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Old 03-12-2007, 06:08 PM
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gringo gringo is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: CA
Posts: 5
in the tree tops

Akiko was Japanese but had grown up in America and was not at all quiet and reserved the way many Japanese girls are. I had been her supervisor for nearly a year and was always struck by how gorgeous she was and charmed by her outgoing personality. She was about 5’9” with short black spiky hair, small breasts and a beautifully tapering torso that ended at perfect hips and ass. She new exactly how to dress in skin tight low rise jeans that showed off her hips and a little tattoo of a gecko that peeked its head over the jeans low waist line. The way she moved and stood subtly accentuated her beautiful figure. She seemed to naturally exude sexuality and I had fantasized about her many a time. We got along quite well and she was slightly flirtatious at times but as her supervisor I was reluctant to make any moves that might make her feel awkward or worse yet harassed.

One day while working together outdoors we were talking and I told her of a platform I had constructed way up in an old Fir tree along a ridgeline nearby. She thought it was the coolest thing and asked me all about what it looked like and how I managed to construct it. It was in a remote spot in a forested area. The only way up to it was by rope and harness. I said I would have to take her there some time and she readily agreed. Weeks past and then she gave notice saying she was going back to school to get another degree. On her last day when we were alone she said she would miss me and regretted that she would never see the ‘tree house’. I said why not go out to it together that afternoon? She gave me a big smile and said “great”.

It was summer and a hot clear day. We grabbed some beers and my climbing gear and headed to the ridge. Along the way I described the basic climbing techniques to be used to get up the 60ft. to the platform safely. She was still wearing her work clothes and we were both hot and sweating when we reached the base of the tree. Her cotton shirt was beginning to stick to her skin and her figure was even better accentuated than usual. I had stripped down to a t-shirt and jeans and I thought I noticed her eyes lingering briefly at my muscular chest and trim figure. After reaching the base of the tree we set up our rope and prepared our stuff. She hadn’t worn a harness before and asked me to help her put it on. I slid the harness lopes up each leg couldn’t help smile running my hands up her legs and around her waist while securing it. I was pleased to see her smiling down at me as I glanced up. For a moment our eyes locked and she gently bit down on her lower lip in a way that was incredibly sexy. I felt my already bulging cock begin strain against my jeans. “You are good to go” I said. “Yes, and looks like you are too” she replied, stealing a glance down at my crotch. With that we began climbing the rope using devices that allowed us to work our way up the rope like inch worms. She went first and I had a glorious view as her would work her way up the rope her jeans would slide down exposing her black thong panties and the top of her ass. “Looking great!” I said, only half referring to her progress. We were about half way up when she said her harness was stuck. As we were climbing the same rope, to help her I had climb right in against her body to free her harness. Our bodies were right against each other and bumping back and forth as I freed her. It was funny and sexy at the same time and we found ourselves laughing out loud in our predicament. It was no laughing matter however I slid back down below her and my face paused right against her crotch. I could smell her sex and it made me dizzy with excitement. I could tell she was aroused and blushing she simply continued up to the platform.

