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Old 08-27-2021, 01:09 PM
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dm383 dm383 is offline
Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Hi all!

Some more generalised summer-top viewings of late, but the most exciting (for me) is another medically-related one.

Over the summer I've been engaged in a clinical trial for a new blood pressure medication which, rather pleasingly, has caused my own to drop to readings not seen since I was in my thirties! Anyway - part of that has been 4-weekly visits to the clininc for BP readings, weight, bloods and various blood samplings, all carried out by a very pleasant - and as I found out yesterday, very pretty - young lady doctor of Chinese descent.

The most enticing bit of these visits have been the moderately loose scrubs she wears. items of workwear which are almost universally shapeless and pretty boring. Except .. .. .. when young (or any, really) lady-person has to bend over when carrying out whatever procedure is taking place. Up til now, her scrubs have been a little tight and less likely to fall forwards, but yesterday she let slip she had lost a bit of weight, as we were talking about the few pounds I've lost in the past 4 weeks, and when she leant forward to take my blood, it happened.

Now as I said, scrubs are not the most flattering of garments, but I had already noticed she was rather pleasantly shaped without being too slim or too fat (these descriptions may be considered non-PC by some, but no judgement from me is made OR implied - it is merely my own personal attraction criteria, which I have outlined here many times before). Whatever, Dr sexy has a rather 'straight up & down' figure, but I now happen to know that she also has a very cute pair of creamy, soft-looking breasts that would be anyone's pleasure to suck, lick, play with and appreciate for hours at a time!

For some reason, perhaps due to their slightly diminutive size, Dr Sexy yesterday chose NOT to wear any supporting undergarment, meaning her casual lean forward revealed more than she was probably aware of!

It was a dleightful 4 or 5 seconds in an otherwise very mundane and boring day (actually, week) and there was defintie stirring in my own underwear I have to say!

The sad news is; that was the last trip to the clinic, as the trial is now complete. The excellent news is, the medicatoin had such a positive effect on my blood pressure, I will stay on it from here on in. (Remember, living in [best bit of] the UK, it costs me as much as the rest of my prescription combined - nothing!)

So, that was my recent mini-adventure in voyeur-land. Here's to a few more before we're done!

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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