... we'll see" muttered Tom. "Secondly, ALL the staff that have been put through disciplinary procedures on trumped-up charges from you will have every note expunged from their records, and all documentation will be destroyed. That includes me, of course, in case you were wondering."

"I don't know if I can do that......" Tricia began, but got no further.

"You made it happen," Tom raised his voice slightly, "so you can make it UN-happen. You'll find a way. You'll have one month starting from your return to work next week. OK, last thing........ naturally, your first instinct once we let you go will be to consider who you can report us to, or how you can get out of this. Like Steve said, the police won't believe you, because I've been certifiably off sick and Steve will vouch for me. We're both very friendly with the right people, you know; plus, even if they did search this place, they wouldn't find anything. If you report us, or if you try and 'find a way out', you'll fail. We'll know, and we'll have no choice then but to send some copies of what you've just seen to a few, carefully selected, people. Oh, and one last thing... as you know, Steve and I were both in the Army ~ but did you know we were both trained in subversive techniques? By the very best! One day, and you'd never know when, you'd simply disappear. You saw how easy it was for us this time ~ it would be just as easy if we ever had to do it again, only not quite so much fun for any of us!"

Tricia sat for a long time then, thinking about all the things that Tom and Steve had said. The two men sat watching silently, watching the play of emotions over her face as the full extent of her situation sank in to her consciousness. At one point, Tricia seemed almost on the verge of tears, but still the men sat quietly, saying nothing. Eventually, Tricia looked up at her two tormentors and, clearing her throat, began to speak.

"I know I've become a total bitch over the past few years, and I can only apologise for how I've behaved to people," she said, "and I promise to you both I will try to mend my ways. I don't want to make excuses for myself, because I knew what was happening; I just didn't feel like doing anything about it, which is probably the worst thing of all.
I enjoyed the power of it all, you see. I've been feeling so unwanted and unloved since my husband left..... it gave me an amazing sense of being all-powerful, and it was like a drug - I couldn't get enough! But this last few days has been ..... a revelation, of sorts. My power and authority, such as it was, meant nothing to you two; you did exactly what you wanted to me, and I couldn't do anything about it. But, I've realised the crucial difference between my situation and those of the people I've hurt over the years; they couldn't fight back, or do anything to escape from me except resign - and that just added to the feeling of power I had, knowing how much they hated me. At least there was some kind of emotion, even if it was such a negative one.

What you guys did to me though ...... yes, at first I hated it, and you, more than I've ever hated anyone in my life. But the more you did, the more I liked it - you obviously could see that, and it shows up very well on the tape you showed me. I don't care, though. In a bizarre way, I've felt so wanted over the past few days, you've untapped feelings about my body I thought I'd lost forever; I actually think of myself as attractive now, and for that I owe you thanks, in spite of the way you brought it about.

From now on, I WILL be a better person, both at work AND outside. And it's not particularly because of the threat of you showing that tape - or what might happen to me if I 'spill the beans' on you - I actually want to be more pleasant. I WANT to have guys fancying me again, lusting after my body, and giving me the pleasure you two have given me! That's all."
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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Old 10-16-2005, 03:14 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Part Seven (The End!)

Tom and Steve sat in continuing silence for quite a time after Tricia had finished her speech. Both of them were more than a little sceptical of anything this woman had to say, but Steve, for one, believed in her sincerity. Tom was a little more reluctant to accept her statement that she was going to change at face value, but even he had to admit that it must have taken a lot for Tricia to bare her soul like this, and he was prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt on the understanding he would be monitoring her 'progress' over the coming weeks and months; and he said as much to her, in no uncertain terms! Tricia's next comment, however, took both men quite by surprise. Turning to Steve, Tricia looked him straight in the eye and spoke directly to him.

"I know our meeting wasn't exactly, um, conventional" she began, "and the circumstances haven't exactly been normal either, but...." She tailed off at this point, unsure whether or not to continue. Taking a deep breath, she went on.

"I think, as weird as this sounds..... I'm sure I'm falling in love with you, Steve! Tom, too..... but you more so. And I don't know what to do about it". She looked beseechingly at Steve, while both men sat dumbfounded at Tricia's latest pronouncement.

Steve quickly recovered his wits, and replied to Tricia's bombshell statement.
"Well, I must admit that since the first day we had you here, I have found you more and more attractive and sexy" he said, "and you've shown a lot more nerve than I imagine many people would have in this situation. That appeals to me, I must say! And the shaved pussy helps a lot, I must say!" he quipped.

This last comment broke the tension that had built up over the past half an hour, and both Tom and Tricia laughed at Steve's sally, the underlying sense of threat in the room now totally dissipated. Tricia stood up from the chair in which her life had turned completely around, and shoved it away with a casual bump with the backs of her legs. Regaining her direct eye contact with Steve, she licked her lips and murmured,

"Oh, you like that, do you? Wanna see it again?"

Steve merely nodded his assent to her question, and Tricia stood back and kicked her slipper-type shoes off one by one, both of them flying to a corner of the room and landing with a slight thump on the carpet. She was dressed simply in a skirt and thin blouse, under which she had on a skimpy brassiere and thong panties. She lifted both hands behind her back and unhooked her bra through the thin material of her blouse; then she performed that intricate manoeuvre that some women seem to find so easy, and within seconds she slipped the straps of her bra through the sleeve-holes of the blouse, and then the wispy material was lying on the desk beside Steve. Tricia then teased the skirt up the full length of her thighs, her hands bunching the material for a second, and then the tiny patch of material and strings that formed her thong flew through the air to land beside the bra at Steve's elbow.

Tricia paused then, standing with both hands on her hips as she gazed through half-closed lids at Steve and Tom, feeling her already hard nipples rub against the thin material of her blouse, and the inside of her thighs grew damp as her pussy leaked it's moistness onto her soft skin. Slowly, she glided over in front of Steve's chair, standing with her knees pressing against his as she slid the dress up her thighs again, this time continuing until her glistening vaginal lips were exposed to Steve's avid gaze. Close up, Steve could see clearly every detail of her sex, the inner lips puffy and protruding from her cleft, covered in a thin film of moisture which smelled intoxicating from such a short distance away.

