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Old 12-11-2017, 10:58 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
Join Date: Jul 2002
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11 December 1917

Western Front
American artillery being inspected before they head to the front in Lorraine, France:

Eastern Front
Forces from Russian front sent against Don Cossacks.
Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary inspecting soldiers of the Polish Auxiliary Corps in Bukovina: © IWM (Q 112592):

Southern Front
First Battle of the Piave
(until December 30): Alfred Krauss with 4 divisions and 460 guns attacks Mt Grappa (‘Sacred Mountain’) sector; German 5th Division storms Mt Spinoncia but can get no farther despite repeated attacks. Austrian 4th Division, arrived from Eastern Front, captures Col della Berretta.
A destroyed a church in San Polo di Piave after its capture by the Austro-Hungarians:

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Atlantic
: U-155 shells Funchal on the Portuguese island of Madeira.
North Sea: British airship N. S. 5 lost (with crew of five) over the North Sea.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
General Edmund Allenby makes formal entry into Jerusalem (see 9th), with Allied parties including Major TE Lawrence and Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Wavell (film released in Britain in February 1918):

Political, etc
: Russian Constituent Assembly meets in Petrograd (see 13th).
France: Georges Clemenceau demands removal of parliament immunity from ex-Prime Minister Joseph Caillaux (arrested December 12) and two other deputies (done December 22-23).
United Kingdom: Mr. Arthur Balfour announces receipt in September of German peace proposals.
Non-Ferrous Metals Bill passed.
Winston Churchill: “The longer Great Britain and America are fighting side by side the closer they will be drawn together. That is a tremendous fact, and it will make amends for what we are now suffering.”
Canada: (Listed for yesterday): Mackenzie Bowell, former Prime Minister of Canada, passed away:
Italy: Italy establishes the National Institute of Exchange, which is given a monopoly on foreign bank exchanges in order to reduce currency speculation.
Norway: Nobel Prizes are awarded in Oslo. Peace Prize goes to the Red Cross, Physics goes to Charles Glover Barkla, and Literature goes to Karl Adolph Gjellerup and Henrik Pontoppidan.
Portugal: Dr Machado Guimarães, Portuguese President, deposed.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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