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Old 08-29-2007, 05:12 PM
Jude30 Jude30 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Vieth
Not to pick on your post here, but ever heard of using spell check? Anyway it is normal to feel those feelings. Also it will get better and who knows you may even move on yourself. It of course depends on how long your fiance is in jail for as well. Who knows what the future may hold.

Originally Posted by Lilith
Ever heard the saying, "If you don't have any thing nice to say then shut the fuck up?"

*shrugs* Me neither

One of my HUGE pet peeves, and I was actually banned from one message board because of it. And the reason I don't respond a lot of times to posts like OP's.

If you come to a message board looking for help, and expect to get an intelligent respectful response is it too much to ask to have the question worded in an intelligible fashion? I know not everyone is a great speller of uses proper grammar, but at least a minimal effort should be made. To me taking the time to use proper spelling and grammar is a sign of respect to those whose help you're asking.

Like I said I'm not expecting college level English skills, because Lord knows I use crappy grammar and have trouble with certain words, but a little effort would be nice.
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