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Old 11-02-2014, 05:18 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Originally Posted by dicksbro
Any action on the home front yet, DM? Popcorn popped. Chair sat comfortably near the window? You know, the normal preparations for watching something entertaining.

Sad to say, not much happening yet despite the dark mornings and continued dog-walking. Mandy's blinds appear to be set at the correct perv-view angle, however absolutely nothing to see thus far.

She has continued to lose weight over the summer though (I've seen her a number of times "out and about" in the past couple of months) and she looks rather good on it I must say. Sadly, the weight loss has also now encompassed her bust, which looks much smaller than previously. Shame.

Much the same story with 'Betty' too; any time I've seen her has been outside or sitting in her living room. I noticed a couple of months ago she has bought a new car, but it has been joined by a second car too over the past month or so - I think her daughter might be back living with her, but not seen anyone else so not sure. Might be some additional viewing pleasures to be had if it is the daughter - seen her once or twice before too.

This "season" will be what it will be - Herself has changed her routine a bit in the mornings, which means mine has had to alter too. Essentially, it means the dogs and I leave the house about 10 minutes later than we did previously, so I'm not holding out much hope this year!

Sorry to all those who've enjoyed my ramblings over the past couple of winters - I'll do my best to report anything "exciting" I observe.

The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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