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Old 10-12-2018, 01:43 PM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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12 October 1918

Western Front
Craonne again captured by French forces; they advance within three miles of Laon.
Fighting on River Selle.
French take Vouziers.
End of Champagne Battles (since 26 September); 21,500 prisoners and 600 guns taken.
British First Army reaches Douai suburbs but is checked by German flooding.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of Champagne and Argonne (see October 15th): Pershing transfers First Army to Liggett.
Germany: Hindenburg warns troops that favourable armistice terms depend on.successful resitance. OHL sanctions Sixth Army retirement (begins early October 15). Mudra replaces O Below (recalled to Germany to organize home defense) in command of Seventeenth Army. Eberhardt takes over Mudra’s First Army.
German A7V tank caught in a trench and captured by New Zealand troops:
A German war cemetery at Sailly-sur-la-Lys: © IWM (Q 9540):
A soldier wearing a face protector used by Allied tank gunners: © IWM (Q 93249):
A New Zealand soldier removing a mine after capturing Esnes from the Germans:
A British patrol on a daylight raid. A soldier fires into a German dugout:

Southern Front
: French occupy Mitrovitsa and Prisrend. 90,000 Bulgars and 2,000 guns captured in 27 days.
Albania: Italians take Kavaya.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: Action of Dushak.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Australian light horse regiment leaving Jerusalem:

Political, etc
: In Transylvania Romanian National Party demands recognition as administration.
Germany: German Government reply to President Wilson's Note and accept conditions (see 8th and 14th).
Ex-Interior Minister Clemens von Delbruck replaces Friedrich von Berg as Kaiser’s civil cabinet chief.
Poland: Martial law in parts of Poland.
United Kingdom: British Government recognize the Polish National Army as autonomous, allied and co-belligerent.
Lloyd George given list of rebels and revolutionaries, includes Sylvia Pankhurst, GDH Cole and unions.
United States: U.S. troops overseas number over 1,900,000.
11,724 Army flu cases in past 24 hours, total since September 13 are 234,868 (338,257 cases and c.17,000 deaths by December 1).
Wilson attends Metropolitan Opera for Queen Margherita’s Fund for the Blinded Soldiers of Italy.[Listed for yesterday]: American painter Archibald Willard passed away. His most famous work is the “Spirit of ’76,” also known as “Yankee Doodle”:
Minor Allies: Luxembourg begs President Wilson to protect her rights.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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