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Old 08-09-2018, 04:06 AM
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9 August 1918

Western Front
Battle of Amiens
(see 11th): Germans momentarily reoccupy Chipilly north of the river Somme, British with 145 tanks (39 knocked out) and joined US 167th Regiment, capture Morlancourt and Rosieres-Lihons; advance up to 3 miles despite facing 6 German divisions, 3,884 Canadian soldiers capture 8 villages and Australian casualties. British reach Lihons (2 miles from Chaulnes).
Battle of Montdidier (see 15th): French 3rd Army advances on Montdidier from north and south, capturing Assainvillers (on south) and Pierrepont (on north).
Allies air losses again heavy, while attacking Somme bridges, RAF loses c.35 of 45 aircraft lost for 3 German planes.
British Mark V tanks, which had their debut in July 1918, on the way to the front line:
A camouflaged Mark V tank near Albert during the Battle of Amiens: © IWM (Q 9248):

Southern Front
Italian air raid on Vienna dropping leaflets, not bombs: Gabriele D’Annunzio organizes daylight leaflet drop; 7 SVA5s and 1 two-seater SVA9 (Palli and D’Annunzio) fly 625 miles San Pelagio-Vienna and back, loitering 30 minutes over city, drop 200,000 manifestos calling on the Viennese to throw off ‘Prussian servitude’.

Political, etc
: News of arrest of Messrs. Lockhart (British Consul-General at Moscow) and Wardrop (British Consul) by Bolsheviks.
United Kingdom: Declaration (dated 6 August) of British Government to Peoples of Russia published.
Appeal of Executive of Miners' Federation of Great Britain to miners to increase output of coal by avoiding unnecessary absenteeism.
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