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Old 06-27-2006, 06:01 PM
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jbh3 jbh3 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
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My son moved out of the house a few months back and didn't have Internet service where he moved.(<my oldest sons house).A few weeks ago he called me and gave me his id and password and asked me to cancel/delete his account.I guess he just outgrew it or got bored with it...I don't know.I did "snoop" around while I was there!!There didn't seem to be much going on and I think the few incidents that have been reported on the site is minute considering the number of members that belong.

I hate to send up another red flag but..........keep an eye on the text messages sent and recieved via the cellphone!!!I've had more problems in this area than I care to mention....and the sender/reciever is usually in the same neighborhood.

Edit: I forgot .....Do you know why kids' cell batteries need frequent charging?-----They don't delete their incoming/outgoing call lists or their inbox/outbox for text messages!
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