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Old 07-31-2001, 03:18 PM
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Gyzsmo Gyzsmo is offline
Bard in Training
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Canada
Posts: 110
God, I was so nervous walking into that bar the first time. I remember thinking that I should just turn around and go home right then and there. I'd never worked in a bar before and was scared as hell...scared that I wouldn't fit in at all. But hey ... I remember squaring my shoulders, lifting my chin and sauntering into that bar with my head held high and a little swing on my hips.

My eyes traveled around the room, looking for whom I was supposed to be meeting. I could only see two people in the room. It is very dead tonight, I thought to myself.

There was a gorgeous woman standing behind the bar ...... mmmmm ..... with a slightly secret smile on her face that I kind of wondered about. Looked about 30 ... maybe 35 and sexy as hell...even I could see that!

Oh jeez.... Who is that? Tall, sandy brown, curly hair, nice build ... wish I could see his eyes.... As I walk over, I notice a distinct scent on the air... My eyes widen and as I look back and forth between the two, my eyes light up and a mischievous little grin begins to play along my lips. I'm sure they don't know... but wow... it smells just like sex in here.... I wonder what they've been up to.

"Hi there, my names Gyzsmo... I'm supposed to be meeting ... mmmm..." I fish the note I had placed in my purse out to look for a name, "a Toni? Do you know where he is?" I ask, hoping upon hope that it's this man sitting at the bar.

"Honey" the woman laughs, "I'm Toni, it's nice to meet you". As she reaches her hand over the bar to shake mine, I can feel her eyes giving me the once over. I'm surprised to feel a little flutter in the pit of my stomach at her obvious perusal of me.

"I know you have a dress code here but was told just to wear a white shirt and black skirt, hope this is okay" I murmur, looking down at my low cut white blouse and long black skirt slit up to mid thigh. I sneak a peek out of the corner of my eye to find him looking me up and down with a slight grin playing at the corner of his mouth. "It's fine honey," she murmurs and squeezes my hand before letting go, her eyes looking down into my cleavage, "just fine."

"Don't hog her Toni, come on... introduce us" he says while raising up my hand to his lips, turns it over and softly kisses and lightly licks my palm while keeping his eyes piercing into mine. I hear Toni chuckle softly and realize that I'm just standing there with my mouth wide open practically drooling all over this man. I feel my face start to heat in a blush and snatch my hand away.

"This here is Mark, and you better watch out for him, he's a lady killer he is..." she laughs.

"Please call me Gyz ..." I murmur to them both. "It’s a little nickname I go by... hope that's okay". I look at Toni, trying to keep my eyes off of him.

"What would you like me to start with?" I ask her, placing my arms to lean against the bar. I hear a light little snicker behind me and feel myself start to redden again. I turn my head slightly to see what he's doing, when just then he presses close to my back to reach behind me to grab the peanuts that are further down the bar.

"You could start with me," he whispers into my ear while softly grinding his hips into me as he presses close. I can feel his hard cock pressing against my ass and I know that this is going to be a fine job after all.... Damn fine job in fact...

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