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Old 10-27-2017, 09:54 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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27 October 1917

Western Front
Second Battle of Passchendaele
phase of the Third Battle of Ypres: French and Belgians advance astride Ypres-Dixmude road, penetrating up to 1 3/4 miles.
Royal Flying Corps and balloons help engage 116 German batteries and over 200 other targets. 2 German airfields bombed. Night bombers strike 7 more and 3 railway stations and other targets (night October 27-28).
German prisoners help a wounded Canadian soldier walk away from the frontlines:
Aisne: French progress on Aisne front, occupy Froidmont Farm, fail to cross Canal.
U.S.A. troops and artillery in action in France for first time.

Eastern Front
Operation Albion
: Germans retire from Verder Peninsula, having accomplished the destruction of most of the Russwian troops in the area.
Germans again attempt to fraternise with Russians North and Center.

Southern Front
Isonzo: Twelfth Battle Of Isonzo, aka, the Battle of Caporetto
(until November 9): Cadorna orders general retreat at 0230 hours, already widely happening on jammed roads. German Alpenkorps and 2 other divisions reach river Torre beyond Cividale. Cadorna accepts Foch’s offer from October 26 of 4 French divisions. Cividale, west of Isonzo in flames and occupied by Germans, who claim 80,000 prisoners to date.
Italian mechanized transport coloumn retreats during the Battle of Caporetto:
Austro-Hungarian soldier holding two carrier pigeons:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Third Battle of Gaza begins (see April 19th and November 7th). 218 British guns shell Gaza (until October 31, Allied naval bombardment from October 29); British cavalry in action in center of Gaza front, 8th Mounted Brigade holds Turkish 3rd Cavalry Division reconnaissance in force north of El Baqqar.
RFC aircraft patrol in pairs to cover Allenby’s concentration, Bristol Fighter destroys German two-seater plane before it can return with vital photos on October 30. Air photography has plotted 131 Turkish batteries.
Arabia: Maulud’s 550 Arabs near Petra repel 4 Turk battalions, cavalry regiment and 10 guns from Maan.

Political, etc
United States
: (Listed for yesterday): U.S. War Department approves Ignacy Jan Paderewski’s plans to create an independent Polish legion for service in Europe.
Poland: Polish Regency Council takes office.
Spain: Army brings about fall of Cabinet in Spain.
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