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Old 08-01-2007, 12:16 PM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Two

Casey entered her hotel room around nine that night, fighting the urge to slam the door as she entered it. She would scream if it was for the fact that it would scare the night clerk downstairs and send him rushing to her aid. Journalism had opened her eyes to alot of new ideas, but she had never heard such nonsense in all of her life. As they cooked, Amy had tried to tell her how the town was, but she just couldn't believe a group of people would actually wanted to live that way. And what was the deal with a woman being nothing unless she had a male "protector". Even then, they still didn't have a say.

It wasn't until Casey closely watched Jacob and Amy did she see it very clearly. Everytime Jacob coughed, banged his glass, or cleared his throat, Amy would jump to take care of his every whim. She had also learned that the obligation that Amy had wrote about was her being promised to him at the time of her birth. Jacob had actually shown up at the college to bring her back to Crestview. That was why Amy had returned home, whether she had wanted to or not. Amy simply felt as if she had no choice. Casey wanted to tell Jacob and Thomas off so bad she couldn't stand it. But..., she was a guest here and couldn't do that.

Casey paced her room. Her thoughts drifted back to Thomas. His body was so perfect. His muscled not only rippled under his shirt, but they spoke volumes of the strength they held. She just knew that not only could those arms and hands cause damage when required, but they could also show tenderness. It was obvious with Jacob and Amy. Jacob was as large as Thomas, and obviously he was tender with her. It showed because Amy was truly happy with him. She had only returned to the Amy she knew from college when she was in her own home. "Yes", she thought with a sigh. She knew that if she stayed long enough, she might just let him bed her.

Casey thought of the few things she and Amy had in common. Both virgins, refusing to go to the dorm parties because of what went on there; the drinking, drugs, and sexual activities. Both wanted their first times to be with their husbands. Well... Amy was married now and knew what that felt like. She had to admit that she was a little jealous of her for that reason. But when she thought of how Jacob had treated her in the store, she didn't know how Amy could truly be happy with a domineering man. She again sighed as it occured to her that Amy had grown up in this environment and was use to it; she was not.

Casey thought of the Thomas she had endured during dinner and wanted to scream again. OOHH she couldn't stand him and yet she could. She couldn't believe she had thought of, and actually still was thinking of, letting him bed her. He had actually had the nerve to say to her, in front of Amy and Jacob no less, that when she became his to "protect" she would do as he said and would obey him just as Amy did Jacob. When she asked him why she would want to do that, his answer was, "Because it will be for your own good. And if you don't, then your bare bottom will feel the sting of my palm on it." He actually meant to treat her like a child. That was, IF she was here for him to.

As she got in her car to leave, Amy had told Casey to pack her bags and leave as soon as she returned to her hotel; BEFORE Thomas had the opportunity to have his way with her, thus joining them together as she and Jacob were. She now look at her open suit case on the bed. "No", she thought, "I'm going to find out everything I can and then bring this town's secret to light. They don't want outsiders here, well that's just to bad." Deciding to stay, she slipped into her night clothes. They were nothing more than a spaghetti strapped shirt that hoovered just above her navel and a pair of old running shorts that were frayed at the bottom; now reavealing more of her ass then they had during high school.

Thomas dismounted his horse and hitched it to the post outside of the hotel. It didn't take him long to figure out which room was Casey's since she was the only guest at the hotel. He could easily see her shadow as she paced the room. He smiled as he knew that he had struck a nerve with her. He would enjoy himself greatly as he "pulled the reins in on this philly". She had been use to the outside world, where she could say and do as she pleased. He had broken in the wild stallion that he now rode. It had taken him time and patience to train the horse just as he wanted it, but he had. He would use the same tatics to "break in his new philly" as well.

With the help of his long legs, Thomas quickly mounted the stairs. His large body caused them to creak and shake as he did. Reaching her door, he heard her shuffling about. She must have thought that he was the hotel clerk, because she said that "she was sorry about the noise" when he had knocked. When she didn't answer, he knocked again and heard her footsteps as she approached the door. "You," she said. Her sky blue eyes darkened as they now took on the color of a thunderstorm. He easily stopped the door with his hand before she was able to slam it in his face. "Get out," she demanded through clenched teeth. He noted that her fists were tight balls at her side; her knuckles turning white from the lack of blood flow. Even if she wanted to use them against him, he doubted very seriously that he would even feel them.

Thomas stared at Casey. She had released her hair from the ponytail. It looked like honey flowing next to her face, down her shoulders, and to her waist. She now wore nearly nothing at all. He felt his blood as it began to pump wildly through his veins as he looked at her. Her body was more beautiful than he had expected. Her skin looked like buttery satin. Her ample breasts drooped very little. Her hard nipples pushed the frayed cloth out. The shorts she wore revealed way more than they should. He felt himself blush as he noticed the matching tuff of hair between her legs. His fingers itched to touch her skin; to feel it's smoothness. His mouth watered to taste her pouty lips and hardened nipples. And his manhood wanted to know the warmth and wetness that was hidden behind that tuff of hair between her legs.

Before he knew what he was doing, Thomas entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Get out," he heard Casey hiss at him as she walked backwards. "I can't," he said huskily as he easily closed the space between them. "It is obvious that you need a protector and I'm here to do just that." "And who's going to protect me from you," she gasped, fear evident in her voice. He watched her eyes widen with that fear as her back pressed against the wall. Placing his hands on the wall next to her shoulders, he leaned forward and kissed her. For a few brief moments, she kissed him back, causing him to press his hips against her small and delicate body. God, how he wanted her!

But then, just as he was about to touch her soft skin, Thomas felt Casey's hands pressing on his chest as she broke their kiss. "No," she breathlessly panted. He nuzzled her check. "Why not," he softly, yet deeply asked. He leaned in again to kiss her, but she ducked under his arm and ran for the door. He turned to see her standing there, door open and her pointing out it. "I think it's time you left, Mr. Everly," she demanded now, her voice more confident. He knew for a fact then that she felt something for him as well or she wouldn't have gave in to the kiss as easily as she had.

Thomas walked past Casey to the door. He stopped long enough to say to her, "I'll be back for you Casey. You can count on that. And when I do, you'll know what it feels like to have me between your legs and you will love it." He felt her watching him as he walked away from her. Reaching the stairs, he turned to get one last look at her. Her arm now rested high on the door. The new position raised her shirt even higher on one side, revealing one of those beautiful breasts. Damn!!! She was making it harder and harder on him.

All the way home, Thomas thought of Casey. He nearly drove himself crazy thinking of the way she looked tonight in her room. And then when he finally did leave, she had acidently shown him one of her breasts. He wanted more than ever now to see them both and to taste them. He would have to relieve himself of this pinned up frustration when he reached home. And soon... very soon, it would be her body that would aid him.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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