Thread: Initiation
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Old 01-29-2007, 11:49 AM
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Initiation continues (2)

After an initial experience of many things in life you think you are an expert. My first experiences with Charlie near the beach had, I guess, given me this idea. And so when I was at home one day a little while later and the lumberman called I had a few words with him, quite shy really, but discovered he would have to come back the next week to complete his delivery. With my mother at home on this occasion I could not do much but merely ask which day he would be coming again. It was to be in a week and I knew my mother would be out all day so I said as he left:
“See you next week then. We’ll have a wee chat.”
He was in his 20s and looked pretty tough and strong, in fact a big man. Now, I’m quite well endowed – no modesty here – and know that I am attractive – we’ll save the measurements for another time! I have naturally blond hair worn quite long. But I was dying to know what size a big man’s tool is. I would have to see it……….

But I’m getting way ahead of myself here! We left off with Charlie deciding that we should go back down to the beach. Indeed we did; we admired each other and other bodies on the beach clad in very little as is the norm in the south of France. Charlie suggested to me that we try the local disco the next night and I thought it a good idea. Some lively dancing and a smooch or two could be very nice, I thought.

We met and had a drink together at a bar in town overlooking the harbour. There were some lovely yachts there many with expensive people on board drinking on the rear decks as you do in such places, mostly well tanned, too old for me for the most part! We moved along to the “Disco à go-go” which, by the time we arrived, was quite crowded. Charlie found us a table and even though when my eyes got used to the place it was quite dark. Folk were dancing so after we had had our first round of drinks we hit the floor. I could see that Charlie was a good mover and he moved me into the rock and roll type of dancing I could see the French doing. We moved well together and I felt quite exhilarated. I suppose we had been dancing for some twenty minutes or so when the first slow music was put on so we closed on each other for some contact dancing.

“I think you’re looking fantastic tonight,” Charlie said. “You move well, dance well and I’m really enjoying this, and, what’s more you’re dead sexy!”
“You’re not too bad yourself!” I answered. “I’m looking forward to our next little get together. I need to know more about you and your body!”
“And I’ll be delighted to show you. I’ve an idea. You’re wearing a nice short skirt and you have such lovely legs; why don’t you just slip out of your panties and dance with nothing on underneath? Have you ever tried it before?”
“Oh Charlie, you’re a naughty one! No, I haven’t done this before. People might notice, mightn’t they?”
“Don’t be daft! It’s practically dark in here and it’s not as if you’ll be going round lifting your skirt anyway. Besides, I’ll think it real sexy and provocative for me.”
“OK, I’ll do it. Get me another drink; I might need it!”
A few moments later I joined Charlie at our table.
“It’s done,” I said. “It feels really strange but rather daring at the same time. It felt a bit cool down there as I walked over.”
“How do I know that you’re not kidding me? Can you prove you’re not wearing anything?”
“Yes! Here, give me your hand.”
I took his hand and slid it slowly up the front of my leg, right up until he could feel my fur.
“That’s great. It’s real turn-on for me. Here, feel!”
I felt the front of trousers and could feel the tumescence inside. It felt good.
“Here, let’s dance again,” Charlie said.
We rocked our way around the floor again for some time. I did twirls and, with the amount of drink taken, I was not too fussed whether my skirt flew up or not: I just enjoyed it and hoped others might too!

Again, after a while it was smooch time and Charlie wasted no time in kissing me and hugging me close. He eased a hand down between us, right down to the bottom of my skirt and lifted it at the front, slid his hand up - and I accommodated him as much as I could – to the top of my legs, pushed between them and tried to insert a finger into my slit. Too difficult in spite of my wetness. He stopped after a bit of fiddling and stroking.
I could feel when we pressed our bodies together again the bulge of his groin against me.
“I need a bit of help here,” he said. “It would be mighty nice if you could just grab me and point me round so that I’m pointing upwards. It’s too cramped like this.”
I reached for his tool, could feel its hardness and tried my best to work it to point upwards but it really was too tightly packed into his clothes.
“Can’t do it properly. You’ll have to do it yourself! Anyway, it was just an excuse to get me to touch it!”
“You’re right there. Yup, I’ll do it”
More fiddling in the gloom and the close contact resumed. We melted into kisses, slow hip movements, rotating one against the other. I could now feel against me the full length of Charlie’s cock inside his trousers, rubbing against me while we kissed, pressing into me just above my furs, his kisses becoming deeper, sucking on my tongue, me sucking on him, his breathing becoming heavier, then:
“Keep against me, press into me,” he said somewhat hoarsely, and then he pushed really hard into me and I thought I could feel a pulsing against my body so I kept pressing, and, yes, no doubt about it, I could feel a beating from his cock just above my fanny, and this feeling made me really wet, so I could sense rather than feel a little of my own juice running down the inside of my legs.
Charlie’s grip eased a bit. He’d just cum, fully clothed! So:
“I can’t believe that! You’ve just cum, haven’t you? It was a marvellous feeling, having you beating against me like that.”
“Yeah, it was great, just had to do it, you’re so nice, couldn’t resist the urge any more.”
“And now, of course, you’re full of your juice. I’m not even sure if some hasn’t seeped through,” I said as I ran my hand across the front of his long pants, feeling the softening of his member.
We went back to our table, Charlie went off and came back after a while.
“That’s better, I feel calmer now! I imagine you’re feeling hot right now?”
“I sure am. I’m feeling horny but there’s not much to be done here at the moment.”
But Charlie wanted to feel for himself so I let him, opening up my legs so he could touch me, slide a finger into me, know how wet my cunt was all on account of him and his throbbing cock against me in the disco. I guided his finger to my clit.
“Massage me just here. Let me show you,” and I held his hand and moved it so his finger was on my clit, just beside it and massaging the whole area around it. It was so good and I felt it was so outrageous to be sitting in this public place with Charlie’s hand in my cunt trying to get me off – but without success!
“Charlie, it’s not going to work. I’m not going to cum. It’s real nice but we’d better stop. We can resume up in the woods in a couple of days. Let’s dance for now.”
“Shame! I thought I could do it for you.”
We returned to the floor and carried on for quite some time before it was time to return to our respective tents. We fixed our next meeting for 3 days on as being the earliest time we could get together. (Visits with parents getting in the way! My, I was looking forward to getting away to university in the fall so I could have some independence.)

When I had kissed Charlie good-night I hastened into my tent and wasted no time in getting my hand down between my legs to stroke my clit, touch my nipples, pull them, rub the palm of my hand over them, push 2 fingers into my cunt and then rub my clit again with the other hand. I was soon back at maximum horniness, my quim well lubricated; I teased my clit which had become quite hard and standing up so I rubbed all around it and became quite savage as my hotness built up through me and I felt I needed release and then the waves of orgasm crashed over me seeming to go on for ages as I panted on my sleeping bag, legs spread wide apart enjoying my lone ecstasy. Gradually, I eased down from my plateau of horniness to a more normal plane of existence – and fell asleep.

Three days of interlude from my discovery of the male sex went by in a sort of dream! I spent quite some time thinking of Charlie’s body, its toughness, the muscles, the hardness – he was in good shape – and, of course, his cock! I wanted to see it again, feel it properly, finger his balls, discover how it performed, watch it in action, but I was not yet ready to receive it. That would come later, and be something to look forward to. Besides I wanted to see what he could awaken in me, what he could do with my body, what he could teach me as he was somewhat more experienced than me.
She makes hungry where most she satisfies
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