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Old 01-03-2018, 03:34 AM
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dicksbro dicksbro is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
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Went to see "Darkest Hour." It focused on Churchill from the time he took over as PM from Neville Chamberlain and his party's urging negotiations with Hitler using Italy as a mediator and Churchill's determination to avoid feeding the hungry German beast who had already broken previous agreements. Movie ended with his famous speech declaring they (the British) would fight on the beaches; in the fields and in the cities just as Dunkirk was being evacuated. Outstanding movie. Held pretty true to history with the minor liberties more filling in some private times for which there aren't many (if any) historical documents. If you like history ... or admire Churchill ... I think you'd love the movie. I was surprised, while I'm the history buff in our family ... my wife loved the movie maybe as much or more than me.
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