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Old 10-09-2017, 01:01 PM
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9 October 1917

Western Front
Third Battle of Ypres: Battle of Poelcapelle
(“Third” phase of Third Battle of Ypres): Franco-British attack east and north-east. Outskirts of Houthulst Forest taken. On 6-mile front 3 British divisions (nearly 7,000 casualties) make one-mile advance on Passchendaele Ridge, 2,000 prisoners. German counter-attack drives in advance troops south of Ypres-Staden railway on 2,000 yards front.
These are the remains of the village of Zonnebeke in the Ypres sailent – only the foundation walls of the church are still left:
Men of the Coldstream Guards sitting on a captured German howitzer at Ypres: © IWM (Q 6046):
Royal Flying Corps No 1 Squadron (1 Nieuport fighter hit) destroys at least 3 German fighters, score 200 since February 1, 1917.
Verdun: Keen artillery struggle, north of Chaume Wood. Germans penetrate first line of trenches north of it on October 10.

Eastern Front
: Enemy air activity very marked round Oesel Island.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Germans embark troops for Operation Albion, sail from Libau on October 11; 11 German motorboats reconnaissance Gulf of Riga.
Atlantic: U-boat sinks AMC HMS Champagne (56 lives lost).
East Africa: North of Lake Eyassi (south-east Victoria Nyanza) last German-aligned guerrilla detachment captured.
Belgians occupy Mahenge, old German H.Q. in Highlands; 260 prisoners, but Captain Tafel escapes.
British Somaliland: Camel Corps (250 troops with 5 MGs, 10 casualties) kills over 70 of 300 dervishes at Endow Pass.
North Africa: German intrigue in Spanish Morocco.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Death of Hussein Kamel, Sultan of Egypt; succeeded by Ahmed Fuad, his youngest brother, born 1868:

Political, etc
: Speaking in Reichstag, Admiral Capelle asserts he has written proof ‘main architect’ of August mutiny, Reichpietsh, had presented plans to 3 USPD deputies and had received ‘full support’ in organizing same. There is uproar and German Navy’s efforts to outlaw USPD soon collapses.
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