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Old 11-25-2002, 12:13 AM
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DildoDiva DildoDiva is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 300
They are called cybians (sybians) don't know how its spelled, but its pronounced sib-E-ens. And they will run you a grand or more...and they really ARENT all that they hype them up to me...its a dildo that does loop dee loops that you sit on...I could sell you a regular jack rabbit or jelly osaki or countless other toys and you could duct tape them to a sawhorse for the same experience.

A strange but interesting site that has the sybian on it is some RATHER interesting other machines included...

Anyway, hope that was a little helpful....and if you're not really looking to dish out that much money on something like that, pixies has a sex toy store as do I. PM me or one of the moderators for more info.
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