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Old 09-05-2017, 05:40 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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5 September 1917

Western Front
A Royal Naval Air Service Airco (de Havilland) DH4 is forced to ditch in the North Sea following an unsuccessful attempt to shoot down Zeppelin LZ-93 (Factory designation. Military designation: L-44). The airship is eventually brought down by anti-aircraft fire over France on 20 October.
Air raids over British lines kill 37 and wound 43 German prisoners. They mistakenly bomb 3 British hospitals and kill 19 and wound 26 patients in French hospital at Vadelaincourt, Meuse.
British soldiers and captured German soldiers with a dog near Reutel, Belgium: © IWM (Q 2998):

Eastern Front
Battle of Riga
(aka the Battle of Jugla): Battle of Riga ends (see 1st and 3rd). Germans capture line of River Dvina to Friedrichstadt.

Southern Front
Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo
: Struggle continues north-east of Gorizia.

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa
: Germans lose 500 men altogether from 30 August to 2 September, and particularly severely in retreat to Mahenge.
North Sea: U-88 sunk by Royal Navy Heligoland Bight mines off Terschelling, with her commander Walther Schwieger, having sunk Lusitania among 49 ships worth 183,838t.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Palestine: Falkenhayn decides to deploy Kemal’s Seventh Army for Palestine Yilderim offensive. He inspects Front September 9-10.

Political, etc
: Berlin 1917: the public parks lose their flowerbeds and take on the appearance of allotments. All food is desperately scarce:
Russia: Russian Premier Kerensky approves the use of force to suppress any pro-independence movement in Finland that threatens Russia.
Grand Dukes Michael and Paul arrested.
France: "Bonnet Rouge" newspaper case being investigated: treasonable intrigue; French government accused of weakness in connection.
Turkey: Army Commissariat put in command of civilian food. Farmers ordered to till c.7 acres for each yoke of oxen and work 8 hours per day (September 27). Large landowners exempted from military service.
United States: U.S State Department clarifies they do not aim to unseat the Hohenzollern Dynasty, only to target “autocracy” in Germany. [whatever that means].
In an effort to suppress labor dissent, Federal agents raid IWW offices in 23 cities (168 arrests).
687,000 draftees begin assembling by rail.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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