Thread: Vampyre's Syn
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Old 05-31-2002, 02:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Gabrielle can sense Vaj and knows he is watching from somewhere close by. Adrenaline rushes through her as she places the blindfold on the still hesitant Genevieve. "Don't worry," she whispers in the young girl's ear, "nothing will happen to you, it's just a room." Gabrielle then opens the large oak doors and leads Genevieve towards the center of the room.
"Can I take off the blindfold yet, " Genevieve asks excitedly. "Not yet, I have to make sure everything is set up correctly, " Gabrielle stalls as she stares at the lovely girl, debating with herself as to whether she should make a move or wait on Vaj. Finally her body takes over; she steps towards her and kisses her roughly, her hands running all over Genevieve's body in a fit of passion and pent up tension.
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