"Like what you see?" Tricia asked, and Steve's reaction was to lean forward and run his tongue the full length of her dripping slit. Tricia shuddered as the tip of his tongue rasped over her engorged clitoris, barely able to keep her balance as a tiny orgasm rippled through her body. Steve now reached up and began to undo the buttons on the front of Tricia's blouse, easing each one agonisingly slowly through it's eyelet until every button was undone. The sides of the blouse still covered Tricia's bosom as Steve's hands slipped down her body, reaching behind to briefly cup her buttocks in the palms of his hands as he passed.

It was Tom's turn to move now, and he rose silently from his seat, softly walking round until he was directly behind Tricia's trembling body; he then took the edges of the blouse in his hands and slowly eased its silkiness over her shoulders and down her arms, finally drawing the sleeves over her hands and off, leaving Tricia standing in front of Steve totally naked except for the bunched material of the skirt she still held in her clenched fists. Steve reached for Tricia's hands and eased them out of the way as he took over the handfuls of cloth, his fingers stretching the elasticated waist of the skirt as he drew it downwards over Tricia's legs, holding it as she stepped delicately out of the circle he formed as the material reached the floor.

Tricia was now completely naked, shivering in anticipation of what was to come. Tom reached round in front of her, cupping her small but firm breasts in his hands, allowing her thimble-sized nipples to peek out from between the first two fingers of each hand. Steve, meanwhile, had slid his hands back up the inside of Tricia's legs, her thighs parting easily as he enjoyed the sensations of her smooth flesh against the backs of his hands. Midway up her thighs, he stopped, pushing Tricia's legs even further apart. Glancing briefly at Tom, and nodding almost imperceptibly, he lifted Tricia's legs up off the floor while, at the same time, Tom lifted her body up and back, pressing her torso into his own for added support, until Steve had completed his movement and Tricia's thighs were now resting on the top of Steve's shoulders. As Tom slid his hands underneath Tricia's upper body to support her, Steve placed his own hands under her buttocks, grasping them firmly and pulling her body closer in to him, her lower legs now folded so that her feet were almost flat against the planes of his back. In this position, Tricia's hot cunt was only inches away from Steve's face, and as he leant forwards her thighs parted even wider, giving him unhindered access to the treasure between her legs. For the second time that morning, Steve's tongue made contact with Tricia's soaking love tunnel; this time, however, he spread her buttocks wider apart and allowed his tongue to scour her cleft from her puckered pink rosebud, right to the tip of her clitoris, savouring the taste of the natural lubrication that was now pouring from her swollen labia. His tongue probed deeply inside her pussy, one finger moving to push against her anus as he drank down her copious juices, struggling to hold her still as she bucked and writhed in Tom's arms.

After several minutes of this, he knew that as enjoyable as it was for all of them, little else would be possible while they remained in this position; standing up from his chair, he gestured to Tom to carry Tricia back through to the bedroom she had awoken in earlier, and the two men took her through the open door and laid her, almost reverently, on the wide bed. As they both hurriedly stripped off, revealing already hard cocks to Tricia's lascivious gaze, she in turn thrust her hand deeply between her legs, penetrating her needy hole with three fingers and stroking her hard nipples with her other hand. Tom and Steve climbed on to the bed beside her, Tom leaning in to suck hard on Tricia's left nipple and simultaneously pinching the right with his left hand; while Steve gently removed her hand from between her legs, replacing it instantly with his eager mouth, swivelling his body so that Tricia could reach his pulsating manhood with her still wet right hand. She quickly discovered that Tom was positioned in such a way that she could also wrap the fingers of her left hand around his cock, and she lay back contentedly then, gently stroking up and down the two full lengths in her dainty hands.

Steve licked, sucked and nibbled on Tricia's inner lips, stretching them until they protruded at least an inch from her body, covered in the almost continuous stream of juices now flowing from her pussy. On the occasions when Steve looked up to note her reactions, Tom could see that his friends' lower face was also covered in Tricia's cum, lending an even more sensual air to their situation. Tom himself was engrossed in his pleasuring of Tricia's breasts, moving his mouth from one rock-hard nipple to the other, his fingers continuing to stimulate the rubbery buttons even when his mouth had the other deep between his lips. Tricia was in ecstasy by now, every touch by one or the other of her lovers was sending pulses of orgasmic energy through her body and generating more and more cum from her soaking hole, cum which Steve was endeavouring to drink down as her arousal increased by the second.

Steve altered his position slightly, though keeping his mouth tight against Tricia's hot cunt, and slid his hand palm upwards under Tricia's ass as she lay supine on the bed. Concentrating his oral ministrations on her stiff clitoris now, he inserted his thumb and first two fingers deep inside Tricia's soaking pussy, coating the digits in her thick juices. Steve then knelt beside Tricia's thrashing body and, still sucking her clit deep between his lips, withdrew his forefinger from her slit and slid it easily into her tight anal ring, cupping her pelvic region like a bowling ball, with the two finger holes being her slick pussy and tight rosebud. Steve then began to thrust his finger and thumb into Tricia's holes, alternating the in-and-out motion between pussy and ass; he could feel his digits moving inside her through the thin wall between her rectum and her vagina, and this turned him on even more than he was already! Meanwhile Tom was still enjoying himself playing with Tricia's petite breasts, squeezing, licking and sucking her nipples to new heights of arousal, all the while Tricia held both men's hard members firmly in her hands as she stroked them, occasionally having enough presence of mind to rub the palms of her hands over the pre-cum covered heads of the two stiff shafts in her grasp which caused shivers of lust to shoot through both her lover's bodies.

