Thread: Matrix Reloaded
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Old 05-16-2003, 12:39 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Everytime I log in....MSN Today pops up on my monitor (if someone can tell me how to make this stop I would greatly appreciate it....LOL!) and it has the days stories, etc. Today it said Matrix Reloaded quiz and so I didn't even attempt the test but just posted the url (thanks to Lilith). Goes to show you how well I pay attention sometime......(no remarks from the peanut gallery). Anyway.....Thanks for pointing out that this is a quiz on the first Matrix, Aqua! And I'm kinda glad too because as I thought about it...not everyone has seen MR yet and how fun is taking a quiz when ya never studied?


You answered 71% of the questions correctly. Thanks for taking our quiz.

Maybe I should re-rent the first one before I even think of seeing MR! LOL!
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