Thread: Next Door
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Old 03-12-2002, 08:44 PM
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Tammi Tammi is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 47
Nickole straddled Andy, intentionally sitting on his great ass and rubbed herself against him. She poured some oil in her hands and began to work it into his strong shoulders and his neck until she felt him began to relax. Nickole leaned down, her breath warm against his ear.

“ I’ve never done this before, Andy. How am I doing so far? “ She whispered.

“ Real good. “ Andy murmured, and it was obvious he was enjoying himself.

Nickole continued, working on his back as he had done to her. Every once in awhile Andy would moan softly, which kept encouraging her. When she moved down to sit between his legs and work the oil into the cheeks of his ass, she lingered and would tease him now and then by letting her fingertips stray between his legs and brush against his groin area.

“ You really are a naughty girl, Nickole! “ Andy said chuckling at her teasing. She laughed softly.

When she finally thought he had enough, she had him roll over. She once again straddled him, letting the tip of his erection just barely touch her backside. She worked the oil slowly into his chest and then his belly. She then got off him kneeling between his legs near his feet and put the oil on his feet and legs, slowly moving upwards. She massaged the oil all around his groin area without ever touching his now very hard erection.

“ And now what else would you like me to rub, Andy? “
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