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Old 06-28-2003, 12:20 AM
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Steph Steph is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: T.O.
Posts: 20,828
1. Frigging cut my finger opening the mustard with a knife in my hand (STUPID) and almost passed out when it wouldn't stop bleeding. Ugh. I cannot stand the sight of blood.

2. Had to hang up on some arsehole customers tonight. I don't like doing it but man oh man, you ask them to stop yelling at you, warn them you'll have to disconnect if they keep cursing, hang up on them and beep! The next one comes on the line . . . sigh.

3. It's a cool, peaceful night so I'm enjoying a beer and looking forward to my weekend (which starts on Saturday at 11:30 p.m.).
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