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Old 01-25-2004, 03:16 AM
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ynona ynona is offline
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The Checkout Girl, Part 1


I’ve had this thing for Angie for about two years now. She works at the grocery store where I shop, usually as a cashier. The day we met, she was stocking the deodorant shelf. She said my little boy was cute and told me she was married with two little girls, and we talked for a little while. Ever since then, I’ve gone through her line from time to time and exchanged meaningless chatter. I would really like to become friends with her and keep wishing I had the courage to suggest we meet for coffee, but I’m pretty shy and have never gone beyond, “So how are the little ones doing?”

Angie is very quiet and seems a little sad every time I see her. I have imagined that she married her high school sweetheart, had two babies in quick succession, and now fights depression as she works and takes care of her family, watching any dreams of college or career or travel wither away. I myself am a single mother, and I work full-time and attend college part-time. Even though I love my family and am able to work to advance my situation, I still feel very tired sometimes and wish I could get away from all the responsibilities and pressures.

It had been probably seven years since I’d been on any kind of real vacation, apart from very short visits with relatives that were more stress than fun. A restlessness and itching to get in the car and keep driving had hit me from time to time for the last couple of years, but recently it kept building till it was almost unbearable. I asked several friends if they’d be interested in a two or three day road trip; each said they’d love to, but were too busy with work and family. Everyone is “too busy” for anything these days but work, it seems. I realized I couldn’t remember the last time I had spent more than an hour laughing and talking with friends and just feeling good.

I was really getting low, and was feeling particularly bad one day when I went to get some groceries before picking my son up from preschool. As I wheeled my basket towards the checkout counters, I saw that Angie was there. I smiled a little and headed toward her line, as I usually do when I see her there, even though other lines were shorter. As I waited, I watched her work. She seemed only to be as engaged as she had to be to do her job; her eyes were distant, and I wondered what she was thinking about. I leaned on my basket and moodily considered that I must look the same these days, always fantasizing about getting a little “me” time and having fun with friends.

Finally it was my turn, and I began unloading my groceries. A carryout clerk walked up and took over, so I moved up to the register and began pulling out my checkbook. Angie looked up and smiled a little, and said, “So where’s the little guy today?” “Preschool. I’m picking him up when I leave here.” She nodded with her quiet, demure little smile, and began scanning my groceries.

I struggled with myself for a minute. This was where all our previous conversations had ended, and I really wanted to talk to her more. I was just afraid of her thinking I was strange for wanting to befriend her if she wasn’t interested. Oh, to hell with it, I thought. I guess if she ends up thinking I’m weird, I can just quit going through her line. I laughed out loud a little at that thought, and she looked up, a bemused half-smile on her face.

“What?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m just laughing at myself,” I said. “I’ve had this obsession with getting out of town for a while, to get away from everything, but all my friends are too busy for a road trip. I just had this crazy thought about taking off on my own. Sounds desperate, huh?”

“Oh, man, I know what you mean – I haven’t had a real vacation in forever. I feel like I’m going crazy, just the same old thing every day,” she said.

“Well, heck,” I said, laughing, “we ought to go, you and me.” I was joking – I seriously did not think this girl would consider going on a trip with a stranger, even one she had seen in her store for years. Heck, I didn’t think I would do anything like that myself.

She finished scanning the last item, dropped it in the bag, and stopped to look at me intently. She said, “Get me out of this city for one weekend and I’ll pay for the gas myself.”

I laughed again, but it looked like she was actually serious. “Really?” I said.

“Totally,” she said. We looked at each other for a few moments, half-laughing, trying to gauge if the other was just joking or meant it. I’m sure she had the same thoughts as me – I don’t want her to know I’m serious if she thinks it’s a joke, because then she’ll think I’m weird, but I really want to go on this trip, so I don’t want to back off if she’s willing to go.

I looked down at my checkbook, taking a minute to think while I wrote out the check. After I gave it to her, I hesitated, then took out a deposit slip and tore off the routing number and account number at the bottom. I wrote my name and cell phone number on the back of the remaining part while she was occupied running my check through. When she paused for the receipt to print, I handed her the paper.

