Thread: The Good Girl
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Old 01-09-2004, 12:22 AM
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lrigp33j lrigp33j is offline
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He reaches down for her hand and lifts her up off of her knees. She is still covered with his cum, on her face, and her chest. He stands in front of her, looking at her, wondering how he ever managed to find someone like her. So willing to please him in any way. She looks down at the floor, waiting. He reaches up and runs two fingers through some of the cum on her face. He puts his fingers on her bottom lip and she opens her mouth. She runs her tongue along his fingers, cleaning the cum off of them. Her eyes are closed, as she tastes her master’s cum. He wipes more off of her chest and offers his fingers to her again. When she is done, he puts his hand on the back of her head, pulling her close to him for a deep kiss. He tastes his own cum on her lips and her tongue. He pulls her tight against his body, his other hand reaches down, cupping her ass. She moans into his mouth, as he sucks on her tongue, then bites her lower lip. He pulls away from her and takes her by the arm. He leads her to the small couch in the room. She watches him as he pulls It away from the wall. He turns around, and tells her to bend over the back of the couch. She walks towards the couch and does as he says, without question. He kneels down behind her and tells her to open herself to him. She reaches behind herself and pulls her ass apart for him. He looks at her pussy, still wet from his cum and hers. He leans forward and runs his tongue from the back of her knee up to her ass. He can feel her legs trembling. His hands are moving from her feet up to her thighs. As he reaches her ass, he spanks her hard. She jumps and he tells her to hold still. She grips the sofa cushion with both hands as he continues to spank her. He can see the red marks he’s making on her ass and stops suddenly. He starts to rub the marks on her ass lightly. He blows on her ass and sees the goosebumps he causes. He smiles and leans forward to run his tongue across her ass. She is still trembling as he stands up behind her, leaning forward to pull her toward him. She can feel his body pressed against her back, his cock against her ass. She leans back and sighs. He asks her if she’s ready to feel him inside her once more. She tells him that she is ready for him. He reaches down in front of her and rubs her clit with one hand, pinching her nipple with the other. He slides his hand down and runs his fingers across her pussy. He feels how wet she is and slides a finger inside her. He has to have her. Now. He pushes her forward, bending her at the waist. He tells her to spread herself again for him. As she does, he grabs both of her hips in his hands and pushes his cock deep into her pussy. He drives her against the couch as he fucks her hard and deep. He feels how wet and hot she is. He feels her pussy tighten around him and he starts to slow. He pushes her further up onto the couch so he is driving up into her. Close to cumming, he pulls out of her. He reaches down and slides two of his fingers into her, then three. He pulls them out and presses his middle finger against her tight asshole. He pushes against it until it slides in. He can feel her relaxing as he presses against her. He starts to slide a second finger inside her. He waits while she relaxes a bit more, then slides the rest of his finger in. He asks her if she is ready for it. She hesitates and he spanks her hard on her ass. She jumps and says that she is. He tells her to relax again as he pulls his fingers out of her ass. He tells her to put it in when she is ready. She reaches behind her, takes hold of his cock with her hand and presses it against her pussy. He pushes forward into her, then pulls out. She takes hold of his cock again and presses it against her asshole. She takes a deep breath, relaxing for him, and pushes back against him. His cock slides into her ass slowly. He watches as her hand cups his balls, and watches as she pushes farther onto him. It hurts her a little, but she wants this. Has never wanted anything more. She wants him deep inside her ass. He puts his hands on her hips and pulls his dick almost back out. He starts to slide just the end of it into her. He fucks her with just the head of his cock for a minute. Then he pulls out and pushes hard into her pussy again. He fucks her hard and deep for a minute, pulls back out and slides his cock back into her ass. He pushes against her, penetrating her like she’s never been penetrated before. He slides his 8 inches deep inside her as she grips the sofa cushions and moans. He almost explodes inside her as he feels her ass tighten around him. He pulls almost all the way out, then pushes deep inside her once more. He starts to fuck her ass slowly, letting her get used to him. He reaches around and rubs her clit for her. He watches and smiles as she holds the cushions for dear life, it seems. She starts to push against him as he rubs her clit. He thinks to himself that he’s going to have to fuck this ass again. Damn, she feels so good. He asks her, ‘Do you want to cum, girl? Are you ready to cum for your master?’ ‘Yes,” she says. ‘I’ll cum for you when you want me to.’ He starts to fuck her harder, with deep, fast strokes. She feels his balls hitting her pussy as he fucks her. She feels his hand on her clit, rubbing. His other hand is on her hip, his fingers digging into her flesh. She pushes back against him, a long moan escaping her lips. He is going to cum. He can feel it building as he watches sweat form on the small of her back, as he smells the sweet smell of her pussy. He watches her ass move every time he hits her with his hips and stomach. Her legs are shaking as he drives his dick deep into her ass, and starts to cum. He says to her, ‘Cum for me, slave. Cum for your master.’ He slides two of his fingers into her pussy, pressing the palm of his hand against her clit, and feels her cumming against him. Her ass tightens around him as he explodes inside her, filling her ass with his cum. Her entire body is trembling now with the intensity of her orgasm. She coats his fingers with her cum and it begins to run down her inner thighs. He pulls his cock out of her, still cumming, and watches as his cum runs out of her ass, down her pussy. He presses the palm of his hand against her clit again, feeling her body stiffen under him as he does. He pulls her back and leans against her, reaching around her to hold her close to him. She leans her head back against his chest and sighs. He pulls her hair to the side and runs his tongue along her neck, to her ear. He whispers to her, ‘Your ass felt wonderful. Tell me again what you are.’ She closes her eyes and says, ‘I’m your slut, master.’ ‘That’s right,’ he says to her. ‘Good girl.’

Might be the end. Might not be.
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