After some few minutes of his dual-fucking motion with his finger and thumb, Steve changed their position so that his forefinger was now up to the knuckle in her tight asshole, his palm cupping Tricia's right buttock cheek as his thumb continued its probing mission inside her hot cunt, with occasional forays upwards to rub and tease her clit with the tip of his digit. Each time Steve's thumb touched her clit, Tricia's pelvis left the surface of the bed as she climaxed, her grip on the two erect cocks in her hands tightening to almost painful levels. Then, during one particularly strong orgasm, her hands flew open and released the two men from her grasping hold on them, their penises bobbing up from their small prisons, both red and angry in appearance, both seeking a hole to plunder!

Tom moved first, sliding round to the head of the bed, still on his knees, until he was directly above Tricia's head; he quickly slid a pillow underneath her shoulders for support, and this had the added benefit of angling her head slightly down towards the bedcovers. Her mouth still open from her reactions to her earlier climaxes, Tricia opened her jaws even wider as Tom moved over her face, his angry tumescence bobbing against her forehead and nose as it made it's way to her parted lips; she reached out greedily for Tom's cock as it came into her field of vision, wrapping her fingers round the slick shaft once again as she guided his thickness into her mouth. With her experiences over the past days coupled with her supine position on the bed, Tricia had no difficulty in swallowing nearly all of Tom's hardness in one thrust of his hips, his thick member making her throat swell as his balls mashed against her nose so deep in her mouth had he penetrated. He pulled back a few inches when Tricia began to gag slightly, allowing her to use her tongue to swirl all around the head of his prick, her right hand now cupping his heavy sac while the other snaked round his back and settled on his left buttock, drawing his cock back into her throat.

Meanwhile, Steve had removed his finger and thumb from Tricia's orifices and, still supporting her lower body on one hand, slid round so that his rampant penis was lined up with her sopping wet cunt, the head delving for brief seconds between her pouting vaginal lips as he teased her desperate sex with his own! As he watched Tom's cock disappearing into Tricia's sexy mouth he thrust himself deeply inside her pussy, which was so wet and slippery he entered easily until his shaft was fully embedded in her and his balls were pressed hard up against her tight asshole. Tricia removed her hand from Tom's ballsack and reached round Steve's back, pulling him deep into her, engulfing his rampant penis in her molten centre, her nails digging furrows into his skin as she pulled him deeper and deeper inside her. Tom and Steve quickly settled in to their well-practised rhythm, one sliding his hard cock into Tricia as far as it would go as the other withdrew, then reversing their strokes at the same instant, so that Tricia rapidly became the subject of a totally voluntary "spit-roast", losing herself in the experience of two highly sexual men taking full advantage of her, as she did with them. It took only half a dozen strokes by both men before Tricia succumbed to her first major orgasm; her right hand nails dug deep into Steve's back at the same time as her left hand left deep weals on Tom's butt, her legs scissoring tightly around Steve's waist as she screamed her ecstasy around the, not inconsiderable, girth of Tom's cock.
When the first waves of her climax subsided, Tricia renewed her assault on Tom's erection with a vigour and passion that surprised even herself. Still enjoying the tremors in her abdomen as her orgasm died away she sucked Tom's hardness deep into her throat, her tongue constantly licking around his glans, then up and down the full, glorious length of his shaft; her hand now returned to fondling and caressing his sac, gently squeezing the hot eggs of his balls, even as her forefinger teased the entrance to his anus. Steve was continuing his persistent invasion of Tricia's hot pussy, albeit at a much slower pace now, allowing his friend to fully experience the sensation's engendered by Tricia's experienced mouth and tongue. Tom could only stand Tricia's expert ministrations for another ten minutes, exerting all his willpower to stop himself from cumming long before that! Inevitably, though, he reached the point of no return; he began to thrust his pelvis uncontrollably into Tricia's throat, his thick penis almost choking her when she slipped her slim forefinger deep inside his anus and pressing on the deeply buried prostate gland inside his bowels, causing a massive ejaculation of hot sperm to shoot down Tricia's willing throat, the hot saltiness seeming to burn her as it was greedily swallowed down. Three, four, five jets of hot, thick cum later, Tricia withdrew her finger from Tom's ass and pushed his groin away from her face, the remaining three or four spurts from Tom's cock covering her lips and chin in gooey white cream. As Tom leant back, away from Tricia's face, Steve withdrew his solid length from her still spasming hole and crawled up the length of her body until he was positioned directly above Tricia's face. She immediately knew what he wanted and, wrapping her tiny hand as far round his shaft as was possible for her, she began to rapidly move her hand up and down his shaft, occasionally lifting her head so she could take the head of his gorgeous manhood into her mouth. Steve, too, was unable to hold out against such determined effort, and within a few minutes he too succumbed to his imminent release; the tiny hole in the end of his penis, it seemed to Tricia, enlarged tenfold even as she looked at it, closely followed by an eruption of sperm so huge it took her breath away. Stream after stream of hot, thick spunk covered her face, some going in her hair, more landing on her cheeks and chin, trickling down her neck to her chest, where it was quickly joined by Steve's final few spurts as he moved down her body and aimed for her tits, his last small emission of sperm landing square on Tricia's swollen right nipple. She lay back, spent, then began to scoop up all the spunk from her body and swallow it down, saving the last globule of Steve's cum for last. She bent her head as far forward as she could and, squeezing her tiny breast between both hands, lifted her breast to her mouth and licked the last drop of spunk from the tip of her supersensitive nipple, cumming one last time as she did so. She then fell back onto the bed, replete and satiated - for the moment!

Tricia's feelings of satisfaction did not last long, however; she was much too turned on for that! As she lay savouring the taste of the two loads of salty cum she had just swallowed the two men, once again on either side of her, resumed their soft caressing of her body, their fingertips stroking the silky soft skin of her abdomen and flanks, one set moving up over her shoulders and arms while the other descended to explore her hips and outer thighs. Tricia found herself moaning constantly in pleasure as her two lovers excited her still further with each pass of their tender and experienced digits over her expectant flesh, her nipples and pussy aching with the desperate need to be touched. Her eyes closed, in order to appreciate fully every tiny movement of their fingers, Tricia was also acutely aware of her body's reactions to the erotic actions of Tom and Steve's touch; she could feel a constant stream of juices leaking from her puffy labia, trickling down her cleft and over the puckered ring of her anus, soaking into the sheets beneath her, while at the same time she felt the tautness in the flesh of her petite breasts as her massively swollen nipples seemed to grow towards the ceiling, desperate for one of the men to suck them deep into his mouth.