“Call me if you can get a weekend off – we’ll play Thelma and Louise, ‘kay?” We both laughed, and she said she would. I figured she would probably never call me, but I felt lighter and more optimistic walking out of the store.

TO BE CONTINUED – the fun is soon to start!
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Old 01-29-2004, 12:56 AM
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ynona ynona is offline
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The Checkout Girl, Part 2 - In the Middle of Nowhere


It had been a few days since I gave Angie my phone number. Every time the phone rang, my legs turned to jello, but still she hadn’t called. The whole thing was crazy anyways. I’ve never been into other women before, but for some reason I just couldn’t get Angie out of my head. It would be nuts to spend a weekend with her.

It was Thursday, and I was leaving work at noon so I could get a little reading done for next week’s class. There must have been an accident ahead, because the traffic was at a standstill. When my cell phone rang, I had plenty of leisure to check the caller ID.

A man’s name I didn’t know. I stared at it for a moment while the phone continued to ring, then it suddenly hit me that this might be Angie. I quickly answered before it went to voice mail.


“Is this Yvonne?”


“This is Angie . . . I don’t know if you remember, I’m from the grocery store . . .”

"Of course I remember you,” I said. “How’s it going?”

“Oh, fine, I guess. Hey listen, were you serious about going away for the weekend?”

“Yeah. How about you?”

“Well, my husband’s mother just called, and she wants the girls to go for a visit this weekend. I know this is really soon, but I thought, maybe this would be the perfect chance – it might be hard to get my husband to take care of the girls by himself . . .”

I thought about it. “Hmm. I’ll have to see if I can get someone to take care of my son. How about I call a few people right now, and I’ll let you know?”

“Okay. Do you have my number on your caller ID?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

“Okay, just let me know.”

* * * * *

It was a bit surreal. Somehow we’d made it to Friday afternoon through a whirlwind of preparations and packing and confused relatives, and Angie and I were speeding down the highway with the windows down and the music loud, laughing hysterically. We were filled to bursting with the sense of our freedom and the open road before us.

“So where do we go?” I shouted over the music.

“Just drive! Let’s just keep going and turn whenever we feel like it!” she shouted back, laughing. Her eyes were bright, and her countenance was transformed, joyous with her hair whipping crazily around her face. The air was cool and fresh – it smelled like liberty and excitement and adventure, and it felt so good to drive and drive and drive.

We sang along with the radio at the top of our lungs, and as we kept going past the city limits, began losing the signal and had to find another station. It seemed like a moment suspended in time: we had always been driving on this desert road, singing, and always would be. It seemed a necessary, cathartic cleansing.

After a while, Angie pulled out the map we’d bought and began scanning it. It was getting dark, and we would need a place to stay for the night.

“This part of the state isn’t very populated,” she said. “It looks like the next town is about two hours away.”

“Well, that’s okay, we can drive at night.”

She looked a little worried. “Yeah, but I have to go to the bathroom! I’ve had a whole Big Gulp already!”

I laughed. “Well, try to hold it, or else I guess you’ll have to go on the side of the road.”

“Oh, right where everyone can see me – uh uh!”

“Well, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll go too,” I said.

She grinned. “Okay, I guess that’s all right. We might as well stop now, I know I won’t make it two more hours.”

I slowed the car down and pulled over. It felt strange when we stopped, since the car had been moving continuously for a couple of hours. Now that we were at a halt, I felt a little nervous, thinking about whoever might drive by. It was almost fully dark, and a full moon had already begun to rise over a mesa in the distance, bathing the dry wasteland in a bluish, abundant light. Outside the car, we could now see all around; the sky and the land seemed so huge. I marveled at how bright the stars were, away from the city lights, and I automatically looked for Orion, my favorite constellation. The sparse, stubby desert plants were sharply defined in the moonlight. We both breathed deeply of the dry, cool air as we walked around, working out our stiff legs.

