Thread: Tatoos
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Old 03-28-2002, 11:13 PM
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Reverend Silky Reverend Silky is offline
Dollar Store Mackin'!
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: The Grove
Posts: 411
titty ink... okay. first off, after you decide what you want, make sure you know how you want it placed. on breasts (big 'uns especially), ya got pretty much two choices on that kinda placement. one, the way it's gonna look with yer bra on. and two, the way it'll look when the breasts rest naturally. that's first. as far as bras, it'll be in yer best interest, as well as the integrity of the healing and eventually healed tattoo to at the very least wear a loose bandage over the tattoo while it heals if you plan to wear a bra during the process. otherwise, it'll hurt much more, compromise the quality of the tattoo once it's healed, and prolong the aftercare process. the most important aspects of the tattoo experience take place in the following weeks after you leave the shop with a fresh colorful wound. it's up to you. the artist can't follow you home to see if yer takin' care of it the way ya should.

painwise, any tattoo session isn't meant to be pleasurable. however, it's almost always never as excruciating as you'd imagine. sure, it can sting a bit, but so what? the finished product and feeling it gives you is what's important. if you want sumthin badly enough, why let anything so nominal and meaningless as pain keep you from it? comin' from a gimpy dude who found his true passions by becoming heavily inked, i say tear it up. i can guarantee you won't be the same afterwards.

oh, and Sarriah, i guess i'm a filthy fibber. i had one of two reactions to every single second of chairtime i've logged: pleasure and/or instant fulfillment. *shrug* it's all perception.
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