Thread: puzzlers
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Old 08-31-2006, 09:20 AM
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wyndhy wyndhy is offline
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anyone else a puzzleholic? crosswords, sudoku, jumbles, jigsaws, word grids, etc?

i love puzzles. crosswords especially. a challenging themed crossword that's loaded with puns especially especially. sometimes, i have about a three-a-day habit. at least there's a few i can get for free on-line. (duuuuude, front me the post's sunday 'zine. i'm jonesin')

i love jigsaw puzzles, too – though not the 3-d ones – i like the ones with a billion pieces.

i like all kinds of puzzles, i guess...'cept sudoku. i am horrible at it.

to pat my own backside a moment ...i've created a few crosswords and i have one that i think might actually be good enough to submit to an editor! from what i could tell, they pay shit for 'em but i think it would be beyond cool to get it published.

i was reading an article the other day about crossword creators and solvers and was surprised to hear that most are math-minded. most creators are even math majors and are good at recognizing mathematical patterns. this was a little bit daunting 'cause i couldn't make that connection in my head and 'cause i always sucked at math - didn't even finish college let alone major in math but i'm gonna refine my baby and submit it anyway. i think i like 'em for the fun challenge and it's just a natural extension of my love of words and language, not the math and pattern part. or maybe i’m a latent mathematician. *guffaw*

what the hell, right? worst they can say is you suck and we all know i do already...and i do it very well, tyvm.
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