“I don’t see anyone,” she said. “Let’s hurry before a car comes along.”

I was a little shy pulling my clothes down in front of her, and I was careful not to look at her. I went ahead and took my shorts and panties completely off and laid them to the side to make sure they wouldn’t get wet. My heart started thumping, though, thinking about her half-naked just a few feet away. I shook my head and berated myself silently. You aren't a les, I thought. Quit obsessing about this girl. Still, I couldn’t help the sudden images of her naked body from invading my head – as if it were really happening, I saw my hands reaching for her bare breasts, fingertips brushing lightly over her pointed, pink nipples. I could almost hear her gasp lightly and feel the warmth of her soft skin as I gently covered her breasts with my hands and lightly squeezed the pliant flesh.

“Look out, a car is coming!”

I jumped a little in alarm, having already finished but been distracted by my fantasy. I quickly reached for my clothes, but they weren’t where I’d left them. I looked up to see Angie, fully clothed, about fifteen feet away, holding them up with a grin. I turned to look at the road, but didn’t see any cars.

“Hey, give those back!” I said, half-laughing.

“You’ll have to catch me first!” she shouted, as she started to back away, then walk quickly, grinning over her shoulder.

I groaned and started to run after her, wearing nothing but tennis shoes and a t-shirt that didn’t quite cover my ass. She giggled and started to run faster, jumping over little depressions in the ground here and there and swerving around cactus and low bushes. I started laughing, too. She looked so free and sexy, and her dark hair waved with her movements as if it were alive too. Panting with the sudden exertion, I was very aware of the night air against my naked thighs, ass, and pussy. I could tell without touching myself that I was very wet, and I could feel my pussy lips sliding back and forth against each other as I ran after Angie.

She stopped suddenly and turned around, holding my clothes behind her back. I skidded to a halt, putting my hands on my bare thighs and leaning down a bit to catch my breath. I could smell the thick, musky scent from my pussy, and I wondered if she could, too.

“Okay, come on, give ‘em back,” I said, still a little out of breath.

She grinned. “Only if you do what I say!”

“Well, I could just take them away from you, you know.”

“Uh uh, you can’t run as fast as I can. So if you don’t feel like chasing me, you get to follow orders!”

I laughed. “Okay, what am I supposed to do?”

Her grin widened. “Give me your shirt and bra, and walk back to the car with just your shoes on.”

I groaned. “Oh man, you’re kidding. Somebody’s going to come along!”

“Well, I guess you’d better hurry then, hadn’t you?”

I rolled my eyes for her benefit and hurriedly pulled off my shirt and bra. I wanted her to think I was reluctant, but inside I was really excited at where this might lead. “All right, come on before someone drives by.”

I walked quickly as she strolled along behind. We were probably about 75 yards away from the car, so she had plenty of opportunity to peruse my naked body in the moonlight. It seemed to take forever, and each second I was scared to death some creep was going to drive over the horizon and swoop down on two girls alone in the desert, one of whom was butt-naked.

We finally reached the car, and I said, “Okay, let me have them back now.” She handed me back my shirt and shorts. “Other stuff, too!” I said.

“Nope, I get to keep those,” she said, now with a small, demure smile, my bra and panties still hanging from one hand. I sighed and quickly got dressed. As I pulled up my shorts, I could feel the seam press firmly between my pussy lips, squishing almost audibly. I fought the urge to squirm against the seam to embed it deeper, conscious that she was watching. My t-shirt felt cool and soft against my hardened nipples.

“All right, you’ve had your fun. Let’s go find us a place to sleep!”

“Great, I can’t wait to get in bed,” she said brightly.

I eyed her suspiciously as we both slid into our seats and shut the car doors. As I started up the car, I began wondering if she had the same sort of thing in mind that I did. We joked back and forth as we gained momentum and began speeding down the road again, and after a while, I temporarily forgot about the incident as we talked about family and kids and our jobs.