It was a fantastic view from the platform. I had positioned it so that it afforded a clear view across another ridge and the out across the Pacific. It was so clear that we could see the sparkle of the sunshine off the distant waves. After the strenuous climb we both let out a sigh and paused to take in the view. We were both sweating and I suggested we pull the little cooler up from below and break out the cold beers. We did so and a beer never tasted as good as it did then. We each had a couple and were feeling real good and chatting it up. It didn’t take long however for the heat of the sun to get us sweating again. “I’ve got to take this off” I said, stripping off my t-shirt. She watched my doing so and said “Good idea” and with out hesitation she stripped off her shirt wearing only a simple but sexy little cotton bra on and for the first time I could appreciate her toned abs and make out the perfect shape of her small but surprisingly full breasts. I smiled approvingly and she did the same eyeing over my athletic build. “I should work on my tan” she said. “You are Japanese and already have beautifully golden skin” I thought to myself, but said nothing not wanting to argue with her intentions of removing more clothing. She proceeded to slip her jeans off, giving me a full view of the black thong I had gotten a peak at while climbing up. She was even more delicious looking undressed than I had fantasized before. Her ass was perfectly shaped and smooth. I was openly staring at her lustily, completely mesmerized by her sexiness and only snapped out of it when I heard her giggle and say “you could use a little sun yourself white boy!”. I was rather pale and agreed sliding down my jeans not realizing in time that I had a near full erection. I heard her giggling stop and saw her looking down at my crotch with her jaw dropped. I am rather well endowed and there was no hiding it there standing in my boxers. It was my turn to laugh as I saw her suddenly realize what she was doing and then snap her jaw shut and look away distractedly saying “impressive view... of the ocean I mean!” she laughed then too. There was a pause in the laughter and our eyes locked on to each other as before and once again she bit her lower lip gently. Without any hesitation or thought I stepped toward her and with out saying anything moved close to her and looked into her eyes and kissed her gently. Our lips locked and we began kissing deeply. My arms wrapped around her and I slid my hands up the small of her back and pulling our chests together. Her body felt sooo good against my skin. Our kiss continued and grew in intensity. Her hands slid from my back and shoulder down to my waist and she gave my ass a gentle squeeze. I returned the favor holding each of her ass cheeks in my hands and enjoying the feeling of them in my hands as I squeezed. She broke our kiss at that moment and looked into my blue eyes and giving me the sexiest grin I’d ever seen. She slowly kneeled down bringing her head even with my cock that was straining against my boxers. She took a moment to gaze at it them glanced up at me with that same grin before moving her gaze back to my cock and bringing hers hands up to trace it against the fabric and begin exploring it with her hands and fingertips. Her touch there was electric and I involuntarily shivered and let out and little gasp. Her grin grew even wilder and while looking up at me she bared her teeth and gently bit down on my shaft through the fabric. It was exquisite as she did so and then rubbed her cheek against my rock hard member. I ran my fingers through her hair and glided across the nape of her neck. She gave my ass another squeeze and then hooked her thumbs in the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down. My cock was pressed down as she took them off and then sprung up and out slapping against her cheek. “Oh my God you are huge” she said as she wrapped her hand around the base of my cock. She pulled it left and right examining it with awe and imagining how good it was going to feel to have it inside her. I was enjoying her every touch and how she looked kneeling down I could see over the top of her head the curve of her back ending as her ass flared out and I needed her body in my hands and on my lips. I kneeled down with her kissing her lips then her neck. Leaning her back slowly I unclasp her bra and peel it from her revealing her breasts. Her nipples were small and pointed with her excitement. My mouth went straight to them and kissed and sucked each one in turn. My hands joined in tracing her breasts and them lovingly squeezing them. They were small but absolutely perfect in shape and form. The attention I was giving them was affecting Akiko greatly as little moans began to escape her lips and her head drew back and her breathing became audible. I worked my way down stopping briefly at her navel before reaching her dampening crotch. I breathed her in deeply and then peeled the thong from her to find a perfectly shaved snatch glistening with her excitement. I was losing control at that point and dove straight in with my tongue an lips sucking and licking with abandon. She let out a sudden and shrill moan as I began my attack upon her snatch that merely fueled my frenzy and I continued as she began to convulse and her moaning became irregular. She came quickly and intensely as I worked her clit and slid a finger into her slick pussy. I finally relented as her orgasm subsided and she collapsed to her back eyes closed trying to catch her breath and riding the gradually diminishing waves of pleasure. I took the moment to glide my hands up and down her body appreciating every curve and the silkiness of her skin. Her eyes opened at last and she smiled as I climbed on top of her and slid my body against hers while kissing her again deeply. My cock was pressed against her and I rubbed it against her snatch and clit. “I need you inside me” she whispered. “Oh fuck me, fuck me with that cock” she said more aggressively. With that I positioned myself and worked the head of my cock into her slick pussy. It was tight and felt glorious. She groaned as I pushed myself deeper into her. I paused and slid back a bit before pushing in some more. I kept this up several times, each time entering a little deeper. “uhhh!” she would moan with each thrust. It was awesome to feel her tight wet pussy envelop my raging cock inch by inch and I too was moaning with the ecstasy of it. She couldn’t quite take my entire length but I pushed her as far as she would go and then began to rhythmically fuck her. After a few minutes of this and she loosened up at bit more I began altering my thrusts rolling my hips a bit at each apex of my thrust and this hit her just right as she quickly built to another orgasm and I felt her pussy contracting around my thrusting shaft. She was shrieking with passion as the orgasm hit her hard. I barely noticed but a small flock of birds flew off from a neighboring tree top as her cries reached their crescendo. By this time I was getting totally out of control and felt like a fucking animal. With out giving her more than a few second to recover I rolled her onto her side and plunged my cock into her and began thrusting again with abandon. She had barely come down from her previous orgasm and was quickly climaxing with another with the powerful fucking I was laying into her now. I felt a strong build up inside of my balls and knew I was going to cum soon. Akiko must have sensed it too because she managed to growl between thrusts”my mouth! I want to feel you cum in my mouth baby!” As I got close I pulled my cock out of her and I t stood out from me rigid and purple, glistening with her juices. She pitched forward and engulfed the head of my cock with her mouth and began to pump it in and out, her lips closed tightly around me. Her hands worked the base of my rod and my balls. My hands moved to the back of her head I guided her up and down on my shaft. I began feeling her tongue swirl around the underside of my cockhead and that took me past the limit as a massive orgasm grew and I moaned and a jet of thick cum blasted the back of her throat. I t was more than she could handle and she backed her mouth off my cock but thankfully was able to continue stoking me with her hands as my orgasm continued and stream after stream of thick white cum shot out onto her lips and face. I was in ecstasy and as my orgasm subsided my knees buckled and I crumpled down beside her panting and limp as the glorious feeling of my orgasm washed over me. After a minute I opened my eyes and Akiko was nestled beside me propped on one elbow and smiling down at me.
My eyes focused and I could see that I had totally glazed her lips and chin.
“I wanted you to see what you’d done to me before I cleaned up!” she said. And at that she licked her lips pulling some thick cum into her mouth and swallowing and wiped off the rest of her face with a tissue. As the bliss from our sex subsided we both realized that we were uncomfortably hot and sticky with sweat. As we drank the last of the beer there was some ice water in the bottom of the cooler and before I knew it Akiko had doused me with some of it and I let out a howl. Not a second past and I had wrestled the cooler from her and doused her with the remaining water. She let out a similar shriek and we both laughed and after the initial shock of the cold found that we were actually quite refreshed and clean from or little water fight and it felt great. Her nipples hardened to points from the cold and I took a moment to once again gaze at this sex goddess before me. I felt my cock stirring as I looked at her. “That was the best fuck I’ve ever had” she quietly confessed to me. “It can get even better” I replied scooting over to her and taking her nipple into my mouth.

To be continued….
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