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Old 04-24-2007, 01:46 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
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My best advice to you is this: pregnancy gets easier around the 2nd trimester - you'll be less tired and less neurotic, plus other people actually only start treating you like you're actually pregnant once they can see it (annoyingly, because you feel like you want to be treated with kid gloves at this stage and later you'll feel back to your old self again).

I got all my worrying about the birth over with early on, so by the time I was close to giving birth I was pretty accepting of all the possibilities and the thought of going into hospital etc. I know friends who didn't let themselves think about it until a fortnight before, and then panicked. I wouldn't recommend that approach as getting your head right makes the whole experience so much better.

As for 'will my baby be normal'? Every mother worries about that but the stats say that 97% of babies in the UK are born completely normal (I imagine the figures are very similar for the US too) so don't get too terrified by the 'doing x when you're pregnant will cause your baby to be y' but be sensible - give up smoking if you do, limit alcohol to a small amount on special occasions, don't do recreational drugs and eat healthily. You can't do more than that at this stage.

The fact that you're worrying about these things, is the first sign that you're going to be an excellent Mother, but try to keep things in perspective.
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

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