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Old 10-04-2004, 04:20 AM
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ynona ynona is offline
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The Checkout Girl, Part 3 - The Hotel

As we continued speeding down the highway, the exits and passing cars gradually became more frequent. I figured we were probably 15 minutes from the outskirts of the next major town, and thus, the next decent place to stay for the night. We had passed a few small, crummy-looking towns, but we didn't bother even to slow down for the dilapidated roach motels that faced the highway.

Having been on the road for several hours now, we were both quieter and a bit sleepy, lulled a little by the hum of the tires on the road. As our conversation tapered off and I relaxed in the driver's seat, I became more aware of the car's vibrations. Since Angie had kept my underwear, the seam of my denim shorts had become embedded between my now swollen and slippery pussy lips, and the vibrations of the car were making me hotter. Without the support of a bra, my breasts seemed heavy, and the movement of my arms caused my shirt to brush back and forth slightly against my nipples, which, because I was getting turned on, were puckered and erect.

Angie seemed to be looking at me sideways every now and then as if she were considering something, but of course I couldn't really look at her because I was driving. As we entered the town, we exited the highway and drove more slowly on the service road, looking for someplace to stay. After going through a few stop lights, Angie suddenly pointed ahead and to the right. "Turn right at the next light! I think I see a place around the corner."

As we turned the corner, I could see what had attracted her attention. The hotel she was pointing at was nestled back from the road and mostly hidden behind palm trees and large box hedges. As we turned into the drive, I could see that the hotel was more like a collection of condos clustered around a large, well-landscaped and softly-lit pool. This was definitely more of what I'd had in mind than those awful places we'd passed earlier.

We parked in front of the office and went in to register. I was conscious of the fact that I was walking into a well-lit room with no bra under my white t-shirt, but I figured the bold approach was best. I couldn't decide if the man behind the counter noticed or not, but I thought he probably couldn't avoid seeing my erect nipples pressing against the fabric of my shirt. Guys usually noticed that kind of thing.

We paid for the room and got the keys, then got back in the car to drive around to our condo. Ours was toward the back of the property, and it seemed quiet and sheltered from the highway as we began walking in with our luggage. The door opened on well-oiled hinges into a room that took me by surprise. It looked more like a really cool apartment than a hotel room. The entryway was set up like a den: it had hardwood floors and was furnished with black leather couches, a sleek glass-covered coffee table, and a nice, black entertainment center with TV, DVD player and big speakers. A mirrored and well-stocked bar ran along the wall on the right going back toward a small kitchen and a door I thought must lead to the bedroom.

We stood there with the door open for a minute, just holding our bags and looking around. "Wow, this place is so cool!" Angie exclaimed. "I feel like I'm barging in on someone's house or something." "No kidding," I said, closing the door behind us and locking it. I dumped my stuff by the door and went exploring. I could hear Angie gasp behind me as I opened the door which, as I had correctly thought, led to the bedroom. It was large and carpeted in a rich, bright, sensual red. The king-sized four-poster bed was covered with a lacy white comforter dotted with embroidered roses that matched the carpet. There was a night table on either side of the bed, and each had a beautifully-painted lamp and a large bowl of fragrant, tantalizing potpourri that smelled of lavender and patchouli.

"Ohhh, this room is so awesome!" I breathed. I jumped up onto the bed and stretched out, then giggled a little bit. Angie jumped up next to me and sat looking around some more. This room, this whole place, felt like some kind of exotic spa getaway. We hadn't even seen the bathroom yet, but I was betting it was really cool.

Angie lay down on her side and propped her head up on one hand as she grinned at me. "Imagine our families sitting at home, and here we are a couple hundred miles away in this totally sexy condo!" I laughed. "Your husband won't be jealous, will he?" "Oh, I hope he will be!" she said, grinning. "He's always more attentive when he's jealous. I'll bet he'll be an animal when I get back!" We both giggled, then I stretched again, relieved to be out of the car and on this soft, stationary bed.

