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Old 10-14-2018, 07:02 AM
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14 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
: Roulers recaptured by Allied forces (see October 18th, 1914).
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of the Argonne (see October 15th): US First Army attacks*Kriemhilde Line, 32nd Division storms Cote Dame Marie ridge.
Aisne: French advance on River Aisne west of Rethel.
Western Front, Air: US Northern Bombing Group flies first raid (8 by October 27), 100t bombs dropped (until November 11). RAF drops over 2,000 bombs (40t) in Flanders offensive.
An US 155 mm howitzer firing at German positions during the Maas-Argonne offensive:
New Zealand and British troops resting next to a field at Esnes, France:
French Prime Minister Clemenceau and British Field Marshal Haig reviewing French troops at Cambrai: © IWM (Q 9553):
A German prisoner, British wounded, and Belgian stretcher-bearers at a dressing station near Dadizele, Belgium: © IWM (Q 7115):
New Zealand troops with captured German guns at Esnes, France:

Southern Front
: Durazzo (see 2nd), Novi Bazar (see November 20th, 1915), and Ipek (see December 6th, 1915) retaken by Italian forces.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
British, Indian and Turkoman troops attack Bolsheviks, and after severe Indian losses drive Russians from Dushak (90 miles west of Merv).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British troops from Vladivostok reach Irkutsk (Siberia) (see 18th and July 13th and August 3rd).

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: S.S. Brussels at Zeebrugge torpedoed by British destroyers.
5 Royal Navy monitors (including 2 with all-time heaviest 18-inch naval guns) shell Snaeskerke German batteries for last time.
Eastern Atlantic: Portuguese auxiliary gunboat Augusto de Castilho, hopelessly outgunned and escorting passenger ship (saved), sunk in gallant duel with U-139 (Lothar von Arnauld) between Madeira and Azores.

Political, etc
Czech Provisional Government formed.
United Kingdom: Government threatens reprisals if Germany does not redress PoW grievances within 4 weeks. Germany threatens reprisals on October 23. Mr Justice Youngers’ 1918 PoW Report published, reveals ill-treatment close to front line under British fire. (But ignores similar, and prior Allied abuses of this nature).
The King presents £10,000 to Red Cross.
United States: President Wilson replies to German Government, attaching further military conditions to the terms of armistice, and warning against further breaches of laws of war, and insists on dealing only with a democratic Government (see 12th and 20th).
Turkish Government Note to President Wilson proposing an armistice delivered at Washington.
A massive fire that broke out yesterday devastates northeastern Minnesota, killing over 450 people. German sabotage is suspected, but it likely started as an accident:
Spain: Spaniards take over seven German ships as agreed compensation.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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