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Old 07-19-2018, 04:27 AM
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19 July 1918

Western Front
Second Battle of the Marne
: French and Americans advance on Soissons-Thierry line, taking Vierzy (north of Ourcq) and Neuilly St. Front (south of Ourcq). South of Marne, French retake Montvoison. Franco-American troops with 195 tanks (50 hit) take 3,000 PoWs and 150 guns, advance 2 miles towards Soissons-Chateau-Thierry road, but German 20th Division regains this artery; south of Marne Allies recapture Montoisin.
Italian troops in France at the 2nd Marne Battle launch a counteroffensive against the Germans through the Ardre valley, forcing the Germans further back. However, the Italians suffer 9,334 casualties out of a total force of 24,000. British 51st and 62nd Divisions replace Italians.
US 2nd Division relieved after 5,000 casualties. British capture Meteren (west of Bailleul), taking 300 prisoners.
American postcard celebrating the battle:
The first ever carrier-borne air strike takes place. From a position off the Lyngvig Light, HMS Furious launches seven Sopwith Camels (4 lost) modified to carry 2 x 50 pound bombs each, on a dawn strike against German dirigible sheds at Tondern at the mouth of the Elbe. The strike is successful, destroying Germany Navy Zeppelins L-54 and L-60 in their sheds. Three pilots fail to locate carrier, land in Denmark, another drowned at sea (future Air Marshal RAF Dickson one of the two pilots who returned).
HMS Furious in 1918, after the after gun was replaced by a landing deck, allowing aircraft to land on the carrier again:
The planes on the deck of the HMS Furious:

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
North Caucasus
: British operations in Trans-Caspia begin (see August 26th).

Naval and Overseas Operations
United States cruiser San Diego sunk by mine off Fire Island (Atlantic coast), 6 lost.
French liner Australien (Messageries Maritimes) torpedoed in Mediterranean, 20 lost.
Troopship Justicia (converted from a White Star liner) torpedoed off north coast of Ireland, 10 lost.
Destroyer HMS Garry (ramming) and ML23 convoy escorts sink coastal submarine UB-110 off Yorkshire coast.

Political, etc
: Franco-Swiss Economic Agreement.
United Kingdom: British Ministerial changes. New British Assistance Foreign Secretary Lord Cecil’s statement of Allied trade policy.
War Cabinet refuses Churchill’s plea to halt ‘combing out’ which has halved tank production, Milner wants men naw not machines later. National Service Ministry finally convince Army of civil doctor priority need.
US Admiral William Sims made (honorary) G.C.M.G.
Statement of Lord R. Cecil re: Allies Trade Policy.
Denaturalisation Bill read third time in House of Commons.
Sedition Committee Report (Rowlatt) published in India.
Italy: Rumanians’ Action Committee formed to organize Rumanian PoWs of Austro-Hungarian Army into legions.
United States: Baseball ‘non-essential’ under ‘Work or Fight’ law.
Minor Allies: Honduras declares war on Germany (see May 17th, 1917).
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