After resting for a few minutes, we got up and fixed ourselves a couple of long island iced teas from the bar. We set up a kind of picnic in the middle of the bed with all the estrogen-feeding snacks we had brought along - chocolate bars, peanut butter, assorted candy, and my favorite, chocolate-covered coffee beans. We chatted like little girls at a slumber party as we slowly got tipsy off our drinks.

I knew I was probably drinking a little too much, given that I was already tired from the drive, but hey, it was a vacation. Angie's drink disappeared faster than mine, and as she got up to make a new one I decided to find the bathroom. It was even better than I expected. It was tiled all in white; the bottom two-thirds of the walls was mirrored, and the remainder was painted bright blue. Two circular tiers of steps led down into a sunken jacuzzi, which I immediately turned on to fill up. A large shower with a frosted door stood opposite the jacuzzi. Best of all, two silky white bathrobes hung from hooks on the wall. I eagerly took off my shirt and shorts and slipped into one of the bathrobes. The cool, soft fabric clung to my hips and breasts and barely covered my ass. I felt much sexier walking back into the bedroom, where Angie was waiting with our new drinks.

Her jaw dropped open. "I love that robe! Where did you get it?" "It came with the room! There's another one in there for you!" I said. She hurriedly put her drink down on the night table and ran lightly into the bathroom. She emerged a few minutes later grinning and clad in the other robe. "We will totally have to try that jacuzzi," she said, jumping onto the bed. I could tell she had removed her bra as well. I could see the swell of her breasts above the v-line of the robe, and her nipples pressed against the fabric, as did mine. A little shock ran down to my pussy as I wondered whether she was wearing any panties. I drank about half of my new drink down, then set it on the table and lay back, looking at Angie. She was sipping her drink and looking back at me. I was buzzing a little bit and was feeling much braver than usual, so I didn't bother trying to conceal where I was looking.

"I love how this robe feels," I said. I ran my palms down my sides and back up across my tummy, grazing my nipples lightly. I resisted the desire to squeeze my breasts, but did make sure I'd pulled the fabric up enough that my pussy was almost visible.

Angie was looking at me intently over her drink, and her eyes seemed to sparkle a bit in the dim lamplight. "They are sexy, aren't they?" she said, setting her drink down. She turned so she was facing me more squarely, sitting with one leg under her and the other to the side. My heart beat faster as her robe slipped up to the top of her thighs. I could almost see her pussy, just a few inches away in the shadow between her legs. I could smell her now, and somehow I knew she had removed her panties and was wet, like I was. Feeling bolder than I would have sober, I casually laid my nearer hand on her left knee, caressing lightly with my fingertips. Angie seemed to be waiting to see what I would do. I rolled onto my side and propped myself up on my elbow, then deliberately caressed her leg again, watching her face to gauge her reaction.

She smiled slightly, then reached out to caress my hair and run her fingers through it. I traced my fingertips up and around her soft thigh, then up her side to caress her ribs just beneath the bottom curve of her breast. She inhaled softly and arched her back so that her breasts swelled more firmly against her robe. Having my cue now, I sat up and caressed both of her breasts firmly through the silky fabric. Both of us a little drunk, and the barrier now crossed, we wrapped our arms around each other and began kissing passionately. Her mouth was soft and sweet, her tongue eagerly tasting mine. She slipped her hands between us to caress and squeeze my breasts. Pulling back from the kiss, she whispered in my ear, "God! I've been so hot for you all day! I've been going crazy ever since I got to see you running around naked in the desert!"

We both laughed a little huskily, then began kissing again as our hands frantically tried to get enough of each other. I pushed her gently back onto a pillow, then slid my body onto hers. Our robes seemed less a barrier than some magical substance that heightened our sensitivity. I pressed one leg firmly between hers, nestling the top of my thigh against her pussy. Her robe had ridden up so that I could feel her soft pubic hairs against my thigh. She was very wet. I lowered my mouth to her left breast and began sucking and licking her hard little nipple through the robe. She moaned and pressed her pussy upward, firmly against my thigh, wiggling around a little to make her pussy lips open against me and bare her clitoris to my skin. She gasped as her slippery lips opened easily, and she began moving her hips to rub her clit against my leg. Her wetness felt so incredible, and even though I really wanted to slide down and start licking her, I stayed where I was and let her do as she liked for a few minutes while I continued nibbling on her breasts. I sucked her nipples one at a time until they strained upward almost an inch through the wet fabric. Taking one erect nipple into my mouth, I sucked hard, then let go suddenly so her breast jiggled back and forth for a moment.

