Thread: The hotel
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Old 10-27-2008, 04:29 PM
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The hotel (continued)

On the stairs as I go down I pass Madame going up, carrying a bag, presumably with the champagne. I hope Monsieur has had time to arrange himself before Madame walks in.

(You may recall I had had a short interlude with Monsieur Rodriguez related in “The Hotel”.)

I must have been back at the reception desk some 15 minutes when Madame Rodriguez arrived. She looked around, saw nobody else was in the reception area and leaned in towards me. She appeared quite calm.

“Mademoiselle, you value your job here, I presume?”

“Of course, Madame.”

“I know you have just delivered laundry to my husband. He’s told me what happened in our suite and I’m not best pleased. However, I will say nothing about clients being molested by staff – “

“I didn’t molest anybody,” I interrupted.

“Psst, let me speak! Your manager need know nothing about this but I have a condition.”

“What is that Madame?”

“First, at what time do you finish today?”

“At 6 o’clock, Madame, this evening, earlier than last night.”

“OK. And do you live nearby? “

“Yes, I have a room nearby.”

“ Good. Then here is what I want you to do. Come to our suite at 6.45 this evening, having showered and changed, and come discreetly without others knowing. If you fail to turn up…need I say more?”

“Very well, Madame. I will see you later.”

I had no idea what Madame Rodriguez had in mind but I thought it best to comply because she might just have had words with the manager and that would have been awkward to say the least.

Another hour passed and I finished my work, went back to my little suite and showered. What to wear on a warm summer’s evening to a meeting at which I might get a thorough telling off from the well-off clients of this prestigious hotel? I decided something fairly plain would be appropriate: a loose fitting pink blouse, white skirt, low rise open-toed shoes.

At the appointed time I left my room, walking with some trepidation to the main hotel, used a back staircase to get upstairs onto the floor where the Rodriguez suite was situated. I knocked and, after a pause, the door was opened by Madame Rodriguez clad in a white bathrobe and wearing leather boots.

“Good evening, Madame.”

“Ah, Tasha, come in. I think we’ll go and sit in the salon.”

Madame Rodriguez led me into the salon where I noticed 3 champagne glasses on a sideboard.

“When you met Monsieur Rodriguez earlier did he mention that it was his birthday?”

“Well, actually he did. And that is what led to the activity which followed.”

“Please sit down over there,” Madame said indicating a couch. “We are going to have a glass of champagne to celebrate Pedro’s birthday. Would you like one too?”

Now I do like champagne under any circumstances! “Yes, please.”

Monsieur Rodriguez came in. He was fully dressed.

“Can I pour the champagne?” he asked. While he opened the bottle and filled our glasses Madame started to ask questions about me, why I was at the hotel, whether I was student, where I lived and other small talk. All this was to put me at my ease and as time went by and my glass was refilled I did feel at my ease.

After a while Madame said to me:

“Now, Tasha, I need you to explain to me what happened between you and Pedro earlier this afternoon.”

Not only did the champagne make me feel more at ease but it also has the effect of making me somewhat bold – at least that’s what I now felt.

“Yes, I’ll tell you what happened. I arrived with Monsieur’s laundry, gave it to him. He greeted me wearing only a towel and invited me into the suite, saying it was his birthday and it would be nice to celebrate it. I wondered how he proposed to do that whereupon he suggested we make love. I told him I did not have time for that; I had to get downstairs again, but I would be able to help him quickly.”

I moved from my seat on the couch over to the love-seat.

“Come here, Madame, please, and sit in this other seat.”

Madame Rodriguez moved over to the other seat. As she sat down her robe fell open. She wasn’t wearing much underneath: just a very fancy bra and panties. This gave me an idea.

“Right, I was here and Monsieur was there, OK. I told him to sit there, opened his towel and saw his cock upstanding. I began to massage it, sort of like this,” and saying this I slipped a hand down between Madame’s legs and caressed her panties. “It would be better if Monsieur were here so I could show you properly.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Madame said. Her eyes had suddenly taken on a sort of dazed look. “Pedro, sit here.”

Pedro duly obliged but still in his clothes. I felt him through his trousers; I could feel his stiffness.

“Madame, he needs releasing,” I said as I unzipped him, pushed down his pants and helped him out. His organ was immediately straight up.

