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Old 02-20-2008, 11:35 PM
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CrashOverride CrashOverride is offline
Porn Connoisseur
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Alberta
Posts: 41
Its all a matter of taste. Some women enjoy the taste and texture of cum, where as others don't. If you "Want" to swallow, Id say just grit your teeth and let him cum in your mouth and get it over with. It will only takes a few times before you get "used" to the idea, and the feeling of it. after that who knows you might go on to enjoy it. The basic principle of the thing is mind over matter really. Once you get past the initial "thoughts" of it, I don't think you'll have that big of problem with it. But as Lil said.. Suck on a halls, or maybe include some types of food in your oral sex. Whipped cream, honey, chocolate syrup are some examples. It's just the thought of it that turns most women off. After they have done it once or twice, you either like it or don't, which makes your mind up either way.
Roses are Red, Pickles are Green,
I like Your legs, And whats In between.

Jay: I am the master of the C.L.I.T. Remember this fucking face. Whenever you see C.L.I.T., you'll see this fucking face. I make that shit work. It does whatever the fuck I tell it to. No one rules the C.L.I.T like me. Not this little fuck.
[Points to Silent Bob]
Jay: None of you little fucks out there. I AM THE C.L.I.T. COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all C.L.I.T.s! When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little fuck. Then I rub my nose with it.

I miss the days of tying up a woman on top of the dinner table, and being able to eat her pussy when ever I felt like it. She was content to stay there for hrs. Theres nothing like the Taste of a juicy wet Love glove to tongue fuck for a while.
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