Opening her eyes then, Tricia was amazed to see that both men had regained - or had they retained? - their erections, the heads of both deep purple in colour as a result of the copious amounts of engorging blood filling the shafts. Just as she was about to reach out to them, Steve suddenly lowered his head and latched his lips expertly on to Tricia's throbbing clitoris, sucking it hard between his lips until they were touching her skin above and below her swollen button. Immediately, Tricia was consumed by another huge climax, heightened still further when Tom squeezed her breasts together with such vigour that her nipples were touching each other, a feat she had never managed before; when he then lowered his head and sucked them both deep inside his mouth, lashing them with his tongue, she came even harder, her thighs clamping in a vicelike grip around Steve's head and piercing screams of ecstasy pouring from her throat. Both men continued their oral assaults on Tricia's pussy and tits, wave after wave of orgasmic bliss pulsing through her body until every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire!

Just when it seemed to Tricia that she was once again on the verge of passing out, Steve raised his juice-covered face from her groin, ceasing his stimulation of her now hypersensitive clit and grinning broadly up at her even as Tom allowed his sucking lips to let her breasts fall away from his mouth as he, too, rose up from her body.
"Are you enjoying yourself, sexy?" smiled Steve, to which Tricia could only nod in reply.
"Oh, good" he added, then, almost before Tricia realised what was happening, his arms slid under her legs and upwards until his biceps pressed against the back of her knees, pushing her thighs back towards her chest. Tom's strong hands reached over her body to grasp her ankles firmly, spreading her legs wide apart and giving Steve a wonderful view of her stretched out pussy and ass. His rampant, slick penis slid inside her dripping pussy easily, slowly filling her hole until his balls rested against the puckered ring of her dark rosebud, while at the same time Tom's hard cock trembled scant millimetres above Tricia's pouting mouth. Tricia had closed her eyes to fully experience the feeling of Steve's length filling her needy cunt; now, as she opened her eyes at the feel of him embedded inside her, she saw Tom's cock directly above her face, a small drop of pre-cum poised at the very tip of his slightly trembling pole. Tricia raised her head the fraction needed to reach Tom's cock-head with her tongue and slowly, teasingly, licked the bead of moisture from his cock, wrapping her lips round the shaft and sucking as hard as she could to envelop his shaft with her lips and tongue. As Tom's hardness disappeared into Tricia's mouth, pulled in by the suction she was exerting on his manhood, Steve was withdrawing his cock from her reluctant pussy until only the tip was left inside her. As Tom's ballsack squashed against Tricia's nose and upper lip, his cock causing a distinct swelling in her throat, Steve rammed his thick, slippery prick deep into Tricia's desperate cunt, his balls bouncing against the puckered entrance of her anus.

Tricia was in 'seventh heaven' by now, revelling in the sensations of two large cocks filling her mouth and pussy in alternate, deep, powerful thrusts, climax after climax ripping through her body so quickly that it seemed she was having one huge, continuous orgasm. She was barely aware of Tom sliding his member out of her mouth and lifting her torso off the bed, nor did she really notice that Steve had lifted her hips and was now lying flat on his back with his cock buried to the hilt in her hot pussy; all she knew was, she was cumming - and cumming like she'd never done in her life before! She could feel her juices flooding the insides of her thighs, and was vaguely aware of a tongue licking the juice from her skin, but still didn't fully realise she had changed position until she was suddenly aware of Tom's hands spreading her buttocks wide apart, and his rigid tongue probing the entrance to her rosebud. Her face buried in Steve's shoulder, Tricia screamed in pleasure as Tom plunged his oral muscle as deep into her puckered ring as he could, forcing his way past the ring of her outer sphincter and drinking deep from the musky depths of her hot asshole.

Tom continued to plunder Tricia's anus with his tongue, the muscle stiff and rigid enough to feel like a miniature cock inside her. He loved the taste of her now moist ass, the tang coating his tongue as he continued to probe deeply inside her; he felt her anal muscles contracting around his tongue as she came again, her gluteal muscles straining against his hands as he continued to hold her ass-cheeks wide apart. He could hear Steve's groan as Tricia's pussy clamped onto his cock amid the throes of her orgasm, his friends' sounds almost drowned out by Tricia's own loud squeals of pleasure, despite the muffling effect of Steve's shoulder. By now, Tricia's ass and buttocks were covered in a heady mixture of her own abundant juices and Tom's saliva, his lips pressed tightly against the slick flesh of her rosebud as his tongue intruded deep inside her dark opening. Tom raised his head to take in the beautiful sight, and he was aware of his cock twitching in anticipation as he watched Tricia's asshole iris slowly closed.

As her latest climax slowly faded Tricia raised her head from Steve's shoulder, somewhat shocked at the impressions of her teeth in the smooth skin. Steve didn't even seem to notice though, and he avidly latched his mouth onto her right nipple and sucked the swollen button deep between his lips as he lashed the reddened nub with his tongue. Feeling that Tom had released the pressure of his face on her ass, Tricia ground her flooded cunt hard onto Steve's cock, mashing her ecstatic clit roughly against his pubic bone. She felt Tom moving behind her and his hands shifting position on her butt-cheeks, pulling them wide apart once again, exposing her wet skin to the air; then she shivered with lust-filled anticipation when she felt the head of Tom's dripping penis at the entrance to her expectant ass. When Tom slid the head of his cock inside her hole, her first instinct was to push backwards against him, to force the throbbing shaft deep inside her bowels; when she found herself unable to do so, she realised that Steve was so deep inside her, and Tom had such a firm grip on her butt, she was unable to move! Once again, Tricia was at the mercy of two men who were intent on prolonging her pleasure, as well as their own, as long as they possibly could.