“I massaged him like this, Madame,” I demonstrated, sliding my hand up and down his penis, “varying the speed, playing with him, until he came. Shall I do it again, Madame, so you can watch him cum again? He’ll take longer this time!”

“Yes, go on,” breathed Pedro.

Madame suddenly seemed to snap out of her daze. “No, stop. Come into the bedroom, and you Pedro.”

I followed Madame, carrying her champagne glass, into their bedroom, wondering what she had in mind. Up till then I felt I had been able to get back in control, but now this was a changed situation. Pedro came too, failing to get his erect member back into his trousers!

“Sit on the bed, please, Tasha.”

I sat down, Pedro went behind to the other side of the bed and Madame said:
“We’ll continue here. You can continue to indulge Pedro in a more relaxed style while I watch.”

Pedro took off all his clothes, lay down on the bed behind me and as I was starting to turn and face him he pulled me down on to the bed, took my two hands, held them and made as if to kiss them when Madame struck. She quickly threw around my wrists the cloth bathrobe belt and tied my wrists together. Pedro leaned over to his side of the bed, retrieved a curtain tie, looped it round the belt holding my wrists and fastened it to the metalwork at the head of the bed. I must have been in a dream myself because I just seemed to let all this happen without struggling, although I must say it was all very swift.

So now I was semi - trapped! And, therefore, somewhat at the mercy of these two.

Madame divested herself of her robe and was in her fancy underwear and boots (remember, she had met me in boots and bathrobe!); Pedro was back on the bed completely naked.

“Now, we’re going to have a little fun. You’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t you? And naughty girls get punished. Turn over!”

I was lying at full stretch on the bed feeling vulnerable ; exactly what they wanted. However, I had a naked man at full tumescence beside me, and a woman scantily clad, under the influence of champagne, standing nearby, and I, myself, had had a couple of glasses too. The cocktail was, therefore, made for some form of play which it had become apparent to me had been planned by my Portuguese “hosts”.

“What are you going to do?” I wanted to know.

“Just wait and see,” said Pedro. “Turn over.”

He helped me, none too gently. I lay face down attached to the bedrail. He got up, went round the bed, bent over towards me, lifted my skirt right up round my waist thus exposing my buttocks clad in their lacy pink panties. He did not remove these.

“Right, young lady, your punishment begins,” said Madame, slurring her words a bit. I could just about see what was about to happen. She had another of those wretched curtain ties in her hand, raised it and WHACK across my backside.

“Wow!” It stung. Another blow fell, whack. And another, and another.

“Stop, you fucking bitch,” I yelled after a few of these. A pause; the pain was a sharp stinging. Another whack, and yet again she dealt me a blow. While all this was going on Pedro was right up beside me, with his cock not far from my face. Through the mist in my eyes I could discern it moving near me. It brought a sort of sexual thrill, this whacking. I could feel myself getting a masochistic thrill from this beating.

I don’t know how many strokes I received but I stung and I had become quite wet. Suddenly, Madame bent, grabbed both sides of my panties and whipped them down and off.

“You’ve got lovely red cheeks. Here, let me cool them with this drink,” and so saying she poured her champagne onto my arse. An initial sting, then a cooling effect. She pulled my legs apart, slid a hand up between them right up to my cunt, felt it, and said, “She’s ready.”

Pedro pushed me over onto my back, moved down my body, pushed open my legs – which I did not resist – and lowered his face towards my pussy.

“Wait,” said Madame, “more champagne!” She tipped some of the precious liquid right at the top of my opening where I could feel its coolness running down. Delightful! “Pedro, now drink!” Pedro needed no second invitation. I could feel his breath as he moved in towards me and started to kiss my pussy.

“That’s so good, Monsieur. Yes, lick me, suck me,” I said. Pedro slid his tongue right down my crack, he licked me, he pushed in right into my cunt, he slid it back up to my clit and licked all round it, over it and then he sucked it. It felt as if it was coming right out of me! This was sheer delight and I was now very sexed up and thinking if he goes on like this I’ll be having the most almighty orgasm.

“Tasha, I know this is good. I want you to tell me what you are feeling, how are you liking it. Are you going to cum?”

