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Old 11-29-2001, 04:03 PM
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dv847 dv847 is offline
Male Lesbian
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: S.W. Mo.
Posts: 137
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I personally believe John Grisham had the right of it.When our judicial system fails(many more times than it should)There is "A Time To Kill".There are some people(?)in our society today that just don't deserve to live.Being the father of 3 girls(grown) & 4 grandchildren,if someone messes they will die-hard.Take care of your own! I wouldn't hesitate;old lessons retained from long ago and faraway.If they did get by me shorteyes usually merit special attention inside.And besides I do have a long memory re. certain things.Sorry to be so virulent but I have very strong feelings about scum who harm innocents.

The name says it all!
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