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Old 06-22-2018, 01:34 AM
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dicksbro dicksbro is offline
Just me.
Join Date: May 2002
Location: West central Illinois
Posts: 590,002
This is a pretty special day in my life. It's our 55th wedding anniversary. Yep. Fifty-five years ago … 1963 … we got married after having dated for 3 years. Best thing I ever did marrying a wife as special and wonderful as the one I did. She was my absolute true love then … and I love her that much more now. I was truly a VERY, VERY lucky man.

We're going to celebrate in several ways. This morning we're going to visit shut-ins from our church. We've always done this together and we've done it now for maybe 18 years. Then, this evening we're going out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants. Then tomorrow we're going to a movie with lunch at a favorite Italian restaurant. Shold be a fun filled couple of days of celebration.
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