“Oh yes, it’s divine. I love this, having my cunt licked, my clit sucked. He does this so well. Does he do it like this for you?”

Pedro paused for breath. I could see my wetness all over his mouth, see his rampant cock straining, wanting release. Madame passed behind him, reached under him with a black gloved hand and fingered his balls. I could see her fingers playing with them, then the other hand came round him and 2 or 3 fingers grasped his rod and began to oscillate up and down. I watched spellbound with my own cunt aching for more attention. She gently wanked his tool as he looked lasciviously at my pussy, then probed a finger into it and thrust it in and out, stopped and started to massage my clit. I writhed my body; I wanted my hands free to direct his fingers but I was still held fast. He craned forward, his tongue found my crack again and I was once more subject to his tender ministrations as he licked and sucked.

“Oh, that’s so wonderful,” I gasped, “I’m getting near to cumming, oh don’t stop, suck my clit.” I really felt as if I was getting close enough to explode when Pedro pulled away and sat up and Madame continued to massage his inflamed organ.

“It’s great, keep rubbing, my dear, you ‘ll make me cum in front of Tasha if you go like this,” said Pedro whose eyes had a glazed look. Heavens, I thought, he’s going to cum over me – but I hadn’t reckoned with Madame’s next move. She stopped caressing him, quickly lay down next to me and pulled Pedro on top of her and he rammed his rampant rod into her while she reached across to my aching pussy to caress it.

Pedro indulged in some serious fucking, banging hard into Madame who lurched on the bed with each lunge, but her caressing of my swollen clit was somewhat less than serious. Her gloved fingers did not help either. But, she did just about keep my interest up and I was watching Pedro’s performance! However, after a short time she said something to Pedro in Portuguese and he stopped banging her, moved sideways over to me and resumed his licking of my cunt. What delight again! Thank goodness he was back to lead me on towards my goal and to satiate my need.

“Keep going, Pedro, that’s sooo good, keep licking,” I gasped.

Madame, I managed to notice, had got up and moved round behind Pedro who was in a kneeling position and she had begun to massage his cock. He groaned into my pussy, sucked it with more energy, paused, withdrew for air breathing deeply as Madame’ hand now raced up and down his shaft.

“Yes, yes,” he shouted, “don’t stop, make me cum!”

He dipped his head towards my pussy to resume his attentions; he fairly planted his whole mouth across me, forced his tongue inside me licking furiously and I felt that if he did this for much longer I would come.

“Go on, go on,” I urged. I so desperately needed release.

“Cum for me, come on,” said Madame as she wanked his cock and suddenly Pedro withdrew his head again and he kneeled up. I looked down yet again to see why and he looked at me, mouth all wet with my juice, gasped “I’m cumming, yes,” gave a long gasp and Madame milked his tool while his cum spilled out onto the bed.

“Right Pedro, that should have satisfied you,” said Madame, standing up. She came round the bed, saying, “You can go now Tasha. No need to detain you any longer.” She was unfastening my ties and releasing me.

“You’re not going to leave me just like that are you?” I said. I was so completely sexed up! “I need my release too. Pedro, suck me again. You do it well.”

“No you don’t Pedro. Tasha you must go, now, as you are. I don’t want a scene. Perhaps in future you’ll be a little more careful with your clients. It’s been nice knowing you but please leave.”

I slid off the bed, stood up, a bit shakily. “You’re a right pair you are. And after all I’ve done for you Pedro too!” I hissed at them.

I walked towards the door, pantiless, wet and thwarted, hearing Madame say to Pedro:

“Suck me like you were sucking her. Lick my cunt: she said you did it well. Show me!”

She was lying down as I was letting myself out. I was frustrated. What to do? Just before opening the door I espied a whip lying on the sideboard by the door. What did they need a whip in the hotel for? An idea came to me. Pedro had bent to his task and they were oblivious to me. I opened the door, grabbed the whip, stole up behind Pedro whose buttocks were in the air as he licked and slurped at Madame’s pussy and I gave him the most almighty wack on his bare flesh – and ran!

The air cooled me as I walked back to my room feeling angry and thwarted at having been duped but a slight satisfaction at having dealt him a blow. When I reached my room what next? A shower and self relief or just cool down?
She makes hungry where most she satisfies
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