Realising that there was nothing she could do to 'assist' in Tom's movements which, she admitted wryly to herself, turned her on even more than she already was, Tricia forced herself to relax her muscles, allowing Tom to slide his turgid shaft slowly into her easily dilated rear entrance. For what seemed like long minutes to Tricia, she felt the fierce heat of Tom's cock as it oh-so-slowly filled her tight hole; eventually, though, she felt the pressure of his pelvis against her wide-spread buttocks and the bump of his ballsack against her perineum as he finished pushing his entire, thick 8½-inch length inside her.

As she had done so often over the past few days, Tricia almost passed out with the sheer, undiluted sexual lust she felt, climaxes ripping through her body like there was no end to them. She barely noticed Steve swap his deep suctioning from her right nipple to the left, so engrossed was she in enjoying her multiple-orgasmic experience. She could hardly believe the feeling of complete fullness inside her body, with two magnificent specimens of manhood buried completely inside her ass and cunt - and they hadn't even started moving in her yet!

Steve was paying more attention to Tricia's nipples at the moment than he was her pussy; he had sucked and bitten her right nipple until it was over an inch in length and a dark plum colour, hypersensitive to his every touch. As he proceeded to emulate his performance on the left nipple he lightly brushed the right one with his fingertips, causing an instantaneous tightening of Tricia's pelvic muscles which squeezed hard on the two cocks embedded in her body as she gasped loudly in ecstatic relief.
Tom, too, was engrossed in something other than Tricia's pussy; he had savoured every millisecond of his entrance into her slick asshole and was now enjoying the sight of his thick member stretching her ass wide apart, the edges of her tight hole blanched almost white with the pressure of his erection inside her. He hissed softly at the feel of Tricia's internal muscles squeezing his cock as she came yet again, savouring the rippling sensation along his length. When Tricia's orgasm started to subside, Tom slowly began to withdraw his throbbing shaft from her dark hole, easing himself backwards millimetre by millimetre while still holding her hips firmly in his hands, until only the head of his penis remained inside her hot rear entrance. Looking down once more, he could just about see his friend's ballsack tight against the stretched lips of Tricia's hot cunt, small drops of her juices coating the crinkled skin of his scrotum. Allowing his gaze to travel up Tricia's body he noted the sheen of sweat on her skin, then his view took in the beaded moisture on her brow as she lay with her cheek against Steve's chest, a beatific smile highlighting her face. He drank in the sight of his former tormentor revelling in the rock-hard double penetration of her small body, then became aware of a small grimace starting to take the place of the previous smile as Steve began to slowly pull his cock out of Tricia's grasping hole.

Steve lay on the bed at the base of a 'pile' of bodies, his rampant member buried to the hilt in the tightest pussy he'd ever experienced, and two of the hardest, most pronounced nipples he'd ever enjoyed sucking digging into his chest. He had felt the lessening of pressure around his shaft as Tom had withdrawn his own prick from Tricia's asshole, but could feel that his friend had left the head of his cock just inside her. Now he, too, began to withdraw from Tricia's volcanically-hot body, feeling the smile she'd had on her face for the past minutes slip slightly at the thought of both of these magnificent members pulling out of her. Almost immediately, though, he felt her smile return; as Steve continued to ease his cock out of Tricia's pussy he felt Tom sliding back into her tight ass, the two of them timing their movements so that as Steve's glans reached Tricia's outer lips Tom was, once again, buried balls-deep inside her dark hole. Steve immediately reversed his stroke and slid his cock easily back inside Tricia's slick pussy, and felt Tom's rigid member pulling out of her ass as he did so; he felt Tricia's teeth on his shoulder as she fought to keep her screams of lust quiet for a few more seconds, loud moans escaping her lips where they latched firmly to his skin.

The two men now fell into a rhythm they had practised several times before, although never with a subject quite as willing and desperate for satiation as Tricia was; she muffled her continual squeals of lust in the meaty flesh of Steve's shoulder as his and Tom's thrusts became gradually stronger and faster, alternately filling her cunt and ass with their stiff, throbbing shafts. All three were now sweating so much that Tricia was slipping up and down Steve's body with every thrust - he reached up with both hands and hooked his strong fingers over her shoulders which, combined with Tom's still firm grip on her spread buttocks, kept Tricia firmly in place, and able to feel every fraction of an inch of movement of the two members burying themselves inside her body.

Even so, with each solid invasion of one or other of her orifices, Tricia still moved slightly; enough that her engorged, highly sensitive nipples rubbed against the somewhat rough hair of Steve's chest, sending their own bolts of orgasmic sensation straight through her overworked system and causing even more of her juices to gush from her superheated pussy over Steve's pounding cock and heavy balls. She retained just enough sense of her surroundings to notice that the sheet underneath her straining knees was saturated, and it suddenly dawned on her that it was soaked in her own cum ~ God, was she really that turned on? A microsecond later she answered her own question a resounding "YES", as Tom's cock pounded into her tender anus yet again and forced yet more orgasmic nectar to flow from her flooded cunt, lubricating an almost immediate onslaught from Steve's wonderfully talented member! She wondered fleetingly at her choice of thought in describing Steve's cock to herself; then all thought ceased as the two men redoubled their speed of penetrations into her. Suddenly, both men were fucking her with a rhythm and intensity she had only ever experienced one-on-one before, so that it seemed that her lower half was now permanently full of glorious male flesh, her climaxes now coming thick and fast, one after another in an orgasmic rip-tide of sexual juices, combining with the sweat which was now adding it's own layer of lubrication between the three pulsating bodies.

