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Old 08-02-2007, 03:24 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Four

Casey found herself in the kitchen looking around and wondering, "What have I gotten myself into?" She turned around to face Thomas as he stood in the doorway, holding a dress, and smiling. "Put this on," he said as he tossed her the dress. "NO," she yelled, throwing it back at him. In seconds he was there. Before she knew it, he had spun her around. Three times she felt his hand strike her bottom; three times she felt the snapping sting as he whipped her as if she was a misbehaving child. He spun her back around to face him. "I will not tolerate your temper tantrums, Casey," he growled. "I told you that if you didn't obey, you would feel my palm on your bottom. Now put the dress on. When you're finished, I will show you how to use the wood cook stove. It will soon be supper time. It will take the stove a few minutes to warm up. Now put the dress on."

Casey watched as Thomas left the room. She held the dress in one hand and rubbed her stinging bottom with the other. She was dumbfounded. He had actually spanked her. SPANKED HER! If she hadn't been so shocked by what he had done, she would have yelled at him. She looked down at the dress. It was a simple one made from old fashioned material. It looked very much like the one that Amy had worn. "Of course," she thought to herself. "It would be one of Amy's. Where else would he find a dress so quickly?" He must have hoped that she would be staying and had gotten one from her last night.

Casey thought about defying Thomas again and not putting on the dress. But after she rubbed her still stinging bottom, she decided not to push it. After slipping out of her "outsiders" clothes and donning the dress, she too left the room. She found him in the kitchen. She paid close attention his instructions involving the stove and supper. With the memory of her correcting still stinging her bottom, she made sure to get everything right the first time.

After supper, Thomas sat on the porch sipping his coffee as Casey washed and put away the dishes. He watched her through the window as she moved about the kitchen. He then remembered how she looked last night in her sleeping shirt and shorts. He smiled at her when she joined him on the porch. "Come here," he said, holding his hand out to her. She lowered her head, letting her long honey colored hair fall forward off her shoulders, as she walked to him. He smiled and tilted his head when he noticed her small, bare foot feet slipping out from under the dress as she walked.

Thomas pulled Casey down onto his lap. "Does your bottom still sting," he asked. "No," she said so softly he barely heard her. "I am sorry that it happened. But you were warned that it would, were you not," he asked. "Yes," she again answered softly, her head nodding as she did. He rubbed her bottom gently as he asked, "Do you have the sleeping shirt and shorts you wore last night with you?" "Yes," she softly said. "Then go put them on," he said as he rubbed her back. "I'll give you a few minutes before I come in." She looked at him, as if she was pleading, begging him not to. "Go on," he softly said as he tilted his head towards the door. He watched her as she slowly disappeared into the house.

Thomas finished his coffee before entering the house. He locked the only door and blew out the lamp on the kitchen table before making his way to his, now their, bedroom. "Casey," he called through, "are you ready?" There was long uneasy pause. He started to worry when he finally her softly call "yes" from behind the door. Opening the door, he smiled when he saw her. Her head was down as he looked at her. Her long honey hair hanging next to her face, reaching her waist. She wore the skimpy night shirt and shorts that she had on last night. He felt his heart pound in his chest. He didn't remember closing the door or walking to her, but he must have because he was now holding her; kissing her; rubbing his hands up and down her back. It was her moan that brought him back to reality.

Casey felt the butterflies as they swarmed in her stomach. Her eyes fluttered as Thomas kissed down her neck as his hands slipped under her shorts and rubbed her ass. She heard him moan. His hands now slipped under her shirt. She felt him lifting it. "No," she moaned as she tried to keep her arms down. He said nothing, but her bottom felt the sting of his hand. She understood his message and sucked in a uneven breathe before quickly raising her arms to allow the easy removal of her shirt.

Casey closed her eyes. She felt shamed as Thomas touched and looked at her breasts. "Your beautiful," she heard him say. She felt the tears starting to fall as he drew one of her breasts into his mouth. The heat and teasing from his tongue made her forget about the shame and she moaned. Her arms went around his neck as he picked her up. She kissed him back as his tongue mated hers.

