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Old 06-28-2003, 09:24 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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I'm caring for my aging cat and getting more worried by the day. He's my only "baby" and he's 16 and losing weight and has an eye infection and I'm just so sad about him today. I wish I could make his "golden years" alot more comfortable for him....somehow!

I've got to clean up the very first stain on my brand new carpet today. Hubby had a little too much to drink last night and....well....yuck!

I just don't want to do all that laundry that is just behind that door to my right........but I will.....I know I will!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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