In the end it was Steve who first felt the telltale tingles of imminent orgasm. Signalling to Tom, unseen by Tricia, he indicated he was near to completion, causing Tom to increase the rapidity of his strokes into Tricia's now slackened anal ring. Steve likewise speeded up his thrusts, the almost constant stimulation of Tricia's clitoris and sensitive anal nerves combining to induce a massive, continuous climax which wracked her body in a constant fine tremor of lust. Suddenly, Steve's thrusts became shorter and harder until, with a loud and unstoppable shout, he came mightily inside Tricia's hot, slick cunt, a torrent of scalding fluid spewing from his penis and filling her ravenous pussy to overflowing. Seconds later Tom also unloaded his own contribution to Tricia's spunk collection, in his case spurt after spurt of distinct, yet 'as one' jets of sperm which shot into her very core until, as had just happened in her pussy, the amount became too much for her abused ass to bear and the last few spurts of Tom's cum trickled tightly from her plugged asshole.

Tricia could barely believe what was happening to her; the sensation of almost continuous orgasm had been amazing enough, but when first Steve and then Tom had shot their massive loads of hot juices into her cunt and ass virtually simultaneously, she thought she'd died and gone to heaven so heavenly had the experience felt to her. Now, as she lay sandwiched between two hard, heaving male bodies, she felt totally satisfied in a way she thought they had achieved before, but now had been surpassed a hundredfold. Feeling the globs of the two men's sperm mingling on her sticky thighs and abdomen, Tricia could only marvel at the events which had brought her from an uptight, vindictive woman with almost no sex-drive whatsoever, to what she could only describe as a cock-hungry cum-slut in less than a week. As the hard cocks inside her began to soften prior to slipping from her well-used holes, Tricia decided that from now on she absolutely would not live without some form of sex on at least a daily basis, and more often if she could get it! She also vowed to herself that Steve would be the guy who would give her this; somehow, as good at making her cum as he was, she would never quite feel the same way about Tom as she did Steve; this was probably because she was - or at least had been - his boss, but more so because......... well, she had to admit it to herself, despite the circumstances, she had fallen for Steve in a very big way!

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she felt first Steve, then Tom, allowed their softening members to slip out of her satiated orifices. When they had completely left her holes, she could feel a twin torrent of spunk flooding from her pussy and ass, pouring out over her thighs and onto the rumpled sheets of the bed. The feeling of the still-hot juices trickling over her tender clitoris was enough to bring Tricia to climax once again, though not as intense as her earlier ones, causing her to shiver uncontrollably with the pleasurable sensations running through her body. Suddenly, a really dirty idea popped into her mind; reaching down with one hand, she scooped a handful of Tom and Steve's mingling sperm from between her thighs and, slowly, aware both men were mesmerised by her actions, raised the hand to her mouth and swallowed the mass of sticky juices on her fingers. She repeated her movement several times, until her groin was completely cleaned of spunk, then lowered her mouth first to Steve, then Tom, sucking their softened members totally dry of cum and savouring the musky taste of the two cocks that had so recently been pounding into her body.

Her oral ministrations on their cocks had the effect of making both Tom and Steve's members start to swell once more, an effect Tricia had not considered when she started her "clean up" operation. Nor had the two men, despite the fact that both of them (Steve more so than Tom, perhaps) now thought of her as a very attractive, sexual woman; and both of them responded to that fact in the most basic way - pricks that hardened fully almost as immediately as Tricia began to lick and suck on Steve's far from reluctant member! By the time she had finished her "cleaning" of what she now thought of as her pleasure sticks, both of them were as hard as they had been only minutes before, gorgeously throbbing purple-headed monsters which seemed to have a life of their own, a life dedicated to pleasuring her to limits she had never previously dreamed of.
Kneeling in the middle of the bed with two hard-cocked men lying supine on either side of her, Tricia couldn't believe just how horny she felt; despite the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed over the past hour or so, she felt more alive and alert than she had in years - she just wanted MORE, more of these two magnificent specimens of manhood, filling her full of hard meat and copious amounts of hot, thick spunk!

Steve and Tom lay on either side of Tricia's sexy and slim body, her hands resting lightly on their stomachs with her forearms barely touching the heads of their throbbing members. Almost in a daze now, both men watched as she lifted her hands from their bodies and grasped a hard cock in each hand, sliding her hands up and down the shafts in a slowly twisting motion which teased both of them into a state of even greater hardness and arousal. As Tricia's pumping movements became quicker and quicker, the two men gasped almost in unison at the feeling of her slippery hands over their swollen, sensitive glans', the muscles in their thighs trembling as they strove to maintain some form of composure.

Steve was the first to 'crack'; the sight and feeling of Tricia stroking his cock while simultaneously doing the same thing to his best friend causing him to think of nothing else but giving her as many more climaxes as he and Tom between them could manage, before they too would cum yet again. Tom was having very similar thoughts to his friend; despite the way they had started off with Tricia, in his case hating her almost to the point of no return, it seemed that they had awoken a very sexual - and sensual - woman who, he was amazed to find, he was not only very attracted to but also was developing strong feelings for. Knowing Steve as well as he did, he could tell that these feelings were much stronger in his friend, just as he also knew that Tricia reciprocated those feelings. He thought that in time to come, these two would become "an item", but he also knew that Steve being Steve, many more occasions like this would occur.

Shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts, Tom noticed that Tricia's pussy lips were glistening with a resurgence of her arousal, the cleft between her slightly-spread thighs filled with swollen labia and protruding clitoris. He moved his right hand between Tricia's legs and smoothed it up the length of her thigh until his first two fingers slipped effortlessly into her wanton cunt. His ring finger settled naturally into the cleft of her buttocks, the tip pressing against the tender rosebud of her anus and gently inside until his finger was covered as far as his first knuckle. A soft moan escaped Tricia's lips as she felt the double invasion of her body, Tom's thumb now caressing her clitoris in tiny, provocative circles that were driving her mad with lust. Now Steve began his own traverse of Tricia's body, twisting up to cover her tiny breast-buds with his hands, the rock-hard buttons of her nipples digging into his palms.

