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Old 06-28-2016, 07:11 AM
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28 June 1916

Western Front
{Brief repetition, as it's the immediate root}
Onehundredtwo years ago, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated by Serbian nationalist during a motorcade in Sarajevo, sparking World war I.
James Hutchinson VC (9 July 1895 – 22 January 1972) was 20 years old, and a private (Fusilier) in the 2/5th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers on 28 June 1916 when his actions in Ficheux, France earned him the Victoria Cross.
For most conspicuous bravery. During an attack on the enemy's position this soldier was the leading man, and, entering their trench, shot two sentries and cleared two of the traverses.
After our object had been gained and retirement ordered, Private Hutchinson, on his own initiative, undertook the dangerous task of covering the retirement, and he did this with such gallantry and determination that the wounded were removed into safety. During all this time this gallant soldier was exposed to fierce fire from machine-guns and rifles at close quarters.
He later achieved the rank of corporal.
Battle of the Somme: Zero day for Allied offensive postponed until 1 July (rain). As a result, the British continue their bombardment, combined with small raids as part of probing attacks.
Royal Garrison Artillery gunners carrying trench mortar ammunition at the Somme: ©IWM (Q 747)
Heavy rains and low cloud until June 30 restricts aerial operations. 111 Royal Flying Corps personnel casualties since June 1 and 17,000 hours flown.
Verdun: French grenade attacks near Hill 329 and Thiaumont Works. German counter-attacks fail.

Eastern Front

Brusilov offensive, Galicia – Battle of Kolomea (June 24 to July 6): Lechitski shatters Austrian Seventh Army on 25-mile front east of Kolomea, taking 10,421 PoWs and 4 guns; enters Kolomea on June 29, reaches 12 miles south [until June 30].
Despite German use of gas, Russian troops repel German attacks south of Riga and on the Dvina River.
Heavy fighting on Lutsk salient.

Southern Front

Trentino: Italian cavalry reach Pedescala northeast of Arsiero.
Isonzo – First major gas attack on Italian Front (until June 29): with help of hydrocyanide gas shell Austrians inflict 6,600 casualties on sleeping Italian 21st and 22nd Divisions between Mt Cosich and sea in night raid before Regina Brigade and 10th Regiment regain trenches, but Austrians lose 1,988 (416 PoWs) men including gas fatalities from blowback.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Arab Revolt
: 3 British ships land 8 Egyptian mountain guns, 4 MGs and 3,000 rifles at Jeddah.
Persia: Baratov’s 8,500 men and 14 guns hold Turk 2nd Division at Karind until night retreat on Kermanshah (evacuated on June 30).

Naval and Overseas Operations:

SS Messanabie arrives at Liverpool from Canada with troops including Filip Konowal (Canadian Infantry) who will win the Victoria Cross in August 1917.
A Danish & an Italian ship are lost due to shipping accidents, whereas, the UK dredger Mercurius strucks a mine in the North Sea with the loss of 6 of her 7 crew.
East Africa: British Lake Force (2,000 soldiers, Crewe GOC since June 17) advances south from river Kagera and via Lake Victoria. Major-General Gill and part of 3,000-strong Portuguese Expeditionary Force land (until September 6) at Lourenco Marques.

Political, etc.
Britain and France completely [that is, formally] abandon London Declaration; they had been long ignoring it anyway. r
Russia: CoS Alexeiev suggests to Tsar a military dictator for supply. A bill to permanently ban vodka is being discussed in the Russian Duma.
Germany: Karl Liebknecht, a German Socialist in opposition to the war, is given 2 and a half years hard labor (increased to 4 years on August 23) and dismissed from Army; 55,000 workers hold 3-day protest strikes.
Britain: 400 German firms reported still trading.
Report shows that the U.S. trade in May reached record highs due to the war. The favorable trade balance was $243 million.
Mexico deploys 40,000 troops along railways near the U.S. border in order to face a possible U.S. invasion.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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