Casey felt the coolness of the sheets on her back as Thomas laid her down. Her eyes open when she felt her shorts being removed. There was a pleading in her voice as she spoke his name. "You are mine," he said huskily as he removed his own shirt. "You have allowed me this privilege, remember?" She again drew in an uneasy breath. Her eyes moved along his massive chest and the curly black hair covering it. She tried to look away when he removed his pants, but was only able to lightly bite her lower lip as she watched him. Her eyes were drawn to his hard member. She felt as if she couldn't breathe at all now. She wanted to cry. She just knew that he was too big to enter her. She was sure that it would rip her apart, killing her as it did.

Thomas crawled onto the bed with Casey, spreading her legs as he did. He heard her again say his name in the pleading tone as his lightly kissed the inside of her thigh. "MMM," he moaned as he kissed his way up it. "Thomas," she again pleaded as he kissed the inside of the other. His fingers spread the honey colored hair away from the opening he desired. His tongue flicked at her swollen clit. He smiled when she called his name, this time from pleasure. Juices flowed from her as he continued to torment the swollen numb. He heard her crying.

Not know if it was from pleasure or from really wanting him to stop, Thomas looked up at Casey. Her face showed pure pleasure and he smiled. He looked at her pussy and the honey colored hair covering it. She was dripping wet and it had been because of him. She moaned as he pushed a finger into her. He watched her arch her back and bit her lower lip as he moved his finger in her. "Thomas," she softly called; her voice now sounding sexy and sensual as if she was begging for more.

Thomas kissed his way up Casey's stomach. He massaged one breast as his mouth suckled the other. He felt the heat radiating from between her legs and onto his stomach. Her hips moved as he now took the other breast into his mouth. "Thomas," she moaned. He kissed his way up her shoulder, neck, and check. He stared into her eyes as he placed his knees next to her legs, spreading them wider. He slipped the tipof his cock in and watched her eyes widen.

"Thomas," Casey cried as she felt him enter her. She felt his mouth crushing hers as he pushed deeper in. She dug her nails into his shoulders, but with little to no effect on him. She felt as if he was ripping her in half as he again push in her. He released her mouth and she screamed as he broke the barrier proving her a virgin. Tears streamed down her checks as came to rest in her.

Casey felt Thomas kissing away the tears as he slowly moved in her. That movement eased the pain between her legs. She now felt a sensation building in her. Soon his movement caused it to explode and she gasped with pleasure. He chuckled in her ear. "Now," he whispered, "wasn't all that worry for nothing?" She smiled with pleasure as she felt the sensation building again. This time she gasped his name as the pleasure rippled through her body.

Casey rolled with Thomas as he placed her on top of him. She placed her hands on his chest as he pulled her knees to the bed. She jump when he slapped her bottom. The smile on his face told her that is was not a correcting slap, but one of play. She jumped and smiled again when he again slapped her bottom. She seen the playfulness in him and it excited her. She moved on him, wondering why she had been scared of this man. She looked into his eyes and saw the lust and power behind them. It both excited and scared her.

Thomas watched Casey as she rode him. He massaged her breasts as she willing impaled herself on him. He felt her body shake and juices flow as she climaxed from riding him. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and smiled as she cooed. He wondered what she would do if he pinched them. He soon heard her let out a half moan-half scream when he did. Her body again shook as she climaxed just from that. He was pleased with her and pulled her back to him, wrapping his arms around her.

Thomas rolled back on top of Casey. He deeply kissed her as he placed his arms tightly next to her on the bed. He hovered his massive body above her small one as he moved his hips. He movied his hardness in her; pushing in deeper and harder each time. He again felt her climax just as she panted his name. He then felt his own release. A few more pushes and felt completely satisfied.

Thomas rested himself above Casey, kissing her deeply in the afterglow of their joining. He felt certain that he had proven whom the boss was in this home. Yet, he knew that there would be days when she would have to be reminded. He looked forward to the make-up sessions that would follow those correcting lessons. But what made him smile even more was what he saw the next morning when he woke.

Thomas pulled the sheet back from Casey's body to look at her in the morning sunlight. There on the sheets was the evidence of her virginty. A large pool of dried blood proved what he had hoped for and had felt last night. He pulled her close to him and woke her up with kisses. A repeat of the night before soon was unway before he allowed her to leave the bed to make his breakfast.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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