As the two men continued with their minimal movements on her body, Tricia felt the onset of her first climax of their 'new' session, the smooth stroking movements on the two penises in her hands stuttering then stopping as her orgasm gained momentum and rippled through her whole body. As she gave herself over completely to the enjoyment of her orgasm, Tricia was aware of Tom removing his fingers from her holes and cupping her groin in his powerful hand; sitting up quickly, he put his left arm round her body and, as Steve also removed his hands and moved out of the way, Tom lifted her clear of the bed and held her close to him, one finger teasing her anus as Steve slipped into the centre of the bed, leaning back on his hands, his rampant prick pointing straight upwards as if it was trying to reach the ceiling. Tom positioned Tricia directly above his friends' ardent pole, two fingers now invading her still-tender rosebud, stretching the muscle of her sphincter and filling her hole with his two middle fingers. Infinitely slowly, Tom lowered Tricia until her bottom was only an inch above Steve's waiting member; she could feel the heat from Steve's cock even from there and, despite having already been fucked hard in her ass, she knew she wanted to feel Steve's hardness plough deep into her bowels and fill her full of his hot cream. She groaned as Tom removed his fingers, and used them to keep her buttocks spread wide apart; then, agonisingly slowly, she felt herself being lowered the last inch until the wide head of Steve's luscious cock was pressing against her anus, the folds of her ass stretching easily to accommodate his girth.

Oh, so slow ..... and SO good! Tricia bit her lip to keep in her moan of pleasure, savouring every millisecond of Steve's slow incursion into her well-used hole, the strain now starting to tell on Tom as he continued to lower her down, the tendons and sinews of muscle in his strong arms standing out like wire hawsers. She gave a sigh of fulfilment as she finally felt Steve's balls pressing against the taut skin of her buttocks - he was all the way inside her ass now, and it felt wonderful! Tom removed the hand that had been between her legs, and she revelled in the sensations of total fullness that Steve was engendering in her, feeling every minuscule movement and twitch of his member deep inside her bowels. She laid back against Steve's broad, hairy chest, her back arched so that she could be sure every last morsel of his cock was inside her, the slight pads of her breasts stretched tight against her ribs, her nipples proudly erect as she looked down her body to where her thighs were splayed wide apart over Steve's. He moved one of his supporting hands and brought it to the front of her body, teasing the fluttering skin of her belly with his fingertips, then "walking" them up her abdomen until his palm settled over both swollen buds, gently rubbing in a circular motion to excite her to a fever pitch. Leaning her head back against him and closing her eyes, Tricia was unprepared for the touch of Tom's tongue on her protuberant clitoris; when she felt the first lick grazing her puffy lips before firmly stroking her love button, Tricia literally jumped in the air, almost dislodging Steve from his place deep inside her. Luckily, Steve's firm hand on her breast plus his other hand around her waist (which she hadn't noticed) kept him securely inside her.

She was expecting Tom's next touch, but still she jumped a little so pleasurable did his tongue feel on her supersensitive sex. She felt Steve's member slide inside her ass as she moved, the movement sending indelicate shivers of lust through her body, and she could feel her juices running out of her tingling pussy where they were avidly lapped up by Tom who, by now, was in a frenzy of insatiable sexual appetite. Both Steve's hands were now at her nipples, rubbing and pinching the rubbery buttons until they were aflame with the signs of her need, Tom virtually drinking the copious juices now flooding from her superheated cunt. A distant part of Tricia's mind thought how downright kinky it felt, for one man to be licking her pussy so single-mindedly while another was buried in her ass, his balls less than an inch from the chin of her vaginal assailant, but the major part of her mind was engaged in isolating and enjoying every single thrust and lick the two men were lavishing upon her.

Tom now felt it was time to give Tricia's pussy a rest - at least, for the ten seconds or so it took him to move up the length of her body and place the head of his cock where his mouth had been so recently! He bent forward and kissed her full on the lips, his tongue probing hers so she could taste the sweet muskiness of her own juices still lingering on his breath. As he began to slip into Tricia's sodden, slippery hole, Tom also began to thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, a feeling of being fucked by a tiny penis that Tricia enhanced when she latched her lips round the delving muscle. Tom was now fully inside Tricia's pussy, and he began long slow thrusts which penetrated her as deeply as any that had gone before.

Tricia was now in a place where she had never imagined she could be - or would have wanted to be, in the past. Now, though, she felt as though all her Christmases and birthdays had been rolled into one, and given to her as one huge present. Every one of her sexual orifices was now filled, and every one was being fucked - and fucked HARD. Tom's pelvic thrusts had speeded up quickly until every time he rammed his iron bar of a penis into her wanton cunt, he lifted her several inches off Steve's impaling rod; when he withdrew, Steve would shove his own hips fiercely upwards, so her descending rectum was completely and roughly filled, once again, by his engorged manhood. And as if all that wasn't enough, Tom was fucking her mouth at double speed with his tongue, her own ejaculate still strong enough on his lips for her to taste, while Steve's tormenting of her tiny breasts and painfully hard nipples continued unabated. At times, it felt to Tricia that her nipples were about to be twisted off her body, he was so rough with her delicate buds, but she was now so far gone even that pain served only to arouse her further yet than she'd ever been.

Climax followed climax as the two men pounded and rammed into her, performing, had she but known, at a higher and more sustained pace than even they had ever managed before. Tricia was so engrossed in her own sensations, that this time she was totally unable to sense when Tom's orgasm approached. None of them were aware of the passing of time, as all of them were awash in sexual fervour beyond their experience, but over an hour had passed since Tricia was first lowered ass-first onto Steve's waiting member. Now, Tom was at the point of no return, his strokes quickening as he fought to delay the inevitable for just a few seconds more - to no avail. With one last thrust deep into Tricia's hole, he yelled loudly as his ejaculation erupted out of him, half a dozen powerful jets shooting into her and overflowing out of her spasming pussy to soak Tom's pubic hair and thighs in a sticky mixture of carnal juices. Seconds after Tom beginning to cum, Steve too reached his end; squeezing Tricia's sorely abused breasts tightly enough that tomorrow she would be quite bruised (although uncaring of them!), he rammed his already spurting cock hard inside Tricia's back passage, his head to one side as hers shot back in ecstasy, feeling every last drop of Steve's spunk coating the inside of her rectum as he emptied his balls for the last time that day. A feeling of total overload threatened to engulf Tricia, much as it had several times before with these men, but with a huge effort of will she kept the approaching blackness at bay and was able to savour every last second of Tom and Steve's ejaculations, her own orgasms tearing through her body like a freight train, eventually leaving her filled with two massive loads of hot sperm and plugs made up of her two lovers' wilting cocks. Eventually, Tricia's orgasms slowed, and stopped, leaving her completely satiated this time and on the verge of a comatose-style sleep.