Unable to wait any longer, I slid back a bit and pressed the palm of my hand against her pussy. I made slow, firm, circular motions with my whole hand, mimicking the sensation she had been creating against my thigh. Her breathing became rapid and she made little humping motions against my hand. I could tell she was close to coming already, but I wanted to prolong it a while. Turning around, I straddled her head but kept my hips up a little out of reach of her mouth. She spread her legs as wide as she could and pressed her hips upward as I lowered my head. Her pussy lips were swollen and red, her inner lips almost purple, they were so engorged. I wrapped my arms around her hips and brought my hands around to her pussy from the other side. I just barely grazed my fingertips against her swollen, wet lips, eliciting another choked gasp and a prolonged moan from Angie. She raised her hands to my own hungry pussy. I could feel her spreading my pussy lips wide with her fingers. The air seemed to caress my inner regions with a cool breath, and as she paused, I reveled in the sensation of being totally opened to her face.

Beginning to breathe heavily myself, I gently spread her pussy wide with my fingertips so that I could see her vaginal opening. Her whole pussy was shiny with her wetness, and thick, white girl-cum was already collecting at the mouth of her cunt. Just as I lowered my head to taste it, I felt several fingers slide into my pussy, and I gasped. The feeling was electric. I was kneeling with my knees wide apart, and I could feel my pussy watering as she began pumping her fingers in and out of my cunt. I almost forgot about eating her pussy as she paused, then slowly slid all four fingers into my hungry hole, stuffing almost her entire hand inside of me. I could hardly breathe; I'd never felt anything so hot and sexy, and I could feel myself beginning to build towards an orgasm. I remembered the pussy beneath me, then, spreading her lips as wide as possible, licked my tongue firmly from the top of her clit down to her wet hole. She cried out, and her hips twitched sharply beneath me. I pressed my tongue relentlessly as far as I could inside of her vagina, making it as stiff as possible and running around and around in a circle to lick up all her juices. She tasted sweet, and the ribbed walls of her vagina felt very hot around my tongue. Her fingers paused again inside my pussy as she seemed to be coming close to her orgasm.

I lifted my head away from her pussy, now caressing again very lightly with my fingertips. She began fucking my pussy again with renewed vigor, getting a little deeper each time and pressing her fingertips hard against my g-spot with every inward thrust. "Come on, baby, lick my pussy," she moaned. "I need to come so bad!" Gasping and close to coming myself, I brought one arm back over her legs and thrust my fingers deeply into her pussy as she was doing to mine. It was all I could do to keep finger-fucking her; I could hardly think or move as she pumped my pussy. The squelching sounds from both of us were so hot and sexy, and I was sure my juices were running down her hand and arm toward her elbow. I slid my knees as far apart on the bed as they would go and pressed my pussy back against her penetrating fingers. I reached my other hand back and began rubbing my clit frantically as we fucked each other. Suddenly I could feel a huge orgasm rolling up from my toes over my legs, then exploding like a fireball in my wide-open cunt. I cried out loudly, primally as she fucked me harder and harder with her fingers. I could feel my pussy clenching hard and rhythmically around her hand, trying to squeeze but stretched so widely that the orgasm just seemed to keep building, even as it shook my whole body. We seemed suspended in time, an ecstatic, hot, sexy, sweaty infinity, hands pumping rapidly inside each other's hungry, spasming cunts.

Finally, my shaky knees wouldn't support me any longer, and I had to roll off of her onto the bed. We lay there breathless for what seemed forever, just letting the still-huge aftershocks roll through our contracting pussies.


*** Please let me know what you think of the story so far. Thanks! - ynona
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