Sooner than Tricia would have liked (in truth, she would have loved those cocks inside her forever) both men grew too soft to stay inside her and first Tom, then Steve, slipped their members grudgingly out of Tricia's well-used holes. This allowed the pent up rivers of spunk to come pouring out of Tricia's body, covering her buttocks and thighs in thick, gooey cream. With her last remaining strength, she used her fingers to scoop up as much of the fluid as possible, sucking it off her fingers before delving deep inside her body for more, until every available drop of sperm had disappeared down her throat with a deliciously salty aftertaste left on her tongue. As the only one with sufficient strength left, Tom fetched a warmed washcloth and wiped Tricia down, noting how puffed and inflamed her still-protruding labia were, and how she trembled as he passed the soft cloth over her abused anus. He desisted from washing her breasts, as he could already see bruises beginning to form where Steve had gripped her so fiercely during his climax. When he had finished with Tricia, he quickly wiped himself before passing the cloth to Steve, who barely managed to clean himself before flopping back on the bed. Tom's last act was to cover them all in the thick quilt of the bed, before all three fell into a soundless sleep, Tricia sandwiched between the hard bodies of her two newly-found lovers.


Six months later.

Tricia Mulholland sat behind the large table with two of her senior colleagues, nearing the end of a long day. They were the interview panel for a Ward Managers post, which had become vacant due to the last holder of the job returning unexpectedly to her home town, where her mother had taken extremely ill. Tricia had been called in at the last minute to sit on the panel, as another of her colleagues had phoned in sick that day. They had now sat through seven presentations and interviews, and Tricia had not found any of the applicants so far to be good enough for the job. Another drawback was that, as a late arrival, she hadn't had a chance to go over the candidates CV's beforehand, like she would normally do. Indeed, she didn't even know who had applied until they walked through the door and introduced themselves.

As they waited for the last candidate to walk through from the waiting area, Tricia mulled over the past six months of her life. Since her week spent in Steve's house (being turned into a total cock-hound in the process, she laughed to herself), Tricia was almost unrecognisable to those who had known her before - especially those who worked under her at the hospital. She now listened to her juniors, both regarding patients and other problems, and wasn't in any way spiteful or petty towards those people she had been before. This wasn't because of the threat of the compilation tape of her being humiliated, then loving every second of being used sexually in every way by two unknown men, rather it was because she had found something she hadn't even known she wanted - love. Unknown to most of her work mates, Tricia had put her house out to rent and moved in with Steve a few weeks after her 'awakening', as she referred to it to herself, and had never been happier. She and Steve enjoyed each other in many ways other than sex, although they maintained a healthy and exciting sex life, which occasionally still included Steve's best friend Tom. While Tricia didn't love Tom, at least not in the same way as she did Steve, she still felt great affection for him, and enjoyed their sexual escapades together. When the knock came at the door, Tricia snapped out of her reverie and waited expectantly for the last candidate to enter. As he rounded the door, Tricia nearly fainted with shock - it was TOM!!

Swiftly, Tricia composed herself, not wishing any of her colleagues to become aware of the trepidation coursing through her. Looking at Tom as he set up for his presentation, Tricia marvelled at the composure he was showing, while reflecting that he had shown the same presence of mind when she had returned to work following the situation that had led her to Steve. Tom finished his preparations and began his talk to the panel.

When he had finished, about half an hour later, Tricia was very much back in control of herself, and joined in the questioning of Tom with gusto, asking as pointed and difficult questions as she could think of, all of which he replied to concisely and knowledgeably. At the conclusion of the interview, Tom left the room and the panel sat in a group to discuss the candidates more fully. Tricia's colleagues were unanimous in their praise of Tom White, one of her female colleagues in particular seemed very taken with him and not, in Tricia's opinion, in a wholly professional manner!

As they sat and deliberated, Tricia's mind was in turmoil. There was still a minute part of her that thought Tom should be punished for his treatment of her six months earlier, and now was the perfect opportunity to exact her own revenge by denying Tom the job he so obviously wanted. But the 'sensible' part of her knew that, if it wasn't for Tom, she wouldn't be the predominantly pleasant and approachable person she now was. Instead, she would probably be even more bitter and vindictive than she had been before, and, much more importantly, she wouldn't have Steve. It was at that split-second Tricia realised just how important Steve was to her, and she knew that to block Tom for this job would be to lose Steve forever. So it was that Tricia added her recommendation to the panel, making Tom a unanimous choice for the post.

Tricia's colleague, Shona, who earlier had shown such interest in Tom, immediately volunteered to phone Tom and tell him he had been successful in his application, and it was on the tip of Tricia's tongue to claim that particular job for herself, as she was entitled to do as his line manager but, knowing she would see (and fuck!) him later at her and Steve's house, she agreed Shona could be the bearer of the glad tidings. After all, she mused, it might be interesting to set Tom and Shona up together, especially as she was a well-formed, long-haired brunette, just Tom's type. And being able to utilise the cameras and other equipment still set up in the basement to record Shona's basest desires being fulfilled would be interesting, to say the least. She smiled to herself, thinking how much fun the three of them could have with Shona in the future!


I hope you have enjoyed this story even half as much as I enjoyed writing it. The basic idea for this scenario was from something that happened to me years ago, and although these events never actually happened, it was fun to imagine. The people in this story are all based on real people, but names and place have been changed for obvious reasons.

It has been something of a marathon for all of you that have been reading this, I'm sure. Whether you enjoyed the story or not, PLEASE take a few minutes to give some feedback. BTW, a second "Chapter" to this story is already underway!

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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